Weaknesses of kv 2 where to shoot. Computer service expert

5 years and 10 months ago Comments: 0

The KV-2 has a choice of two alternative guns: the M-10 with a caliber of 152 mm and the ZiS-6 with a caliber of 107 mm. Do not look at the difference in levels, they are a formality and do not reflect real characteristics. Rather, this is a tribute to the division of tanks into tiers, which has little effect on anything. It's important to note that these two weapons offer completely different gameplay, so a lot depends on the choice here.

Introduction and Characteristics

Most players choose M-10. Some people look at the high damage rates, while others like the unique gameplay that this weapon offers. This is a truly unusual gun, on which the main ones need to use shells with a penetration of 86 mm and damage as many as 910 units, in fact, this is a landmine from a self-propelled gun. The penetration of 110 mm shells (136 mm for premium ones) is not enough to hit even tanks of the same tier, so they are used extremely rarely.

We can say that with the M-10, the Soviet KV-2 turns into a kind of self-propelled gun with armor. This is supported not only by penetration and damage, but also by simply terrible accuracy (0.6), as well as extremely long convergence (4 seconds, and a full 8 seconds). If you shoot immediately after stopping, then you can miss even point-blank. But if you hit the thin stern of some level eight tank, you can inflict 800-1000 damage on it. But the M-10 fires, to put it mildly, infrequently: the rate of fire is only 2.5 rounds per minute. Indeed, like a self-propelled gun.

The ZiS-6 is the standard weapon for a tier 6 heavy tank. A penetration of 167 mm with a conventional projectile is enough to defeat same-level enemies head-on. For sevens and eights, you can use sabots with a penetration of 219 mm. One-time damage of 300 units is a good indicator for its level. Accuracy (0.45) and aiming (3.4 seconds) are poor, but this is practically standard for heavy Soviet tanks of this level. The rate of fire is 6.67 rounds per minute with the top turret.
Overall, ZiS-6 is a good tool for a heavy tank of the sixth level. It is worth saying that it is top of the line for the T-150, which is also a heavy Soviet tank, which is at the sixth level.


Which weapon to choose? It all depends on personal preference. If you want to play the KV-2 like a regular heavy tank, then the ZiS-6 is worth choosing. If you want unusual gameplay with a landmine, then you should choose the M-10. It is worth repeating once again that most players he rides the KV-2 with the M-10 152 mm caliber. Still, it is better to play with the ZiS-6 on the T-150: it has slightly better armor, which is important for a heavy tank. And the M-10 makes the KV-2 special and unique. 5 years and 10 months ago Comments: 7

Hello tankers! Today I want to tell you about the KV-2 tank. This tank is the child of the once mighty KV! Moreover: this tank is the KV, only at level 6!

A little history...

KV-2 is an assault version of the tank. On the Mannerheim Line, the tank performed excellently; it knocked out enemy vehicles and at the same time remained invulnerable. However, its 76mm gun was too weak to fight reinforced concrete bunkers, and it was decided to install a weapon capable of destroying bunkers. And this weapon was the 152mm M-10 cannon. The design bureau under the leadership of Joseph Yakovlevich Kotin worked in intensive mode. In a very short time, a project for a new tank was prepared... The gun was installed on a movable turret, and in the old hull! The tank almost did not participate in operations on the Mannerheim Line, but there is information that one tank destroyed about 5 bunkers and remained unharmed! In battle, he could destroy dozens of German tanks with impunity! But not everything was so rosy: along with the advantages, the KV-2 also carried over the disadvantages of its predecessor, such as the unreliability of some components and assemblies. Also, the tank could not fire while moving, as this would lead to the entire tank breaking down (of course!), although this is not implemented in the game. Another problem was poor supplies. Most of the KV-2s, like the KV-1s, were abandoned by the crew during a breakdown. And the most interesting thing: due to poor supplies, the Klimas often entered battles without anything at all, and brought mortal terror to the enemy only with their appearance!

KV-2 in the game

As you know, the developers are trying to bring the game as close to reality as possible, and therefore they made the M-10 cannon simply colossal, but everything has its time.



Basically, everything is clear here: we install the best from the radio, engine and chassis, but we need to understand the turret and gun in more detail.


KV-2 with a cannon U-11

We are given a choice of 3 weapons: U-11, M-10, ZIS-6. And if everything is clear with the U-11 (it needs to be replaced as soon as possible), then the last two need to be dealt with in more detail.

YES... The legendary “Shaitan-pipe”, “Log thrower” - whatever they called it, he got this gun from the legendary KV. Here are its performance characteristics

KV-2 with a cannon M-10

What I want to say about this gun: it has disgusting accuracy, long reloading and aiming, but many (me among them) love this gun. Why? Average damage 910 units! If you shot at the side or the stern it will no longer be there! You will start looking at others as one-shots! Same with 1 shot. With this gun the tank has a unique gameplay and I guarantee the feeling as if you are playing on a heavily armored artillery with a rotating turret...

The gun is unremarkable, there are many of them... Performance characteristics

KV-2 with a cannon ZiS – 6(it doesn’t even look good to me)

With this gun, the KV-2 becomes an ordinary tank and unremarkable... It’s like a T-150 with less armor, worse dynamics and a taller silhouette (By the way, about the silhouette of the KV-2 - one of the tallest tanks in the game, see Fig. 1 and Fig. 2(it will help you verify its size))
Choose for yourself what you like, but in this guide I will consider the KV-2 with a gun M-10




Towers are a separate issue. Most people think that the top tower is better in all aspects, but let's take a closer look. First tower more ricocheting and shooting at it from the front and back will make it more difficult to penetrate, however I chose top the tower, due to the increase in the turning speed of 2 degrees, may seem small, however, when turning either 14 degrees/s, or 16 degrees/s, I will choose 16; besides, it gives an increase in visibility (which is frankly bad in general) from the front it also ricochets, however it must be constantly turned in different directions since the cannon mask is weak and penetrates levels 7 and 8 without problems, otherwise we can at least hope for a rebound. From behind... well, if someone came to our backside, we can immediately go out to the hangar, since the turning speed of the turret is simply not enough and we will simply be shot from both sides.


I will divide this usual section into 2 parts. Why? I'll explain now. If you switched to this tank from the KV-1 or Kvass, and the second one before this tank you drove to the T-150 (Kirovets). Let's start with the part that you drove the T-150 before.
So we boarded it from the elite T-150. We can:
1: Install the “Top” engine as it was researched on the “Kirovets”
2: Install the ZiS-6 Cannon (which will greatly simplify the game)
3: Install a top-end radio.
Let's explore further in this order:
1: M-10 cannon (it’s clear why), it is placed in the top turret, which means that it needs to be used.
2: Chassis (Allows you to install a top turret, and some modules, For example: anti-fragmentation lining).
3: Top turret MT-2, after that you can start researching the S-51 artillery.
If you haven’t played the T-150 before, it will be more difficult, but you shouldn’t be upset, everyone was worried, is worried, and will worry (how to do this is easier to do in the article on this site)
1:Exploring the M-10 gun
2: Chassis
5: Walkie Talkie
6: ZiS-6 (if you want to choose this gun as your main one, then research it first)
Next is artu or T-150, or both.

Equipment and equipment

Standard equipment repair set, first aid kit, fire extinguisher(I advise you not to change the fire extinguisher as the tanks are very vulnerable)
I advise you to supply the following equipment:
1: Rammer(If you have a 25 second cooldown, no questions arise)
2:Reinforced aiming drives(they will speed up a very long mixing in 4 seconds (by the way, now during the promotion you can win it and save 500 thousand silver, hurry!))
3: Ventilation(“A little bit of everything” is how this equipment can be characterized; it will speed up aiming, reloading, speed, etc.).


It is trained in the same way as on the KV-1 (option: transplant) But I repeat: to the entire crew(except for the commander) the first perk is learning repairs, and commander"Sixth Sense. The second perk I advise you to take is “ The Brotherhood of War"(until then you will already be driving an "Elite" tank, so for uniform and faster crew training, you can turn on "Accelerated Crew Training". The third and fourth perk for the Commander can be learned "Eagle Eye" and "Jack of All Trades" To the gunner“Smooth turn of the tower” and “Sniper”, Mechanical driver necessarily “King of Off-Road” and “Virtuoso”, To the radio operator“Radio interception” and “With all his might” (although to tell the truth he is very often shell-shocked) and To the loader“Non-contact ammo rack” and “Intuition”. Further (if you upgrade, of course!!!) it’s your choice.


I will not consider the hull armor since it is the same as the KV-1 (Guides for this tank can also be found on the website), but we will consider the turret in detail. 75\75\70 - yes... It would be better if it was 90\60\90, but we will play with what the developer gave. The turret is coming from everywhere, I and I even pierce the KV-2 in my mask... it’s sad, but this can be avoided if you make sharp movements of the turret to the sides, so the chance of a rebound increases significantly, but you shouldn’t hope for it and if there is a chance to hide behind a building - hide.


The KV-2 tank is clearly not for... It can either push through the defense for a long time but confidently with one shot, taking someone’s life, or sit on the defensive, but in the first and second cases it needs the support of the ST (otherwise I’ll use the KV-2 on the KV-1 twisted), if he stayed on his own against the heavy weights, half the trouble, but if against the ST, or even worse, LT - at least you’re going to drown! I do not consider this tank at the top and bottom of the list since it can be penetrated even when it is in the top, and thanks to its cannon it can cause damage even to 10 levels (Especially Bat. Chat. 25t. CHECKED!) Also, its tall silhouette allows you to fire from behind corpses of any tanks and most obstacles inaccessible to “ordinary” tanks.

With this I say goodbye to you, good luck on all fronts, not just virtual ones). I was with you DavydenkoNikita, see you again!

Hello, I decided to make a guide on the Tier 6 Soviet heavy tank KV-2

Tank performance characteristics:

  • Durability (stock/top) - 810/860 HP
  • Weight/limit weight (top) - 51.16/56.8 (53.1/60.8) t
  • Crew - Commander, gunner, mechanic, radio operator, loader, loader
  • Engine power (stock/top) - 500/600 hp.
  • Specific power (stock/top) - 9.77/11.3 hp/t
  • Maximum speed (forward/backward) - 35/11 km/h
  • Agility (stock/top) - 16/18 g/sec
  • Front/side/stern hull armor - 75/75/70 mm
  • Front/side/rear turret armor - 75/75/70 mm (the same in the top version)
  • Overview (stock/top) - 320/330 meters
  • Communication range (sink/top) - 360/440 meters
  • Battle levels - 6, 7, 8


Research and leveling:

  1. The first step is to install the 152mm M-10 gun (I advise you to travel only with it)
  2. Next you should install the V-2K engine, it does not provide an increase in dynamics, but it is less of a fire hazard
  3. Then the V-5 engine gives a significant increase in dynamics
  4. Chassis KV-2 model 1941, increases agility and maneuverability
  5. Then the MT-2 turret, it rotates faster and adds 10 to visibility
  6. Walkie-talkie 10RK (if not researched earlier)
  7. And at the end the 107mm ZiS-6 gun

​Pros of the tank:

  • A variety of weapons for different tactics
  • High damage from the 152mm M-10 gun
  • Sturdy gun mantlet
  • Possibility to install the top gun on the stock chassis and turret
  • High safety margin
  • Unique gameplay

Disadvantages of the tank:

  • Low speed and maneuverability
  • Big silhouette
  • Poor hull and turret armor
  • Bad review
  • Low communication range


  • Rammer
  • Reinforced aiming drives
  • Ventilation


  • Repair kit
  • First aid kit
  • Fire extinguisher


  • Armor-piercing (AP) - 18
  • Armor-piercing (AP) (for gold) - 0
  • High-explosive fragmentation (HE) - 18

Crew Leveling:

  • Commander - 1) Sixth Sense, 2) Brotherhood of Battle, 3) Eagle Eye
  • Gunner - 1) Smooth rotation of the turret, 2) Combat brotherhood, 3) Grudger
  • Mech-vod - 1) Smooth ride, 2) Combat brotherhood, 3) King of off-road
  • Radio operator - 1) Radio interception, 2) Combat brotherhood, 3) Inventor
  • Loader - 1) Intuition*, 2) Combat Brotherhood, 3) Desperate
  • Loader - 1) Intuition*, 2) Combat brotherhood, 3) Non-contact ammunition rack

*Intuition is enhanced if there are two loaders, and is useful on the KV-2 when you need to switch between AP APs

Combat effectiveness:

Let's consider two tactics: when we are at the top and at the bottom of the list with a 152mm M-10 gun

1. When we are at the top, we can safely turn on armor-piercing (AP) shells and when they penetrate (and this will happen very often), we will deal 700 damage, and this is definitely a one-shot. You should be at medium or close distances from the enemy behind cover. The tactic is as follows: drive, shoot, drive, but you should remember that there must be at least 2 allies nearby to cover you when you are reloading.

2. When we are at the bottom of the list, we need to include high-explosive fragmentation shells (HE) because we won’t penetrate anyone with armor-piercing shells. Land mines can easily inflict 200-400 damage on levels 7-8, and this must be recognized very well. You definitely need to stay close to your allies and never go alone to the flank, because of our armor we are an easy target, we hide behind cover or behind allies at medium or close distance to the enemy, but you always need to be behind your allies. The tactics are the same: drive out, shoot, drive in.

Hello tankers! We continue to look further at the technology and today we have a machine about which legends were made. A machine whose history goes back to distant pre-war times. A car that many people leave in the hangar after upgrading. Meet the heaviest tank in the world at the beginning of World War II, the KV-2:

The car is introduced in the game at level 6. The price of this device is 920,000 credits and 26,700 experience. The amounts are quite normal and relatively easy to achieve. However, do not forget that on the KV-2 it is necessary to install additional. equipment, camouflage and a sane crew. By the way, as for the crew, we will not be able to completely transfer them from the previous vehicle (KV-1), and in principle there is no need. Personally, I advise putting a completely new crew on the KV-2 and training them immediately to 75%. It will cost 20,000*6=120,000 credits. I also advise installing camouflage on the tank; not only will it bring a little aesthetic pleasure, it will also help in battle due to the increase in camouflage. It will cost 60,000*3=180,000 credits for 30 days.


Here is a machine research branch. The first thing that cannot but please us is the already researched modules on the KV-1. These include: pre-top engine, radio station, pre-top gun.

As almost everywhere else, we must first examine the chassis. Not only will a top-end chassis add maneuverability, turning speed and strength to the tracks themselves, but most importantly, it will allow us to install a new turret and a more advanced weapon.

The pre-top engine should already be examined by us. It doesn't add anything to us, but it reduces the chance of fire when hit. The parameter is also not unimportant. The top engine itself adds 60 hp to us. With. to power, which has a relatively good effect on the dynamics of the car.

Our radio station also needs to be investigated. A top-end radio station has a sufficient communication range for the vehicle to perform relatively well on the battlefield among similar-level vehicles. We set it up and don’t dwell on it too much.

Well, here it is this famous KV-2 tower. Compared to the stock one, it wins in several ways at once, although not by much. Firstly, our visibility increases, and this is quite important. Secondly, its turning speed is 2 degrees/sec higher than the stock one. It seems like these are all little things, but they have a significant impact on the game. In addition, we can now install one of the 2 top guns.

As you may have just noticed, I called both weapons top-end, although one of them is level 7, and the second is level 6. Logically, the top-end weapon should be the one that is at level 7, but on this machine everything is not so. Level 6 high-explosive gun with a caliber of 152 mm. is capable of so much benefit both to its team and to annoy others that in some situations it wakes up even better than the top 7 level. Therefore, here the choice of weapon is completely yours. However, since it is more comfortable for me to play with 152 mm, and historically it is more correct, so I will consider this option. This weapon doesn’t cost much experience, so there shouldn’t be any problems with leveling up. I’ll just note that you won’t be able to play a typical TT with this weapon. It takes a long time to assemble, it also takes a long time to reload, but there’s nothing to say about accuracy. You can miss from 50 meters... However, the huge one-time damage not only forces others to take us into account, but also to be wary of bypassing the other flank))) It’s only fools who try to meet a 152 mm blank. I note that you need to shoot from this gun either with land mines or with gold. If you shoot 2nd then there will be a lot of fun in the game.


  1. We install everything that has been researched.
  2. Chassis
  3. Tower
  4. gun
  5. Top. engine

In general, I will highlight the following pros and cons of the machine:


  • Huge one-time damage
  • Good farming (when using landmines)
  • Good booking


  • Bad review
  • Tall silhouette
  • Poor accuracy, aiming, reloading
  • Slow tower

Balance weight

Our car is thrown into battle levels 6 - 8. It’s comfortable to play on 6 and 7 even with gun 107, but not on 8. There will be a lack of penetration. This is actually why many people choose 152 and then halve all sorts of lions and get a lot of pleasure. Therefore, if you use a 152 mm gun and carry landmines or cumulative shells instead of APs, it doesn’t matter where you end up, even to levels 9 and 10.


As always, you have to pay for pleasure. Farming a tank is very good, but you can get full pleasure from playing on it only by using gold shells. If you play with land mines, then your car will farm quite decently, because with a land mine it is very difficult not to cause at least some damage, the main thing is to hit it. Therefore, the tank farms and does not farm at the same time.


As I said above, we won’t be able to play the usual TT if you use a 152 mm gun. A support style is more suitable than a defense-breaking style. Of course, you can tank in battles of level 6, and sometimes 7, but you need to be wary of those who can either spin you around or turn you into a piece of metal during reloading. The main thing for us is to distribute damage. I don’t think there will be any problems when using landmines; in 99% of cases they will cause at least some damage when they hit. The same cannot be said about cumulative ones. Even with them, we can quite often fail to penetrate or cause damage if we hit the track/gun. I also noticed that many people underestimate this tank as an opponent. This is what we need to use. While the folders at level 8 are at war, stuff them with damage. However, in any case, think carefully about everything, this machine does not forgive mistakes.

Optional equipment

Here is a standard set for TT

  • Rammer
  • Reinforced aiming drives
  • Fan


Everything is standard here too

  • Repair kit
  • First aid kit
  • Oil or fire extinguisher. It is not necessary to use the latter since the chance of fire is quite small, and the oil will be added at the speed of rotation of the turret and will slightly improve the dynamics.

Crew Perks

I will simply list the most important ones in my opinion for this machine, and you can decide in what order to upgrade them and what will be more important for you and your playing style.

The commander has a sixth sense, a mentor, an eagle eye.

To the gunner - sniper

Radio operator - radio interception

To the loader - desperate.

For everyone - repairs, military brotherhood.

KV-2 vulnerabilities:

Orange- commander, gunner, loader
Red- engine, tanks, transmission
Green- easily penetrated zones
White- ammunition rack
Blue- driver mechanic.

And finally, a few video reviews from other players:

Guys, hello everyone! With you syper_nagibator2013 with a series of guides on breaking through TT by level. Today we will talk about Tier VI heavy tanks.

So, we have 7 combat vehicles of different nations and, naturally, different performance characteristics. As usual, let's start with Soviet tanks.

For your convenience, I decided to do this: green arrow - command tower or observation devices (“antennae”), red arrow - lower armor plate, blue arrow - review module, driver's hatch - orange-white arrow, purple arrow - machine gun. And, so that you don’t forget which arrow is which, I marked the font in the color of the arrow, as shown above.

Well, now that you know everything, let's go!


Introduced in patch 0.9.3 instead KV-1S. The tank does not have good armor, but still take a look at the picture. If KV-85 stands with its forehead, then you need to shoot either at the lower armor plate or at the viewing module. If the enemy has only put up a tower, you should shoot at the commander's tower. If the tank is on its side, then simply shoot at the tanks at the rear of the side.


The tank is distinguished by a formidable “shaitan trumpet”.
When I had KV-2, I remember that armor often saved me, but where to hit so that the armor doesn’t save the enemy, I’ll tell you now.

If the enemy KV-2 stands head on, then there are three weak points in the hull and two on the turret. On the hull: lower armor plate, machine gun and vision module. On the tower there are “antennae”, but they are difficult to reach, because tank with a very high turret. By the way, in my last guide I also pointed to the “antennae”, but some players said that damage does not go there, I can safely tell you that damage goes there perfectly!

VK 36.01 (H)

Speaking about the VK armor, we can safely say that the tank is definitely no worse than its classmates! If the tank is facing forward, under no circumstances shoot at the bottom armor plate, because That's where the tank's strongest point is! It is best to shoot at the machine gun and the vision module (marked with arrows). If the tank allows you to see only the turret, try to shoot at the commander's turret. In general, it’s a good idea to throw it on the side of the tank because... there is only 60 mm of armor. But let me remind you that under no circumstances should you shoot at the side of a tank at an angle - this applies to all tanks in the game, with a couple of exceptions!


The tank is very similar to its predecessor - T1-Heavy, but still, here the situation is the same as with VK-36.01 (H). Our lower armor plate is thicker than the upper one, but if the enemy is standing with his forehead, then shoot at the machine gun and the vision module. If the enemy “is not greyhounding like a child,” then shoot at the side - this tank is simply HUGE, and even with no armor.

ARL 44

Our situation with this tank is bad - there are no real weak points in the forehead. Try to shoot at the side, because... On board we have only 60 mm of armor, and in the rear of the sides there is an engine, tanks and all the weakest things.

Churchill VII

Many players argue a lot about this tank. Some say that it has no armor at all and is generally a bad tank, while others, on the contrary, say that the tank is good and has excellent armor. The best places to break through from the front of the hull are the driver's hatch and the lower armor plate. If the tank is on its side, then it is best to shoot at the center of the side right under the turret - that’s where it has its ammunition rack.

That's the end of the fairy tale

To summarize, we can say that at the sixth level, tanks with normal and fairly strong armor are slowly starting to appear, which many players do not know how to penetrate. I hope that I helped you at least a little with this.

There was a player with you syper_nagibator2013 with the second guide on breaking through TT at levels. See you again!
