Thematic direct educational drawing activity “The Earth is our common home. Summary of the lesson "The earth is our common home!" for children of senior preschool age Drawing on the theme earth is our home

Municipal budgetary institution of additional education

"House of Children's Creativity No. 4"

A globe is a model of the globe, the planet Earth on which we all live.Teacher: Who else lives on the planet besides people?Children: Animals, birds, plants, fish...

Teacher: That's right, so we can say that the Earth is our common home!

2. Theoretical part.

Conversation between a teacher and children about the holiday “Earth Day”

Teacher : Guys, on which planet in the solar system is there life?

Children : On the Earth. Conversation between a teacher and children about planet Earth, as the only planet in the solar system on which there is life.

Teacher : Now look at the globe, what you see on it - areas of land and sea, oceans. Showing children the globe, reinforcing knowledge that there are continents, islands, oceans, seas, and rivers on the planet.

Teacher: Guys, not only people live on our planet Earth. Look at the images and answer the question - who else lives on our planet on different continents, swims in the seas, oceans, flies through the air?

Children: Animals - birds, animals, insects, fish..., plants.

Teacher : Are there people, plants and animals on other planets?

Children: No.

Teacher: Why don’t people, animals and plants live and cannot live on other planets?

Children : Because there is no air, soil, water, it is very cold or hot, there is no food...

Teacher : We can say that our planet has all the conditions necessary for the life of people, animals and plants. A conversation between a teacher and children about the conditions that exist on the planet that are necessary for life, about who lives on the planet: people, different types of animals, plants, that it is impossible to live without each other.

Showing illustrations of species of animals, birds, fish and plants. Musical series:

“How beautiful this world is, look”

Music by D. Tukhmanov
Words by V. Kharitonov

You'll wake up at dawn
You and I will meet together
Dawn's birthday.

How beautiful this world is.
How beautiful this world is, look.
How beautiful this world is.

You can't help but notice -
Nightingales live in the world,
And simple sisari.
How beautiful this world is, look.
How beautiful this world is.

Teacher : So, we had a rest, flew in space weightlessness, and now we are returning to our places, continuing our work.Children take their seats.

Teacher: Now we need to color the space. Guys, look at the images of space (the teacher shows illustrations), what color can you paint it with? You can color it purple or black, since it is dark in space. Color the space objects as you wish, but so that they are clearly visible.Children coloring.

Children can show creativity in choosing space objects for drawing; you can also color space in your own way, trying to select the color of the crayons so that the planet and space objects are clearly visible in the drawing.

4. Final part. Reflection.

Teacher: Here, the work is ready! Show each other what a beautiful, big planet you have - a real planet - Home! There was enough space for everyone - people, animals, birds, and plants.

Guys, did you like the lesson?

Where did we go on our trip?

What object helped us today on our journey around planet Earth?

What new did you learn in class?

For what holiday did you draw pictures, what did you depict in them?

Why did we talk about planet Earth as a common home?

Is it necessary to protect and protect nature and the Earth? Why?

Children answer questions, express their impressions of the lesson, look at each other’s drawings.

(Drawings of some children can be seen in Appendix No. 1.)

Teacher: Our lesson has come to an end. I hope that you will be real helpers of planet Earth, to protect and protect our common home. Goodbye.

Appendix No. 1

Figure 1. The drawing was made during the lesson, in accordance with its content and the stages of drawing proposed by the teacher. The child said from the drawing that people, animals, and plants live on planet Earth. The earth must be protected, since there is no other planet to live on. The earth is our common home. The goal of the lesson has been achieved.

Figure No. 2. During the lesson, children's creativity is not limited, which can be seen in this picture in the peculiarities of coloring outer space, depicting not only continents, but also islands in the drawing of the planet. The child also chose the method of drawing a circle not according to a template, but by hand, which makes the drawing process more complex, but interesting.. The main thing is that the meaning of the lesson is conveyed - the Earth is our common home!

Figure No. 3. Here the child used mixed techniques to complete the work - painting (wax crayons) and appliqué. The child also decided to draw a planet with continents on which many flowers and other plants bloom, so that there is more oxygen. And the clean water in the oceans is depicted. The result of understanding the need to protect and preserve nature and the planet.

Figure 4. Intermediate stage of working on the drawing. A child can choose means of artistic expression for self-expression. In this case, gouache was chosen instead of colored wax pencils. The drawing was left for revision, since the child himself saw that he had chosen the same color for coloring space as the water on the planet, which merges the image. The child decided to finish the work at the next lesson by making changes to the color scheme for coloring space.

Victoria Minyukova
Summary of educational activities on drawing “The Earth is our common home”

Target: develop initiative and independence during productive work activities.


Learn to use different means of expressive drawing in your work;

Develop children's creative abilities;

Cultivate a love for the natural environment and a desire to take care of it.

Materials: colored pencils, sheets of A4 paper, simple pencils.

Guys, April 22 is World Day Earth. It can be called a holiday of clean water, earth and air - everything, which is necessary for human and animal life.

Look at the globe - it is a small copy of our planet. How beautiful our Earth, especially in spring, when all nature comes to life and everything blooms.

Guys, do you know what nature is?

Children: Sun, air, water, plants, animals, birds, etc.

Of course, nature is not only what is made by human hands.

Now we'll play a game "Nature or not", when I name an object of nature, you applaud, but if I name an object made by human hands, you sit straight, hands on the desk (Tree, chair, shovel, daisy, car, etc.)

To save our planet, we must love nature and know it. We must treat all natural objects with great care.

And for this you need to be kind, honest, hardworking and competent people. It’s not for nothing that proverbs They say:

Protect birds and animals - never offend them.

He who knows how to be kind will not destroy nature.

The enemy of nature is the one who does not protect it.

Love the forest, love nature, you will forever be dear to the people.

If you cut down a tree, plant ten.

Now we are going to play a game "Applause": I’ll tell you a certain sign, those who have this sign stand up with their hands up, and everyone else applauds him. If everyone has this characteristic, then we all stand up and applaud together.

Stand up all those who:

loves nature,

loves to go on a picnic

litters in the forest

loves his family

likes animals,

breaks trees

loves to catch insects

who wants to be a conservationist,

And who likes to get sick? Yes, guys, no one likes to get sick. Everyone wants to be healthy. And our planet is starting to get sick, look what’s happening to it. (map Lands with painted prohibitory actions.)

Guys, what do you think, what our planet looks like depends on a person?

What can we do with you to make our planet beautiful and healthy?

Children's answers.

Well done! So we cleared it of debris, but look, it’s still just as lifeless. What can be done?

Children's answers.

How can you and I revitalize our planet? (decorate it with plants and animals)

Physical education minute:

Hello blue sky,

Hello golden sun,

Hello mother - Earth,

Hello my friends.

Now let’s think and everyone will say what they will give to our planet?

Independent work of children.

Guys, look what our planet has become?

Children's answers.

Let's save the planet

If you and I take care of nature, then our planet will always be so beautiful, and you and I will be healthy!

Publications on the topic:

Notes for the open lesson “The Earth is our common home” Educational activities for children of senior preschool age. The notes were prepared by the teacher of the senior group. Dadayan Susanna Valerievna.

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Lesson summary “The Earth is our common home” Lesson: The Earth is our common home Objectives: - to consolidate the concept of “Solar System”, to clarify children’s knowledge about the planets of the Solar System and their characteristics.

More than forty-five years have passed since Earth Day was first celebrated on our planet. Children's drawings, crafts, and their generous donations from their own savings help to attract the attention of adults around the world to the importance of maintaining calm and unity among the populations of all countries.

Most often, children prepare drawings for school. But even in kindergarten, children can already draw simple landscapes or posters that attract public attention to this holiday. Drawings for Earth Day in kindergarten are distinguished by indescribable spontaneity and sincerity, and simplicity only makes them beautiful.

An interesting drawing on the theme “Earth Day” can be made using wax crayons and watercolors.

First, we need some round object of suitable size. This can be a disposable plate that is not scary to hand over to even the smallest children. We place the plate in the center of a large white sheet and outline it with a simple pencil.

Now you need to arm yourself with a ruler and draw straight lines from the resulting circle to the edge of the sheet. We draw at least ten to twelve such lines, which is why our circle takes on a resemblance to the sun surrounded by a halo of rays.

We trace all the contours drawn with a simple pencil and black wax chalk.

In the center of the circle we make sketches of the silhouettes of continents and islands. Using white wax chalk we draw different symbols on the spaces limited by the “rays” of the sun.

We arm ourselves with watercolor paints and a brush.

And we turn our sun into planet Earth.

We cover the islands and continents with green.

And the space between them is blue, like the waters of the World Ocean.

Gradually, your sketch will resemble the image of the Earth from Space.

Now the most interesting thing: you will need to paint the space between the “rays” with bright colors, where we previously applied the symbols with white wax crayon.

In this case, the chalk symbols will become clear. And our drawing will turn into a real poster dedicated to Earth Day.

All that remains is to apply the necessary touches with darker shades of paint.

And the picture will become simply irresistible!

On Earth Day you can draw Earth and Space. It will be very interesting for children to remember that our planet is surrounded by fascinating cosmic bodies.

Despite its simplicity, it will attract the attention of viewers and express the desire of children to take care of their planet.
