What is the difference between a man and a woman. Brain gender: The real differences between men and women

Recent times have been marked by two contradictory processes: the development of scientific research in the field of gender differences and the propaganda of the politically correct assertion that there are no such differences at all. We know of cases where scientists were either denied funding for their work if they were working in this field, or they themselves stopped doing it due to “political pressure”. And those who still continue to work note an almost complete disregard for the results of their research, which contradict the dominant idea of ​​​​universal and absolute equality and sameness of people. The first experiments were carried out in the 19th century. The lack of a technical and theoretical basis allowed us to draw only very general conclusions that, for example, men have greater muscular strength and are less susceptible to the influence of stimuli during work than women. In turn, women showed themselves to be less sensitive to pain and have more sensitive hearing. But it wasn't until the 1960s that scientists began to study differences in brain structure and organization between men and women. Paradoxically, over time this correlated with the most aggressive denial of even the idea of ​​such differences on the part of politicians. It is also paradoxical that interest in the topic of sex differences in the human brain grew out of scientists’ attempts to prove that there are no such differences at all.
IQ tests, being devoid of bias and prejudice, were supposed to show how equal and the same we are all. Therefore, the first test results, showing the constant superiority of one sex over the other in various areas, were considered as a failure of the technique. In the 1950s, Dr. Wasler, the American scientist who developed the IQ test most widely used today, discovered that more than thirty tests developed “favored” either men or women.
Vasler and his colleagues set out to solve this problem by cutting off all those tests whose results clearly showed the superiority of one sex over the other, and when they still couldn’t create a “neutral” test, they deliberately added questions preferable for men or preferable for women in order to obtain approximately the same results for both sexes.
However, differences between men and women in the ability to solve certain problems stubbornly manifested themselves again and again, so that even Wesler himself eventually wrote: “Our research confirms what poets and writers often notice, and what ordinary people believe, namely: that men not only behave, but also think differently from women.” Then it was the turn of sociologists.
They have actively promoted the theory that children are born “neutral” in their gender, and then parents, teachers, bosses, politicians and all the other “evil wizards” of our society “sculpt” the innocent children's brain at their discretion. Sociologists think that society is to blame for everything. But is this really so? According to the established opinion of people far from science, as well as according to the results of research, the gender difference is most clearly manifested in the ability to navigate in space. The ability to imagine things, their shape, position, relationship to cardinal directions and proportions. The fact of male superiority in this area has been proven by hundreds of different scientific studies. Beginning in school, boys generally outperform girls in areas of mathematics based on abstract concepts of space, relationships, and theorists. American psychologist Dr. Camilla Benbow conducted perhaps the most extensive and lengthy studies of the country's most gifted young mathematicians.

Most people don't even realize how fundamental the differences are between men and women. Gender characteristics exist at the level of behavioral reactions, at the physiological and even neural levels.


Danish scientist Bert Pakkenberg found that the male brain has four million more cells, but women perform 3% better on tests than men.

It turns out that this is due to the so-called corpus callosum, which serves as a kind of “cable” between the right and left hemispheres of the brain. In women, this body is thicker than in men, and there are 30% more joints in it.

The male brain is specialized and divided into certain sections. Due to fewer connections between the hemispheres, a man can only do one thing well, fully concentrating on it. Let us remind you: he is a warrior and a hunter. He chases game or fights. A woman at home can do many things, such as cooking, looking after children, caring for relatives and knitting.

Because of the extra connections in the brain, girls can actually drive and talk at the same time, while most men, concentrating on driving, will turn down the radio and ask passengers to be quiet. And it’s better not to contradict them at this moment.
If a man reads, he hears almost nothing. And if you talk to him while he's shaving, the likelihood of him cutting himself will increase dramatically.
Even men and women sleep differently: in men, the electrical activity of the brain during sleep will drop by 70% (he is a hunter, and when he comes home, he must rest properly), and in women - only by 10%, because she is always “watching” » home and children.


Men in the left hemisphere have a center responsible for speech, and if a man receives an injury to this hemisphere, he loses speech and stops “seeing” drawings” in three-dimensional space.
In women, two centers are responsible for speech: a larger one in the left hemisphere, a smaller one in the right. To go numb, she would have to suffer severe trauma to both hemispheres of her brain. An injured left hemisphere will not prevent the average woman from reading blueprints. True, they see them differently: flat.

Men's speech is distinguished by an abundance of terms and a rich vocabulary, while women's speech relies on intonation and emotions. Establishing relationships through conversation is a purely female prerogative, which is why they make excellent lawyers, teachers and educators. A woman easily pronounces up to 8,000 words a day, uses up to 3,000 sounds and up to 10,000 nonverbal signals. A man speaks up to 4,000 words a day, makes up to 2,000 sounds and makes up to 3,000 gestures. A woman is talking to her interlocutor. A man is more often with himself. And at this time he is silent.

Orientation in space

The weakness of most women is spatial orientation. Tests by Asian scientists using labyrinths showed that men have 92% of successful solutions, while women have only 8%!
82% of men can park a car parallel and close to the sidewalk, including 71% on the first try. For women, the results are disastrous. Only 22% can do this, and even then two thirds of them will not do it on the first try.

Women also have serious problems with geographical maps. In 1998, the British, as an experiment, released a map of England with two sheets. One had a standard map, the other had an inverted image. The card was purchased by 15,000 women who liked the fact that they didn't have to turn the map over in their head when traveling south.
By the way, there are women who are missing one of the X chromosomes. They are not able to drive a car at all, because they have problems with spatial orientation.


The retina of the human eye contains almost seven million “cone” receptors, which are responsible for the perception of color. The X chromosome is responsible for their action. Women have two of them, and the palette of colors they perceive is wider.

In conversation they use shades: “sea green”, “sand”, “light coffee”. Men talk about fundamental colors: red, white, blue. True, this does not explain why there are so few women who are brilliant artists.
Women have developed peripheral vision. For some of them, it reaches 180º, and that is why women rarely miss side impacts when driving a car and can, without turning their heads, “count” a rival or keep an eye on a child.

A man’s brain provides tunnel vision, he “leads” the target, sees only what is in front of him, and is not distracted by trifles. It is because of the narrow field of vision that men often become victims of road accidents, and at home they cannot find oil in the refrigerator. But they see better at night and more accurately determine the distance to objects.


Women are better at distinguishing high-frequency sounds. A one-week-old girl can already identify the sound of her mother's voice and hears when another baby cries. Boys don't need that. Women are better than men at recognizing changes in tone and therefore know very well when men are lying. Men, on the other hand, specialize in the sounds of wild nature (this skill is not so necessary in the city) and “hear” directions perfectly. If a woman hears the kitten’s meow first, then it is the man who will indicate where to look for it.


A woman's skin is 10 times more sensitive than a man's skin. Research by English scientists has shown that even the most sensitive man in this sense does not live up to the most insensitive woman. But men's skin is thicker than women's and therefore men have fewer wrinkles. On the back of an adult man, the skin is four times thicker than on the stomach. And if a man is busy with work, then the sensitivity of the skin drops even more, and he almost does not feel pain.

Taste and smell

Men taste bitter and salty better. This is what is associated with their love of beer. Women, as fruit gatherers, have a more subtle sense of sweets. This explains the fact that most chocolate lovers are women.

Women have no equal when it comes to their sense of smell. A woman’s nose can detect not only the smell of burning, which threatens the house, but also the smell of pheromones, which cannot be done consciously. Moreover, a woman’s brain is able to “read” a man’s smell and decipher it, determining how strong his immune system is. Scientists believe that in most cases a woman needs no more than three seconds to do this.

If the woman's own immune system is weaker, she will find the man sexually attractive.

Each person is unique and inimitable. There are no two identical stones in the world, much less people. But with all this, there are differences that immediately catch the eye - the differences between a man and a woman. And they are not only in the external distinctive signs of gender.

Features of perception:

In a man’s perception, the main place is occupied by what he sees. For a woman, most of the impressions are related to the perception of speech. It is no coincidence that the saying that “a man loves with his eyes, and a woman with her ears.”


A man grasps and evaluates the situation as a whole, a woman, rather, fixes her attention on the little things.

Due to her interest in little things, a woman is much more observant than a man, and this is the source of the famous female intuition.

Women can quickly and easily understand a person by facial expressions, gestures, and glances, which is the secret of their subtle intuition.


Great observation is characteristic of a woman in an ordinary situation. In a situation of stress or danger, a woman is more likely to “lose her head,” and with it her powers of observation. In men, in a situation of danger, her powers of observation become more acute.


Observations by psychologists indicate that men are more likely to have a predominance of choleric temperamental traits. They are characterized by a clear manifestation of volitional reactions, assertiveness, energy, and impatience. Men are usually characterized by greater external aggressiveness, greater perseverance, and the ability to withstand rough pressure. Therefore, the choleric temperament can be considered as a “male temperament.” Sanguine and melancholic temperaments are more consistent with female nature. A woman is characterized by mobility, violent expression of feelings, and rapid changes in mood.

Emotionality: Women are usually much more emotional than men. It is customary for men to restrain their emotions; demanding this from a woman is pointless. Women's mood swings are enormous.

Women react more sharply to rewards and punishments, and react more painfully to conflicts and troubles at work and at home. Women change their facial expressions more often and can reflect several dozen different feelings, while in men, as a rule, only two can be recognized: disgust and indifference.

Nervous system and adaptability:

The nervous system of women is less stable. Therefore, women quickly move from one emotional state to another.

Her ability for instant psychic transformation surpasses that of a man.

The combination of all these features ultimately leads to the fact that women are better able to adapt to changing circumstances.

Other physical parameters:

Women are superior to men in agility, speed of perception, reaction, speed of speech, sensitivity of touch, and coordination of movements. Men are superior to women in spatial orientation.

Women get sick about 2 times less than men. The life expectancy of women is 7-15 years longer than that of men.

Women have fewer deformities and infantilism is less common. There are 3-4 times fewer women suicides than men.

Women tolerate pain better than men, as well as monotonous, monotonous, uninteresting activities.

Women perceive human relationships more subtly and react more sensitively to their nuances than men. If men have a stronger need to achieve goals and success, then for women, relationships with others come first.

Women “read” faces much better, subtly grasp the mood of the interlocutor, and are much more sensitive.

Men are more aggressive, women are more conflict-ridden.

Due to the great importance for a woman of relationships with others, her speech is more complete and complicated compared to a man’s. In general, women are stronger in grammar and languages.


Most of the men are easily recognizable. Their character traits are written out in their facial features, in their clothing, in the way they speak and listen, in the way they walk, sit, stand up, straighten their tie, etc.

A woman never gives herself away. She knows that people are always looking at her, so everything in a woman is prepared for such viewing, she also strives to be natural, but in a female performance this means being better than she actually is.

Women's self-esteem is often underestimated, and men's is overestimated. Men are more often satisfied with themselves.

Many men rate a woman's business qualities lower than they expect.

Choice of profession:

Men more often choose professions related to technology because they feel better among subjects, while women feel comfortable among people and therefore give preference to humanities.

For a male leader, his subordinates are the cogs on which the functioning and success of the enterprise depends. A woman boss thinks differently: the better the relationships in her team, the more satisfaction her subordinates will receive from their work, the better they will perform their duties.

There are fewer women in business than men, since entrepreneurship is associated with decision-making, leadership, responsibility, and risk.

These are not win-win moments for women.

In addition, women have a weaker career outlook and worse starting conditions (they are less likely to have leadership experience)

Women's income in business is significantly less than that of men.

A woman is more inclined to family business. Business activity of unmarried women is higher. And for those who plunge headlong into business, their families most often fall apart.

Considering the question of what is more important in the formation of personality - genes or environment, it must be said: for a woman - the environment, for a man - genes.

“Women cannot take risks; their evolutionary role is different - preserving what has been achieved and passing it on to next generations. The female sex is much more plastic in the process of individual development, and a woman is significantly superior to a man in the speed and ease of adaptation to life and environmental conditions due to the wider boundaries of the manifestation of the genotype. The fair sex clearly shows a tendency to master internal space; they have a more refined taste than men, and in its development women can achieve a certain degree of perfection. They can better distinguish materials and shapes, hear better, and react more sharply to noise; They see better at dusk and at night. From early childhood they show great ability to master speech and have better communication abilities.

It is known that women more often adhere to extreme views and positions; in discussions they show faster reactions, but in terms of generalizations they are inferior to men. They are more interested in people, their problems, are more sensitive in social contacts, and can better understand another person.”

Women are timid in front of their superiors, submit to other people's authority, and tend to consider the interests of others more important than their own.

The distinctive features of a business woman are ease of communication with others, commitment, the ability to quickly agree on a task and just as quickly begin to implement it.

Every business woman must be responsible not only for her words and actions, but also for her appearance and appearance.

If you don't know who your enemy is, how can you win the war? It’s even worse when you don’t know who you are, then defeat is 100% guaranteed. “Gender of the Brain” dots the i’s on the issue of gender equality, and gives a wonderful impetus to further study of the problem. The book is inherently revolutionary, since from a scientific point of view it confirms the failure of the modern approach to raising children and the educational system in general. Not to mention the social transformations that need to be made to improve the institution of the family, and therefore the state itself.

Chapter first. Differences

The most pronounced difference between the sexes is the ability to navigate in space. The ability to imagine things, their shape, position, relationship to cardinal directions and proportions. The fact of male superiority in this area has been proven by hundreds of different scientific studies.

While men's brains allow them to easily manipulate forms and theorems, women's brains are better equipped to perceive information; they see, feel and hear more than men, and also more easily receive and process signals from the outside world. Men are interested in things, women are interested in relationships between people. Women can more easily distinguish objects in the dark, and their visual memory is better than men's. Men see better in bright light, their vision is less peripheral, but they see further than women, whose fundus takes in a broader picture of the world around them.

Women's sense of smell is also superior to men's. This superiority in the ability to receive and analyze information about the world around us, which is now measurable in laboratory conditions, explains the so-called mysterious “female intuition.” Women are simply better equipped to see and hear what men are deaf and blind to. This allows them to more easily grasp the tone of voices and the meaningfulness of glances and gestures.

Hormones determine the organizational features of the male and female brain during its formation inside the mother's womb. The brains of men and women are the same only during the first few weeks of their development.

Chapter two. The Birth of Difference

The genes that carry our unique set of traits make us either male or female. On the maternal side, the child receives X chromosomes. If the father, for his part, also provides X chromosomes, then, under normal circumstances, a girl will be born, but if it is a Y chromosome, then, again under normal circumstances, a boy will be born.

But the fact is that genes themselves do not guarantee the gender of a future person. Whatever the genetic makeup of the embryo, the child will be a boy only in the presence of male hormones, and a girl only if male hormones are absent. Evidence of this was found in studies of people with congenital abnormalities. It has been proven that if a female embryo, type "XX", is exposed to male hormones, the child will be born in the body of a normal boy. Conversely, if a male embryo, type "XY", is deprived of such influence, the newborn will look like an ordinary girl.

At about six weeks of age, if all goes well, the genes, depending on their type, contribute to the development of either a male or female reproductive system. At the same age, the formation of the human brain structure occurs. If the embryo belongs to the genetically female type, a global restructuring of this structure will not follow. In other words, the natural organization of the brain is female. Male hormones are needed to reshape the naturally female brain of the fetus in a male way. Men experience an increase in the flow of hormones twice throughout their lives: in the sixth week of their intrauterine life and during puberty.

Returning to the theory that it is not biology, but upbringing and culture that determine a person’s gender, we can say that the last nail in its coffin was the results of a study of cases where, due to failures of chemical processes in the body, boys were born with female genitalia and who were accordingly raised as girls. During puberty, with the influx of male hormones characteristic of teenage boys, their voices became rougher and the formation of the genital organs was completed. They just didn't "feel" like girls.

The hormone that is responsible for the manifestation of the genital organs was present, but its level was too low, and therefore their manifestation occurred in adolescence. On the other hand, the hormones responsible for the formation of the male brain did their job completely, so the behavior and sexual priorities were male throughout their lives.

Chapter three. Brain gender

Psychologist Herbert Landsell has shown that women's language and spatial skills are controlled by centers in both hemispheres of the brain, while men's are more strictly defined: the right hemisphere is for analyzing space, the left is for verbal activity.

The more assigned the execution of a task to a certain part of the brain, the more effectively this task is performed and the more difficult it is to distract a person from its implementation. It is also easier for a person to do several things at one time if the actions performed are controlled by different brain centers. For example, speaking and looking at a map at the same time is easier for men, who have a specific cerebral hemisphere assigned to each task. For women, these tasks require the involvement of both hemispheres at once. Women's brain hemispheres exchange information much more actively than men's.

Chapter Four. Cradle of Differences

We come into the world with a brain formed in accordance with our gender. These features of brain activity are enhanced in the process of interaction with the outside world. There is a known case where a child was kept in complete isolation until he was 12 years old. For 12 years no one spoke to her, so she couldn’t speak either. Even after several years of special classes, she was still unable to learn to speak. During an important period of brain development, without the necessary stimulation, speech mechanisms could not develop correctly.

Children explore the world using their strongest abilities. Boys play like boys and girls play like girls, but these are not the stereotypes that society has built into them. They listen to themselves, their inner world and do what is important for the development of their brain. Boys are more willing to engage in games that develop their spatial skills, and girls are more likely to develop their interpersonal skills.

A newcomer to the playground will be greeted with friendliness and interest by girls and with indifference by boys. There will be irritation if a newcomer follows the boys, the girls will accept him into their group. Girls know and remember the names of their comrades, boys do not. Many boys take apart toys, girls do not do this. Boys are twice as fast as girls in collecting compound puzzle pictures and making half as many mistakes. They are interested in how things work.

For a boy, the world is something to be explored, challenged and experienced. The institution of school is deeply unnatural for the male mind. Girls learn to read faster. They are better equipped by nature to develop the auditory and motor skills needed to learn to read.” Four out of five children with dyslexia, a reading disability, are boys. The traditional explanation for boys' lagging behind in learning to read as laziness or stupidity is refuted by scientific data.

Dr Diana McGuinness writes: “Suppressing knowledge of sex differences in learning ability has done far more harm than good (...) it has led to the suffering of many boys, who are naturally slower to develop reading ability than girls. It’s even worse to see boys taking medication for a “disease” (hyperactivity) that doesn’t exist.”

In higher grades, when mathematics begins to pose more complex problems for girls, the fairer sex is more likely to experience an atrophy in their conceptual abilities.

Thus, the educational system, which previously suppressed the natural abilities of boys, transfers its negative impact to girls at a later stage of schooling. The only way out can only be separate education, taking into account all the developmental features of people of both sexes. Our ancestors were smarter and happier than us, because they did not argue with the laws of nature, but lived in accordance with them.

Chapter five. Age and brain

With the onset of adolescence, hormones begin the second stage of brain formation. The most important female hormones at this time are estrogen and progesterone. Boys have testosterone. Hormones actively influence the human brain and, with its help, change and “sculpt” the body. Hormonal levels are controlled by the hypothalamus, a part of the brain that was first noted by scientists as having a different structure in men and women. In men, its job is to keep testosterone at a given level. In women, everything is different; the hypothalamic-pituitary ligament sometimes works to enormously increase hormonal levels, and then lowers them. These hormonal fluctuations often coincide with fluctuations in mood. These fluctuations are cyclical and have a phase of approximately 28 days.

Historically, there has been a practice of turning a blind eye to the fact that hormones affect women's moods. In the good old days, men did not understand what was happening in a woman’s body, although traditionally the attitude towards a woman was as an emotional being. Then feminism, in its desire to make men out of women, in every possible way promoted the absence of any gender differences. However, the processes that occur during a woman’s menstrual cycle, setting in motion waves of chemical elements affecting the brain, are so significant that it would be absurd not to take them into account.

In the first half of the monthly cycle, a woman feels active and healthy, she is full of self-esteem and enthusiasm. During the second part of the cycle, the brain becomes more sluggish, and anxiety combined with feelings of fatigue can lead to depression.

Mental problems of women arising from hormonal fluctuations are historically a fairly new problem. Previously, women had a shorter reproductive period and spent more time bearing and feeding their children, so they had about ten menstrual cycles per century. A modern woman experiences between three and four hundred. It would be naive to believe that this state of affairs has a beneficial effect both on the psyche of modern women and on the health of peoples in general.

The most visible difference in the behavior of boys and girls is male aggressiveness. This is also explained not by social, but by biological reasons. The topics of books for boys and girls should be different so that both of them enjoy reading.

Hierarchy is directly related to these characteristics of the male mind, and “born leaders” always have higher levels of testosterone in the blood. Girls form their groups according to a different principle. They lack a visible leader.

Chapter six. Difference in ability

Since 1972, Boston Johns Hopkins University has been selecting the most mathematically gifted children aged 11 to 13 years. Based on testing, the following statistical results emerged: at the level of 420 to 500 points out of 800 possible, the number of boys exceeds the number of girls by 1.5 to 1. From 500 to 600 points - the ratio is already 2 to 1. From 600 to 700 points - 4 to 1. And finally, at the highest level of 700 points and above, the ratio is 13 boys to one girl. Male hormones enhance visual and spatial skills, while female hormones suppress them.

Men are preoccupied with things, theories and power. Women are more focused on people, morals and relationships. Such different priorities bring inevitable conflict. And this is what makes the relationship between the sexes so surprising and, at the same time, full of disappointments.

Chapter seven. Hearts and Minds

Physically, both men and women find things that are different about them attractive. Ask any man from any culture what he considers beautiful in a woman, the answer will be roundness in a woman, where his figure is flat, softness where he is hard and fullness where he is narrow. You will hear the same thing, exactly the opposite, from women. A man should be broad in the shoulders and narrow in the hips. However, we expect that opposite sexes should otherwise like each other because they are similar. For example, they both love restaurants, opera, hate smokers, etc. etc., but after some time it “unexpectedly” turns out that they are... completely different people. Thousands of marriages crash on a sharp reef, on which only one question is inscribed: “Why does he/she react to everything so “wrong””? Women miss relationships. Men - according to the sexual pleasures that these relationships bring.

Chapter eight. Mixed minds

East German scientist Dr. Günter Dorner has dedicated his life to studying the theory that exposure of the brain to various hormones during fetal development determines a person's sexual orientation. He believes that pederasty can be prevented through prenatal injections.

Dorner identifies three stages in the formation of “sexual centers.” Dorner's research has shown that each of these sexual centers can be affected to varying degrees during the process of its formation. The lower the concentration of male sex hormones, the more likely it is that a born boy will subsequently develop pederastic tendencies. At the same time, the increased level of male sex hormones in the case of girls being born forms the hypothalamus in such a way that sexual attraction to representatives of the same sex arises.

The hormonal theory explains why sexual deviations are much more common among men. The male brain must undergo a process of general reconstruction, “soaked” in male hormones, in order to change the naturally female structure, which is initially naturally present in everyone, regardless of subsequent gender, to male. Naturally, the process of restructuring provides much more opportunities for the erroneous development of events, in contrast to the female brain, which is not reconstructed, but only develops.

There is a theory about the social causes of pederasty. However, many studies that set themselves the goal of finding confirmation of it in real life only became convinced of its inconsistency.

So what's going wrong? Why might hormone levels be abnormal? It is known that stressful situations that pregnant women find themselves in reduce the level of male hormones in the womb. Another reason is medications. For example, barbiturates were prescribed to 25% of American women giving birth from the 1950s to the 1980s. Among the side effects are “psychological inadaptability, loss of male self-determination and gender-appropriate behavioral stereotypes in men.”

Chapter Nine. A marriage of minds

We believe that the lion's share of stress in marriage is caused by the misconception that men and women are essentially the same. One of the main problems that provokes the development of unhealthy relations between the sexes is the relatively recent emergence of joint education and upbringing of boys and girls. The same approach to raising both sexes creates a feeling of sameness in children. The subsequent marriage, accordingly, becomes a great shock both for this feeling and for the newlyweds themselves.

The idea that we are all born with an empty brain on which the social environment will write whatever it wants is nothing more than a despot's dream. As American Dr. Alice Rossi writes: “Diversity is a biological fact, while equality is a political, ethical and social principle.”

Liberalism argues that in a traditional, “outdated” society there is a double standard: why can something that is bad for women be acceptable for men? And the standards are truly double. Because the same action means completely different things and has different degrees of importance for them.

The fact that the institution of marriage is the norm among all peoples of the earth testifies to the complete triumph of female will and reason. From a purely biological point of view, he is completely contrary to the nature of men, with their Don Juan gluttony and desire to populate the entire earth.

Chapter ten. Why mothers are not fathers

Women's affection for children is an innate trait, men's is a phenomenon of social education. During pregnancy, progesterone levels increase a hundredfold. This female hormone supports and guides maternal instincts.

The difference between a woman's ability and attitude towards a child and that of a man again reflects the difference in the structure of their brains. In the relationship between a child and a parent, the mother will be more receptive to the nuances of his behavior, gestures and facial expressions and, thus, her help will be more effective and timely. Mothers perceive children as they are. Fathers - as they will be.

The modern woman has been imposed a male value system and this is manifested in the fact that women who devote themselves to home and children feel inferior. Meanwhile, only thanks to these women the family lives a full life, and the children develop normally.

The tragedy of the differences between men and women is that the very existence of these differences is either denied, suppressed or misused. Meanwhile, their correct use can bring amazing results. Business negotiations, for example, are most often a man's business, and here a man has an advantage due to his competitive aggressiveness. But connect a woman to them, and she will reveal completely new aspects of the matter. Using her x-ray of her emotional state, she can easily determine the nuances of behavior and tone of voice of the opposite side that are invisible to the male eye. Union negotiations and human resources management are huge areas in which women can invest their talent.

It is interesting that women who have achieved heights in promoting their own businesses do not share the views of the feminist movement. They define the main drawback of feminism as the complete transfer of male views and ideals to women, the denial of the very feminine essence. Feminists confuse equality with sameness, which are two different things. It's time for all of us to realize and learn to respect our differences. Only a society where everyone takes his place and develops the abilities given to him has the right to life and to the future.

A man is the head, a woman is his neck. From time immemorial in Rus' it was said this way. Why? Yes, because a woman complements a man. If we take the Biblical story of the creation of the world, we will learn about the origin of Eve. It was created from Adam's rib. To become a faithful wife and helper.

What are the differences between a man and a woman? In what ways do they complement each other, and in what areas can they not find understanding? Read and find out.


Let's start with the simplest. With differences between men and representatives of the weaker sex of a physiological nature.

The physiological differences between men and women are as follows.

  • Men are taller than ladies, as a rule. They have a more elongated chest cage.
  • The chest of women is rounded and the pelvis is wider than that of men.
  • In females, the thyroid gland is larger. And more active than those of brothers and husbands.
  • Women have at least 20% fewer blood cells. That's why they faint more often than the stronger sex. Due to lack of oxygen.
  • Also, a man’s brain weight is much higher than a woman’s “weight.”
  • But females can boast of a large pons. It is 10 times more than that of the male population of the planet.


At the moment of conception, our biological sex is already predetermined. This is where the fun begins. Biological differences between a man and a woman appear even when the child is in the mother’s belly.

It is known that the brains of boys and girls are different. This will be discussed below, but for now let’s return to our biology. So, already two months after conception, the male embryo begins to develop in the desired biological direction. There is a huge supply of testosterone. As a result, during an ultrasound, the happy parents are told that they will have a son. This is very healthy, but testosterone kills most of the communication brain centers.

The boys' mothers probably noticed: their very tiny son was lying in his crib. You approach him, he focuses his gaze on his face. And then, happily, he switches his attention to some moving object. This could be a hanging toy, or a rattle that a mother shakes over her son.

Girls, in this regard, are more collected. They can carefully examine the mother's face, studying every detail. She herself is still tiny, but she already shows close attention.

Biological differences between men and women are inherent in nature. For example, in the 90s of the last century such a case thundered. Once upon a time there was a girl named Brenda. A sweet child who couldn't accept being a girl. The girly outfits were frankly infuriating, and playing with dolls made me nauseous. And I didn’t like the chatter of my girlfriends. Games with boys, cars and guns are another matter.

Time passed, Brenda turned 14 years old. This is where the truth came out. Brenda is a boy. The fact is that in infancy a boy named David was circumcised. This led to problems with the primary male characteristic. The parents decided to change the gender of their child.

When Brenda-David learned the truth, he transformed back into a man. Now married, has children and grandchildren.


Everyone knows about the differences between the brains of men and women. At least in school, during anatomy lessons, we were told that a man’s brain is 10% larger than a woman’s. Accordingly, it is heavier.

But among the fair sex it is much more active. Only scientists have not yet decided whether this is good or bad. The fact is that the female brain is in a state of activity even in sleep.

Very often, married women have to deal with the situation: the child woke up in the morning, plays next to the bed or on the bed. The light is on in the room, and dad is sleeping, covering his head with a blanket. He also snores. His brain does not react at all to external stimuli.

What is this connected with? With the fact that only 5% of the brain is active in men during sleep. And for women - 70%. Therefore, there is no need to be offended by a young father who continues to snore while the child cries. He does not hear this crying, unlike his lightly sleeping mother.

The differences between men and women are that the former have a more developed parietal cortex. It is responsible for spatial perception. And it is very well developed which reacts to danger. That is why, in a stressful situation, the male population makes decisions faster.

Psychological differences

Psychological differences between men and women are evident even in childhood. You know, there is such a joke. Two comrades are standing in the cold, their ears are already red. But they don’t wear hats. “Why do I need a hat?” says one, “I can handle the cold just fine.” And the second one adds: “I don’t need a hat, it’ll ruin my whole hair.”

Who is a boy and who is a girl is immediately clear. Men are believed to be less emotional. Although modern young people, raised by their mothers, have become worse than women. But these are defective copies. A real man doesn't whine or drool. He is a provider, able to protect himself and his family if necessary.

Men are more aggressive than women. They love open power and do not tolerate submission at all.

Representatives of the fair sex are more tender and emotional. It costs them nothing to shed a tear. No, of course, there are girls whom you can’t get emotional. They are independent and determined. But the strength of a real woman is in her weakness.

And if a man loves open power, then a woman rules quietly. At first glance, the husband will not understand that he has been in the power of his wife for a long time.

Women are more attached to family and home than the stronger sex.

Social differences

Just a century ago there could be no talk of social equality between men and women. The man worked and got food. And the woman was busy with housework and giving birth to children.

These are different times. Women have become independent, and those professions that were previously considered purely masculine are now perfectly suitable for women.

Social differences between men and women are almost invisible. Although there are still jobs for which the fair sex is not hired. There are 456 such professions in Russia. Let's list the main ones:

  • truck driver;
  • captain of the ship;
  • electric train driver;
  • a carpenter;
  • diver.

Of course, nothing can stop a determined representative of the fair sex. And women achieve that they get prohibited work. True, for this they have to apply to various organizations for permission. The matter goes all the way to the UN.

We talked about the real differences between a man and a woman. Now, let's highlight a few interesting facts regarding this issue:

Something else

It's no secret that young ladies are much more emotional and selfish. On the one hand, they give all of themselves to their family. But on the other hand, if they set a goal to achieve something, without washing, they will achieve it by skating.

Men often act bluntly rather than in a veiled manner. The latter is a female preference.

Representatives of the strong are much less vindictive than charming young ladies. They are able to remember some little thing after many years.


This is what the main differences between a man and a woman look like. How different we are after all. And this is good: a woman complements a man, and a man balances the beautiful creature. If everyone were the same, it would be boring.
