Determination of the gender of proper names. Gender of nouns

Gender of nouns is a grammatical category, manifested in the ability of nouns to be combined with specific forms of compatible words. The category of gender can be expressed semantically (that is, in meaning, only for animate nouns), grammatically and syntactically. Semantically, all nouns are masculine, feminine and neuter. Words referring to animals and males refer to masculine u (brother, grandfather, student, goose, rooster, horse); nouns naming animals and female persons (sister, grandmother, student, goose, chicken, horse) – to feminine; animals and persons regardless of gender (bogeyman, monster, face (human), child) - to the neuter gender.

The gender of nouns is expressed grammatically by ending in the nominative case. This category of gender is characteristic of both animate and inanimate inflected nouns. In this case, in addition to the 3 main genera, a general genus is also distinguished. The differences between them are presented in the table:



Neuter gender

Common gender

The ending is zero, the stem ends with a hard consonant or -th (chair, hero);

The ending is zero, the stem ends with a soft consonant, and in the genitive case the endings are -а, -я (horse - horse, doctor - doctor, ivy - ivy).

The ending -a, -ya (hand, earth), except for words naming male persons (servant, governor) and words with the suffix –in, indicating an augmentative subjective assessment (domina, mostina);

The ending is zero, the stem ends with a consonant, and in the genitive case the ending is -i (rye - rye, tish - tishi, notebook - notebooks).

Ending -o, -e (grain, sea);

The words child, monster, monster, face;

10 indeclinable nouns ending in -mya (tribe, time, name, banner, seed, stirrup, udder, crown, burden, flame);

Some indeclinable inanimate nouns of foreign origin (tabu, taxi, jury, stew, interview, bra).

The endings -a, -ya, in words naming male and female persons (sleepyhead, grumpy, dirty, bully, stutterer, couch potato, orphan, suck-up, roar, ignorant).

The gender of nouns can be determined syntactically by the form of the agreed word, which depends on the noun. Thus, participles, adjectives, ordinal numbers that agree with masculine nouns end in -y, -y, -oy ( beautiful garden, singing boy, fighting soldier); with feminine nouns – in -aya, -aya ( beautiful street, summer time); with neuter nouns - on -oe, -ee (beautiful sky, winter morning). Also, the gender of nouns is determined using the ending of the predicate, expressed by a verb in the past tense in the subjunctive or indicative mood, or by a participle or short adjective. Masculine – the predicate has a zero ending (the rain has passed, the plan has been completed); feminine gender – ending -a (the work is finished, the moon has risen); neuter gender– ending -o (the letter was received, the sun rose).

There are also indeclinable nouns. Most of them belong to the neuter gender (depot, interview and all substantivized indeclinable nouns like “hello”, “hurray”, “yes”, “tomorrow”, “I don’t want”). The following cases are exceptions:

Ga (hectare), coffee, poppies, penalty, suluguni, sirocco, equ, tornado, shimmy, as well as names of languages ​​(Bengali, Urdu, Suomi, Pashto, Hindi) are masculine;

Avenue, bere, salami, kohlrabi are feminine.

Gender of indeclinable nouns such as geographical names, the names of newspapers and magazines can be determined by the gender of the noun with the meaning of a generic concept (full (lake) Ontario, Japanese (city) Tokyo, wide (river) Mississippi, published (newspaper) “The Times”). The gender of abbreviations must be determined by the gender of the main word (MSU - masculine - Moscow State University; UN - feminine - United Nations; CIS - neuter - Commonwealth of Independent States). It is impossible to establish the gender of nouns that are not used in the singular, but only in the plural, since they do not have a gender category (trousers, pitchforks, pasta, manger).

2. Determination of the type of abbreviations

Abbreviation as a way of forming new words by shortening the original complex phrase is relatively new for the Russian language. The beginning of mass abbreviation dates back to the 20s of the twentieth century, when many new institutions with long names. At the same time, there was a need to denote them in abbreviations. For example: Moscow Art Theater, RSFSR, NEP; ROSTA windows(Russian Telegraph Agency.

Abbreviation as a method of word formation does not disappear; the number of abbreviations is growing, despite the protests of writers, journalists, and other representatives of the Russian-speaking intelligentsia, who from the very beginning criticized complex abbreviated words for their cumbersome, often dissonant nature. This method remains one of the most powerful and persistent linguistic processes of our time, as it reflects the dynamic nature modern history. Abbreviation is not actually Russian, but a universal way of word formation, characteristic of many national languages.

At the first stage of their formation, abbreviations demonstrated the meaning of the gender of the core word of the original phrase. So, Moscow Art Theater is consistent in the masculine gender in accordance with the gender of the reference word (Moscow Art Academic theater them. M. Gorky); RSFSR– in women's (Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic); housing department– neuter (housing and maintenance control).

However, over almost a century of active functioning, abbreviations have been divided into two groups according to the method of formation, which acquire the meaning of gender in different ways.

Letter abbreviations, formed using the initial letters of the original name, retain the meaning of the gender of the stem word. For example: MSU, KPP, USSR, ICTs - male; ORT, CIS, Ministry of Emergency Situations, Design Bureau - average; LDPR, GTS, FSB – female. From the very beginning of its formation, a letter abbreviation acquires the status neologism- a new word that does not fit into the grammatical system of a given word national language. Indeed, neoplasms like NTV, CSKA, EVM, GRU, UMPO does not correspond to the phonetic appearance of the Russian word, since in their structure there is no harmonious alternation of vowels and consonants. These words are pronounced by letter: Ministry of Emergency Situations[um-che-es], checkpoint[ka-pe-pe]. That's why letter abbreviations fall into the category of unchangeable words, and to determine their gender it is necessary to “reveal” their outer shell - decipher it, restoring the original phrase, find the core word and only after that carry out coordination with dependent words in accordance with the gender of the core word. For example: take me to the first checkpoint(checkpoint); GTS(city telephone exchange) has not yet concluded an agreement with the new enterprise; UMPO(Ufa Engine Production Association) completely restored the previous volume of production orders.

Sound abbreviations are formed by merging the initial sounds of the original name: university, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, registry office, hydroelectric power station, housing office, ROE, GUNO, Labor Code, NOTES, RIO, traffic police, media, FIFA, TsGALI. Sound abbreviations show significant variations in gender.

If the appearance of a new word is a harmonious alternation of vowels and consonants, such as SGS, SGSG, SGSS, then the abbreviation quickly adapts in the linguistic environment, speakers begin to change this word in number and case, and also form new derivatives from it. This is what happened with abbreviations. University, Civil Registry Office, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Central Election Commission. Due to the frequency of use, some sound abbreviations were written using lowercase letters, since speakers almost completely lost the connection between their appearance and the content of the original name. Compare: study at a technical university, the best universities in the country, university textbooks; go to the new registry office, documents from the registry office; The Russian Foreign Ministry stated...; representatives of the Central Election Commission.

Another reason for fluctuations in grammatical gender was the very difficulty of etymological deciphering the original phrase, which served as the basis for the creation of one or another abbreviation. K. S. Gorbachevich, author of the textbook “Norms of the Modern Russian Literary Language,” interviewed dozens of people (of course, not medical specialists) regarding the grammatical gender of the well-known abbreviation ROE. Compare: take blood for ROE, he has an elevated ROE. Almost everyone classified this compound word as neuter (according to formal sign). Few people remembered (and some did not know) about the core word of the abbreviation: ROE - reaction erythrocyte sedimentation. Here K. S. Gorbachevich notes: “Apparently, the rule itself, which prescribes an abbreviation to have the grammatical gender of its core word, needs to be revised.”

Thus, the type of sound abbreviations, similar in phonetic structure to ordinary Russian words, is determined formally - by the last sound of the stem. Nouns Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Housing Office, University, Registry Office, BAM, similar to monosyllabic masculine words such as house, poppy, ace, century, cake, function as masculine names: our housing office(housing maintenance office), prestigious university(higher education institution), city ​​registry office(civil registration), unfinished BAM(Baikal-Amur Mainline). Nouns ROE, ESR, RONO, RIO were automatically related to neuter names, such as hay, window, sky: increased ESR(erythrocyte sedimentation rate) , RONO(district department public education) sent documents, RIO(editorial and publishing department) provided comments. IN Lately sound abbreviations appeared, having the form of a feminine noun: TEA(Freight forwarding agency), ASTA(astatic ammeter). They are used in the text as feminine names: TEA was created; ACTA was used in the study.

The contradiction that arises between the etymological meaning of the gender (the meaning of the gender of the core word) and the new formal motivation of the gender leads to such a phenomenon as fluctuations in the use of one or another gender. For example: Ministry of Foreign Affairs(Ministry of Foreign Affairs) stated And stated; ITAR-TASS(Information Telegraph Agency of Russia - Telegraph Agency of Sovereign Countries) reported And reported. Observations show that the inflected option predominates in colloquial speech. It gradually replaces the indeclinable version when using sound abbreviations. However, in strict official documents the meaning of the gender of the core word and the indeclinable variant are retained. Compare: Foreign Ministry statement(in official document) – documents from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs(in oral speech).

If a sound abbreviation has no analogies in the language, that is, does not correspond in its sound structure to ordinary nouns, such neologisms retain the meaning of the gender of the core word and function as unchangeable names. For example: modernized automated control system(automated control system), ultrasound scheduled(ultrasonography), UN(United Nations) organized a press conference, UGATU(Ufa State Aviation Technical University) sent the documents.

For borrowed sound abbreviations, the gender is most often determined by its external form: wonderful FIAT(tracing paper from Italian FabrikaitalianadiautomobilediTorino), DEFA released New film (from German DeutscheFilmatellier studio). The exception is NATO, w(North Atlantic Treaty Organization from English NorthAtlanticTreatyOrganization) And UNESCO(United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization from English United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization).

Thus, the holistic perception of a sound abbreviation as an independent word, easily subsumed by a morphological feature (the final sound of the stem) under one or another categorial-gender category of nouns, as well as the difficulty of establishing a core word (sometimes completely forgetting it) lead to a significant movement of abbreviations in relation to clan affiliation.

One of the pressing problems of speech culture is the creation of dissonant abbreviations and compound words. IN Soviet time such abbreviations as scrub(school worker), Minbumdrevprom(Ministry of Paper and Wood Processing Industry), UzODKS(Uzbek Friendship Society and cultural connection With foreign countries). Cacophonous neologisms still appear today (State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, RUBOP, Paper Products). To eliminate this problem, it is necessary to remember that an abbreviation is the result of the word-creating activity of the speakers themselves. Dissonant abbreviated names appear as a result of the indifferent attitude of their creators to language and speech, and in general - as a result of the aesthetic illegibility of a native speaker.

Gender of nouns

(das Geschlecht der Substantive)

Noun in German, just like in Russian, can be masculine (Maskulinum), feminine (Femininum) and neuter (Neutrum).

It varies by case and has singular (Singular) and plural (Plural) forms. The gender of nouns in German and Russian can be the same.


der Tisch - table

die Tasse - cup

das Fenster - window

Often the gender of nouns does not match. Compare: der Staat - state, das Buch - book, die Stadt - city.

The gender of nouns in German can be determined by meaning and suffixes.

Determining the gender of nouns by meaning

TO masculine relate:

1. Words meaning:

a) masculine persons:

der Mann - man, der Held - hero, der Junge - boy;

b) masculine animals: der Bär - bear, der Lowe - a lion.

2. Titles

a) seasons:

der Winter - winter, der Frühling - spring, der Sommer - summer, der Herbst - autumn;

b) months:

der Januar - January, der February - February, der März - March and etc.;

c) days of the week:

der Montag - Monday, der Dienstag - Tuesday, der Mittwoch - Wednesday and etc.;

d) parts of the day:

der Tag - day, der Abend - evening, der Morgen - morning.

3. Names of celestial bodies (common and proper): der Stern - star, der Planet - planet, der Mond - moon, der Mars - Mars, but: die Venus - Venus.

4. Names of parts of the world:

der Norden - north, der Süden - south, der Osten - East, der Westen - west.

5. Names of many mountains:

der Ural - Ural, der Harz - Harz, der Olymp - Olympus.

6. Names of precipitation:

der Regen - rain der Schnee - snow, der Hagel - hail

7. Titles monetary units:

der Rubel - ruble der Schilling - shilling, der Pfennig - pfenning, but die Mark - brand, die Kopeke - kopek, die Krone - crown.

TO feminine relate:

l. Words meaning:

a) female persons:

die Frau - woman, die Mutter - mother, die Tochter - daughter;

b) female animals:

die Kuh - cow, die Katze - cat, but das Huhn - chicken, das Schaf - sheep;

and the names of most of the trees and flowers:

die Tanne - spruce, die Linde - Linden, die Tulpe - tulip.

2. Names of many fruits and berries:

die Birne - pear, die Tomate - tomato, die Nuß - nut, but der Apfel - apple, der Pfirsich - peach.

3. Most of the ship names:

die Russia - Russia, die Titanik - Titanic.

TO neuter relate :

1. Names of children and cubs:

das Kind - child, das Lamm - lamb, das Ferkel - piglet.

2. Names of most countries:

das Russland - Russia, das Germany - Germany, das Österreich - Austria, das Frankreich - France.

3. Names of cities: (das) Moskau, (das) Berlin, (das) Wien.

Determining gender by form (by suffixes)

TO male

-er, -ner, -ler, -ling, -el, -at, -et, -ant, -ent, -ist, -ismus, -är, -ier, -eur, -or, -ot, -it .

For example:

der Flieger - pilot, der Redner - speaker, der Poet - poet, der Jüngling - young man, der Graduate - graduate student, der Student - student, der Official - Officer, der Ingenieur - engineer, der Professor - Professor, der Patriot - patriot.

TO female Gender includes nouns with suffixes:

-in, -ung, -heit, -keit, -schaft, -el, -ei, -ie, -ik, -ion, -tion, -tät, -ur.

For example: die Lehrerin - teacher, die Bildung - education, die Freiheit - Liberty, die Tapferkeit - bravery, die Studentenschaft - students, die Malerei - painting, die Poesie - poetry, die Politic - policy, die Union - union, die Universität - university, die Natur - nature.

TO average Gender includes nouns with suffixes:

-chen, -lein, -tel, -um, -ment, -nis.

For example: das Mädchen - girl, das Tischchen - table, das Büchlein - little book, das Drittel - third, das Studio - studies, das Parliament - parliament, das Ereignis - event.

Determining the gender of a noun

Rule Wrong option Correct option
1. Indeclinable (unchangeable by case) nouns that mean:
Inanimate objects are neuter. Exceptions: avenue, broccoli, salami, kohlrabi(f.r); penalty(m.r.); coffee(m.i.s.r.) Beautiful sconce, fashionable cap Beautiful sconce, fashionable cap
Person - refers to the masculine or feminine gender, depending on the real gender of the designated person. Note: vis-a-vis, protégé – words of a general gender nice bourgeois dear fraulein nice bourgeois dear fraulein
Animals are masculine. Exceptions: 1) Iwasi, Tsetse– female birth; 2) the feminine gender may include designations of a female animal (such as kangaroo feeding baby) little pony big zebu little Pony big zebu
Geographical concepts- belong to the same genus as common nouns, denoting generic concepts. For example: Sochi – m.r. (because it’s a city), Eri - s.r. (because lake ). But: Mali - s.r. (because the state) and w.r. (because country) old Tbilisi old Tbilisi
The names of press organs belong to the same gender as the corresponding noun denoting a generic concept. For example: "Figaro Literary"– m.r. (because it's a magazine), "News Chronicle"– f.r. (because newspaper) these "Humanite" this "Humanité"
2. Indeclinable abbreviations belong to the same grammatical gender as key word in a phrase. For example: MSU – m.r. (because university); NPP– f.r. (because it is a station).
distant USA distant USA
3. Declinable abbreviations (such as TASS, VAK, TUZ) are masculine
TASS reported... TASS reported...
4. The gender of inflected nouns with a zero ending such as swan, shampoo is determined by the dictionary. For example: piano, tulle, shampoo– m.r.; corn, parcel, utensil– f.r. Note: report card– m.r., but in a phrase table of ranks– f.r.
admiring the swan old callus admiring the swan old callus

How to determine the gender of a noun?

How is the gender of nouns determined?


The gender of nouns is quite easy to determine.

Nouns female genders end in and I.(My Mother- the most best mom in the world. Noun - Mother refers to feminine nouns).

Nouns male genders end in hard consonant.(Today I dreamed of a beautiful dream. Noun - dream refers to masculine nouns).

Nouns average genders end in oh, yeah (Window it was open and you could hear him talking to someone. Noun - window refers to neuter nouns).

However, we should not forget about the gender of indeclinable nouns.

Here is information from Russian grammar for foreigners:

In general, indeed, the gender in most cases is determined by the ending. However, there are very, very many exceptions, so there is no need to talk about rules at all. Eg:

Masculine: nouns ending in:

  • hard consonant - gender, chair;
  • soft consonant (including th) - nail, fire, January, hero; ( what about "baldness"?)
  • zh, sh, h, shch (without a soft sign) - knife, pencil, key, cloak.

Feminine: nouns ending in:

a) -a, -i, -iya - country, land, party ( But what about the man, uncle, Vanya?);

b) soft consonant - spruce, bed, square, laziness ( what about the stump?);

c) f, w, h, sch (with a soft sign) - rye, mouse, night, speech, help.

Neuter: nouns ending in:

a) -o, -e, -e, -ie - window, towel, gun, splendor;

b) -me - time, banner, flame.

So, the rules are best met by neuter nouns, and in order to determine the masculine and feminine gender, foreigners are advised to consult the instructions in the dictionary.


You need to ask a question regarding a specific word, the gender of which needs to be determined: WHOSE / WHOSE / WHOSE is it / she / he, respectively?

I remember how we asked this question in class in chorus and also answered it together: it’s mine (neuter), she’s mine (feminine) or he’s mine (male).

The ending of the noun will not be particularly helpful in this matter, since, for example, often masculine words also have the so-called “feminine” ending “a”: manA, grandfather, etc.


At school we were taught this:

If the word has a possessive form - HE IS MINE, then this is of course masculine.

If this very form sounds like - SHE IS MINE, then this is certain feminine.

And finally, if the word fits the wording - IT'S MINE, then this is certain neuter gender.

gender is determined by ending

feminine - ending a, zero (you can substitute she is mine)

masculine - zero ending (HE'S MY)

neuter - ending zero, ee (it's mine)


In order to understand how to determine the gender of a noun, for clarity, let's use this picture

Now we see that to determine the gender of a noun, we can at help auxiliary words. But this is not the only thing that will help us. To determine the gender, we can also use hints in the form of the ending of a word. As a rule, feminine nouns have an ending in the form of “a” or “ya”, the neuter one has the endings “e” or “i”, but the masculine one either does not have an ending at all, or ends in “b” or a consonant.

But. In any rule, there is what is called an exception. When determining the gender of a noun, there are also “buts”, that is, exceptions that must be remembered.


Determining the gender of nouns by their ending is not entirely correct.

And all because many words that end in a vowel (for example, -a-, -ya-, etc.)) are not always feminine.

And nouns that end with soft sign, can be either feminine or masculine.

To determine the gender of a noun, it is best to resort to the help of other parts of speech: an adjective or a pronoun.

Dad is mine; strict dad (masculine); the horse is mine; gray horse (masculine); the shadow is mine; small shadow (feminine), etc.

Thus, auxiliary words will help determine the gender of a noun.

In order to determine the gender of a particular noun, you simply need to agree or simply apply the pronouns with it: mine, mine or my, or replace it with the word: he, she or it:

Thus, we get one of the three genders that exist in the Russian language.

For greater clarity and memorization, I will give below a table diagram, by referring to which you can quickly and correctly determine the desired genus.


In order to determine the gender of a noun, it is worth resorting to the use of auxiliary words, which will help determine the gender of the noun.

As for such auxiliary words, they are listed in this tablet:

It turns out that if we take the word “man”, then to determine the gender we substitute the auxiliary word “he is a man” and we get the masculine gender accordingly.

Well-read Doug

Back in school, we were taught to determine the gender of a noun by asking the appropriate question to it.

Example: Pen whose? - My! This means that the noun “handle” is feminine.

Chair whose? - My! Here the noun chair is masculine. There is also the neuter gender and it answers the question " whose". For example, the task " whose"? My!


The gender of a noun is determined by the ending of the word.

The feminine gender has the endings a\я_\ Additional question: she is mine

The masculine gender ends in _\ (zero). Helpful question: he's mine

The neuter gender has the ending u\e_. Additional question: it's mine.

In this lesson, you will learn what types of nouns are, practice determining the gender of nouns in the singular and plural, and observe the gender endings of nouns. Why is gender constant sign nouns? Which nouns cannot be gendered? Are there common nouns? You can get answers to these questions in class.


Our ancestors, the ancient Slavs, once divided all things and beings into three classes - masculine, feminine, and "material" (or "material"). They deified many objects, giving them a feminine or masculine gender.

For example, the word child - material kind among the ancient Slavs. Children at all times did not have the right to own personal property. (V. Volina)

Do you know that there are languages ​​in whichNouns have no gender. These are English, Finnish, Turkish, Chinese, Japanese and others.

There are languages ​​in which nouns only havetwo kinds. These are French, Spanish, Italian.

There are languages ​​in whichthere are many more genders than in our language.

For example, in many languages ​​of the peoples of the Caucasus and Africa there can be up to 40 genders. They are called “classes” there. (N. Betenkova)

Lesson topic: “Gender of nouns. Generic endings nouns."

How to find out the gender of nouns

Read the nouns. Which ones are called men and which ones are women?

Grandfather, mother, sister, father, grandmother, son, brother, granddaughter, uncle, aunt, daughter, great-grandfather, man, woman.

In Russian, nouns are masculine and feminine. What kind of words did we write in each column?





great grandfather


These are masculine words, since you can substitute the word He.

These are feminine words, since you can substitute the word she.

What word can be substituted for these words?

Wheel, hollow, insect, towel - IT. These are neuter words.

Nouns There are masculine, feminine and neuter genders. The gender of nouns is determined by substituting pronouns.

To nouns male you can substitute words he is mine.

To nouns female you can substitute words She is mine.

To nouns neuter you can substitute words it's mine.

Determining the gender of nouns in the plural

If it is necessary to determine the gender of a noun used in the plural, the word is first put in the singular, in the initial form. The initial form of a noun answers the questions who? What?

The cranes have flown away

And the rooks are already far away.

We didn’t have time to look back,

Blizzards stirred up the snow. (Vl. Prikhodko)

Cranes- plural, initial form - who? crane, he, m.r.

Rooks- plural, initial form - who? rook, he, m.r.

Blizzards- plural, beginning form - what? blizzard, she, f.r.

Snow- in units, beginning form - what? snow, he, m.r.

Why is gender a constant feature of nouns?

If a noun is, for example, feminine, can it be masculine or neuter?

Nouns are already born with masculine, feminine or neuter words. They do not change by birth. This is why gender is a constant feature of nouns.


Sketched by the sky

White snowdrifts.

The sun burned them out

Doors and windows.(I. Zagraevskaya)

March- he, m.r.

Sky- it, s.r.

Snowdrifts- plural, beginning form - what? snowdrift, he, m.r.

Sun- it, s.r.

Doors- plural, beginning form - what? door, she, f.r.

Okonta- plural, beginning form - what? window, it, w.r.

Which nouns cannot be gendered?

Eyes, curlers, blinds, mustaches, sleds, skis, skates, vacations.

Eyes- What? eye, it, w.r.

Curlers, blinds

Mustache- What? mustache, he, m.r.

Sled- cannot be used in the singular.

Skis- What? ski, she, f.r.

Skates- What? horse, he, m.r.

Holidays- cannot be used in the singular.

For nouns that do not have a singular form, gender cannot be determined.

For example, trousers, tongs, scissors, day, cream, sawdust, ink, hide and seek, chess, yeast, pincers, twilight.

Common nouns

Interesting nouns: orphan, smart girl, crybaby.

Smart girl- who can be praised with this word, a boy or a girl?

Compare: He was an orphan. She was an orphan.

These nouns, depending on specific circumstances, can act as masculine nouns (He was so smart!), then as feminine nouns(She was so smart!)

These are nouns of a general kind.

Let's pick some more common nouns: ringleader, fidgety, quiet, why, arrogant, sweet tooth.

Gender endings of nouns

What endings can nouns have in the masculine, feminine and neuter gender?

dad A

Slav A

uncle I

You I

daughter A

natures A

Dash A

tet I


movements e

fun e

belle e

Borodin O

lace O

canvas O

Complete the diagram: write the endings.

For nouns male more often endings -a, -i, and zero.

For nouns feminine endings -а, -я and zero.

For nouns Neuter endings -о, -е, -е.

(Some nouns ending -i, For example, dit I, flame I, time I ).

What do words have in common - masculine, feminine and neuter nouns?

In nouns masculine and feminine may have the same endings -a, -i, zero.

Is it possible to determine the gender of nouns only by the ending?

Solving a spelling problem at the end of nouns

Jam_, rainbow_, cave_, swamp_, clearing_, knee_, wheel_, patronymic_, lake_.

Knowing the gender of the noun, substituting words it, she, you can solve a spelling problem at the end, write the letter of an unstressed vowel correctly.

Jam_ ono, ending -o,

rainbow_ ona, ending -a,

caves_ ona, ending -a,

swamps_ ono, ending -o,

glade_ ona, ending -a,

knee_, wheel_, patronymic_, lake_ onό, ending -o.

Jam O, rainbow A, caves A, swamps O, glade A, knees O, wheel O, middle names O, lakes O.

How are borrowed words distributed by gender?

In Russian the word Sun- neuter.

In German the word Sun- feminine (“di zonne”).

The English just say "san" ( Sun), without attributing this noun to any of the existing genders.

The French Sun- masculine (“le soleil”).

In Spanish "el sol" Sun- male.

How are words distributed by gender that came from other languages, that is borrowed words?

In russian language Borrowed words retain the gender they had in the foreign language.

This explains the fact that in modern Russian the words piano, coffee, kangaroo belong to the masculine gender;

somersault, chassis, domino- to the neuter gender, and the word shawl- to the feminine gender.

Nouns borrowed from languages ​​that have no gender receive it in Russian: basketball, football(from English) - masculine.

We look for nouns, determine their gender

Check yourself. Find nouns and determine their gender.

Who wrote what?

Once upon a time there was no paper. The first manuscripts appeared on clay tablets. In the east, paper was replaced by ivory. Animal skin - parchment - was often used for writing. IN Ancient Rus' They wrote on birch bark and birch bark.

paper- paper, liquid,

manuscripts- manuscript, journal,

on signs- plate, w.r.,

in the east- east, m.r.,

paper- paper, liquid,

bone- f.r.,

for writing- letter, s.r.,

skin- leather, f.r.,

animals- animal, s.r.,

parchment- m.r.,

in Rus' - Rus, zh.r.,

on the bark- bark, f.r.,

birch bark- birch bark - f.r.


I will remember the feminine gender

And I will say: “She is mine.”

And I will remember the masculine gender

And again I will say: “He is mine.”

The neuter gender is mine!

This is your rule!(E. Semyonova)

In the lesson, you learned that if you need to determine the gender of a noun used in the plural, the word is first put in the singular, in the initial form.

Nouns do not change by gender.

For nouns that do not have a singular form, gender cannot be determined.


  1. M.S. Soloveychik, N. S. Kuzmenko “To the secrets of our language” Russian language: Textbook. 3rd grade: in 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2010.
  2. M.S. Soloveychik, N. S. Kuzmenko “To the secrets of our language” Russian language: Workbook. 3rd grade: in 3 parts. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2010.
  3. T. V. Koreshkova Test tasks In Russian. 3rd grade: in 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2011.
  4. T.V. Koreshkova Practice! Notebook for independent work in Russian for grade 3: in 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2011.
  5. L.V. Mashevskaya, L.V. Danbitskaya Creative tasks in the Russian language. - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2003.
  6. G.T. Dyachkova Olympic tasks in Russian. 3-4 grades. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2008.


  1. For these nouns, select nouns that are close in meaning. Please indicate gender.

    Ring - ...

    Strengthening -…

    Border - …

    Bay - …

    Luck - …

    A curtain - …

    Duty - …

    Silence -...
    Words for reference: heat, fortress, bay, success, silence, duty, ring, darkness, curtain, boundary.

  2. Read the text. Determine the gender of nouns.


    Lives at the Prague Zoo big gorilla. One morning the monkey suddenly fell ill. She refused to eat and moaned. The doctor decided that the animal had eaten too much. The gorilla was given medicine and left. The monkey recovered instantly. During the inspection, she pulled out a key from the caretaker's pocket. She opened the cage for them and began to walk around the zoo.

  3. Read the text. Find the nouns and write them in 3 columns:

    m.r., f. R. , Wed R.

    Petya is dreaming.

    If only there was soap

    It came

    In the mornings to my bed

    And it would wash me itself -

    That would be nice!

    If, let's say,


    Gave me such a textbook

    So that he would

    I could do it myself

    Answer any lesson...

    If only I had a pen,

    So that I can solve the problem,

    Write any dictation... (B. Zakhoder)

  1. Internet portal ().
  2. Internet portal ().
  3. Internet portal ().
  4. Internet portal ().

The gender of a noun refers to its lexico-grammatical categories. Morphological character gender is manifested in the ability of this part of speech to be combined with dependent words. Nouns related to different kinds, differ from each other in case endings during declension, word-formation structure and some lexical features. There are three forms of gender in the Russian language - masculine, feminine and neuter.

You will need


When determining the feminine gender of inanimate nouns, keep in mind that they have endings in the nominative singular form -a, -я (wall, will) and zero if the noun ends in a soft sign (rye). For animate nouns, the defining feature is that they belong to female creatures (girl, cat). To avoid confusing the endings of feminine and masculine nouns, substitute the pronouns “she, mine” to check. For example, a song (she, mine).

Determine the masculine gender of nouns based on the ending of the initial form: zero for words ending with a consonant (house, table), -a, -ya for animate nouns naming male creatures (uncle, Seryozha). In order not to confuse the gender of nouns ending in a soft sign, also substitute the pronoun “he, my” (stump, day) to check.

Determine neuter nouns by the endings of the initial form -о, -е and by substituting the pronouns “it, mine” (field, window). Please note that the group of indeclinable nouns ending in the combination -mya also belongs to the neuter gender (tribe, seed, etc.). Among neuter nouns there are almost no animate ones, their number is very small (child, creature, animal).

Among nouns, there are several special groups, the determination of gender in which is difficult. These include common nouns, indeclinables and compound words.
Correlate the meanings of common nouns with their belonging to animate objects of the female or male gender. For example, a slob girl (feminine), an arrogant boy (masculine). General nouns include those that denote the qualities of people (glutton, ignorant, crybaby) or the names of persons by profession, position, occupation (architect Ivanov - architect Ivanova).

Keep in mind that the gender of indeclinable nouns is related to their animate/inanimate nature, specific/generic concept. For animate indeclinable nouns, determine gender by gender (Monsieur, Miss). Nouns that give names to animals and birds are masculine (pony, kangaroo, cockatoo). Inanimate ones usually belong to the neuter gender (coat, muffler). Exceptions are words whose gender is determined by association with generic names: kohlrabi - cabbage (feminine), Hindi - language (masculine), etc.

What is gender in relation to the Russian language, how many genders are there in the Russian language and which ones are distinguished?

Schoolchildren begin to become familiar with this category in primary school, gradually deepening and consolidating their knowledge. In the fifth grade, information about the genus is replenished and consolidated on more complex material.

How many genders are there in Russian?

The following system is presented in Russian:

  • Feminine gender.
  • Masculine.
  • Neuter gender.
  • Common gender.

The gender of words used only in the plural is not determined.

How many genders does a noun have in Russian?

To determine the gender of a noun, we ask a semantic question about this word: is it mine? She is mine? is it mine?

As can be seen from the table, gender is determined only for singular nouns. Nouns used only in the plural (trousers, glasses, sleigh) are outside the category of gender.

When determining the gender of nouns, schoolchildren often have difficulty with words like “knowledgeable”, “clever”, “fidget” and the like. For example: he was a big fidget and she was a big fidget. Are these words feminine or masculine? This is where the question posed in the title arises: how many genders are there in the Russian language? Scientists have two points of view on this matter: some classify them as masculine or feminine, depending on the context, others classify such words into a special gender - general.

Indeclinable foreign language nouns also cause difficulties. In writing, they resemble words related to the neuter gender. Indeed, most of them belong precisely to this genus, but there are (let's say) exceptions to the rule.

Yes, according to literary norm, the noun "coffee" is masculine. It would be incorrect to say “my coffee.” This is a mistake, the correct option is “my coffee”.

The noun "euro", by analogy with other names of monetary units, is masculine. By the same principle, the nouns “suluguni”, “sirocco”, “penalty” refer to the masculine. Based on the same analogy, the nouns "avenue", "salami", "kohlrabi" are feminine.

If you have any doubts about the gender of a noun, you should consult Russian dictionaries.

How to determine the gender of an adjective?

Unlike a noun, for which the gender category is unchangeable, for an adjective it is a changeable category and is determined depending on the context. The rule by which the gender of this part of speech is determined is as follows: the gender of the adjective is determined by the word being defined, that is, by the noun.

For example:

  • The girl was wearing a beautiful (s.r.) dress. (“Dress” is mine, therefore it is neuter, which means the adjective “beautiful” is neuter).
  • He was a handsome (m.) man. The street is beautiful (f.r.).

Indeclinable adjectives are also distinguished. For example: khaki pants.

Now you know the answer to the question of how many genders there are in the Russian language. We also analyzed their definition using examples. It is very important to be able to determine the gender of a noun or adjective - this will help to avoid grammatical errors.

Morphological norms that regulate the determination of the gender of nouns, contains whole set rules, which can be divided into five sections for ease of classification and study.

1. Determining the gender of inflected nouns. This is usually the simplest case for determining the gender of a noun, especially if the noun denotes a person whose gender is known to everyone: grandmother (f.b.) - grandfather (m.b.). As for determining the gender of inanimate nouns and animal names, here it is customary to look at the ending: hammer - m.r., fence[a] - zh.r., word[o] - s.r., donkey - m.r., mouse[b] - zh.r.

Despite the relative simplicity of this rule, there are a certain number of exceptions, which we will consider below.

  • There are a number of inanimate nouns that have changed gender from feminine to masculine over time. for example, just a couple of centuries ago, all of the following nouns were feminine: shoe, hospital, rail, jackboot, bracelet, poplar, report card.
  • Along with this, there is an absolutely mirror phenomenon - nouns that were previously classified as masculine, but now they all require an adjective that answers the question “which one?” Such nouns include cuff, citadel, dachshund, attic.
  • There are a number of words that are used equally in both masculine and feminine genders: epaulette - epaulette, pilaster - pilaster, psalter - psalter, spasm - spasma, desman and desman, hangnail - hangnail, dahlia - dahlia, aviary - aviary, banknote - banknote, padespan - padespan, plane tree - plane tree, pancake - pancake. Despite the fact that often one of the forms of these nouns is considered obsolete, their use is not a mistake.
  • The gender of some special nouns is difficult, so we'll just list them with their gender. So, feminine nouns: leggings, sneaker, boot, sandal, sneaker, slipper, slipper, boots, reserved seat, sheet, pancake, parcel, mezzanine, veil, dumbbell, rosin, callus, flannel, fathom. Masculine nouns: shampoo, queen, truffle, tulle, calico, piano, roofing felt, guipure, curtain. Neuter nouns: tentacle, stuffed animal, monisto, bast, jam.

2. Determining the gender of indeclinable nouns. A number of rules also apply to this type of noun, each of which has its own exceptions:

  • Most of indeclinable inanimate nouns has a neuter gender, regardless of the final vowel or its complete absence: jury, highway, interview, depot.
  • Some of the indeclinable inanimate nouns still have a non-neuter gender, which refers to the old form of the word or gender concept: Avenue(street - residential district), coffee(coffee or drink - m.r.), sirocco(wind - m.r.), salami(sausage - f.r.), penalty(blow - m.r.), kohlrabi(cabbage - f.r.).
  • There are a number of nouns whose gender depends on the person they denote: dandy - m.r., lady - f.r.
  • Nouns denoting the name of a profession are usually masculine: attaché, entertainer. But if the profession refers to a female person, then the noun also changes gender to female: elderly doctor Valentina Pavlovna.
  • The same applies to the indeclinable names of birds and animals. By default they are masculine: kiwi, hummingbird. But if we're talking about about a female, then the noun also changes gender: The female chimpanzee happily jumped around the cage. Exceptions are nouns "Ivasi" And "tsetse" which are feminine (herring and fly).

3. Definition of the type of abbreviations. In the case of abbreviations, it usually plays a role to what gender the main word in the abbreviated phrase belongs to: RF (Russian Federation), UN (United Nations), RIA (Russian information Agency) . Exception: TASS (m.r.) - Telegraph agency of the Soviet Union. If the abbreviation has become a common noun and is declined, then the general rules apply to such a word rules for determining the gender of a noun: university - m.r.

4. Determination of the gender of names of indeclinable proper names. The method of determining gender by common noun, which is a generic concept, also applies here: Sochi (city), Mississippi (river), Everest (mountain).

5. Determining the gender of compound nouns. When determining the gender of such words, you need to take as a basis a word that expresses the broader meaning of the noun: butterfly-admiral, telephone-machine, sofa-bed. Moreover, if, as in the case of a noun sofa bed, both concepts are equivalent, then we determine the gender by the first word: armchair-bed, cafe-restaurant.
