Fast money turbo loan. Turbozaim ru

Microcredit today is not something outlandish or inaccessible. You can get a microloan at any microfinance organization that provides services of this kind. However, in order to avoid becoming victims of fraudsters, microloans must be issued on the official websites of credit organizations whose activities are licensed, and the organization itself has a reliable reputation, a high rating and positive customer reviews.

Turboloan is a reliable, secure service for issuing short-term microloans

If you urgently need money, then the Turboloan credit service from the BystroDengi group of companies is the most effective, simple, convenient, reliable and profitable way to solve any financial difficulties. Getloan on card or a bank account can be issued to citizens of the Russian Federation aged 21 to 75 years who have a stable income to repay the loan received on time.

To receive a loan from the Turbozaim credit service, you need to go through a simple registration procedure on the official website of the company, which will give you access to your personal account. Using the personal account opened especially for you in the Turbozaim online service, you can track all movements on the loan received in order to repay the principal debt and interest accrued on the loan on time.

By logging into your personal account on the official website of the credit organization "Turbozaim", you get access to more favorable microcredit conditions, which will be reviewed individually when you apply for a loan again. MFO "Turboloan" minimizes its credit risks by not issuing large loan amounts at the first application, and also by refusing to issue a loan if there are suspicions of insolvency of the potential borrower.

Clients who regularly use the services of Turboloan, are solvent and have a positive credit history, can count on receiving microloans on the most favorable terms, both in terms of the loan amount, terms and interest rate. High level of service, maximum comfort and convenience for potential borrowers, obtaining a loan based on a passport, the ability to get a loan on a card, bank account or e-wallet, favorable lending conditions and a flexible credit policy - the Turboloan credit service does everything possible to help our clients solve financial difficulties without delay.

Urgent money from Turboloan

Microfinance organization Turboloan provides consumer loans in amounts from 3 to 10 thousand rubles for a period of 7 to 30 days at a fixed interest rate (1% per day). The lending program applies to Russian citizens from 21 to 75 years of age who have a stable source of income. These funds can be used to pay bills or purchases, for vacations, treatment, travel and solving any other financial problems.

Loan agreements are drawn up according to a clear, legally transparent procedure. A potential client can submit a request through the company’s website at any time from a smartphone or computer.

To do this you need:

    go to the service website;

    fill out the form;

    wait 15 minutes;

    receive money to your bank card, by Yandex.Money money transfer or through the Contact system.

Applications are processed only from 07.00 to 20.00 Moscow time. Your personal account in Turboloan is registered automatically when you submit your first application. Here you can view the loan terms, offer agreement, payment terms and other loan information.

Repayment occurs automatically. The loan amount is debited from the borrower's card upon expiration of the agreement. This protects the client from penalties for late payments. You can check receipt of payment by phone or in your personal account.

In case of problems with payments, the client can extend the loan for 15–30 days. To do this, you need to log into your Turboloan personal account and activate the “extension” service, but only if the debt is partially repaid.

Benefits of lending

MFO Turboloan compares favorably with a number of similar services with the following additional features:

    submitting an application online;

    24/7 access to the service;

    fixed interest rate;

    payment for the actual days of use of funds;

    automatic loan repayment;

    early payments with reduction of overpayment;

    customer support (from 07.00 to 20.00).

The company transfers funds only to verified cards. This helps protect the borrower's personal and financial information and ensures that funds reach the recipient. Cards are verified when submitting the first application. Data is transmitted via a secure channel, preventing information from falling into third hands. If you have any additional questions about lending at MFO Turbozaym, please contact the hotline.

Loan from Turboloan: when you need money right now

How often do you encounter a situation where you urgently need money? Pay off your apartment bills, buy a gift for a loved one, take advantage of an extremely advantageous offer from an online store, make an advance payment for a purchase, recover from an unexpected cold... Life is unpredictable, and the most well-calibrated budget can burst at the seams. In order not to miss out on your benefits and continue to live the way you want, take advantage of the offer from MFO Turboloan.

The company's official website will introduce you to the terms of microloans, help you get money through the system, answer your questions, and connect you with LLC consultants. MFO Turboloan is a relevant and instant solution to your financial issues.

The most popular way for Russians to increase their budget before their salary has become a microcredit. Turboloan is a microfinance organization that lends to the population in small amounts from 2 to 16 thousand rubles for any consumer needs. Thanks to the activities of Turboloan LLC, it has become easier to get money when you really need it:

    Turboloan is loyal to clients and their credit history: even a borrower who is refused by banks can take out money.

    The most simplified system for submitting and considering applications: a turbo loan through an online application is convenient for most.

    Comprehensive support for borrowers via hotline: Turbozaim processes incoming requests from 7.00 to 20.00 Moscow time.

    There is no need to invite guarantors or confirm your income level: you can take out a turbo loan without first collecting documents and certificates.

Having developed clear rules according to which microloans are provided, the Turboloan company provided its clients with a clear, legally transparent procedure for receiving money, which can be used at any time. Therefore, Turboloan is a reliable partner in the world of proven financial solutions.

Turbo loan is provided remotely. It is convenient to submit an online application for a turbo loan through the company’s website. To do this you need:

    Go to the Turboloan website. With its help, you can simply apply for a turbo loan on a card, and you can find out the terms of microcredit, get acquainted with the methods of withdrawing funds (for example, is it possible to get a turbo loan on a Qiwi wallet), contact the company’s specialists and ask them questions.

    Fill out the form. To receive a turbo loan, a potential borrower needs to provide a minimum of information about himself: full name, passport data, phone number and email address, as well as the desired amount and term of the microloan. The more completely the form is filled out, the higher the chance that the turbo loan application for the card will be approved.

    Get money.

The company offers several options for money transfer, but the most popular is to request a turbo loan to a bank card. In this case, the money is available almost immediately, it is convenient to cash out the amount at the nearest ATM, and the borrower can pay for purchases directly from the card.

Advantages that Turboloan offers

    The application is submitted online. Applying for a loan via the Internet saves borrowers time: they do not need to come to offices, all operations are performed from a computer or smartphone. If previously a client would spend several hours when applying to an MFO, today the amount is transferred in a matter of minutes when choosing a loan on a card.

    Turbo loan is available at any time. Another advantage of performing transactions via the Internet is that you can contact Bystrodengi for a turbo loan on a bank card at any time. However, please note that applications are processed from 07:00 to 20:00 Moscow time.

    Many options for receiving money and repaying the loan. What else is attractive about the “turbo loan” microloan? A personal account, automatically registered when applying for the first microloan, provides the client with many advantages. The client can choose different methods of transferring money. Despite the fact that it is convenient for many to apply for a turbo loan on a card online, the company also offers other options: the amount can be transferred to Yandex.Wallet or withdrawn through the CONTACT system.

    Fixed interest rate. Confused about floating interest, hidden commissions, additional fees? The Turboloan company decided to cancel them completely. Reviews from debtors confirm that MFOs offer some of the simplest and most understandable terms of cooperation. The fixed percentage (2.2% per day) does not change depending on the terms of the loan, the borrower always knows exactly what payment is expected for Turboloan.

    Payment is charged only for the days of actual use of the loan. If you decide to pay off the turbo loan ahead of schedule, the overpayment will be less. Not every microfinance organization agrees to such conditions, which makes the decision to get a turbo loan on a card one of the most interesting on the Russian market.

Portrait of a potential client Turboloan

Anyone can apply for a loan online; the company’s requirements for a borrower are minimal, but they still exist. A Russian citizen over 21 years of age, but under 65, with a constant source of income, can receive money from Turboloan. Additionally, other characteristics are assessed, for example, credit history.

According to customer reviews, Turboloan is loyal to potential borrowers; even those individuals who have been repeatedly rejected by banks or other microfinance organizations can receive funds. The company has developed its own approach to assessing the solvency of borrowers and tries to provide a chance to individuals with a clean or negative credit history. However, the client may be refused a turbo loan. Why is this happening?

    The client requests a service that is not provided. Indicates a loan amount that is too large or too small, wants to receive money for a period of more than 30 calendar days, or seeks to apply for a turbo loan on a Maestro card around the clock, although Maestro cards are not serviced by the company. Simply put, often the reason for refusal is that the borrower did not study the terms of the loan and violated one of them by applying to Turboloan. The conditions are described in detail on the website; it is recommended to study them before applying for turbo loans.

    The loan is taken out until the previous one is repaid. To receive a turbo loan on a Sberbank card, the client must have no outstanding debts. If they exist, the issuance of funds will be refused.

    The client does not meet the company’s requirements. For example, a citizen under 21 years of age wants to take out a turbo loan through the Personal Account.

What to do if you were denied money, but you have no outstanding debts, and you correctly indicated the size and term of the loan in Turboloan? The company’s hotline, available via a multi-channel telephone, will help you understand the current situation: a specialist will tell you how to get a loan. Or you can apply again through the website in a few days.

Features of obtaining a turbo loan online on a card

Most of the company's clients choose a turbo loan on a Sberbank card. The online application offers the potential borrower several options for transferring money: for example, you can specify a transfer to Yandex.Wallet. If funds are transferred to a card, the client must check that the card is personal, belongs to him, and was issued by the issuing bank in Russia. There must be at least 3 rubles on the card account for it to be registered in the system and transferable.

Why is a turbo loan on a card popular? The online application is reviewed within 15 minutes, after which the money is immediately transferred to Visa or MasterCard. If this does not happen, the delay is caused by the slow operation of the banking system: banks leave themselves a “time corridor”, according to which all operations are completed within 3-5 business days. However, most banks transfer money instantly and it is immediately available for any financial transactions.

When you click on the “Get a loan” button, the site visitor is taken to a page where you can start creating an account. To create an account you must specify:

  1. Ten-digit phone number.
  2. E-mail address.

If a client constantly takes out a loan through this service, then the percentage of approval of the application becomes greater each time.

Pros of the company

The questionnaire for clients is very simple and can be filled out quickly, and a decision on it is made in the shortest possible time. This is a real opportunity to receive funds in 15 minutes, at the same time the company has a high approval rate for applications. There are no hidden overpayments, the terms of the contract are open, the fixed rate on the loan is 2.17% per day, and there is the possibility of early repayment of the loan, which will save a significant amount of money. In order to repay the debt without problems, the company provides borrowers with a large number of payment methods. Clients’ personal data is protected, and the MFO ensures complete confidentiality.

Requirements for borrowers

  1. The borrower must have a regular income.
  2. Russian citizenship is required.
  3. Age limited from 21 to 65 years.
  4. To sign the agreement, you must use a telephone, so the borrower must have one.

Methods of obtaining and repaying a loan

Turboloan provides loans for:

  1. owned by the borrower.
  2. To the Yandex Money e-wallet.

Repayment is carried out using the following methods:

  1. In your personal account using a bank card.
  2. In cellular communication stores Svyaznoy and Euroset.
  3. Via Alpha Click.
  4. Through Sberbank Online.
  5. Bank transaction.
  6. From a Yandex Money account.

Turbozaim personal account login

MFO Turboloan allows its clients to create a personal account for convenient use of all the services of the service; login is done by clicking on the “Account” button, then “Login”. In the login field you need to enter the phone number that you used when filling out the application, then enter the password and log in. If you have forgotten your password, you can use the password recovery function.

Now credit is a widely known concept. A lot of people have used credit at least once, and even more have done it more than once - sometimes to pay for utilities, and sometimes to buy last-minute tickets. A Turboloan loan is an urgent way to receive online money with many advantages (sometimes even without a credit history or with the possibility of improving it).

Turboloan official website is a convenient and fast way to receive money:

  • up to 15 thousand rubles. to a bank card;
  • calculation of the amount in 15 minutes;
  • without taxes or presentation of a package of documents;
  • right at your home;
  • with a high probability of agreement.

To receive money you need:

  • have a permanent source of income;
  • be a citizen of the Russian Federation (from 21 to 65 years old);
  • have a bank card for transferring money.

We do not need an income certificate or a guarantor. We are based only on the data you provided in the application form.

Online loan interest calculator

Loan amount, rub.

Loan term, days.

You are taking

Do you urgently need money, but you can’t sit in the office and draw up a paper agreement? Topping up a bank card is much faster and more convenient than receiving cash.

Nowadays it is a very common opinion that a mandatory component of obtaining a loan is drawing up an agreement or that banking data is very difficult to process using the Internet. Despite this, now another option for charging funds is becoming increasingly popular, when the client does not need to contact the IFC office. Microcredit Turboloan to a bank card is really safe. The company's client can receive funds:

  • right at home;
  • on the day of application;
  • without presenting a package of documents.

To receive a loan, the user must:

Loan extension

It doesn't matter why you need a loan. In any case, when using this service, each client expects that he will be able to repay the loan in the near future (for example, after receiving a salary or pension). But there may be a delay with both pension and salary. And then problems arise with repaying the loan. What to do then: take out a new loan, use the services of a pawnshop, or perhaps leave your credit history completely negative? The official website of Turbozyme ru has provided for such situations and created a separate “Prolongation” function. Using this function, it becomes possible to extend the credit period for a certain time.


  1. “Prolongation” is an extension of the loan for at least 20, and at most 30 days. The extension period is added to the total loan period Official website of MFO Turboloan.
  2. This service is free. The terms of your loan remain the same: 1.5% of the total loan amount is charged per day.
  3. In case of an overdue loan, you can use “Prolongation” from the 2nd day of loan processing to the 19th day of delay.

How does Extension work?

The effect of this service becomes clear with an example. Suppose a client took out a loan for 15 days, but soon decided that he could not pay it on time. Then the client logs into his personal account on the official website of Turboloan LLC and activates the loan extension service. You can apply for an extension option the very next day after taking out a Turboloan loan (if you have already applied for a loan with our organization) or on the fourth day (if this is your first microloan) and until the 19th day of the overdue payment. Now you can choose the loan extension period. For example, you extended a 15-day microloan for a 30-day period, and now its total period has become 45 days. Naturally, if possible, payment can be made earlier (after 30 or 40 days, 45 days is simply the maximum payment period).

Loan extension during the grace period

It is worth saying that the best time to activate the renewal service is before you fall behind on your payment. Of course, even on the 19th day you can apply for an extension of an overdue loan (this time is called preferential). However, information that you missed the loan repayment deadline will already be sent to the credit history bureau. The client’s credit history will remain “clean” only if the service is activated before the date when you need to deposit money.

During the “benefit period,” we must remind the borrower to repay the debt via SMS, email, or message in the user’s personal account.

In general, the entire loan period is divided into three parts:

  • loan period;
  • grace time;
  • extension period.

Who is the service intended for?

By using the Turboloan microloan extension service, you will get additional time to pay without harming the history of your loans. We offer this function to all clients of our company whose loan meets several Turboloan conditions:

  • The client fails to make payment on time.
  • The user is overdue for payment by no more than 19 days.
  • The client paid the loan interest. For example, only 7 days of a 10-day loan were used, and on the 8th day the client decided that he would not be able to deposit the money on time. You log in to your personal account, pay the interest fee for a seven-day period and enable the “Prolongation” function. If the payment is late, you pay Turboloan interest accrued for the period of use and the period of benefits. Let’s say that according to the agreement the loan term was 10 days. The extension was issued 10 days after the loan maturity date. In this case, the client pays 20 days interest.

Procedure for connecting to the service

You can enable this function in 4 steps:

  1. Authorization in your personal account. Then you need to enter the “My Loans” panel.
  2. Pressing the “Extension” button.
  3. Signing the additional agreement.
  4. Payment of interest for the actual period of use of funds.
  5. Loan repayment

In order to repay a Turboloan loan, you can use your personal account. We offer 6 ways to pay off your loan debt.

  • Using a bank card (payment using your personal account).
  • Using non-cash transfers to the TurboZaym company account.
  • Paying for a loan using Alfa-Click Internet Banking.
  • Using the Sberbank mobile application.
  • Through the Yandex.Money service. Now this service is rightfully considered the fastest and most widely available option for repaying a microloan. Money is credited to the account in less than 5 seconds (after agreement with the terms of the agreement has been confirmed). First of all, you fill out a form on the website. Then enter the wallet number (if you plan to receive money for several wallets by regularly applying for a loan, enter several numbers; to make it easier for you to navigate through them, each wallet can be “named”). Wait until the submitted application is approved and sign the offer electronically.
  • Through Svyaznoy or Euroset salons.

The easiest way to pay a loan is to use your personal account. But if for some reason you cannot do this, you can simply top up the bank card on which the loan was issued. After the expiration of the 19-day period (after the microloan agreement has ended), the full amount of the client’s debt is written off from the bank account. If at this moment there are insufficient funds on the card, the repayment will be made in part.

Check the balance on your card in advance. If repayment of a loan using a card is not possible, use your personal account. This function is available to all clients of the company from the moment the microloan agreement was drawn up.

How to increase your chances of getting a loan

If you are denied a loan, you can leave an application with another microcredit organization. You can find a complete list of such companies.


High technologies have become an integral part of modern life. , the lack of guarantors is the reality of current financial transactions, and since 2013, MFC Turboloan has been considered one of the most reliable representatives of this industry. A personal online account in the Turboloan system is an opportunity to very quickly receive money anywhere in the country with access to the Internet. The financial company Turbozaym is part of Eqvanta - a symbiosis of companies working in the areas of alternative financial offers and technologies.

Microfinance company Turbozaim has an official state certificate of inclusion in the state register of microfinance organizations. Date of entry: August 29, 2013.

  1. Registration number in the register – 65 130 30 45 0039 51;
  2. Member of the Union of Microfinance Organizations of Russia (SRO MiR) - number 77 0000 59;
  3. INN – 7702820127;
  4. OGRN –1137746702367;
  5. Checkpoint – 771401001;
  6. BIC – 043601955;
  7. Legal address of the company: 123290, Moscow, Magistralny 1st dead end, 11, building 10;
  8. Official website
  9. E-mail address - [email protected];
  10. Hotline number - 8-499-951-9180 and 8 800 770 02 00

The details of MFK Turbozaim LLC may be needed when repaying the loan by non-cash method. The official website will provide all the necessary information:

  • Microloan agreement number (it is also available in your personal online account);
  • Details: account number 40701810910310004455 at Branch 6318 VTB 24 (PJSC) at RCC Samara, account number 30101810422023601955;
  • Check that the payer’s passport details have been entered without errors, and that the amount entered for repayment complies with the terms of the concluded agreement.

Conditions for obtaining a loan

In order to quickly receive money, you need to fill out an online application with Turboloan. For Russian citizens over 21 years of age who have a permanent residence permit in the Russian Federation, you can request quick financial assistance anywhere in the country, provided the Internet is available.

  • The loan amount varies from 3 to 50 thousand rubles, and Turboloan transfers it to the card;
  • Return periods – from 6 to 180 days (according to the terms of the concluded offer agreement);
  • Loan currency – Russian ruble;
  • The money is transferred either to the borrower’s account, when specifying the details of a personal bank card, or to a personal account in Yandex wallet, with an identifier.

Turboloan LLC loans are provided on various conditions so that clients have the opportunity to choose the most convenient options for themselves. For example, from October 1, 2017 (as part of an incentive event called “Bonus”), for the first three days no credit interest is accrued on borrowed money. The first registration takes up to 15 minutes, and all subsequent loans can be processed almost instantly.

Requirements for the borrower

MFO Turboloan quickly provides the amounts necessary for the borrower if he meets the basic conditions announced by the company:

  • The borrower's age is from 21 to 65 years;
  • He is a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • The applicant is employed and has a regular income;
  • The mobile phone number was registered to him at least 12 months ago.

All requirements are mandatory for all companies issuing microloans, and are also recorded in the statute and statutory documents of Turboloan.

How to borrow money

  1. Mobile operator number;
  2. Mail mail;
  3. Passport details;
  4. Select the loan term;
  5. Select the loan amount.

During registration, you will receive a password and login by email to enter your personal account. Once logged in, select convenient conditions for sending an offer agreement (loan). Then determine which method is more convenient for receiving money and indicate this:

  • Turbo loan transferred to a bank card;
  • To an identified Yandex wallet.

After the application is approved, an SMS will be sent to your phone with a digital code simulating your electronic signature, and then the requested amount will be transferred. The application review time is 15-20 minutes (for the first application, for example, under the Turboloan Smart program). The main thing is that the application is completed in accordance with all legal and regulatory standards, and then borrowers are guaranteed complete safety in using the loan.

Repayment methods

How to pay off the borrowed amounts? The company offers several options from which you choose the most comfortable:

  1. By wire transfer from Visa and MasterCard;
  2. Through payment systems - Qiwi Wallet, Yandex. Money", the international payment system WebMoney Transfer;
  3. Through Euroset and Svyaznoy communication shops;

You can not only repay the debt on time, but also extend the loan term subject to payment of accrued interest.

Company advantages

We can talk about the advantages for a long time, but let’s highlight the main nuances:

  • When receiving the required amount on a bank card, you do not need to commit yourself to long-term obligations. You can pay off the debt within one month;
  • The answer to the request comes in a matter of minutes via SMS notification;
  • You can resolve your financial issues around the clock, and not like in banks, focusing on opening hours;
  • There is no need to collect packages of documents or look for reliable guarantors;
  • In case of early repayment, payment is made only for the actual time of use of borrowed funds;
  • If the loan is repaid on time, you can apply for the next loan almost instantly, without refusal from the company’s representatives;
  • When registering again, you will not need to fill out forms, since the information is saved in your personal account and taken into account by employees.

A reliable turbo loan on a Sberbank card in Moscow is a modern and effective approach to solving all financial difficulties. The company has been operating on the market since 2013 and all its work is based on online relationships. You don’t have to spend a long time getting to the office, taking time off from work, or asking your neighbors to babysit your children. An instant online application for Turboloan can be completed even from your phone without leaving your home. Your place of residence or your actual location does not matter. The company is included in the state register and operates absolutely legally. Any review of an MFO will only be positive, because the company values ​​its reputation above momentary profit.

A special loyalty program for regular customers brings a lot of bonuses and reduces the time for issuing money to a couple of minutes. You can quickly take out a loan on your card from TurboZaym in Moscow any day of the week, as well as consult with managers. Every person can take out microloans here, regardless of their financial situation and source of income. The company does not require guarantors or collateral of property. To take out a loan on a Sberbank card, you just need to leave your application, provide your passport details and sign an agreement. All this is done via the Internet without the need to meet with a manager.

Take and pay microloans online

Any loan application is processed within 15 minutes. It is precisely because of this efficiency that a loan from the MFO Turboloan online has gained wide popularity. If you urgently need a small amount from 1 thousand to 16 thousand rubles, an application for a microloan will help. You can use credit money from 1 week to 30 days. Just like receiving money, this microloan can be paid through Sberbank directly on the Internet. The interest rate is very transparent - only 2.24% for each day of the total amount. To save additional money, it is enough to repay the loan from the microfinance organization ahead of schedule and pay only for the actual days of use. You can not only pay your loans on time, but also request an extension of the term up to 30 days maximum.

Nowadays, taking microloans has become very popular and profitable. An affordable and effective turbo loan on a card online in Moscow will solve all your difficulties with money.
