The former daughter-in-law of Tatyana Vasilyeva could not hold back her tears on the air of the talk show “Let them talk.” The former daughter-in-law of Tatyana Vasilyeva burst into tears in the talk show “Let them talk. Let them talk: daughter-in-law of Tatyana Vasilyeva.”

Nine years ago, the son of the famous actress Tatyana Vasilyeva, Philip, married actress Anastasia Begunova. After some time, the couple moved to Berlin with their two children, Ivan and Grigory. However, the marriage did not last long - they divorced in 2015.

The woman remained to live in Germany and raise the children, and the man returned to his homeland, where he created new family. Anastasia also found personal happiness, and also became a mother for the third time. The only thing that gnaws at her is the apartment in Moscow, which she did not get after her divorce from Vasiliev. Philip issued a deed of gift for famous mother, despite the fact that his children were registered in the house.

Anastasia Begunova came from Berlin to the studio of the “Let Them Talk” program to tell the whole country about difficult relationship with my ex-mother-in-law. She is trying to convince Tatyana Vasilyeva to give her housing.

“We live in a rented apartment, practically on benefits; my current husband helps with some things, of course. But my children, the grandchildren of the famous actress, have seven thousand rubles between them and no housing in Moscow. Everything was taken from them. That’s why we’re there for now,” Anastasia said with pain in her voice.

Experts in the studio were surprised by this statement. They considered it fair that now her current chosen one, with whom she gave birth to a third child, should take care of her and the children. The guests could not understand why Anastasia makes claims not to her ex-husband, but to his mother. Begunova responded by saying that a grandmother’s love for her grandchildren should be confirmed not only in words, but also materially. Moreover, she does not bring her children to Russia, as she fears threats from her ex-husband’s family.

Anastasia admits that she lives well in Berlin - she is surrounded by nice people, but she is still drawn to Moscow. Also presenter Dmitry Borisov asked why ex-husband and his mother cannot communicate with the children. Begunova admitted that it was difficult for her to pay her phone bills, although Ivan and Grigory’s father promised to do this.

“A month ago they said that they would take the children to Italy, and also finally buy two phones and pay for international communications. I saw the children’s reaction, how easy it is to buy their attention. These are just handouts, gifts,” the woman said.

Anastasia Begunova and Tatyana Vasilyeva still managed to meet to talk about a pressing issue - the division of the apartment. They met at the entrance to the Ostankino studio. The actress’s former mother-in-law started talking about giving her and her children an apartment.

“Not discussed,” answered Tatyana Vasilyeva.

In the conversation, Anastasia mentioned that even the court did not leave her a chance to claim even a share of the living space. “Well, according to the court, it didn’t work out in half, you were sorry. It didn’t work out,” Begunova said.

06 September 2017

A woman came to the studio of Dmitry Borisov’s program.

Photo: frame from the program

Let us remind you that the son of Tatyana Vasilyeva for a long time He was single, but when the actress found out that her son’s chosen one, Anastasia Begunova, was pregnant, she told Philip: “We need to get married.” Naturally, the young man fulfilled his mother’s will, but it did not end well. About a year later, Philip Vasiliev divorced his wife. The family conflict was gradually resolved, as Tatyana Vasilyeva talked about in an interview. Her son Philip is married to actress Maria Bolonkina, but the story did not end there.

Anastasia Begunova appeared in the studio of the “Let Them Talk” program/Photo: frame from the program

Today Anastasia Begunova appeared in the studio of the “Let Them Talk” program. The girl told Dmitry Borisov that Tatyana Vasilyeva allegedly destroyed her family happiness with her ex-husband, and expressed fears that now the ex-husband might take the children. “I really want to live and work in Moscow, but I’m afraid that if I come, my beloved sons will be taken away from me,” Anastasia said.

A close friend of the actress, Olga Bogdanova, came to the defense of Tatyana Vasilyeva. She stated that Vasilyeva is doing everything to ensure that her children and grandchildren live in prosperity, and her daughter-in-law is doing nothing but spreading dirty rumors about her ex-husband and ex-mother-in-law.

Olga Bogdanova came to the defense of Tatyana Vasilyeva/Photo: frame from the program

Actress Irina Miroshnichenko stood up for Vasilyeva, saying that Tatyana Grigorievna is a cultured and decent person who, despite her advanced age, continues to work for the sake of her family. Demanding money or an apartment from an actress is a complete nightmare, says Miroshnichenko.

Vyacheslav Manucharov came to support Anastasia Begunova/Photo: frame from the program

In the next episode, Vyacheslav Manucharov appeared in the studio, who was credited with an affair with Anastasia Begunova. The man admitted that Tatyana Vasilyeva’s ex-daughter-in-law was his first love, but now they are only connected friendly relations. “I believe that we do not need to dig up the hatchet, but bury it. I went through a similar experience when I separated from my ex-wife. Now we need to maintain peace. As for talking about Nastya’s betrayal with me, we had an affair in student years, but nothing more,” said Manucharov, holding Anastasia’s hand. At the end of the broadcast, Begunova could not hold back her tears under the onslaught of criticism from the guests in the studio, and Dmitry Borisov expressed the hope that someday peace would reign in this family. By the way, Tatyana Vasilyeva never appeared on air, but the program showed footage of a meeting between the actress and her former daughter-in-law.

“Tatyana Vasilyeva stole my husband!” — the former daughter-in-law of a famous actress will make such an unexpected loud statement on the talk show “Let Them Talk.” Anastasia Begunova claims that Tatyana Grigorievna ruined her marriage with Philip Vasiliev. The editors of Let Them Talk found Begunova and her children in Germany. Watch Let them talk - Actress Tatyana Vasilyeva stole my husband 02/14/2017

“He's just a spineless creature! And all because he and his mother have an umbilical cord as thick as a rope!” - Anastasia Begunova says about her ex-husband before the program airs. According to the young actress, the former mother-in-law even asked her daughter-in-law how many times a week she had lovemaking with Philip. “I didn’t even have a divorce from my husband, but rather from my mother-in-law,” says Begunova. Already more than a year she's hiding with her grandchildren People's Artist Russia in Germany. She was silent for a long time, but today on the Let Them Talk program she has something to say!

Let them say - Actress Tatyana Vasilyeva stole my husband from me

In 2008, in the Griboedovsky registry office in Moscow, the young actress Anastasia Begunova became the wife of actor Philip Vasiliev, the son of People’s Artist of the Russian Federation Tatyana Vasilyeva. In the footage from the wedding video, Tatyana Grigorievna modestly sits on the sidelines with all the guests present in the wedding palace, while the bride and groom in love swear fidelity and love to each other.

Anastasia Begunova and Philip Vasiliev

After a while, the couple had children: sons Vanya and Grisha. The most charming and attractive actress became a happy grandmother. Tatyana Vasilyeva presented her daughter-in-law with expensive gifts and even gave the newlyweds an apartment on Patriarch’s, the cost of which is 26 million rubles!

Tatyana Vasilyeva and her grandchildren

After 7 years married life, in 2015, Philip Vasiliev unexpectedly filed for divorce... The actor, together with his famous mother, accused Anastasia of stealing 500,000 euros! Begunova fled to Germany with her sons, but today, on the eve of the anniversary, she will break her silence for the first time and express her version.

In the “Let Them Talk” studio: Anastasia Begunova will tell everything about her ex-mother-in-law

Let them say: daughter-in-law of Tatyana Vasilyeva

Ex-daughter-in-law Tatyana Vasilyeva currently lives with her children in a rented apartment in one of the residential areas of Berlin. Anastasia does not want to give her residential address because she is afraid that her ex-mother-in-law will kidnap her grandchildren: 8-year-old Vanya and 6-year-old Grisha.

“I even wrote to the German ambassador“so that they can help me if suddenly my children are kidnapped,” he says through tears ex-wife Filippa Vasilyeva is a People's Artist...and these are the ones to crush, essentially powerless people! Me and two grandchildren, who are not to blame for anything. What did I do wrong to Philip? She endured his drinking and threats to her life. He was pathologically jealous and threatened to kill me more than once! I don't have the same connections and money as she does. And at the same time I was accused!

Tatyana Vasilyeva’s only son Philip met Nastya at the play “Bella Ciao” ​​in 2007. The novel developed rapidly literally before the eyes of the People's Artist, who played main role. At that time, Tatyana Grigorievna approved of her son’s choice. Little is known about Begunova’s life before her marriage to Philip. The girl came to the capital from Omsk and entered the Shchukin School, wanting to make an acting career.

When the girl met Philip, she did not immediately fall in love with him. The actor was advised by his mother how to win the heart of his beloved. According to Begunova, her ex-husband is an antisocial person who does not like the company of people.

Anastasia Begunova-Vasilieva:

“I was silent for a long time, because I was waiting for Tatyana Grigorievna to stop and not talk in programs about the fact that I was supposedly a thief. This is probably her PR move so that people all over the country sympathize with her, and they call me a villain.

Watch online for free the episode Let Them Talk - Actress Tatyana Vasilyeva stole my husband, broadcast on February 14, 2017 (02/14/2017).

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The court denied Anastasia the right to a luxurious apartment on Patriarch's Ponds, purchased in marriage with the actress's son Philip. Begunova states that now she has nowhere to live, and she flew from Germany, where she lives with her children and common-law husband, to Moscow to ask for help.


In the talk show “Let Them Talk,” the girl shared with host Dmitry Borisov, studio guests and viewers what situation she found herself in and what she was going to achieve from the Vasiliev family.

Earlier, Tatyana Grigorievna accused her daughter-in-law of embezzling 350 thousand euros. Nastya came to the capital to meet with her former mother-in-law and achieve mercy for herself and her children.

Also on the air of the program, Anastasia made a sensational statement. She registered the child from her common-law husband as Vasilyeva’s son Philip. The presenter was so surprised that he asked if this was really so. Nastya answered in the affirmative, arguing that Russian legislation in particular cases allows such a practice.

"We live in a rented apartment on benefits. The current one helps common-law husband. The actress’s grandchildren have 7,000 rubles in alimony for two and no housing in Moscow! Everything was taken from them. I am afraid that if I come to the capital with them, they will be taken away from me as easily as they left us without property,” Begunova complained, adding that ex-spouse and his mother threatened her.

“The apartment on Patriarch’s Ponds cost 25.5 million rubles. It was bought back in 2012, when Philip and I were married for four years. During the divorce, he signed a deed of gift for my mother, saying that he was not married, that children were not registered in the apartment , which is a lie,” the girl shares. Anastasia made it clear that the court deprived her of her apartment based on forged documents.

Vasilyeva herself is offended by her ex-daughter-in-law because she does not allow her to see her grandchildren. She had not seen them for two years, only communicating on the phone. Now Tatyana Grigorievna lives in the same apartment of discord and does not intend to share her property. She told Nastya in a personal meeting that she was not going to give her even a share in the apartment.

She agrees to discuss all issues only in the presence of lawyers. “I have nothing to negotiate, the courts are going on and will continue to go on for the rest of my life. She wants an apartment, nothing else, she doesn’t want human relations,” the actress concluded.

And her ex-daughter-in-law Anastasia Begunova It's been going on for two years now. General public scandalous story became known after the “Let Them Talk” program aired in February of this year. Ex-wife Philippa Vasilieva accused him famous mother is that she will deprive her grandchildren Vanya and Grisha of the capital’s square meters due to them. Six months passed, and Begunova reappeared in “Let Them Talk,” however, now the conversation with her was conducted by a new presenter Dmitry Borisov. Almost the entire broadcast, Anastasia’s eyes were filled with tears, and she was about to burst into tears because of the attacks against her.

Begunova still blames Tatyana Vasilyeva for the fact that her marriage with Philip collapsed. However, this time she also admitted that famous actress allegedly continues to ruin the life of her and her children: “I really want to live and work in Moscow, but I’m afraid that if I come, my beloved sons will be taken away from me.” According to Anastasia, she has reasons for fear, because she has heard threats of this kind more than once. By the way, actor Vyacheslav Manucharov came to support the mother of three children. Anastasia Begunova was once credited with having an affair with him, but in the Let Them Talk studio, Manucharov said that this was not entirely true: “As for talking about Nastya’s betrayal with me, we had an affair in our student years, but nothing more...” At the same time, Vyacheslav gently held Begunova’s hand all the time.

Her ex-lover Vyacheslav Manucharov came to support Anastasia Begunova in the talk show “Let Them Talk”

The dialogue between Anastasia Begunova and Tatyana Vasilyeva in the Let Them Talk studio never took place. Tatyana Grigorievna did not come to record the program. But Philip Vasiliev’s first wife heard a message from him current wife Maria Bolonkina, which outraged many because, according to the guests present in the studio, it sounded mocking. Maria stated that Philip is the most wonderful husband and father in the world, and thanked Anastasia for her husband.

Maria Bolonkina, the second wife of Philip Vasiliev, addressed Anastasia Begunova in the talk show “Let Them Talk”

Let us remind you that Anastasia Begunova met Philip and his mother in 2006: they played together in an enterprise play and toured. In their marriage, Nastya and Philip had two sons with a difference of two years: Vanya and Grisha. The young people lived in a three-room apartment in the center of Moscow, on the Patriarch's Ponds. In 2015, the family broke up and scandals began. Vasilyeva stated that her daughter-in-law fled with her grandchildren to Germany and demands huge amounts of money for a meeting with the boys. Then Vasiliev publicly accused his wife of theft large sum which belonged to his mother. During these two years, Philip managed to get married a second time, he had a daughter, and Anastasia became a mother for the third time, giving the baby to her common-law spouse, with whom she lives in Germany. However, the scandals between Begunova and the family of Tatyana Vasilyeva never ended.

The former daughter-in-law of Tatyana Vasilyeva burst into tears on the talk show “Let Them Talk”
