What do the richest women in the world do? The richest women on the planet: Forbes ranking Liliane Betancourt and family.

On July 3, 1916, the greediest woman in the world died. Henrietta Howland Getty Green, who was called the “Witch of Wall Street” behind her back, was not killed by greed - she died at 81 from a heart attack. Her name appears in the Guinness Book of Records with the notation “The most stingy person in the world.” At the time of her death, Getty was the richest woman of her time, worth $4 billion. She owned more than 8 thousand plots of land, was a prominent moneylender and bought up shares of companies associated with railways.

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Henrietta was born in 1834 into a family that owned quite a fortune for those times. The Howlands' main source of income was whale oil. Her grandfather, Gideon Howland, was entirely involved in raising the girl. Henrietta belonged to the Quakers, a Protestant religious group that was quite common in the New England states at that time. The name “Quaker” comes from the English quake - to tremble, to tremble. Among the life commandments of Quakers there has always been self-restraint and unpretentiousness in food and clothing.

As old Gideon's eyesight began to weaken, seven-year-old Getty would climb onto his lap and read newspaper reports of financial news with genuine interest, becoming tolerably familiar with the difference between stocks and bonds. At the age of 13, she became the family accountant.

There are legends about her incredible frugality, which over time turned into stinginess. Henrietta was quite a pretty girl, but the suitors were slightly alarmed by the fact that the young lady wore the same shabby dress and worn-out shoes. After her mother's death, Getty rarely held receptions. And the word “arranged” is inappropriate here: they say that young Green extinguished expensive candles before the guests left, and sold the cinders the next day; The millionaire's daughter did not throw away the napkins, but sprayed them with water and ironed them to use them again.

After her father's death in 1865, Henrietta became the heir to an impressive $7.5 million fortune. It was at that moment that she met her future husband, Edward Green.

The American Green family included congressmen and judges, and dear uncle Edward was the mayor of Boston. Edward himself, who spoke several languages, including Chinese, traveled half the world. He stayed in the Philippines for eighteen years, where he made a considerable fortune trading silk, tea, tobacco and hashish.

Edward supported Henrietta when her father died, and then when her aunt died. Two years later, Henrietta agreed to marry Edward Green. The couple legalized their relationship and sealed it with a prenuptial agreement, according to which Edward was not entitled to a single cent of Getty's fortune. Family is family, but money is separate. And even when her husband went broke and got into debt, Getty did not help her husband. She simply sent him away.

Even then, Getty Green was known to everyone on Wall Street. She owned hectares of land and real estate. She had no equal in usury and in the game on the stock exchange. Brokers knew that if Getty Green bought shares of a company, then tomorrow the price of these securities would skyrocket. Buying securities, Getty knew all the ins and outs of the company and could tell even more about it than the owner.

From the marriage, Henrietta had two children: Ned and Sylvia, who periodically suffered from their mother’s excessive frugality. Green did not have her own home, lived in the cheapest motels, and skimped on medicines and groceries. Henrietta almost never spent money on clothes and shoes, and underwear I changed it only when the previous one turned into rags. She never used the services of maids or laundresses. After reading the latest press, she sent Ned to sell the newspaper. In the store she could haggle for hours for every cent - most of the sellers hated Getty.

Because of Henrietta's stinginess, her son Ned lost his leg. To one of frosty winters They bought Ned a sled. The guy couldn’t believe his luck and immediately chose the steepest and most dangerous slides to ride. During one of the descents, the sled overturned and the boy seriously injured his leg. In a fit of saving, Henrietta went to hospitals for the poor for help. Unfortunately, everyone knew the stingy guy by sight. Doctors refused to help her son. Then Getty decided to treat the boy at home: for several years Ned suffered from terrible pain, and then his leg was amputated above the knee.

The aging Getty never left the fear of assassination, and she came to rare acquaintances with her own food and even an alcohol burner for boiling eggs. Having received a license to carry a weapon, she never parted with it. The cars that appeared, like any luxury items, she rejected, saying: “It was enough for Jesus Christ to move a donkey.” It was at the moment of her morning walk “to work” that the photographer’s lens captured the unusual appearance of this woman: a black thick cloak, a hat with a widow’s veil, an angry old woman’s face and a sharp, not at all senile gait. It was either this repulsive appearance or constant rumors about strange, extraordinary actions that gave rise to her newspaper nickname “Witch of Wall Street.”

At 81, Getty died of a heart attack. Her two children inherited a huge fortune - about $4 billion in today's money. Ned Green later became known by the nickname "Uncle Ned." He contributed his part to good life, cars and technological developments. Sylvia became a generous philanthropist. The photo shows Getty with Sylvia.

After the death of his mother, Ned almost immediately got married and became interested in the automobile industry. Of course, owning a car was one of the family’s first acquisitions.

In the world ranking of billionaires by Forbes version in 2016, 190 women entered. Women make up just over 10% of Forbes' global ranking of 1,810 people. The top 100 list includes 8 women with a total fortune of $174.5 billion.

1 Liliane Bettencourt, France

Age: 93 years old
Net worth: $36.1 billion
Source of wealth: L'Oréal
Position in the ranking: No. 11

Liliane Bettencourt and her family own more than 30% of L'Oreal, the perfume giant founded by her father back in 1907. Legally, Bettencourt has remained the sole legal heir to the L'Oréal empire since her father's death in 1957. But after much legal wrangling with her own daughter, Françoise, Liliane was found to be suffering from Alzheimer's disease and showing signs of dementia. On this basis, the court appointed her guardian of her eldest grandson, 25-year-old Jean-Victor Meyer, and gave the right to manage Betancourt's property to her daughter. Under family pressure, Liliane also left the company's board, where she was replaced by Jean-Victor Meyer.
In May 2015, a French court found eight people, including a photographer and L'Oreal managers, guilty of extorting money from Betancourt. According to investigators, they used Betancourt's disease for their own benefit.

2 Alice Walton, USA

Age: 66 years old
Net worth: $32.3 billion
State Source: Wal-Mart
Position in the ranking: No. 16

Alice Walton is the daughter of Wal-Mart founder Sam Walton, who created the chain in 1962. Unlike her brothers Robert and Jim, she is far from entrepreneurial activity and collects and helps artists. In 2011, Alison opened the Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art in Bentonville, Arkansas, which brought together under one roof the works of such artists as Andy Warhol, Georgia O'Keeffe, Norman Rockwell, and others. In 2014, the museum campus added a house from New Jersey designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. Walton also donated many paintings from her personal collection to her “native” museum.
The Wal-Mart heiress is known as one of the most generous donors to the Republican Party, although she often finances events held in preparation for the presidential campaign of her good old friend Hillary Clinton.

3 Jacqueline Mars, USA

Age: 76 years old
Net worth: $23.4 billion
State Source: Mars Inc.
Position in the ranking: No. 27

Jacqueline Mars is a representative of the third generation of the Mars family, co-owner of the largest confectionery company in the world (Mars sales are $33 billion). Along with her two brothers, John and Forrest Jr., she inherited the business in 1999 after the death of her father, Forrest Mars Sr. Jacqueline Frank's grandfather opened the first chocolate kitchen in 1911, but it was Forrest Sr. who expanded it.
All Mars are on the company's board of directors, but are not responsible for operational activities. Jacqueline is also a trustee of the U.S. Equestrian Team and a member of the board of directors of the National Sports Library and the Museum of Fine Arts.

4 Maria Franca Fissolo, Monaco

Age: 98 years
Net worth: $22.1 billion
Source of wealth: Ferrero
Position in the ranking: No. 30

Maria Franca inherited the capital after the death of her husband Michel Ferrero, founder of the Ferrero company, in February 2015. Michel Pietro's father opened the chocolate production during the Second World War. Together with his wife, he came up with a new dessert - Nutella nut-chocolate cream.
Under Michel Ferrero, the company became one of the largest confectionery companies in the world. In 1987 he appointed his sons Pietro and Giovanni general directors companies. Pietro, a cycling enthusiast, died in 2011 during a training race in South Africa. Giovanni Ferrero is now not only the head of the company, but also a successful writer. Ferrero owns the brands Kinder chocolates, Ferrero Rocher, Tic Tac and others.

5 Susanne Klatten, Germany

Age: 53 years
Net worth: $18.5 billion
Source of condition: BMW, pharmaceuticals
Position in the ranking: No. 38

Susanne Klatten is the richest woman in Germany. The main source of her wealth is a 12.6% stake in the BMW automaker, inherited from her father, Herbert Quandt. Susanne and her brother Stefan Quandt have jointly owned 50% of BMW shares since their mother's death in August 2015.
In addition, Klatten controls the pharmaceutical company Altana and has a stake in Nordex AG, which produces equipment for the production of wind energy. The family also owns shares in soil additive company Geohumus and coal and graphite producer SGL.

6 Laurene Powell Jobs, USA

Age: 52 years
Net worth: $16.7 billion
Source of wealth: Apple, Disney
Position in the ranking: No. 44

Laurene Powell Jobs - widow of the founder Steve's Apple Jobs - manages more than 130 million Disney shares, which passed to her after the death of her husband. Lauren Powell's stake in Disney is worth three times more than her stake in Apple.
In addition, Powell founded the Emerson Collective, an organization that advocates using business as a tool to promote social reform and helping students in need. She also runs College Track, a nonprofit program that helps people from low-income communities get an education. Jobs invests in startups and is a board member of Ozy Media and is on the board of trustees of Stanford University.

7 Abigail Johnson, USA

Age: 54 years
Net worth: $13.1 billion
Source of wealth: finance
Position in the ranking: No. 65

Abigail Johnson succeeded her father as chief executive of Fidelity Investments in October 2014, marking the third generation of the Johnson family to lead the fund (her grandfather Edward Johnson II founded the company in 1946). Fidelity is the second largest open-end mutual fund in the United States (after Vanguard), with assets estimated at $2 trillion. Abigail joined Fidelity in 1988 as an analyst with a Harvard MBA in her pocket. She owns about 24% of the company's shares.

8 Charlene de Carvalho-Heineken, Netherlands

Age: 61 years
Net worth: $12.3 billion
Source of wealth: Heineken
Position in the ranking: No. 76

Charlene de Carvalho-Heineken owns a 25% stake in brewing giant Heineken, making her one of the richest women in the Netherlands. Her stake in the company passed to her after the death of her father, Freddie Heineken, 10 years ago. Her son Alexander de Carvalho joined the company's management in April 2015. The company owns more than 170 premium brands in more than 65 countries.
In addition, Charlene is interested in photography, music and architecture, and skiing. Her husband, investor and banker Michel de Carvalho, is a member supervisory board Heineken. Interestingly, Michel was an actor as a child: in particular, he can be seen in the Oscar-winning epic film “Lawrence of Arabia” in 1962.

9 Iris Fontbona, Chile

Age: 73 years old
Net worth: $10.1 billion
Source of wealth: mining industry
Position in the ranking: No. 101
Iris Fontbona is the widow of billionaire Andronico Luxis, who died of cancer in 2005. His business empire was passed on to his wife and three sons (one of them died of cancer in 2013 at the age of 57). The family owns the world's largest copper deposit, a controlling stake in the packaging and drinks manufacturer Quinenco, shares in the Bank of Chile and other energy, transport and port services companies, as well as two resorts in Croatia. In December 2011, during a telethon, Iris donated $3 million to help Chileans with disabilities.

10 Massimiliana Landini Aleotti, Italy

Age: 73 years old
Net worth: $10.1 billion
Source of wealth: pharmaceuticals
Position in the ranking: No. 101

Massimiliana Landini Aleotti and her two children became co-owners of pharmaceutical giant Menarini after the death of her husband and father Albetro Aleotti in May 2014. Alberto Aleotti began working for Menarini in 1964, brought it to the world market, and bought it from the owners in the early 1990s. Under his leadership, it has become one of the world's largest pharmaceutical companies, employing more than 16,000 people. Menarini's profit for 2015 was $3.6 billion. The company is now managed by Alberto Lucia's daughter and his son Alberto Giovanni.

When someone mentions a very rich woman, what image comes to mind? Worldwide famous actress, top model or wife of some extremely successful businessman? We want to break the stereotype about rich women and show you that these ladies definitely know how to make money on their own.

12. Sheikha Moza (58 years old) - 10 million US dollars

The magnificent Sheikha Moza bint Nasser al-Misned is the second wife of the Emir of Qatar and the mother of 7 children. Sheikha Moza is not only a social and political activist, but also supports scientific and technological progress in her country and is involved in educational issues. She is also called the most stylish first lady in the world.

11. Ivanka Trump (35 years old) - $740 million

Eldest daughter American President could have counted on her father's money and lived a carefree life, but she decided to become a successful businesswoman. Ivanka owns several companies, including cosmetics and perfumes, although she began her career as a fashion model. At the same time, the girl manages to frequently communicate with the media and even write a book. Despite her tight schedule, she always finds time for herself and her family. In addition, Ivanka is involved in charity work and actively donates money to Jewish schools and synagogues.

10. Pansy Ho (54 years old) - $3.4 billion

Pansy Ho is the daughter of Stanley Ho, a famous billionaire nicknamed the King of Gambling. Pansy became the richest of the 17 children of the Huo family. Now that she has more money than the father, he should be very proud of his daughter.

9. Marguerite Louis-Dreyfus (55 years old) - $5.3 billion

Marguerite Louis-Dreyfus ( maiden name Bogdanova) is the richest Russian businesswoman in the world. After her husband's death, she became chairman of the Louis Dreyfus group and owner football team Olympique de Marseille. Margarita remarried and recently gave birth to twin girls.

8. Carrie Perrodo (66 years old) - $5.3 billion

Family business (private oil company, which is among the largest) was passed on to Carrie after the death of her husband Hubert Perrault in 2006. Now their son is running this business, and Carrie herself spends most of her time doing charity work. She is 66 years old now, but she looks amazing!

7. Charlotte Casiraghi (31 years old) - $5.7 billion

Charlotte Casiraghi is eighth in line to the throne of Monaco. The granddaughter of the world famous Grace Kelly works as a journalist and devotes her free time horse riding. Apparently, Charlotte inherited not only the royal treasures, but also good looks from his famous grandmother.

6. Christy Walton (68 years old) - $6.1 billion

The widow of John T. Walton, son of the founder of Wal-Mart, was once awarded the title of richest woman in the world. Although her bank account is slowly becoming less attractive, she is still one of the most influential female philanthropists.

5. Iris Fontbonne (74 years old) - $13.7 billion

Iris Fontbonne inherited her fortune from her husband. Now she is the richest Chilean in the world, and successfully manages family business. We have to admit that she looks amazing for her age.

4. Laurene Powell Jobs (53 years old) - $20 billion

Widow founder of Apple Inc. V Lately attracts a lot of public attention. After inheriting Apple shares from her husband, Laurene Powell Jobs was included in the lists of the richest women in the world. She runs a business and is involved in a number of major charitable projects.

3. Suzanne Klatten (55 years old) - $22.5 billion

Pharmaceutical company executive Susanne Klatten also owns half of BMW shares along with her brother. The richest woman in Germany successfully runs her business and spends her free time with her family.

2. Alice Walton (67 years old) - $38.7 billion

Another billionaire who gained rich experience thanks to Wal-Mart. The daughter of Sam Walton, the company's founder, is second on our list. She is passionate about art and even has her own private collections. Why not do what you love when you have so much money?

1. Liliane Bettencourt (94 years old) - $43.1 billion

Despite her age, the L'Oreal queen owns charitable foundation and still works very hard. It's no surprise that at 94, Liliane Bettencourt is the richest woman in the world. Plus she looks amazing!

We are accustomed to the fact that only men are at the top of the Forbes rankings. After all, they are created in order to earn money and bring it to the family. Women are given the role of keeper of the hearth. Ladies are consumed with household chores, leaving no time for business.
However, times are changing. Nowadays, no one will be surprised that a woman is focused on her career and not her family. We invite you to get acquainted with the richest women in the world.

12. Moza bint Nasser al Misned, Qatar

This Arabian beauty is 58 years old. She owns 10 million dollars. Moza is the second wife of the ruler of Qatar, with whom she has 7 children. The First Lady of Qatar has several higher education. She is actively involved in politics and social activities, pays attention to science.

11. Ivanka Trump, USA

The beloved daughter of the American president is 35 years old. Her fortune is estimated at $740 million. Despite the fact that her father would happily provide for her for the rest of her life, Ivanka chose to earn money on her own. She has own business, she appears on television and even wrote a book. And how impressive Ivanka Trump looks!

10. Pansy Ho, China

The Chinese businesswoman is 54 years old and has $3.4 billion in assets. She was born into the huge family of Stanley Ho, a businessman involved in gambling. Among her 16 brothers and sisters, Ho is the most successful, because her capital is even greater than her father's.

9. Marguerite Louis-Dreyfus, France

Margarita is the richest woman of Russian origin. She was born in Leningrad under the surname Bogdanova. She is 55 years old and has a net worth of $5.3 billion. She inherited her husband's fortune and football club Olympic from Marseille. Now Margarita is married to a banker, with whom she has 2 children.

8. Kerry Perrodo, Singapore

At 66 years old, Kerry looks great. She has $5.3 billion, inherited after the death of her oil tycoon husband. by the company ex-husband the son runs it, and Perrodo does charity work.

7. Charlotte Casiraghi, Monaco

Charlotte is 31 years old and inherited $5.7 billion from her grandmother, the Queen of Monaco. She works as a journalist and loves equestrian sports. She looks just as great as grandma.

6. Christy Walton, USA

The 68-year-old American billionaire was in the 20s richest people planets. Christie is the widow of the son of the founder of the Wall-Mart chain. It spends its $6.1 billion on donations.

5. Iris Fontbona, Chile

Iris is 74 years old and has a net worth of $13.7 billion. The richest Chilean woman inherited her husband's company and fortune after his death. Owning such capital, she takes care of not only business, but also herself.

4. Laurene Powell Jobs, USA

Steve Jobs's widow received a share of her husband's shares after his death. Apple by 20 billion dollars. At 53 years old, Lauren looks great, runs her own business and donates money to charity.

3. Susanne Klatten, Germany

The 55-year-old German woman owns $22.5 billion. She owns half the shares of BMW together with her brother. In addition, Suzanne has her own pharmaceutical company.

2. Alice Walton, USA

The 67-year-old daughter of Wall-Mart founder Sam Walton inherited $38.7 billion. She loves art, so she collects paintings and even opened the Museum of American Art.

1. Liliane Bettencourt, France

The daughter of the founder of the L'Oreal perfume empire, Eugene Schulle, owns $43.1 billion, making her the richest woman in the world. Despite the fact that she is already 94 years old, Lillian is still involved in business.

Most of the owners of such enormous capital inherited them from their husbands or fathers. However, this does not in any way detract from their success in business. In addition, none of them spares money for charity.
Huge money requires extreme responsibility. The ladies are up to the task.

However, the list of the world's wealthiest ladies confirms that there are also those who achieved financial independence without inheritance.
  • Age: 56 years old;
  • Area of ​​earnings: part of the Wal-Mart company inherited from the spouse;
  • Country: United States of America (USA);
  • Wealth level: 26 billion;
  • Marriage and children: Christy is a widow and has one child.

From her husband, Christy Walton inherited a successful investment in solar energy.

The second step into the Top of the richest women in the world was received by Liliane Bettencourt, who received the cosmetics company L’Oreal from her father after his death.

This is what Liliane Bettencourt looks like

There have always been intrigues surrounding this wealthy lady, whose photos are quite modest, in connection with her wealth. For example, after the death of her father, a daughter filed a lawsuit against one of her mother’s admirers. Apparently, in order to preserve their own right to inheritance.

  • Age: 88 years old;
  • Area of ​​earnings: L'Oreal company, inherited from father;
  • Country: France;
  • Wealth level: 23.5 billion;
  • Marriage and children: Liliane Bettencourt is a widow and has one child.

The fourth position among the wealthiest women in the world was taken by Iris Fontbon. When her husband died, she was given the right to own the zone where the most significant deposit of copper resources in the whole world was transferred. This place is located in Antofagasta. Iris Fontbona has a part in Quinenco and a hotel chain in the country of Croatia.

  • Sphere of income: mining, passed from her late husband to her;
  • Country: Lives in Chile;
  • Wealth level: 19.3 billion;
  • Marriage and children: widow, has three children.

She inherited her billions from her father. After her father passed away, Suzanne received a share in the world famous car manufacturing company BMW. Also, fifty percent in the Altana company.

Bigit Rauching became one of the 10 richest women in the world thanks to her inheritance. When her husband died, Bigit was taken over by the Tetra Level manufacturing corporation. An idea that introduced the world to the possibility of packaging nutritious and drinkable foods in tetra bags.

Taking seventh place in the section of the world's richest women is billionaire Chambers Anne Cox. Cox Enterprises, which was inherited from Dad. The company owns dozens of magazines, fifteen television channels, and also more than eighty radio stations.

The Jindal Group has become the undeniable source of Savitri Jindal's regular income. Savitri Jindal inherited her source of income from her husband.

Fidelity Personal is the stock exchange that brought financial independence to Abigail Johnson. In this company her father was ordinary employee . After 15 years of successful activity, Abigail became president stock exchange. All shares went to Abigail Johnson.

Jacqueline Mars

This is what Jacqueline Mars looks like

  • Age: 71 years old;
  • Area of ​​earnings: confectionery company "Mars", passed on from his father after his death;
  • Country: Lives in the USA;
  • Wealth level: 10 billion;
  • Marriage and children: divorced, has three children.

The richest women of 2018, according to Forbes

In 2018, the list of the most prosperous ladies changed somewhat. New representatives have appeared who have earned millions, and those who received the title of the richest in 2016 also remain. Those of the representatives fair half humanity are in the top ten rich, not all of them settle into purely female niches.

What do the owners of such a pleasant status do?

10th level in the ranking

Joanna Quandt, who, after her husband left for another world, received 16.6% of the estate in the world famous company BMW. Joanna's net worth is 12.9 billion.

9th place in the ranking

Lauren Powell Jobs took possession of the shares and capital of her deceased husband, who helped her freely deal with people's problems related to immigration and poverty. Prosperity level – 14.1 billion.

8th place in the ranking

Anne Cox-Chambers was in eighth place in the rankings. The profit was donated to her by Cox Enterprises, which she inherited after the death of her husband. Wealth level: 15.6 billion.

7th place in the ranking

Abigail Johnson received 24% of the shares in Fidelity Financial Corporation after the death of her father. Her wealth is 17.4 billion American money.

6th place in the ranking

Susanne Klatten, who became rich from her 12.5% ​​stake in BMW. Also in Suzanne's possession is a factory for the production medications Altana. Net worth: 17.5 billion.

5th place in the ranking

Georgina Rinehart took fifth position thanks to the sale of coal assets. Georgina's wealth is 17.8 billion.

3rd place in the ranking

Alice Walton inherited Wal-Mart from her dad, which helped her become herself. Alice has amassed an incredible collection of paintings and antiques and now dreams of opening her own gift and art store. I was able to do what I loved precisely thanks to the money I received from my share in Wal-Mart. Wealth: 34.4 billion.

Surely, Alice will in the future join the ranks of women who have achieved high financial results on their own.

2nd place in the ranking

Liliane Bettencourt received an honorary step in the ranking competition for the most prosperous women. Lilian gained such enviable wealth thanks to the production of the L’Oreal brand inherited from her father. Wealth: 34.6 billion.

1st step in the ranking

The first place was taken by Christy Walton, who is the owner of a huge chain of grocery and food markets Wal-Mart. Christie inherited the inheritance from her husband. The wealth is 36.8 billion.
Watch the video ranking of the richest women in the world in 2017.
