Fortune telling from 1 to 100 value. Fortune telling "Hundred": the exact method of doing it

Among the many love fortune telling There is one, in my opinion, simple fortune telling about relationships, which has the colloquial name Fortune telling by numbers without zeros up to one hundred.

Paper fortune telling by numbers from 1 to 100 without zeros

This fortune telling is done on a piece of paper. It is advisable to take the leaf into the cage. Write full name the person you want to tell fortunes about. Online fortune telling without zeros up to one hundred is suitable for identifying the state and prospects of friendship, but most often it is used to find out the relationship with a loved one.

True fortune telling without zeros to one hundred - how to do it

Write numbers from 1 to 99 in a row; there can be any number of numbers in a row. But remember: you can’t break the numbers. The next rows of numbers should have the same number as the first. Don’t write zeros, because this is fortune telling by numbers from 1 to 100 for your beloved guy!

The last row may not be complete, but that's okay. After the number 99, write down the date of the fortune telling, also without zeros. written down, cross out the same ones - both vertically and horizontally. In addition, you need to cross out numbers whose sum is 10.

But that's not all! There is one nuance that may make fortune telling from 1 to 100 without zeros for love somewhat more complicated, but this condition must be met. So, if the number is crossed out, this gives us the right to conditionally assume that this place does not exist. That is, if you get 4##4, where # means that the number is crossed out, you can also cross out fours with a light heart.

And now that all the unnecessary stuff has been removed, let's move on to the final part of this. modern fortune telling without zeros up to one hundred. Rewrite the remaining numbers according to the number of numbers in a row equal to the number of letters in the full name of your chosen one. And if you again find extra numbers in accordance with the conditions of this fortune-telling, cross them out without doubt or regret. This must be repeated until there are no applicants left to be removed from the list.

Now count the number of remaining digits and see the meaning of the values.

The meaning of the result of fortune telling without zeros to one hundred for love

0 – Crazy about you
1 – Does not love at the moment
2 – Call, he wants to communicate with you
3 – Thinks you are cute
4 – In love
5 – He doesn’t care about you
6 – Your chances are low
7 – He likes you as a friend, and nothing more
8 – He needs you
9 – You have a rival
10 – Wants to seem cool
11 – Offended
12 – Not his type
13 – There will be a difficult conversation
14 – Will invite you on a date
15 – He likes your girlfriend
16 – Travel
17 – Meet soon
18 – His friend likes you
19 – Will be with you
20 – Loves
21 – Shy
22 – Afraid
23 – Hates
24 – Will call you for a walk
25 – Thinks you are beautiful
If as a result fortune telling from 1 to 100 If the result is 26 or more, unfortunately, he is not at all interested in you.

With the help of fortune telling, you can not only look into your future, but also shed light on love relationships- find out how your boyfriend treats you. Fortune telling using numbers from 1 to 100 is very simple and does not require any magical knowledge or attributes. All you need is a piece of squared paper and a little patience! Read our instructions and you will certainly succeed!

Fortune telling "Hundred" using numbers from 1 to 100 is fortune telling for a loved one using an ordinary sheet of paper and pen

For the ritual, you will need an ordinary notebook sheet with a square and a pen to write on. How to tell fortunes about your loved one? With the help of fortune telling “Hundred”, girls most often guess the love, name and attitude of guys towards them.

To do this, you need to remember what your beloved young man looks like - eye color, hair color, facial features, facial expressions. Now you need to concentrate, think about it, and when the picture has become more or less real, you can start guessing.

In this article you will learn:

1st Method of fortune telling by numbers from 1 to 100

To carry out this ritual, you need to take a pen and paper and write down numbers from 1 to 100 on one line in any form. One number in each cell. When you write the first line, then start writing the next one, but do not forget that in each next line - the number of digits should be the same.

It is believed that the more lines there are, the more the fortune telling will tell the truth, although you may not attach this Special attention. But you must understand that their number is directly proportional to your time spent on the fortune-telling process.

Learn how to tell fortunes using numbers from 1 to 100

Please note that the last line of your “matrix” should contain your date of birth. young man.

  • For example, his date of birth is March 12, 1984, then, accordingly, the last digits in the table should be 12031984.
  • The second point of fortune telling on numbers from 1 to 100 will be crossing out the numbers. You need to cross out those numbers that are next to each other and add up to 10 (for example, 5 and 5, 7 and 3) or, if they are the same (for example, 2 and 2, 8 and 8). Look at individual numbers, not two-digit numbers, for example: in the table you have 58, then you need to divide by two numbers 5 and 8.
  • After all adjacent numbers have been crossed out, the remaining values ​​must be written again on a new plate. But this time, the number of lines will correspond to the number of letters of the name of the guy you are guessing for.
  • For example, the betrothed's name Alexander has 9 letters in the name, which means the new table will consist of nine lines. In one line there can be more numbers, which means you can move the excess to other lines, and vice versa, if there is less, add it.
  • Such manipulations are repeated until you cross out all paired numbers in all lines.

After finishing the cumbersome work of crossing out, all that remains is to count. How many values ​​are left, and then look at the values ​​​​proposed below.

  • 1, 10, 19 - you sympathize with the young man you were wondering about, and if not yet, then you can try, smile - and everything will work out for you.
  • 2, 11, 20 - your efforts are in vain, you are trying in vain - unfortunately, you did not attract his attention.

Of great importance in fortune telling is not only the correct conduct of fortune telling, but also an accurate deciphering of its meaning.

If it turns out that there are more numbers left that are multiples of three, then this means that you cannot avoid a romantic date.

  • 3, 12, 23 - this means that the young man is head over heels in love with you, and if not quite yet, then you can correct the situation with a slight movement of your eyelashes.
  • 4, 13, 22 - your boyfriend is breathing unevenly towards you, moreover, he is very jealous and does not give you a pass.
  • 5, 14, 23 - unfortunately, we will stop at friendly relations, he does not have mutual feelings for you.
  • 6, 15, 24 - new acquaintance, romantic relationship, one step towards you.
  • 7, 16, 25 - you attracted your attention to him, all he has to do is take a step forward, or he is waiting and waiting for the initiative from you.
  • 8, 17, 26 – spend more time with your boyfriend, spend it together, alone.
  • 9, 18, 27 - advice to you, yes love! You beautiful couple, you are connected by warm relationships and ardent love.

2nd Method of fortune telling by numbers from 1 to 100

To carry out the fortune telling procedure, you need to take a sheet of paper in a box and at the very top write the name of the young man for whom you will tell fortunes. Next, under the letters of the name, you begin to write numbers from 1 to 99, while skipping the zeros.

For example, 123456789111... or the values ​​40, 60, 80 - also write without zeros, it turns out: 468. In each subsequent row, the numbers must correspond to the number of the first. In the final row, the numbers must end with 99.

Interpretation of the meaning of fortune telling “Hundred” in numbers

Those numbers that were not crossed out must be entered again into the lines. Their number of letters must correspond to the number of letters of the male name.

The deleting procedure is repeated - numbers that are repeated and those that add up to ten are deleted. As soon as we run out of numbers to cross out, we will decipher the ones that remain.

Using this method, a girl can constantly concentrate on a young man who interests her.

Interpretation of the obtained values

  • 1, 10, 19 – there is a possibility of counting on a love relationship
  • 2, 11, 20 - Beware of jealousy - this is both the wittiest passion and, nevertheless, still the greatest stupidity.
  • 3, 12, 21 – indifference, insensitivity, coldness in relationships
  • 4, 13, 22 - a feeling of mutual sympathy, which may develop into love.
  • 5, 14, 23 – little chance of a romantic relationship.
  • 6, 15, 24 – there is no reciprocity and love, do not torture yourself.
  • 7, 16, 25 - friendships without continuation.
  • 8, 17, 26 mutual sympathy, which arose from a sweet, open smile and an open look.
  • 9, 18, 27 – love is a ring, and the ring has no end.

If you have any questions or need help with the current life situation, you can consult our experts.

Every girl wants to know what the young man she likes thinks and feels about her, what’s in his soul and thoughts.

This is impossible to do, because someone else’s soul is in the dark! Although, there is one way that helped our great-grandmothers.

These are fortune telling and predictions, and only they can really help you get answers to such soul-tormenting questions, understand the feelings of your beloved guy, find out what is hidden and what cannot be found out in any other way. Why not try telling your fortune?

Fortune telling called “The Hundred” was very popular among our mothers, and today among modern girls. It is distributed online, and you can tell your fortune for free and quickly at any time.

However, this simple prediction is designed in such a way that it works best live and not online, because online mode although it is free and without hassle, it does not have the necessary energy of a fortuneteller, which means that the result may not always be truthful.

Take a few free minutes to tell your fortune for a young man and find out the truth!

A hundred will give the answer

Numerology is an ancient, precise and mystical science, and with the help of numbers and numbers people can gain a lot of hidden knowledge. It is on numerology that the fortune-telling called “Hundred” is based; it uses numbers from 1 to 99 and 100, and their meanings. Concentrate, make a wish for the young man you love or are interested in, take a piece of paper and a pen.

You should write numbers from 1 to 99, and we do not write zeros (instead of last date We write 100 as one). Write numbers in several lines, the first one is written intuitively, there can be any number of numbers in it, but the next line, under the first one, should be the same length. This will create several rows of numbers from 1 to 100.

At the end of the hundred, write the date you are guessing, also without zeros. Then we start counting. Cross out all adjacent numbers (horizontally and vertically) that are either the same or add up to ten.

When all the repeated numbers of hundreds are crossed out, write the full name of the person you are fortune-telling. Under these letters you need to write the remaining numbers.

After which you again cross out the numbers in pairs or in total equal to 10. And those that remain uncrossed out are added up to single digit number. Now let's look at the interpretation:

  1. The guy has strong and tender feelings for you, you probably have love.
  2. He may not show you his interest, but he is very jealous of you and suffers from a lack of your attention.
  3. He is not interested in you yet; it is worth showing effort and activity in order to win his attention to you. Be proactive so that he notices you!
  4. The young man definitely likes you and arouses his interest. This is not love yet, but he noticed you - which means you have every chance to strengthen his interest and win love!
  5. Very soon the guy will pay attention to you. It all depends only on you - whether he likes you or not. So behave with dignity, try to make the best impression!
  6. It is unlikely that he is your destiny. You are very different from this guy, he has other interests, and you probably shouldn’t show your interest in him.
  7. Communication awaits you. Perhaps you will meet at a common party or other event, but fate will give you a great chance to get to know each other better.
  8. He only thinks about you! Even if the guy is timid and secretive, have no doubt - he really wants to be with you.
  9. This is your destiny, and soon the two of you will be together!

This simple and interesting prediction: Hundred should be carried out on one guy only once, then the result will be true. Remember, everything is in your hands!
Author: Vasilina Serova

Many of us, regardless of age, love look into the future using various fortune telling. From time immemorial, our ancestors believed the results of this process and found answers to exciting questions. Fortune telling “The Hundred” is the most harmless of them, in which there is still interest today. Young people like to turn to him because it is the easiest and most accessible way to find out what lies ahead. All you need is paper and pen. The fortune telling results are presented in several versions, everyone chooses the one they like.

The main advantage, as already mentioned, is ease and accessibility. Young girls, as, indeed, more experienced ladies, often fall in love, they have a large number of love questions. The answers to most of them can be obtained using the magic of numbers.

For everything to work out as it should, need to tune in. Take a comfortable position and relax. Mentally imagine the guy you are going to guess about, remember his voice, clothes, and so on.

Description and principle of fortune telling

Write down the numbers from 1 to 100 on a piece of paper to create a number grid. You can choose an arbitrary number of columns and lines. You need to do this: write, for example, 14 numbers in random order in one line. You should not take numbers with a zero, for example, 40 or 50, we take them without a zero, it just turns out to be 4 or 5. We also enter 14 arbitrary numbers in the second line. Then we move on to the third, fourth and so on, the number is limited only by your patience. But practitioners say that the more columns, the better: you will get a more accurate result.

The last line at the end should consist of the date of birth of the intended person. Leave room for numbers in advance, for example, the date of birth November 9, 1989 will look like 9111989. It occupies the last 7 places of the final line. Next, you need to imagine that all double-digit numbers have turned into single digits. Start crossing out same numbers, located nearby, as well as those whose sum is 10. These actions are carried out both horizontally and vertically.

Now count how many letters are in your boyfriend's name?, for example, this is Alexander - 9 letters. We draw up a new grid, enter into it the remaining numbers that have not been crossed out. The number of columns is equal to the resulting number of letters of the full name. First we enter the first line, then the second and so on. Thus, a new grid was obtained.

The manipulation of crossing out identical numbers and the sum of 10 is repeated. The table is formed as long as there are such numbers.

Meaning of numbers

The answer to the question is the remaining numbers; you need to calculate their total number. Find the resulting number in the interpreter; this will serve as an impetus for making decisions or steps regarding your loved one. So:

  • 1−10−19. The guy likes you, if there is no relationship yet, then there are many chances to start one.
  • 2−11−20. The choice was made recklessly. You won’t be able to attract his attention and win him over.
  • 3−12−21. A spark ran between you, it’s just one step to meeting and tender hugs, don’t sit idly by.
  • 3−13−22. He likes you, but he is too jealous, so the relationship is shaky.
  • 5−14−23. He is interested in you as a friend, the further development of the relationship is in your hands.
  • 6−15−24. The guy doesn't mind learning more about you, since he has little information.
  • 7−16−25. He is very interested in you. Who will take the first step to get closer?
  • 8−17−26. There is a misunderstanding between you that ruins everything. If you want to improve the situation, you need to have a frank conversation with him.
  • 9−18−27. This chosen one is provided for you, so do not miss the opportunity to meet your soulmate.

Second option of fortune telling by 100

Take Blank sheet paper and pen. Write the name of your chosen one in the title. Concentrate on his personality, you can remember your first meeting, your first conversation. Imagine the circumstances that confronted you. Write down in the lines any numbers that come to your mind from 1 to 100, do not forget that zeros are not written. The last line should end with the number 99.

Start sorting. In all lines vertically and horizontally, cross out the adjacent identical numbers and those that add up to 10.

Enter the remaining numbers into a new grid, respecting the order of each line. Their number should match the number of your chosen one’s name, so you need to continue until the numbers run out.

Now let's start sorting numbers again. Cross out repeating ones and making up the top ten. We enter the remaining ones into the table again. We continue these manipulations more than once until there are only single uncrossed numbers left.

During fortune telling, think about the guy. The result of numerological calculations will answer the question that is tormenting you.

Interpretation of numbers

The meaning of fortune telling is as follows:

  • 1−10−19. Love awaits you.
  • 2−11−20. Jealousy on your part or his part can be destructive to a relationship.
  • 3−12−21. The guy does not have warm feelings for you.
  • 4−13−22. Your chosen one likes you.
  • 5−14−23. The development of relationships depends on your actions.
  • 6−15−24. You won't be able to make a couple.
  • 7−16−25. You are just a friend to your chosen one.
  • 8−17−26. The attraction towards the chosen one is mutual.
  • 9−18−27. Your soulmate is in front of you, don’t miss the moment.

Third option for fortune telling Hundred

Take paper and a pen, at the top write the full name of the person you want to guess. Repeat writing the numbers from one to 100, do not enter zeros in the table. Each row has the same number of numbers. The last line ends with the date of your fortune telling, also skip zeros.

Cross out horizontally and vertically repeated numbers, as well as those that add up to 10. We write the remaining untouched numbers in a new table, where the number of columns is equal to the number of letters in the chosen one’s name.

We repeat the steps until there are single numbers left that cannot be removed from the table. There is a certain number of numbers left, and the result of the fortune-telling is summed up from them.

Values ​​from 1 to 15

You received the following designations:

  • 1 - You will get bored in his company.
  • 2 - The two of you will make a wonderful couple.
  • 3 - The chosen one has sympathy for another girl.
  • 4 - Your loved one does not feel sympathy for you.
  • 5 - You deserve his respect and trust.
  • 6 - He is deceiving you.
  • 7 - Jealousy on his or your part is destructive.
  • 8 - A journey awaits you and your chosen one.
  • 9 - Parting awaits you, but perhaps not soon.
  • 10 - Soon you will be together.
  • 11 - There is a serious conversation ahead.
  • 12 - Get ready for the wedding.
  • 13 - Your chosen one is not indifferent to you.
  • 14 - He constantly thinks about you.
  • 15 - He is not interested in you.

Fortune telling by a hundred numbers is an entertaining way to look under the veil of secrecy in relationships with the opposite sex. If the answer to a question you are interested in disappoints you, there is no need to be upset, since your fate depends only on your actions. You can tell fortunes online on Krukozyaka’s website (

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Attention, TODAY only!

With the help of fortune telling, you can not only look into your future, but also shed light on your love relationships - find out how your boyfriend treats you. Fortune telling using numbers from 1 to 100 is very simple and does not require any magical knowledge or attributes. All you need is a piece of squared paper and a little patience! Read our instructions and you will certainly succeed!

Fortune telling "Hundred" using numbers from 1 to 100 is fortune telling for a loved one using a regular sheet of paper and pen

For the ritual, you will need an ordinary notebook sheet with a square and a pen to write on. How to tell fortunes about your loved one? With the help of fortune telling “Hundred”, girls most often guess the love, name and attitude of guys towards them.

To do this, you need to remember what your beloved young man looks like - eye color, hair color, facial features, facial expressions. Now you need to concentrate, think about it, and when the picture has become more or less real, you can start guessing.

In this article you will learn:

1st Method of fortune telling by numbers from 1 to 100

To carry out this ritual, you need to take a pen and paper and write down numbers from 1 to 100 on one line in any form. One number in each cell. When you write the first line, then start writing the next one, but do not forget that in each next line - the number of digits should be the same.

It is believed that the more lines, the more the fortune telling will tell the truth, although you may not pay special attention to this. But you must understand that their number is directly proportional to your time spent on the fortune-telling process.

Learn how to tell fortunes using numbers from 1 to 100

Please note that the last line of your “matrix” should contain the date of birth of your young man.

  • For example, his date of birth is March 12, 1984, then, accordingly, the last digits in the table should be 12031984.
  • The second point of fortune telling on numbers from 1 to 100 will be crossing out the numbers. You need to cross out those numbers that are next to each other and add up to 10 (for example, 5 and 5, 7 and 3) or, if they are the same (for example, 2 and 2, 8 and 8). Look at individual numbers, not two-digit numbers, for example: in the table you have 58, then you need to divide by two numbers 5 and 8.
  • After all adjacent numbers have been crossed out, the remaining values ​​must be written again on a new plate. But this time, the number of lines will correspond to the number of letters of the name of the guy you are guessing for.
  • For example, the betrothed’s name Alexander has 9 letters in the name, which means the new table will consist of nine lines. There may be more numbers in one line, which means you can move the extra ones to other lines, and vice versa, if there are fewer, add them.
  • Such manipulations are repeated until you cross out all paired numbers in all lines.

Interpretation of the obtained values

After finishing the cumbersome work of crossing out, all that remains is to count. How many values ​​are left, and then look at the values ​​​​proposed below.

  • 1, 10, 19 - you sympathize with the young man you were wondering about, and if not yet, then you can try, smile - and everything will work out for you.
  • 2, 11, 20 - your efforts are in vain, you are trying in vain - unfortunately, you did not attract his attention.

Of great importance in fortune telling is not only the correct conduct of fortune telling, but also an accurate deciphering of its meaning.

If it turns out that there are more numbers left that are multiples of three, then this means that you cannot avoid a romantic date.

  • 3, 12, 23 - this means that the young man is head over heels in love with you, and if not quite yet, then you can correct the situation with a slight movement of your eyelashes.
  • 4, 13, 22 - your boyfriend is breathing unevenly towards you, moreover, he is very jealous and does not give you a pass.
  • 5, 14, 23 – unfortunately, let’s focus on friendly relations, he does not have mutual feelings for you.
  • 6, 15, 24 – a new acquaintance, a romantic relationship, one step towards you.
  • 7, 16, 25 - you attracted your attention to him, all he has to do is take a step forward, or he is waiting and waiting for the initiative from you.
  • 8, 17, 26 – spend more time with your boyfriend, spend it together, alone.
  • 9, 18, 27 - advice to you, yes love! You are a wonderful couple, you are connected by a warm relationship and ardent love.

2nd Method of fortune telling by numbers from 1 to 100

To carry out the fortune telling procedure, you need to take a sheet of paper in a box and at the very top write the name of the young man for whom you will tell fortunes. Next, under the letters of the name, you begin to write numbers from 1 to 99, while skipping the zeros.

For example, 123456789111... or the values ​​40, 60, 80 - also write without zeros, it turns out: 468. In each subsequent row, the numbers must correspond to the number of the first. In the final row, the numbers must end with 99.
