From light comedy to complex drama. What is she like, Maria Kozhevnikova? The main man in the life of Maria Kozhevnikova: what he looks like and what he does Evgeniy Vasiliev uni

In 2011, at the celebration of a mutual friend, Masha had a significant meeting with a man who completely turned her life around. His name is Evgeny Vasiliev, this is the future husband of Maria Kozhevnikova.

Due to the busyness of both, dates were rare at first; their romance was more like a telephone-virtual adventure.

Kozhevnikova’s boyfriend often made surprises with the actress’s unexpected appearance on tour or late-night visits at night to continue the date.

Later the couple began to live in a civil marriage. We can say that by the time they were ripe for marriage, their relationship was proven, and the decision was deliberate.

The solemn wedding ceremony of Maria and her husband took place in early September 2013 on the Cote d'Azur in Nice, France. The couple's wedding took place there, at St. Nicholas Cathedral.

The decision to get married away from their homeland was dictated by the desire to make the ceremony as private as possible from prying eyes.

Kozhevnikova’s happy family relationship with her husband, if we count living together before the wedding, lasts about 7 years.

Masha showed a photo with a luxurious white dress on her Instagram page.

Maria Kozhevnikova: biography, personal life

The future actress was born on November 14, 1984 in Moscow. Maria grew up as an obedient child, bringing only good grades from school, without causing any trouble to her parents.

From the age of 4, the girl was sent to rhythmic gymnastics, where she showed good results, becoming a master of sports. However, the grown-up girl’s height and physique did not somewhat meet the standards of a gymnast, so she decided to leave her sports career.

Creative nature, excellent external data and innate artistry allowed Maria to enter GITIS the first time and in 2006 receive a diploma as an actress in the pop department.

For some time, Kozhevnikova was invited to act only occasionally. These are the series “Rublyovka Live”, “Gift of God”, “Heartbreakers” and others.

However, in 2008, Masha was finally lucky; she was offered one of the main roles in the youth sitcom “Univer”. Several seasons of the series made Kozhevnikova a recognizable beauty known throughout the country.

In 2009, the girl was offered to appear in the fashion gloss Playboy, where she risked appearing completely naked. There was no end to fans.

In 2011, Maria radically changed direction, joining the youth movement of the United Russia party, from which she was nominated as a deputy of the State Duma of the sixth convocation. At the same time, the activist becomes a member of the board of trustees of one of the regional orphanages.

At the same time, the star’s personal life is developing. In 2008, a social event dedicated to “Univer” was held in Chelyabinsk, which was attended by the actors of the series.

On it, Kozhevnikova meets Ilya Mitelman, president of the Mirel company. The young people develop a whirlwind romance, which a year later leads to an application for marriage.

But the wedding is not destined to take place. The potential husband turned out to be furiously jealous. Therefore, Maria breaks off the relationship.

The beauty was not free for long. Already in 2010, a businessman, a member of the management team of the Manege complex, applied for her hand and heart.

A wedding celebration is planned for next year, which also was not destined to take place. However, everything happens for the better. After all, Maria soon meets her destiny and true love.

Kozhevnikova family

Masha was born into an intelligent family, where there were many famous names.

Grandfather is a war veteran, Major General Valentin Nikolaevich Trofimov.

Maria's dad is Alexander Viktorovich Kozhevnikov, Honored Master of Sports, Soviet hockey player, two-time Olympic champion.

Mom - Margarita Valentinovna, English teacher, daughter of a general.

Maria has an older brother, Andrei, 4 years apart. He was a hockey player in the second team of masters, but a serious injury did not allow him to continue his sports career. Now he is engaged in real estate, he is married.

Maria's parents separated when she was in college. In the new family, the father had a daughter, Ekaterina, Masha’s younger half-sister. They didn't communicate for a long time, but are now very friendly.

Who is Maria Kozhevnikova's husband?

The husband of the actress and ex-State Duma deputy is a person far from publicity, show business and cinema.

There is practically no information about her husband, except for those facts that Maria herself gives out in portions.

There are interesting versions of journalists who have other sources. For example, a man is an ordinary computer engineer who came from Tver to work.

Maria hid her husband’s face for a long time, but when the first publications came out, readers’ comments also appeared. Many identified their neighbor, who left his wife and two children in Tver for Kozhevnikova.

By the way, this happened simultaneously with Maria’s nomination as a deputy. The date of the painting had to be accelerated, since at that time she was already pregnant.

At Maria's wedding there were only relatives and friends of the bride; no one was present from her husband's side. However, the Nice stamp is not recognized as an official document in Russia. Be that as it may, the main thing is that the young people are happy.

What is the name of Kozhevnikova’s wife?

Evgeny Vasiliev.

Where do Kozhevnikova live with her husband?

Previously, the family lived in Moscow in winter to make it easier to get to work. In the summer they rented a dacha near Tver.

Now Maria and her husband rent a good-quality house with a wonderful garden near Moscow, where they live with her mother and children.

Date of birth of Maria's husband

It is only known that he was born on January 26, on the same day as the couple’s second child, Maxim. No other information available.

What does Kozhevnikova’s husband, Evgeny Vasiliev, do?

According to Maria, he is an IT specialist, but is now involved in real estate. According to other sources, the man works in construction.

Photo with husband and children

The eldest son, Ivan, was born on January 19, 2014, the middle one, Maxim, was born on January 26, 2015, the youngest, Vasily, was given to her husband by Maria on July 20, 2017.

Children are very different. The firstborn is a copy of his mother, he is creative, loves to sing and dance, is interested in astronomy, knows the planets, and loves going to the planetarium.

The middle son, on the contrary, is just like his dad; he is interested in cars, prefabricated toys, and construction sets. It’s immediately obvious, as Masha says, that she is a child of a technical mindset.

The younger Vasily is still too young to make any predictions.

Evgeny Vasiliev: biography, age

How old Maria’s husband is is unknown. There are suggestions that he is 8-10 years older.

According to Masha, Evgeniy graduated from Moscow State University, Department of Mechanics and Mathematics, receiving a diploma in IT technology. She states that Vasiliev is a businessman.

33-year-old Maria Kozhevnikova showed a rare photo with her husband

The actress and former MP is a public figure who attracts public attention. However, for a long time Masha hid the name and face of her husband, and then her children. Photos from the family archive appeared after the birth of the second baby.

Kozhevnikova is still not married

Maria announced to the public that she and her husband had gotten married, but they never got married. We planned to do this at the beginning of 2019, but time limits our plans. The family decided to go on vacation instead of registering the marriage. According to the artist, the stamp will wait, this is not the main thing in life. Maria has been married to Evgeniy for 8 years.

Kozhevnikova on a program with Lera Kudryavtseva

On March 23, 2019, Maria came to the “Secret to a Million” program. She denied it for a long time and did not want to attend this show. Kozhevnikova did not even suspect that a surprise awaited her at the program. Presenter Lera Kudryavtseva, handing over the envelope, reminded the actress of a certain loss. Having learned about the contents, Maria began to cry. She did not explain what it was about, explaining that she was not yet ready to make it public.

The blonde beauty Maria Kozhevnikova, who is familiar to most of the Russian public from the comedy series “Univer,” combines the most incredible characteristics: she is an actress, an amazing mother, a wonderful wife, a gymnast, and a politician. How can such a fragile-looking creature have such interesting definitions? In this article you will learn everything about the biography, personal life, husband and children of Maria Kozhevnikova.


The future actress and politician was born on November 14, 1984. It is not surprising that Maria Kozhevnikova’s biography includes gymnastics, because the father of the Russian beauty was a famous athlete.


Maria's father Alexander Kozhevnikov is a two-time Olympic champion. He is a master of sports.

This is probably why the parents of the future actress thought that the girl would follow in the footsteps of her dad. She was very proud of her dad and always looked with admiration at how he achieved success.

Maria really started playing sports, her path was rhythmic gymnastics. The young beauty became a master of sports, but interrupted her career because she did not have the necessary physical characteristics.

In the biography and life of Maria Kozhevnikova, family plays a huge role. Therefore, the actress and former politician constantly recalls her childhood and notes that it was a very happy time in her life. The girl never left her mother without help, was very inquisitive and, of course, a spark of creativity burned in her.

It is impossible not to say that Masha never abandoned her studies, even taking into account her busy schedule (she did rhythmic gymnastics, and sports, as you know, take up a huge amount of time). The girl took the assignments that teachers gave her at home very seriously.

The pregnant actress is trying her best to save her marriage for the sake of her children.

The pregnant actress is trying her best to save her marriage for the sake of her children.

As soon as the Univer star crossed the threshold of the State Duma in December 2011 and became a deputy, her personal life was banned. Masha hid her pregnancy from fans until the very end (in January 14th, the actress gave birth to her son Vanya). She didn’t say a word about the wedding. And she still does not appear in public with her chosen one Evgeny VASILIEV. KOZHEVNIKOVA has prepared routine answers to questions from journalists.

At the end of autumn, knowledgeable people leaked information to the party that not everything was going smoothly in the beauty’s personal life. So he keeps quiet, they say.

The romantic relationship between Masha and Zhenya did not begin immediately. How I spilled the beans myself Kozhevnikova, they met three years ago in the company of mutual friends. Then they talked on the phone for three months and only then began to meet, and soon live together. True, the couple was first caught by the paparazzi only at a banquet at the Moscow Film Festival in June 2013.

My beloved is far from public: he is a specialist in the field of IT technologies, but now he is engaged in real estate, - Maria introduced her chosen one to her friends. - I am extremely happy with him!

Kozhevnikova’s colleagues could not even imagine that just two months later the actress suddenly walked down the aisle. The wedding of Maria and Eugene took place on the Cote d'Azur in France. Only the relatives and closest bridesmaids became witnesses to the celebration, and no one from the groom’s side came at all.

We planned to have a wedding in September and even chose a church for the wedding in the Tver region, but the filming of the film “Death Battalion,” for which I needed to shave my head, was postponed - we had to urgently change plans, the actress gave a strange explanation.

Gift from Tver

Kozhevnikova, as it turned out, mentioned the region of dense forests around Lake Seliger not by chance. From time to time, Masha publishes on Instagram photographs from the Tver region, in which her husband hides his face all the time. Our reader Olesya Glazkova said that Evgeny comes there to visit the children from his first marriage:

Kozhevnikova’s husband is not a businessman, but an ordinary computer scientist from Tver! Having arrived in the capital to work, I accidentally met Masha. At that time he was married and had two children. As soon as Kozhevnikova became a deputy, Evgeniy immediately abandoned his family, and their secret meetings with the actress developed into cohabitation. In bed, they say, he is unusually good: tireless and inventive! As a result, she brought him into divine form, got him a prestigious job in a construction company, and only when the uncouth provincial began to look like a Muscovite, the actress decided to show him to her friends. Well, then suddenly there was a pregnancy and a sudden wedding in Nice.

By the way, Maria and Evgeniy’s passports still do not have a marriage stamp - according to Russian laws, a wedding in Nice has no legal force. The actress herself assures that for her these formalities are a waste of time. But Kozhevnikova’s close circle assures that the star’s parents opposed the normal formalization of the relationship.

I think Margarita Valentinovna and Alexander Viktorovich are afraid that Zhenya will take advantage of Manya and then leave her with the children, suggested the famous society lady Valeria Vypolzova, who is part of the crowd where Maria hangs out. - Masha, of course, is madly in love with her husband - she is ready to do anything for him, but lately they often quarrel. Either the hormones are raging - she’s expecting a second one, or the pressure from her family is taking its toll. And there is one more nuance. One very influential gentleman told me that Manya is expecting a child from someone else...

Another wave of rumors recently arose when Evgeniy appeared at the singer’s 32nd birthday celebration Irson Kudikova in proud loneliness. Without a wedding ring. The young man was noticeably nervous and drank a lot.

To clarify the situation, we called the actress’s father, a famous hockey player. Alexander Kozhevnikov(Maria and her “French” husband declined to comment):

For me, the most important thing now is my grandson Vanechka. But I don’t see him often because of work. Masha always goes to the dacha with him on weekends. New Year is just around the corner - I will definitely congratulate my granddaughter.

- Will you dress up as Santa Claus or will you cede this role to your son-in-law?- we asked.

Vanya’s mother is an actress, and she has a lot of friends - let them play Morozov.

Kozhevnikova’s friends, of course, are aware of her family problems and unanimously wish for their speedy resolution.

Mashenka gives all of herself to her family, tries very hard to make sure everything is fine with them,” noted the best friend of the actress-deputy Alesa Kacher. - We all want this! And next year we are expecting new additions from the guys.

And we hope that all the troubles will remain in the outgoing year and the couple will be able to save the marriage.

And former State Duma deputy Maria Kozhevnikova is a person around whom many myths arise in the press. For a long time she did not introduce her other half to the public, the existence of which journalists suspected. Only in 2013, the artist announced that she had married Evgeniy Vasiliev.

Who is Kozhevnikova’s husband?

The life partner, who fell in love with the audience after the series “Univer,” seems to many to be a mystical figure. He rarely appears in joint shots with Maria.

Maria Kozhevnikova and Evgeny Vasiliev

In an interview, she talks about the positive emotions that family life gives her. The photo posted by Kozhevnikova on Instagram leaves no doubt - Evgeny Vasiliev exists.

Maria Kozhevnikova with her husband

He strictly adheres to the rule: “happiness loves silence.” And he’s not going to show off something that concerns only two people.

It is known that Kozhevnikova’s husband lived in Tver before they met.

Journalists were unable to obtain his exact date of birth. He celebrates his name day on January 26th. Presumably the husband is 8 years or more older than Mary.

Evgeny Vasiliev with his wife Maria Kozhevnikova

According to her, he works in the field of IT technologies and is engaged in the construction business. At one time, Evgeny Vasiliev graduated from Moscow State University and was educated at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics.

Wedding and children of Vasilyev and Kozhevnikova

The first meeting between Kozhevnikova and Vasiliev took place in 2011. Distance prevented frequent dates, which gave rise to a telephone romance.

Happy couple Kozhevnikova and Vasiliev

In 2013, Evgeny Vasiliev and Kozhevnikova got married while traveling around France in St. Nicholas Cathedral in Nice. Evgeniy never agreed to an interview after that.

Wedding of Maria Kozhevnikova and Evgeny Vasiliev

Maria later spoke about the birth of their first child Ivan (2014), second son Maxim (2015) and baby Vasily (2017).

Maria Kozhevnikova with her husband and children

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Personal life of Kozhevnikova today

Rumors periodically circulate on the Internet about Evgeniy Vasiliev leaving the family. But Maria herself, in stories about herself, focuses on a happy marriage and a reliable shoulder. Their rare family photographs signal a warm relationship.

Happy mother and wife Maria Kozhevnikova

Kozhevnikova and her husband do not often appear in public together; they carefully protect their marriage. The husband is not tormented by jealousy when Maria goes out with someone on her arm; he understands the specifics of her lifestyle and completely trusts her.

Maria Kozhevnikova, sons, husband Evgeny Vasiliev

Kozhevnikova’s husband and children are her pride; there is no doubt that Maria Kozhevnikova’s personal life was a success.
