How to use false nails. Video: How to remove false nails

Looking bright is the sincere desire of every woman. It’s difficult to imagine a bright image without a perfect manicure.

You can refine your hands different ways. Tips remain one of the most popular. The reason for this is their ease of use and beautiful appearance.

Lack of experience may cause unsatisfactory results. Is it possible for beginners to do a manicure with artificial nails on their own? Just a few tips will bring a beginner closer to perfect manicure. Let's figure it out in order.

Which false nails to choose?

The advantages of tips are obvious:

  • cheaper than acrylic;
  • at correct use practically do not cause harm;
  • the varnish lasts a long time;
  • durable;
  • require little maintenance;
  • with the help of a nail file they easily acquire the desired shape;
  • easy to remove at home.

Their disadvantages include the likelihood of peeling off. Experience and care significantly reduce this risk. Continuous use is contraindicated, the maximum permissible period is 3 weeks. After this, your own nails need rest, otherwise they will begin to deteriorate from the glue and will require a long recovery.

There are several ways to glue tips. Each girl decides for herself which one suits her best:

  • the adhesive side of the plate itself;
  • sticky pads similar to double-sided tape;
  • liquid glue.

False nails offer a wide choice of colors, prints and decorations. Ready-made tips can complement your look with any outfit for any occasion.

Many fashionistas prefer transparent or plain plates natural color. The manicure done on them lasts a long time and is neat and natural.

Preparing the fingers and plates

Whatever material you choose, preparation is required before gluing. Otherwise at the very

At an unexpected moment, detachment may occur.

The preparation procedure is simple, but must be performed efficiently:

  • if there is a varnish coating, carefully remove it; for this purpose, products without acetone are strongly recommended (the recommendation applies to manicure in general, and to tips in particular, since the adhesive material already poses a load on the horny tissue, and acetone will aggravate it);
  • if a hygienic manicure is required, then the right time for it is before gluing: sharpen your nails to a minimum, cut off burrs, push back the cuticle;
  • make sure that there are no injuries under the pads; they can worsen to the point of suppuration, it is advisable to wait for healing or abandon tips in favor of a medicinal coating;
  • treat the surface of the natural nail plates with a soft nail file, this will degrease them and smooth out unevenness;
  • if the overhead plates require it, file them to fit your shape;
  • arrange the tips in the order in which they will be on your hands so that there is no confusion when you glue;
  • Before gluing, use a special base product for manicure, this will reduce the load on nail plates and will increase the service life of the tips;
  • let the base dry.

Applying tips

The quality of the adhesive affects how long the nails will last and the ease of use. It is difficult to say whether it can be considered the most high price guarantee of appropriate quality. As a rule, the quality of fastening increases in proportion to the cost. It is safer to buy products from trusted brands.

Glue false nails with glue:

  • apply an even thin layer of glue to the nail;

IMPORTANT! Usually a drop no larger than half a pea is enough. Large quantity will not improve grip, but will leak out around the edges.

  • quickly and carefully apply and press the pad;
  • use a file to file the area of ​​contact with the nail; if there is a gap, you can first fill it with glue and let it dry.

Glue on sticky pads:

  • expose one side of the adhesive pad;
  • attach it in the center of the nail;
  • remove the film from the second side;
  • Press the tip tightly, first in the center, then along the edges.

We decorate with tips with a sticky layer:

  • remove the protective layer;
  • attach the false nail to yours;
  • press firmly first in the middle, then on the sides.

The video shows the gluing process in different ways step by step.

Care and removal

Properly applied false nails can give you an ideal appearance for many days. They are easy to care for. You will need basic careful attitude. Dry your hands with special care after washing. Water dissolves the adhesive layer, but it happens slowly. It is important to dry your hands with a towel in a timely manner. Use it rubber gloves when doing chores around the house.

Removing false nails with glue is very easy, even for beginners. You will need a hand bath. Place your hands in the bath with warm water for 20 minutes, most likely, the tips will peel off on their own. If water doesn't do the job, soak your fingers in nail polish remover, 5-10 minutes is usually enough.

Additional difficulties, as well as pain, rarely appear during removal. But if they occur, seek help from a professional.

False nails provide the opportunity to get a manicure at home that is not inferior in appearance to a professional one. When deciding in favor of tips, it is important to remember the health of your own nail plates and not overuse artificial ones.

Artificial nails are a great addition to a cocktail or evening dress, a wonderful way to celebrate your special day. Use overlays long time Not every girl can do it. For supporting appearance Such fingers require a sincere desire and low workload with household chores.

False nails are considered one of the most popular beauty attributes. Tips help girls look fashionable and at the same time natural, without spending a lot of money on the extension procedure. The plates are attached with glue to the natural nail, the result lasts for 1-2 weeks. The method is more gentle than helium or acrylic extensions. However, there are certain difficulties with removing nails; let’s look at the basic technologies in order.

Method number 1. Orange stylus and acetone

  1. Dip an orange stick into pure acetone. Pry the edge of the artificial plate in the cuticle area. Using a pipette, scoop up some nail polish remover and pour the contents under the false nail.
  2. Wait 5 minutes, then perform the manipulations again. When the substance takes effect, it will become much easier to remove unnatural attributes of beauty.
  3. You need to pry the edge of the nail with the sharp corner of the stylus, and then try to remove the accessory from its plate. Do this with each nail one at a time.
  4. When all the tips are removed, soak a cosmetic sponge in nail polish remover and wipe your nails. This way you will clean the plates from any remaining glue.

Method number 2. Hot bath

  1. This technique is rightfully considered the safest. To remove artificial nails using glue yourself, prepare a basin and chamomile.
  2. Pour boiling water over 100 g. plants, pour in 100-150 ml. any natural oil (olive, sunflower). Leave until partially cooled.
  3. When the mixture reaches a comfortable temperature, dip your fingertips into it. Leave the hand bath until the plates become soft.
  4. Prepare a wooden stick and try to pry the edge of the unnatural nail with it. If the tip comes off partially, pour nail polish remover under it.
  5. Detach the artificial attributes from the natural plate. Remove the glue using a cotton swab soaked in acetone. After the procedure, wash your hands and rub vegetable oil into your nails.

Method No. 3. Composition for removing acrylic and gel

  1. Purchase liquid for removing false nails from a professional nail industry store. As a rule, the composition removes acrylic and gel. The product is more gentle than other similar options.
  2. Give preference to products that contain natural esters, oils, algae extracts, vitamins A and E. The kit should also include foil, cotton swabs, and a stylus.
  3. To begin the procedure, cut the free edge of the nail short, but not at the root. Soak cotton pads in the purchased mixture and apply to each plate in turn.
  4. Tear off large pieces of foil (cling film will do) and wrap around your fingertips. Secure the compress tightly to prevent air penetration.
  5. Wait for the certain interval specified in the instructions. As a rule, the exposure period is 25-35 minutes. After this, evaluate the result; the artificial nail should come off on its own.
  6. Help him with the stylus, moving from the cuticle to the free edge. Upon completion of the procedure, remove any remaining glue with the same liquid or acetone, wash your hands, and rub vegetable oil into the plates.

Method number 4. Acetone compress

  1. The technique for removing nails with glue is identical to using a special composition. There is only one clarification - acetone has a bad effect on the skin around the nail, so it is better to replace it with nail polish remover.
  2. To remove, shorten the length of the artificial nails. Rub rich cream or Vaseline into the skin around the plates to minimize the harmful effects.
  3. Prepare cosmetic discs, cut out hemispheres from them that match the size of the false nail. Soak each piece in nail polish remover and apply to your nails.
  4. Wrap the tampons with cling film or foil, do not allow air to enter. Wait 4-6 minutes, then remove the compress and evaluate the result.
  5. Pry up the tip in the cuticle area. If it does not come off, reapply the cotton wool. In the case where the unnatural plate is easily removed, carry out the manipulations after the first “soaking”.
  6. Next, remove any remaining glue with a sponge soaked in nail polish remover. Rinse your fingers and rub the oil into them, paying due attention to the nail plates.

Method No. 5. Bath of nail polish remover

  1. Wipe your fingers with an antiseptic (peroxide, miramistin, chlorhexidine, vodka, medical alcohol, etc.). Rub olive oil into your nail plates and do the same with your skin. Leave the mixture for a quarter of an hour, repeat the steps 2-3 times.
  2. This move will reduce the impact on sensitive areas, since the fingers will be lowered into the acetone-containing composition. Next, lubricate the skin around the nails with baby (very greasy!) cream, making a thick layer.
  3. Prepare a small bowl. Pour 1 bottle of nail polish remover into it. Dip your fingertips into the product; it is advisable to first cut off the edge of the tips.
  4. Wait 5-10 minutes, then pry the artificial covering with a stylus in the cuticle area. Remove your nails and immediately wash your hands with antibacterial soap.
  5. Soak the sponge in nail polish remover and remove any remaining adhesive. Disinfect the plate with hydrogen peroxide, rub olive oil.
  6. Extreme caution should be used during the procedure. If you feel even the slightest burning sensation, remove your fingers immediately. Wash them and disinfect them with miramistin.

Method number 6. Cutting down tips

  1. This option for removing glue-based tips is similar to removing helium and acrylic plates. The treatment is carried out by cutting down the artificial turf.
  2. To do this, you need to purchase files of high, medium and fine abrasiveness. You will also need a buff to make your nails smooth.
  3. First of all, cut off the free edge of the tips. Take a hard (preferably glass) nail file and erase half the thickness of the tip. Next, using a medium abrasive tool, bring the nail to the thinnest possible state.
  4. Now spread Vaseline or rich baby cream over the worn-out surface. This move will prevent damage to the native nail. Continue removing the tips with a fine file until a translucent layer of the artificial plate remains.
  5. Now gently coat each nail with nail polish remover. Wait 10 minutes, then pry the tip with an orange stick. Remove the remaining overlay plates and remove the adhesive with acetone.
  6. Wash your hands, rub olive oil or pharmacy vitamin E ampoules into your nails. Wait 1 hour, then use the buff to make your nail smooth and rough.

You can remove false nails with glue using acetone baths or chamomile infusion. Tips are often removed special liquid for acrylic and gel, as well as a compress based on varnish remover. Regardless of the method chosen, you must be careful and monitor the condition of your natural nails.

Video: how to remove artificial nails

In the struggle for beauty, girls use a lot of tricks. False nails deserve special interest. They are used by fashionistas to artificially increase the length of a natural plate and correct its shortcomings. These nails look natural both in photos and in reality. How these devices are used and why they have become so popular will be discussed in our article.

Benefits of false nails. Their types and features

Perhaps, these days there is not a single woman who would not know about the existence of false nails. Many beauties have known them since childhood. The second name for such a “device” is tips.

There are two main types of nail extensions: plastic nails and “hard varnish.” The first ones must be attached using a special compound. Another type has a self-adhesive surface.

Why are tips in high demand, despite the existence of gel and acrylic extension procedures? It's all about the huge number of advantages of overhead plates:

    • Naturalness. Tips look like natural nails. It’s impossible to tell with the naked eye that the girl simply pasted them on. This effect can be achieved with the help of extensions, but in this case you will not have any guarantees that the master will recreate beautiful shape. Look at the photo of false nails - even a beginner cannot spoil their outlines.
    • Availability. If the modeling procedure with gel and acrylic requires special equipment to be carried out at home, then the use of tips remains accessible to everyone. The price of the set does not exceed 200 rubles. This is significantly less than the cost of the extension service.
    • Efficiency of the procedure. To apply false nails at home, it will take no more than half an hour of your time. Most girls complete the task in 10-15 minutes. During such a period it is impossible to do extensions with acrylic or gel.
    • Safety. Unlike modeling, false nails can be used even by children. When using tips, the natural plate is not injured, and the materials used for gluing them are non-toxic.
    • Strength. Your new nails will last for at least a week. During this period, the length of the natural plate will increase. In addition, tips protect the surface of the nail from the harmful effects of varnish and other substances with which it is forced to come into contact. Therefore, within a week the plates grow strong and beautiful.
    • Wide choice of designs. After gluing the tips, you can create any nail art. Most often, girls use hand painting and rhinestones. New plates can be decorated with sparkles, beads, feathers, and stickers.
    • Even false nails without a design look perfect; just cover them with varnish. In addition, there are plates with ready-made net art that will definitely last throughout the entire period of wearing.

How to properly glue false nails?

Despite the widespread this method manicure decorations, not all girls know how to glue false nails correctly. The procedure is not complicated, so even children can perform it. The whole process consists of the following steps:

  1. Natural plates are cut as short as possible. This is necessary so that the plastic cover does not bend and is better secured.
  2. The remains of the old coating are removed. Regardless of what product you used, it must be cleaned from the surface of the plates. Otherwise, the manicure will not last even a day.
  3. The cuticle is pushed back as far as possible. The surface of natural marigolds can be lightly sanded. Free edges should be filed.
  4. Wipe natural plates with primer. It can be replaced with hydrogen peroxide or alcohol.
  5. Place a little glue on your nail. Attach the trim immediately. Fix it in one position for 10-15 seconds, then proceed to the next nail.

Now all you have to do is make the design. This method will help you apply regular false nails correctly. With “hard varnish” everything is much simpler. When using tips of this type, glue is not needed.

Using the same principle, you can glue false nails to your feet. However, tips can only be used if there are no infectious or fungal diseases.

Is it time to replace your tips? Don't rush to tear them off if you want to preserve the natural plates.

First of all, you need to make a bath. Steam your fingers in hot water to dissolve the false nail glue. Then you can safely remove the tips.

The author of the video will tell you about his secrets of removing glued artificial plates. The heroine will also show the procedure for steaming fingers:

Fashionistas talk about false nails mostly positive reviews. This is not at all surprising, given the ease of use of the tips and their other advantages. If you have already tried wearing them, tell us about your impressions in the comments.

By applying false nails at home, you can get a pretty neat manicure in a matter of minutes. Many modern girls They think that they look too unnatural and are no longer relevant, because there are so many ways to decorate pens without plastic plates. But if you apply false nails correctly and choose a quality product, no one will be able to tell that these are not your real nails!

Today, such well-known companies as Loreal and Broadway delight beauties with a wide selection of false nails. We will talk about the intricacies of their use and how to make artificial nails look like natural ones in this article.

About modern false nails

Some people mistakenly believe that false nails at home cannot turn out well. False tips remain in the memory of many girls as rough pieces of plastic that first had to be filed for a long time in order to give them a more or less neat shape, and then manage to firmly and accurately fix them using glue for false nails. It was quite difficult to glue such nails on yourself, and excess glue spoiled the whole result, leaving marks on the hands that were quite difficult to remove. In general, nothing but torment!

But today, a set of false nails is radically different from its predecessors: you don’t have to shape the plates or fuss with glue. Just a couple of minutes and your nails are in the right place and look quite natural! Of course, overlays that need to be glued with special glue can also be found on sale. But they have also become much more flexible and durable.

Advantages of plastic linings

The advantages of false nails are as follows:

  • From a huge assortment you can choose the shape and design of false nails that harmonizes with your image.
  • The plastic overlays are quite durable and, when properly applied, last a long time.
  • On tips, the varnish will not “peel off” longer, and the color of the coating will be more saturated, because the surface of the plates is perfectly smooth, and natural nails have grooves.
  • The harm to your real marigolds is minimal.
  • If desired, you can shorten the length of the overlays using a regular nail file.

What types of overhead tips are there?

Today, the assortment of this product is so wide that your eyes simply run wild. How to do it right choice? The main differences are as follows:

  • Design. Plain or patterned – the choice is yours.
  • Form. Overlays are made for different forms nails You can choose tips that match your natural plate shape.
  • Method of gluing. Modern tips can have a thin sticky layer on the back of the plate or be glued using special overlays that are previously placed on the natural plate. Tips that require liquid glue to be applied have a lower cost, but you will also have to tinker with them longer.
  • Quality. Product price and naturalness final result Depend, of course, on the quality of the linings. The quality of the adhesive layer determines the service life of the tips. If you want to bring the result closer to the ideal, do not skimp on your purchase.

False nail design

False nails can be of two types:

  • No design. These are transparent or beige plates on which you can apply any varnish yourself in the usual way, just like you paint your real nails. The coating is applied evenly, and the color is saturated in one layer.
  • With design. The varied designs of false nails allow even the most sophisticated fashionistas to choose a product. Various prints, patterns, single-color marigolds or made using the technique french manicure, with sparkles or rhinestones - almost any nail art ideas have already been embodied on tips. Just choose what you like!

To make false nails look more natural, we recommend that you buy false nails without a design and apply the coating yourself. Of course, the design applied during the manufacturing process of the tips is more complex and unusual, but often such nails look very unnatural.

How to glue false nails

Depending on which overlays you choose, the gluing instructions will be different. But the first step, preparing the nails for the procedure, will be standard for any option. further development events. To prepare your natural nails, follow these step-by-step steps:

  1. If your nails are painted, remove the old coating.
  2. Use an orange stick to move the cuticle.
  3. Trim hangnails if there are any.
  4. Using a nail file, trim the minimum length of your natural nails.
  5. Roughen the surface of your nails by treating them with a soft nail file. This will improve the adhesion of the natural plate and the artificial one.

Glue regular plastic tips

Now let's move on directly to gluing the tips. If you purchased false nails without a sticky layer, step by step instructions How to glue false nails is as follows:

  1. Choose tips that match the width of your real nails.
  2. File the extensions with a hard nail file so that they fit perfectly on your nails.
  3. Place all the overlays in front of you in the desired sequence to simplify the gluing process.
  4. Natural marigolds need to be degreased with a special antiseptic. This will ensure reliable fixation tips and will prevent the development of fungus on your real nails.
  5. Gently apply the glue to the surface of your nail, avoiding contact with the skin.
  6. Attach the tip and press it tightly.

All that remains is to mask the joint between the overlay and your real plate. To do this, you can use 3 methods:

  1. File the joint with a stiff file.
  2. Drop a little glue onto the joint, and then after it dries, smooth out the unevenness with a nail file.
  3. Use liquid acrylic. You will need liquid acrylic and powdered acrylic. Dip the brush into liquid acrylic, and then into powder and touch the joint.

Glue tips with a sticky layer

There are two types of such overlays:

  • the sticky layer is already applied to the back of the pad, and a thin film is located on top;
  • overlays for each nail with an adhesive layer are included separately.

There are usually no difficulties in how to glue false nails with a sticky layer applied to them. You just need to remove the transparent film from each artificial plate and fix them on natural ones.

If you purchased flexible adhesive tips, such as Flex from Loreal, you will need:

  1. Choose a tip that matches the size of your natural plate; it will be numbered.
  2. Carefully peel off the appropriate numbered adhesive pad and place it in the center of your nail.
  3. Remove the thin film from the surface of the pad.
  4. Place the artificial plate with your natural one, pressing it in the center and then on the sides to remove air from under it.
  5. If there are uneven spots on the tip, use a nail file.

Now you know how to make false nails as natural as possible. And so that your real nails do not suffer from wearing tips, you need to know how to remove false nails.

How to remove false nails

  1. Dip your hands in hot water and hold for 15 minutes.
  2. The glue will dissolve and you can easily remove the tips.
  3. If the record is held very firmly, place your finger in a container filled with nail polish remover. After this, the tip can be easily removed.
  4. Remove remaining glue from the surface of the nails with nail polish remover.

Modern false nails can take pride of place in the makeup bag of every girl who always wants to look perfect. Remember that overlays can only be glued to healthy nails! Follow the recommendations and enjoy a beautiful manicure!

You want long nails, but can't grow them because your natural nails are brittle, brittle and weak.

If you don't have the patience or ability to grow your own nails, you can use false nails to get your nails to the shape and length you want.

Not everyone has the opportunity to go to a beauty salon to get acrylic or gel nail extensions and prefer to use false nails.

This article will help you learn how to properly apply false nails at home.

How to make false nails yourself

  1. First, prepare your own nails; they need to be cut short. You also need to clean your nails of old polish. Next, take a fine-grained file and begin filing the surface of the nail. After filing, the nails must be thoroughly wiped so that no dust remains on the nails, as they must be dry and clean.
  2. After our nails have been prepared, we need to choose plastic false nails, but we need to make sure that they perfectly match the width of our real nails. If necessary, the tips need to be filed down to make them narrower. We need to prepare ten such nails.
  3. Now we proceed directly to gluing the false nails, for this we need to drop one drop of glue onto the lower part of the false nail. After this, we need to press the artificial nail onto the natural nail, and make sure that the nail lies straight until the glue dries. And we do all this to the rest of the nails.
  4. The next step is to give your nails the desired shape and length using a nail file.
  5. Then pour a little liquid acrylic into a small bowl.
  6. After this, take an applicator brush and dip 1/4 of the brush into acrylic. Wipe off the excess liquid acrylic on the side of the bowl.
  7. Then dip only the end of the brush into acrylic powder. The resulting mixture must be applied between the false and real nails, this is necessary so that the transition from the false nail to the natural nail is not visible.
  8. After this, remove excess mixture from the brush and repeat steps 6 and 7 for the remaining nails.
  9. We wait until the nails are completely dry, and only after that we begin to polish the nails so that they are pleasant and smooth to the touch. When sanding, you should first use a medium-grain file, and then switch to a fine-grain file, this is necessary to ensure that your nails are perfectly smooth.
  10. Ridding our hands of leftovers chemical substances. To do this, we just need to wash our hands thoroughly.
  11. You can paint your nails with polish only after your nails are dry.

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