How to freeze bananas. Frozen bananas Freezing bananas for the winter at home

  1. Peel the bananas
  2. Cut them into pieces 3-4 cm wide.
  3. If you throw the bananas straight into a bag and put them in the freezer, they will stick together and turn into a banana brick, so first you need to lay them out on a tray, lined with parchment.
  4. After about an hour, the bananas will be frozen, and then they can be transferred to food bags. It is more convenient to divide the bananas into ready-made portions so that they can be used immediately for cooking.
Bananas can be frozen whole, without even peeling them. Just wash them, dry them and put them in the freezer in a plastic bag. But peeled bananas will last about 1 month longer in the freezer, and bananas cut into pieces will be more convenient to grind in a blender. The shelf life of frozen bananas is approximately 3 months.

banana puree, photo: Coupon Clipping Cook If you like porridge with bananas, it is better to freeze them in the form of puree. To do this, grind the banana in a blender, add a few drops of lemon juice (to prevent the bananas from darkening) and pour the finished puree into ice trays. A banana cube can be thrown into hot porridge or added to hot milk.

Now that the freezer is full of frozen bananas, we are talking about the most delicious and simple dessert that can be prepared in a couple of minutes.

You will need:

  • 3 frozen bananas (or a bag of frozen banana pieces)
  • A glass of milk (250 ml) or cream
  • 2 tbsp sugar syrup (can be replaced with honey)
  • Lime or lemon juice (1 tbsp)
  • You can add a pinch of cinnamon for taste.

Mix everything in a blender until smooth. Ready! Add pieces of cookies, berries, dried fruits, nuts as desired, or eat plain. This is delicious.

Why freeze bananas when you can easily buy them in a store or market all year round? What is the best way to freeze bananas? Where can such a blank be used? You can find answers to these questions below.

Total cooking time – 2 hours 30 minutes
Active cooking time – 1 hour 0 minute
Cost - very economical
Calorie content per 100 g - 95 kcal
Number of servings – 6 servings


Banana - 1 kg or any amount
Lemon juice - optional

Sometimes, there may be bananas in a fruit basket and their shelf life is measured not in days, but in hours. These bananas need to be eaten immediately or frozen. Freezing is a convenient way to preserve fruit without losing its taste.

It is better to use ripe or slightly overripe bananas for freezing. Unripe bananas are not suitable for freezing.

Be sure to wash bananas before freezing. It sounds strange, but peeling a banana without touching its pulp is almost impossible. And if you take into account the duration of transportation and the number of hands that touched the banana while it reached store shelves, then it becomes obvious and quite a reasonable decision to wash the bananas well. Let the washed fruit dry thoroughly.

Bananas can be frozen in any way you like: whole with or without peel, cut into cubes or slices, or as a puree. Each method has its advantages, and I will try to talk about it in detail.

A. Freezing the whole banana without the peel.

Bananas store well in the freezer, both with and without the peel. But the shelf life of such bananas will be different. Without a peel, a banana can last 1 month longer than with a peel. Therefore, if you want to make banana baked goods that use whole bananas, such as banana cake with chocolate mousse, then this method of freezing a peeled whole banana will be quite convenient.

Peel the washed banana.

To prevent bananas from sticking together during freezing, they must be frozen first. To do this, take a flat tray, baking sheet, dish or board and cover the selected item with foil, or parchment paper, or cling film or a plastic bag. Arrange the bananas so that they are not touching each other.
Place the bananas in the freezer and let them freeze. This will take about an hour at minus 18 or minus 22 degrees. The temperature should not be higher than the specified values.

Place already frozen bananas in thick plastic bags. Remove the air (it is advisable to squeeze it out of the bag as much as possible), close tightly and label the label. Be sure to mark the date so you know the shelf life of the product. By the way, such bananas can be stored for no more than 3 months, the temperature is minus 18 degrees and below.

B. Freezing a banana whole in its peel.

This is the fastest way to freeze bananas. They do not need to be frozen first, as described in the previous paragraph. Therefore, if you have bananas lying around at home and you are worried that they will spoil, then freeze them whole. These bananas can then be used to make banana cakes, banana ricotta roll cake or banana cake.

Simply place washed and dried bananas in individual bags, seal them, and write the freezing date on the label.
Store for no more than 2 months, the temperature should be between minus 18 - minus 22 degrees.

After the freezer, the peel on the banana will darken greatly, but in the middle it will be an ordinary banana, only the flesh will become much softer. To clean it, you need to give it time to thaw at room temperature. When using such a banana for baking, you need to defrost it completely, and for cocktails or smoothies, such a banana can be mashed partially defrosted or without defrosting at all.

C. Freezing banana pieces.

Most often, sliced ​​bananas are used to make cocktails, casseroles and other baked goods. Therefore, this freezing method is suitable for lovers of smoothies and shakes.
Cut the peeled banana into slices of arbitrary thickness. The optimal size would be 1.5-3 cm (more is possible).

Place the banana slices on a baking sheet or other flat object, first covering it with cling film or parchment paper.
The banana pieces should not touch each other, otherwise they will stick together.
Leave them in the freezer for 30 minutes - 1 hour. During this time they should freeze well.

Place frozen banana pieces in a container (or bowl) for food storage. Close the lid and sign the label indicating the date frozen and the weight of the contents. You can pack one or two bananas into a container, so that when defrosting it is easier to navigate the required amount of product.

Banana pieces are also stored well in thick plastic bags. Be sure to tie them tightly, releasing as much air as possible.
The shelf life of such bananas is 3 months, storage temperature is minus 18 degrees and below.

This form of preparation is suitable for making a cake with bananas and walnuts, as well as a milkshake with syrup and a smoothie with gooseberries, banana and poppy seeds.

For smoothies and cocktails, banana pieces can not be completely defrosted, but chopped in a blender, partially melted or without defrosting at all.
If you are preparing a cottage cheese casserole, pie or cupcake with banana slices, then you do not need to defrost them first.

D. Freezing mashed bananas.

Grind the bananas to a puree using any accessible and convenient method for you. I peeled the banana, put the pieces in a blender and turned the contents into a homogeneous mass. You can also grind the bananas through a sieve with large holes, or mash with a potato masher or fork.
You can add lemon juice to the puree to preserve color and even extend shelf life. Approximately 1 tbsp. for one cup (250 ml) of banana puree.

Place mashed bananas in ice cube freezer compartments.

Place the trays of banana puree into the freezer and allow them time to freeze completely before transferring them into storage bags. At minus 18 degrees, the puree cubes will freeze within an hour.

Remove frozen banana cubes from their compartments and place them in either bowls or bags. Close or tie tightly and write on the label.

For me, freezing mashed bananas in the form of small cubes is the most ideal option. This puree easily melts into hot porridge. Therefore, in the morning I always prepare porridge with banana for my baby, and in the evening I can offer a glass of milk with 1-2 cubes of banana puree. As a result, both the porridge and the drink turn out sweet and not so hot.

Banana puree can also be frozen in portions, in plastic or paper cups. I advise you to indicate on the label either the weight of the puree, or the number of bananas used for its preparation (1-2 bananas are convenient), in the future this will help you navigate the required amount of puree.
Place the banana puree into cups, almost filling them to the top, and cover well with cling film.

Store banana puree for no more than 3 months. The temperature should be between minus 18 minus - 22 degrees.

You can make banana puree

Frozen bananas can be used for baking and making milkshakes. Bananas are included in the smoothie recipe. They give the drink a creamy taste and thick texture. If you're not too lazy, you can find 101 ways to use frozen bananas.

If you freeze fruit whole, it will stick together. A whole frozen banana will be difficult to fit into a blender for smoothies or purees. For this reason, bananas are cut into slices.

Frozen bananas - base for smoothies and baking

This freezing method prevents the banana pieces from sticking together. You can easily get the right amount of frozen fruit. Small pieces fit freely into the blender and are easily mixed. For freezing, select fully ripe bananas. The skin should be completely yellow with no green tint.

If black spots have already appeared on the banana, then that’s even better. Freezing bananas is a great way to deal with excess fruit if you buy a large bunch. Frozen bananas can be stored in the freezer for several months without losing their aroma, color or taste.

How to freeze bananas

Peel the bananas and cut into slices 1.5 to 3 cm thick. Place the slices on a flat plate or tray and place in the freezer for several hours. Then separate the pieces and place them in a bag or container for storage in the freezer. Frozen this way, the banana pieces will not stick together, and you can easily separate the required amount. Frozen bananas will remain fresh for up to 8 months.

Why freeze bananas?

Frozen bananas are just as good as fresh ones. This is a good way to preserve fruit, especially if the bananas are fully ripe.

  • Frozen bananas act as ice cubes when making cocktails.
  • You can always make a delicious milkshake.
  • For breakfast, try a banana-oat smoothie.
  • Bananas are in the majority fruit smoothie recipes.
  • The banana cubes need to be thawed and prepared for banana muffins, banana bread, cake and other desserts.

What happens if you freeze whole bananas?

Banana peels will darken and turn brown when frozen. The pulp itself will retain its color and aroma. After defrosting, the peel becomes sticky and you need to work a little to remove it. Frozen bananas in their peels are suitable for baking. Frozen banana pieces are good for making smoothies.

Why freeze bananas when you can easily buy them in a store or market all year round? What is the best way to freeze bananas? Where can such a blank be used? You can find answers to these questions below.

Total cooking time – 2 hours 30 minutes
Active cooking time – 1 hour 0 minute
Cost - very economical
Calorie content per 100 g - 95 kcal
Number of servings – 6 servings


Banana - 1 kg or any amount
Lemon juice - optional

Sometimes, there may be bananas in a fruit basket and their shelf life is measured not in days, but in hours. These bananas need to be eaten immediately or frozen. Freezing is a convenient way to preserve fruit without losing its taste.

It is better to use ripe or slightly overripe bananas for freezing. Unripe bananas are not suitable for freezing.

Be sure to wash bananas before freezing. It sounds strange, but peeling a banana without touching its pulp is almost impossible. And if you take into account the duration of transportation and the number of hands that touched the banana while it reached store shelves, then it becomes obvious and quite a reasonable decision to wash the bananas well. Let the washed fruit dry thoroughly.

Bananas can be frozen in any way you like: whole with or without peel, cut into cubes or slices, or as a puree. Each method has its advantages, and I will try to talk about it in detail.

A. Freezing the whole banana without the peel.

Bananas store well in the freezer, both with and without the peel. But the shelf life of such bananas will be different. Without a peel, a banana can last 1 month longer than with a peel. Therefore, if you want to make banana baked goods that use whole bananas, such as banana cake with chocolate mousse, then this method of freezing a peeled whole banana will be quite convenient.

Peel the washed banana.

To prevent bananas from sticking together during freezing, they must be frozen first. To do this, take a flat tray, baking sheet, dish or board and cover the selected item with foil, or parchment paper, or cling film or a plastic bag. Arrange the bananas so that they are not touching each other.
Place the bananas in the freezer and let them freeze. This will take about an hour at minus 18 or minus 22 degrees. The temperature should not be higher than the specified values.

Place already frozen bananas in thick plastic bags. Remove the air (it is advisable to squeeze it out of the bag as much as possible), close tightly and label the label. Be sure to mark the date so you know the shelf life of the product. By the way, such bananas can be stored for no more than 3 months, the temperature is minus 18 degrees and below.

B. Freezing a banana whole in its peel.

This is the fastest way to freeze bananas. They do not need to be frozen first, as described in the previous paragraph. Therefore, if you have bananas lying around at home and you are worried that they will spoil, then freeze them whole. These bananas can then be used to make banana cakes, banana ricotta roll cake or banana cake.

Simply place washed and dried bananas in individual bags, seal them, and write the freezing date on the label.
Store for no more than 2 months, the temperature should be between minus 18 - minus 22 degrees.

After the freezer, the peel on the banana will darken greatly, but in the middle it will be an ordinary banana, only the flesh will become much softer. To clean it, you need to give it time to thaw at room temperature. When using such a banana for baking, you need to defrost it completely, and for cocktails or smoothies, such a banana can be mashed partially defrosted or without defrosting at all.

C. Freezing banana pieces.

Most often, sliced ​​bananas are used to make cocktails, casseroles and other baked goods. Therefore, this freezing method is suitable for lovers of smoothies and shakes.
Cut the peeled banana into slices of arbitrary thickness. The optimal size would be 1.5-3 cm (more is possible).

Place the banana slices on a baking sheet or other flat object, first covering it with cling film or parchment paper.
The banana pieces should not touch each other, otherwise they will stick together.
Leave them in the freezer for 30 minutes - 1 hour. During this time they should freeze well.

Place frozen banana pieces in a container (or bowl) for food storage. Close the lid and sign the label indicating the date frozen and the weight of the contents. You can pack one or two bananas into a container, so that when defrosting it is easier to navigate the required amount of product.

Banana pieces are also stored well in thick plastic bags. Be sure to tie them tightly, releasing as much air as possible.
The shelf life of such bananas is 3 months, storage temperature is minus 18 degrees and below.

This form of preparation is suitable for making a cake with bananas and walnuts, as well as a milkshake with syrup and a smoothie with gooseberries, banana and poppy seeds.

For smoothies and cocktails, banana pieces can not be completely defrosted, but chopped in a blender, partially melted or without defrosting at all.
If you are preparing a cottage cheese casserole, pie or cupcake with banana slices, then you do not need to defrost them first.

D. Freezing mashed bananas.

Grind the bananas to a puree using any accessible and convenient method for you. I peeled the banana, put the pieces in a blender and turned the contents into a homogeneous mass. You can also grind the bananas through a sieve with large holes, or mash with a potato masher or fork.
You can add lemon juice to the puree to preserve color and even extend shelf life. Approximately 1 tbsp. for one cup (250 ml) of banana puree.

Place mashed bananas in ice cube freezer compartments.

Place the trays of banana puree into the freezer and allow them time to freeze completely before transferring them into storage bags. At minus 18 degrees, the puree cubes will freeze within an hour.

Remove frozen banana cubes from their compartments and place them in either bowls or bags. Close or tie tightly and write on the label.

For me, freezing mashed bananas in the form of small cubes is the most ideal option. This puree easily melts into hot porridge. Therefore, in the morning I always prepare porridge with banana for my baby, and in the evening I can offer a glass of milk with 1-2 cubes of banana puree. As a result, both the porridge and the drink turn out sweet and not so hot.

Banana puree can also be frozen in portions, in plastic or paper cups. I advise you to indicate on the label either the weight of the puree, or the number of bananas used for its preparation (1-2 bananas are convenient), in the future this will help you navigate the required amount of puree.
Place the banana puree into cups, almost filling them to the top, and cover well with cling film.

Store banana puree for no more than 3 months. The temperature should be between minus 18 minus - 22 degrees.

You can make banana puree

How and why to do it in the freezer? What's the point if bananas are already available all year round? And then what to do with frozen bananas?

The fact is that the shelf life of well-ripe bananas is short. Bananas ripen, the peel darkens, becomes covered with dark spots. Just a couple more days and not only the presentation, but also the entire banana will be spoiled.

What should you do if, tempted by a reasonable price, you bought a box of bananas and ate so much that you no longer look in their direction? Are they already starting to catch up? Fully ripened bananas with peels that have begun to darken in the summer can be bought very cheaply at the market, because although they are still very dense, fresh inside, and can last in your refrigerator for two or three days, fruit sellers do not take risks and sell bananas almost at their price. You can make a good supply of frozen bananas, because winter ones will be three to four times more expensive and not as fragrant.

Where can you use frozen bananas?

  • For banana baking. For all baked goods - wherever bananas are used, you can use the stock from the freezer. It is easy to chop it with a knife into pieces, snouts, and make a puree - without defrosting.
  • For cottage cheese casseroles with bananas.
  • For all kinds of smoothies and cocktails, where banana is also used as a filler.
  • And, most importantly, frozen bananas are used to make ICE CREAM, vegan, soft serve ice cream. And just for this reason it’s worth having frozen bananas in stock!


  • storage bags

How to cook frozen bananas

Wash the bananas and let them dry. Peel and put into plastic bags, one or two pieces in each bag. We tie it well and put it in the freezer.
