Laser resurfacing cons. Laser facial resurfacing: benefits and consequences of peeling

Do you want to experience the effects of Botox injections, but are you afraid of the consequences and complications? Have you heard a lot of scary information about the terrible side effects of this procedure? Do you want to know all the details that clinic specialists keep silent for advertising purposes? We will tell you the most interesting information on this hot topic.

What information will you find out:

What is Botox

Botox injections are prescribed only after a thorough examination of the body.

A drug called Botox consists of botulinum toxin A, obtained from anaerobic bacteria Clostridium botulinum. It is a nerve poison that causes paralysis of muscle tissue when it penetrates into its structure, but due to low concentrations it is not capable of causing harm to health. As a result of such actions, the muscle and the surrounding surface of the skin completely relax, which leads to the effect of smoothing and disappearing wrinkles.

Over the course of several months, this toxin is completely eliminated from the patient’s body naturally, and neuromuscular connections are restored.

Botox injections are prescribed only after a thorough examination of the body in order to identify all the patient’s contraindications. In addition, a competent specialist must correctly assess the initial state of the facial muscles in order to exclude the possibility of immobility in certain areas of the face.

The skin surface requiring correction must be pre-treated with an antiseptic solution, as well as local anesthetics (if necessary). After the procedure is completed, the patient can return to his work duties and lead a normal lifestyle.

What are the contraindications for use?

If such a procedure is performed by a qualified specialist with necessary knowledge and solid experience, side effects, as a rule, do not occur.

However, there are cases of serious complications caused by many factors.

The doctor is obliged to warn his patient about the list of contraindications to the use of Botox in order to avoid dangerous consequences and significant side effects. This list includes a ban on the procedure in the following cases:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • glaucoma diseases;
  • the presence of infectious diseases in the body;
  • the presence of immunological disorders;
  • individual intolerance and tendency to allergic reactions;
  • the presence of dermatitis and other diseases of the epidermis;
  • increased body temperature;
  • presence of diseases of the hematopoietic system;
  • taking antibiotics and anticoagulants;
  • the presence of oncological processes in the body;
  • epilepsy diseases;
  • the presence of foci of inflammation in the area of ​​manipulation;
  • atony of the facial muscles (age-related weakening of muscle tissue);
  • weakened immune system of the body.

At the age of 45 - 50 years, many women experience atony of the facial muscles, associated with age-related loss of muscle strength, so additional administration of Botox in this case will lead to even greater weakening, as well as sagging due to paralysis.

The drug Botox has been in the service of medicine for for long years, during which he repeatedly underwent thorough checks and clinical studies for possible complications. During these experiments, the following facts were established:

  • Botulinum toxin used for injections is used in very small dosages, and therefore is not capable of causing botulism;
  • in the case of an individual allergic reaction - intolerance to the drug, a rejection reaction may occur, requiring therapeutic manipulation;
  • V large quantities cases after using Botox the following were observed: skin redness, swelling, inflammatory reactions.

What reasons can cause side effects?

The most common causes of complications after the Botox procedure are considered to be medical errors.

The consequences of using Botox are conditionally divided into 3 groups, depending on the root cause of their occurrence:

  1. Unqualified actions of a specialist/doctor.
  2. Ignoring compliance with special rules by the patient himself.
  3. Individual reaction of the body to botulinum toxin.

What mistakes can a doctor make?

The most common causes of complications after the Botox procedure are considered to be medical errors. They are:

  • injection of the drug into inappropriate areas of the face that respond inadequately to the process of complete relaxation, resulting in asymmetry of the oval and contours;
  • deviations in the choice of the correct dosage, that is, with a smaller amount of botulinum toxin administered, there will be no visible effects from the manipulation, while a slight excess of the dose can turn the face into a motionless mask;
  • ignorance or ignoring the rules for subcutaneous/muscular diffusion, which can provoke migration of the drug to neighboring facial tissues, leading to their ptosis (drooping). There are known cases of local accumulation of the active substance under the skin in the eye area, which leads to swelling and local overdose;
  • incompetence of the specialist who carried out the procedure with gross violations, which may result in: drooping of the upper eyelid, distortion of facial expressions and facial expressions, drying of the mucous membrane of the eyes due to impaired blinking, bags in the eye area, swelling of the face, asymmetric changes in proportions, paralysis orbicularis muscles oral area, leading to difficulties while eating;
  • failure to comply with the temperature conditions of storage of the drug, leading to the loss of its basic properties.

In the process of metabolic removal of botulinum toxin molecules, most side effects are eliminated, but there are known cases of long-term accumulation of the drug, which can bring a lot of trouble and disappointment.

What can patients do wrong?

A large proportion of problems and complications are associated with patients ignoring the conditions of the rehabilitation regime and the strict regulations of actions that must be observed. They are:

  • the need to hold the head level and refuse a horizontal position during the first hours after the manipulation;
  • prohibition on prolonged bending of the body associated with lowering the head down;
  • excluding any procedures associated with an increase in skin temperature (baths, saunas, massages, sports events);
  • prohibition of drinking any alcoholic beverages;
  • avoiding rubbing the face, especially in the eye area and injection sites;
  • taboo on taking special medications (for example, strong antibiotics).

What may be the individual reaction of the body?

Capable of causing rejection/intolerance reactions associated with the individual susceptibility of the body. They are divided into 2 main groups. The first is associated with the occurrence of complex inflammatory reactions that form at the sites of drug administration, and the second includes hypersensitivity reactions to the toxin, expressed in severe swelling and the development of anaphylactic shock.

In order to prevent such complications, it is necessary to first test for the body's sensitivity to the Botox toxin, and also categorically not to carry out manipulation during the course of acute infectious diseases and weakening of the immune system.

Possible long-term consequences of the procedure

For a long period of time, it was believed that Botox drugs did not have long-term side effects, but through careful research it turned out that this was not the case.

It is known that in some cases, complications may appear in the patient after a long period of time has passed since the procedure, without any pain. These consequences may include:

  • total change and disruption of facial expressions caused by redistribution of muscle load and motor activity of individual zones;
  • atony, general weakness of the entire muscular system of the face;
  • loss of elasticity and the appearance of excessive dryness of the epidermis as a result of trophic changes occurring in the tissues.

In most cases, the above complications are rarely eliminated and are practically impossible to correct.

In addition, complications from the use of Botox may occur in the form of:

  • spasm of the eyelids;
  • drooping eyebrow arches;
  • subcutaneous hemorrhages;
  • impaired lip mobility (when it is inserted deep under the skin);
  • headaches;
  • severe swelling of the places where the drug was administered.

Unpleasant sensations and side effects possible in cases of rapid injection of botulinum toxin under the skin, as well as repeating the procedure more than once a year.

What are the disadvantages of Botox?

This drug is demanding vocational training a specialist who administers it and does not tolerate amateurs who are engaged in such a business solely to increase personal profit and do not care about the consequences for each patient.

The identified disadvantages of the drug include:

  • inability to eliminate deep-seated wrinkles;
  • low effectiveness in relation to folds located in the chin and cheeks, associated with their non-facial nature;
  • limited validity period of the procedure, lasting in each case individually - from 3 to 6 months from the date of execution.

Video: The first Botox - author's review! Shock!

Only after carefully assessing all the pros and cons can you resort to Botox injections. We wish you success!

Maybe in the future, scientists will be able to create the elixir of youth that humanity has dreamed of for centuries. In the meantime, it is impossible to stop the aging process. But eliminating age-related changes and visually rejuvenating the face is no longer a problem, but a service that is especially popular in beauty salons. Botulinum toxin in cosmetology is used precisely for this purpose and makes it possible to smooth out facial wrinkles and visually lose ten years. Let's find out what botulinum toxin is, what drugs are created based on it and how they are used for the purpose of rejuvenation.

Botulinum toxin is a powerful organic poison produced by the bacteria Clostridium botulinum under anaerobic conditions, that is, in the absence of oxygen. Most often, such bacteria multiply in canned foods. When ingested, botulinum toxin causes severe damage. nervous system and paralysis of the respiratory tract, which in the absence of timely medical care threatens death.

But even in ancient times pundits believed that the same substance can be a medicine or a poison - it all depends on the dose. And this truth was brilliantly confirmed in the case of botulinum toxin. In large doses, it is a deadly poison, but in a minimal amount, botulinum toxin works for rejuvenation and, when injected under the skin, effectively smooths out wrinkles and eliminates age-related changes.

As you know, the first wrinkles are formed as a result of active facial expressions, and most often form in the eye area (“crow’s feet”), forehead and nasolabial triangle. Botulinum toxin actively blocks the transmission of impulses to the facial muscles and prevents their contraction. As a result of such temporary paralysis, the muscles relax and wrinkles are smoothed out naturally. The effect of botulinum toxin injection is not immediate; the final result appears 2 weeks after the procedure and lasts for 4-6 months.

Today, scientists know 9 types of botulinum toxin, but only two of them are used in cosmetology. To make sure that neurotoxin injections are truly safe, let’s look at the history of its discovery and the beginning of its use in cosmetology.

For the first time, the symptoms of such a dangerous disease as botulism were described by the German researcher Kerner at the beginning of the 19th century. A few decades later, the causative agents of the dangerous condition were identified, which were named Bacillus botulinum, from Latin word botulus (sausage). And this is not accidental, since most often poisoning occurred as a result of consumption meat products(sausages, canned food). Botulinum toxin was recognized as one of the most toxic poisons, which, when ingested, caused paralysis, respiratory arrest and death.

But the ability of botulinum toxin to block the transmission of nerve impulses interested scientists and forced them to look for a way to use this substance in medical purposes. In the 1950s, researchers proved that minimal doses of highly diluted and purified botulinum toxin can relax spasming muscles. In 1970, the American doctor A. Scott began using botulinum toxin preparations in ophthalmology and administering them to patients suffering from blepharospasm. The treatment gave a positive result, and the scope of the drug expanded. It began to be used to treat strabismus and eliminate spasms of the facial muscles.

At the same time, doctors and patients noticed an interesting side effect from the use of botulinum toxin. Namely, the disappearance of wrinkles when the drug was administered, which was especially noticeable in the forehead, between the eyebrows and around the eyes. This property was adopted by cosmetologists and in 2002, similar drugs were officially approved by the FDA for use to eliminate wrinkles.

For cosmetic purposes, botulinum toxin type A is especially actively used, which is characterized by a low degree of immunogenicity and allergenicity while maintaining all the properties of the toxin. This botulinum toxin is included in various concentrations in Botox and Xeomin. Purified and lyophized preparations of protein origin provide a long-term blockade of the transmission of nerve impulses to muscle fibers, which leads to persistent muscle relaxation and the disappearance of wrinkles.

Excessive tension in the facial muscles causes many aesthetic problems and leads to difficulties in communication, since the face often takes on a gloomy and dissatisfied expression. The first wrinkles appear already in at a young age due to active facial expressions and emotional stress. Moreover, in men they appear even more often than in women. Often involuntary contraction of the facial muscles and excessive nervous tension promotes the appearance of headaches and provokes the development of neurological diseases associated with spasms of the facial muscles. In this case, the use of Botox becomes not only a cosmetic, but also a therapeutic procedure.

Therefore, botulinum toxin has two areas of application: cosmetic and neurological. With its help, conditions such as spastic paralysis, spasms of the facial muscles, torticollis, etc. are eliminated. In cosmetology, botulinum toxin injections are used in the following cases:

  • Elimination of facial wrinkles in the area between the eyebrows, forehead, and around the eyes;
  • Smoothing wrinkles in the nasolabial triangle area;
  • For lifting (tightening) eyebrows and drooping corners of the mouth;
  • To correct a gummy smile;
  • To combat hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating).

directly into the facial muscles responsible for the appearance of wrinkles, leading to their temporary paralysis and smoothing of the skin texture. The duration of the effect depends on the dose of the drug, its type, individual characteristics of the body and lasts from 6 months to a year, after which muscle motor activity is restored.

Botulinum toxin injections in the forehead block the activity of the frontal muscle, and the person can no longer frown and gather the skin into folds. At the same time, due to the weakening of the tension of the lateral muscles, the effect of lifting the eyebrows is achieved and the gaze becomes more open. An experienced specialist who thoroughly knows the anatomy of the face and the mechanics of the facial muscles can correct drooping corners of the lips and other age-related changes.

This kind of problem, such as a gummy smile, used to be solved only by surgery. Now, in order to prevent your gums from being exposed when you smile, it is enough to do a few botulinum toxin injections into the levator labii superioris muscle.

To date, 4 types of drugs based on botulinum toxin have been registered and approved for use in Russia:

  1. Botox (Botox) – made in the USA;
  2. Disport (Dysport) - made in France and England;
  3. Xeomin (Xeomin) – manufacturer Germany;
  4. Lantox (Lantoks) - manufacturer China.

These drugs are analogues, but their composition, effectiveness and algorithm for use differ. Therefore, only a specialist can select the required dosage and properly dilute the drug in accordance with the instructions for use of botulinum toxin.

  • Botox botulinum toxin is the most popular drug; it is based on purified botulinum toxin A in combination with serum albumin. The effect of the procedure using this drug appears after 7 days and lasts for 6-8 months. The principle of its action is based on blocking nerve impulses. Injections are given intramuscularly, usually without anesthesia. The main difference between Botox and similar drugs is large size molecules, due to which it has a targeted effect and is slowly eliminated from the body. Botox is used to correct the area between the eyebrows, eyes and forehead. The drug is produced in the form of a powder, which is diluted in the required concentration immediately before use.

  • . This drug appeared on the cosmetic market relatively recently. It differs from Botox in having a lower concentration of botulinum toxin, low molecular weight and the ability to penetrate into adjacent tissues located next to the treated muscles. This is the main disadvantage of the drug, since it can lead to the development of undesirable consequences and provoke facial asymmetry or drooping of the upper eyelids. The activity of 1 unit of Botox corresponds to 3-5 units of Dysport, that is, to treat the same area you will need to take a larger volume of Dysport. The drug can be stored in a diluted state for about 4 hours, while Botox can only be stored for 1 hour.
  • . It is considered one of the safest products in its category. The main difference between Xeomin and analogues in high degree purification from protein, this allows you to avoid the development of allergic reactions and minimize the risk of side effects. Compared to Botox, Xeomin works much faster and at the same time acts on muscles selectively, maintaining the effect of “live” facial expressions.
  • The basis of the drug is a neurotoxin stabilized with purified gelatin, which allows you to preserve biological activity main component for a long time. The effect of the drug occurs faster than Botox and lasts longer, up to 12 months. In addition, Lantox is cheaper than its analogues.

The main question of interest to patients is which drug is better? What to give preference: Botox, Dysport or other analogues? Even experts do not have a consensus, since it is simply incorrect to compare the effects of different drugs in different patients. Botox will work better for one patient, Xeomin for another, much depends on the individual characteristics of the patient and the task at hand.

So it is better to entrust the choice of drug to an experienced cosmetologist who can choose the best option for preserving youth and beauty. In this case, the specialist must take into account possible contraindications and carefully calculate the dosage of the drug to avoid unwanted complications.

The administration of drugs based on botulinum toxin is carried out only in the absence of contraindications. The list of restrictions includes the following conditions:

  • Individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • Tendency to allergic reactions;
  • Pregnancy and lactation period;
  • Bleeding disorders;
  • Myasthenia and myasthenic syndrome;
  • Acute infectious diseases;
  • Taking certain medications (antibiotics, muscle relaxants);
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Psychical deviations;
  • High degree of myopia;
  • Alcohol abuse.

Before deciding on the procedure, you should undergo a full examination and consult a therapist and other specialists. If no deviations that impede the procedure are identified, you can go to an appointment with a cosmetologist. The specialist will tell you how the procedure will be carried out, select the optimal drug, and explain what effect you should expect from botulinum toxin.

The day before the proposed procedure, the patient should avoid drinking alcoholic beverages, playing sports and intense activities. physical activity. At a preliminary consultation, a specialist will determine the location of facial wrinkles, mark points of influence, select the optimal drug and calculate the required doses.

Before the procedure, remove makeup, cleanse the face, and tuck hair under a cap. If the patient wishes, local anesthesia (numbing cream) is applied to the treatment area. Then the skin in the injection area is wiped with alcohol and dried. During the procedure, the patient is in a sitting or semi-lying position.

The doctor injects a botulinum toxin solution into pre-designated points using a thin needle, sequentially treating the problem area. The entire procedure takes from 20 to 30 minutes. At the final stage, the injection sites are treated with an antiseptic solution. After the procedure, the patient must remain in the medical institution, under the supervision of specialists. This is necessary to provide timely assistance if unwanted complications arise ( allergic reactions). The effect of the drug begins to appear 3-7 days after the procedure and lasts for 6-12 months. To obtain a continuous procedure, it is recommended to repeat every six months.

After the procedure

After administration of botulinum toxin, the patient should follow some recommendations:

If the dosage is incorrectly calculated or the drug penetrates into neighboring tissues, undesirable side effects may develop:

All of the above phenomena are temporary and gradually disappear as the effect of the drug wears off.

In addition, immediately after the procedure, redness, swelling, soreness and small bruises may appear at the injection site. If you follow medical recommendations, unwanted manifestations disappear within a few days. In some cases, weakness, drowsiness, fatigue, dizziness, and nausea appear. This condition is explained by the body’s reaction to the action of a neurotoxin. An overdose of the drug can cause numbness in the limbs and rapid heartbeat. If such symptoms occur, you should seek medical help.

In recent decades, Botox injections, which are also called “beauty injections,” have been widely used in modern cosmetology. Everyone has at least a general idea of ​​what Botox on the lips or forehead means. The vast majority of women in Western countries They do Botox injections all the time. This procedure is much cheaper and less risky than plastic surgery. But in order to decide whether this procedure is right for you personally, you need to know and understand all its subtleties and nuances, both its positive consequences and disadvantages.

Botox – what is it?

Botulinum toxin is a medical drug produced by the American company Allergan for use for cosmetic purposes. The main active ingredient in Botox is a group A neurotoxin called botulinum toxin, which is produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. This toxin was first discovered at the end of the 19th century by the Belgian microbiologist Emil Van Ermengem.

Botulinum toxin is one of the most powerful natural poisons (lethal dose for humans is 5 ng per 50 kg of body weight). The entry of this toxin into the human body causes botulism, a severe intestinal toxic-infectious disease characterized by damage to the nervous system, impaired innervation of muscles and acute respiratory failure. The rejuvenation effect of injections occurs due to blocking muscle activity, a kind of temporary paralysis, as a result of which facial expressions become less noticeable, muscles relax and wrinkles gradually smooth out.

After careful research, doctors came to the conclusion that botulinum toxin has similar action with snake venom and that when used in small doses, various hyperkinesis can be treated - neurological diseases associated with muscle tension (strabismus, local muscle spasms, cerebral palsy, etc.).

Today Botox is approved in 58 countries around the world. It has been used in cosmetology since 1980, and in Russia it has been approved for use since 1994.

Botox has an analogue - Dysport. This drug differs only in the manufacturer, the amount of botulinum toxin it contains and the storage conditions of the drug.

Mechanism of action

Botox is used against expression lines and to restore facial symmetry. Expression wrinkles appear due to the motor activity of the facial muscles. When the facial muscles are tense, the skin gathers into folds, and over time, these folds smooth out less and less, forming wrinkles. Most often, expression wrinkles appear on the forehead, bridge of the nose, bridge of the nose, upper lip and in the corners of the eyes.

Also among the places where Botox is effective are the forehead, eyebrows, the entire face, and even the armpits, since the product helps not only get rid of wrinkles and stop the aging process, but also get rid of excessive sweating.

Typically, Botox is administered intramuscularly. As a result of the injection, signals between overactive facial muscles and their motor nerves are blocked, and the motor activity of these muscles weakens. However, it does not cause any harm to either muscle or nerve fibers. In other words, the facial muscle or part of it relaxes and stops actively contracting.

As a result, fine and deep expression wrinkles formed by the contraction of these muscles are smoothed out, the surface of the skin becomes more even and smooth. The art of a professional cosmetologist is to still preserve the patient’s natural facial expressions when injecting Botox. Therefore, it must be introduced in such a way as to relax to the desired degree. facial muscles, relieve their increased tone, and not immobilize them completely.

Botox injection procedure

Botox injections are made with thin short needles with a diameter of 0.3 mm. The procedure for administering the drug itself is almost painless and does not take much time - from 3 to 5 minutes. If the patient has a very high sensitivity threshold, local anesthesia can be used - the skin area is pre-treated with an anesthetic cream.

Before starting the procedure, the cosmetologist must determine the injection points and the required amount of the drug, based on the condition of the skin, as well as the nature and severity of facial wrinkles. After Botox injections are made, ice is applied to the skin at the injection sites for an average of 15 minutes.

Localization of injections

The following areas are most often treated with Botox injections:

  • area around the eyes;
  • lips;

It is in the above areas that facial wrinkles are most pronounced.

Botox injections into the area around the eyes are performed to eliminate " crow's feet", which appear due to hyperactivity of the circular muscles (blinking, squinting, etc.). Injections are made into points located at a distance of 1 cm from the outer edge of the eye.

Remember, expression lines do not appear due to changes in the fibers of the skin, as occurs during aging, but due to muscle mobility.

Lip Botox is used if the patient:

  • habit of constantly pursing your lips;
  • facial wrinkles in the nasolabial area;
  • irregular lip contour;
  • drooping corners of the lips.

Botox injections are not made into the lips themselves, but into the area of ​​the paralabial muscles around the mouth. Such injections not only smooth out facial wrinkles, but also give a clearer outline to the contours of the lips.

Botoxing your lips can also help make them look fuller. Many people mistakenly believe that lip augmentation with Botox is achieved only by injecting botulinum toxin. There is no doubt that some lip enlargement with Botox becomes possible due to the fact that the muscles around the lips relax, their increased tone is relieved and the lips stop compressing into a thin line. However, Botox itself does not make them fuller until drugs called fillers, which are made from hyaluronic acid, are injected along with it.

Improper implementation of the procedure can cause such unpleasant consequences such as numbness of the lips, as well as impaired articulation.

Botox in the forehead is increasingly gaining popularity not only among women, but also among men. Botox is injected into the forehead to smooth out transverse wrinkles, as well as wrinkles between the eyebrows, which appear due to the frequent habit of raising the eyebrows and frowning. Therefore, if a patient is given an injection in the forehead to smooth out the frown lines between the eyebrows, the patient must also frown so that the specialist can correctly determine the Botox injection points.

When Botox is done on the forehead to eliminate transverse wrinkles, the patient must raise his eyebrows and the cosmetologist will determine the areas of greatest muscle tension where the injection will be injected. As a rule, Botox in the forehead should not be injected lower than 2 cm from the eyebrows. Otherwise, the consequences of such a procedure can be very disastrous - drooping of the upper eyelid.

Injection dose

The amount of Botox is measured in action units (AU). The price of the service mainly depends on the volume of the drug administered. The required doses of Botox depend on the injection sites and the depth of the wrinkles and vary as follows:

  • horizontal forehead folds: 4-15 units;
  • "crow's feet": 8-16 units;
  • wrinkles upper lip: 2-4 units;
  • Botox lifting of the corners of the mouth: 4-6 units;
  • eyebrow fold: 8-25 units.

In each specific case, the exact dose will be determined by a cosmetologist.

To achieve a positive result, it is important not only to carry out the procedure itself correctly, but also to ensure that the patient adheres to a number of rules before and after it, which mainly boil down to strict restrictions.

Result of lip injections

Before the procedure:

  • the day before the Botox injection, do not drink alcohol, as this increases the likelihood of hematomas and bruises;
  • do not take antibiotics for 3 days, as there are a number of antibiotics that impair blood clotting;
  • on the day of injection of the drug, avoid activities that can increase blood supply to the face: facial massages, sports, heavy physical labor, work that requires prolonged bending of the head (for example, washing floors).

After the procedure:

  • do not lie down/sleep for about 5 hours after the procedure;
  • do not touch the Botox injection sites with your hands – 2 days;
  • do not drink alcohol – 7-10 days;
  • do not take medications that affect blood clotting (antibiotics and analgesics) – 1 knock;
  • do not exercise – 2 days;
  • do not do work that requires prolonged bending of the face – 2 days;
  • do not overheat the skin: go to the sauna, steam bath, take hot baths, sunbathe, visit the solarium - 7-10 days.

Does Botox have contraindications for use?

Like most medications, Botox has contraindications, neglecting which can lead to consequences that are exactly the opposite of those expected. Therefore, if you decide, contraindications to its use should be carefully studied and taken into account.

Ministries of health in many countries around the world, while researching Botox, tried to discover its negative effect on human health, but never found it.
  • inflammatory processes in the areas of planned drug administration (acne, pustules, etc.);
  • ptosis of facial tissues, as well as hernias of the lower and upper eyelids;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • transferred Plastic surgery– within 3 months after surgery;
  • tendency to swelling of the eyelids;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • increased body temperature;
  • myasthenia gravis (muscle weakness);
  • severe form of myopia (myopia);

Botox injections are also not recommended: after strokes and in cases of cerebrovascular accidents; for the first time and last days menstrual cycle; in the presence of alcohol addiction; persons under 18 years of age; with concurrent use of antibiotics or drugs that depress the nervous system.

Consequences of using Botox

Everyone expects, of course, only positive results from this procedure: smoothing of facial wrinkles, facial rejuvenation and Have a good mood. By and large, Botox injections are quite harmless and effective.

Over time, after repeated injections, the patient’s habit of involuntarily pursing his lips, raising his eyebrows and frowning disappears. But despite the fact that, on the one hand, Botox helps to preserve beauty and attractiveness for as long as possible, this procedure can also have negative consequences.

Its disadvantages include side effects and complications:

  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • allergic reactions;
  • severe pain in the injection area;
  • swelling;
  • hematomas;
  • drooping eyebrows and eyelids;
  • "mask-like face";
  • facial asymmetry.

The reasons for such consequences may be: incorrect injection administration, erroneous determination of injection sites, exceeding the required dose of the drug, illiterately identified contraindications, failure of the patient to comply with restrictions before and after the procedure.

Most of the above consequences disappear over time as botulinum toxin is removed from the patient’s body.

Botox entered medical practice as a medicine for the treatment of blepharospasm (painful spasm of the eyelids). Doctors noted that the skin around the injection of the drug smoothed out and got rid of wrinkles. It was then that this “side effect” began to be used in cosmetology to smooth out facial wrinkles.

On average, the effect of Botox lasts from 3 to 6 months.

It is also worth noting that regular Botox injections can lead to such undesirable consequences as weakening of the barrier functions of the skin and microcirculation.

Alternative to Botox

From current practice, we can safely say that there are much more positive results after using Botox than negative ones. Many people take injections regularly.

If you do not dare to take Botox injections or have contraindications to them, you can use the recently released relaxing creams with the Botox effect or periodically make natural masks based on potato starch.

The result of their use will be much less noticeable compared to Botox injections, but still smaller facial wrinkles will be smoothed out and general form faces will still be transformed.

Botox injections to reduce sweating (hyperhidrosis)

Botulinum toxin also blocks impulse transmission to the sweat glands. Therefore, Botox injections into the armpits, palms and feet can successfully solve the problem of excessive sweating.

Before the procedure, you should find out the cause of hyperhidrosis. If its cause is changes in the functioning of the thyroid gland and some other diseases, then Botox will not help. In other cases, it will be so effective that you will see results within a couple of days after the procedure and the effect will last for almost six months.

If you decide to undergo Botox:

  • contact qualified specialists only;
  • Do not under any circumstances try to do this procedure at home;
  • check the expiration date of the administered drug; if the price is too low, you should think about its quality;
  • give up bad habits - they reduce the effect.

Botulinum toxin injections are a cosmetic and therapeutic and prophylactic procedure. It consists of injections of a pharmaceutical preparation based on botulinum toxin (specially prepared and purified), performed with a thin syringe. The procedure is in demand not only among women of all ages, men also resort to it.

The popularity is explained by the excellent visual cosmetic effect, a minimum of contraindications, a fairly long period of action and an almost instant effect (visible results begin to appear after 2-3 days).

What problems does it solve?

Botulinum toxin injections in Moscow are good way without surgical lifts, bring your face into a fresh, attractive appearance, “reset” several decades of years at once and eliminate most cosmetic defects associated with the work of facial muscles.

In addition, botulinum toxin injections are an excellent preventive measure. By regularly performing procedures starting from the age of 19-20, you can significantly reduce the number of wrinkles and folds in adulthood.

Botulinum toxin injections can be used if there are facial wrinkles, increased sweating, etc.

How are the procedures carried out?

The procedures include a preliminary consultation with a cosmetologist, who informs the client about possible contraindications to injections. It is advisable to visit your doctor to make sure they are absent. , Dysport, Xeomin are performed in approximately the same way - the patient’s face is disinfected with a disinfectant solution, the doctor determines the injection site, asks the client to wrinkle or smile and then injects the drug into the fold of the skin. In general, the session time does not exceed 10-20 minutes.

After the procedures, you can immediately go home or to work. There are practically no traces left at the injection sites. There is no rehabilitation period required, and the client does not need to take sick leave. After 2 weeks, it is advisable to visit the Center again so that the cosmetologist examines the patient for correct diffusion of the drug in the muscles.


Contraindications to Botox, Dysport, Xeomin include individual intolerance (allergy) to the drug, existing cancer, neurological problems, the period of waiting for a child and breastfeeding, inflammatory processes on the skin, blood diseases, etc. It is recommended to check the full list with your doctor.

Number of procedures and frequency

Usually one procedure is enough, but in rare cases, after a follow-up examination (2 weeks after injections), minor adjustments may be required. This is usually due to the individual characteristics and structure of the facial muscles. Sessions must be repeated 1-2 times a year, and on average, the effect of them lasts for 5-6 months (depending on the chosen drug).

Result from injections

Substances introduced into the muscles through injections affect the facial muscles, which are located under the skin. As a result of the distribution of drugs, folds and wrinkles of any kind are smoothed out, the skin looks smooth, even, while facial expressions are preserved.

New wrinkles do not appear, since the facial muscles are at rest. Interestingly, regular injections of botulinum toxin will eventually wean you from the bad habit of wrinkling your forehead or frowning your eyebrows. This will serve as a good prevention of wrinkles on the face.

It is no coincidence that there are so many rave reviews about “beauty injections” - clients describe their impressions as “The result exceeds all expectations!”, “I will do it again!”, “Why didn’t I do this before!?” etc.

About drugs

Botulinum toxin injections are injections with Botox-based drugs. Botox is produced by the Irish company Allergan Pharmaceuticals Ireland. It contains an active substance called botulinum toxin. The drug is capable of effectively interrupting neuromuscular transmission for a period of three months to six months (in some cases more).

Preparations based on botulinum toxin from other companies (France, etc.) are also common - this and. The differences between them are in dosage, storage conditions, cost and speed of action (diffusion in muscles). There is some difference in the duration of exposure.

Why us

Only a certified clinic has the right to administer botulinum toxin injections. A special permit is issued for the right to perform such injections. The Cleo Line Center employs qualified specialists, cosmetologists who have the right to perform procedures of this kind.

Our Center has been working in the field of cosmetology for more than 10 years. During this time, we have accumulated unique experience; we try to introduce not only advanced technologies in our field, but also safe, proven methods.

Unprofessional manipulations with botulinum toxin injections are fraught with unpleasant and difficult to eliminate consequences - distortion of facial muscles, asymmetry and a “mask face”. If you want to get high-quality correction of wrinkles and facial defects, trust your beauty and health only to professionals! Contact our Cleo Line Center.

Woman's face like hers business card, from which you can learn a lot about her character and habits, lifestyle and attitude towards herself. But, at the same time, I really want to remain mysterious and a little mysterious, and most importantly, to hide true age and appear younger than your age. What to do if you don’t want to go to a plastic surgeon? You can try to get a “new” face in a short period of time using Botox injections.

What is Botox and how do injections work?

The amazing properties of botulinum toxin (Botox) and its effect on the skin were discovered quite by accident in 1982, when clinical studies were carried out in the treatment of strabismus and blepharospasm. When treating these conditions, its “side” effect was noted in the form of smoothing transverse wrinkles in the forehead area.

The drug itself is a weakened botulinum toxin, which is produced by the activity of the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. This bacterium is the causative agent dangerous disease called botulism. When toxins enter tissue, they can block muscle function, causing paralysis.

For several years, this property of Botox was used in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system, but nowadays Botox injections are widely used for aesthetic and cosmetic purposes. Control injection of small doses of botulinum toxin under the skin can cause local paralysis of facial wrinkles, which lasts for several months, after which Botox is removed from the body.

For or against Botox injections?

To do or not to do Botox? Some say that the drug quickly eliminates wrinkles and signs of aging, others discuss harmful properties Botox. In order to decide to carry out such a procedure on your face, you need to know all the pros and cons of the method.

When Botox is injected under the skin, facial wrinkles relax, or more precisely, the fibers of the muscles that form wrinkles relax. As a result of this, a person can no longer frown. This property of the neurotoxin is used in those areas of the face where the first signs of aging appear first. These include the forehead, the area between the eyebrows, the periorbital and perioral areas.

In addition, botulinum toxin injections into the armpits, palms and feet have been observed to reduce sweat production, which has become widely used in the treatment of hyperhidrosis. And some patients, after injections, completely get rid of migraines and migraine-like pain. These undoubted advantages also include the fact that the sensitivity of the skin does not suffer, and the neurotoxin itself is completely eliminated from the body after 6-9 months.

The ultra-thin needles used for injections leave no marks on the skin, which is why they are called “dinner” beauty injections. In Western Europe and America, these injections have long been given during the lunch break, so they take little time and are highly effective on the second day.

Video: When to inject Botox and when not to inject Botox

Does Botox have any disadvantages?

Ministries of health in many countries around the world, while researching Botox, tried to discover its negative effect on human health, but never found it. In some cases, after injections, patients complain of discomfort in the area of ​​influence, but if the procedure is performed by a professional cosmetologist, then these incidents do not exist. Unpleasant sensations occur when Botox is administered too quickly or more often than once a year.

You can also be calm about the toxicity of the drug - there is no danger of poisoning or intoxication with botulinum toxin, since for this it is necessary to introduce doses into the body that are thousands of times higher than cosmetic ones.

If you are still afraid to carry out such a procedure, a cosmetologist can recommend alternative methods of rejuvenation and correction of age-related changes. These include:

Indications and contraindications for the use of Botox

Indications for administration: age-related changes, signs of aging (sagging) of the skin, as well as the presence of facial wrinkles. There are also contraindications for Botox injections, listed below:

  • Pregnancy (lactation) period.
  • Muscle weakness in the injection area.
  • Presence of chronic diseases.
  • Acute and chronic infections.
  • Skin diseases at injection sites.
  • Individual intolerance and hypersensitivity to Botox.

Consequences, side effects, complications

Usually discomfort and possible complications appear immediately in the first few days after the injections, but, fortunately, the drug is completely eliminated from the body, and all troubles are reversible. Of all the noted complications and side effects, the following undesirable consequences of Botox can be identified:

  • Spasm of the eyelids.
  • Eyebrow drooping.
  • Subcutaneous hemorrhages.
  • Impaired mobility of the upper lip (with deep administration of the drug).
  • Headache.
  • Swelling at the injection site.

Video: Complications after Botox

Technique of drug administration

Botox injections are carried out only after consultation with a cosmetologist and identification of contraindications to the administration of the drug. It is important to assess the state of facial expressions and the treatment area so that after the session the face does not become immobile.

The skin is first disinfected with an antiseptic solution, and areas of increased sensitivity are treated with local anesthetics. After the procedure, you can immediately return to work, since injections of the drug do not require local anesthesia.

Video of the procedure

Alternative to Botox and its analogues

In cosmetology clinics, instead of Botox, they often offer to administer a drug called Dysport, which is its analogue. The only difference is that Botox is made in the USA and Dysport is made in France.


  • Is it possible to combine Botox and pregnancy? No, pregnancy is a contraindication for the procedure.
  • Which is better: Botox or hyaluronic acid? These are substances that have different mechanisms of action, but the simultaneous injection of hyaluronic acid into the Botox injection sites helps fill deep holes and furrows in the skin.
  • Are antibiotics and Botox compatible? Botox is best administered 2 weeks after taking antibiotics and other medications.
  • What should you not do after Botox? Drink alcohol, strong coffee, spicy foods, sunbathe and solarium, visit the bathhouse and sauna, make warming masks, smoke cigarettes. Do not take in the first 4 hours after the procedure horizontal position and do not massage the injection sites.
  • Is Botox harmful? No, Botox injections cannot harm your health.
  • When does it start to work? Botox begins to act within the first 3 days from the moment of administration and its effect lasts for 3-4 months.
  • How often can you inject? It is considered optimal to administer Botox no more than once a year.
  • Xeomin or Botox? Xeomin is the latest generation drug containing botulinum toxin and is produced in Germany. It has such advantages over Botox as favorable storage conditions, a minimum of complications, a lower dose for administration, and others.
  • Are you allergic to Botox? In some cases, it is not an allergy, but an increased sensitivity to the drug.
  • Where is Botox injected? The drug is injected into areas where facial wrinkles and folds accumulate.
  • At what age can Botox be done? There are no age restrictions for the administration of Botox (except for children).

Photos before and after Botox
