Options for celebrating the corporate New Year

New Years corporate party - great way get to know your work colleagues better, establish contacts between departments and just have a good rest! Organizing a truly bright and memorable celebration for your employees is not an easy task. Of course, you can limit yourself to gatherings in a restaurant, but this practice is already becoming a thing of the past. A good corporate party consists of many elements: competent and funny scenario, good theme, and entertainment. There are many options for holding corporate parties, but not all of them may suit your team. Let's consider the most interesting, unusual and exciting ideas for New Year's corporate party-2017.

When organizing a corporate party, do not limit yourself to a banal feast!

How to plan a holiday?

Before planning the course of the party, you need to decide on the composition of its participants. You will need a clear knowledge of the number of guests, their age and hobbies. Determine the ratio between ladies and gentlemen, and also clarify in advance the amount that management allocates for the event. Preparing for a party on your own takes a lot of time, so there are a number of issues that require prompt resolution. First of all, you must decide on the following nuances:

  • Place for organizing a corporate event. Determine the number of people and the budget to understand what kind of room you need to rent for the celebration. It could be a restaurant, bar, cottage, or you could hold an office party;
  • Corporate party date. Myself New Year employees will undoubtedly prefer to spend time with family or friends, so it’s worth scheduling a convenient Friday or Saturday day shortly before December 31;
  • Gifts and prizes. A small contribution from the company will be a pleasant bonus for members of the work team. Gifts do not have to be expensive - order pens, cups or calendars with the company logo, small figurines of roosters, sweets, tea or coffee;
  • Scenery. If you hire professional decorators, you simply specify the theme of the holiday. If your budget does not support such an expense item, you must take care of creating a New Year’s mood in a restaurant or office - festive tinsel, flags and need to be purchased in advance;
  • Holiday menu. Depending on the format of your party, this could be a table with appetizers, a full dinner, or personal order, which will be performed by office housewives (then you must buy the necessary products);
  • Party dress code. If you have a specific theme for the New Year, you need to announce it to your employees in advance so that everyone can choose the right outfit.

Start planning your corporate event a few weeks before it takes place!

Top 7 ideas for New Year's corporate party 2017

The proposed options for corporate events will help you organize a creative, memorable and original event. It all depends on your personal preferences. However, in any of the listed options you will need firecrackers, fireworks, tangerines, sparkling wine, enthusiasm and a great mood!

Idea No. 1: New Year in the office

Companies that do not have a significant budget are often inclined towards this option. A self-organized celebration is not always bad and boring. Each employee involved in preparing the holiday will be able to show their strengths, feel the team spirit and get into a cheerful mood, gradually becoming infected New Year's mood. The main advantage of such a corporate event is its budget and “family” nature.

Distribute responsibilities according to interests. Some will decide to show off their culinary skills, while others will help decorate the room and... Invite everyone to bring toys to decorate it - these could be favorite figurines from childhood, and then each of them will be accompanied own history and warm memories. Suggest a holiday theme and dress up carnival costumes or showcase your personal talents with some entertaining acts.

Forget about sitting around the table - let the corporate party be active!

Idea No. 2: Sports New Year

This version of the holiday will be interesting for a young and active team. Celebration in the form of sports competitions organized indoors or on fresh air, will appeal to fans healthy image life and those who do not like to sit still. The most relevant will be winter views sports - cross-country skiing, speed skating or hockey match.

You can also pay attention to such options as bowling, laser tag or paintball, and also master completely original games such as curling (in this case, you will have to contact a specialized company that will help organize a master class). After completion of the competition, participants must receive rewards in the form of prizes and a buffet.

Idea No. 3: Holiday quest

One of the most unusual options for a New Year's corporate party. In this case, it is important that the team is active and lively. The quest can be either dynamic (in this case, you will need to stipulate the availability of cars in which the teams will travel) or more calm. Pay attention to specialized quest clubs with rooms fraught with many mysteries. This option will appeal to intellectuals! In any case, the event will leave behind the most pleasant memories.

Corporate quest combines physical and mental activity

Idea No. 4: New Year in Russian style

Mixed team consisting of different age categories, will be happy to plunge into the atmosphere of Russian winter. For such an event, you will need a cottage in which you can relax and warm up, and a company that organizes sleigh rides, folk entertainment and folklore for your company. musical accompaniment.

The scenario may include snow battles, competitions for the best snowman or the most beautiful ice sculpture. Don't forget about authentic festive table- welcome sauerkraut and apples, kvass, mead, sausages, pies and other culinary delights folk cuisine. Well, for those who like to take a steam bath, you can provide a wood-burning bathhouse.

Idea No. 5: Collaborative creativity

Management often puzzles over how to organize a pleasant and unusual holiday for an all-female team? Middle-aged women love to cook and do crafts, so consider a workshop idea. Organize a culinary corporate event under the guidance of a famous chef, and if your colleagues are not alien to creativity, you can order a master class in soap making, drawing, felting, decoupage or mosaic. No one will leave such a corporate event without a handmade gift!

The women's team will appreciate the original creative master class

Idea #6: Tasting

Any feast will be unusual and memorable if you invite a professional sommelier to it. Special agencies offer both on-site and on-site tasting options. If your team is dominated by men, you can stop at sampling cognacs. And at the end of the party, present each participant with a bottle of drink.

Mixed or women's team It is better to treat with wines. The master will give a lecture on how to choose and drink wine correctly, how to read a wine list and use glasses. Tasting can be combined with a feast. In this case, you will need an agency that will help organize enogastronomy - such an event is held in a restaurant, and for each type of wine dishes are offered that help create a harmonious taste.

Idea No. 7: Stylized party

One of the most fun and popular options for a corporate party. A theme party simply cannot get boring, because every year you can ask new topic and never happen again!

A stylized party is a win-win option for a corporate event
  • Corporate film or corporate fairy tale. You need to choose a popular picture or cartoon and distribute roles among team members. Even a simple and uncomplicated script will help you reveal your acting talents! Win-win options there will be “The Adventures of Shurik”, “ Bat", "Sorcerers", "Carnival Night" or Disney theme;
  • Corporate event with the theme "dudes". This is one of the most striking options for a costume party. Even older employees will not mind dressing up in period costumes stormy youth and dance to the rhythms of a fiery boogie;
  • 80s disco party. Incendiary music, sparkling disco balls and strobe lights are sure to create a festive atmosphere. Great choice if you don't want to bother with

New Year is one of the most anticipated and beloved holidays. In each company it is customary to celebrate it in its own way, in accordance with the prevailing corporate culture. HR managers know well that poor organization of a corporate holiday can demotivate employees, cause a feeling of annoyance, irritation that “at the whim of management they had to kill the evening.” How to arrange it on your own good holiday, which will help unite workers into a single team?

Let's consider an example of preparing a New Year's celebration in a domestic company engaged in the sale and service commercial equipment. This organization has been operating on the market for about five years, the number of employees is 65 people. Before staff expansion, management paid virtually no attention to corporate events, considering such costs unnecessary. As a rule, on the eve of the holidays, after the end of the working day, employees, on their own initiative, set the table in the meeting room; after congratulatory speech Leaders spent an hour talking with colleagues at a modest table. Once we tried to celebrate the New Year in a restaurant with good cuisine, but without any entertainment program. Left to their own devices, the guests quickly became bored; Some employees decided to compensate for the lack of entertainment with alcoholic drinks. As a result, the evening brought only disappointment to both management and their subordinates; most of them said that next time they would ignore the celebrations in a “restaurant” format. As a result, the manager became convinced that corporate holidays are a unnecessary luxury.

Two years after this unsuccessful experience, the company expanded significantly and new divisions appeared. Unfortunately, disagreements have arisen between long-time specialists and newcomers. Top managers understood that measures needed to be taken to strengthen team cohesion - both to improve communications and to maintain employee motivation.

The HR director was tasked with finding a solution. After analyzing the situation, he came up with an initiative: to hold a corporate event to celebrate the New Year in the format of team building under the motto “We are a team.” According to the plans of the leaders, active participation in the holiday was supposed to help establish friendly relations between veterans and new employees. To do this, we decided to organize a “corporate party” in a playful way, with elements of team building training.

The main difficulty was to organically “weave” training elements into the script. The employees should not have suspected that on New Year’s Eve the managers decided to “train” them. A festive meeting should not be overloaded with various “events” (tasks, competitions), because people, first of all, gathered to socialize and have fun.

There were about two months left before the holiday, so the organizers (employees of the HR department) needed to make every effort to implement their plan. First of all, we interviewed employees, compiled a list of wishes and compared them with the company’s capabilities. The modest amount allocated in the budget for the holidays required an economical approach. HR rightly reasoned that it was impossible to save on food and drinks, but it was quite possible to do without an expensive music program and guest presenters. They decided to draw up a script for the holiday and bring it to life on their own (in addition to specialists from the HR department, they involved the most proactive employees).

After the budget is approved, you need to determine the date and location of the holiday. It is advisable to set a date for corporate New Year's Eve no earlier than two weeks and no later than a week before the calendar date of the celebration, otherwise the pre-New Year mood will be lost. Celebrations “back to back” on December 31 may hinder implementation personal plans many employees - at this time people often take vacations or days off in order to better prepare for the New Year with their families or to go on a trip or visit. It is also not recommended to have a party in the middle of working week: If people have to go to work the next day, they will not be able to escape from everyday worries. (Corporate event presenter)

This company chose the end of the work week - Friday evening approximately a week before the end of December. It was announced that the working day would be shortened for everyone (until 17.00), and the employees were also released two hours before the end of work, so that they could prepare for the holiday. To make it more convenient for people to get to the venue of the celebration, the company rented a comfortable bus.

Then the event organizers had to find a cozy room that could accommodate 65 people. For these purposes, a country restaurant or club, preferably with European cuisine, was most suitable (after all, not all employees will be delighted with spicy Caucasian or exotic Chinese dishes). At the same time, the menu had to be varied, and the dishes not very expensive. In addition, it was desirable that the restaurant be located in a nearby suburb. The organizers made certain demands on the shape of the hall and the interior: a cozy, well-lit room with tables (square or rectangular) that can be moved and moved apart, as well as a place to place musical equipment. Only five restaurants met all the requirements. The HR director visited each of them: inspected the premises and discussed the terms of the lease. As a result, we chose an establishment located on the territory of a country club. After the menu was approved, an agreement was concluded with the restaurant administration, which stipulated all the conditions for renting the premises and organizing a banquet, including the right to use musical equipment belonging to the restaurant.

The banquet was organized in the so-called Russian style: drinks, cold appetizers and salads are put on the table immediately, and later portioned hot dishes are served; At the same time, guests serve themselves. Food costs were about $50 per person. To avoid problem situations, associated with excessive alcohol consumption, the amount of strong alcoholic drinks (vodka and cognac) was limited. According to an agreement with the administration, the employees brought some of the drinks with them, so they managed to reduce costs.

On the eve of the festive evening, several company employees (optional) were sent to the country club to decorate the banquet hall with New Year's pine wreaths, Christmas tree decorations, compositions of pine cones and nuts and electric garlands. Christmas tree was installed by the restaurant staff (according to the contract).

On the eve of the holiday, all employees received animated electronic invitations, which indicated the date, time, location of the event, as well as the place and time of the meeting near the rented bus. The invitations had a “secret” - each with an individual number, but what this meant remained a mystery until the beginning holiday program.

The storyline of the event was carefully thought out and structured so that every person took part in its planning and implementation. Immediately after the date of the “corporate party” was approved, HR asked employees to prepare numbers for the New Year’s Eve from each department (examples are given in Appendix 1). These could be friendly caricatures of colleagues, funny scenes from the life of the office, vocal or dance performances, a slide show or an amateur film about the company and its people - whatever your imagination suggests, under one condition: the performances must be plot-related to the work, everyday life and company traditions. It is important to note that participation in the preparation of the performances was immediately defined as voluntary; the shyest employees had the right to act as grateful spectators. As an option, you could make a gift with your own hands to decorate the office.

Annex 1

Examples of “office hobby” numbers

1. Calendar. Great gift All employees can receive a tear-off calendar, illustrated with photographs from office life. Many corporate events or important events in the life of the company are accompanied by photography. To design a gift calendar, you need to choose the brightest, most memorable, funny photographs and come up with suitable captions for them (preferably in a humorous form). All materials can be transferred to one of the many printing companies, whose specialists will prepare the layout, design and layout of the calendar, taking into account all the requirements and wishes, and also print required amount copies. The cost of such a calendar is low: its production can be paid for by both the company and the employees themselves.

2. Slideshow. A colorful slide show will be an unforgettable gift for all employees. For example, you can prepare thematic collections of photographs “Office life”, “Workdays”, “ Corporate parties", etc. You can invite employees to guess or come up with captions for funny moments captured in photographs.

An excellent option would be a slideshow of children's photographs of employees. True, this option is more suitable for small company, in which everyone knows each other well. To do this, you need to ask people to bring their childhood photos in advance. During the video demonstration, those present must guess which colleague is shown in the pictures. As a hint, you can provide the photo with funny captions that reflect the person’s character traits or the specifics of the position he or she occupies. It is necessary that the signatures be extremely correct and do not offend the person. To enhance the effect when showing a slide show, you need to provide suitable musical accompaniment, which should reflect the mood of the pictures and evoke positive emotions in the audience. Employees can prepare such a show on their own or turn to specialists.

3. Dance number. An individual or group dance, costumes, and original musical accompaniment prepared independently by employees will help create a spectacular, memorable performance. For example, a story in the language of dance about some well-known event (in the style of Indian films) leaves an indelible impression. Even if amateur artists lack the necessary skills, their courage and imagination will be appreciated by everyone present.

4. Vocal number. Of course, not everyone can prepare a vocal number: if learning to move to the beat of music is accessible to almost every person, it is extremely difficult to compensate for the lack of vocal abilities. However, you can prepare such a performance in a humorous form: people will probably enjoy the performance of a famous song, the words of which will be redone. It should be a fun song about the company and its employees that doesn't require great vocal performance. The performer can be either one person or an “ensemble” of the department. It is very important to provide musical accompaniment to the performance (pre-arrange with the DJ/musicians or bring a tape recorder).

5. Parody. A parody skit can be one of the most fun performances of the evening. Employees are quite capable of making a parody of recurring situations in office life, playing up the manner of behavior or communication of colleagues or other characters known to most (for example, quarrelsome clients). It is important that the parody be good-natured and good-natured: you should not make fun of it, but gently make fun of it (especially if one of the employees became the “object”). And, of course, you should always remember to maintain a “distance”: the top officials of the company, even if they are people with a wonderful sense of humor, should be excluded from the list of those being parodied...

As a reward for their performance, all employees received inexpensive souvenir prizes.

The holiday program consisted of several parts. The ceremonial part included a welcoming speech by the manager and an award ceremony for employees for their contribution to the development of the company in the past year. Then the presenter captured the attention of the guests: he was one of the company’s employees, a sociable young man with a sense of humor, initiative, and capable of improvisation.

The holiday script included the most spectacular concert performances of the employees at the beginning of the evening. In order not to tire the audience and at the same time maintain interest in what was happening, the performances were performed at intervals of 30 minutes. This way, representatives from each of the departments that prepared the performances could relax at the table while the next participants prepared to go on stage. After each performance, the HR specialist presented team members with memorable gifts and announced the next performance.

This format of a festive evening has proven itself very well in companies with a small number of divisions (no more than five or six).

The holiday program included various competitions in which almost all employees took part. The “secret” of numbered invitations has also been revealed: to participate in team competitions the host called the number indicated in the invitation, its owner became a member of one or another team. This is how the teams included employees who rarely encountered each other at work and therefore did not know each other well. After each competition (there were five in total, lasting 15–20 minutes), the winning team received a comic prize.

At the final part of the festive program, all company employees were given new Year gifts from management, then the employees who won in humorous categories were awarded (Appendix 2). This is a fun and memorable competition that is always well received by people. The main thing is that the nominations are harmless, so their choice requires great tact. A month before the festive evening, specialists from the HR department came up with humorous nominations and sent a list of them to all staff with a request to propose one candidate for each. After counting the votes received, the winners in seven categories were determined. Announced names and handed over Original gifts HR Director.

Appendix 2

Examples of humorous nominations




the most cheerful and optimistic employee


the slenderest employee

"Office Blonde"

the most flirtatious and pretty girl


the smallest employee

"Office vest"

the most responsive employee

"Skillful fingers"

an employee who is always happy to help when office equipment breaks down


a man who constantly compliments his female employees and shows them various signs of attention


the thinnest man

"Mama Mia"

the most economical employee


a young man who takes great care of his appearance

"Office model"

the biggest fashionista

"Elusive Joe"

an employee who is often absent from work

"Office UFO"

the most mysterious employee

"Waiting for a Year"

an employee who is often late


an employee who is always ready to help anyone

"Just radio"

the most eloquent employee

"Early bird"

the employee who arrives at the office first

"Pink glasses"

the biggest optimist


the most “sharp-tongued” employee

"Office Energizer"

the biggest ringleader in the office

When competitive program ended, employees were given time for informal communication and dancing. The duration of the “official” part of the corporate holiday was five and a half hours, and the “free time” was about two and a half - quite enough to have fun and discuss the evening. According to an agreement with the restaurant administration, the premises were rented for eight hours.

People were crowded positive emotions, and even after the end of the holiday, many did not want to leave. They decided to continue the fun at another establishment recommended by the presenter. The driver of the bus rented by the company dropped off everyone who wanted to celebrate the New Year until the morning at the indicated place, and took the rest of the employees (there were very few of them) to their homes.

Appendix 3

Examples team games and competitions

“Roll the ball.” Teams of five to ten people (than more people, the more difficult it is to complete the task) must follow a drawn or imaginary line. Each pair of participants in the chain holds balloon- between the back of one and the stomach of the other. The balls can only be held by the body. The team that reaches the end point faster without dropping a single ball wins.

“Let’s have a snack!” This competition is best held at the beginning of the holiday. For it you need to prepare props: a tray, a plate with sandwiches, a glass, a bottle of water (a “set” for each team). Then teams of five people are formed. “Props” are placed on trays and placed on chairs, and team members line up at a distance of five meters from “their” chair. At the leader’s signal, the relay race begins: the first participant runs to the chair, opens the bottle and returns to the team; the second one runs behind him, pours water into a glass and returns; the third drinks water, the fourth eats a sandwich, the fifth closes the bottle - and so on until the participants drink and eat everything on the tray. The team that completes the task faster wins.

"Ride with the breeze." Teams of eight to ten people are formed. Each team is given soccer ball(or any small ball). At the command of the leader, the first player stands on the ball, and the other two participants support him by the arms. The player must “ride” the ball, kicking and leaning on his teammates. All team members take part in the competition in turn. The team that reaches the finish line first wins.

“Light the ring.” Each team is given a metal ring, and each player is given a match (fireplace matches are better). Players must pass the ring to each other using a match held in their teeth. The team that quickly passed the ring to the last player in the chain wins.

"Web". The members of each team form a circle, holding hands. Players must first “get confused” and then, at the command of the leader, within the allotted time (for example, on the count of “10”) return to their original position. The team whose players “unraveled” the fastest wins.

"Baba Yaga". Props: a bucket and a broom (you can take a regular mop) for each team. The participant stands with one foot in the bucket and grabs the handle of the bucket with his hand. He takes the “broom” in his second hand. Leaning on the broom and keeping his foot in the bucket, he must gallop along the designated section of the path and give the bucket with the broom to the next participant. All team members follow the same path. The fastest team wins.

“Ball, burst!” Two teams are formed. Each participant is tied to the leg balloon so that it lies freely on the floor. All balls must be different colors. At the command of the leader, participants from both teams converge on the “battlefield” and try to make the ball of one of the members of the opposing team burst, while trying to protect their own. The participant with the burst balloon is eliminated from the game. The team with the last intact ball left wins.

“Put your back.” Teams with the same number of participants are formed. People stand behind each other. The presenter shows the first player a picture depicting, for example, an animal or some large object. The person must draw this object on a piece of paper lying on the back of the next participant. Based on the movement of the pen or pencil, the participant on whose back the friend was drawing must, in turn, depict this object. And so on down the chain. The team whose final drawing is most similar to the original wins.

"Left-right." Teams with an even number of participants are formed. Two competitors from each team come forward and stand next to each other so that their hands touch. Touching left and right hand Participants are tied up, and with their free hands they must wrap the package (or put some items in a bag), tie it with ribbon and tie a bow. The team whose pair completed the task faster receives a point. The team with the most points wins.

"Unicorn". The facilitator gives each team large sheet paper and marker. The sheet must be attached to the wall or flipchart. Task - with eyes closed draw a unicorn. Each team member must take turns going to a piece of paper and, with their eyes closed, draw a part of the unicorn’s body - a leg, head, torso, etc. As a rule, not all people have an idea of ​​what a unicorn looks like, so the drawing turns out very funny . The team that draws the most unusual and funniest unicorn wins. The winner can be determined by the participants themselves, the presenter or an employee who did not take part in the competition. Instead of a unicorn, you can draw another animal, for example, a cat or a bear, but in this case the team whose drawing is most similar to the original will win.

"Ball on the neck." Team members must carefully pass the ball held by their chin to each other so as not to drop it. The team that passes the ball to the last player the fastest wins.

"On the bumps." It is necessary to prepare the props: pieces of A4 cardboard. The first team member takes two pieces of cardboard. He must put them on the floor and walk along them a certain distance, moving like over bumps in a swamp. The team whose members cross to the “other side” faster wins.

"The thorny path." Props: blindfolds for each participant, bowling pins or chairs, which must be arranged in a “snake” pattern at a distance of one and a half to two meters from each other. The contestants are blindfolded, after which they must walk the distance, holding hands, trying not to touch the placed props. For each object that is not moved, the team is awarded a point. The team with the most points wins.

On Monday HR messages were sent to e-mail gratitude to all team members for their participation in preparing the holiday and their initiative. The final touch was the work on a photo collage made up of photographs from the festive evening, which the people themselves promptly prepared and placed on the notice board in the office lobby.

In addition, HR conducted a survey of the participants of the festive evening (sample questions for the questionnaire, see Appendix 4). To get the most objective assessment, the survey was anonymous. The idea turned out to be very useful - the results of the survey helped to analyze shortcomings in organizing the holiday and collect wishes regarding corporate events in the future. It turned out that all employees, without exception, were satisfied with the proposed format of the gala event. However, even without a questionnaire, it was clear to everyone that the holiday was a great success - discussions about the details of the evening did not subside for a week, people came to work in high spirits, thanked the HR department and management for a great time.

Appendix 4

Questions for the survey

  1. What moments of the festive evening made a good impression on you?
  2. What shortcomings in organizing the holiday did you notice?
  3. Would you like to take part in such a corporate event again? Why?
  4. How often would you like to take part in informal meetings of our company employees? Why?
  5. What are your wishes and suggestions for organizing corporate events and meetings?
  6. Would you like to take part in organizing a corporate event in our company?
  7. What holidays, in your opinion, should be celebrated as corporate holidays?

Summing up, the top managers came to the conclusion: the set goals were achieved - intracorporate connections were strengthened, which had a positive effect on work, and labor productivity increased. The employees began to work with greater enthusiasm; it was noticeable that they felt not like individual “cogs” of the system, but members of one team. People began to communicate more often (including in informal settings) and provide each other with support.

Zaslavskaya Tatiana

Often companies organize corporate celebrations for their employees in honor of the New Year holidays. But in order for the corporate party not to turn out to be a banal drunken party with dancing, it makes sense for the organizers to think about holding fun New Year’s competitions at the corporate party.

Wherein New Year's competitions for a corporate event they should not be too “childish” and too frank. Despite the informal atmosphere, management will still draw certain conclusions. And who wants to avoid meeting with his secretary Yulia after a corporate party, because he is ashamed to look into her eyes after some competitions? We bring to your attention several neutral and quite suitable competitions for this event.

Magic hat

For the competition you will need two hats, paper, a pen, imagination and a positive attitude. Pieces of paper are placed in one hat, on which the names and positions of those present are written, and in the second - wishes for next year(it’s best if they are somehow related to work). Then the participants randomly pull out a piece of paper from each hat and read out the resulting combination. If you approach writing New Year's wishes with imagination, then this entertainment will bring you a lot of fun! If you couldn’t find suitable hats, then you shouldn’t use employee hats for these purposes :-), because you can make them yourself or instead use festively decorated bags, boxes (for example, from reams of paper), etc. In this case, the name of the competition will change accordingly, for example, to “Santa Claus’s Bag” or “Fairytale Cube”.

Boxers in the ring

This competition is good for its unexpected outcome. The two strongest and most muscular men are chosen from among their colleagues. The host announces that they will have to fight in the boxing ring. Participants are given all the necessary attributes (sports shorts can be worn directly over the suit, it’s even funny). Boxing gloves are required! The ring can be made from “scrap materials” - other colleagues. Have them hold hands and mark the boundaries of the ring. The presenter must constantly build up the atmosphere to create the illusion of a real boxing match. You can invite your opponents to warm up, have a couple of employees massage their shoulders. Then, at the signal from the presenter, the boxers converge in the center of the ring, and he announces the rules of the fight. Each participant is given... a lollipop. Their task is to turn it around as quickly as possible without taking off their boxing gloves. The winner takes the loser's lollipop as a trophy.

Thick-cheeked lip slap

For this game you will need a lot of caramels (such as Duchess or Barberry). The presenter calls two participants and gives each one a caramel. The players put it in their mouth and call their opponent “fat-cheeked lip-slapper.” After this, the presenter hands them a second caramel, they put it in their mouth next to the first and repeat the “magic words”. You should not swallow or chew caramels! The winner is the player who can say the phrase “fat-cheeked lip-slapper” with a lot of caramels in his mouth. It doesn’t have to be very clear at all - it’s enough to say it somehow, because after the tenth caramel the intelligibility of speech deteriorates sharply. It makes sense to hold the competition in the middle of the holiday, when alcohol has not yet completely confused the speech of employees. If it was not possible to make it in time, then an incident may arise that after taking 3-5 candies into his mouth, the employee will no longer be able to say anything else or, God forbid, will choke.

A and B sat on the pipe

If the majority of your team members are people with imagination and a sense of humor, then you should like this competition. The players' task is to take turns coming up with New Year's greetings for colleagues for each letter of the alphabet. For example:
- 1 employee - A - “Australian Aborigines join my New Year’s greetings!”
- 2nd employee - B - “Beavers cheerfully celebrate the New Year with our company!”
- 3rd employee - B - “Let’s drink to ensure that our accounting department always matches debits with credits!”
It won’t be easy for those “lucky ones” who will get the letters Y, ь and Ъ. Needed effective means for eyelash growth - they are the most low prices. But if you wish, you can create something funny and unexpected with these letters. The winner of this competition is the one who managed to come up with the funniest phrase.

Elusive cucumber

Players stand in a tight circle, shoulder to shoulder (the tighter the better). The selected leader stands in the center of the circle. Participants pass the cucumber behind their backs so that the presenter does not notice it. But before passing the cucumber to a neighbor, each player must take a bite of it. The presenter's task is to figure out which colleague currently has a cucumber. The one who is caught red-handed, that is, with a cucumber, becomes the leader. The game continues until there is nothing left of the cucumber. The only inconvenient moment in this game is that it is better for ladies with painted lips not to participate in it, otherwise all other players will appreciate the taste of their new lipstick, bought specifically for the occasion of the corporate party.

Corporate statistics

Employees are divided into teams (by tables or departments). For a certain time, each team needs to calculate the sum of certain parameters of their group, for example:
- total weight
- overall height
- total waist, hips, chest
- general age
- total number of children
- total number of spouses
- general seniority in company
- total foreign languages employees know
In general, the criteria can be anything. There is no one winner in this competition - based on the results of the calculation, a winner is selected for each parameter. The highest team, the youngest team, the largest team, the most single or married team, “office old-timers” (the team with the greatest total experience in this company), etc. are awarded.
