Main directions for preventing violent crimes. Main directions for the prevention of violent crime What will we do with the received material?

Issues of general social crime prevention today require legislative solutions. Life shows that the lack of legal regulation of preventive work slows down the process of developing a uniform approach of the prosecutor's office, justice, internal affairs and courts to the use of preventive norms of law and legislation.

Thus, the main areas of preventing violent crime will be:

I. Organizational support

Organizational support should be carried out not only for individual law enforcement departments, as is done now, but also for fundamental problems of preventing violent crime, for example, the prevention of domestic violence, the fight against drug addiction and narcotics, the execution of criminal penalties related and not related to imprisonment , and the problem of training specialists, etc. For these purposes, a program should be created for each problem, including the necessary resource calculations.

II. Review of the system of punishment and isolation measures

1. It is advisable to initiate the lifting of the moratorium on the use of the death penalty. This punishment should be applied to those guilty of premeditated murder under aggravating circumstances, but only for reasons of fair retribution in the case of the commission of the most serious crimes. Abeltsev S.N. The personality of the criminal and the problems of criminal violence. - M.: Unity, 2000. P. 90

The question of applying the death penalty to this category of criminals is inevitably connected with the general problem of the existence of this most severe criminal punishment. Different attitudes towards this type of punishment, its essence, purpose, role, and practical proposals associated with it have existed since certain actions began to necessitate the use of the most acute and even merciless measures to respond to their commission. In a word, this problem has existed since time immemorial, and since it has significant political and legal, and even greater moral significance, interest in it has not been lost at the present time. Philosophers, writers, politicians, criminologists, sociologists, lawyers and other scientific and cultural figures have repeatedly expressed their attitude, sometimes mutually exclusive, to the death penalty. Criminal legislation is constantly being improved, many traditional views on the purpose, functions and types of punishment are being revised, the number of countries in which the death penalty is used is decreasing, but it nevertheless exists, and no one is able to predict that this type of punishment will ever disappear completely Abeltsev S.N. The personality of the criminal and the problems of criminal violence. - M.: Unity, 2000. P. 91.

Contrary to the popular belief among opponents of the death penalty that it is incapable of deterring someone and thereby deterring them from committing a crime, we believe that this is not the case. The fear of such punishment persists among many people; it is especially effective in cases of total and inevitable repression, for example, under the conditions of a fascist regime. In those civilized countries where the death penalty has been preserved, it is used not to intimidate, but to satisfy the public sense of justice. To take the life of someone so that it would be disgraceful to others is extremely immoral. This is akin to shooting hostages.

At present, ideas about basic human values, about justice, about proper retribution for what has been done do not allow us to abandon such punishment completely, reserving it only for the punishment of murderers, and the most dangerous ones. It is very significant in this regard to note that many of them, with their bloody atrocities and the blatant cruelty displayed at the same time, place themselves outside people, outside life. Criminals such as Chikatilo, Mikhasevich, Golovkin, Kuznetsov, Chechen bandits and terrorists should not remain among people just because of what they did.

Meanwhile, government policy towards such monsters is characterized by a prevailing tendency to preserve their lives, which in most cases causes sharp disagreement. The public, as a rule, knows nothing about why, on what grounds, taking into account what circumstances the death penalty for the most dangerous murderers is replaced by life imprisonment or why they were punished only for life. At the same time, quite often the issue of pardoning a specific person is not resolved for months, sometimes years, which cannot be regarded otherwise than as cruelty towards the same person, although guilty of the most serious, mortal sins.

More or less clear criteria should be developed when sentencing the most dangerous killer, which could also guide organizations deciding on pardon if the criminal is sentenced to death. Such criteria can include: the number of victims, the presence of children and adolescents among them ; committing murders with extreme cruelty; the presence of mental pathologies and sexual desire disorders that limit the ability to control one’s behavior; a person’s request for psychiatric and sexopathological help, his reactions to offers of such help, the desire to get rid of pathological desires - before committing crimes or even during the period when a series of murders occurred; bringing to criminal liability in the past for violent crimes Abeltsev S.N. The personality of the criminal and the problems of criminal violence. - M.: Unity, 2000. P. 94.

  • 2. It seems necessary to make the following changes to the criminal and penal laws:
    • - pardons and amnesties should not be applied to the most dangerous murderers; they cannot be released due to illness or parole;
    • - persons sentenced to life imprisonment for violent crimes cannot be released from correctional institutions under an amnesty, in connection with a pardon, due to illness or on parole earlier than 25 years after being taken into custody;
    • - if a person is prosecuted for committing a violent crime classified by law as a grave or especially grave category, and has already been punished three times for the same crimes, then regardless of the removal or expungement of a criminal record, he must be sentenced to life imprisonment;
    • - persons convicted of violent grave and especially grave crimes, as well as for any sexual crimes for a certain period of time, may be released early, under an amnesty or in connection with a pardon, only on the basis of the conclusion of a comprehensive commission with the mandatory participation of a psychiatrist and psychologist;
    • - persons who have committed actions that formally fall under the signs of a particularly serious violent crime, but are declared insane, must be placed for life in a specialized psychiatric hospital with intensive supervision.

III. Social violence prevention programs

  • 1. Any social programs for the prevention of violence in Russia should be built taking into account the fact that its condition is primarily determined by the very high level of anxiety and uncertainty of people, their depressive and traumatic experiences as a reaction to those changes in life that are subjectively perceived as very unfavorable. Violence is a means of protection and affirmation, therefore society must offer other means in sufficient volume and variety.
  • 2. The primary task is to provide comprehensive assistance, including during inspections, to regions where the worst situation with criminal violence is observed. This involves the creation of special social and material support programs for them, educational and pedagogical, psychological, organizational, law enforcement and other activities.
  • 3. To existing social programs to combat certain types of crime (for example, drugs and drug addiction), it is necessary, first of all, to add social programs to prevent violence in the family, at school, and among minors in general.
  • 4. A nationwide federal program to combat violence in society is needed. Its subjects should be all legislative and executive authorities, public and church organizations, the media, etc.

In the fight against violent crime, general social prevention measures are important. These include large-scale government socio-economic and political transformations that eliminate the causes and conditions for violent crime as a means of resolving conflicts.

The state should help eliminate such objectively criminogenic factors as unsatisfactory housing conditions, living in communal apartments, and the cohabitation of divorced spouses and relatives.

It is important to suppress acts of violence in families and deprivation of parental rights.

Among the general prevention measures, strengthening legal training and legal education of the population is important.

It is very important to teach people to resolve conflicts through legal means.

The defective sphere of leisure plays a significant criminogenic role. The state’s concern should be to create conditions for full-fledged leisure, differentiated by interests, age and professional needs, at the place of residence of citizens.

Psychological assistance points for the unemployed at employment centers and charity funds could play a preventive role.

Government protection of the population's psyche from the video expansion of violence could help curb violent crimes. We need laws prohibiting demonstrations of violence, brute force, and unhealthy lifestyles.

The main directions of special criminological prevention of violent crimes include the following:

Organizational measures: study and analysis of information about the level,
structure and dynamics of violent crime and hooliganism in
each region and criminological planning, professional work in individual territories and objects;

Carrying out preventive work in the appropriate
microenvironment This is a systematic examination of the places where crimes against individuals are most often committed, ensuring the deployment of the police service, taking into account the place and time of violent crimes;

Conducting special preventive raids and inspections;
- identification and seizure of firearms; ensuring public order on the streets and in public places.

When implementing the prevention of violent crimes, the forms of response used are important.

In an episodic response, local police officers and members of the public can use advice, conversations, provide the necessary assistance, and neutralize adverse environmental factors.

In case of ongoing response, measures of influence include: preventive conversations with the police, discussion of behavior at a meeting of the labor collective, a call to the police to explain the legal consequences of antisocial behavior in everyday life, etc.

Emergency response is carried out in conditions of sharp
escalated conflict situation - frequently recurring quarrels,
scandals, fights, threats, antisocial behavior of drunkards,
drug addicts. In such cases, legal measures may be used
coercion: deprivation of parental rights, forced exchange of housing
areas or eviction due to impossibility of living together;
limitation of legal capacity; compulsory psychiatric treatment
hospital; bringing to administrative and criminal liability.
An emergency response is required in cases of violent, aggressive behavior of the offender. The response in such cases involves: active protection of citizens who may suffer from aggressive actions; suppression of resistance from offenders; confiscation of their weapons; their detention, etc.

The general social prevention of violent crimes largely depends on the consistent implementation of socio-economic and political transformations in the country related to the establishment of universal human values, the humanization of the moral climate, and the implementation of the principles of social justice. Solving these general social problems will create the preconditions for a successful fight against violent crime. Among these tasks, it is necessary to highlight targeted work on cultivating conscientiousness in a person, instilling in him a culture of communication and moral ideals, respect for the human person, its inviolability, intolerance to any acts of violence against it, to manifestations of rudeness, aggressiveness, cynicism, to revive a significant to the extent of lost traditions of mutual assistance, mercy, compassion for all living things; improving sex education for adolescents and young people, preparing them for family life, instilling respect for the dignity of women, aversion to promiscuity and permissiveness.
The main directions of special criminological (specially targeted) prevention in the area under consideration include: a consistent and persistent fight against drunkenness and drug addiction based on setting clear and realistic goals, proper complexity and coordination; timely response to offenses committed due to family and other domestic conflicts and which could develop into crimes; ensuring a decisive fight against hooliganism and effective protection of public order on the streets and in other public places; decisive strengthening of the fight against incitement of racial and ethnic hatred;
suppression of criminogenic influences on minors and youth of repeat offenders and professional criminals; improving the quality of preventive work in marginalized environments; intensifying efforts to identify antisocial youth groups with a tendency for their participants to commit violence; intensification of activities to eliminate organized criminal groups and communities; timeliness of preventive impact on persons with a high degree of victimization; intensifying the fight against the illegal manufacture, sale, storage and carrying of bladed weapons and firearms, ammunition, explosives and explosive devices, and their theft; the use of criminal legal measures of the so-called double prevention for a timely response to threats of murder and infliction of serious harm to health, beatings, torture, preparation for committing serious violent crimes, mass riots, group hooliganism; ensuring fair responsibility for violent crimes based on its differentiation and individualization; resolute opposition to the propaganda of cruelty and violence in the media, the spread in the public consciousness of the cult of power, supermanship, and the orientation of young people towards illegal violent options for resolving life’s problems; reorientation of the media towards promoting the image of a law-abiding citizen.
Intensifying work in these areas helps stabilize and then reduce the level of criminal violence. Programs to strengthen the fight against crime, other targeted programs, as well as documents of interdepartmental and departmental-sectoral comprehensive criminological planning contain a number of important provisions in this regard. (However, their resource provision today is unsatisfactory.)
Of particular importance are measures to enhance preventive impact in specifically criminogenic groups of the population (representatives of marginalized environments; minors and youth; persons who abuse alcoholic beverages, use narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances

Taking into account all these factors is important for criminological diagnostics, predicting the possibility of specific individuals committing a violent crime and determining methods of individual prevention. The latter include: persuasion and persuasion, provision of necessary assistance, neutralization of negative environmental influences, control and supervision, measures of civil, administrative and criminal law.
New legislation on social services also creates the basis for social assistance to persons from groups of high criminal risk. A welcome development has been the rapid development in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and in the territories of local self-government of institutions for the rehabilitation of persons with deviant behavior and for persons in need of protection from cruelty and violence. According to expert estimates, violence flourishes in every fourth Russian family. In 70 out of 100 cases, the victims of beatings are women and children.
Of great importance in this regard is the deployment of the activities of public crisis centers (social assistance centers), designed, in particular, to provide assistance to victims of violent crimes, communication hotlines (“helplines”), shelters for victims of family and sexual violence and etc. Currently, there are about 50 such crisis centers in the regions of Russia.
It is advisable to consider the specifics of the analyzed preventive measures in relation to the prevention of violent crimes in the domestic sphere. The central figure of preventive work here is the local police commissioner.
When preventing domestic violent crimes, it is important to achieve an adequate response to incoming messages at an early stage of the development of dangerous conflict situations and the formation of aggressive groups and companies.
At the same time, it is important to choose the correct form of response in accordance with the specific situation (episodic, ongoing, urgent, emergency).

If a conflict situation periodically escalates and then improves without particularly sharp fluctuations, an episodic (control) response is most appropriate. It is carried out, as a rule, by the local police commissioner and representatives of the public. Methods of preventive influence in such cases are conversations, advice, provision of necessary assistance, neutralization of adverse environmental factors, episodic control.
If a conflict situation deteriorates over a long period of time, an ongoing response is used. In such cases, preventive conversations are held with the violators in the police (mainly by local police officers), conversations are initiated with the participation of representatives of the administration and the public, persons personally respected by the participants in the conflict; other already indicated forms of influence are used. If they turn out to be ineffective, more stringent measures are applied: discussion of the behavior of conflicting persons at a general meeting of the labor collective, a meeting of citizens at the place of residence, a village gathering, a call to the police for a conversation about the inadmissibility of antisocial behavior in everyday life, an official warning from the court about eviction from the living space due to the impossibility of living together, etc.
An urgent response is carried out in an escalated conflict situation. We are talking about frequently recurring quarrels, scandals, fights, threats, deviant behavior of persons suffering from mental illness, antisocial behavior of drunkards, alcoholics, and drug addicts. Various measures of legal coercion can be used: deprivation of parental rights by court; forced exchange of living space by court and eviction due to impossibility of living together; limitation of legal capacity; compulsory treatment in a psychiatric hospital or psychoneurological dispensary; seizure of hunting weapons; bringing to administrative and criminal liability. It is necessary to make much wider use of such an effective preventive measure as administrative arrest.
An emergency response is necessary in case of violent, aggressive behavior of the offender. It is carried out at the time of hooliganism, fights, real threats of physical violence, etc. As a rule, it is carried out by the duty units of the district internal affairs agencies. If there is a corresponding message, they are obliged to urgently send patrimony employees to the place of conflict.
steering and guard service, and sometimes also local police officers, criminal investigation officers to suppress it; response in such cases involves: active protection of citizens who may suffer from aggressive actions; suppression of resistance from offenders; confiscation of their weapons; their detention, etc. Then the issue of bringing these persons to criminal or administrative liability is decided.
It is necessary to place informal groups with a propensity for violence on appropriate types of operational and preventive accounting, to provide a preventive impact on the entire group as a whole (in particular, in the prevention of violent crimes in marginalized environments, in dormitories, etc.).
Victimological prevention is very important. Its measures should be based on identifying potential victims and preventing their imprudent, risky, frivolous, dissolute, provocative behavior (scandals; people who get into victimogenic situations while intoxicated; people who tend to join random companies characterized by frivolous behavior in public places and etc.).
The significance of this work is confirmed by the growing level of victimization of the population. The indicator of this level by persons (the number of registered victims per 100 thousand people) in the city was 1511.6, which is 20% more than in 1998 (1259.1). The likelihood of becoming a victim of violent crime has increased significantly.
It is advisable to consider the significance of the victimological aspect in relation to the tasks of preventing selfish and violent crimes (robberies, assaults, bandit raids). It seems very important in this regard to implement the following measures: production and distribution in the residential sector of special warning leaflets on methods of protection against criminal attacks, taking into account the recurring most dangerous types of them; notifying citizens through the media about widespread crimes in a given locality, typical actions of criminals, as well as the recommended algorithm for citizens’ actions in various crime situations;
attracting the attention of the population to the need to take measures to ensure personal safety, protect homes, storage facilities of material assets, vehicles and other property (strengthening doors and windows, installing reliable locking devices, coded locks and intercoms on the doors of building entrances, security alarms, video monitoring entrances to entrances, apartments and utility rooms); checking and taking measures for proper lighting in populated areas of streets, squares, entrances of houses and other public places; organization of police patrol duty in places most convenient for committing crimes; conducting preventive conversations in children's educational institutions with schoolchildren and teachers, as well as at the place of residence with parents about possible options for behavior when confronted with criminals; identifying individuals and risk groups with a high degree of victimization and implementing preventive influence on them in order to enhance their protective properties and subsequent victimization.
It is not difficult to appreciate the important role of these activities in the prevention of other violent (in particular sexual) crimes.
Recently, the activity of criminal groups has intensified, which, along with fraudulent actions for the purchase and sale of apartments, commit murders of their owners in order to take possession of the privatized living space of the victims.

The victims of these crimes are most often people belonging to the so-called risk group: lonely, elderly, pensioners, alcoholics, drug addicts, people suffering from mental disorders, representatives of socially vulnerable segments of the population who do not have stable family and friendly ties. These persons should be under the close attention of local police officers, employees of municipal housing authorities and public commissions. The manifestation of increased interest in this category of citizens should cause caution, the absolute need for mutual information, and the adoption of emergency measures to suppress possible crimes.
Serious attention should be paid to the criminal legal prevention of violent crimes, in particular the possibility of using certain criminal legal institutions and norms with a pronounced preventive focus in the fight against them. These are, first of all, the norms of the General Part of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, regulating the institutions of necessary defense, detention of a criminal, extreme necessity, as well as norms that stimulate voluntary renunciation of a crime, active repentance. Their content and significance must be explained to citizens during legal propaganda.
The aforementioned norms of the Special Part of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation with the so-called double prevention also play an important preventive role. These are rules on criminal liability for acts that create the conditions and immediate environment for the commission of other, more serious crimes. We are talking about double prevention, a double preventive effect of such norms - against acts for which they are directly intended to combat, and against serious crimes, for which fertile ground is created if these acts remain unanswered.
Among them, it is necessary to highlight the rules providing for liability for hooliganism, threat of murder or infliction of grievous bodily harm, torture, illegal carrying, storage, acquisition, manufacture or sale of weapons, combat
supplies or explosives, involvement of minors in committing a crime or other antisocial behavior, brothel keeping and some others. The effectiveness of their preventive impact is associated mainly with ensuring timely responsibility for acts that create conditions for the commission of other, more dangerous crimes. For example, according to the experts interviewed (law enforcement officers and scientists), up to 10% of murders could be prevented if the rule on liability for threats of murder and causing grievous bodily harm were promptly applied (Article 119 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).
Ensuring accountability for criminal violence itself, in turn, is extremely important for general and special prevention. Interviewing those convicted of crimes against the person showed, for example, that the expectation of impunity was identified in almost half of the respondents.
In this regard, the problem of timely and complete identification and disclosure of these crimes seems very important. According to statistics from the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, for 2000-2007. More than 16 million crimes remained unsolved. Of these, only about 100 thousand are murders. This problem is closely related to measures to reduce the latency of such crimes. In this regard, effective prosecutorial supervision over the fulfillment of the requirements of the law on the timely and complete registration of statements and reports of violent crimes, their timely and justified resolution is significant; introduction of a new system for evaluating police performance.
Serious attention should also be paid to the capabilities of the “medical institution-law enforcement agency” information system. Its use could significantly contribute to reducing the level of latency of facts of criminal harm to health. Medical institutions, in accordance with the requirements of regulations, are required to report to the police about all injuries of a criminal nature. However, these responsibilities are not sufficiently fulfilled in practice. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure a thorough record of persons admitted to medical institutions with such injuries, and recording of information about them in the book of statements and reports of crimes by the duty units of the internal affairs bodies.

Operational investigative measures aimed at preventing criminal violent attacks on the part of those plotting them are of significant preventive importance. The main role here belongs to the operational apparatus of the internal affairs bodies, especially the criminal investigation units. Operational investigative prevention primarily involves the collection during search activities of covert intelligence information about persons with increased criminal activity (previously convicted, alcoholics, drug addicts, domestic rowdies, members of groups with an antisocial orientation, persons associated with members of organized criminal groups, etc. ). The totality of the information received, which gives grounds for the conclusion about the likelihood of criminal behavior, indicates the need to establish operational monitoring of such persons in order to timely prevent and suppress the crimes they are preparing. The methods of operational intelligence used in this case are varied: preventive influence through secret employees on members of criminal and antisocial groups, as well as on persons having conflicts in the family and domestic sphere; disunity through operational combinations of warring factions in correctional facilities; operational cover of objects intended by criminals for committing robberies, assaults, kidnappings, bandit raids, etc. Operational investigative prevention is especially relevant in relation to persons previously convicted of violent crimes. With regard to these individuals, traditional methods of individual prevention (measures of persuasion, education, etc.) are largely outdated. In the modern criminological situation, more prompt and stringent measures are needed.
Also very significant is the operational development of some private security and detective structures that can serve as gangsters under the sponsoring company, or criminal orders from various commercial organizations.

50 criminological characteristics of crimes against property
Crimes against property (theft, robbery, robbery, fraud, extortion, etc.) encroach on important spheres of life of citizens and the state. The leading place in the fight against them is given to law enforcement agencies. The effectiveness of this fight largely depends on knowledge of the state and main trends of these crimes, understanding of their causes, and taking into account the personality characteristics of the selfish criminal.

Crimes of this group have always occupied and currently occupy a significant place in the structure of crime in Russia, determining its quantitative side. Their share at the end of the last - beginning of this century amounts to over 50% of all crimes committed in the country.

Thus, crimes against property largely determine the general state and trends of crime, and therefore, in general, the entire criminal situation in the country.

In the structure of crimes against property, the decisive place belongs to theft, the share of which varies from 75% to 80%. In the total volume of registered crimes, the share of thefts reaches 40% (in some years - 45%). The number of registered thefts is currently approaching 1 million, and in some years it exceeded this figure. It should not be forgotten that theft is one of the most latent crimes.

The total number of thefts is dominated by attacks on the personal property of citizens. More than a third of such thefts are committed from apartments; Every year about 40 thousand cars belonging to citizens are stolen. Theft of finished products, raw materials, building materials, cargo, cash, works of art, antiques, etc. is widespread.

Thefts are dangerous not only because of their prevalence, but also because they are often associated with other more serious crimes, such as premeditated murder, intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm, etc. In addition, a significant number of thefts (up to 80%) are committed under aggravating circumstances. Thus, with a slight reduction in their total number over the last decade, the number of persons who committed thefts has increased. This is evidenced by an increase (up to 40%) in the group nature of thefts, which makes them more dangerous compared to crimes committed alone.

The methods of committing thefts are very diverse, the choice of which is determined by the object and subject of the attack, the personality of the perpetrator, and his criminal experience. In particular, during thefts from premises, picking keys, knocking down doors, breaking walls, entering through windows, attics, disabling alarms, etc. are widely used. Pickpocketing is most often committed in crowded places by groups of professional criminals, often using objects that cut pockets and bags.

A significant number of repeat offenders (about 20% of those prosecuted), women (over 12%), and minors (about 18%) take part in committing thefts.

Robbery ranks second in the structure of crimes against property after theft and averages about 8%. Criminal statistics most often record robberies with aggravating circumstances, among which repetition, prior conspiracy, home invasion, committed by an organized group, use of violence, etc. predominate. Among those who committed robberies, the number of people without a regular source of income is approximately 60%. Robbery is very often committed by a group of people (over 50%), repeat offenders (40%), and minors (25%).

Robbery is one of the most dangerous crimes, directed not only against property, but also against the person.

Related information.

The general social prevention of violent crimes largely depends on the consistent implementation of socio-economic and political transformations in the country related to the establishment of universal human values, the humanization of the moral climate, and the implementation of the principles of social justice. Solving these general social problems will also create the prerequisites for a successful fight against violent crime. Among these tasks, it is necessary to highlight targeted work to cultivate conscientiousness in a person, instill in him a culture of communication and moral personal ideals, respect for the human person, its inviolability, intolerance to any acts of violence against it, to manifestations of rudeness, aggressiveness, cynicism, to revive to a large extent, the lost traditions of mutual assistance, mercy, compassion for all living things, improving sex education for adolescents and young people, preparing them for family life, instilling respect for the dignity of women, aversion to promiscuity and permissiveness.

Intensifying work in these areas helps stabilize and then reduce the level of criminal violence. Programs to strengthen the fight against crime, other targeted programs, as well as documents of interdepartmental and departmental-sectoral comprehensive criminological planning contain a number of important provisions in this regard. At the same time, their resource provision today is not satisfactory.

Of particular importance are measures to enhance preventive impact in specifically criminogenic groups of the population (representatives of marginalized environments; minors and youth; people who abuse alcohol, use narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances; not engaged in socially useful work; previously convicted; people with mental disabilities). It would be significant to expand the legal framework for differentiated work with high social risk groups and for preventive work itself in the community.

An extremely important area in the fight against violent crime is group and individual prevention. Its objects are persons who, due to their antisocial, aggressive and violent orientation, can commit violent crimes.

The most difficult task in individual prevention is the selection of those indicator signs that can be used as the basis for a prognostic assessment of personality.

Victimological prevention is very important. Its measures should be based on identifying potential victims and preventing their imprudent, risky, frivolous, dissolute, provocative behavior (scandals, constant conflicts; people who get into victimogenic situations while intoxicated; people prone to random companies, inviting strangers, frivolous behavior in public places, etc.).

Serious attention should be paid to the criminal legal prevention of violent crimes, in particular the possibility of using certain criminal legal norms and institutions with a directly expressed preventive focus in the fight against them. These are, first of all, the norms of the General Part of the Criminal Code, regulating the institutions of necessary defense, detention of a criminal, extreme necessity, as well as norms that stimulate voluntary renunciation of a crime, active repentance. Their content and significance must be explained to citizens in the course of legal propaganda.

The norms of the Special Part of the Criminal Code with the so-called double prevention play an important preventive role. These are rules on criminal liability for acts that create the conditions and immediate environment for the commission of other, more serious crimes. We are talking specifically about double prevention, the double preventive effect of such norms - against acts for which they are directly intended to combat, and against serious crimes, for which fertile ground is created if these acts remain unanswered.

Ensuring accountability for criminal violence itself, in turn, is extremely important for general and special prevention.

In this regard, the problem of timely and complete identification and disclosure of these crimes seems very important. It is closely related to the consistent implementation of measures to reduce their latency. In this regard, effective prosecutorial supervision over the fulfillment of the requirements of the law on the timely and complete registration of statements and reports of violent crimes, their timely and justified resolution is significant; introduction of a new system for evaluating police performance.

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Acts of violence in modern society have become a habitual behavioral stereotype, and therefore there is a constant increase in serious crimes against the person and public safety. However, before

Criminological characteristics of the personality of violent criminals
The vast majority of people who commit violent crimes are men (90-93%). This is quite explainable by the social roles of men and women, the psychophysical characteristics of the sexes. For leisure

Determination of violent crimes
In the second half of the 70s in our country, within the framework of family criminology, the problem of crimes committed by some family members against other family members was studied in more detail than others. Such pre

Correlation between the personality of the criminal and the crime victim
Along with the criminal, other persons, especially victims, can play a certain role in the development of a criminogenic family situation. In some cases, the actions of criminals are to a certain extent deterministic

System of criminogenic factors in the family sphere
Two lines of cause-and-effect chains lead to the commission of a crime on family grounds.

One is the actual causes of family conflicts (struggle for leadership, for redistribution of family
Measures to prevent family violence

The main measures to prevent family crime are general social measures of a socio-economic, political and ideological nature. The media should make a special contribution. Big role
Current state and trends of acquisitive crime

When studying crimes against property, criminology considers in close connection primarily three types of crime: violent, mercenary and economic. Each of them has its own special
Persons who commit mercenary crimes, their typology, features of lifestyle and behavior

When mercenary crimes are studied, the task of studying the personality of the criminal comes down to revealing the specific mechanisms of direct and feedback between the persons committing the crimes and
Causes and conditions generating mercenary crime

The characteristics of both selfish crimes and the persons who committed them are directly influenced by socio-economic, socio-political and socio-psychological factors.
Main directions of prevention of mercenary crime

Prevention of mercenary crimes appears in the form of a specific system, the principles of construction and operation of which have very specific practical significance. Carried out directly
The concept and features of economic crime, assessment of its condition and criminological characteristics

Economic crimes are part of mercenary crime, directly related to economic relations: in the country and in the world. The concept of this group of acts is even more vague than
The personal characteristics of an economic criminal differ from the average criminal and represents a rather paradoxical figure from the point of view of criminology, when educated

Criminological determination and causation of economic crime
The formation of market relations in our country is happening very rapidly in comparison with a similar process in Western Europe, America and other countries. The process of development of market relations is carried out

Prevention of economic crime
There are many measures, from social and political to criminal law, that are widely used in the fight against economic crime.

Let's consider economic measures to prevent press
Concept and features of terrorism

Terror is translated from Latin as “fear”, “horror”. It is used by individuals or groups of people in the form of various intimidating actions that cause significant harm to society, encroaching on life
Current state and trends of terrorism

Over the past 10 years, terrorism in Russia has moved from the category of isolated phenomena to the category of widespread phenomena that cause direct damage to national security, hinder the development of our society, change
Causes and conditions of terrorism

The factors of terrorism and terrorist-related crimes, as well as crimes committed in a manner characteristic of terrorism, are multiple and diverse. This also necessitates
The fight against terrorism, its prevention and suppression

The optimal functioning of a system for countering manifestations of terrorism presupposes its effectiveness in combination with maximum efficiency and the absence of anything superfluous.
Social danger, state and development trends of organized crime

Organized crime is complex criminal activities carried out on a large scale by organizations and other groups with an internal structure that receive financial
Concept and features of recidivism

In the criminological sense, relapse is one of the types of crime about which there are many judgments and theoretical concepts, especially around the difference in the concepts of “recidivism” and “repetition”, although the grammar
Circumstances contributing to organized, recidivism and their prevention

Criminal professionalism: concept, characteristics, warning
The term profession comes from the Latin word profiteor, which means I declare my business. This term is etymologically related to the French word profit (profit, benefit). One of the

Concept of corruption and corruption crime
Even in ancient times, society was faced with the problem of combating the corruption of state officials, and it was proposed to conduct it “through laws and other regulations.”

The current state of corruption crime

Despite opposition from the state, the adoption of various preventive, precautionary and punitive measures, modern corruption covers more and more new areas of life.
Determination of corruption crime

In Russia, at the subconscious level, ideas about the inevitability of committing corrupt acts - “feeding” - are rooted - this has been the case for centuries. Despite the stated ban
The main directions of combating corruption crime in modern Russia

At the present stage, the fight against corruption crime is becoming one of the main problems of strengthening Russia’s security, since without any positive changes in this regard, already in the near future
Concept and general characteristics of juvenile delinquency

Minors are persons under 18 years of age. This status is determined by general civil legislation and is clearly reflected in the relevant norms of criminal law.
Pre condition

Peculiarities of personality characteristics of juvenile delinquents
The share of females among juvenile offenders is relatively low, about 8%. It is no coincidence that in practice, juvenile delinquency is traditionally

Social environment and criminal behavior of minors
A complex of factors contributes to the criminalization of young people. One of the most significant is the expansion of drug addiction. Russia could not protect itself from this global disaster. Scale and rate of spread

Juvenile Delinquency Prevention
Female crime as an independent problem has only begun to emerge in recent years. At the beginning of the 20th century and in the first post-revolutionary years, female crime did not attract much attention.

Identity of a female criminal
The criminological characteristics of the criminal’s personality are specific. Numerous studies show that women more often begin their criminal activities at an older age under the influence of

Features of the determination of women's crime
The causal complex that gives rise to and explains female crime is part of the block of causes of crime as a whole, but at the same time it is distinguished by certain features and specificity

Prevention of female crime
The prevention of crimes committed by women is associated primarily with the improvement of existing social relations, mainly in the sphere of production and distribution, increasing

Forms of deviance associated with crime and their characteristics
Such negative phenomena as alcoholism, drug addiction, prostitution, marginality are alarming symptoms of the degradation of the social sphere and national culture, the decline in the level of morality

The relationship between the prevention of negative deviations and crime
The relationships between various forms of deviance are complex, contradictory, and often do not correspond to everyday ideas. So, although the “induction” of various manifestations of de

Foreign criminological theories
The birth of criminology as a science, due to the increased needs of society to combat crime, is associated with the publication in 1885 of a book by the Italian scientist R. Garofalo. However, ideas

Foreign experience in crime prevention
Internationalization and the trend of transnational crime determine the increasing importance of such a component of the organization of crime prevention as the study and use of foreign

Written works submitted for registration
These guidelines have been developed for students of the Faculty of Law of the Rostov State Economic University in order to establish uniform requirements

Doing homework
Doing homework is one of the types of independent creative work of a student. When doing homework, the student acquires skills in working with scientific literature, regulations

Requirements for the design of a bibliographic list
The bibliographic list should consist of the following sections: - legal acts;

- scientific literature – books, monographs, articles, etc., arranged in alphabetical order
Preparation of a list of legal practice materials

1. If the student used practice materials (judicial, notarial, etc.) in the written work, then the compiled list first indicates published cases, followed by non-published cases.
Design of tables and diagrams

A table is a unique form of material design. Thanks to the conciseness and expressiveness of the tabular form, it is easier for the reader to perceive and compare data. The table is placed after the
Methodological recommendations for organizing independent work of students

Independent work of students, along with classroom lectures and seminars, passing tests, is the most important component of studying the discipline “Criminology”

Constitution of the Russian Federation of December 12, 1993 // Rossiyskaya Gazeta. 1993. December 25.
Criminal Code of the Russian Federation of June 13, 1996 No. 63-FZ // Collection of legislation

Tests for monitoring
1. Criminology is: a) an independent science of crime and rational methods of its prevention;

b) part of the science of criminal law;
c) social sector

What crimes are the most common in the structure of female crime?
a) murder of a child;

b) murder motivated by jealousy;
c) theft;

d) fraud.
63. Negative trends in female crime include:

Exam questions
Astakhova, being a sanitary doctor at the city market, several times gave permission to sell a batch of beef that arrived in Russia from England in transit through Belgium. She had suspicions

Innovative method 1.
Purpose of the lesson: as a result of the lesson, students should understand the essence of the personality phenomenon, become familiar with the basic approaches to personality analysis, draw a correlation between the concepts of “person”, “personality”.

Innovative method 2.
Purpose of the lesson: as a result of the lesson, students should become familiar with the basic approaches to analyzing the personality of a criminal in criminology, learn to study personality using study methods

Innovative method 3.
Purpose of the lesson: as a result of the lesson, students should understand how the phenomenon of crime arose, why it is so stable, what shortcomings of the social system and culture cause it.

Innovative method 4.
Purpose of the lesson: as a result of the lesson, students should learn to develop a criminological vision and the ability to substantiate their point of view.

Group assignment to which you are assigned
Innovative method 5.

Purpose of the lesson: as a result of the lesson, students must understand and explain the emergence of the phenomenon of corruption crime, define this type of crime, give a criminological character
Brief glossary of terms

The anthropological approach to the study of crime is one of the non-traditional areas of criminology. Within the anthropological approach, crime is defined as a disease. Prest
The personality of a criminal is a set of criminologically significant properties of a person that determined his commission of a crime.

Lombrosianism in criminology is the doctrine of the criminal as a special human type (deviation from the norm) and crime as a consequence of degeneration. This doctrine is based on

violent crime property recidivism

The main directions of preventing violent crimes cover both general social, group and individual, as well as general and special criminological prevention.

The essence of group prevention of violent crimes is a relatively long-term type. The main areas of group prevention of violent crimes include: legal, aesthetic, religious, ethical, sexual education, treatment of neurotic and mental abnormalities, incl. alcoholism, drug addiction, regulation of intrapersonal mental stress, as well as intragroup and intergroup tension in relations.

Group prevention methods include:

a) legal, moral and ethical agitation and propaganda;

b) social hygiene;

c) mental hygiene and psychoprophylaxis;

d) group psychotherapy and auto-training;

e) group hypnosis, etc.

Individual prevention of violent crimes includes identifying and recording persons who may commit violent crimes, and monitoring them with the implementation of educational and preventive influence, which consists of studying these persons and the direct impact on both them and the environment.

It is very important to improve the detection rate of aggressive crimes, and in particular serial murders, sexual and contract killings. Undoubtedly, the facts of concealing dangerous violent crimes from registration, and therefore from proper response to them, must be completely eliminated.

A tougher fight against illicit arms trafficking, which is linked to both terrorism and organized crime, is needed. In general, the more successfully we fight the latter, the easier it will be for us to resist violence, since criminal organizations often resort to it to solve their problems, including to deal with competitors and “traitors.”

The family and everyday relationships of people should become a special object of preventive attention. Several areas need to be noted here:

a) resolution of family and everyday conflicts at a professional level, when necessary;

b) increasing the level of family culture and especially intra-family communication;

c) taking measures to improve the environment that surrounds the family;

d) blocking the harmful consequences of the influence of informal small groups with an antisocial orientation, into which teenagers from disadvantaged families “go”, as well as identifying and eliminating small groups of this kind;

e) taking measures provided for by law against parents who lead an antisocial lifestyle and do not provide proper upbringing of their children.

In Russia, state policy regarding persons who have committed the most dangerous crimes against humans must be adjusted. First of all, it is necessary to change the overly lenient punitive policy towards murderers and other criminals who have committed serious and especially serious crimes. In no case should they get off with short terms of imprisonment, especially in cases of repeated committing serious aggressive acts.

It is not true that the death penalty cannot intimidate anyone. You can even frighten with a much less severe punishment if it is inevitable. Everyday practice convincingly demonstrates that sanctions are a powerful regulator of behavior. If the threat of the death penalty could stop even one murderer, this would be a sufficient justification for its necessity.

With regard to certain categories of the most dangerous criminals (serial killers, terrorists responsible for the deaths of many people), now that we have virtually abolished the death penalty, when imposing life imprisonment, the criminal law should provide for the impossibility of pardon.

The issue of mental patients who, by court decision, are sent to psychiatric hospitals deserves independent consideration. Release from there should not be as simple and easy as it is now, since the persons concerned may pose an exceptional danger to society. The decision of the commission in relation to a particular person must be unanimous; in the court hearing at which the issue of their release will be decided, it is advisable to provide for the participation of the prosecutor and the lawyer of the injured party.

It is necessary to build new psychiatric hospitals of various types in the country. Current hospitals can no longer accommodate the number of people who are sent there, and their condition itself leaves much to be desired.

A strong barrier to the promotion of violence must be put in place in the media. Of course, there can be no talk of any censorship, but it is necessary to erect some moral and psychological barriers to the endless demonstration of scenes of violence and cruelty. Obviously, those who decide on showing scenes of violence need to develop some kind of internal prohibition that would dictate to them the possibility or impossibility of showing certain cruel actions.

Since the commission of violent crimes is actively promoted by drunkenness, alcoholism and drug addiction, these negative phenomena should be the subject of special preventive attention. Relevant activities should be carried out taking into account current realities, when access to alcoholic beverages is practically unlimited. It must be borne in mind that aggressive crimes are often committed by drunken persons who are not alcoholics.

One of the effective measures to prevent random violent crimes is mental hygiene. Drug and alcohol use, nervousness and imbalance are often the first step to crime. Mental hygiene is also a very important area of ​​violence prevention. One of the religious commandments: “Do not think badly of people and do not allow unkind thoughts about them to come to your heart,” helps a person not to become bitter.

A preliminary assessment of the danger of a particular situation (situational victimization) is one of the guarantees that a person will not become an easy prey for criminals. A person must specially prepare for adequate actions in a situation of danger, prepare for a possible attack, think through his actions (run away from attackers or resist them), and prepare means of defense. If situational victimization appears to be extremely high, it is wiser to avoid such a situation. In any case, analyzing the victimogenicity of a situation or social role and taking preliminary measures to reduce situational or role victimization will significantly reduce the likelihood of becoming a victim of a violent crime.

The general prevention of violent crime is: firstly, the general improvement of social relations with minimizing the number of conflicts and ensuring their resolution within a legal, civilized framework; secondly, the state and society ensure the formation of a healthy, educated and cultural younger generation; thirdly, the creation of a system of social control that encourages lawful and moral behavior; ensuring prevention of violations of the law at an early stage; including a system of state and public institutions that would allow quickly and effectively, within the framework of the law and generally accepted norms of behavior, to resolve emerging conflicts and respond to offenses and other negative social deviations; fourthly, increasing attention to culture, its propaganda, the formation of personality and its activities in the coordinates of the best achievements of world and domestic culture; fifthly, the creation of public opinion intolerant of illegal violence, the formation and encouragement of positive social and legal activity of members of society and their ability to fight for their rights within the framework of the law.

Special prevention of violent crime should provide a differentiated impact on its various causal complexes and other determining circumstances.

A system of special preventive measures is created taking into account the characteristics of causal complexes and broader systems of determination of violent crime in different regions and in relation to different categories of the population. For example, almost everywhere there is an acute issue of preventing crimes by persons who abuse alcohol, narcotic and other psychotropic substances who are released from prison. In this regard, experts propose: to create children's drug treatment centers in the regions for the treatment of adolescents with alcoholism, drug addiction and substance abuse; strengthen the services of local police inspectors and juvenile affairs inspectors, as well as the patrol service; find effective solutions to the problem of social rehabilitation of persons released from criminal punishment.
