What kind of mixed marriages do we know among the stars? Emin Agalarov, biography, news, photos Emin and his personal life.

The life path of Araz Agalarov did not take any sharp turns. The purposeful and self-confident businessman systematically moved towards his goals. As a result, the trade union worker from Baku received permanent registration in the prestigious Forbes ranking - as of the end of 2017, his capital was estimated at $1,700 million, and the title of one of the “kings of Russian real estate.”


  • FULL NAME: Araz Iskender ogly Agalarov.
  • Date of Birth: November 8, 1955.
  • Education: Baku Polytechnic Institute, specialty “electronic computer engineer”.
  • Date of start of business/age: 1989/35 years.
  • Type of activity at start: export of Russian souvenirs, import of computer equipment.
  • Current activity: President of Crocus Group.
  • Current state:$1,700 million according to Forbes for 2017.

A respectable middle-aged man of aristocratic appearance in a fashionable, tailored suit, with a platinum Patek Philippe watch on his hand and a radiant smile on his face. A real prince. But this is not a prince, but one of the “kings of Russian real estate” - Araz Agalarov.

Rice. 1. Araz Agalarov is an aristocrat by nature.
Source: wmj.ru

He is known as the owner of the Crocus Group - one of the largest development companies in Russia and the father of the singer Emin. Luxury and grace distinguish most of the objects erected under the leadership of a businessman.

Just look at the Crocus City Mall, where, surrounded by exotic trees and murmuring fountains, there are more than two hundred boutiques of the world's famous brands.

Rice. 2. Father and son Agalarovs in Crocus City Mall.
Source: visualrian.ru

Marble and crystal, birdsong - a real museum for introducing beauty, where you can safely take foreigners to show the beauty of modern Moscow. The construction of the complex cost the billionaire more than $100 million.

Or the Japanese cuisine restaurants Nobu in Moscow, opened in agreement with Robert de Niro and chef Nobu Matsuhisa, the owners of the brand, which even professional restaurateurs had not been able to achieve before.

Focus on the luxury segment is one of the components of Araz Agalarov’s success in business. But the most profitable project is considered to be the network of hypermarkets “Your House”, where materials for repairs and interior items are sold. Hundreds of thousands of customers shop here every day, and the market is steadily growing.

But in addition to the construction and leasing of commercial real estate, the billionaire’s company also undertakes government contracts.

Rice. 3. Agalarov’s Far Eastern projects are supported by the state.
Source: m.crocusgroup.ru

His portfolio includes the Far Eastern Federal University on Russky Island, a bridge to Russky Island, the Myakinino metro station, the construction of 2 stadiums for the World Cup in Kaliningrad and Rostov-on-Don, and the construction of the first launch complex of the Central Ring Road.

Agalarov himself prefers to work without partners, relying only on his own connections and abilities.

“If I work together with someone, I will have to take into account his opinion, discuss how to do what. And the comfort in which I now find myself - to create at my own discretion - will be limited, which I do not want under any financial prospects,” - A. Agalarov.

Business for him is not a means to earn money, but a way to realize ideas.

“I don’t need to look for ideas - I dream about them at night,” the billionaire’s statement.

He has the unique ability to command the respect of professionals and the favor of those in power.

Rice. 4. Agalarov and Vladimir Putin.
Source: static.seattletimes.com

But despite such support, in the short biography of Araz Agalarov there was room for blind spots and scandals. Information periodically leaks to the press about the businessman’s connections with crime and suspicious sources of financing for his ambitious and large-scale projects.

“The one who doesn’t work and doesn’t interact has no problems. If difficulties arise, it means that the work process is progressing,” A. Agalarov.

But Agalarov’s money cannot be called “air” - starting in 2006, he became a regular participant in Russian Forbes, with the exception of the crisis year of 2009. And in 2017, he took 51st place in the ranking of “200 richest businessmen in Russia” with a capital of $1,700 million.

The dynamics of changes in the billionaire's fortune are clearly shown on the graph.

Fig.5. Chart of changes in the condition of Araz Agalarov in 2006-2017.
Source: Forbes

Baku childhood

There is practically no information about Araz Agalarov’s childhood and youth. It is known for certain that the future billionaire was born in Baku, where he graduated from high school and university.

The businessman himself remembers his childhood as a carefree time. He studied without much effort, didn’t do his homework, and went to school without a schoolbag, which incredibly irritated his teachers.

“This comes from my father, of course. He had such an ability that he had incredible knowledge in any field,” recalls Araz Iskender oglu.

The boy lost his father when he was less than 14 years old. But Araz remembered him as an authoritative person.

“Frown or smile - and everything is clear.”

Rice. 6. “My mother played a huge role in my upbringing.”
Source: oxu.azstatic.com

Arazu, indeed, inherited his business acumen from his father’s side. His ancestors lived in Shemakha, the cultural capital of Azerbaijan, in the mid-19th century and were engaged in trade in textiles. Moreover, they brought goods not only from Russia, but also from Iran and China. His paternal grandmother, an uneducated Muslim, told the boy amazing stories about his ancestors.

Maybe it was these fairy-tale stories of grandmothers that became the seed, which then sprouted in a favorable environment and gave fertile branches, from which Agalarov still collects “golden” fruits to this day.

Education and early career

Araz took his first steps into an independent life by entering the Baku Polytechnic Institute in 1972. This was Agalarov's first, but not last education.

Then he will graduate from the Higher School of Trade Unions, graduate school, write a dissertation on the topic “How to form and rationally use the wage fund in communications enterprises,” and take a business course in the USA. But he doesn’t speak very positively about socialist education.

“...if I had received a full-fledged education in the West, it would have helped me more than education under socialism. Socialist education is not in great demand..." - A. Agalarov.

Meanwhile, he believes that “education is the ability to learn, systematically approach different things and the ability to overcome obstacles.”

Reference! Agalarov will send his children to study in America: his son at the age of 12, his daughter at the age of 6.

In his last year at the institute, he marries Irina, a student at the pedagogical institute, whom he had known since school. Irina will become a wonderful wife and faithful companion of Araz.

Before his first attempts to start a business, Agalarov worked:

  • Since 1977 at the Research Institute in Baku.
  • Since 1988, he has been a junior researcher at the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions scientific center in Moscow.

He was a member of the CPSU and was actively involved in trade union activities.

Starting a business

Agalarov began his business career modestly - in 1987 he organized the Shafran cooperative, which sold Russian souvenirs, sending them for export. Then the cooperative will begin to import computers - where the funds for this direction came from remains a mystery.

Literally a couple of years later, a trade unionist opens a Russian-American joint venture, Crocus International, which will later become the Crocus Group company. Again, funding sources are unknown.

In 1990, he held the first international exhibition of computer technology in rented space.

“It was the era of computerization. I noticed that with the beginning of privatization, business people go to international exhibitions and try to purchase equipment, mainly computing equipment. And I had an idea, why not bring the exhibition itself to Russia,” A. Agalarov.

By 1995, Agalarov's exhibition will become the third in size and importance in the world.

But the Cherkizovsky market became the launching pad for capital accumulation for Agalarov. Owning part of a flea market, he managed not only to accumulate funds for the development of his business, but also to acquire the necessary connections both in business and criminal circles. It was here that he met the owners of the Kyiv Ploshchad company, with whom he would often intersect in the future on business issues.

Although the businessman himself emphasizes that he has no friends.

“It may sound immodest, but I don’t have rich friends, not one. And this never stopped us from communicating. And we have known each other - it’s scary to say - for 40-50 years. But if something happens to me at night, I won’t call anyone. I’ll get out of it myself,” A. Agalarov.

And already in 1997, Agalarov’s company was building Agalarov House, an elite residential complex located in a fashionable area of ​​Moscow.

Fig.7. The premium class club house is located on Bolshaya Gruzinskaya, building 19.
Source: social networks

Over the course of 10 years, the business history of Araz Agalarov took a sharp turn - the trade unionist and matryoshka doll seller became one of the largest rentiers.

Group of companies Crocus Group today

“I’m not a builder, not an exhibitionist, not a retailer, I’m a conductor: I control that everything works smoothly and turns out beautifully,” says Agalarov.

And he perfectly directed this play called “Crocus Group”. The company is included in the “200 largest private companies in Russia”, where, as of 2016, it ranks 172nd with a capital of 39.7 billion rubles. It is in 11th place in the Forbes “Kings of Russian Real Estate” rating.

Araz Iskenderovich himself calls a systematic approach the key to success. Business development in one area automatically increases the efficiency of related areas. And this is clearly visible in his unique projects.

  • "Crocus City".

Aras Iskenderovich Agalarov - major Russian and Azerbaijani businessman, entrepreneur, head and owner of the Crocus Group association of companies.

The net worth is about $1.66 billion. According to the American Forbes magazine, it is part of "200 richest businessmen of the Russian Federation". Agalarov believes that a person with developed intuition is ideal for running a business.

The billionaire is an innovator in the development of a variety of shopping complexes. Great fame came with the creation of the Crocus City trade, demonstration and business center. Currently, this complex is used for Millionaire Fair events.


Aras Iskenderovich was born November 8, 1955 in the capital of the Azerbaijan SSR. From childhood, Agalarov was raised as befits a real man, instilling determination, responsibility and determination.

His father, who, by the way, was also a respected person in Azerbaijan, devoted a lot of time to the boy. During his school years, Aras was an exemplary student and received exceptionally the highest grades.

Upon graduation, the future billionaire becomes a student at the Baku Polytechnic Institute. His specialization is electronic computer equipment engineer. From 1977 to 1983 he was engaged scientific work at the institute. A little later he becomes a member of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and already works in the Baku City Committee.


In 1983, the USSR Communist Party sent Agalarov to study at the Higher School of Trade Union Movement in Moscow. Having completed his studies with honors, he receives an offer to become junior researcher, which he is until 1990. During the same time period, the future businessman defends his Ph.D. thesis.

During the period of perestroika, the future entrepreneur is engaged in building and developing his business career. A little later, having secured cooperation with foreign businessmen, he founded a joint commercial venture "Crocus International", which soon became known as Crocus Group.

At the end of the 90s, Aras Iskenderovich began to practice in the field of construction. After some time, he implements his grandiose project - building prestigious residential complex with a height of 34 floors "Agalarov House".

Today the construction company includes residential and shopping complexes (for example, Estate Agalarov, Vegas Crocus City), a number of hypermarkets "Your house", a large number of luxury hotels and chic restaurants.

Crocus Group also includes financial organizations such as "Crocus Bank" and "Crocus Finance". At Agalarov’s suggestion, the Crocus Group holding company invested in the construction of the Myakinino Moscow Metro station. Thanks to this, people were able to get to Crocus City much faster and more conveniently.

Awards and community service

Agalarov made a significant contribution to the development of economic relations between the Russian Federation and the Italian Republic, for which in 2009 he received The highest order of Italy is OMRI.

For long work and social activity in 2013, the entrepreneur received Russian state awards - Order of Honor, as well as the Order of St. Daniel of Moscow, 2nd degree.

In the publication of a daily socio-political newspaper "Kommersant" Aras Iskenderovich won the championship in the ranking among Russian entrepreneurs.

In 2002, Agalarov was appointed to the post of deputy of the All-Russian public association - VAK. In addition, he is the founder of the charitable association "Fund for the cultural and musical heritage of Muslim Magomayev."

Personal part of Agalarov’s life

Aras knew his future wife since childhood. We went to kindergarten together and then to school. Currently, Irina, like her husband, runs a business. It owns mainly branded clothing boutiques and establishments providing cosmetic services.

For a married couple have two children– son Emin and daughter Sheila. The son holds the position of vice president of the Crocus Group holding company, and is also a Russian singer and musician.

Agalarov’s daughter now lives in the United States of America and works in the fashion world. In addition, the billionaire already has grandchildren - Ali, Mikail, Amina and Araz.

More recently, Aras Iskenderovich completed the construction of stadiums for the 2018 World Cup in the Kaliningrad and Rostov regions, where the world football games were successfully held.

Agalarov fulfilled his promises and completed all the buildings on time.

From Masterweb

15.09.2018 20:00

Emin Agalarov was born in 1979 in Baku, Azerbaijan. Today, Emin is a successful popular music performer, and he is also a family businessman with his father Araz Agalarov. Details of Emin Agalarov’s biography are presented below.

Agalarov family

Many people call the story of the acquaintance and relationship between Araz Agalarov and Irina Grill classic - they met at school, studied in the same class. After graduating from university (Aras graduated from a polytechnic university, Irina graduated from a pedagogical university) they got married. In the city of Baku, on December 12, 1979, the son of Aras Agalarov, Emin, was born. A little later, a daughter, Sheila, was born into the family. This happened in Moscow.

Today, Sheila and her husband spend most of their lives in the USA and Azerbaijan. Emin and Sheila have a trusting relationship and often spend time together.

Childhood and youth

The Agalarov family moved to Moscow in 1983. As a child, Emin studied at a Swiss private school, then he moved to study in the USA.

Until the age of 15, the young man was in conditions that were very reminiscent of the army. But, despite all his father’s prohibitions, Emin managed to play card games with classmates and friends. And they played with real money stakes. The makings of a successful investor and entrepreneur already began to emerge in the boy. The money that Emin received from such games in an elite boarding house went towards the student’s pocket expenses.

Agalarov has a higher education with a degree in Business Management in Finance. Emin also organized his first business project in the states: the young man, having just reached adulthood, opened a clothing store, and then a shoe store.

Building a businessman's career

In 2001, Agalarov Jr. returned to Moscow and began working in his father’s company. He was offered the position of commercial director of Crocus City Mall. Next, Aras Agalarov entrusts his son with control over the construction of the business center. Construction took place in the Moscow region. At the same time, Emin opened a yacht club at the Crocus City Mall.

Today, Emin Agalarov is the director of the following projects:

  • Kashirka Mall.
  • Crocus City Mall.
  • Crocus Stoleshnikov.

He is also the owner of the RUSSIAN Art Mall company, the owner of the Nobu restaurant, the Zafferano restaurant, the Edoko restaurant, and the Shore House restaurant. Agalarov Jr. heads the Vegas shopping and entertainment complex network and a development company located in Azerbaijan.

Crocus Group

Now the company of the Agalarov family, Crocus Group, which was founded back in 1989, mainly specializes in the construction of modern commercial facilities under the leadership of Emin Agalarov, who holds the position of 1st vice president, as well as the direct owner Araz Agalarov. It should also be noted that the holding owns several residential complexes, the grandiose Crocus City shopping center. It should be noted that the property has the Myakinino metro station.

Musical activities

The first performance in the biography of Emin Agalarov took place in America, namely as part of Open Mic Night in New Jersey. The young man was only 18 years old. However, Emin decided to continue his career in the music industry only upon returning to Russia and pushed after a long time. In 2006, the young man released his first solo album under the stage name Emin. The first album was called Still.

In total, today the biography of singer Emin Agalarov includes more than 6 solo albums. The second album, Incredible, was released in 2007. The release of the third album Obsession took place in 2008, the third album Devotion was born in 2009. All three albums were released in Russia. The fourth album was Wonder, and the fifth After the Thunder was released in collaboration with Brian Rowling. Message The two albums are international releases.

In 2011, a major event happened in Emin Agalarov’s biography: he signed a 5-year contract with EMI Music Germany to distribute several of the artist’s albums in Western Europe. Emin also became the only Russian-speaking artist whose composition was included in David Lynch’s charity album.

2012 became a defining year in the artist’s career. In 2012, he received the “Discovery of the Year” nomination at the world-famous Grammy Awards. Also this year, he will perform at Eurovision as a star from his homeland, Azerbaijan. It was in 2012 that the Eurovision Song Contest was held in Baku. Emin opened the concert. But the artist himself did not participate in the competition.

In 2013, Emin made a significant performance at the Miss Universe competition, held in Moscow. There is also one interesting fact in the biography of Emin Agalarov. The Agalarovs communicated and communicate well with the current US President Donald Trump. It was Trump who organized the beauty contest.

Also in 2013, an album was released, which is called “On the Edge”. It includes 14 compositions in Russian. In 2014, a Russian-language solo album called “Frankly” was released again. The album includes duets with Ani Lorak and Grigory Leps and other artists. In 2015, Agalarov Jr. released two more discs, both discs are again in Russian - “8 in the Fall” and More Amor.

In 2018, the artist released a song dedicated to his native country - Azerbaijan. It is also worth noting that a year earlier Agalarov released a song dedicated to the city of Baku. Emin also records a large number of duets with famous Russian artists, for example, with Ani Lorak, Grigory Leps, A’studio. At one time, Keti Topuria and Emin Agalarov were even suspected of hiding their relationship. However, everything turned out to be purely rumors.

Every year, the artist releases one or more video clips for his songs. Special stage images are created for them. Emin’s current wife Alena Gavrilova also starred in one of the video clips.

Music festival "ZHARA"

In 2016, Emin Agalarov, in collaboration with Grigory Leps and Sergei Kozhevnikov, organized the “HEAT” music festival, which was held in Baku. Sergey Lazarev, Ani Lorak, Philip Kirkorov, Valeria, Polina Gagarina, Leonid Agutin and many others performed on stage with Emin Agalarov.

Since 2016, the festival has been held annually in the summer in Baku. Every year, dozens of Russian and world artists come to the capital of Azerbaijan to perform in front of a large number of fans.

Acting experience

In 2018, Emin tried himself as an actor for the first time. Agalarov was invited to star in the comedy film “Night Shift” directed by Marius Weisberg. Together with Emin, Igor Zhizhikin, Sergei Glushko, Pavel Derevyanko, Natalya Bardo and many others took part in the film.

Biography of Emin Agalarov: personal life

In 2006, the wedding of Emin Agalarov and the eldest daughter of the President of Azerbaijan I. Aliyev, Leyla Aliyeva, took place. The relationship between the young people began according to all the rules of the Caucasian mentality. Emin even asked permission to start dating the girl. The luxurious wedding was celebrated 2 times. For the first time directly in Baku in the luxurious Gulustan wedding palace. The couple also received congratulations from Russian President Vladimir Putin. The second time the wedding took place in Moscow.

In 2008, Leila gave her husband two twin sons. The boys were named Ali and Mikail. Unfortunately, the couple's happiness did not last long. A few years later, the couple stopped living together: Emin lived most of the time in Moscow, and Leila spent time in London. In 2015, the couple officially confirmed that they were getting a divorce. According to relatives, Leila and Emin remain on friendly terms, they both take part in raising children. The singer also accepted Leyla Aliyeva’s adopted daughter Amina. In general, nothing has changed in the biography of singer Emin Agalarov’s wife and children. The family lives in London, Emin tries to meet with children often.

Biography of singer Emin Agalarov: wife of Alena Gavrilova

In December 2016, Emin first appeared with his new lady Alena Gavrilova, who was 29 years old at that time. Their romance began in July of the same year.

The girl was a model. Alena, by the way, holds the title “Miss Mordovia 2004”. She is the mother of a son, Arseny, from a previous marriage with businessman R. Tariko. Emin Agalarov strongly supported the girl’s endeavors and in 2017, Alena opened a beauty salon and cosmetics store in one of the shopping centers of the Agalarov family.

In July 2018, the couple got married. The celebration took place in the Moscow region in the Agalarov complex. The wedding was attended by Emin’s colleagues, artists, and a large number of influential Russian and Azerbaijani families. After the celebration, the newlyweds flew to Baku for their honeymoon.

In the biography of Emin Agalarov’s wife, before meeting her future husband, there are relationships with influential men in Moscow. But in general, she was unknown to the public before the start of her relationship with Agalarov.

Social media

The biography of Emin Agalarov is replete with a large number of interesting events. The realities of today allow fans to receive information about their favorite artist first-hand. Emin is an active user of the social network Instagram, publishing new videos and photos every day. In the biography of Emin Agalarov there were 2 marriages. The artist published photographs from both celebrations on social networks. It is also worth noting that in 2015, after breaking up with Leyla Aliyeva, some of the photographs with her ex-wife were deleted.

Agalarov Jr. constantly publishes his photographs on the Instagram social network. The photographs show how happy he is with his beloved Alena Gavrilova. According to the artist: Gavrilova is his muse. Emin believes that Alena is the very person he has been looking for all his life. However, not all the artist’s fans are happy with this state of affairs. Some of them still believe in the reunion of the couple Agalarov and Aliyeva, and accuse Gavrilova of being the reason for the divorce of one of the most beautiful and influential couples in Azerbaijan.

Emin also likes to publish photographs with his cat, whom the artist named Whiskey. The pet is the favorite of the whole family. Biography of Emin Agalarov: the personal and public life of an artist and businessman attracts a large number of people. Some people are inspired by a businessman to work hard, while others are simply inspired by the music of their favorite artist.

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Emin Agalarov is one of those who causes envy among many young people. And this is not surprising! The young man is rich, has a good appearance, sings well, has connections in the highest echelons of power in several countries and enjoys the attention of women. Moreover, he has a huge army of fans who are interested in everything related to their idol. After his divorce from Leyla Aliyeva, everyone was curious who would become his girlfriend. Finally, in the summer of 2016, reports appeared in the media that Emin Agalarov and Alena Gavrilova were a couple. This article will tell you about the personal life of lovers before they met each other and how their romance developed.

Who is Emin Agalarov

The singer's name has been on everyone's lips for a long time. Emin is 37 years old and released his first album in 2006. It is difficult to list all the singer’s professional awards. Among the most significant are the Golden Gramophone, Song of the Year, Fashion People awards, etc.

In addition, Emin is a successful businessman and the son of one of the richest people in Russia - Aras Agalarov. He serves as the first vice president of his father's group of companies, the Crocus Group.

Emin Agalarov’s biography, personal life and creativity are constantly in the spotlight of thousands of fans, both in his homeland (Azerbaijan), and in Russia, and in neighboring countries.

who is she and what does she do

Both Emin Agalarov and his new girlfriend learned early what fame was. However, if the springboard to the success of a young man was the money of his parents, then in the case of a girl, her father and mother rewarded her with model appearance.

In general, at the moment, practically nothing is known about the youth of Emin Agalarov’s current girlfriend, Alena Gavrilova.

The girl was born in the capital of Mordovia, Saransk, in 1987. She was graduating from an ordinary high school when she decided to take part in a beauty contest. Unexpectedly for everyone, Alena received the title “Miss Saransk” and the right to take part in republican competitions. After a long preparation, which included training in stage behavior, working with a choreographer, etc., the long-awaited performance took place on the main stage of the capital of Mordovia. To the delight of her friends and relatives, Alena was recognized as the most beautiful girl in the republic. Now she was waiting for an all-Russian competition and a trip to Moscow.

Life in the capital

Although the country was recognized by another participant in the Miss Russia 2004 competition, Alena Gavrilova was among the 10 finalists. The charming girl was noticed by representatives of the modeling business. After the completion of the competition, Alena received an offer from several well-known agencies and remained to work in the capital.

Although Gavrilova failed to become one of the most famous top models in Russia, she regularly posed for glossy magazines and demonstrated toilets from famous Russian designers on the catwalks. In particular, the girl repeatedly participated in shows of Valentin Yudashkin’s collections.

Personal life (civil marriage)

During the All-Russian beauty contest, Alena Gavrilova was noticed not only by representatives of modeling agencies. She drew the attention of the owner of the Russian Standard holding, Rustam Tariko, whose fortune at that time was estimated at 5 billion US dollars. At that time, he was on the verge of divorce from Tatyana Osipova, who gave him two daughters - Anna and Eva.

There were rumors that Tariko had cheated on his wife before, but the last straw in the woman’s cup of patience was her husband’s relationship with Alena Gavrilova. Be that as it may, the businessman divorced and began to live with a beautiful model, who was not at all embarrassed by the fact that the man was 25 years older than her. True, Tariko had no intention of marrying Alena. At least during the entire time they were together, Rustam never proposed to her.

Birth of a child

In 2007, the girl gave Tariko a son, Ruslan. For him, as a Muslim, the birth of a boy was a great joy, and he literally idolized the baby.

In addition, the businessman spoiled Gavrilova as best he could. In 2008, he made a beautiful, broad gesture by purchasing at Natalia Vodianova’s charity ball for $320,000 the right to name an orchid recently discovered in Madagascar, Alena.

However, the fairy tale did not last long. In 2009, reports appeared in the media about the breakdown of relations between Tariko and Gavrilova. The way Alena treated Osipova came back to her like a boomerang. Journalists learned that the businessman had an affair with an even younger beauty, Sofia Rudyeva, who received the title “Miss Russia 2009.” The most interesting thing was that Gavrilova, thanks to the patronage of Tariko, herself participated in the organization of this beauty contest.

Personal life of Emin Agalarov

While Alena Gavrilova was building a relationship with Rustam Tariko, the singer was not alone either. In 2006, he married This marriage was a union of equals, since both families were not inferior to each other in either wealth or influence. Of course, it was rumored that the young people united their destinies at the request of their parents, but in the wedding photos both the bride and groom were glowing with happiness. Leila gave Emin two sons. However, the appearance of children did not strengthen this union. His wife moved with the boys to London, and Emin very soon got tired of living in two countries. When Leila and Emin realized that they were better off without each other than together, the marriage broke up. However, the singer and his ex-wife remained friends, often meet and raise children together.

The beginning of a new novel

The first reports that Alena Gavrilova and Emin Agalarov were together appeared in the summer of 2016. However, subsequently the young people reported that they had been dating since the spring.

The seriousness of the relationship between Alena and Emin Agalarov, whose biography and personal life are constantly discussed in the press, can be evidenced by the fact that the young man introduced the girl to his father and sons. He went with her on vacation to Saint-Tropez, where his relatives were. There, in a private setting, the Agalarovs celebrated Alena’s birthday, who simply glowed with happiness.

Good love

In April 2017, Emin Agalarov and Alena Gavrilova appeared before the audience in the singer’s new video. The song it was filmed on was called Good love. The filming of the video, directed by him, took place in several villas in Beverly Hills. During the work, a curious incident occurred. The police arrived, called by neighbors. They were frightened by the noise coming from the villa, where someone was constantly being “drowned” in the pool.

Anniversary in purple tones

Emin Agalarov’s new love, Alena Gavrilova, celebrated her 30th birthday on August 7, 2017. The party was organized on a grand scale. 3 dresses were ordered for this event. First, Alena dazzled everyone with her chic pale lilac dress. In it, she posed against the backdrop of a stand completely strewn with roses and decorated with the initials AG. Then the girl came out to the guests in a golden, short dress. Emin Agalarov and Alena Gavrilova danced a slow dance. At the same time, the singer repeatedly kissed his girlfriend in front of the guests. A photo of Emin tenderly hugging Alena was published on Instagram and greatly pleased the performer’s fans and those who like his new girlfriend. They began vying with each other to make assumptions about how soon Emin would propose to Alena. However, the year is already ending, and information that the young people are going to get married still has not appeared.

Now you know what kind of relationship connects model Alena Gavrilova and Emin. How long their relationship will last and whether it will develop into something more is unknown. In the meantime, the young people are happy and feel good together.

A bright, charismatic personality, a musician, an incredible creative, a financial genius and even a talented developer... it would seem that it is possible to fit all this into one person? Not only is it possible, such a person is right in front of your eyes. Emin Agalarov, or more precisely, Emin Oras-ogly, if his full name is a famous singer and a direct participant in elite business circles. One of the leaders of the large company “Crocus Group” and a worthy example for modern young men to reach. Success is his middle name. But the road to this point was not easy and far from smooth.

Emin Agalarov: life and family.

The singer was born in the city of Baku, predetermined by the Western horoscope as a Sagittarius, since the date of his appearance was December 12, 1979, and also became a Sheep (Goat) according to the East. In early childhood, Emin's family left the glorious city and moved to Moscow. The move was dated 1983. The boy was sent to study at a Swiss private school, and in 1994 his parents left Russia and moved to the United States. The reason for the move was the work of his father, who then headed a joint venture with American colleagues. Until 2001, Emin lived in Switzerland, after which he went to New York to attend Marymount Manhattan College, where he graduated with a graduate degree in business management in the financial sector. The names of the parents are Aras and Irina Agalarov, and they are an example of the case when people walk through life hand in hand from the school desk and have been married since graduating from universities. By the way, Irina is a graduate of a pedagogical institute, and once worked at the ministry in as a translator, and after that she was an English teacher at school. Aras is a graduate of the Polytechnic Institute, and now the owner and president of the global empire “Crocus Group”, one of the richest people in the Russian Federation, a candidate of economic sciences, with the resulting authorship of his own books on this topic. Emin's sister's name is Sheila Agalarova

A little more about studying.

Emin Agalarov's parents came to the conclusion that education in Switzerland was not effective enough for the boy. Living in the USA, in addition to studying, the young man also earned his living by working in the company of his dad and at the same time trying his hand at his own business together with his friends (they opened clothing and shoe stores). Emin’s father, Aras Agalarov, gave his son a lesson that a child should learn to earn money on his own in order to learn to feel the weight of money, its price and realize how difficult it is to work on his own.
Now, Emin Agalarov is a successful businessman, who has worthily held the position of vice president in his father’s organization since 2012. The young man is leading such large projects as the Vegas shopping mall chain, many elite restaurants and another Crocus City Mall shopping mall. It is here that Emin Agalarov realizes his impeccable skills as a developer, searching, implementing and progressing innovative, original solutions, organizing the most interesting leisure activities for guests of the shopping center. Later, Emin came to the position of commercial director in his father's company.

Emin and music.

As it turned out, Emin is a comprehensively developed person, which is why musical activity in no way interferes with the singer’s successful business activities. From early childhood, the boy had a penchant for music, carefully listening to the perky performance of Elvis Presley, and it was not for nothing that some critics noted that his performance style was quite similar to Elvis’s style.
"Open Mic Night". This was the name of the show in New Jersey, in which 18-year-old Emin Agalarov made his real debut. The guy lived with dreams of music. But his first album was dated 2006, its title was “Still”.
Afterwards, three more albums - “Incredible”, “Obsession”, “Devotion” Emin released in Russia and two albums - “Wonder”, “After The Thunder” were released as a result of collaboration with the great producer Brian Rowling. Thanks to their collaboration, Emin Agalarov and his songs consistently remain at the top of the European music charts.
Of course, the young man is also known in Russia. Here he performs his concerts at Crocus Hall. Emin, with his song “All I Need Tonight,” was the only speaker on behalf of Russia in David Lynch’s charity project, along with such participants as Moby, Dave Stewart, Alanis Morissette, Iggy Pop.
And in his homeland in Baku, Emin was invited as a special guest on the Eurovision program. As it became clear, Emin sings mostly in English, but, of course, there are several songs in Russian. By the way, the singer signs albums and posters with the pseudonym “Emin”.

Emin's personal life.

In 2006, along with the release of his first album, Emin Agalarov married the daughter of the President of Azerbaijan, Leyla Aliyeva. The couple played their wedding a little - a lot - 2 times. The first time - in my native Baku, the second time - in Moscow. The couple received congratulations from Vladimir Putin and even from George Bush.
Emin was endlessly in love with Leila, and he asked the girl’s parents for permission to court her. Two years after the wedding, the couple had two wonderful twin sons - Ali and Mikail. Unfortunately, Emin has the opportunity to see his children only once a week, since he lives in Moscow, and the children and their mother are in London. There, Leila actively works in the field of social activities: she is the head of a cultural foundation and publishes a magazine.

Video about the singer's life.


It is worth believing that such a successful and famous young man is subject to various rumors and speculations from those around him. Not so long ago, for example, it was rumored that Emin had gotten divorced. But the singer said that such gossip was born due to the separation of the spouses, and even in different countries. Plus, the singer and businessman is constantly seen surrounded by beautiful women, this also plays a significant role in conversation.
Emin Agalarov

Video - answers to tricky questions.

Emin Agalarov is a man who has become the idol of many. A guy who made all his dreams come true through endless work on himself and perseverance. Also, combining manners, intelligence, education and a sense of humor, he is a wonderful husband and the best father for his boys.

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