White thread. “Sewn with white thread” - the meaning of the phraseological unit

No matter how you cut it, the seams will come out.

Wed. I remember that these people (the jubilant crooks) were called well-intentioned, despite the fact that their lies were sewn with white threads.

Saltykov. In an environment of moderation. 2. At your leisure.

Wed. All this strike and sewn with white threads, and so badly played.

Dostoevsky. Demons. 2, 1, 2.

Wed. Serves me right! In no case should one publish an essay that, although it was not badly cut, sewn somehow, white threads, like a dress brought to a tailor just to be tried on.

Gogol. Correspondence with friends. 18, 2. (About "Dead Souls".)

Wed. Das ist mit blauem Zwirn genäht(about shaky arguments).

Wed. Finesses, cousues de fil blanc.

Cm. no matter how you hide.

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"sewn with white thread" in books

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Threads seen in a dream can symbolize affection and spiritual contact, dream books say. If you dreamed of a white thread, then this, in most cases, is a sign of friendly participation and mutual assistance. Although some interpreters, explaining why such an image is dreamed of, still advise clarifying the nuances: what these threads were for, where they were and in what condition.

Miller's Dream Book

According to the interpretation of the dream about the white thread proposed by Gustav Miller, such a vision means that you will not face any difficulties in the near future.

White threads torn in a dream warn of the treachery of friends. And if you see that you cannot find the end of the thread in the spool, then this may mean a hopeless situation that you will find yourself in through stupidity.

Sewing accessories as a symbol of misunderstandings

The Wanderer's Dream Book, explaining why you dream of a white thread threaded into a needle, advises paying attention to what exactly you are sewing with it in your dream.

For example, sewing dark fabric with a needle and white thread is a symbol of misunderstandings and embarrassment that will soon happen to dreamers. Were the stitches in the dream large? The embarrassment will be strong, the interpreter prompts and immediately recommends not to turn special attention at him, but treat the situation with humor.

In a dream, sewing a thin translucent fabric with a thick gypsy needle with an equally thick light-colored thread threaded into it is a symbol of melancholy and despondency, which a sleeping person is inclined to indulge in.

Knitting balls are a sign of affection and sociability

It’s good to see in a dream a large tight ball of light-colored knitting yarn. According to dream books, such an image symbolizes a successful course of life, the absence of problems in it, as well as close contact with loved ones and relatives.

Did you dream that you were knitting something light-colored with woolen threads? This suggests that you are not averse to “scratching your tongue” and gossiping. True, it’s worth paying tribute to, you do this without malicious intent and not to harm, but rather out of boredom.

But when explaining why you dream of unraveling a knitted item and winding the yarn into a ball, dream books assure that in reality you will be faced with a confusing and not entirely a pleasant thing. Did you dream that you were unraveling a tangled white thread? Will you help? to a loved one get out of problems.

Other threads: From problems to success

Failures at work are warned by dreams in which you see yourself weaving macrame with white thread, constantly tying the pieces together. Some circumstances will slow down your plans, disrupting the deadlines for their implementation.

But the dream about you embroidering with white floss on a dark fabric symbolizes the successful start of a project that you have constantly put off due to your own insecurities. Believe in yourself, and everything will work out, dream books encourage.

At least in Western culture, it symbolizes something positive and good. Yes, that's all true. But there is one expression in the Russian language in which the color white is not presented in the most favorable light. The focus is on the meaning of the phraseological unit “sewn with white thread”.

France and Russia: connection of cultures

The phrase came to us from French, and she was born among tailors. Even those who have never sewn their own clothes can theoretically imagine that it is best to carefully select threads to match the color of the item you are working with. This approach is justified, since it is necessary that the threads do not stand out against the general background. Thus, if we sew something with white threads, not paying attention to the overall result, then our unscrupulous work will be noticeable to the naked eye.

Next point. French tailors (we're guessing they weren't the only ones) used white thread to mark where the seam would go on a garment. Sometimes accidents happened, and the needle and fabric workers, either from fatigue or from inattention, forgot to pull out the white threads from colored clothes. Accordingly, the flaws became immediately obvious.

Now we are ready to formulate the meaning of the phraseological unit. “Sewn with white thread” means it was done roughly, poorly, sloppily. This is the direct meaning. If we talk about the figurative, then they usually talk about inept deception, falsification or hoax. Let's move on to examples, where the meaning usually becomes clearer.

Unfaithful husband and aliens

Imagine a standard situation. A drunken husband came home. My wife, of course, is awake and worried. My husband feels good: he smells women's perfume, expensive alcohol, and, of course, as the main evidence - lipstick on the collar of the shirt.

His wife greets him with the same usual question: “Where have you been?!” - And then she hears a completely incredible and 150% true story. Let's call my husband Vitya.

It turns out that Vitya was kidnapped by aliens from the planet Venus and performed inhumane experiments on him.

The fact is that the women of that foreign race love lipstick very much, but they are embarrassed to try new samples on their lips, and their men consider it an insult to help their friends in such a difficult matter.

Therefore, humanoids catch unwary earthlings and experiment on them. In addition, the women of the planet Venus are very educated, and they know that almost all earthly men love to drink, especially at the expense of others. Without forgetting anything important, they finally rewarded Vitya with wonderful expensive alcohol, a bottle of which he, unfortunately, did not bring home and drank on the way. After the experiments, he was tormented by extreme thirst.

The wife, having patiently listened to this wonderful essay, suddenly unexpectedly said:

Attention! Sobriety test! Do you know the meaning of the phraseological unit “sewn with white thread”?

“Yes, unfortunately,” the husband said, losing courage.

Here! Your story is sewn with white thread, my dear!

And the next morning I waited for Vitya serious conversation, because his wife was a wise woman and never conducted a debriefing without delay.

And yes, if someone, after reading this story, has a question: “I wonder if the inhabitants of the planet Venus were very educated, did they know the meaning of the phraseology “sewn with white thread”?” Reader, do not doubt for a single second, with the trends of earthly life, aliens will soon be much smarter than earthlings.

Schoolboy and teacher

A less extreme example. A student did not prepare for a test and tells the teacher the following story. Let the schoolboy's name be Seryozha.

The boy said that he was sick, his body temperature was 42 degrees Celsius. He suffered from vomiting, indigestion, and his glaucoma suddenly worsened. In other words, the horror of what happened to the child.

But the resourceful Seryozhka did not know that his teacher Vasily Petrovich was also no stranger, he had an ace hidden up his sleeve. And the venerable mentor answers him:
- My dear, beloved student, I would gladly believe in your story, even despite some factual absurdities, but tell me first this: the expression “sew with white thread”, the meaning of the phraseological unit, have you learned it well? Are you sure you attended that lesson?

Yes, venerable mentor, Seryozha answered, blushing.

So, my dear, test in Russian was scheduled for Wednesday, and on the same day you were seen on the football field cheerfully kicking the ball! And you were surprisingly healthy and cheerful.

Who are these beautiful people, oh teacher, who betrayed me completely, thinking, of course, exclusively about my education?

I cannot, dear youth, reveal to you the names of these venerable representatives of the human race.

Tonality of expression and synonyms

We have given perhaps slightly grotesque examples, but usually the phrase in question is used in a somewhat cruder form and gives off a clear disdain for the one being spoken about.

The double morality of phraseological units

What does the statement teach? First of all, it instructs and encourages a person to do everything as it should, so that there are no white threads, no tails, no various kinds shortcomings. Of course, speech patterns gradually educate a person and tell him that lying is not good. This is one moral side of the phrase “sew with white threads” (the meaning of the phraseological unit was revealed a little earlier).

But an alternative, “harmful” morality can be extracted from the expression. If a person is deceiving or cunning, then he must do it in such a way that his lie is believable, and no one could distinguish it from the truth at the first approach.

However, we hope that the reader will learn only good things from reading our article.

This is how the analysis turned out, in which the phraseological unit “sewn with white thread” took part as a direct object.

Sewn with white threads What. Razg. Neglect Crudely forged; awkwardly, clumsily hidden something. - All this is not serious, not serious! - The voice trembled with the same disgust that Bakhirev himself was filled with. - All this is sewn with white thread! Who do you really take us for?(G. Nikolaeva. The battle is on the way).

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST.

A. I. Fedorov.

    sewn with white threads 2008. See what “Sewn with white threads” is in other dictionaries:

    sewn with white threads- adverb, number of synonyms: 2 ineptly hidden (1) too rudely invented (1) ASIS Synonym Dictionary. V.N. Trishin... Synonym dictionary

    sewn with white threads- No matter how you cut it, the seams will come out. Wed. I remember that these people (the jubilant swindlers) were called well-intentioned, despite the fact that their lies were sewn with white thread. Saltykov. In an environment of moderation. 2. At your leisure. Wed. This whole strike was done by whites... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary- Phraseologism used to denote falsification, hoax, fake, “linden”. This whole story is sewn with white thread. Commonly used

    Colloquial speech Dictionary of modern vocabulary, jargon and slang Sewn with white threads

    - Sewn with white thread. No matter how you cut it, the seams will come out. Wed. I remember that these people (the jubilant swindlers) were called well-intentioned, despite the fact that their lies were sewn with white thread. Saltykov. In the midst of moderation. 2. At your leisure. Wed. All … Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling) Sewn with white thread (white thread)

    - Razg. About what l., clumsily hidden. BMS 1998, 403; BTS, 1499; ZS 1996, 209; Jig. 1969, 216 ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings sewn with white threads

    - what see thread... Dictionary of many expressions sewn with white threads

    sewn with white threads- What am I talking about? clumsily hidden... white- adj., used max. often Morphology: white, white, white and white, white and white; whiter is the color of snow 1. White color. | this is the color of snow, milk, chalk, etc. White clouds. | Bouquet of white and red roses. | White paper White robe. | White marble. |… …

    Dictionary- The proverb about a person who is not devoid of abilities, knowledge, and skills is no joke. Of course, Alimpiyada Samsonovna is an educated young lady, but I, Samson Silych, am no stranger. A. Ostrovsky. Sew on live thread 1) quickly, without securing the seams... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

    SEW- SEW, sew, sew, d.n.v. not used, led shey, imperfect. 1. without additional To fasten, connect with thread (the edges of fabric, leather) to make something; engage in the manufacture of clothes and shoes as a craft. “We sewed for gentlemen in the military, and for the first persons... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary


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The meaning of the phraseological unit “sewn with white threads”

The expression “sewn with white thread” has several meanings.

This is what they say when the work is done frankly rudely, carelessly and poorly. a quick fix With big amount shortcomings and comments; awkward or poorly hidden poor quality and careless work; obvious hack work that immediately catches your eye.

“...all this is a strike and sewn with white threads, and so badly played.”

F.M. Dostoevsky (1821-1881), “Demons”, 1871-1872.

“Huge thefts were immediately discovered in the bank, gross, sewn with white threads, hasty."

V.G. Korolenko (1853-1921), “In a hungry year.”

“All this is not serious, not serious! With white threads all this sewn! Who do you really take us for?”

G.E.Nikolaeva (1911-1963), “Battle on the way”, 1957

Also, the phraseological unit “sewn with white thread” comes to mean an ineptly veiled outright lie or something poorly hidden.

“At every opportunity she tried to make it clear to Orlov that she did not embarrass him at all and that he could dispose of himself as he wanted, and this simple, sewn with white threads politics did not deceive anyone.”

A.P. Chekhov (1860-1904), “Story unknown person", 1892

“But the Austrians and Prussians saw clearly sewn with white threads cunning".

V.O. Klyuchevsky (1841-1911), “Course of Russian history.”

“Like the secrets of all these young people sewn with white threads! - said Anna Mikhailovna, pointing to Nikolai coming out.”

L.N. Tolstoy (1828-1910), “War and Peace”, 1863-1869.

Most often, this expression, which has to some extent become a professional term, is used in jurisprudence during the proceedings in court, when the evidence provided raises serious doubts about the authenticity. The facts are clearly manipulated and traces of falsification and forgery are visible. In any case, everyone understands that the case is fabricated.

The origin of the phraseological unit “sewn with white thread”

At first glance, it may seem that the expression “sewn with white thread” appeared among tailors or was somehow connected with legal proceedings. And you will be right. Linguists offer two versions of the origin of this expression.

The essence of the first version is as follows. When a case is being conducted on which the prosecution will later rely during the trial, there are certain established rules. All relevant information: facts, evidence, protocols, acts, etc., in a word, the entire evidence base, is collected in one folder, which contains all the documents on this case. According to the rules, the folder with all the documents is stitched: on the back sheet of the folder, in the place where the firmware was stitched, a small piece of paper is pasted, on which a signature and seal are placed. Moreover, the seal is placed in such a way that it falls both on the glued sheet with the signature and on the back sheet of the folder. The stitching is done with white threads in several rows. And when the seal is placed, some of the ink ends up on the thread stitching. This is done to ensure that no document is lost and cannot be replaced.

But let’s say that someone decided to substitute documents or seize some of them. To do this, you will have to very carefully peel off the back sheet with the signature and part of the seal, open the folder, take out the documents of interest, insert new “fake” ones in their place and glue the sheet in the same place.

But the substitution will be noticed because of the threads. Firstly, it is quite difficult to open a folder without damaging the documents and threads in the folder. Secondly, even if this can be done, then the firmware cannot be returned to its exact place. Therefore, so that the substitution is not noticed, the already changed case is stitched with new white threads. As a result, the white threads, which should be partially blue from the printing, become white. Here's a pun. That is why they say about a falsified and fabricated case that it is “sewn with white thread.”

Although a logical chain has been built and everything seems to be smooth and correct, it’s just not clear why not apply blue paint on the new firmware in the place where there should be print marks. Then no one would have noticed the change.

Now let’s try to consider the origin of the expression “sewn with white thread” from the perspective of tailoring. Linguists claim that the French phrase “coudre de fil blanc” is the original source and exact translation of the phraseology “sewn with white thread.”

Before starting the final finishing sewing of any product, tailors first basted all the component parts of the pattern into one whole to see if the seam would go correctly and to carry out fitting and, if necessary, adjustment. As you understand, so that the seam on the product is not visible, the final sewing is carried out with threads of the same color as the product itself or close to it. But basting or rough sewing was done with white threads. The white color was clearly visible on almost any fabric of a different color. And when the product was ready, it was easier to remove the unnecessary white threads. By the way, in Germany blue threads were used for these purposes.

So, the poor-quality process of removing white threads was the reason for the appearance of the expression “sewn with white threads.” Flaws in the form of remaining white threads on the finished product always led the customer to violent dissatisfaction, and the tailor was clearly not shown in the best light.

“Serves me right! In no case should one publish an essay that, although it was not badly cut, sewn somehow, white threads, like a dress brought to a tailor only to be tried on.”

N.V. Gogol (1809-1852), “Selected passages from correspondence with friends,” 1847.

Here the meaning of the expression appears in the sense of unfinished work. And I don’t think that the tailors deliberately left white threads, but rather the reason for this was forgetfulness and inattention. So in this version, not everything is smooth either.

By the way, in 1900, at the World Exhibition in Paris, a tailor from Kharkov, Fishelev, surprised everyone. The black tailcoat he presented was completely sewn with white threads so skillfully and masterfully that they were not visible, for which he received a medal from the World Exhibition.

In conclusion, I would like to say that if you decide to cheat somewhere, do it in such a way that no one will guess.
