Card color or suit if. The meaning of the suit of cards in card fortune telling

    By the way, card suits have many names: wine-spas, cross-clubs, diamonds, hearts
    In English, cards are called very logically: hearts - hearts, diamonds - diamonds, cross - crosses, spades - spades
    In Italy, Spain and Portugal, for example, instead of the usual suits, for a very long time there were bowls, coins, swords (swords) and shelves.
    Cards came to Russia from Germany, through Poland. That's why the suits were called in Polish for a long time, so red (in Polish, red) became "chervo". Vines - old peaks - were so called because they had a vine depicted on them for a long time. Soon, the French trend came, and they called and painted the suits differently: Pigue, Treffe

  • It is believed that the four card suits originally symbolized the attributes of a knight - a spear (spades), a sword (clubs), a shield (hearts) and a coat of arms (diamonds). Later the names of the suits changed.
    Now the card suit of spades is called this:
    In France - peaks.
    In Italy - peaks.
    In Spain (the name has not changed since antiquity) - swords.
    In Germany and England - shovels.
    In Russia (the names of the suits are borrowed mainly from German) - “Piki” (pique - shovel) is also called “vini” (from the old German “grape leaves”, which were depicted on their cards before “shovels”).

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    On this topic. Available. Worthy. But some people like it.

    Well kak skaztj, sex dolozen bitj kone4no ze, no ja dumaju 4to ljubovj na pervom meste! :)

    Qualities of a woman

    So let's define a woman. The wife is the better half of her husband's body as she must be responsible for fulfilling half of her husband's responsibilities. In other words, a wife is the embodiment of her husband's best qualities. The feminine principle carries within itself many assets. If a man achieves something in life, then, first of all, he owes it to his wife. The presence of a godly woman brings the following to her husband:

    good luck;
    graceful speech;
    prudence, reason;

    Moreover, these qualities appear in the husband of a pious wife, even if he did not have them, and increase in the described sequence.

    The least a godly woman can give her husband is glory.
    Next comes a higher level of what it can give - good luck in difficult times.
    Graceful speech enables a person to achieve success in life.
    Memory can enable a person to remember his mistakes and, thus, correct them.
    Prudence and reason are an even higher asset, because reason controls the entire existence of a person and allows a person to progress and learn all the time.
    Determination makes it possible to always achieve your goal.
    Patience is the highest asset because patience means the presence of all other assets put together.

    Thus, a godly wife gives a man a lot. But if a woman is ungodly, she takes away all these qualities from her husband.

    First, she takes away his position in society, that is, fame.
    Then her luck disappears as a result of her behaving inappropriately.
    Then the man loses his graceful speech.
    Then he loses his memory.
    Then he becomes less reasonable than before.
    He loses his sense of purpose.
    And eventually he loses his patience. As a result of loss of patience, conflicts begin.

    Natural position of a woman

    A woman should occupy a subordinate position because for her this position is most natural. But male leadership does not mean exploitation or abuse, but first of all responsibility. Therefore, the woman puts herself in the position of helper, with the goal of helping her husband move forward towards achieving his goal, and thus giving her husband the opportunity to take care of himself, showing his desire for leadership and responsibility...

    Currently, the situation, unfortunately, is not changing in the right direction. Men become like women, and women sometimes act like men. The most surprising thing is that no one is happy with this. This happens both in society and in most families. But nature has arranged it in such a way that a woman is attracted more by her beauty, defenselessness and humility. And if a woman begins to show non-feminine character traits in the family, then she becomes less attractive to her husband and to most men.

    A woman's subtle body of mind is much more developed than a man's, and she has more subtle feelings. A man, on the other hand, tends to be less sensitive; he often has a more developed memory and intelligence. But nevertheless, in external relationships in the family, feelings and mind play a big role. Since we contact this world through feelings and through the mind, in fact, if the wife does not appreciate her husband’s intelligence and does not consider that he occupies a sufficiently high position in the family, then as a result the husband will lose the opportunity to show his intelligence in resolving issues related to family life and family relationships with the outside world. As a result, the family ceases to function properly.

    Thus, we see that whether we like it or not, a woman still controls our relationships with each other. Control of the situation is in her hands. Management means freedom of choice for her. Either she begins to submit to her husband, and then the relationship becomes good, the children are raised well and the family prospers, or she begins to lead over him and tries to humiliate him. This is where strife arises.

    A woman is energy, and a man is the unit to which energy is applied. A woman radiates some kind of power, that is, she is energy, there is a power in her, which is called beauty, charm, inspiration, etc. A man is the unit of progress in this world. He makes progress, he works.

    Qualities of a true wife

    That true wife who skillfully performs all household chores

    The husband must skillfully perform all duties outside the home and should not strain his wife in these matters. It looks funny and ugly for a man when he relies on his wife in these matters. The husband’s responsibility is to provide for the family financially, to properly organize the lives of loved ones, to inspire them to fulfill their responsibilities and duties, etc. And the wife correctly organizes all internal affairs so that the husband does not worry about it. But this does not mean that the husband does not help around the house, and the wife does not help her husband outside.

    That true wife who gives birth to good children

    This means that these things are natural qualities of a faithful wife. If a woman has bad qualities, she gives birth to bad children. The birth of good or bad children depends largely on the fate of the woman. If she possesses all the good qualities of a woman, such as kindness, compassion, gentleness of character, a sensitive attitude towards others, the ability to be indulgent, modesty, which with the development of intelligence can develop into humility, a tendency to serve and accept the views of her husband, such a woman will undoubtedly have very good and gifted children. If she does not have such qualities, she is rude, cold, insensitive, all this leads to various changes in the female body, primarily hormonal, and the woman will not be able to give birth, feed and raise a child normally. If a woman corrects her character traits, then her hormonal functions are quickly restored, which support her health and beauty. If hormonal functions decline, then she loses her beauty, health, and ability to give birth to good children. And the secret of female success in life is that a woman will only be good at it all if she never stops working on her character. If she stops doing this, then all her piety can quickly disappear.

    That true wife who treasures her husband

    The character of a husband naturally changes depending on the influence on him, or more precisely, the attitude of his wife towards him. Therefore, a woman should value his reputation more than herself, then her husband will value her more than himself. A man succumbs to the mood in the family that his wife dictates to him. It turns out that the first urge for a relationship comes from the woman, and not from the man. If a woman gives good to a man and directs psychic energy towards him, then the man can no longer resist this and he begins to like the woman.

    In family relationships, a woman must understand this thing: first, a man loves a woman more than she loves him. But then, when marriage occurs, the man’s feelings become colder. He has such a nature that he experiences more happiness when he wants to achieve something.

    A woman's psyche works differently. At first she doesn’t love him very much, but then the woman becomes attached to him and loves the man much more if the relationship is built correctly.

    Why does the husband spend more time at work than with his family? This means that the wife does not try very hard to fulfill all her responsibilities around the house and in her relationship with her husband, which is more important for her, so the husband is not very drawn to home. If a wife tries very hard to do everything for her husband in an ideal way, then even if for her husband work occupies the most important place in life, then he will still be better off in the family than at work. Thus, a woman must understand this law that everything in the family depends to a greater extent on her. And if she values ​​her husband in any circumstances, then her husband will definitely value and love her. This means that for children she will be the best person, because love for mom comes from dad, and respect for dad comes from mom. How parents treat each other is how children treat their parents.

    That true wife who does not break her oath to her husband

    Of course, a woman is not inclined to keep her word. It is a natural characteristic of a real wife to never tell what her husband told her, even if he does not want it. If a wife does not respect this natural quality of a woman, then she should not expect that her husband will not cheat on her. It is enough for a woman to cheat on her husband in her mind for him to start doing it for real. If the wife does not keep her word, then the husband will not keep his promises. If a wife begins to think that someone has better husbands than hers, then the husband will begin to look for a better woman than her. A woman is the initiator of all relationships in the family, and she must understand well what follows from what. This way she will be able to control family life.

    A faithful wife is half of her husband

    A true wife is naturally attracted to what her husband does. This is her nature. It is not in a man's character to be happy when he does what his wife wants. A woman should be happy with what her husband does. If this does not happen, it means that the wife is not fulfilling her duties. The husband's responsibilities are better understood by the wife, and the wife's responsibilities are better understood by the husband. And an indicator of the fulfillment of your duties is the attitude of your spouse towards you. If a husband or wife, having studied the duties of the other, puts a notebook on the table and says: “Look at what you should or should do,” then the result will only be a further deterioration of the relationship. The best thing to do is start fulfilling your responsibilities. If a wife does not listen to her husband, it means that he himself treats his wife poorly.

    A faithful wife is her husband's best friend

    There are several types of friendship. The best friend is the one who is close to our heart. In Sanskrit such a friend is called “suhrid”. "Su" is a particle meaning strengthening, and the word "hridaya" means heart. That is, the one who is closest to the heart. Such a person believes in the deepest experiences of his friend, that is, his friend never hides anything from him. There are friendships based on compassion or based on business relationships. If there is only business friendship in the family, this means that the wife does not understand anything about her responsibilities. A woman must act in such a way that she becomes a close friend to her husband, otherwise there is no chance of having a strong family.

    How can you become a close friend to your husband? To do this, you need to open your heart to your husband every day. We have already said that the wife, by her behavior with her husband, determines what the relationship will be between all family members. A wife should talk about everything that worries her in life and should try to do it in such a way that her husband is happy to listen to her. It is very natural for a real wife to open her heart to her husband. This is not typical for a man, so a woman opens the lock of her husband’s heart with the key of her sincerity.

    A faithful wife brings peace, goodness and prosperity to her home.

    Peace is maintained in the family when a woman does not look at other men or strongly repents of having done this.

    Prosperity in the home also depends on the woman. This is a very subtle and subtle moment in life that you need to know. If you want there to be wealth and prosperity in the house, for this you need to make sure that the family does not live only for its own internal interests. This also depends on the woman, but not only. The very mentality of selflessness and not focusing on your desires will predispose people to you. There will be many friends, people will also want to help you. This mentality begins to develop from the table. If a family, without tension, simply invites someone to dinner, feeds someone, treats them, gives alms to the beggars, just right, this means that the family will prosper. If a family lives selfishly, then all good people turn away from it, only selfish well-wishers remain who want something from you for themselves, and not to bring you happiness. Thus, selflessness is the basis of family life for family prosperity.

    Maintaining kindness in the family is also a woman's responsibility. A man is not capable of this. He often has to fight for the prosperity of his family or leave something behind at work. A man is more often angry or tired. A woman, even if she works hard, does not attach much importance to external relationships. Family life is of great importance to her. Even if she holds a leadership position, family life remains a much more important part of her life than work. She won’t worry much, compared to a man, if something goes wrong at work. Disorders in the family will cause her more tangible worries. Therefore, a woman must quickly react to mental changes in her husband and respond to his anger with condescension. It's easier for a woman not to get angry. As a last resort, she may cry to protect herself.

    A woman has two weapons that are invincible to a man. The first is pitiful words of reproach, when a woman shows herself completely submissive and defenseless, and reproaches her husband for not protecting her. And secondly, tears are the last weapon. But if a woman does not use these two weapons correctly, then she undoubtedly loses the war because her husband begins to disrespect or hate her. If her words of reproach turn into words of mockery, then she will arouse an even greater enemy in her husband. And if words of despair turn into words of hatred, then there is no chance to keep your husband near you.

    A faithful wife takes care of her husband until her last breath

    As soon as a man gets married, he immediately gives the care of himself to his wife. He stops thinking about his health, what he is wearing, stops thinking about what he should eat tomorrow. This happens naturally because it is not his responsibility. And if a wife arranges for her husband to have separate meals, then she will not feel happy. Separate nutrition means that one week she feeds the man only rice, and the second only borscht. I’ve prepared it for the week, I just need to tell you where it will be. Since the husband will not feel satisfaction from this, the wife will not have happiness in life. Although, if there are any inconveniences in life, a man is not inclined to complain even to his wife. It’s easier for him to endure than to think about it. But the amount of happiness of a woman is directly proportional to the satisfaction of a man in a good relationship. If a woman wants a man to take care of her, she should be the first to show concern for him.

    The nature of a woman is such that she cannot live without protection. A man is by nature more independent in life. He strives for a woman only out of a desire to receive pleasure from her. But if a man has found some great goal in life and finds complete satisfaction in the activities to achieve his goal, then it becomes indifferent to him whether he lives with someone or lives alone. A woman receives satisfaction in life only by becoming attached to someone, and not by achieving some goal. Therefore, it is difficult for a woman to find satisfaction in life alone. It is so arranged by God that a woman, when she becomes attached to someone, receives happiness. This is how she gets happiness by becoming attached to her own children. If such qualities are not developed in a woman, if she is too independent and selfish, thinks that she can be happy alone and does not need anyone, then nature deprives her of the opportunity to have children, since her hormonal and physiological functions of the body are disrupted. And, having many fickle friends and acquaintances, a woman does not receive real happiness, she accumulates dissatisfaction, which, in the end, can result in severe depressive states, nervous breakdowns and hysteria, etc. Therefore, a woman’s real, natural interests lie in preserving her family, especially her relationship with her husband. Because adult children, having matured, will not always be able to maintain close relationships with their parents, and a husband and wife can remain faithful and care for each other until the end of their lives, which is very favorable for a woman.

    Husbands who have good wives experience great happiness

    Family happiness is the wife's responsibility. If she strongly desires family happiness, then the family will be happy. If she doesn't care, she won't be happy. A woman makes the atmosphere in a family. A man brings optimism, joy, and enthusiasm. Happiness means the absence of conflicts. Therefore, the first duty of a woman is compliance. Any wife should know this arithmetic: if I give in to my husband, then I get what I wanted, if I don’t give in to him, then I lose everything. This is women's mathematics. Men's mathematics is exactly the opposite. If a man gives in, then he loses everything; if he does not give in, then he achieves his goal.

    Husbands with good wives know how to run a household

    The ability to manage household chores and households depends on wives, not husbands. If the wife has properly arranged all the affairs in the house, then the husband automatically becomes the housekeeper. The inspiration to maintain the life of the family must come from the woman, and if the wife makes efforts to maintain order in the house, then a man who does not know what a hammer is still becomes a housekeeper. This happens naturally to him. If the wife does not take family matters seriously, then the man comes home, lies down on the sofa and starts watching his “one-eyed mentor.” He has potency and will not have the urge to do anything. The wife directs her husband's desires in the right direction. If the wife does everything without joy, without interest, then the husband will have no interest in doing anything at home. A woman needs to understand all these things well. And if a man does something wrong, then the wife should look for the reason for this in herself. Then the husband will think why he cannot help his wife.

    Husbands who have good wives are favored by God

    This aspect of a woman’s family responsibilities is very deep, and we will not consider it in much detail. It turns out that it is much easier for a woman to turn to God than for a man. Just like it is easier for a man to fulfill his responsibilities at work. A man's sense of duty is much more developed than a woman's. But a woman’s sense of religiosity is much more developed than a man’s. An unbelieving woman means a very sinful woman. An unbelieving man means not so holy. But if a man does not fulfill his duties, even if he is a believer, this means that he is still sinful. If a woman cannot fulfill her external duties, this does not mean anything.

    What can a woman do to make God turn to her? She must be turned towards God all the time. But a woman’s service to God should not be opposed to her husband’s service. In our time, unfortunately, the culture of religious life has been lost, and, as a result of spiritual lack of culture, many people, trying to serve God, do it so illiterately, fanatically and ignorantly that they cause great concern to society. Causing great concern to society with their behavior, such people discredit the purity and practical expediency of spiritual knowledge. This also happens in individual families. This is one of the reasons that people forget that only a religious lifestyle can restore the principles of purity and morality in society. Unfortunately, only religion brings moral strength to people. There are no other public institutions now and there have never been in the history of mankind. We can see this in the history of the development of many cultures in past times. For example, the Roman Empire achieved great development, but due to the imbalance of the spiritual and material aspects of life, it inevitably collapsed. The same principle applies not only to large empires, but also to small families.

    So how can a wife harm her husband when she begins to serve God? I have often witnessed that, having begun to engage in spiritual practice, a husband, wife or even children begin to sharply contrast their new way of life, thinking and aspirations with the old way of life of the rest of the family members, doing this edifyingly and sometimes extremely harshly and fanatically. If a woman does this, then with such “good” intentions she can destroy relationships in the family and ruin it. As we have already said, a woman’s strength lies in humility and submission. If a woman, having begun to serve God, also improves her attitude towards her husband, then by doing so she attracts her husband to God. If she begins to teach her husband the “correct” life, then neither the husband nor God himself will be pleased with her behavior. Even if the husband is a convinced atheist and an opponent of religion, he will never dare to dissuade his wife from spiritual life if she fulfills her duties correctly. Because such a woman automatically gives blessings to progress in life, and he himself will be punished for doing bad and will receive a reward for doing good. The husband of such a wife is accompanied by progress and success in everything, even in spiritual life.

    Husbands with good wives live beautiful, happy and rich lives

    A man also receives this from a woman. A man may have some sense of aesthetics, but in a woman it is by nature 6 times stronger. A man can live in an apartment for many years, but still not notice what kind of wallpaper it has, but a woman, as a rule, does not escape the slightest detail in the house. This is their nature. The beauty in a man’s apartment and clothes often depends on the woman, but for this it is not necessary to force the whole apartment or buy a three-piece suit. If a woman conscientiously takes care of these things, then beauty will be on her face.

    Anyone who has a good wife is definitely trustworthy. It must be concluded that one who does not have a good wife may not always be trustworthy

    This means that if your husband is mistrusted, then you are a bad wife. Because the opportunity for a husband to have people’s trust comes entirely from his wife. If a wife does not trust her husband, then none of her colleagues and friends will trust such a husband.

    When a woman feels danger towards her husband, then she must be faithful to her husband not only in behavior, but also in words. Then the husband will be protected from dangers and troubles in difficult times. The most interesting thing is that when a husband is in a difficult situation, his wife may have a desire to tell him something wrong, to gossip about him or cheat on him. But if a wife overcomes these desires within herself, then she overcomes the troubles that can happen to her husband.

    Thus, a good and faithful wife is her husband’s best assistant; she is the one who shows him the right path in this world.

    Criteria for a true wife

    In addition to the above general statements, there is a specific statement regarding the purity of a woman. What does a true wife mean? There are 5 criteria for a true wife:

    Purity. She is pure in her behavior and pure in appearance;
    Experience. She must be experienced in relationships with her husband;
    Chastity. She must be faithful to her husband;
    Pleasant to my husband. She is pleasant both in appearance and behavior to her husband;
    Truthfulness. She must be truthful.

    If a wife is truly devoted to her husband and tries to remain faithful to him, then she naturally, by virtue of her feminine nature, acts in this way and displays these qualities.


    So, let's look at the first quality. This is purity. The amazing thing is that it is this female characteristic that maintains stability in human society. It is very interesting to note that the psychology of a woman is this: if the first man she meets treats her with care, then she becomes his faithful wife. This thing maintains stability in human society.

    In other words, if a young girl maintains celibacy, that is, chastity, until the moment of marriage, then, undoubtedly, she becomes very attached to her husband, loves him, and thus evokes reciprocal, very good feelings in him.

    As a result, the family becomes stable, and this makes it possible to protect society from corruption. As a result of depravity in society, ungodly offspring are born. The consciousness of the unborn child depends on the state of consciousness in which the man and woman are at the moment of conception. This means that if a man and a woman were not in a very deep understanding that children would be born, if they were involved in illegal relationships, if they were drunk, then ungodly offspring would be born, which would bring nothing but trouble to everyone. If children are conceived without love or become not very desirable to their parents, then they develop defective and cannot fully develop good qualities of character, which is why the parents themselves then suffer.

    It is very interesting to note that a woman who is prone to debauchery, that is, to a relationship with a man who is not her husband, has great difficulty in maintaining the original feminine quality in herself - the desire to see the good in people. Women by nature are very often soft-hearted and see the best qualities in the people around them. Thus, a woman is able to understand any person, even a hardened criminal, but only if she herself has purity. This means that the heart of a woman who begins to go out, that is, to communicate with strange men secretly, becomes hard and dry. And she is no longer able to see good qualities in others, to help other people in any way - her heart becomes somewhat dry. The more she lives in this style, the drier her nature becomes.

    It is very important to note in this regard that such dryness depends on the dirtiness of the mind. A woman is so defiled by inappropriate contact with men. That is, she is defiled by the very idea of ​​​​deception, cunning, double play to her husband. A person becomes deceitful and succumbs to various rudenesses. In families where wives behave this way, scandals will undoubtedly arise and their life together will never be good and successful.

    I remind you that the same applies to men, but since we are analyzing female character traits, we will talk only about women, although everything that is said here fully applies to men.

    Also, the word purity refers to external purity. It is from this perspective that we are accustomed to understanding this word.

    Indeed, a woman has natural purity to a much greater extent than a man. A man needs to develop the quality of purity in himself, and a woman has it from birth. Even as a little girl, she puts things in order everywhere. It is very important for her that everything is clean. She does not tolerate any dirt. Thus, with her desire for cleanliness, a woman maintains cleanliness in the house. This desire is not typical for a man. Sometimes it happens, but quite rarely. Also, a woman tends to take care of her loved ones so that everyone looks clean and tidy. Thus, purity is an essential quality of a woman, and without it the family becomes unhappy. Imagine a family where the woman herself does not keep clean, and also does not take care of her household in terms of cleanliness. As a result, such a family becomes an abode of dirt, where everyone looks very bad and ugly. Such a family will not be successful in society, because it causes disgust and hostility. It is the direct responsibility of a woman to maintain cleanliness.


    The second quality of a woman is experience. The wife must be experienced. Why? An experienced wife behaves in such a way that her husband does not create trouble for society or try to seduce innocent girls. This is experience in every way.

    In today's era, a woman never behaves humbly, so family life is full of worries and scandals break out at the slightest provocation. Either the husband or wife uses any reason to file for divorce.

    Westerners say that for a wife to have a “submissive” mentality is not the right one. In fact, being obedient to her husband is a tactic by which a woman can win the heart of her husband, no matter how irritable and cruel a person he may be.

    Thus, one must understand such a thing. The husband, being in a relationship with society, with the people around him, has as his goal achieving success in society, and the wife’s goal is a happy family. The husband is more busy with external activities, he is often carried away by some kind of work, etc. This is the nature of a man. He gives his experience to the family, gives funds from his activities outside.

    But if a woman is engaged in external activities, and there is disorder in her family, in her home, then she will not feel happy, because the main thing for her is family. Therefore, a woman should be non-irritable in the family, and then she will have success in life.

    This is how a family should exist, this is how regulation should occur in it. This is the experience of a woman. Experience does not lie in the fact that the moment a man is irritated, she begins to reproach him for it. Experience lies in taking a subordinate position and calming your husband down like a child. Thus, a woman succeeds in a relationship with her husband if she is sufficiently devoted to him, if she is sensitive, and if she has a compliant approach. Devotion means that she does not desire another husband. She sees that she can achieve happiness with this person.

    But if you have already gotten married, and it doesn’t seem very successful to you, then that’s okay too. We have already said that if a wife begins to consider her husband worthy, then he has nowhere to go, gradually he becomes worthy. And if a man begins to become worthy of his own accord, then his wife automatically begins to respect him.


    The third quality of a woman is chastity. Chastity is a very important quality. This means that a woman should not cheat on her husband.

    Eight qualities of a woman that give her the opportunity to be chaste.

    The first quality is that a woman should not be greedy. Greed is the desire to have for yourself. Therefore, if a woman is very greedy for sexual pleasure, then naturally, at some point, her husband may not be satisfied with something, and she will begin to become attached to other men. At the beginning, look at them, saturating them with your feelings. Then she will want to cheat on her husband more and more. Thus chastity will be destroyed. As a result, the happiness of the family will also be destroyed.

    A woman should be satisfied under any circumstances. We know that women, often without realizing it, demand more from their husbands than they are capable of. Let’s say a wife demands more money or something else from her husband, she doesn’t want to be satisfied. As a result, conflicts begin because the man is also dissatisfied. He tries to do the best, but his wife is still unhappy. Since a wife is energy, when she is not happy, she begins to spread her power of discontent to everyone around her. Let's say that if the husband is dissatisfied, he can keep it to himself, and in principle, if he behaves quietly, the wife may not notice it. But if the wife behaves quietly, but is dissatisfied, then everyone around her will feel dissatisfaction within themselves, and quarrels will arise, because the wife is energy, it is a force that influences everyone around her. Thus, if the wife is not satisfied under any circumstances, then there is a greater tendency in the family to argue and conflict.

    The second quality is that a chaste woman skillfully manages her household affairs. It is very important to understand that when a woman is clean, she naturally develops a taste for doing household chores. When she is unclean, that is, not chaste, walking around somewhere, then household chores do not interest her, and she does not conduct them very skillfully. Because a woman’s skill depends purely on the desire to do something pleasant for her husband, to seem like a good person to him.

    The third quality is that a woman must be familiar with the laws of life. These laws are called religious rules. In every faith, in every teaching there are religious rules of life, and a woman must be familiar with them in order to know whether what a man requires of her is in accordance with the law or not. If this is not in accordance with the law, then she should gently, in a humble manner, object to him, and there will be nothing wrong with that. But if she is not familiar with the laws of life, does not know how to organize everything correctly, then when her husband makes a remark to her or simply suggests that she do something in some way, she may not agree and a conflict arises.

    The fourth quality is that a woman should be able to speak pleasantly. When she speaks pleasantly, even if she feels insulted and irritated, speaking pleasantly creates the impression of respect. Pleasant speech means that a person speaks respectfully. Respectful speech mitigates conflict. It allows people to find a common opinion, because respectful speech naturally puts everyone in a state of peace.

    The fifth quality is that a woman must also be able to speak truthfully. When a husband notices that his wife is even the slightest bit disingenuous with him, he is completely disappointed in her.

    The seventh quality is to always be attentive. This is a very important point. It often happens that due to inattention people quarrel and lose each other. Mindfulness means guessing a bad moment in your husband's life, guessing a bad moment in your children's lives. Every person has a bad period in life. Close people should be careful and guess this bad period. Thus, you need to be attentive to changes in your close friends.

    The eighth quality is to be pure. We have already discussed this quality.

    Thus, having all these eight qualities, a woman becomes chaste, that is, she does not have the slightest desire to go somewhere and do illicit things with some other person.

    All of the above qualities can be called in one word - feminine virtue. Virtue means “to do good.” A man does good in this world in his own way, a woman in her own way. And there are signs of female virtue. They form four postulates.

    FIRST POSTULATE – service to your husband. Serving your husband, in turn, is divided into 5 principles of serving your husband. To serve means to help him. It is said that a woman who has taken the path of serving her husband becomes absolutely protected from all difficulties in life, because a man is unable to leave the woman who serves him. He is not capable of cheating on her. A man is not capable of speaking badly about her, even if she has shortcomings. And a man is unable to endanger such a woman if she really serves him.

    THE SECOND POSTULATE of female virtue is benevolence towards her husband. This principle exists independently of the others. Each principle is fundamental, that is, having one of them, a woman automatically becomes virtuous towards her husband, and he perceives her as a person who brings him great benefit.

    THIRD POSTULATE - good relationship with relatives and friends of the husband. Compliance with this principle also makes it possible to have stable relationships in the family, because when discord begins in the family, then, undoubtedly, the husband’s relatives and friends will help the wife understand this person. Although they will speak from his position, but since they are also her friends, they will communicate with her very intimately and try to explain why he behaves this way. And in the end they will make peace.

    The FOURTH POSTULATE, although it is in fourth place, is actually one of the most important. This is sharing with your husband the vows he has taken. A vow means giving up a certain activity with the desire to achieve some goal. A person refuses to do something, or, on the contrary, says: “I will always do this to achieve such and such a goal.” The wife shares his vows with her husband, for example, if the husband says: “I will never eat meat food - it prevents me from cleansing myself of problems. I want to have a good mood in life,” and the wife says: “I want to do that too.” That is, they take this vow of vegetarianism, which is very popular in India. As a result, the whole family becomes vegetarian. When they share common vows in life, it helps them a lot for overall progress, for good relationships with

Whether you're new to tarot or a seasoned expert, choosing a tarot deck can be incredibly challenging. There are literally hundreds of different tarot decks to choose from, all with their own symbolism, energy, stories, mythology and artwork. So where to start? How do you sift through the many options to find your perfect tarot deck?

1. Seek a personal and intuitive connection with the cards

The absolute number 1 choice for choosing a tarot deck is the one that you personally and intuitively feel. Your best friend may recommend one deck that he likes, but if every time you read tarot with those cards you feel uncomfortable, then it is not the right deck for you. And if your tarot teacher uses the Rider Waite deck, but you are completely in love with the Fairytale Tarot cards, then take them.

If you have an esoteric store near you, stop by and take a look at all the decks they have. Ask yourself: what kind of energy are you getting from the deck? Is there a personal connection between you and Tarot cards? And if you're looking to purchase your tarot cards online, look at the card images to see if you have a connection.

2. Examine the images of each card

Take a look at the tarot cards in a particular deck. Find as many images as possible. What is your first reaction to the images? Do you like colors and images? Are there other deck options that are more attractive? Also, can you look at the cards and begin to understand the meaning behind each one? Look at the Major and Minor Arcana cards. In some decks, such as the Tarot de Marseille, the Minor Arcana cards do not have the same images and "story" as a Rider Waite deck, for example. It's important to see as many cards in the deck as possible because some tarot decks have a handful of great cards, but the rest of the deck isn't as attractive.

3. Determine your experience level

If you are new to tarot, you can start learning with the most popular tarot deck, the Rider Waite deck. It's easy to understand, the images are straight forward and practical, and there's a wealth of information for this deck. If you are more experienced or are looking for a new deck, you can choose a deck such as the Tato Tarot deck. Or a more abstract, mythical tarot deck. Are you fascinated by old traditional tarot decks such as Tarot de Marseille, Tarot Visconti? Or do you prefer modern (and often independent) tarot decks?

4. Find the size that fits

Tarot cards come in different sizes. You should choose the size that suits you. Giant tarot cards can be great for group readings or tarot parties. Regular tarot cards may be better for personal readings for a client or personal readings. And mini tarot cards are perfect to throw in your purse for on-the-go tarot readings. If the cards are too big or too small, they may be too inconvenient for you or your customers. Therefore, before choosing a deck, hold the cards and shuffle them.

Think about what tarot lessons you want to take. Are you trying to find peace and tranquility in your life? Then the Osho Zen Tarot might be the perfect deck for you. Do you want to connect with your inner goddess? Consider the mythical goddess tarot or Goddess tarot decks. Do you have a passion for rituals and practices on earth? Check out the Druid Tarot deck.

The great thing is that with so many tarot decks available, you can find a deck that is perfect for your personal needs and desires. And if you're a professional tarot expert, consider getting a few different tarot decks, depending on what works best for your client and the situation.

  • The cards, just like you, need to take a vacation.
  • Never guess unnecessarily, because you have nothing to do.
  • Under no circumstances should you guess without desire. If you feel an inner mood to communicate with cards, it is better not to pick them up.
  • Do not do more than 6 - 7 layouts a day, otherwise the cards will begin to lie.
  • If the cards give you an unclear answer or you cannot read the cards, it is better to postpone fortune telling. In the same way, when shuffling the deck, cards keep falling out of your hands, the prediction is unlikely to be clear.
  • At night, it is better to refrain from fortune telling, especially if you have little experience in fortune telling; night is associated with certain dark forces. This cannot be done on Sunday and on major church holidays. It is also not recommended to guess when the moon is waning.
  • P.S. Never guess unnecessarily or out of boredom, otherwise the cards will not serve you, but you will serve the cards!

    Recommendations given are not ironclad rules. You are free to choose which of them you like and which to refuse. Over time, you may develop your own traditions. But all the recommendations should not be neglected, since they also did not arise out of nowhere, but were formed over centuries.

    Interpretation of the meanings of playing cards

    Each suit symbolizes a specific:

    Element of fire (power) - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

    Earth element (material wealth) - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

    Air element (feelings) - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

    Element of water (intuition) - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.

    Interpretation by suit.

    - all aspects of a love relationship.

    – news, plans, news related to money and papers.

    – business and material relations.

    – troubles, disappointments, negative emotions.

    Interpretation from images.

    Ace is the house.

    The king and queen (except for spades) are certain people.

    Jack - troubles.

    Ten – interests, hopes, desires.

    Nine is love.

    Eight - conversations.

    Seven - meeting.

    Six is ​​the road.

    Six- not a bad card. Usually it means a pleasant trip that can make very positive changes in the course of your affairs.

    with nine of spades - bad news from relatives;

    with a ten tambourine - fulfillment of a wish, receiving money;

    with a nine of spades - death;

    with the seven of diamonds - troubles in the house.

    Seven– joy, troubles, affairs; business meeting, purchase, sale, commercial transaction (good or bad, depending on the nearest map). You will receive financial support either from an old friend or from a new acquaintance who will express a desire to help in the implementation of your plans.

    This card acquires a special interpretation:

    with a figure - a happy incident;

    with ten diamonds - successful troubles about money.

    Eight- minor everyday problems and troubles await you. You will be nervous, fussing, but this is in vain - the situation will correct itself on its own without any additional measures on your part.

    This card acquires a special interpretation:

    with eight crosses and six of hearts - news of a fire;

    with the king or queen of spades (on the sides of your card) - harm from a false and bad person;

    with the jack of hearts - talking about money;

    with ten diamonds - the emergence of a new source of income;

    with the seven of tambourines (near the figure) - impermanence.

    Nine- a good card, a card of money, with the same king, queen - love. Your business will go quite successfully, but you should carefully weigh your options in order to achieve the full implementation of your plan.

    This card acquires a special interpretation:

    with a six of spades (right) - the road to get money, an unpleasant incident, failure;

    with the jack of hearts - avoiding an unpleasant journey;

    with ten tambourines - an indispensable and quick receipt of money;

    Ten– this could mean an unexpected breakthrough in your career, money, a date, getting money; blow from a loved one, ingratitude. Probably, your bosses have noticed you and are now going to make you a very pleasant offer. Congratulations!

    This card acquires a special interpretation:

    with the ace of spades (on the sides of your card) - a quarrel over money;

    with a nine of tambourines - an indispensable and quick receipt of money;

    with the eight of tambourines - distant receipt of money, big money;

    with the seven of tambourines - successful troubles about money;

    with six tambourines - fulfillment of desires, receiving money;

    with a six of spades (right) - the road to money;

    with the jack of crosses - success in money matters;

    with a dozen crosses - an indispensable receipt of money; with the seven of hearts - a large inheritance;

    with nine of hearts - profitable work.

    Jack– this is not a very good card. Often it denotes a person who can deceive you in financial matters, and you will not immediately detect this. Usually such a trick is revealed only after some time. Be careful!

    This card acquires a special interpretation:

    with the seven of spades - a merchant;

    with the king - a commercial, false person;

    with the seven of spades or nine of tambourines - a hostile person, imminent betrayal;

    with the lady of crosses - trouble;

    with six crosses - an unexpected and quick trip with some man;

    when the king, queen and jack are a tambourine with a card of the fortuneteller's suit - success in money matters.

    Lady- a woman with a grumpy and irritable character, a young girl, an unfaithful woman, a servant. This could be your employee or someone close to you. Most likely, she is jealous of your financial situation and may decide to do some tricky things.

    This card acquires a special interpretation:

    with a jack of diamonds and a ten of spades - an unpleasant guest.

    with the nine of hearts - good for women, theft for men.

    King- a person endowed with power. It could be a woman or a man - it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that some of your events depend on this person, and if you behave prudently, you will receive enormous support. A young man, a love date, meeting a future groom, a single man (if there is no lady of diamonds nearby); reliable partnership, success.

    This card acquires a special interpretation:

    with a ten of diamonds (with a jack) - support in the future from a new acquaintance or future groom;

    with six tambourine - indispensable fulfillment of desires;

    with hearts - fun, forgetting the past and a change in life.

    Ace– day, summer; such a card indicates that important news awaits you. Letter (the nearest figure will show from whom); favorable changes. Now look carefully at the rest of the cards.

    This card acquires a special interpretation:

    with a diamond - quick receipt of money;

    with seven, nine or ten of hearts - a joyful or love letter;

    with crosses or spades - delay of the desired moment, great troubles;

    with the six of crosses - a date or conversation at dusk;

    with the nine of spades - cunning, deception of loved ones;

    with a dozen of hearts - a love letter; with a ten of spades (left) - sad news;

    with a ten tambourine - a letter with news of the receipt of money.

    Six- it is likely that you will have a love date. However, do not rush to rejoice - you do not yet know what you can expect from this person and what his intentions are.

    This card acquires a special interpretation:

    with hearts - the path to a dear person;

    with a dozen of hearts - a road and a heartfelt date;

    with the nine of hearts - undoubted success in love.

    Seven- this suggests that a romantic meeting awaits you. Someone you know has liked you for a long time and decides to invite you on a date.

    This card acquires a special interpretation:

    with a ten of spades - an unexpected offer;

    with a dozen of hearts - a pleasant solitary date;

    with the nine of hearts - a meeting;

    with four kings - a cheerful conversation.

    Eight- an interesting map. Most likely, you will receive a declaration of love, perhaps in writing. It is unlikely that this will cause your joy - this person was never perceived by you as a potential partner on the path of life.

    This card acquires a special interpretation:

    with the jack of hearts - a cordial conversation;

    with seven crosses - unexpected happiness (left);

    with a dozen of hearts - a solitary date;

    with the nine of hearts - a meeting;

    with a ten of tambourines (near your card) - receiving money, a large inheritance.

    Nine- most likely, you will have a not very pleasant conversation. This will probably be a conversation with your long-term partner about your relationship. If the suit of spades appears next to this card, then a peaceful exchange of opinions will turn into a loud and disgusting scandal.

    with every king and lady - love;

    with a ten of hearts (with a full suit of reds) - the joys of love, with a king, a lady - a wedding;

    with the eight or seven of hearts - a date with your loved one;

    with nine crosses - your beloved (beloved) will reciprocate your feelings; news or thing from him (her);

    with any six - an unexpected meeting;

    Ten– a trip with your loved one. However, it can turn into a quarrel. Most likely, you will start talking about your plans for your future life, and this will irritate your partner.

    This card is of particular importance:

    Jack- fair-haired, commoner, unpleasant guest; good news, cheerful company; thoughts of the king of hearts; good luck in work, study. There is a person in your environment who has rather mixed feelings towards you. If you offend him in any way, he may become very angry and try to take revenge.

    This card acquires a special interpretation:

    with hearts - success;

    with the Ace of Hearts - good news, a declaration of love;

    with nine crosses - a trip;

    with a nine of diamonds - you will be able to avoid an unpleasant journey;

    with the eight of hearts - a cordial conversation;

    with an eight tambourine - a conversation about money;

    with an eight of spades - news of the illness or death of a relative;

    with the eight of crosses - an unpleasant conversation;

    with a lady or king - a guest;

    with seven crosses (with four queens or sevens) - the imminent birth of a son (while four aces indicate the child’s intelligence and wealth).

    Lady- married woman; a strong family. If there is a card next to it that means your husband, then most likely we are talking about his mistress. But if a lady is located next to you, this means that you have a close friend who is always ready to help you.

    This card acquires a special interpretation:

    with the six and ten of hearts - tears for the fortuneteller, but with the jack of the cross - unexpected joy;

    with hearts - success in love for a man;

    with other suits - achieving the goal;

    with a dozen of hearts - a friend.

    King– usually this card means a married person. If we are talking about your husband, then take a closer look at the cards that are located next to him. The presence of peaks when fortune telling on cards indicates that this man will face troubles related to family relationships.

    This card acquires a special interpretation:

    with peaks - trouble;

    with diamonds - receiving money;

    with crosses - troubles;

    Ace– morning, spring; this is your home and your family. If there are clubs (any kind) nearby, get ready for quarrels and tears. You saw peaks in the neighborhood - your family hearth is in danger of trouble. And nearby diamonds will tell you about your financial condition.

    This card acquires a special interpretation:

    with an ace of diamonds - a joyful letter;

    with a ten of spades - sad news;

    with the jack of hearts - a pleasant message;

    with six crosses - a date and conversation on the street, in the evening;

    with the nine of spades - revelry, a date and a friend’s favor.

    Six– business trip or business trip. Take this journey with full responsibility - your future career depends on it.

    This card acquires a special interpretation:

    with a dozen crosses - unexpected departure;

    with the ace of hearts (with a figure) - a date in the morning;

    with an ace of diamonds - a date during the day;

    with the Ace of Crosses - a date in the evening;

    with the ace of spades - a date at night.

    Seven– you have to conduct business conversations (possibly not very pleasant ones). This may mean talking to your boss. Now it is difficult to say about the result of this conversation, but if the suit of spades is nearby, unfortunately, the conversation will not end well for you. A close road, news of success, inheritance, thoughts of the lady of the crosses.

    This card acquires a special interpretation:

    with the Ace of Crosses - successful completion of the trial, victory;

    with ten crosses - wealth and happiness (the same as nine and eight crosses);

    with the eight of spades - the fortuneteller is cheated on by his “second half”;

    with the jack of hearts (with four queens and sevens) - the imminent birth of a son;

    with a ten of hearts (with the other three sevens and queens or jacks) - the birth of a child.

    Eight– a meeting awaits you, on which your future fate will depend (talk about the professional aspect). There is a high probability that you will be offered a new job. If you see a king of any suit nearby (except for spades), according to the meaning of the cards during fortune telling, this is explained by the fact that you need to agree with the proposal, after which you will achieve great success.

    This card acquires a special interpretation:

    with the Ace of Crosses - success;

    with the king of crosses - rumors about events at sea, the death of a ship;

    with the lady of crosses - help from a relative or close woman;

    with the jack of crosses - an unexpected turn of happiness in favor of the fortuneteller;

    with a dozen crosses - quick acquisition of real estate, inheritance, wealth and happiness;

    with the jack of hearts - talk about losses;

    with seven crosses (in front of your card) - unexpected happiness;

    with the seven of crosses and the ace of hearts - a happy marriage or inheritance.

    Nine- an interesting map. In most cases, it means changes in life. The rest can be judged only after you consider the neighboring cards: - spades - troubles - diamonds - major purchase - hearts - changes in personal relationships. Inheritance, doubts; with a figure, it indicates that it will disappear from your life; pleasant conversation; with the same king, lady - love, jealousy.

    This card acquires a special interpretation:

    with nine or ten of hearts - success in love;

    with tambourines - the sure receipt of money and its useless waste on pleasure;

    with hearts - mutual love;

    with a ten of spades - money troubles;

    with the jack of hearts - travel;

    with the king of crosses - an influential person, a supportive person;

    with a dozen crosses - fun with loved ones, surprise;

    with a ten and an eight or seven of crosses - good luck, luck.

    Ten- wonderful card! A big profit awaits you, a lottery win, a bonus, an inheritance or something of the like that is directly related to finances. Congratulations!

    This card acquires a special interpretation:

    with seven crosses - joy, news of business;

    with six crosses - sudden departure;

    with ten tambourines - an indispensable receipt of money;

    with a dozen of hearts - success in love;

    with nine crosses - fun with loved ones, surprise;

    with eight crosses - inheritance, wealth, happiness;

    with nine and eight or seven of crosses - one of the happiest combinations, meaning well-being in all areas of life;

    with the Ace of Crosses - a change for the better; with the seven of spades (without an ace) - deception, tears;

    with the seven and six of crosses - a large society.

    Jack- a person in uniform or a military man below the rank of officer, a friend, protector and friend; without an ace or without a king - big troubles. If the jack of crosses comes up first in fortune telling, it means that the prediction will definitely come true. Probably one of them needs your help.

    This card acquires a special interpretation:

    with the seven of spades (rarely) - misfortune due to the machinations of enemies;

    between two ladies - an unfaithful wife;

    with a ten tambourine - success in money matters;

    with eight crosses - a military man; unexpected joy;

    between two jacks - a restless future.

    Lady- an unimportant card: if next to it: diamonds - we are talking about your employee who is hostile to you; worms - your husband probably has a mistress; spades - you will quarrel with your mother-in-law or neighbor, and the scandal will be very loud and unpleasant.

    This card acquires a special interpretation:

    with the lady of spades (with your card) - bad circumstances, courts, troubles due to marriage;

    with eight crosses - help from a relative or close woman.

    King– most likely, we are talking about your boss. But if you do not work, then such a card means an elderly man (father-in-law or father). Military; true friend.

    This card acquires a special interpretation:

    with crosses - a loved one, friend, husband, groom, lover; in general, it foretells happiness;

    with nine crosses - an influential person, a supportive person;

    with eight crosses - rumors about enterprises at sea, the death of a ship;

    with the Ace of Crosses - a happy outcome of a planned business, the fulfillment of desires;

    with a jack of crosses on your card (if you are not of the cross suit) - great grief;

    with one of the sixes - a road with a specific purpose; if the king of crosses does not appear in fortune telling, it is a failure.

    Ace– evening, autumn; When used in fortune telling, such a card means your business relationship or place of work. By the way, it is possible that you will receive some important news related to finances,

    This card acquires a special interpretation:

    with six - railway;

    with the king (in relation to the lady) - immodest love, courtship;

    with seven crosses - winning the case, victory;

    with the nine of hearts - tender love;

    with six crosses - a date and conversation on the street, on the road, in the evening; at peaks - death;

    with nine of spades - a profitable event;

    with the king of crosses - a happy outcome of the planned enterprise, a quick fulfillment of desire.

    Six– an unexpected trip related to solving unpleasant problems. These can be both financial issues and matters relating to your personal life. This journey will probably bring you tears and irritation. Long journey, late journey, with your map - loss.

    This card acquires a special interpretation:

    with a lance - a fun journey, with crosses - an unsuccessful one;

    with a nine or ten a tambourine - the road to money;

    with a seven or eight tambourine - concern about financial well-being;

    with hearts - a date with dear people.

    Seven- bad card. Usually, it means quarrels, scandals, etc. If the suit of hearts is nearby, then trouble awaits you in your personal relationships (perhaps your husband will decide to leave for another woman). There is a club card next to it - you will quarrel with one of your close friends or relatives. Next door is the suit of diamonds - trouble awaits you at work.

    This card acquires a special interpretation:

    with a jack of diamonds - depicts a merchant;

    with the jack of crosses - misfortune from enemies;

    with a ten of spades - unexpected news of a change in circumstances;

    with one of the eights - a treat;

    with a figure - trouble, especially with a nine of spades - trouble for loved ones;

    with the six of tambourines - problems in the family.

    Eight- be careful. Failure, sadness, conversation, illness, room, apartment of a respectable person; with seven peaks one should not guess on this day, with nine crosses - misfortune.

    This card acquires a special interpretation:

    with the jack of hearts - news of illness or death of loved ones or acquaintances;

    with seven crosses - betrayal of the beloved;

    with four kings - revelry, drunkenness.

    Nine- obvious illness. This does not mean that you are the one who will get sick - the case may concern one of your close relatives. Examine the cards that lie nearby: - ​​heart suit - your husband or one of your children will get sick - club suit - your mother, father, etc. will probably end up in the hospital - diamond suit - one of your children will have health problems business partners, and this may complicate your overall plans.

    This card acquires a special interpretation:

    with the ace of spades - illness;

    with the Ace of Crosses - benefit or harm (depending on the nearest light or dark card);

    with the Ace of Hearts - the closeness of a man, a woman, a joyful stay with a friend;

    with an ace of diamonds - cunning and deception of loved ones;

    with a ten of spades - unexpected receipt of money.

    Ten– unfortunately, this card does not mean anything good. In most cases, the ten of spades indicates that the collapse of some hopes, plans, etc. awaits you. Troubles, illnesses; with the king and lady - the wedding bed. Unfulfilled desires, failures, with the same king, lady - a prominent person shows interest in you.

    This card acquires a special interpretation:

    with the ace of spades - unexpected receipt of money;

    with nine of spades - misfortune;

    with nine of crosses - trouble in money matters;

    with an ace of diamonds - a mournful, sad letter;

    with one of the aces - a fake letter;

    with an eight of spades - illness, with one of the eights - unpleasant news;

    with the seven of spades - unexpected news of a change in circumstances;

    with a seven of tambourines - an unexpected offer;

    with a dozen crosses - recovery from illness;

    with a ten of hearts - great monetary interest in the future.

    Jack- means a person who can deceive you. Usually this card indicates fraud, and on the part of a person from whom you never expected such a trick. Quarrel or fight, bad or black-haired person, commoner, bad news, thoughts of the king of spades; illness of your children or grandchildren.

    This card acquires a special interpretation:

    with peaks in general - a faithful ally;

    with crosses - a liar, an envious person, a gossip;

    with a tambourine - an accomplice, a messenger, a drunken person;

    with a worm - friend;

    with the queen of spades - a big quarrel, a fight;

    with the eight of spades - a big nuisance between lovers.

    Lady– the meaning of the Queen of Spades in all fortune telling has the power of black magic, which is why she is called a witch. This is a strong black power and you can't expect anything good from this card. It means that a person has a curse or a family curse that was inflicted by an experienced witch or sorcerer. Old woman, boredom, gossip; bad woman, hindrance, quarrel. Between two figures - a disagreement between them, near your card - grief, trouble, especially with the seven of crosses or the nine of spades.

    This card acquires a special interpretation:

    with spades in general - a kind old lady;

    with crosses - a villain;

    with a tambourine - a greedy, envious woman who interferes in business and in love;

    with nine of hearts - happiness.

    King- an unpleasant card. You are likely to face major troubles associated with some high-ranking people. A respectable gentleman, an official endowed with great power, an enemy, a bad person, a rival.

    This card acquires a special interpretation:

    with peaks - portends good;

    with crosses - opposition and villainy;

    with the eight of spades (on the sides of your card) - long-term troubles;

    if the king of diamonds is right there - the help of a noble person;

    with a queen and jack - the help of a respectable person, a respectable family:

    with crosses - his hatred;

    with a tambourine - its location;

    Ace– night, winter; ambiguous card. If its point is directed upward, then a big disaster awaits you (serious illness, robbery, financial collapse, etc.), but if its point is directed downward, then get ready for a holiday and drinking (wedding, corporate party, birthday, etc.). d.)

    This card acquires a special interpretation:

    with a ten of spades - unexpected receipt of money;

    with ten diamonds (on the sides of your card) - a quarrel over money;

    with any six - travel;

    with the ace of crosses (both points up) - fright.

    Four sixes - a long trip.

    Four sevens are surmountable obstacles in love.

    Four eights - family troubles.

    Four nines - change for the better, success.

    Four tens - good luck; wedding.

    Four jacks - quarrels, troubles.

    Four ladies - gossip, gossip, intrigue.

    Four kings - glory, success.

    Four aces is a resounding success.

    One of the most famous participants in the TV show “Battle of Psychics,” Marilyn Kerro, published a short note on her official website in which she tells how to correctly determine your card suit when doing fortune telling. If you decide to make a layout for yourself or another person, then first you will need to determine which card will symbolize it. Each card suit, according to Marilyn Kerro, denotes a certain character and life values ​​of a person.

    Card suit of spades

    This card suit symbolizes the constant need to embody a person’s own ideas. Spades, as Marilyn Kerro notes, usually denote very smart and enterprising people who are ready to make any sacrifice for the well-being of their loved ones. Constant work on oneself allows representatives of this card suit to always be aware of events and, if necessary, take advantage of the current circumstances at their own discretion. The most important prerogative in peak life is work. They devote all their main energy and time to their professional aspirations and plans.

    Card suit of clubs

    People who are designated by the card suit of clubs are always quite thoughtful and inquisitive. In all their actions they are guided by a rational approach. Very often, clubs are endowed with talents and unusual abilities from birth. Clubs are the suit of witches and psychics. According to Marilyn Kerro, representatives of this card suit constantly experience a burning need to communicate with others and have a tendency to disputes and contradictions.

    Card suit of diamonds

    As psychic Marilyn Kerro says, tambourines can represent practical and receptive people. For representatives of this card suit, almost all areas of life are tied to financial issues. These people know how to handle money and do it skillfully. Tambourines have a very seasoned and strong character. Their ability to endure the most unfavorable situations in life can be envied. In life, tambourines often achieve excellent financial well-being and a high position in society.

    Hearts card suit

    Worms are very impressionable and emotional. In relationships with close people, they are always attentive to other people's desires and needs. Representatives of this card suit have a unique natural charm, which helps them in communicating with the opposite sex. Witch Marilyn Kerro believes that worms have creative, positive thinking, which in most cases makes them choose unusual professions. The card suit worms can be used to represent writers, directors, clergy, and so on.

    As Marilyn Kerro said on her website, in any card fortune-telling you must first of all follow the basic rules. And practically the most immutable of them is determining the card suit of the person for whom the layout is being made. It must be remembered that fortune telling will be correct only if you manage to carry it out correctly.

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    13.03.2014 13:51

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    Every person who decides to tell fortunes himself, or by turning to an experienced specialist, should understand well that fortune telling cannot be done for fun or curiosity - this is a very serious act, as a result of which he can receive answers about his future. If you do not follow the rules of fortune telling, at best, the cards will never reveal secrets to the fortuneteller, at worst, they will bring troubles and misfortunes upon him. During the performance of a fortune-telling ritual, a person must be as focused as possible on the process, nothing should distract his attention, therefore the very first condition of this session is complete silence. Fortune telling is done using a deck of cards that are intended only for this ritual and have never been in the game. Immediately before fortune telling, you need to determine your card, choosing the right suit to match yourself, and additionally, if necessary, the cards of those people on whom fortune telling is still being carried out.

    Each ancient nation has historically developed its own interpretation of the suits, as well as the rules for choosing the central card for the fortuneteller himself. As a result of centuries-old intertwining of history, and, accordingly, various traditions of fortune-telling, a universal description of cards has appeared, and now almost all people involved in fortune-telling use the same rules for choosing cards for a fortuneteller. It is very important before starting fortune-telling to have a clear idea of ​​who is considered and who, and remember your choice until the end of the fortune-telling session. There are several options for choosing cards, and you can follow the one you like best, clearly justifying your choice for yourself.

    A young unmarried girl must choose for herself the queen of diamonds, and, accordingly, her beloved - the king of diamonds. A woman under fifty years of age, as well as her husband or chosen one, are the queen of hearts and the king of hearts. A woman over fifty years old and her husband are the queen and king of the cross.

    You can choose cards for yourself based on your hair color. Hearts are suitable for blondes, Diamonds are suitable for people with brown hair, Clubs are suitable for brown-haired people, Spades are suitable for people with black hair.
    You can also choose a card for a fortuneteller according to his zodiac sign, focusing your choice on it. Clubs, symbolizing Fire, Power, belong to the fire signs of the Zodiac Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. Tambourines, symbolizing the Earth, Material wealth, Wealth, belong to Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. Hearts, symbolizing Air, Love, belong to Gemini, Libra, Aquarius. Peaks symbolizing Water, Misfortune, belong to Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.

    And finally, another option for choosing cards for the fortuneteller, as well as for the person for whom fortune telling is being carried out, is associated with the characteristics of the person’s character and personality. A clever adventurer, prone to lies, scams and various kinds of fraud, corresponds to the suit of Clubs. A cheerful, sincere, open to communication, loving person corresponds to the suit of Hearts. A strong-willed person, invested with power, a military man, very rich, a business man corresponds to the suit of the Diamond. A gloomy, taciturn, angry, gloomy, sick person corresponds to the suit of Spades.

    The choice of card must be justified in accordance with the above methods of determining the card and suit for the fortuneteller, as well as the person being told fortunes. The right choice puts the symbolic figure of a person on his map at the very center of the situations under discussion, making it the most important, controlling and organizing factor in fortune telling. The objectivity and correctness of the results obtained in the process of card fortune-telling directly depends on the adequacy of the choice of card and suit.

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