Learn Spanish online. How to quickly learn Spanish on your own: top important points

Data from the Cervantes Institute confirms, and practice confirms, that Spanish ranks second after Chinese in distribution. More than 495 million people communicate on it. If we talk about international communication, then here too Spanish holds the silver, after English. And on the World Wide Web it is only in third place. However, experts are sure that this is not the limit. There is a forecast that by 2030, 7.5% of the population will speak Spanish. globe. If you want to be among them, and at the same time read Borges, Cervantes, Lope de Vega in the original, then it’s time to study.

Today you can learn Spanish with the help of mobile applications for Android and iOS: dictionaries, phrase books, flashcards for learning words and topics, verb conjugators, communication with native speakers... Most applications are paid, but we suggest familiarizing yourself with the main programs that are available in a free format.

Words Run

The application is ideal for beginners and those who want to increase their lexicon. “Running Words” suggests learning using the “unconscious mode of perception” method, and this speeds up the memorization of words by 5-10 times. Spelling and pronunciation trainers will appear on your phone. To improve your listening comprehension of Spanish, there are audio dialogues and videos. For the convenience of the user, all phrases and words are presented in solid thematic blocks - they can be opened at your discretion, at any convenient time and in any sequence.


The main tools for learning Spanish in the Busuu app are dictionaries and grammar. By devoting just 10 minutes to the application, you can improve your knowledge. Moreover, the user is prompted to immediately select his level: beginner, elementary, intermediate, advanced or travel course. Each level has its own tasks, topics, dialogues and screening tests. A special plus is the ability to send completed exercises to a native speaker for verification.

The application has paid content.


More than 5 million people are already learning Spanish using the Wlingua app. The program allows you to choose the language variant you need: castellano, which is spoken in Spain, or español, which is practiced in Mexico. The course includes clear, cartoonish tasks on grammar, vocabulary, and reading. There is a large Spanish-Russian dictionary.

Two types of accounts are available: basic with free access to some tasks and premium, where you will have big choice materials for effective learning Spanish.


Duolingo is the most popular simulator for learning foreign languages. More than 150 million people use it. Many people use the application as an addition to school lessons and university courses. But the most important thing is that learning is more like a game with interesting interactive tasks, video lessons and short exercises to consolidate knowledge.


The Babbel application is one of those educational resources that gradually introduce the student to the course of action. For this purpose, the rule “from simple to complex” is used. The methodological base of the resource is based on the use of interactive tools and effective technologies to use all types of memory at once. So you will be offered media materials, live dialogues, topics. All this will help you master the Spanish language at written, oral and spoken levels.


Rosetta Stone

Rosetta Stone is a unique application. Instead of asking you to learn Spanish in Russian, the service will force you to learn Spanish in Spanish. The app tries to teach you Spanish the way children learn it, i.e. without any extraneous information. You'll only be shown words, phrases, and videos in Spanish, and you'll have to guess what they mean. It's a completely immersive experience. This app is loved all over the world.

Open Language

Open Language takes a very serious approach to learning Spanish. The application offers several levels to explore. But each lesson focuses on one dialogue. After listening to the recording, you can read the transcript of the dialogue, find new words, study the grammar section, complete exercises and tests.

Spanish is the second most widely spoken language in the world, second only to Chinese. It is officially recognized as a second language international communication and is public not only in Spain, but also in many other countries. That is why another selection of language YouTube channels The life hacker decided to dedicate it specifically to Spanish.

1. Spanish for beginners

On this channel you will find many lessons for language learners on their own from scratch. Each lesson is a short video that covers one small element of the Spanish language. Thus, you can study even during breaks between your main work or in any other free minute. There is also a short Spanish course for tourists, which will be useful if you are going on a short trip.


If you have already achieved some success in Spanish, but want to improve your level, you should turn to lessons from a native speaker. The PRACTIQUEMOS channel was created and supported by the efforts of a professional Spanish teacher who has been posting useful tips, examples and exercises for your students.

3. Spanish lessons with Petrov

Dmitry Petrov is a very popular polyglot, translator, and teacher who has developed his own original method of learning a foreign language. It offers to master the basics of the Spanish language in just 16 study hours. And the most interesting thing is that it really works. During this time, of course, you will not learn to speak Spanish fluently, but you will lay a solid foundation of knowledge.

4. The Web Spanish School

This channel contains video courses of the Spanish language in six parts. A total of several hundred lessons from qualified and experienced Spanish teachers. A priceless gift.

5. Spanish from scratch

The main value of this channel is that it is aimed at improving the most necessary skills: listening comprehension and colloquial speech. You can learn all the grammar rules, memorize a large number of words, but never achieve fluency in the language. Therefore, Lifehacker advises starting your study with this video course, which allows you to hear correct pronunciation the most popular phrases and have plenty of practice in reproducing them.

Bonus: LIFE in SPAIN

As a bonus, there is a wonderful channel that, although it does not contain educational materials in the literal sense of the word, will tell you a lot about life in Spain. It is led by a Russian girl who studies in this beautiful country. In her videos, she talks about how to move to Spain, go to university, learn a language, and many other interesting things.

Spanish is one of the most popular languages ​​in the world after English. It is very beautiful and melodic, which makes learning it interesting even for a beginner.

From constant study you will not have to overload your brain with terms, rules and exceptions. You will gradually get used to the new language and master information every day without wasting time on repetition. If you study once a week, most of the time will be spent refreshing your memory of the information you have already covered.

Movement from simple to complex

It is not necessary to immediately speak Spanish and know it by heart. It is better to build the learning process step by step, so as not to overload the brain with unnecessary information and complex structures. It's best to choose a Spanish textbook that you like best.

Using a textbook or self-instruction manual, you can get a ready-made training program. Lesson by lesson methodological material will introduce you to the intricacies of Spanish. Also, the learning process can be supplemented with audio and video materials, which will make it faster.

Learn new words with a dictionary

When learning Spanish, the dictionary should be yours. true friend. You can buy two at once - Spanish-Russian and Russian-Spanish. To begin with, it is better to choose a small format, about 5-10 thousand words, and carry it with you. With its help, you can easily try your hand at Spanish, because if a word is unfamiliar, you can look it up in the dictionary.

Another similar option is to use an online translator. The Internet is full of sites and applications that will help you translate words from Russian to Spanish and back. This will significantly expand your vocabulary and help you quickly master a new language.

Don't memorize words separately

A point that smoothly follows from the previous one - you should not memorize words in alphabetical order or just alone. It is best to immediately use them in context in order to remember stable phrases. For a new word you learn, it’s better to immediately come up with 3-4 variants of word combinations that will help you learn it in different meanings.

Grammar is important

No matter how it may seem that grammar is unimportant for simple communication, you cannot do without it. It is best to immediately pay attention to grammatical rules and sentence construction. Of course, in speech you can express something with gestures or explain it tolerably, distorting the words. But for proper language learning, it is simply impossible to skip such an important section.

Don't be afraid to make a grammatical mistake in a sentence, because everyone makes mistakes. However, the methodological base will gradually become fixed in the head, and an understanding of the language will come.

Use different techniques

Everyone is different, so what works for one may not work for another. Choose teaching material that is suitable for you. Didn't like one textbook? Take another one! One online course on the Internet did not suit you? Try your hand at something else.

It is best to combine several methods at once, for example, study from a textbook and watch. Choose the method that suits you, and then training will take place faster and more efficient.

Surround yourself with Spanish

One of the most effective ways learn Spanish - completely surround yourself with it. You can start with something simple - paste cards with Spanish words, tables with verbs and other teaching materials throughout the house. You can replace Russian TV channels with Spanish ones, watch movies and TV series only on it, and listen to Spanish news in the morning.

Another effective option- transfer your laptop, phone or social media into Spanish. Anyway, you intuitively already know what is located where. This method will help you get used to a new language and gradually learn unfamiliar words.

Constant practice

The main problem of all beginning students is lack of practice, especially in speaking. This can be easily corrected by gradually accustoming yourself to using Spanish in life. You definitely need to write in Spanish, even just letters to friends or short essays.

Or immerse yourself in the language environment and culture of the country by watching TV series and films, first with subtitles, and then in the original translation. In this way, step by step, Spanish will enter your life and become a part of it.

Don't forget to use it regularly to learn Spanish as well. They will help out when there is very little time for a lesson, but practice is needed.

Repeat what you've learned

It’s not for nothing that they say that repetition is the mother of learning; this certainly applies to learning a new language. Before you start learning something new, it is best to review everything that has been covered. It is best to constantly apply the learned material in practice so that it is remembered as quickly as possible.

For example, when learning ten new words, you can compose a short text or oral story with them. You can come up with three derivatives for each word. The main thing is, do not be lazy to repeat the material and do not rush to start new things until the old information is well established.

Learning a new language is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. The main thing is to adhere to strict discipline and build a clear training plan. Also, when learning a language, constant practice is important, and even better - live communication with native speakers. And no laziness!

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Every year the interpenetration of peoples is gaining momentum. Globalization is intensifying, and with it comes the formation of new international corporations and other small and medium-sized businesses. Our country also has similar systems. Become partners different countries, but most often these are European countries. To communicate with foreigners, you need to speak a foreign language, most often English, since it is a global language. However, other European dialects are gradually gaining popularity - French, German, Italian, Spanish.

You can learn a language through courses or from a tutor. The cost of classes is usually quite high, so not everyone can afford such pleasure. What to do if there is no money for training, but you need to know the language in the near future? Many people try to study on their own at home, and most succeed. How to learn it yourself from scratch, is it possible, what is necessary for this - these and other questions will be discussed in the article.

Language description

Refers to Romanesque, which originally came from Latin. Related languages ​​include English, French and other European dialects. Their similarities resemble More than 60% of their structures and grammatical systems, as well as vocabulary, have many similarities.

The birthplace of the Romanesque is Rome. Latin gave its “children” grammar, most of the morphology and syntax. The differences are significant, but the foundation is the same throughout, and when analyzing the foundation of each of the languages ​​in this group, the similarities are obvious.

Language prevalence

The state that is the carrier of the described dialect is Spain. Almost the entire population owns it. However, there are some areas where local dialects have taken root, but their residents can also use classic Spanish if necessary.

In addition to Europe, the language is actively used in countries South America, where it was brought several hundred years ago by colonists. It took root there quite firmly, which is why it became official in countries such as Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Colombia, and others.

Complexity of language

If you understand whether it is difficult to learn Spanish, then you can approach it from two sides.

  1. Knowing another European language makes it easier to remember the next one. This rule should be attributed to the relationship of dialects. They come from the same beginning, so partly all grammatical, lexical and other constructions will be similar, which will facilitate learning. However, every language is built on vocabulary, so learning new words and pronunciation is still quite difficult.
  2. The new language is the first. When there is no definite basis in mind or a general idea of ​​the foundation, learning will be difficult. You will have to remember the basics of grammar, syntax, etc. With clean slate. On the other hand, for many this can be a plus, because there will be no confusion or incorrect associations with another language in the head.

Beginners getting acquainted with foreign speech often wonder how to learn Spanish. It is possible to do this at home, but you need to know where to start and what you will need. This will be written below.

Self-study materials

To learn Spanish from scratch on your own, you will need a large number of teaching materials.

First you need to buy textbooks. You can choose classic school books or special ones marked “Tutorial”. In the first option, a standard program will be presented, where the lessons will go in order without additional explanations, which are usually done by the teacher. In the second, after each new material there will be notes and nuances will be written down. Knowledge will become more structured, and its acquisition will be more consistent. Which one to choose depends on the person’s personal desires.

An equally important part of learning is listening. Many schoolchildren are familiar with unloved listening sessions aimed at understanding the speaker. You have to concentrate, but even that is quite difficult to do. No matter how unpleasant such activities may be, they make a decisive contribution to learning a new language. When communicating with a native speaker, first of all you will need to be able to listen to him and understand what he is talking about. How to learn Spanish on your own from scratch? Constantly analyze foreign speech by ear. Discs are often included with printed materials that include listening tasks. If there are none, you can look for TV series or films in the language you are learning with subtitles, try to watch them and listen to the speech.

Self-study scheme

You should always start with the basics. Typically, good learning materials present lessons as they become more difficult, so you can follow them without having to worry about what to learn first. Every new lesson you need to carefully practice it for several days until the design or vocabulary is completely stuck in your head. Figuratively speaking, even waking up at night, a person must call new material without hesitation, then you can move on to the new. This is the second nuance that answers the question of how to independently learn Spanish from scratch.

It is advisable to add audio material to each lesson. You should not neglect it, because memorization occurs much better when different senses are involved. Visually, the design will be in memory, and if you listen to it a few more times, it is unlikely to be erased by time.

As the material becomes more complex, you need to start speaking it out. Having learned a couple of words, say them out loud, listen to the sound, remember the intonation of the speaker from the recording, repeat. Such procedures need to be done as often as possible, because then the language will be memorized at the physical level.

Self-study programs

Despite the fact that the algorithm of actions in almost all training schemes is the same, some programs stand out significantly from the rest.

Most striking is Zamyatkin's program. His method is very unusual, to the common man seems stupid and incredible. The scheme is based on just listening and speaking texts. The learning materials include several dialogues in the target language. The author himself writes that you need to listen to them until each sound becomes clear. Along with the audio material, a printed version of the dialogues in the language being studied is included, which also needs to be reviewed regularly. When the stage of understanding the sounds is passed, you need to start pronouncing the texts, and exactly as the speakers themselves say.

After a certain understanding of the language has been formed, you need to start watching films, reading books in an unfamiliar dialect, and try to do this without subtitles and, accordingly, a dictionary. The author claims that understanding will come on its own.

Actions need to be done with all dialogues. Training takes a lot of time, but it is individual for everyone. It all depends on the person’s abilities and his desire to learn.

Each language is interesting and complex in its own way, but absolutely any one can be learned. The main thing is not to forget about Additional materials in the form of literature or cinema.

It is very useful when studying to begin to take an overall interest in the culture of the country where the dialect is spoken. Then a special foreign atmosphere will penetrate the entire being of the student, will be quickly overcome and understanding will come.

How long does it take to learn Spanish? This question will have an individual answer for everyone, because everything depends on the person’s efforts and desire to learn new things.

Spanish tutorial necessary for self-study. Spanish tutorial will help you start studying Spanish, Spanish tutorial- Your guide in language learning, Spanish tutorial- a way to learn Spanish at no cost. The Spanish tutorial is designed in accordance with modern concept intensive training foreign languages. The method of working with the Spanish self-teacher is simple, but, nevertheless, it brings positive results. The Spanish language tutorial is intended primarily for self-study Spanish from zero level, i.e. Great for beginners. From the Spanish language self-instruction manual, you will gain basic knowledge of phonetics, grammar, and the peculiarities of constructing sentences in Spanish. The following Spanish language tutorial for beginners consists of 60 lessons covering the basic knowledge necessary so that in just a couple of months you can freely and easily communicate with native Spanish speakers in any Spanish-speaking country in the world. The Spanish language self-teacher will significantly improve your speech literacy and language skills, and also form a basic vocabulary. With the help of a Spanish language tutorial, you can easily master spoken Spanish in a short period of time. The Spanish language self-teacher will provide you with the most modern additional language phrases and expressions that are most often found in our Everyday life. The emphasis in the Spanish language tutorial is on oral and written speech. All new material is given in connection with what has already been studied, so as a result you will receive systematized knowledge of the Spanish language. All Spanish language self-teaching lessons are equipped with audio files that will help you bring your speech as close as possible to Spanish pronunciation. This Spanish tutorial is not a tutorial at all in the usual sense. This is more of a grammar guide for those who want to figure it out on their own. The material in the Spanish tutorial is perfectly selected and structured, so those who conscientiously master this tutorial will be able to explain themselves normally in standard situations. When learning Spanish with the help of a Spanish tutorial, never try to quickly go through all the educational material - the benefit from such a pace of learning will be zero. This Spanish language tutorial is designed for daily lessons of 20-30 minutes. Working with the Spanish language self-teacher is quite easy: at the end of each lesson you are asked to complete a simple exercise to review the material covered. If you turn learning Spanish into an exciting hobby with the help of our Spanish language tutorial, then success in mastering it will not be long in coming. The Spanish tutorial presented in this article is an effective tool for learning Spanish. Study with our Spanish self-teacher every day and the results will not take long to arrive!

Spanish tutorial

Lesson 1. Gender of nouns. Indefinite articles

Lesson 3. Word order in a sentence. Interrogative and negative sentences

Lesson 4. Using the words es and está. Prepositions

Lesson 6. Plurals of nouns and adjectives. Use of articles in plural. number

Lesson 8. Using acento. Personal pronouns. I verb conjugation. Conjugation of the verbs ir and estar in the present tense

Lesson 9. Merging the preposition a with the definite article. Conjugation of the verb comenzar in the present tense

Lesson 10. Reflexive pronoun. Conjugation of the reflexive verb lavarse

Lesson 11. 2nd conjugation of verbs. Conjugation of some irregular verbs. Case relations of nouns

Lesson 14. Possessive pronouns-adjectives. Individual verb conjugation: salir, oir, venir

Lesson 15. Verb ir + a + infinitive. 2nd group of verbs of deviant conjugation. Individual conjugation of irregular verbs: traer, poner, ser

Lesson 18. Case relations of interrogative pronouns ¿qué? ¿quién?. Adverb tanto-tan. Conjugation of the irregular verb reir

Lesson 19. Personal pronouns (continued). Verb conjugation: poder, saber, acordarse, conocer

Lesson 23. Conjugation of irregular verbs ver, encontrar, pedir. Personal pronouns (continued)

Lesson 27. Conjugation of the deviant verb of the 1st group cerrar. Conjugation of irregular verbs decir, ser, saber, querer

Lesson 28. Features of using personal pronouns in a sentence. Formation of the diminutive form of nouns

Lesson 29. Verb tense agreement. Gerundio. Verbal noun

Lesson 30. Using the word mismo. Conjugation of the verb ir in pretérito simple

Lesson 36. Construction estar + gerundio. Passive voice of verbs
