How to make your computer run faster in Windows 10. Video: how to delete temporary files

Does the speed of your Sony, HP, Samsung, Asus, Lenovo, Toshiba or Acer laptop with Windows 10 installed want the best?

Improving the performance of a Windows 10 laptop is not difficult. You will need to make a number of changes to optimize it, then it will work faster.

Although the guide below is intended for casual users to more advanced users, this does not mean that anyone will not be able to speed up their laptop and thereby increase its performance.

The first thing I suggest you do is create a system restore point. For some reason, this feature is disabled by default in Windows 10. Use it yourself.

This will not only allow you to return the settings to their original place if something goes wrong, but also protect yourself from many problems in the future.

Second, disable spyware. Ten is “watching you,” but this does not speed up the laptop’s performance in any way.

Increase laptop speed on Windows 10 - step one

Open Device Manager and check if the components have a yellow exclamation mark, which indicates that the driver is missing.

To install drivers, it is best to visit the manufacturer's website, especially for peripheral devices.

There is actually another way, it is even faster and simpler. For those who don’t want to look for drivers on their own, look and do it as described here.

NOTE: Never rely on updating drivers directly through Device Manager. He searches the Microsoft database, but it’s not particularly encouraging.

Improving the performance of a laptop with Windows 10 - step two

To work freely, disable User Account Control. The so-called UAS is indeed a nuisance, and a reduction in the level of control does not necessarily mean danger.

This is done like this: press the “Win ​​+ X” key combination, select “control panel” and go to the “user accounts” section.

In it, click on the line: “change user account control settings” and change accordingly.

Setting up a laptop with Windows 10 for maximum performance - step three

You can improve performance by changing your power settings. High may stabilize some games.

To do this, press “Win ​​+ X” again, only now select “power management” and set it to “high performance”.

Increasing performance in a laptop on Windows 10 - step four

To optimize the system, you can turn off indexing and defragmentation, which is enough to do once a year manually.

Both of these functions are unnecessary for the vast majority. Your actions: select the “Win ​​+ X” button combination and click on “disk management”.

Then select the disk, right-click on it and go to the “properties” tab and uncheck the indexing box.

Increase laptop performance on Windows 10 - step five

The system constantly turns on and runs in the background many completely unnecessary services.

You can safely turn them off without any fear for the performance of your computer.

The list that can be disabled is collected on this page, but you can create your own, leaving something, adding something.

Improving laptop performance with Windows 10 - step six

If you have been using your PC for a long time (installing and uninstalling applications), then it’s time to clean the registry and garbage.

This will undoubtedly help you make your PDA faster and improve its performance.

An excellent free program (in Russian) CCleaner will help you with this.

When using it, pay attention to two options: cleaning and registry. These are the ones you should be interested in, although it would be nice to use others as well.

All of them are designed to optimize the operating system. This is where I'll probably finish.

There is another good procedure - manually delete some entries and add some.

Only the register is a delicate matter, like “East”. Therefore, I will skip this option in this post.

To describe everything in detail, you will need a whole article, but this one has already reached quite a small size and not everyone will read it to the end.

Today we are all in a hurry so as not to lose our happiness, completely not noticing that it is always near us - take it and rejoice.

No, we want more until we reach a ripe old age and only then do we wonder why we didn’t enjoy life, but were always in a hurry to get somewhere. Good luck.

How to Speed ​​Up a Windows 10 Laptop

After installing the new Windows 10 operating system, users often wonder why the laptop slows down? There are many reasons for this: from a banal lack of RAM to a virus attack on the system. However, in any case, the performance of a Windows 10 laptop can be changed. To do this, just perform a few simple manipulations, first creating a system restore point.

Read also: How to increase RAM on a Windows 10 PC using a flash drive?

Optimizing Windows 10 performance by installing the correct software

If you are interested in the question of how to speed up a laptop with Windows 10, then first of all, before making drastic decisions, you need to check that the drivers are installed correctly. Often, missing or non-original drivers slow down the system boot.

To check, you should perform the following steps:

  • Right-click on the “Start” button. Select "Device Manager".

  • A new window will open. Open the branch for each device and see if there is a yellow icon.

  • Then right-click on the device name and select “Properties”. Next, go to the “Driver” tab and click “Details”.

  • It is worth checking the originality of the driver. If it is not there, then you need to download it from the manufacturer’s official website. If there is no software compatible with Windows 10, the system itself will download and install the universal Microsoft driver.

System slowdown may be caused by User Account Control. Its work can be stopped. This will not affect the security of the system. Therefore, we do the following:

  • Right-click on the Start icon and select Control Panel. Go to the “User Accounts” section.

  • In the menu on the left, select “Manage user profiles.” In the main part of the window, click on the “Change User Account Control Settings” link.

  • A new window will open. We convert the “High” level to “Low”.

Adjusting Power Settings as an Optimization Method

On a laptop with Windows 10, each user can independently select the power mode. The speed of the system also depends on this mode. Therefore, the following setting will be optimal:

  • Go to the “Control Panel”. Select the “Small Icons” view mode. Click “Power Options”.

  • Set the "High Performance" checkbox.

Editing system startup

  • Press “Win+R” and enter “msconfig”.

  • Go to the “Startup” tab and disable unnecessary programs.

If you don't use cloud storage or programs to manage printers and scanners, you should disable them too. Disabling them will have a positive effect on the performance of a Windows 10 laptop.

Setting up graphic and sound effects as a way to optimize

You can speed up Windows 10 by freeing up your desktop. First, remove shortcuts and programs themselves that are not used. Personal files and folders should be transferred to local drive D. Next steps will be as follows:

  • Turn off visual effects. Right-click on the “Start” icon and select “System”. Next on the left is “Advanced system settings”. In the “Advanced” tab, in the “Performance” section, click “Options”.

  • If you check “Ensure the best performance” in the new window, all visual effects will be disabled on Windows 10. Therefore, we recommend selecting “Special effects” and specifying only the necessary ones.

In addition to graphic effects, which can increase system boot time, it is worth paying attention to sound effects. To turn off the sound, do the following:

  • Go to “Control Panel”, select “Sound”.
  • A new window will open. In the “Sounds” tab, select the “Silent” scheme.

IMPORTANT! With this action you do not turn off the sound, but only remove sounds during messages and other actions.

Read also: How to make windows transparent in Windows 10?

Defragmentation and cleaning of the system from garbage to speed up the laptop

If your laptop is slow, you can speed it up by cleaning the system of debris and defragmenting the disk. Both the first and second steps can be performed using third-party programs and standard Windows tools.

Let's look at cleaning the system using the example of the CCleaner program, which is compatible with the new product.

  • We launch the program, go to the “Cleaning” section and set the marks as in the screenshot.

  • Optimization in the standard way is performed as follows. Right-click on the hard drive and select “Properties”. In the new window, click “Disk Cleanup”.

Also, if you are interested in how to increase the performance of a laptop, then you should pay attention to a process such as defragmentation. This process significantly increases the speed of the hard drive, and therefore the system itself. You can perform defragmentation using the Auslogics Disk Defrag program. However, we will consider an example of defragmentation using standard means.

  • Go to "Explorer". Right-click on the icon of the disk that you want to defragment and select “Properties”. Go to the “Service” tab and click “Optimize”.

  • A window will open. Select the disk and click “Analyze”.

  • The PC will be defragmented for some time. You shouldn't do anything at this time.

What should you not do to speed up Windows 10?

All of the above methods for speeding up your computer are absolutely safe and harmless to the system. However, users often resort to other optimization methods that are not suitable for Windows 10. Let’s highlight the main ones:

  • Disable updates.
  • Disable services that are not familiar.
  • Disable file indexing.
  • Disabling the paging file.
  • Installing programs to speed up the system and adding them to startup.

To learn how to speed up Windows 10, watch the video:

Speed ​​up your computer and laptop in Windows 10

The owner of any computer eventually comes to search for an answer to the question of how to speed up the operation of a laptop and computer on Windows 10 without resorting to buying expensive components. In today’s article we’ll talk about what factors and how they affect system performance and get acquainted with ways to increase computer performance in a wide variety of cases.

Note that we will not talk about increasing the power of the system by purchasing and replacing components; we will only consider problems that slow down the functioning of the PC, relating to the software part, in particular settings, garbage and file fragmentation. As for applications for automatic cleaning and system optimization, their operation should be carried out with an understanding of what these applications do and how they speed up the computer. Without this, it is better not to use such software to avoid negative consequences, which are eliminated by rolling back the system, resetting it or reinstalling it.

Huge list of automatically starting applications, services and drivers

Very often, the source of slow startup, and as a result, the functioning of the computer, are those applications, services and drivers that begin to launch immediately after loading the desktop and all system components. Their simultaneous start slows down the finishing stage of launching Windows 10 and its further work, especially when using an old computer/laptop with up to 4 GB of RAM.

And the most interesting thing is that most users do not even suspect that there are many applications in startup, because they themselves have not added anything there. The introduction of applications into autorun occurs during their first launch or during the installation stage, which the user is not always notified about.

By opening the startup list, the user will see all the programs that start with Windows 10. The following applications are most often integrated into startup (for convenience, we classify them into categories).

1. Applications for working with peripheral devices: cameras, printers, MFPs, mobile phones, Bluetooth, applications for laptop power management. Usually on a PC there are 2-3 such programs, and on a laptop there are even more; they slow down the computer’s startup and performance, but only a few use these utilities: you can print and scan through your preferred office programs and graphics viewers, and you can configure the power consumption scheme in the Control Panel.

2. Download managers and clients for working in torrent networks. These utilities should not be run along with the operating system unless you are constantly downloading or sharing files. The download manager should be launched when there is a need to download (or distribute) something. In the case of peer-to-peer clients, these tiny applications, after adding several downloads from a large number files begin to consume hundreds of megabytes of RAM. This leads to slowdowns on laptops. Not only does the torrent client consume up to 1 GB of RAM, but it also significantly loads the physical disks, which is not an easy test for a portable device with a hard drive whose revolutions are 5400 per minute.

3. OneDrive and other cloud storage services that few people use. Network storage from Microsoft automatically starts in Windows 10, and if you do not use it, the service should be removed from startup.

4. Unnecessary programs that are installed along with other products, if you inadvertently do not uncheck the corresponding boxes in one of the installer windows. Such programs include Sputnik, Amigo, Yandex browser, Bing search bar and other similar products.

5. Other applications that the user did not put into startup or is not even aware of their existence. Information about each of them can be gleaned from the Internet and you can conclude that you need to launch the program yourself.

Here are instructions that will show you how to speed up Windows 10 startup by removing junk from startup.

1. Call “Task Manager” through the context menu of the Taskbar.

2. Expand it by clicking “Details”.

4. Using the context menu of each unnecessary object, we exclude it from the list of automatically loaded ones with the operating system.

How can I speed up Windows 10 startup? We visit the Control Panel applet “Programs\Components” and uninstall unnecessary software from the computer.

Surveillance in Windows 10

Everyone knows about the “ten” tracking all user actions on the computer and sending a lot of confidential data to Microsoft servers. In addition to intruding into your personal life, spying functions consume a lot of system resources and the network channel. Surveillance is disabled during installation of the operating system, through its “Settings” and special applications. For more information about this, see the guide dedicated to this topic.

Programs in Start

Start tiles consume system resources, and if they are not needed, such applications should be deactivated.

This is done by unpinning tiles through their context menu. You can remove these programs via PowerShell, which is also described in more detail on our website.


Unused device drivers placed in startup, and non-original/outdated software to control the functioning of PC hardware. Unneeded drivers can be removed from autorun through the Starter program, but you should not be too zealous here, and drivers for the chipset, video card and SATA controllers must be downloaded from their official support resources and reinstalled by deleting or replacing their old versions. In the case of video adapter drivers, they can be removed using Display Driver Uninstaller.

It is imperative to replace device drivers whose properties on the “Driver” tab list the vendor as Microsoft.

Beautiful visual effects and sound accompaniment of system events

Ever since the days of XP and 7, many are familiar with the method of increasing system performance by disabling visual effects for windows and menus, such as casting shadows, transparency, animation and others. All graphic effects that accompany most actions in Explorer are disabled through the system properties.

1. Call the Start context menu.

2. Select “System”.

3. Go to advanced system parameters.

4. In the “Advanced” tab, click on the “Performance” button.

5. Move the checkbox to the “Ensuring the best performance” position or manually remove the checkboxes from the effects that should be deactivated. In this way, you can increase the speed of your computer/laptop without significantly compromising the graphical appearance of the Windows 10 environment.

Through "Options" called Win + I, you can visit the accessibility section. In the last section “Other options” we disable the first option, which is responsible for playing animation in the Windows 10 environment.

Additionally, go to the personalization section in the same “Settings” window and in the “Colors” section deactivate the transparency effect of the Taskbar, Start and Action Center. This will have a positive effect on the speed of the PC.

A slight increase in PC speed can be achieved by disabling the annoying sound of system events. Call the “Sound” applet, where on the “Sounds” tab we select the “Silent” scheme and save the new settings. Now Windows 10 will not access the hard drive to play the corresponding audio file.

Malicious applications

If, after following the above recommendations, your computer still slows down and you don’t know how to speed up Windows 10, then pay attention to the presence of unwanted programs in the system that antiviruses do not consider as such. To detect this kind of application, you should use the domestic development AVZ or the AdwCleaner utility, despite the presence of an antivirus on your computer.


To speed up startup and reduce its resource consumption, check the add-ons (plugins) for it. Perhaps the abundance of extensions and toolbars negatively affects the operation of the Internet browser. Additionally, you should clear your browser history and cache - this will reduce the number of read operations performed during application startup.


Due to the recording of information on the HDD, files are written not in sequential sectors, but chaotically, which is why sectors of one file may be located in different parts of the disk. This greatly reduces the speed of access to documents, because the reading head has to literally run across the entire surface of the drive in a certain order in order to read the required file. An operation called defragmentation will help tidy up the file system and place sectors with fragments of one file sequentially.

1. Call “Properties” of any volume.

2. Go to the “Service” tab.

3. Click on the “Optimize” icon.

4. Select a partition (preferably start with the system one) and click “Optimize”.

During the defragmentation process, the computer should not be loaded with read-write operations, so as not to slow down the optimization process.

To keep Windows 10 running fast, follow these guidelines:

  • Keep the operating system and all software, primarily drivers, up to date - stay tuned for updates.
  • Periodically clean your computer and system registry of debris using, for example, CCleaner.
  • If you use your PC carefully, you should consider removing the antivirus program and firewall, and use only the built-in protection tool, periodically checking the system for malware using AVZ or another preferred analogue.
  • Make sure that the system volume has at least 5 GB of free space for storing temporary files and correct installation programs. If the volume is large, free space should be at least 10% of its total size.

Errors in Windows 10 optimization

The first thing you should not do in order to increase the speed of your computer is using utilities to automatically clean, optimize and configure the system without knowing what these programs are probably doing.

If you have knowledge and confidence in your actions (by creating a system resuscitation point), you can disable unnecessary system services to increase the speed of startup and operation of the computer. But you should not touch unknown services or disable virtually everything in a row - this can lead to errors and/or problems with the functioning of something (the network primarily suffers).

How to speed up a laptop on Windows 10: instructions

Many owners of PCs and laptops are accustomed to the seventh version of the Windows operating system and do not want to switch to the “ten”. But in vain. It's much more productive. But it requires some setup. Like any system. But when correct setting In all parameters the difference will be noticeable. Let's talk about how to speed up a laptop on Windows 10. Because this is an eternal problem. Laptops tend to be more problematic than PCs. Let's fine-tune the "tens" on laptops.

Why do this?

This is necessary for the computer to work quickly and stably. Everyone is annoyed by slowdowns and glitches. And this action will help the laptop work quickly and stably. However, some not particularly advanced users take the word of many “gurus” from the Internet and configure their laptop in such a way that there can be no talk of any performance. You need to know how to speed up a laptop on Windows 10 and not trust the “pros” from the Internet. Because you can seriously harm your device. Up to and including death. Laptops with SSD drives are especially susceptible to this.

System optimization will also be useful for those who love games. It is known that the “ten” is perfectly optimized for gamers. But more careful tuning can improve performance. The increase will be noticeable to the naked eye. How to speed up a laptop on Windows 10? We'll talk about this below.


The most a big problem any Windows family system. The fact is that some programs are placed in startup without the user’s knowledge and mercilessly “eat” system resources. At the same time, the owner of the laptop does not even use these programs. There is only one way out: remove unnecessary applications from startup. The most interesting thing is that even system applications load the computer quite well. For example, One Drive, which no one needs, hangs in startup all the time and “eats” the device’s RAM. Organizing system startup is the first answer to the question of how to speed up the performance of a laptop on Windows 10.

To do this, you must first call the task manager using the Ctrl, Alt, Del key combination. There you need to go to the "Startup" tab. The manager will display a list of applications that start automatically when the system starts. Many of them are unnecessary. But you need to be careful here, as you can disable hardware applications. And this is undesirable. In order to remove a program from autorun, you need to right-click on the application name and select “Disable” from the menu that appears. After disabling all programs, restart your laptop. Many people have asked how to speed up Windows 10 boot on a laptop. This method helps in this case too.

Disabling unnecessary services

The problem with Windows is that it runs a bunch of services by default that won't even be used. Meanwhile, they use system resources. Disabling unused components is another answer to the question of how to speed up the startup of a laptop on Windows 10. But here you need to be extremely careful, since some services are necessary for the operating system to stable operation. You need to know what can be turned off and what is better left untouched. But first you need to look at the list of services. To do this, go to the "Control Panel", the "Administration" item, the "Services" sub-item. All services will be displayed in the window that appears. Even disabled.

You can safely disable the search service, tablet input, smart cards, Windows Firewall and Windows Defender (if you are using a third-party antivirus), the print manager (if you do not have a printer or MFP), and the update service (if you do not plan to update the system). But the latter is not recommended. The developer provides updates to the operating system for a reason. Many holes and vulnerabilities are closed there. Performance has also been optimized. To disable a service, you need to double-click on it, click the “Stop” button in the window that appears and select the “Disabled” startup type. Then click on "OK". Such procedures are also useful for low-power laptops. Thus, there is also an answer to the question of how to speed up Windows 10 on a weak laptop.

Disabling graphic effects

"Ten" is very beautiful system. But all the graphical bells and whistles require a fair amount of RAM and video card power. For reasons of practicality, it is better to turn off all the "beauties". Having done this, you will immediately notice how much better the computer will think. Have you asked about how to speed up a laptop on Windows 10? Turn off graphics bells and whistles and your laptop will become much faster.

To disable it, just right-click on the “This PC” icon, select “Properties”, and in the window that appears, select “Advanced system settings”. Here it will be enough to check the “Ensure the best performance” item. All graphic effects will be removed instantly. This will allow the computer to direct all its power to running programs, and not to looking attractive.

Start Menu

The "top ten" has a kind of "Start" menu. It integrates applications in the form of live tiles. Many users don’t need all these “stuff” for nothing. And they consume computer resources and slow down the system. But they can be disabled. Although, in principle, there is no need to do this. It is enough to remove them from the menu. If you suddenly need them, finding them will not be difficult. In the Start menu they are always in the list of installed programs. This is another answer to the question of how to speed up a laptop on Windows 10.

In order to remove “live tiles” from the Start menu, just right-click on the desired tile and select “Unpin” in the window that appears. Some apps will also have an Uninstall option available. If you do not plan to use this program in the future, then you can safely delete it. It won't get any worse. After removing all tiled applications, opening the Start menu will speed up, and the overall performance of the operating system will improve.

Spy tricks

It has long been no secret to anyone that the “top ten” closely monitors all user actions and sends all information to Microsoft. But how this company uses this information is a big question. But it's not that. The fact is that all these options slow down the system and make the laptop work slower. Accordingly, you need to disable all tracking services. This is another answer to the question of how to speed up a laptop on Windows 10. How to disable spy options? Very simple.

The easiest way is to use the Ashampoo AntiSpy program. It will automatically disable all unnecessary options. But it’s better to do everything by hand. You need to open “Settings”, “Privacy” item. In the "General" tab, you should disable everything except SmartScreen services. In the "Feedback and Diagnostics" tab, select "Never" in the feedback generation section. The remaining tabs give permissions to applications to use the laptop's microphone and camera. We turn this off too. It is also a good idea to turn off applications running in the background in the corresponding tab. And finally, go to “Control Panel”, “Administration”, “Services” and disable the “Diagnostic Research Service”. She is the one responsible for collecting information and sending it to Microsoft.

Driver Update

"Ten" can install drivers for all devices out of the box. But not all of them work adequately. This can also cause slowdowns and glitches. This is especially true for drivers for Wi-Fi. Replacing these drivers is the answer to the question of how to speed up the Internet on a laptop with Windows 10. To check which driver is installed, just open the device manager, right-click on the hardware name and select “Properties”. If the Microsoft inscription is visible somewhere, then it is better to replace such a driver.

You can find the necessary drivers on the official website of the manufacturer of the laptop or its individual components. It usually contains the latest products for all devices. All that remains is to download and install. After installing all the necessary drivers, you must restart your computer for the changes to take effect. After all these manipulations, the performance of the laptop will increase slightly.

Using specialized programs

This is another answer to the question of how to speed up a laptop on Windows 10. But using all this software without understanding is not recommended. The fact is that in automatic mode these utilities can seriously mess up, and the performance of the operating system will only worsen. The best programs are CCleaner and AusLogics BoostSpeed. They work most adequately with operating system options. But they don’t always cope well with the “ten”. These utilities are simply not optimized to work on this OS.

It is also not recommended to use such programs because they “settle” in startup. And instead of an increase in productivity, you get one loss. And no one needs this. It's better to do everything manually. Then the system will work as expected.

What not to do

You cannot disable services vital to the operating system. Without them, the system may refuse to work at all. It is also better not to touch system processes in the task manager. This may cause the OS to not work. You shouldn't mess around with the system registry either. Out of ignorance, you can make such a mess there that even the programmers won’t be able to figure it out later. Also, do not disable the page file. Some programs without it refuse to start at all. This is especially true for laptops, since they do not have a lot of RAM. You should also not defragment the SSD drive. First of all, he doesn't need it. And secondly, it will not live long if it is defragmented.


Now you know everything about how to speed up a laptop on Windows 10. There are many ways to do this. But use specialized software products Not recommended. It is better to do everything manually with a deep understanding of all processes. Then your laptop will work quickly and will always delight you with its performance in games and resource-intensive applications.

How to improve and increase computer performance on Windows 10: operating system settings

Every user always wants his computer to work as quickly as possible, but he has absolutely no idea how to do this. There is a risk of downloading virus programs onto your PC for overclocking or cleaning, but they will not speed up your equipment, but on the contrary, will only cause harm. Let's look at how to configure and improve the performance of a computer on Windows 10 using already proven methods. Popular methods to help increase PC performance.

Overclocking to full speed: setting up Windows 10 for maximum performance

Computer startup

When you start your PC, in most cases the programs you installed start working. Some of them may be completely unnecessary and harm your operating system. Programs greatly slow down your computer when running in the background. You may not even realize that some of them are enabled, and the speed leaves much to be desired. To improve performance, you just need to disable some programs in the startup menu.

Clearing the Temp folder

In the Windows 10 operating system, which stores files both temporarily and temporarily, a lot of unnecessary files remain. In other words, it slows down your system due to the large presence of services and various programs that fill the Temp folder.

How to clean up a disk

How to turn off services that are not needed

These are the main quick ways to speed up your computer. Disabling services and programs that are not useful, but only slow down the system.

How to correctly configure the settings in Power Options

How to increase computer performance on Windows 10: professional tips

  1. Be careful about what you install on your computer. Sometimes some programs do not connect together and they very often turn out to be antiviruses. Especially if there are two of them on the computer, otherwise the entire operating system may crash.
  2. Sometimes the problem may not be hidden in dangerous programs or even viruses, but in the contamination of the computer components themselves. You should carefully clean the PC from dust with a dry cloth. Try not to touch small parts. After cleaning, the computer runs faster and overheats significantly less.
  3. Keep in mind that performance improvements are not always good for your computer. For example, the “High performance” setting entails high battery consumption. This applies to laptop owners. It is better to use such functions on a computer that does not need to be charged.
  4. Reinstalling the operating system, as a rule, always has a good effect on the performance of the computer. Unwanted programs, those that you do not use, viruses that were undetected during scanning, or various applications that only slow down the operation of the system itself will be completely removed.
  5. Be sure to choose the right PC components. If something is chosen incorrectly, or, for example, the RAM does not match the data, and sometimes it is completely loaded. In this case, it is better to purchase new components.
  6. You can use special programs to clean unnecessary files, caches and other garbage. They increase the speed of the computer several times in all cases. The main thing is to download from a trusted source. And never forget to check the list of what the file cleaning program wants to remove!
  7. Updating drivers is a great help for your PC. Especially the chipset update motherboard. New versions are also relevant for other devices.
  8. Regularly scan your computer for viruses. It is best to be in the hands of a reliable antivirus. In this case, you will not risk losing all your data and information.

Setting up desktop graphics

Visual effects in the Windows 10 operating system use a lot of resources. If the user old computer, then disabling the effects will speed up the PC somewhat.

First way

Second way

Video: How to configure maximum performance in Windows 10

There are many ways to improve computer performance. The methods are simple and you can always apply them to take care of your equipment and clean up unnecessary files. In addition, convenient and fast use of a PC brings pleasure and does not cause irritation, which is important. And most importantly, do not resort to untested methods, otherwise the computer’s situation may worsen.

Many users optimize their computer primarily for a more comfortable immersion in computer games. After all, when it comes to work, optimizing your system can only contribute to your convenience and comfort, and Windows 10 is no exception. Your result often depends on the acceleration and smoothness of the game.

Windows 10 optimization: how to speed up games

If you want to optimize your system and hardware for gaming, then it will be useful to note that optimization in solo and online games is quite different from each other.

Increasing game installation speed

But before you can play the game, you need to install it. The installation speed of games depends on the following factors:

  • Optimizations hard drive- You should defragment your hard drive in a timely manner and ensure that no errors occur in its operation. If you have an SSD drive rather than an HDD, then the installation will be even faster, but due to the high cost of such drives, it is better to leave space on your SSD drive for the things you really need.

    The speed at which games can be installed also depends on your drive.

  • No viruses - keep your system safe. Malicious software can significantly increase game installation times.

    Keep your computer secure so that viruses don't slow it down

  • Amount of disk space - if you ensure timely deletion of temporary files, and also do not keep unused programs on disk, this will have a positive effect on installation speed.

    Make sure you have enough free space on each of your drives

  • Clean startup - the fewer processes running on the system without your knowledge, the better and faster the installation of games will be.

    Disable unnecessary startup apps

  • Using licensed games - illegal games are often heavily packaged and even if they do not contain malicious content, their installation will take longer. Installing a license, especially in digital form, will happen much faster and depends more on your Internet speed than on system resources.

    Use legal copies of games for faster installation

As a result, if your system and hard drive are in good condition, installing games will not take that much time.

Increase computer performance

In addition to optimizing the games themselves, you can carry out some optimization of the system itself. Both the tips from the previous section and a number of additional recommendations can be useful here. Your computer's gaming performance depends on the following:

  • Hardware - Buying new hardware is the most obvious and most effective way to improve gaming performance. The most important thing is the video card, RAM and processor, but for smooth operation For online games with a large number of players, the installation location is also important. Installing an online game on an SSD will significantly increase its frame rate, especially in massive battles.

    New equipment is the best but expensive solution

  • System load - in addition to the tips for cleaning the system that have already been said, it is also worth disabling system services that you do not need. Even if they have a minimal impact on overall performance, all together they still have a significant impact on the frame rate in games.

    Disable system services you don't need to improve game performance

  • Installed drivers - keep track of the drivers for your equipment, especially for drivers for video cards. In the latest versions, they can optimize the exact game you are playing and this will provide you with a significant increase in performance in it. But be sure to read user reviews of drivers; sometimes installing fresh drivers can have the opposite effect from the desired effect if the developers made mistakes when creating them.

    Keep your hardware drivers updated

Optimizing frame rate in solo toys

All of the above can apply to both single-player games and online projects. And we can also advise turning off all unused processes during the game so that resources are distributed correctly. In addition, proper setup of the game can help a lot. Let's figure out what options can be adjusted in the game to significantly increase the frame rate, but without losing too much in image quality:

  • Parallax mapping - this effect is necessary to create the illusion of a three-dimensional image when looking at textures. If you don’t look closely, the result won’t be too noticeable, which means you can enable this option to reduce the load on the system.

    Volumetric texture effect

  • Anti-aliasing - this setting has a huge impact on performance. However, disabling it can significantly reduce picture quality. Therefore, it is better to experiment with the modes of this setting. The most modern mode - SSAA is very demanding. MSAA blurs the image somewhat, but has almost no negative impact on frame rates. FXAA is a compromise solution, like an anti-aliasing mode that does not require too many resources, but makes the picture more pleasing to look at.

    When anti-aliasing is disabled, pixels are visible on the edges of objects

  • Tessellation - If this option is enabled, many objects will appear more detailed. In essence, this is how it is. Tessellation allows you to change an already created model, increasing its elaboration. At the same time, it places a very large load on the system. In general, you should look at the game with the option enabled and disabled and decide whether the performance impact of this setting is worth the changes it makes.

    This effect adds detail to the environment models

  • Vertical Sync - When enabled, this option significantly reduces the frame rate. Whether the frame rate will be reduced when the option is enabled depends on the frequency of your monitor. It is necessary in order to avoid the appearance of horizontal stripes on the screen, which are graphic artifacts when changing frames. If you want to get more FPS from the game, disable Vsync.

    Enabling it will eliminate image tearing, but will reduce the frame rate

  • Post-processing is effects that are applied on top of the game. Basically these are lighting and shadow effects that make the image more saturated. But they always significantly affect the game's hardware requirements.

    This section includes many lighting and color correction settings.

  • Bloom is a glow effect, most often used for glare on objects or lighting behind objects. Disabling it will not make the picture worse, and in some situations you will even see it more clearly.

    This effect creates a glow around the edges of objects.

  • Motion Blur is the effect of “blurring” the screen when the camera moves, which should make what is happening more dynamic. Unfortunately, in many games it hinders rather than helps the game. He won't provide great influence on performance, but at low frame rates, this effect will look very bad.

    When enabled, this setting ensures the picture is blurred when the camera moves

Optimizing ping and frame rate in online games

Online games have their own specific settings, although many of the things mentioned above are also relevant. It is worth considering that the performance of multiplayer games is greatly influenced by the following parameters:

  • Draw distance - in online games with a large number of characters, you should not overestimate the draw distance of the world. For most players, about 30% of the maximum value will be enough.

    Reduce this value to improve frame rate

  • Number of detailed players - lower this value if present in the settings. Usually it depends on how many players you will be displayed in full. Manipulating this setting can give a big performance boost in cities and public events.

    Adjust detail settings to avoid frame rate drops in crowded areas

  • Character Shadows - If the game displays shadows for each character this will greatly impact the frame rate. Set shadow display only for yourself and objects and do not increase the range of shadow display.

    If possible, disable other players' shadows

In addition to setting the right settings, it is worth considering the heavy load of online games on a hard or solid-state drive. The frame rate in the game also depends on the speed of its operation.

And also in online games there is such a thing as ping.

Ping is the delay of the signal from your computer to the game server. The lower this value, the faster game will respond to your actions. A high ping, on the contrary, will lead to inconvenience during the game due to the late reaction of the game server to what is happening.

You can reduce your ping by choosing a server that is located in your region. But, of course, such a solution is not always possible. Then it can help small change registry Like any registry change, it involves adjustments for advanced users. You make all changes to the registry at your own peril and risk, be careful. So, we do the following:

  1. Open the “Run” window by pressing Win + R.
  2. Enter the regedit command.
  3. In the registry editor, follow the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servic es\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\(NIC-id).
  4. Find the TcpAckFrequency parameter and set its value to one.

These simple steps will eliminate the delay after your computer receives packets and, as a result, will make your ping lower in some games. And you can also simply download the fix, which will make all the necessary changes automatically. You can download it from this link:

Programs for accelerating games and optimizing Windows

Windows 10 will soon feature a game mode that will redistribute processes so that games receive more computer resources. But while it is not there, there are many third-party programs that do approximately the same thing - free up RAM, allocate resources and make sure that games run better. Let's look at some of them.

Game Buster

One of the most popular utilities in this area. She is capable of:

  • Monitor OS settings for running specific games and change them dynamically. It is as a result of this that the main increase in frame rate occurs.
  • Defragment the places where games are installed, separately from the rest of the disk.
  • Monitor vulnerabilities in the system.
  • Accelerate the system, freeing up resources for games.

One of the most effective programs in its field

Installing this utility, although it won’t work miracles, will help you get the most out of your device by getting a stable frame rate.

Another good program. In fact, it works almost the same as the previous one. If you believe the developers, you can expect a good increase in games. What I would like to note:

  • The program allows you to monitor the load on your system resources during the game.
  • A running game increases priority over all other processes on the computer, except those necessary for stable operation.
  • There is an opportunity to conduct Windows optimization before starting the game, which can also help.

The program has a special “game mode”

Video: how to configure and optimize Windows 10

Carrying out detailed setup of the game and current drivers for your devices may already give good result performance for most games. If this is not enough, you can use optimization programs. This will give you a reasonable increase in frame rates in your games.

Each new version of Windows has great functionality than the previous one, and Windows 10 is no exception. However, the newer the version of the operating system, the more demands it places on the computer. Not everyone can buy modern computers and install the new OS version on the old device. You can install it, but it will work quite slowly, and the older the computer, the slower the OS will work. To solve this problem, just change some system settings.

Why is Windows 10 optimization needed?

Even in Windows XP there were a number of measures to significantly increase system performance. As new versions of Windows were released, the question became more and more relevant: not everyone can afford a PC with a multi-core processor and multi-gigabyte RAM; The population still has many old computers in their hands that are more than ten years old.

Each new version of Windows acquires built-in applications and components that are often not needed. They distract and slow down the device, preventing it from working. To carry them out, the computer does nothing but torment the hard drive. Actions performed in seconds stretch out for a minute or more. For example, who needs Cortana? A beautiful design? It’s easier to get rid of them than to waste precious time on them.

Practical steps to speed up Windows 10 performance

Windows 10 offers a large number of opportunities to increase the speed of your computer.

Disabling visual effects

The style a la Windows 98 is the dream of many who, in the 90s and 2000s, saw the simple and strict look of the Windows graphical shell. Unfortunately, you can’t get exactly the same in Windows 8/10, but you can get closer to it. To do this, do the following:

Now the design will become simple, like a cross between Windows 7 and Windows 98.

Turn off unnecessary color and animation in Windows

To disable animation and adjust colors, follow these steps:

  1. Press the Windows + I combination on your keyboard, go to Accessibility -> Other Options and turn off the Play animations in Windows option.
  2. In Windows 10 Settings, go to Personalization -> Colors and turn off transparency for the Windows main menu, taskbar, and action center.

Turning off Windows sounds

You can turn off sound effects when you turn on your computer and when you switch it from one mode to another. In this case, the sound on the device itself will work. To do this, do the following:

This setting first appeared on Windows Vista and remained in all subsequent versions of the OS, since, for example, the Windows startup ringtone can slow down the start of a new session on low-performance PCs.

Disabling autorun of unused programs

With the advent of the tiled Start menu in Windows 8/8.1/10, some programs do not need to launch a full-size window, taskbar button or tray icon - they display headers of information about their work in the background: Microsoft weather informer, mailer Windows Mail with incoming email headers (if configured), paid store and free programs for Windows, etc.

Removing apps from the Windows 10 main menu tile

Right-click on the rectangle of any unnecessary application and click “Uninstall”.

In the main menu you can quickly remove unnecessary applications

Disabling autostart of unnecessary applications

In Windows 10, the AutoPlay tool is located in the Task Manager. To call it you need:

This will free up some more resources.

Disabling unnecessary services in Windows 10

If the PC is not used in local network, for example, some LLC, bank or university, most network services, except those vital for the Internet, games and entertainment, can be safely disabled.

The most common services that interfere with normal operation:

  • Fax machine;
  • Net.Tcp Port Sharing Service;
  • Work folders;
  • AllJoyn Router Service;
  • Application Identity;
  • BitLocker Drive Encryption Service;
  • Client License Service;
  • CNG key insulation;
  • Computer browser;
  • Dmwappushservice;
  • Geographic Location Service;
  • Guest Shutdown Service (Hyper-V);
  • Heart Rate Service (Hyper-V);
  • Hyper-V Virtual Machine Session Service;
  • Hyper-V Time Synchronization Service;
  • Data Exchange Service (Hyper-V);
  • Hyper-V Remote Desktop Virtualization Service;
  • Sensor monitoring service;
  • Sensor Data Service;
  • Sensor Service;
  • Functionality for connected users and telemetry;
  • Xbox Live online service;
  • Windows Biometric Service;
  • Print Manager (if you do not use a printer at home);
  • Remote registry.

To disable these services, do the following:

If everything is done correctly, Windows will run faster.

Speeding up PC shutdown

Turning off your computer faster will also have a positive effect on its performance. To do this you need:

In addition to this method, there are a number of measures to speed up the startup and shutdown of Windows:

  • switching from HDD to SSD (flash drive), adding RAM, changing or overclocking the processor;
  • cleaning the registry, cleaning the C: drive and defragmenting them (both built-in Windows tools and third-party applications);
  • reinstalling Windows (when system Windows folders and Program Files are so littered that no amount of cleaning will help);
  • reset, “rollback” Windows to yesterday, etc.

Accelerating your hard drive in Windows

If you do not use a faster option - an SSD drive, the following will suit you:

Other ways to speed up a hard drive are changing the type of drive and other PC upgrades, cleaning, checking, defragmenting the disk (SSD is optimized using slightly different methods, different from the classic HDD defragmentation algorithm).

Cleaning RAM from unnecessary processes

You can check how many megabytes of RAM are currently in use by monitoring and managing processes in the task manager. System and driver (hardware) processes cannot be left untouched.

Check the RAM operation as follows:

If this is not enough for you, find out which interfering processes are associated with individual Windows services. Stop and disable them. A clear knowledge of the purpose of individual Windows processes and services is required so as not to spoil the operation of the system.

System processes include: smss.exe, svchost.exe, explorer.exe, lsass.exe, winlogon.exe, wininit.exe, etc. Driver processes are, for example, nvidiagfc.exe, atiex.exe (they resemble the product's name). The same can be said about the same antiviruses (esetgui.exe/egui.exe, kavsec.exe, avast.exe), about application programs (for example, winword.exe, magent.exe, qip.exe/infium.exe, skype .exe, firefox.exe, winrar.exe). Use the already familiar autorun of individual applications and edit this list.

The result will be freeing up RAM up to 10–35% and speeding up the system.

Speeding up Windows startup via BIOS

The longest stage is polling the SATA(2) motherboard interface for the presence of a bootable hard drive (HDD/SSD) and checking the RAM (RAM counter in kilobytes). To do this, follow these steps:

Windows startup time will be reduced by 15–20 seconds.

Using Windows Ready Boost

This feature has been known since Windows Vista and allows you to save temporary data on external media. To do this, you need an 8 GB flash drive; when you connect it, the system will prompt you to use Windows Ready Boost.

With the Windows Ready Boost feature, data is cached on a flash drive, which speeds up the system.

An encrypted file ReadyBoost.sfcache is created in the memory of the flash drive, where temporary data is received. The flash drive must be high-speed, USB 3.0 support is desirable. 128-bit encryption is used as protection.

Using Windows Ready Boost offloads the pagefile.sys page file on your hard drive, which increases its lifespan.

Disabling hardware acceleration in Windows 10

If you do not have a 3D monitor, then disable hardware video acceleration.

Turn off graphics acceleration in web applications

To disable graphics acceleration in web applications, do the following:

Turning off system acceleration in Windows

To disable system acceleration, you need to:

Disable unnecessary Windows 10 components

It is performed in two stages: during installation of Windows and during configuration of an already installed system.

At the first stage, it is proposed to abandon the imposed by Microsoft tools for collecting statistics and other personal information, ignoring the default settings and opening additional options. This includes refusing to register an account on a Microsoft server.

After Windows installations 10 you will go through the advanced settings and turn off Windows Defender, Cortana voice assistant, Windows cloud services, advertising ID and contextual search. Telemetry, which allows Microsoft to monitor your PC, should also be turned off.

Video: Windows 10 optimization

Programs take a long time to start in Windows 10 - how to fix it

The most common reasons for long program startup times are:

  • A large number of background processes (Scheduled Tasks folder) - check everything. So, this could be defragmenting disks on a schedule, preparing reports on failures and problems, etc.
  • You have antivirus programs configured to deeply scan everything on the disk. Stop all auto-checks, except those that intercept viruses and spyware directly from the Internet.
  • You are using old applications for Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7. Use compatibility mode with earlier versions of Windows (command “Properties” -> “Compatibility” for executable files.exe in the directories of each program in the system folder Program Files).
  • Your hard drive is very worn out. A signal for the imminent failure of the HDD drive is sudden clicks, crackling, squeaking and clattering sounds. However, it’s impossible not to notice that Windows and programs freeze when working with files, even on an SSD. And the drive indicator will not light up randomly and intermittently, as happens during normal disk operation, but will light up constantly. Urgently transfer your data to another drive. Replace your old disk with a new one, reinstall Windows.
  • Your processor is too old and slow (single-core and with a low frequency - up to 2.4 GHz). Think about how old your computer is. Maybe you need to replace not only the processor, but also the motherboard system unit PC or replacing a laptop with a newer one?
  • Windows picked up a virus(s) that wreaked havoc on its processes, overloading the processor and RAM. It is best to reinstall the system and avoid going to dubious sites in the future.

Speed ​​up Windows 10 on older PCs

Almost all of the measures described are also designed to optimize Windows 10 on older computers. In general, Windows 10 is unlikely to run on a computer with less than 64 MB of video card memory, less than 1.1 GHz processor frequency, and less than 20 GB of hard drive. To get past this minimum, a lot would have to be cut from Windows 10, but then it would no longer be Windows 10. Run two or more application applications, for example, Mozilla Firefox and Word 2013, right away - this is too much, you have to sacrifice all the others except one. Maybe it’s easier to buy an inexpensive netbook or tablet, the characteristics of which will be better than the required minimum officially declared by Microsoft?

Windows 10 gives you maximum opportunities not to leave your not-so-new computer idle. Difficulties lie only in advanced cases, when trying to give a second life to ancient cars produced almost in the 90s.

How to improve laptop performance on Windows 10
The performance of Windows 10 is directly determined by the power of the hardware and the number of running processes during the current session. At the same time, you don’t need to evaluate performance in Windows 10 to understand how well the operating system works, because it’s noticeable right away. So, if the system begins to respond poorly to commands or freezes, then you can improve the performance of your Windows 10 computer by following a few simple tips.

How to improve laptop performance on Windows 10: tips
The operating system is complex program, therefore, many of its components directly affect the performance indicator. How to increase the speed of your computer on Windows 10? To do this you need to follow a few simple steps:

1. Check the system for malicious software.
Even if you have good antivirus, the computer may still be infected. In order to clean it, you can initiate another scan or use effective healing utilities. If the antivirus finds one or more threats and eliminates them, this will likely affect the performance of the Windows 10 system.

2. Install the latest Windows updates.
Optimizing Windows 10 for better performance also means checking and installing all necessary system updates. You can check for the latest updates in system settings. They can be found in the Start menu, and in the dialog box you will need to open Update and Security. If the operating system finds available updates, they will need to be installed. After this, your computer's performance in Windows 10 should increase.

3. Checking the level of RAM load.
To optimize Windows 10 to improve laptop performance, you need to evaluate how rationally and for which applications operating solder is spent and how loaded the processor is. To do this, the user must open the Task Manager and find the “Memory” sub-item. Here it will be shown how much memory is spent on certain processes, and how much remains free.

4. Reboot and activate only the necessary applications.
Setting up your laptop for maximum performance in Windows 10 involves rebooting the device with only the applications you need activated. When the PC starts, a number of programs, applications and services that, in principle, are not needed for the full operation of the system, are activated automatically. To improve the performance of a Windows 10 laptop, you need to close all programs that are not currently needed for work, leaving only the essentials.
To configure Windows 10 for maximum performance, you must first free up maximum amount resources and computing power. After all, software running in the background also uses these resources.

5. Check your PC for damaged system files
How to increase the performance of a laptop on Windows 10 if no viruses or updates are found, all programs are closed, and the PC still continues to slow down, although it does not consume all its resources? In this case, you should check whether the system files are damaged.
In this case, you need to increase the performance of a Windows 10 laptop as follows: open the Taskbar. Next, enter a command line query in the search field. After this you need to run command line on behalf of the administrator and confirm changes to the system. How to improve computer performance on Windows 10 in this way? Navigate to the location dism.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth by entering this location into the command line.
Please note that spaces must be preserved, only in this case the command will be interpreted correctly. In most cases, the system itself finds and fixes errors by replacing damaged Windows 10 files. System performance in this case increases. In order for the changes to take effect, you need to restart your personal computer, assessing how much faster it started to work.

How to optimize Windows 10 and improve your computer's performance
In Windows 10, you can increase performance by getting rid of unnecessary information, for example, unused programs. Open the Add/Remove Programs menu and you will see how many software are currently installed on your PC. To improve performance in Windows 10, clean your PC of this unnecessary “garbage” and from now on try to install only the necessary software.
If Windows 10 is experiencing slow performance, these tips will help you tune the operating system for performance and responsiveness in running commands. To ensure maximum performance in Windows 10 for a long time, keep an eye on your temporary files and keep your PC clean. In this case, the operating system will delight you with high response speed and maximum performance for a long time.

Often, owners of weak computers are forced to suffer from low performance, even without installing any particularly demanding programs, but simply using the Internet or basic functions. After installing Windows 10, which is accompanied by a bunch of secondary services, the performance drawdown becomes more noticeable than ever. Fortunately, all this can be fixed and in just a few simple ways you can make your communication with Windows 10 much more comfortable.

Disabling unnecessary things

As already mentioned, the lion's share of the resources of a computer running Windows 10 goes to the work of completely unnecessary processes and meaningless embellishments. Just disabling them will help to noticeably speed up your computer without the risk of harming anything or reducing the functionality of the system.

Cancel startup

You've probably noticed that when you turn on your computer, when the system has fully started up and the desktop has opened, at first everything works quite sluggishly and you have to wait for the computer to start working normally. It's not a matter of preparing Windows - when the desktop appears, the system is already fully running and ready to go. The problem lies in the autostart of programs, the inclusion of which is prescribed to accompany each system startup.

Most programs you install have the bad habit of setting Windows to autorun when you turn it on, so that it can work and update as much as possible without notifying the user.

To cancel startup:

It is recommended to periodically check the autorun list, even if you have not installed anything, since simply turning on the application can reactivate the autorun of its own updater and sometimes this happens in a completely unexpected way. For example, turning on Photoshop activates the autorun of the Adobe Acrobat updater or any other product from this company. In most cases, this problem can be solved by disabling the autorun function in the settings of the application itself.

Closing active processes

In the previous paragraph, you learned how to prevent unnecessary processes from autorunning. But if some services have already been launched accidentally or temporarily, you cannot simply disable them, since most of them work in the background, and restarting the computer is too radical.

This problem can be resolved through the same task manager in the “Processes” tab: in the context menu of the selected process, click “End task”.

On weak computers There are frequent cases of incorrect closing of applications with a large number of processes, for example, browsers. As a result of this, some processes remain active and can only be disabled through the task manager.

Disabling visual effects

Windows 10's style is simple, but still features a list of visual flourishes. Most of them are completely invisible, and turning them off optimizes the performance of your computer.

  1. Open the Start menu and type Control Panel, then press Enter.
  2. Open the System and Security category.
  3. Go to the "System" section.
  4. Open Advanced System Settings.
  5. In the "Advanced" tab, click "Options...".
  6. In the “Visual Effects” tab, uncheck all the boxes except “Output thumbnails instead of icons” and “Smooth out jagged screen fonts”. Then confirm the changes.

Disabling system auto-update

The Windows line of operating systems is famous for its extremely dubious updates, which can be released several times a week. System auto-updates are enabled by default, that is, they can start downloading at any time, during which you can observe a noticeable drop in performance, especially noticeable on weak computers.

In some rare cases, the next update package may remove the license from a pirated version of Windows, but it can be cracked again.

On the Windows 10 operating system, disabling auto-update was removed from the settings, leaving inexperienced users with no choice. However, this unpleasant disadvantage can be eliminated in various ways. Here's the most effective one:

  1. Through the search, go to gpedit.msc.
  2. Go to “Computer Configuration” / “Administrative Templates” / “Windows Components” and click on “Windows Update”.
  3. Open "Setup Automatic Updates".
  4. Check the “Disable” option, confirm the changes and restart your computer.

If you are afraid of missing an important update package, you can always search for them manually, which is recommended to be done periodically.

Disabling surveillance

From the first day of Windows 10's launch, it became known that the system uses an extensive set of services to massively collect information about its users. Of course, we are not talking about “big brother”, but about banal statistics and system reports. However, the collection and transmission process periodically loads your computer, which means we need to turn it off.

  1. Open the Privacy section in Windows Settings.
  2. In the General tab, disable Ad ID and Start Tracking.
  3. Go to the Speech, Handwriting, and Text tab and turn off speech services if they are active.
  4. In the “Feedback and Diagnostics” tab, select the main method of data collection, disable the only switch and disable the generation of reviews.
  5. In the Background Applications tab, turn off the main switch.

Cleaning the hard drive

Everything written to the hard drive is divided into many sequential fragments to reduce the space taken up. When accessing any of the files, the computer is forced to put them together from these same pieces, and the presence of various garbage in its path can greatly slow down the process. This kind of neglect becomes most noticeable when the operating system takes a long time to start and applications open slowly. To avoid this mess, you need to periodically get rid of unnecessary trash and don’t forget to defragment your hard drive.

Removing garbage

Windows has a special place for storing junk files. This is the Temp folder and everything that is stored in it: temporary files that represent the residual products of all applications. Some of them are actively used, but do not have any uniqueness and completely deleting all temporary files cannot harm your computer.

  1. In Windows Settings, open the System section.

    Open the System tab

  2. In the “Storage” tab, select the disk with the system (usually C:\).
  3. Open Temporary Files.
  4. Check all the boxes and click “Delete files”.
  5. This process can be automated. To do this, return to the “Storage” tab and enable memory control.

Video: how to delete temporary files on Windows 10

CCleaner and registry treatment

The main problem of the Temp folder is that it contains only those files that the system recognizes as junk. At the same time, there remains a lot of unnoticed junk scattered in all corners of your computer. Fortunately, you don’t need to search for all this separately and remove it manually; you just need to use the CCleaner program, which will do all the dirty work for you.

  1. Download the free CCleaner utility and install it.
  2. Launch CCcleaner and click Clean.
  3. Now open the Registry tab and run Problem Scan.
  4. Click Correct Selected.
  5. Better keep backups just in case.
  6. Go to the "Service" tab and get rid of unnecessary programs.

    Using CCleaner, removing unnecessary programs is convenient and easy

  7. For further prevention, it is better to leave CCleaner on the computer. To do this, go to settings and disable tracking (autorun). When finished, restart your computer and delete your backups.

    It is better to disable CCleaner autorun so that memory is not occupied


As mentioned above, the entire contents of the hard drive are divided into many small fragments and when entering new information these fragments are arranged taking into account their best position for sequential reading, one might say, side by side. However, when they change, new information is recorded and existing information is moved, a well-ordered structure gradually tends to become more chaotic. Moreover, bad sectors appear, where the reading process is greatly hindered. The process of optimizing this entire structure is called defragmentation and is recommended for periodic execution at least once every six months. Defragmenting a hard drive takes several hours, so it is better to leave it overnight:

Video: how to defragment a disk on Windows 10

Removing viruses

In addition to system garbage and forgotten files, there may be more unpleasant things on your computer that it wouldn’t hurt to get rid of. And even if you already have an antivirus, this does not guarantee you protection from all sorts of nasty things and may require checking with a program from alternative developers.

To download an antivirus, it is not at all necessary to shell out money for a full-fledged edition or surf torrents. Many security software developers provide free versions your programs that don’t even need to be installed on your computer. If you already have an antivirus installed, it is better to temporarily disable it to avoid a conflict.

  1. Download free antivirus Dr. Web CureIt.
  2. Launch the downloaded application and accept the license. There is no need to worry about passwords and personal data - the antivirus will not send such information to the server.
  3. Start the scan. It will take some time.
  4. When the antivirus scans the entire computer, neutralize everything it finds.

Video: how to remove viruses using an antivirus

Simulating RAM

A distinctive feature of RAM is its ability to quickly exchange information. However, in the event of a critical shortage, it is possible to replace it with ordinary storage media, which will work much slower, but will help deceive demanding programs and take on part of the load.

Changing the swap file

The page file is a section of your main memory that is used as RAM. Initially, its size is determined automatically, but forced expansion is possible.

Manually setting the paging file size is a questionable action and is not appropriate on all computers. The easiest way is to check this experimentally, and if you don’t notice the result, you should return the starting settings.

  1. Open the System and Security category in Control Panel.
  2. Go to the "System" section.
  3. Open "Advanced System Settings".
  4. In the "Advanced" tab, open performance options.
  5. Go to new tab"Advanced" and click "Change...".
  6. Uncheck automatic selection and select “Specify size.” Set the initial size to one and a half times the recommended size, and the maximum size to three times. Then confirm the changes and restart your computer.

Using ReadyBoost

Readyboost is a program that allows you to place a swap file on your flash drive, which should have a more acceptable information exchange speed. If you have a 32-bit operating system (x86), it makes no sense to make the total volume more than 4 GB.

What not to do

In pursuit of performance, many users are unwilling to stop there and recognize the limits of their computer. This leads to a fanatical search for new ways to speed up the computer, as a result of which you can become a victim bad advice and unscrupulous developers. All the methods described above are the only safe methods to improve Windows performance.

To prevent your computer from suffering at the hands of incompetent advisors, here are examples of the most popular potentially harmful methods:

After using even some of the methods described above, the load on your computer will noticeably decrease. However, it is worth periodically consolidating the result by repeating certain actions. The following tips will help you keep your system clean and tidy and prevent new problems from arising:

The Windows 10 operating system is not much different in gluttony from its predecessors, but this impression is greatly blurred due to the services accompanying it and the settings enabled by default, which are designed for more decent hardware and competent configuration by the user. By applying all the methods described above, you will definitely be able to optimize Windows for your computer and improve its performance, and timely cleaning of junk and defragmentation of the hard drive will help consolidate the result and avoid frequent reinstallation of the system.
