How to dry pears at home correctly. Useful preparations: how to dry pears at home

Fresh pears can not only be frozen or canned, but also dried. This process is quite lengthy, but not difficult. An oven and sunlight are used for drying.


    2,000 grams


Choose small ones ripe pears no holes or other damage on the surface. You will need any oven tray and parchment paper.

Rinse the pears well with cool water. Cut sticks that are too long with scissors in half.

On paper napkin dry the fruit.

I have a baking tray with high walls - then the fruits do not roll off. First lay a sheet of parchment, and then lay out the pears in one layer. Fruits should be placed close to each other.

Preheat the oven to + 90-100 °C. Place the baking sheet with the pears on the highest rack. Bake the fruits for approximately 1.5 hours. After this, turn off the oven - leave the pears in it until they cool completely.

This procedure do it 1-2 times a day. As a result, the pears will shrink in size and dry out. They can be taken out into the scorching sun during the day and warmed up in the oven in the evening.

They will be ready in about 7 days - it all depends on the duration and frequency of heating. The surface of the pears should be dry with no signs of pulp inside.

Wash the glass jar for storing dried fruits in advance - dry it. Fill the bowl well with dried pears. However, they must be at room temperature. Do not put hot pears in a jar.

Close with a nylon lid and store the container in a cool room.

  • The pears should not be allowed to burn. They should bake and steam evenly. Monitor the fire, if necessary, reduce it.
  • Wash dried pears before use. warm water. Then cook aromatic sweet compote.
  • Pour boiling water over dried fruits for 5-7 minutes. Then pass through a meat grinder and use as a filling for pies.
  • If suddenly the preparation becomes damp in winter, then dry the dried fruits in the oven. Place the cooled fruits back into the glass container.

Bon appetit!

The pears were washed and peeled and cored. Cut into 5 mm slices and put them on trays.

From 5 kg it turned out:
3.62 kg (72%) - purified product
1.38 kg (28%) - waste.

The pears were dried for 13 hours at +55 °C in an Ezidri Ultra dryer on 8 trays. During this time, the electric dryer consumed 6.85 kW of electricity. The result was 518 grams of dried product. Drying 7 times.

Dried pears help remove waste, toxins and heavy metals from the body. They have a healing effect on the activity of the pancreas. Presence in dried pears more Iron helps rapid wound healing, energy in the body and good appetite. A decoction of dried pears promotes rapid recovery from severe coughs, colds and sore throats. Recipe for preparing the decoction: boil 1 cup of dried pears for 20 minutes in 0.5 liters of water. Let sit for 4 hours warm place, then strain. Drink ½ glass 30 minutes before meals 4 times a day.


Thanks to the combination taste qualities And beneficial properties, the pear has managed to gain popularity around the world. It is believed that the discoverers of the pear were the inhabitants of Western China. They love this sweet one juicy fruit and in our country. Even in Domostroy you can find information about the pear tree and proper care behind him.

Europeans began to discover new ways of preparing pears in the 18th century, which was the time when the plant was cultivated and the fruits were actively used in cooking. Then it became clear that dried pears are no less tasty than fresh ones. Although in some countries it was previously accepted that it was dried and boiled fruits that were edible, and not raw ones. Drying the fruit can significantly extend its shelf life. After drying, if the whole process goes correctly, the pear retains most of its beneficial properties.

Sweet and large varieties with a small seed chamber are ideal for drying: Limonka, Bessemyanka, Bergamot, Tonkovetka, Ilyinka. Also, wild fruits - wild fruits - are often used for these purposes. Before drying a pear, you need to select suitable fruits; they must be sufficiently ripe (but not overripe) and strong.

The benefits of dried fruits

. Content of vitamins PP, E, C, B1 and B2;
. content of micro- and macroelements: iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sodium, calcium;
. calorie content - 249 kcal per 100 g, so modern medicine often uses it as part of diet menu;
. Despite its relatively low calorie content, dried pear is quite nutritious and can be used as a healthy snack;
. dried fruits are included in decoctions that are used as a diuretic, antipyretic, disinfectant or antitussive. Due to its low calorie content, dried fruit can become part of the diet. Dried pears contain no sugar syrup and are naturally sweet, making them a great dessert alternative. Dried fruit can also be used for disorders of the pancreas. The product helps remove toxins and heavy metals from the body. A decoction of wild pear helps to cope with kidney problems and cystitis.

Compotes are often prepared from dried fruits. This drink is rich in tannins, which have an astringent effect. Therefore, it is recommended to drink pear compote if you have an intestinal disorder. Due to the antibacterial effect of pear decoction, it is recommended as a prophylactic against colds.

Potassium contained in the product in large quantities, has a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels and the heart. Therefore, the product is indicated for people with cardiovascular diseases. Cracks in the corners of the mouth, fatigue, rapid heartbeat, constant dizziness, loss of appetite - all these are signs of iron deficiency. By eating dried fruits daily, this deficiency can be quickly filled.

Dried pears in cooking

Pears can be eaten as an independent dish. Proper drying in an electric dryer will ensure the preservation of vitamins, microelements and nutrients. A small handful of dried fruits will satisfy your hunger, recharge your batteries and continue working again. Pear goes well with fermented milk products, for example cottage cheese. But with milk it can cause a laxative effect. Dried fruits are added to porridge; the fruit goes especially well with oatmeal.

In winter, pears are added to decoctions, compotes, teas, jelly, and coffee drinks. Moreover, you can make a drink exclusively from pears, or you can combine this product with other dried fruits, berries and herbs.

There are a huge number of desserts with the addition of dried pears. Baking is especially popular. For example, simple charlotte Even the most inexperienced housewife can cook. But to bake a pie with dried pears, it is recommended to first soak the dried fruits in water. The fruit goes perfectly with dried apples, bananas, wild berries, pulp and zest of citrus fruits.

Many housewives grind slices of dry pears into small pieces or even into flour. Such preparations for the winter are added to cereals, drinks, cottage cheese or yogurt. Pear flour can be added not only to the filling, but also to the dough for pies. If desired, dried fruit powder can be mixed with sugar and cinnamon.

Dried pear is a simple and affordable way to saturate your body with vitamins, which is especially important in winter and spring. In addition, dishes with the addition of fruits provide an excellent opportunity to remember a warm and cozy summer.

The pear is very juicy and sweet fruit. It is rich in sugar and always pleases with its taste and juiciness. Unfortunately, it is not possible to preserve the fruit fresh for a long time, since they begin to overripe and become soft, after which they rot. What should fruit lovers do? A good option the product will dry out. But not everyone knows how to dry pears correctly. Although this method allows you to preserve a large harvest and makes it possible to enjoy delicious, vitamin-rich slices of dried pears all year round.

Product preparation

Suitable varieties should be selected for drying. As a rule, late-ripening and winter varieties are not suitable for this, as they are usually soft and too juicy. To dry, choose pear varieties that have a firm texture and a sweet, rich flavor. There is no need to wait until the fruit is overripe and becomes soft, just as you should start drying immediately after harvesting, without waiting for the fruit to ripen and soften.

Advice! You should not use pear varieties with an astringent, sour taste. They do not tolerate heat treatment and are not at all suitable for this type of workpiece. No matter how this type of pear was dried, it will not bring pleasure.

First of all, the fruits must be thoroughly washed and dried. If it is assumed that the whole pear will be dried, then the preparation can be completed. If you plan to dry the fruit into pieces, then you need to cut it. To do this, the fruit is cut in half. Remove the core and cut into slices. Their width should not exceed one centimeter, otherwise the pear may not dry completely.

Often the flesh of fruits cut into pieces darkens during drying. To avoid this, you should soak the chopped product in a one percent solution of wine vinegar. And just before drying, the pieces are immersed in boiling water for two minutes.

Drying the fruits

In order to dry prepared fruits, housewives offer several options. Which one to choose and how to dry pears depends on the capabilities and preferences of each housewife. But no matter how the pear is dried, it is important to do it carefully to prevent the dried fruit from rotting.

Natural drying

The main essence of the process is that the pieces of fruit must be laid out on a flat surface. If you use a baking tray or tray, they should be lined with parchment paper.

After this, they must be placed in a place well lit by the sun. It is important that the place is not dusty and windy. You need to choose a location so that the fruits are illuminated by the sun for as much time as possible during the day. In the evening, the fruits must be brought into the house. Pears need to be dried in the sun for two days, after which they are dried in a darkened room with good ventilation for another two to three days.

Quite often a method is practiced in which the slices are put on a thread and dried in a suspended state. For greater preservation of the product, no matter how the pear is dried, it can be fumigate with sulfur dioxide to avoid the formation of mold.

We use the oven

It is not always possible to dry pears naturally. In this case, drying the pear in the oven is a great option.

The prepared fruits are laid out on baking sheets and placed in an oven preheated to 60 degrees. The fruits should be kept at this temperature for the first two hours, then it is raised to 80 degrees and waited for the pieces to decrease in size. Then temperature regime drops back to 60 degrees. It is maintained at this level until the pears are completely dry.

Advice! You should make sure that the kitchen area is well ventilated, since the pears will have to dry for 12-16 hours. During this time, the oven will warm up the room and burn out a lot of oxygen. If the fruits are dried in the oven entirely, the drying time increases to 24 hours.

Dry in microwave and electric dryer

It is worth noting that dried pears can even be dried in the microwave. Moreover, this process will take the least amount of time. How to dry pears in this device?

In the microwave, fruits are dried in portions, and preparing one portion will take no more than three minutes. There is a risk of drying out the product, so this method should be used with caution. You need to set the microwave power to 200 W and place the product in it for two and a half minutes. If this time is not enough, then you need to repeat the process within 30 seconds.

Another kitchen appliance is an electric dryer. Using it you can dry a considerable amount of fruit at the same time. The drying temperature is set at 70 degrees. It is advisable to turn the product over and swap trays to ensure even drying of the pears. The time during which the dryer will cook the pears ranges from 15 to 30 hours, depending on the quantity and size.

You can tell if the fruit is ready by its color. The pear will turn a nice brown color. At the same time, it will be elastic and not brittle, it will be bendable and not break its integrity.

In cold weather winter evenings You can remind yourself of the tender summer with delicious dried pears. These dried fruits, which retain their delicate taste and delicate aroma after processing, are quite easy to make at home. The main thing is to prepare the fruits for drying and choose the most optimal cooking method for yourself. How to dry pears correctly? Let's figure it out.


Slightly unripe pears, firm and not too juicy, are best suited for drying. If we talk about specific varieties, these can be “Victoria”, “Zaporozhye”, “Clapp’s favorite”, “Forest beauty”, “Ilinka”, “bergamot”, “fragrant” and “limonka”. Ideally, pears should be collected in own garden, but you can buy fruits at the market or in a store.

You need to start drying pears as soon as possible after picking them, as over time the fruit becomes soft.

  1. Carefully sort through the harvest; set damaged or rotting pears aside (you can eat them fresh by cutting off the damaged areas).
  2. Wash the pears well under running water, dry them with a towel or napkins and put them in boiling water for 10 minutes.
  3. Then cool the fruits at room temperature and cut into pieces.
  4. Cut large pears into centimeter slices, divide medium and small ones into 4 or 2 parts.

After this, you can start drying in any way convenient for you.

In the oven

  1. Place the prepared and chopped pears in a single layer on a baking sheet.
  2. Place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to +60 °C.
  3. After 2 hours, increase the heat to +80 °C.
  4. When the fruit has noticeably decreased in volume, the temperature should be reduced again - this time to +55 °C.

The oven drying time for pears varies from 12 to 24 hours depending on the size of the pieces and the type of fruit.

In the microwave

Drying in the microwave takes only 5-7 minutes.

Place the slices on a plate and place them in the microwave to dry at 300 W for a couple of minutes. Then turn the fruit pieces over and repeat the procedure.

In an electric dryer

An electric dryer can dry a large volume of fruit in 15–30 hours.

  1. Place the pear pieces on the racks, set the temperature to +70 °C.
  2. Periodically check the degree of readiness of the dried fruits: the pear slices should become slightly brownish, soft and elastic, but in no case brittle or brittle.

In the sun

Place the pear slices on a baking sheet or tray and place in a sunny place on fresh air. 2 days are enough for drying. At night, be sure to bring the fruits into the house and cover them with polyethylene so that they do not absorb excess moisture and rot. After 2 days, place the dried pears in a well-ventilated area and wait another couple of days.

Storing dried pears

  • Finished dried pears can be stored in a glass jar with a tight-fitting lid or in a cloth bag in a cool, dry place.
  • When stored in bags, dried fruits must be checked from time to time for spoilage, because pears can rot, become moldy, or acquire fruit moth larvae or small bugs. To prevent troubles, once a month the reserves should be poured onto a baking sheet and lightly dried in the oven at a temperature of +50 ° C.
  • If desired, you can grind the dried fruits in a coffee grinder to a powder. Pear powder can be used for cosmetic purposes (as a component of hand-made masks) or as an additive to baked goods or porridges.

Now you know how to dry a pear. You and your family will definitely like it. Throughout the winter, you can pamper yourself with the vitamins and minerals of fruits without spending a lot of time looking for more or less passable fresh pears in the supermarket.

Dried fruits are an excellent preparation for the winter. Firstly, such dried products do not have an expiration date; they can be safely consumed after two or five years, of course, provided they are properly stored. Secondly, this method is suitable for most sweet fruits. Thirdly, they do not contain additional sugars, but retain vitamins. And fourthly, it's just a delicious treat. Pears and apples are especially good for this. We’ll figure out how to dry pears.

Selecting the best

Before drying pears, you need to determine which fruits are suitable for this and which are better left for something else. To prepare dried fruits, you should choose varieties with a small amount of juice, the so-called dry ones. Their pulp is usually dense, hard, and the chamber with seeds takes up little space. You cannot use overripe, soft or tart pears for this preparation, and you should not take fruits that were picked more than two days ago. If the pears are too hard or unsweetened, you can boil them in syrup. Selected fruits must be washed and dried thoroughly.

Drying pears

How to dry pears: in slices or whole? It depends on their size. Small specimens are quite suitable for drying in their original form, but this will require a longer time. In this case, you should remove their tails. If you prefer pieces, then remember that the optimal thickness of each slice is 1 cm. It is with this cutting that the future drying will receive the correct ratio of meatiness and taste and will be stored for a long time.

Oven or sun

What is the best way to dry pears: in the oven or in the summer sun? This largely depends on the weather. For residents of the south, the natural method is quite applicable. To do this, the fruits should be cut into pieces, placed on trays or other support and placed in a place that will receive as much sun as possible throughout the day. To prevent flies from landing on the sweets, you can cover them with clean gauze. At night, the trays will have to be brought into the house so that moisture does not soak up the slices that have dried out during the day. The time for complete drying of the pear slices will be approximately a couple of days and the same amount will be required until the condition is fully achieved in the shade. After this, they can be packaged in clean linen bags and sent for storage.

For those who live in less sunny regions, another method of drying pears will be more convenient. In the oven, this procedure takes about a day. The fruits or their slices should be spread on a baking sheet in a single layer and dried over low heat, turning frequently. For those who are accustomed to relying on a thermometer, the optimal mark is considered to be 70-90 degrees. The finished dryer should be viscous on the teeth and not release moisture when bent. Of course, it will take more time to cook whole pears than cut ones.

It’s not enough to know how to dry pears for the winter; you also need to save your work. Any dried fruits are best stored in fabric bags, you can also place them in glass jars or plastic containers with a tight lid. But polyethylene bags can be attacked by insects or rodents. This preparation does not tolerate moisture well and easily absorbs foreign odors. It is preferable to store in small portions, since if a pest appears in one of them, the rest may not be affected. Check inventory regularly to identify and remove spoiled product in a timely manner.
