What is a good treadmill? Treadmill for home: choosing “your” exercise machine

Treadmill for home- This is a rather difficult choice, in which it is necessary to take into account both the parameters of the person and the conditions of the house. It is important to understand that all treadmills are designed for different purposes, and those used in gyms may not be suitable for use at home. Professional exercise machines are usually designed for large spaces, and therefore do not fit into the average room. When choosing, you need to focus on both the price and the size of the device. For tall people and those who prefer intense exercise, wider and longer paths are needed.

When choosing a device, you need to focus on your budget - if you need a budget option, then it is better to choose a mechanical one. The category of budget tracks also includes magnetic ones - they work in the same way as mechanical ones, but have a smoother ride. Electric is considered the most expensive; in addition, it requires a constant connection to the power grid. This track is very convenient, since the panel displays all the necessary parameters and data: the number of kilometers traveled, energy expended and heart rate. More expensive models may have Internet access and the ability to show video. Before purchasing a walkway, you should walk on it to check the shock absorption.

It is very important to choose the track according to your preferences, as it may be uncomfortable or too powerful. Don’t think that the more expensive a treadmill, the better it is. The track may be too powerful, which is not always applicable at home. The machine has three modes of use: intense running, jogging and walking.

If you are purchasing a device solely for race walking, then choose a cardio treadmill with a speed of 7 km per hour. For jogging, you will need a track with a maximum speed of 10 km per hour. If you purchase a device for fast running, then its maximum speed should reach 16 km per hour. There are faster treadmills, but faster running speeds are not usually achieved. You also need to look at the length of the device. A small one is suitable for race walking, and at least 128 cm in length for running.

Attention! It is also necessary to pay attention to the person's height and weight. You cannot take the track end-to-end - it must support 10-15 kg more than your weight.

For example, if you weigh 70 kg, then take a machine designed for 80 kg or more. You also need to pay attention to the person’s height. While a shorter person may find it comfortable to exercise, a taller person may find it uncomfortable.

Location in the room

Before purchasing a device, you need to evaluate the dimensions of the room, because its power and purpose are unimportant if it does not fit. You need to choose a device based on both its qualities and its convenience. Also note that there should be an outlet next to the cardio equipment in the workout area. To calculate the required distance in the house, you can use the approximate size: 160 cm in length, 75 cm in width and 140 cm in height. There are also mechanical treadmills that do not require constant energy. These treadmills range from 128 cm in height, 120 cm in length and 57 cm in width. If you have absolutely no space for training at home, then a folding track would be a good option. It is easy to move from place to place or put away.

How to choose a treadmill?

How to choose the right treadmill for your home so that it lasts a long time? Exercise machines come in three different types: magnetic, mechanical and electrical.

They differ not only in cost, but also in their operating principle:

  • Mechanical. This type of track is one of the cheapest, but the quality of work also depends on the low price. The student himself activates the treadmill, and while he runs, the device moves. The action is based on the movement of a canvas stretched over rollers. A mechanical cardio machine is useful because, unlike other types, it simulates real running. Contraindications to training on such a simulator are problems with the legs. Such tracks have many advantages: small size, no need for electricity and low price. However, it will not be possible to set a training program for such tracks, and it will be difficult to maintain the same intensity. The movement of the track cannot be called smooth, and there are also weight restrictions. It can be used by people whose weight does not exceed 110 kilograms.
  • Magnetic. This cardio machine is a type of mechanical, but at the same time more advanced, treadmill. The movement of such a device is smoother, this is due to the presence of magnets (they take on part of the load from braking and the movement of the structure). Such a track is a little more expensive than a mechanical one, since its design is more complex. Thanks to a special device, the mechanical track allows you to gain a higher speed than the mechanical one.
  • Electric. A mains-powered motor drives the running belt. There must be an outlet near such a device. With this type of cardio machine, you can easily adjust the speed of movement. You can also monitor your heart rate and distance traveled using built-in sensors. Some tracks count calories burned based on weight. The electric walkway runs smoothly and does not make any noise. On such a device you can exercise according to a given program, for example, to lose weight or improve the body’s endurance. It costs from 20 thousand rubles (such copies have the least number of functions). The only disadvantage of such a simulator is the high price.

The blade must be thoroughly lubricated - this prevents wear of the material. Ideally, the running belt should be double-sided so that if one side wears out, you can turn it over. For people with injuries during the recovery period, it is best to choose running cardio equipment with an increased level of shock absorption.

What to look for when choosing?

Which treadmill is best to buy for your home, and what parameters should you use to choose it? The growth and intensity of training is very important. The greater the person’s height and the intensity of the activity, the longer and wider the running belt should be. For tall people, it is better to choose a device with a length of about 1.5 m and a width of 55 cm. In other cases, the length and width may be less. The mini version should be 45cm wide and 130cm long. Do not forget about caring for the treadmill - the device must be lubricated periodically. In some devices this function is automatic.

Important! The treadmill platform should be thick enough to absorb foot impacts. A multi-layer tape 2 cm thick is perfect - it will last you a long time. This platform is comfortable to walk on, and this is very important for people with joint problems.

Some machines have a reversible platform that can be flipped over when worn. When purchasing a treadmill, you need to test the shock absorption system. It is available in all simulators, except mechanical ones. It is best to test it right in the store, walking on the simulator. It should be stable, but at the same time maintain a balance of hardness and softness, without bending in any direction. The panel of the electric exercise machine reflects the condition of your body and the distance traveled. In this matter you need to focus on your preferences. The most common indicators that are displayed on the screen are heart rate, distance traveled and energy expended. There are panels that have access to the Internet, provide the ability to watch videos, etc. The more expensive the simulator, the more functions it has. Another important parameter that needs to be taken into account when choosing a device is the tilt. On small simulators it cannot be adjusted; this has to be done manually. On expensive electronic exercise machines, you can change the incline at the touch of a button. This parameter is simply necessary for full-featured complex workouts.

How to choose the right path?

First of all, you need to remember safety. The device must have a stop button and an emergency stop key (started if a person falls). Handrails should be installed in such a way as not to interfere with free movement of the arms.

Practical advice: If you have children or pets at home, it is advisable to choose a machine with a safety mechanism so that they cannot accidentally turn it on while you are away.

The wider the canvas, the more convenient the device will be to use. If you purchase an electric exercise machine, then choose a treadmill with the most convenient and understandable panel. Ideally, an electric trainer should have a minimum power of one and a half horsepower, have a quiet motor and the ability to select a programmable and standard mode.

Among the tracks for home use, there are several good models:

  • NordicTrack C300. It is notable for the fact that it can withstand very heavy weight (135 kilograms). The running surface is very wide and long, it can be easily tilted, the maximum speed is 20 km per hour, which makes it possible to use the track for hard training;
  • Intensor T200. It is an average option, since the maximum weight it can withstand is 120 kg. It is suitable for a middle class athlete, the maximum speed is 16 km per hour.

The treadmill is an excellent exercise machine for losing weight and improving physical parameters. You can exercise on a treadmill not only in the gym, but also at home. To do this, you need to choose the right track for your home, focusing on the amount of free space for training, money and physical needs. The device must be suitable for your height and type of physical activity - the taller the person, the larger the machine. You need to choose a path that fits into your budget. The most inexpensive is the mechanical one, which is set in motion by the trainee himself, the second most expensive is the magnetic one, which has the same principle, but costs more because of the magnets (they improve movement). The most expensive cardio machine is electric; it displays on the panel the number of kilometers traveled, heart rate and calories burned.

“Sedentary” work in an office, a passive lifestyle, lack of time for physical education, eating fast food – these signs characteristic of modern man give rise to a lot of diseases and disorders in the body. Improper metabolism, causing active fat deposition, muscle weakness, shortness of breath, and gastrointestinal dysfunction lead to chronic diseases and turn a person into a potential patient.

Running is one of the most accessible and effective types of sports that allows you to maintain excellent physical shape. With a busy daily schedule, it is difficult to find time to visit a stadium or gym. This is where exercise machines come to the rescue. Of course, it is difficult to overestimate jogging along the sea coast or in the forest, but with the busyness of modern people, a running machine is an opportunity to get your health in order without leaving home. All that remains is to figure out how to choose the right treadmill for your home.

It is better to start exercising not when the body is in critical condition, but initially to maintain health and beautiful body shape. A home treadmill will certainly help in losing weight, but the sooner you start exercising, the more effective the result will be. What changes occur in the body during regular exercise on the track?

  • The body's endurance increases.
  • The heart muscle and blood vessels are strengthened.
  • The functioning of the respiratory system improves.
  • Calories are burned - body weight is reduced.
  • The muscular system and figure are strengthened: buttocks, thighs, calves acquire beautiful shapes.
  • The functioning of the skeletal system improves - the spine and joints return to normal.
  • Metabolism is normalized.
  • Intestinal function is stimulated.

Running also relieves stress, eliminates aggression, improves performance and mood. Training helps the body produce joy hormones - endorphins, and besides, running is the very active recreation that doctors insist on.

So, it’s decided: you need to buy a running machine! But to find out which treadmill is better and not make a mistake in choosing, you need to get acquainted with the types and features of these sports equipment.

Types and features of treadmills

First, you need to understand what types of treadmills there are and how their performance differs. The treadmills on the market differ in several ways, the main one being the way they operate the treadmill. Based on the principle of operation, these devices are divided into two large groups: mechanical and electrical types.

Mechanical treadmills

The main feature of the simulator is that the track surface, located on two rollers, is driven by the muscular efforts of the runner. The speed of movement of the belt depends on how quickly the person exercising his legs moves. A mechanical treadmill allows you to move as close as possible to natural conditions. The load is regulated by the angle of inclination of the web (which can be set independently) and the braking of the belt by the front roller.

Products of this type can be equipped with a mechanical loading and braking system or a magnetic system. In the first case, the movement of the canvas depends only on the strength of the athlete’s legs - it moves jerkily, and the load on the body is greater. The second type (commonly known as a magnetic treadmill) is equipped with magnets that facilitate the movement of the belt, so it moves smoothly, and in this case your legs will have to work less.

The advantages of mechanical tracks include the following characteristics:

  • low cost (the simplicity of the mechanism, the absence of an electric drive and independence from the network allow you to save on the production and use of the device);
  • mobility (a walkway independent of the power source, unlike an electric one, can be placed in any convenient place), and a folding walkway will allow you to put it away in a closet or pantry;
  • proximity of the movement mechanism to natural conditions;
  • relatively small weight and dimensions of the treadmill, which is again due to the lack of an electric motor.

Such devices also have disadvantages:

  • Excessive stress on the joints and muscles of the legs due to uneven movement of the belt can lead to diseases over time. Even movement relative to the surface of the earth forces a person to exert less effort. This type of track is contraindicated for people suffering from thrombophlebitis, varicose veins or problem joints.
  • Lack of additional options and features. The functionality of mechanical simulators is limited: speed of movement, counting of calories burned, mileage traveled and heart rate - everything that the device’s monitor will show.
  • Low efficiency due to dependence on the runner. A tired person moves his legs more slowly, at the same time reducing the speed of the treadmill. This relaxes you, prevents you from giving your best, and makes you feel a loss of strength earlier.

Electric treadmills

A distinctive feature of devices of this type is the presence of an electric drive, through which the simulator belt is set in motion. The speed of the web movement is adjustable or pre-programmed and depends on the engine power. The electric treadmill is very popular among buyers due to its high functionality and the additional functions provided.

The advantages of models with an electric motor are significant:

  • Ability to regulate training intensity. Expensive simulators provide a large number of programs that allow you to optimally configure the track to suit your requirements and abilities.
  • Uniform, smooth movement of the canvas avoids excessive stress on the skeleton and muscles, and protects joints from the risk of injury.
  • An abundance of additional options and programs that include displaying various running parameters and body condition. Electric tracks are a more comfortable, less boring jogging experience: expensive models have a built-in player and monitor for watching videos or creating a virtual route.

This type of treadmill also has its downsides.

  • High price due to a large range of functions and costs for electrical equipment.
  • Dependency on the network forces the trainer to be located close to the power source. If there is a power outage, you will have to cancel the class.
  • Expenses for paying for consumed electricity.
  • Large weight and size. A walkway with an electric motor has impressive dimensions: moving or even moving it alone is very problematic.

Main selection criteria

If the decision to buy a trainer has already been made, all that remains is to make the right choice so that you don’t have to regret purchasing a model in a hurry that is completely unsuitable for you. First of all, you need to pay attention to the main characteristics and functions of the treadmill, which will convince you of the right decision.

Electric motor

The track speed directly depends on this parameter. The higher the engine power, the faster you can run. If you are not going to break speed records, you don’t need a trainer with a very powerful motor: it will cost a lot of money. However, if among the potential runners there are people with excess body weight, heavy loads on the motor will reduce the efficiency of operation, or even even lead to breakdown. The optimal indicator with an average weight of 80 kg is a power of 1.5 - 2 horsepower. However, modern models indicate the recommended maximum weight of the student - you can use this indicator as a guide. By the way, pay attention that the sound of the engine is not loud.


The dimensions of the belt along which the runner moves should be comfortable for movement. The optimal parameters for a person of standard dimensions are a length of at least 120 cm, a width of 40 cm or more. For people who are overweight, the figures may be higher. But do not forget that the size of the belt is related to the power of the motor, which means that it directly proportionally affects the cost of the treadmill.

Pay attention to the quality of the tape itself: it should be soft and elastic enough to cushion your steps, ensuring it is gentle on your joints. It’s good if the tape is multi-layered - this will allow you to turn the tape over to the other side and continue training if the outer coating wears out.

A separate issue is the slope of the canvas. With its help, the intensity of the load is regulated. In normal models, there should be at least three tilt positions.


The dimensions of the track are another important indicator when choosing. The width of the machine should allow you to run comfortably. Make sure that the handrails are located at a comfortable level for you. A workout that causes discomfort will not bring pleasure, and therefore the desired result. But getting injured under such conditions is quite likely.

Control panel and additional options

The control panel displays all possible functions of the device. Vital sign sensors are typically located on handrails or attached to the user's ear. It all depends on the buyer's preferences. As for the various “bells and whistles” - for example, additional programs, here again the choice is yours: just do not forget that you will have to pay extra for each “trick”. By the way, about built-in audio and video players: the same player or TV can be turned on permanently at home instead of spending a round sum on “bells and whistles”.


If there is not much space in the apartment, and the exercise machine needs to be cleaned periodically, the best solution would be a folding treadmill, which is easy to disassemble and assemble even on your own.


Make sure the device is equipped with a security key. This is a special chip that is fixed into a connector on the monitor at one end and on the user’s belt at the other. If a person falls, it pops out of the connector and the track stops, reducing the likelihood of injury.

What else should you pay attention to? Before purchasing, check the build quality of the device and the warranty period provided by the manufacturers. Find out where the nearest service center is located so that in case of a breakdown you can quickly repair the device. Read treadmill reviews online or ask experienced people to clear your doubts.

About reliable manufacturers

When making a choice, it is not surprising for an inexperienced buyer to run into Chinese consumer goods that will last for several weeks and then be safely sent to a landfill. Perhaps the names of well-known manufacturing companies that have managed to establish themselves in the market will help you make your choice:

  • Kettler, Carbon, Bronze Gym (Germany);
  • Torneo (Italy);
  • Reebok is an international concern;
  • Winner/Oxygen is a well-established Taiwanese company;
  • Champion (USA);
  • DKN (UK);
  • Bremshey (Netherlands).

When deciding which treadmill to choose for your home, take your time: this is a serious purchase. Evaluate the parameters and functions of the model that are important to you, the rest is a waste of money. If possible, check the simulator in action, for example, at the nearest fitness club. Happy shopping!

The effectiveness of running on a machine will entirely depend on one fact: do you really want to get in shape or are you hoping to “run” for two weeks and then use the treadmill as an additional hanger? This cardio machine is not a bargain buy. Therefore, in addition to the fact that you need to figure out the price, you will also need to figure out: what additional benefits do exercises bring, besides losing weight? How do tracks differ from each other? Should you consider purchasing options specifically for yourself?

Buying a treadmill is the right choice to improve your health.

Systematic exercises will help:

  • lose weight
  • strengthen the cardiovascular and circulatory systems
  • improve lung function
  • develop endurance
  • improve well-being and lift your mood
  • relax and collect your thoughts (especially if no one will distract you during training).

Initially, treadmills were mechanical. But progress does not stand still, and now you can bring home from the store not only a mechanical treadmill, but also an electric treadmill.

Let's figure out what the differences, disadvantages and advantages are...

Which treadmill to choose. Mechanical or electrical?

Mechanical, magnetic.

In a mechanical track, the tape lives only because of you. You run - the belt moves, you stop - the belt loses speed and stops.

  • What are the advantages? During training, you don’t wonder how much you will have to pay for the light, since you are the main energy generator. The second advantage is that there is no electric motor - you can put it anywhere: on the balcony, or in a private house - in the yard. If you want to exercise in nature, feel free to put it on the site and run. In terms of weight, such tracks are not heavy. You can choose the speed based on your strengths. And another important point is the price: the cost of such a simulator is lower than that of its electric counterpart.
  • What are the disadvantages? The fundamental disadvantage is that people with leg problems cannot exercise on mechanical tracks. For them, this will be a colossal load on the legs, pain may appear, and varicose veins may become more active. Another disadvantage is that such models do not have any bells and whistles. That is, everything is modest - the simulator shows the speed, the number of calories burned, the training time and the distance traveled.
  • Mechanical treadmills have a variation - magnetic treadmills. They differ only in that the blade rotates smoothly, without jerking.


On such a track you can set any speed, just have time to move your feet! The main difference between such simulators and mechanical ones is the electric motor and control panel.

What can you say about the pros and cons? Logically speaking, such a simulator would be one big plus, if not for several “buts”: cost, electricity costs and heavy weight due to the electric motor.

The minimum and maximum speeds directly depend on the motor power. Depending on this, prices vary widely, which we will look at later in this article.

The control panel has built-in workout programs and you can choose the one that suits you best. Or create an individual lesson program.

What should you ask the salesperson in the store so that you can study with pleasure at home?

Automatic or manual: tilt angle.

Please note that in the simplest track it will not be possible to change the angle of the canvas.

Usually it is standard - up to 15°. What does this mean to you? Increasing efficiency - running “uphill” - will not work on such a path.

It will not suit you if you have chosen a treadmill with the goal of losing weight seriously and for a long time.

Pay attention to models that are equipped manual tilt angle adjustment. But the most suitable option is automatic adjustment. It works simply: press the button and immediately you have the opportunity to “go up”.

But only models that have a mini-computer on the panel have such adjustment.

Engine power: constant or peak?

Constant power creates traction while you exercise. Peak power refers to how quickly you accelerate when you're at the peak of your activity. It has nothing to do with the performance of the track.

Therefore, when choosing a simulator, remember, you need to pay attention to power, that is, constant speed. How long the treadmill will serve you depends only on it. The higher it is, the more effectively you can train.

80 or 180? Select the maximum user weight.

It doesn't matter what your weight is. If possible, choose a treadmill with the maximum user weight.

This is the so-called “margin of safety”; after all, the purchase is not for one day, and it is not known how many kilograms your spouse will add in ten years. And remember, the frame of the simulator must be strong, only then will it support a lot of weight.

Cushioning: What does it have to do with your health?

Imagine, you are already wearing sneakers and you need to choose a road: asphalt or green mown grass. The cushioned path is grass, it feels good on your feet and puts minimal stress on your joints.

Of course, in order to save money, you can choose a simulator without a shock-absorbing system. But then get ready for the fact that as a result of regular exercise, the load on the intervertebral discs, vertebrae and joints will increase.

But you remember that we buy this simulator to strengthen the body, and not “to loosen” it!

How to choose a running belt?

The greater your weight and height, the longer and wider the running belt you choose. But a supply of fabric is not needed here, since this is an extra cost in terms of cost and electricity. In addition, the larger the canvas, the more powerful the size of the simulator itself.

Choose a path, look at the decks - the platform on which the canvas lies. It should be at least 2 cm, this will prevent cracks from forming on the canvas.

The standard width of the canvas is 35-55 centimeters, and the length is 110-145 centimeters.

There is a coating of the canvas in several layers. It has better shock absorption and durability. And if it is a double-sided canvas, then it can even be turned over as you use it.

Classic treadmill or compact?

You can select a track that has a folding function. At the same time, its size is reduced by almost half. But still, it wouldn’t hurt to find out the dimensions when folded and when working.

The folding system can be manual or automatic. Certainly, folding the track with one click of a button is very convenient.

Programs: many or few?

There are treadmills in which the number of programs goes off scale to several dozen. But this is for those who like to delve into the settings and have an idea of ​​how one program differs from another. Usually, some of the programs are standard, and some are for experienced runners who can independently adjust the mode and speed.

The cost of the track also depends on the number of programs.

But for beginners, there are models of simulators that have a minimum number of programs built into them.

Control display: color or monochrome?

Not important, but a nice moment. Usually the tracks have monochrome displays - blue, greenish, red. But manufacturers also make color displays.

However, what is shown on the display is much more important, and not what color it is painted:

  • training time
  • distance traveled
  • heart rate monitor
  • calories burned.

More expensive models add:

  • tilt angle
  • fat analyzer
  • program settings and many more indicators.

Some sets of treadmills have a very useful thing - heart rate sensors. You can attach them to your body and see on the console the state of your body at the time of training.

And the most important thing that can save you in case of a fall is the safety key. It sits near or directly on the panel and attaches to your body. If you suddenly fall, the belt will instantly stop to protect you from injury.

Answers to frequently asked questions

  • Advantages of a treadmill over other exercise machines

We practically don’t respond to advertising anymore. As long as it doesn't affect us. But as soon as we think about choosing something, advertising calls rip our brains apart. The same thing happens if you are planning to lose weight. Which exercise machine should you choose: a treadmill or an elliptical, an exercise bike or a stepper?

I propose to put aside emotions and figure out why a treadmill is better or worse than other exercise machines.

  • Treadmill or exercise bike?

The body develops more harmoniously on a treadmill than on a machine. It uses more muscles. And on an exercise bike - first the legs, then the rest of the muscles.

But! A treadmill may not be suitable for you if you have varicose veins or any leg problems.

  • Treadmill or elliptical?

If you don't have any joint problems and like interval training, then go for the treadmill. It has workout programs and is generally more fun than monotonous elliptical training. In addition, it can be folded and put away, but this cannot be done with an ellipsoid.

  • Treadmill or stepper?

If you want to tone up your lower body, a stepper is perfect. But it won't cope with the waist area.

To do this, you need to choose a treadmill. Of course, it takes up more space, but it is many times more efficient.

Price issue. Price range.

Optimal price of a simulator for a beginner

A mechanical treadmill will cost you less, but if you decide to choose an electric one, then the price range here will be quite large. If you try, you can choose a good electric one at an affordable price. Of course, electric treadmills are more expensive than mechanical ones. It all depends on the class of the simulator:

"Economy class".

  • Cost from 800 to 1200 dollars.
  • Motor power is no more than 1.1 kW.
  • The speed of the belt is from 1.5 to 15 km/h.
  • Canvas size 38-40 cm.

Treadmills of this type are operated exclusively manually and are designed for home use.

"Amateur class"

  • Cost from 1300 to 3500 dollars.
  • Engine power 1.5 kW.
  • The speed of the belt is from 1.5 to 16 km/h.
  • Canvas size 40-45 cm.
  • Such tracks have an on-board computer, which is not only programmed with its own modes, but also allows you to create your own. Automatic calculation of the angle of inclination.

These tracks are for a home or a fitness club with a small number of visitors.

"High-End Class".

  • Cost from 3600 to 5500 dollars.
  • Engine power 1.5-2 kW.
  • The speed of the belt is from 0.8 to 18 km/h.
  • Canvas size 40-45 cm.

Just like the class above, these tracks are designed for home use or a small gym.

Professional treadmills

  • Cost from 3600 to 16,000 dollars.
  • Engine power, speed and blade size are almost always the same as in the Hi-End class.

Then why such a price? This price is for large gym owners. Using the right technical solutions, they can operate these simulators around the clock.

As you can see, you don’t have to buy a treadmill at the cost of a car. All you have to do is choose the original track functions that suit you without spending too much.

Which brand of treadmill should I choose?

When choosing a track, think not only about price and size, but also about the manufacturer. There are companies that have been in this market for many decades, and there are newcomers. This means that two tracks with the same functions can be radically different in quality.

Brands always have more advantages over unknown companies. They value the established reputation and do not allow a certain percentage of defects to be exceeded.

It is objectively difficult to judge who is better or worse. But there are companies that make the brand:

  • Torneo– the Italian company is one of the most popular in this niche. It produces many different models and types of tracks.
  • HouseFit is a US corporation with excellent recommendations among buyers.
  • Stingray— produces fitness products since 1994. In 2002 it entered the Russian market.
  • Reebok- it's not just sneakers and suits. These are also various exercise machines for home.
  • Have you seen the inscription? KETTLER, which adorns professional treadmills in the gym? This company has proven itself well in the production of home exercise equipment.

It is not serious to talk about a healthy lifestyle without regular physical activity. A treadmill at home is a great way to keep your muscles and heart in shape, lose extra pounds, increase endurance and immunity.

The advantages of a personal trainer also include its independence from weather and seasonal factors. Home workouts do not interfere with your work schedule, eliminating the cost of transportation and purchasing a gym membership.

So, is it still a purchase? Then it is very important not to make a mistake, which track to choose: magnetic, mechanical or electric? Or maybe even orbitek?

5 types of treadmills

The operation of any treadmill is based on the same principle of rotation in a circle as in a conveyor belt. But only this belt is capable of withstanding heavy loads; for the safety and convenience of the runner, it is built into a stable platform, equipped with handrails, sensors, and a computer.

Ultimately, today it represents the most modern unit, developed using scientific technologies, the latest technical achievements and design developments.

1. Mechanical

- This is the simplest version of such a simulator. The rotation of the running belt occurs here due to the muscular strength of the runner's legs, speeding up or slowing down at his discretion.

As soon as you add a step, the speed of movement of the belt increases; if you get tired and stop, the belt also stops.

The elements for regulating the increase in load in mechanical tracks are the angle of inclination of the belt or the brake shaft.

Pros of mechanical models:

  • independence from electricity;
  • simplicity of design, compact size and light weight;
  • affordability compared to more sophisticated electric models.

All this makes a mechanical track a desirable purchase for many sports fans.

However, let's not keep silent about the shortcomings:

  • a minimum set of functions (on a simple console - only the most necessary readings of speed, number of calories burned, training time and distance traveled), no programs;
  • walking or running is possible only on an inclined surface - without setting the angle, the tape simply cannot move;
  • the movement of the running belt may be accompanied by jerks;
  • absence or minimal shock absorption parameters due to close contact between a person’s feet and the tape, which excessively loads the joints.

Example: Torneo Sprint T-110

Development from the Italian company Torneo.

Has the following features and advantages:

  1. functions: manual tilt angle adjustment (8 positions);
  2. fitness assessment program (speed, calorie burn, distance);
  3. pulse meter;
  4. canvas 33x113 cm with a shock absorption system;
  5. user weight limit is 100 kg.

Price – from 5000 rubles.

2. Magnetic

is an improved mechanical model and, as it were, a transitional version from the simplest mechanism using muscular force to a more modern one - electric, where acceleration, deceleration with subsequent stopping and a given intensity are provided by the motor.

Magnetic models differ from mechanical models more advanced braking system.

If in the former the deceleration and stopping of the belt is provided by the natural force of friction or by a friction brake that slows down the simulator by pressing the belt, then the latter are equipped with a magnetic drive. Thanks to it, the canvas is magnetized and attracted evenly along the entire length of the tape, which ensures smooth and quiet movement.

Advantages of magnetic models:

  • small dimensions;
  • inexpensive;
  • smooth movement and ability to adjust loads;
  • eliminating mechanical wear of the brake and reducing tire wear.

The disadvantages include:

  • still, as in mechanical tracks, there is a heavy load on the joints of the legs;
  • lack of training programs - the electronic console shows only its basic parameters.

To minimize the stress on your joints, you need to choose the right

Example: Body Sculpture BT 2860C

An example of a typical magnetic track from the English brand Body Sculpture.

Its advantages and features:

  1. tilt angle adjustment – ​​mechanical;
  2. system for changing the load level Hi-Tech (stepless);
  3. folding design, rollers;
  4. large LCD display with the necessary indicators;
  5. built-in heart rate monitor;
  6. canvas 33x117 cm;
  7. maximum user weight – 110 kg.

Cost – from 13,000 rubles.

3. Electric

The main difference is presence of an electric motor, creating loads in the widest range and ensuring smooth and constant movement of the belt. The control panel is a mandatory element of any simulator. But here, in addition to the basic set of training parameters, the on-board PC provides control over its progress, programming modes and even creating your own.

Depending on your goals - increasing endurance levels, rehabilitation, use, etc. – the mini-computer works as a personal trainer. And the most modern models have an audio and video system, Internet access, etc. The panel also ensures an instant stop of the simulator if the athlete slips off the track - the safety key built into it is activated.

Pros of electric models:

  • the running belt is not only cushioned, it is practically orthopedic;
  • a wide range of training programs and the ability to set individual regimes for yourself;
  • and running on a flat surface, because the speed and load level are not set by the angle of inclination, but are provided by the operation of the motor.

The disadvantages are obvious:

  • extensive functionality, the most modern solutions in electronic support simply cannot be cheap - therefore the cost of such models is very high;
  • dependence on the power grid and energy costs.

Example: Housefit HT 9164E

Track from the American brand of sporting goods "Housefit".

She has the following advantages and features:

  1. The motor power is high - 2.5 hp, the speed reaches 18 km/h;
  2. convenient canvas dimensions: length – 135 cm, width – 46 cm;
  3. automatic tilt angle adjustment (18 positions);
  4. heart rate sensors;
  5. console with training parameters - calories, distance, time - and built-in programs;
  6. user weight limit is 125 kg.

Cost – from 30,000 rubles.

4. Folding (compact)

There can be all types - mechanical, magnetic, electrical. Such models are produced to save space, ease of storage and transportation.

A transforming walkway is a godsend for a small apartment, country house or small office. When folded, it will not clutter up the space or interfere with movement. But as soon as you want to exercise, the simulator is again at your service.

Example: Hasttings Fusion II HRC

Manufactured in China, the model of the English sports brand “Hastting”, in addition to an attractive design, has a whole range of advantages:

  1. low-noise forced-cooled motor from Leeson (USA) with a power of 2 hp. capable of accelerating the simulator up to 16 km/h;
  2. two-layer running belt 125x42 cm and 1.8 cm thick with a shock-absorbing elastomer comfort plus system;
  3. electrically adjustable tilt angle up to 15° using monitor keys or buttons on the handles (there are also pulse sensors and speed control);
  4. compact dimensions and safe hydraulic folding mode;
  5. on-board PC with an accessible menu on the LCD display - 25 manually set programs, readings of key training parameters, MP3;
  6. maximum user weight – 130 kg.

However, such a model costs about 40,000 rubles.

5. Children's

There are no fundamental differences from treadmills for adults. However they are developed taking into account the special qualities of the child’s body– short stride length, short stature, low intensity of loads, etc.

They usually have a simple design, compact size, attractive bright design for kids, increased safety and are made of high-strength and anti-slip environmentally friendly materials. Most often, for safety reasons, children's tracks are mechanical.

Peculiarity! Among the additional options typical on a children's treadmill is a twister foot circle with an anti-slip coating for rotating the lower body to the right and left. It not only diversifies the activities, but also allows two kids to exercise on the simulator at the same time: holding on to the handrail, one can run, the other can spin on the twister.

Example: Moove&Fun SH-01-T

This mechanical track came to us from China. The age of children who can use it is 3-6 years.
Possesses positive features:

  1. bright, spectacular appearance;
  2. made of durable safe materials, handrail wrapping is made of soft non-slip PVC and nylon;
  3. running belt with silent movement, high density, antistatic properties and bright colors;
  4. twister disk;
  5. battery-powered console with information about basic training parameters;
  6. the maximum weight of a child participating is 50 kg;
  7. There are wheels for transportation.

Cost – from 6500 rubles.

What to look for when buying a home exercise machine?

The operating principle of treadmills is simple. However, the device itself, especially the semi-professional and professional electrically driven models, is quite complex.
Need to take into account! To avoid unnecessary hassle with setup, ongoing repairs and maintenance of an unsuccessfully chosen model, or loss of interest in training due to inappropriate parameters, when purchasing, immediately pay attention to the characteristics and options of a treadmill cardio machine. However, do not forget - any simulator requires.

  • Engine. This is the heart of the treadmill. They provide the highest speed of unwinding of the web under the weight of a person. But if you are not a professional athlete practicing interval training at peak speed, and your body weight does not exceed average (80-85 kg), you should not overpay for power units that will not be useful. A 1.5 horsepower engine will suit you just fine. If the weight is greater, select from 1.6 hp. and higher, a little power reserve won't hurt. This will extend the service life and protect against breakdowns. The formula for practical choice is as follows: among two or three models that you like, choose a machine with the greatest constant, not peak power - you won’t go wrong.
  • Running belt. This element is the key to comfortable operation. Its optimal length and width are 120-130 by 40 cm, but it is necessary to take into account the weight and height of the user’s stride, planned running speed, etc. Constant stiffness of movement and lack of space under your feet are not the best incentives for exercise. Two more important characteristics of the canvas are shock-absorbing properties and thickness. The soft and elastic tape can significantly dampen the inertia of steps, reducing the impact load on joints and ligaments. And the multi-layer nature of the canvas will make it possible to extend its operation without replacement, simply by swapping the face and back of the deck.
  • Dimensions and stability. The supporting surfaces of the handrails should not restrict movement and should be located comfortably both in width and height. Their job is to ensure safety when running and prevent the risk of falling and injury. Inappropriate handrail parameters affect not only the comfort of training, but also the overall stability of the treadmill.
  • Control Panel. Comfortable management of the treadmill, monitoring of the most important indicators and visualization of processes occurring at the physical level is an important part of working on yourself. Choose simple and intuitive options or more technological ones, depending on your taste and goals for working on the simulator.
    Pay attention to: measuring functions and accessibility of programs (they should allow you to track your progress); compatibility with additional functions (personal trainer, MP3 player); readability of information (screen parameters, backlight); the presence of a heart rate monitor and the convenience of its location (handrails, ear clip).
  • Availability of a security key. The emergency stop key is fixed on the runner's belt. If it suddenly falls, it is pulled out of the connector - and the treadmill instantly stops rotating to avoid injury. Compliance is a prerequisite.
  • Additional functions. It makes no sense to overpay for multimedia functions if you will not use, for example, a TV tuner, Wi-Fi or audio system built into the LCD display - you can turn on a TV or stereo system at home. The same applies to programs - there may be 9 of them, or maybe 20 or more. Each of them affects the price, but will you use two dozen programs?
  • Tilt angle. With its help, the load vector is adjusted during training. There must be at least three provisions. Can be adjusted manually or by PC key.
  • Noise level. Relevant for both yourself and your neighbors. An important parameter when choosing a mechanical track.
  • Storage and movement capabilities. If you have a minimum of free space, choose folding models, preferably with rollers for transportation. Then you can install it without any help, and, if necessary, fold it and put the exercise machine away for storage.

Several useful videos

For an even better understanding of all the nuances of choice, we advise you to watch the following videos:

All this will allow you to make the right choice, without overpaying for unnecessary options and investing your money in a profitable long-term investment for the sake of your health.

A treadmill for the home is most often purchased in order to get rid of extra pounds, give your figure the desired shape, or simply to improve your health and improve your physical condition. Why is this type of cardio equipment so popular for home use and how to choose the right treadmill? Let's try to figure it out.

What are the benefits of running

Running, along with walking, has been one of the most natural ways of transportation for humans since the immemorial moment when our ancient ancestors stood on their hind limbs.

Regular jogging can strengthen your leg muscles, increase functional endurance, strengthen your cardiovascular system, get rid of excess fat and develop beautiful posture.

Modern research has scientifically proven the beneficial effects of health-improving running on the human body. Running is one of the most effective ways to improve your health, along with swimming and cycling.

During running training, the body actively uses all resources, organs are supplied with oxygen. With an adequate increase in intensity, the heart muscle is significantly strengthened, and the ability to pump blood to supply nutrients to the muscles of the entire body increases.

Deep breathing during exercise increases the working volume of the lungs, allowing them to pump in more oxygen, which has a positive effect on the overall condition of the circulatory system.

Running has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, relieves stress and helps get rid of accumulated excess fat deposits, and running is also good for posture.

Of course, it is much more pleasant to run along forest or park paths and breathe fresh air. However, unfortunately, not everyone has such an opportunity. The pollution of our cities, the lack of specially equipped places for training with good coverage and illumination at night, forces the majority of those who want to run to purchase cardio equipment for home workouts.

Benefits of running on a treadmill

Modern manufacturers of sports equipment offer many models of treadmills to suit every taste and budget. These exercise machines will serve as an excellent alternative to outdoor exercise and have a number of undeniable advantages:

  1. Modern models of exercise equipment for home use are quite compact, do not take up much space and can be folded. Paths from well-known manufacturers are reliable and, with proper care, will last a long time.
  2. Exercising on a treadmill helps keep the muscles of the whole body in good shape, without making any special demands on the complexity of the workout.
  3. Additional electronic options of modern exercise machines allow you to clearly monitor your heart rate, mileage traveled, calories burned and many other parameters. And ready-made training programs will help even beginner runners conduct classes more effectively.
  4. Many modern models of exercise machines allow you to change the angle of inclination of the belt, which allows you to simulate running on terrain with ups and downs. This feature increases the load during training, which has a positive effect on the effectiveness of losing excess weight.
  5. Availability of training. The ability to run at home allows you to manage your time more effectively, because you don’t have to figure out favorable weather for training or waste time traveling to the stadium. All you have to do is put on the right shoes and start exercising.

Main types of simulators

Modern models of treadmills for home are divided into two main types - mechanical and electrically powered.

In the mechanical type of exercise machine, the belt is set in motion with the help of the leg muscles of the person exercising on the exercise machine. The advantage of this type of simulators is their independence from the power grid: During training, there is no electrical energy consumption and there is no need to have a power outlet next to the treadmill. This ensures complete mobility of mechanical treadmills and allows them to be used in rooms without an electrical outlet.

As a rule, tracks of this type are compact, easy to disassemble and fold, which is an additional advantage for home use.

The main disadvantage of mechanical type simulators is the principle of their operation. By pushing off from the canvas during training, the practitioner not only gives it speed of movement, but also receives additional stress on the muscles and joints of the legs, which many are not happy with, and the effectiveness of the training.

This problem has been partly solved in a more advanced subtype of mechanical treadmills - magnetic simulators. Just like in conventional exercise machines, in magnetic track models the belt is driven by the athlete’s feet, but powerful magnets integrated into the mechanism make the movement of the belt more even and smooth. There are no unnecessary jerks during movement, and the load on the runner’s ankles is reduced.

An additional disadvantage of mechanical tracks is the minimum information output. The design of such simulators provides only basic heart rate sensors, information about the distance traveled and calories burned.

The best option when choosing a treadmill for your home would be a more modern type of machine, equipped with an electric motor. When running on such a track, you do not need to make any additional effort to rotate the belt; the electric motor will do this for you, and you can concentrate only on.

Modern models of electric tracks, as a rule, are equipped with a built-in on-board computer with ready-made training programs, which significantly increases the effectiveness of training even in the absence of sports experience.

As you train, your physical condition and running speed will steadily increase. Electric exercise machines allow you to develop a much higher running speed compared to their mechanical counterparts. Thanks to this, as you progress in training, you will not hit the ceiling of the technical characteristics of the simulator, as can happen with a mechanical type.

What to look for when choosing

Modern treadmills consist of six main components:

  1. electric motor;
  2. supporting surface (deck and running surface);
  3. frames;
  4. suspensions with shock-absorbing system;
  5. racks;
  6. built-in computer and (or) control panel;

The electric motor is the main component of the treadmill. The duration of operation of the simulator depends on its reliability and power. When choosing a track, pay attention to the peak and continuous engine power. The higher these indicators, the better.

The running surface (deck) is available in various thicknesses. If you are planning intense workouts or your weight is significantly higher than 80 kilograms, choose a machine with a deck thickness of at least 3 centimeters. The width of the running belt should be chosen based on the dimensions of the exerciser and the width of his steps. When running, your feet should not touch the edges of the stopper.

The shock absorption system plays a very important role in the design of the simulator, since it serves for shock absorption when the foot lands. The better and more modern the suspension system, the less damage to the runner’s joints and spine will be caused during training.

In modern treadmill models, the shock-absorbing suspension system is located directly under the deck, rather than on the frame, as in previous generation models. This allows you to absorb shocks much more effectively.

The treadmill frame supports the entire structure. Frames differ according to the material they are made of. Low-price exercise machines are made with metal frames, while more expensive treadmills are equipped with aluminum alloy frames. Aluminum in the design of the exercise machine allows you to more effectively absorb foot impacts during running, it is less susceptible to corrosion, is durable and is lighter in weight.

The main purpose of the racks is runner hand support. In modern models of exercise machines, heart rate sensors are built into the racks.

The control panel of modern treadmills includes a built-in on-board computer that allows you to select ready-made training programs or set your own, control the inclination of the belt and the speed of movement. The panels of modern simulators are equipped with color informative displays that can display many parameters during training.

In addition to the main components listed above, there are several universal recommendations on what to look for before purchasing:

  1. Note what restrictions exist on the maximum weight of the student. If desired, this will allow your family to train on the treadmill.
  2. The system for controlling the functionality of the simulator should be friendly and intuitive even for a novice user.
  3. Before purchasing, plan and measure the space in your apartment where you plan to install the treadmill. If you don't have enough free space, you can purchase a compact treadmill for your home that can be folded. On days free from training, such a simulator can be hidden under the bed or in a closet.
  4. Be sure to test the treadmill in action before purchasing. Listen to the engine - it should not be too noisy. Check that the blade moves and stops smoothly. There should be no jerking during movement.
  5. Read the simulator's passport about the power of the power unit. If possible, purchase a simulator whose passport indicates an engine power of at least two horsepower. This indicator will increase the life of the simulator, especially if one of the trainees weighs more than 80 kilograms.
  6. Ask the seller to tell you about the programs available in the on-board computer of the simulator. In advanced class models, in addition to the mandatory information about heart rate, exercise time and distance traveled, it is possible to use ready-made interval or
