What documents are needed to apply for a mortgage using maternity capital? How to get a mortgage using maternity capital? Repayment of principal

At Sberbank, a mortgage against maternity capital is a fairly common service requested by many families in our country. In 2017, the share of mortgage lending exceeded 2 trillion rubles. Not the least role in this was played by the permission to use MSK certificates to purchase housing immediately after the birth of a younger family member. The country's oldest bank offers several products in this area. The Sberbank mortgage program with maternity capital as a down payment is popular.

How to get a mortgage using maternity capital from Sberbank

Mortgages from Sberbank using maternity capital have become available. Now you don’t have to wait until your child turns 3 years old—immediately after his birth, you can use the certificate to buy a home.

There are 2 ways to use state assistance to solve the housing problem:

  1. Pay off your existing mortgage. Using a certificate, you can reduce not only the amount of debt, but also the interest on it.
  2. Take out a mortgage.

This can be done by a family that has not yet disposed of MSC. All you need to do to get a mortgage from Sberbank with the participation of matkapital is to contact the bank with a request to issue a loan.

The title borrower is the one to whom the certificate is issued. Most often this is a woman. The spouse automatically becomes a co-borrower; this is an unconditional requirement of the bank. The husband's income plays an important role when considering the application. It also affects the loan amount.

It’s easy to comply with the bank’s requirements:

  1. Citizenship of the Russian Federation.
  2. At least 21 years of age. By the time the debt obligations are fully satisfied, the borrower must be under 75 years of age.
  3. A person must work for at least 5 years. Experience in the last place - from 6 months.
  4. No problems with payments on loans taken earlier. Their purpose and type do not matter. Also, the size of the previously taken loan does not play any role.

After the bank has given preliminary consent, you can select a suitable apartment. When all documents are ready, they are sent to the lending institution to check for compliance with the requirements. After approval, an agreement is signed giving the right to own the property, with registration in Rosreestrey. The mortgage agreement must be signed before the title to the property is transferred to the new owner.

Maternity capital as a down payment for a mortgage

According to banks' conditions, loan funds account for 80-85% of the cost of housing. The remaining amount is the first payment. If you don’t have enough money, you can take advantage of government assistance and use family capital for this.

To use maternity capital for a down payment on a mortgage from Sberbank or another financial organization, you need to contact the Pension Fund with an application, submitting a package of documents:

  • mortgage loan agreement;
  • a certificate from the bank regarding the calculation of debt on an existing loan;
  • certificate of ownership of an apartment or house;
  • a written obligation to allocate shares to all family members in the residential premises within six months after the removal of the encumbrance.

2-3 months after consideration of the application, PFR specialists will transfer the money to the MSC recipient’s account.

In order not to wait 3 months for the transfer of money, the bank offers a solution to the problem. He increases the loan amount by the amount of capital or issues a second loan, the amount of which is the same. This money is transferred to the seller as a down payment.

Sberbank conditions for mortgage plus maternity capital

It will not be possible to build a house thanks to the program offered by Sberbank “Mortgage plus maternity capital” - it is focused on the purchase of completed housing. Both new buildings and secondary housing are suitable. You can also invest in shared construction.

When purchasing any type of real estate that meets the terms of the program, the bank has a number of conditions under which it will cooperate with borrowers. The first thing the credit institution insists on is registration of housing as shared ownership. The size of the shares is determined by the owner of the premises.

The second requirement is that no more than six months must pass from the moment of signing the agreement to receive borrowed funds to the Pension Fund with an application to transfer money to repay the loan.

The third condition concerns those who do not receive their salary into a bank account. They will have to document their income and employment. Failure to do so will result in an increase in the interest rate and a reduction in the maximum age to 65 years.

The consequence of unwillingness to prove financial well-being and the presence of a permanent job may be a denial of the opportunity to obtain a mortgage.

When buying a finished home, the bank will not give you less than 300,000 rubles. The maximum you can count on is 85% of the cost of the premises. The loan rate is 8.6% - 9.5%. If the borrower does not want to insure health and life, it increases by 1%. The rate increases by 0.5% for those who receive salaries into the accounts of other financial organizations.

The bank will accept any real estate owned by the borrower as collateral.

Co-borrowers will help increase the loan amount. In addition to the spouse, 2 more people can play this role. Often close relatives, such as parents, become co-borrowers.

If the family participates in shared construction, then the conditions do not change, but the loan rates increase from 7.4% to 10.5%.

As with the purchase of housing that is already in use, the collateral is determined by the borrower himself. The bank will agree to accept any real estate as collateral.

Video on how to use maternity capital when buying a home on credit:

Step-by-step algorithm for buying an apartment with a mortgage using maternal capital

Taking out a mortgage using maternity capital from Sberbank takes 1-2 months. This process looks like this step by step:

  1. An application for a mortgage is filled out with the participation of MSC. This can be done online on the bank’s website or in the office.
  2. The application must be supplemented with documents that confirm the identity of the borrower and his marital status. Solvency will also have to be proven.
  3. Wait for approval. This takes from 2 to 5 working days. This time is necessary to verify the accuracy of the information provided by the borrower.
  4. Attend an interview with a bank employee. The applicant's personal presence is required. In exceptional cases, he may be replaced by a representative, whose powers will be confirmed by a power of attorney certified by a notary.
  5. Decide on real estate. It is better if the apartment is selected before submitting the application.
  6. Prepare and submit to employees of the credit institution all documents regarding the purchased housing.
  7. Submit to the Pension Fund of Russia a letter of guarantee confirming that the funds under the MSK certificate will be transferred to the bank as payment for the mortgage.
  8. Sign a mortgage loan agreement. Particular attention should be paid not only to the clauses of the contract, but also to the payment schedule.
  9. Sign and register an agreement defining ownership of the property.
  10. Get a loan to purchase a home secured by real estate.

List of documents

In some cases, you can get a mortgage from Sberbank by providing 2 documents, but when it comes to the participation of mother capital, this is not enough. The bank will have to provide a voluminous list (list) of documents. Some of them will only be required during an interview at the bank. This is the complete list of documents:

  1. Passports of the borrower and co-borrower. They must contain registration marks.
  2. The second document that proves your identity. The bank will accept a driver's license, ID of an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or other federal executive authorities, military ID, international passport, SNILS.
  3. Certificate of income of the borrower and all co-borrowers. These documents reduce the interest on the loan. The bank will accept them on its letterhead. A 2-NDFL certificate from the accounting department for 6 months also confirms income. If there are additional financial income or the borrower is an individual entrepreneur, then a tax return will be required. A lease agreement will be needed if the borrower rents out real estate. This agreement must specify the payment amounts.
  4. A copy of the work record book or employment contract. They are required to confirm official employment. Provided by all co-borrowers.
  5. Marriage certificate and child birth certificate. If parents are involved in the mortgage, proof of relationship will be required. To do this, simply attach your birth certificate. When changing your surname, you also need a certificate of change of surname.
  6. Documents for the property that will be pledged. They are needed if the borrower does not plan to provide the purchased housing as collateral for the loan.
  7. MSK certificate and an extract from the territorial department of the Pension Fund about the balance of maternity capital funds. This document can be submitted within 2 months from the date the bank makes a positive decision on the application.
  8. Application form.

Papers and certificates can be sent via the Internet. In the case of an online application, they must be certified with the electronic signature of the loan recipient. You can purchase it at the post office.

In addition, you will need documents for the housing you are purchasing:

  1. Expert opinion on the cost of residential premises.
  2. Certificate of registration of property rights.
  3. Extract from Rosreestr about transactions with an apartment.
  4. Written consent of the seller’s husband or wife to sell the home or a certificate confirming the absence of a share in the property.
  5. If housing is still under construction, a shared construction agreement, an investment agreement, and design and estimate documentation are required, depending on the type and stage of construction. If the house is completed, you will need permission to put it into operation. With individual housing construction, you cannot do without a cadastral passport and estimated value.

You have 60 days to submit these certificates to the bank. Within six months after receiving a mortgage, you must submit a letter from the Pension Fund to the bank guaranteeing the transfer of money to the bank’s accounts.

The title borrower will have to give a written commitment to allocate shares in the house or apartment after repaying the debt.

Mandatory registration of common shared ownership

When the mortgage is paid off, the borrower will have to divide the apartment. The age of the children at the time of full repayment of the loan does not matter. A portion of real estate is also allocated to those who were born after their parents entered into a mortgage. This is stated in Article 10 256 of the Federal Law.

The size of the shares that children receive is not fixed. The owner of the premises decides which part of the property purchased with the participation of MSC to allocate. In practice, the room is divided into equal parts.

Video on how to apply for a mortgage using maternity capital:

Are you interested in Sberbank's mortgage loan programs? Do you expect to use maternity capital funds when applying for a loan?

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Let's look at how to get a mortgage in this case from this bank in 2019. For most families, a mortgage is the only option for purchasing a home.

But it is often necessary to attract additional money, including maternal capital. The process of obtaining such a mortgage from banks is labor-intensive and involves extensive paperwork. What conditions does Sberbank offer to its clients?

What you need to know

Maternity capital is assistance that can be used to purchase housing. We will determine which regulations need to be analyzed in order to use the certificate when applying for a mortgage. We will indicate the main pros and cons of the deal.

Required terms

Maternity capital is understood as the measure of state support for a Russian family with 2 or more children.

The duration of this program is from 2007 to 2019. A mortgage is considered a form in which the collateral property will remain in the possession of the borrower.

If he fails to fulfill his obligations in accordance with the agreement, then the property passes to the creditor, and he has the right to sell it.

A mortgage loan is one of the components of the mortgage system. When a person receives a loan to purchase real estate, this real estate becomes the subject of collateral.

Advantages and disadvantages of such a purchase

Let's list all the features of the procedure to weigh the pros and cons:

Mortgage against maternity capital is not an easy process After all, first the family needs to obtain a certificate. And for this you need to prepare separate documents
Please note that it is unacceptable to use part of the capital Before the loan is issued. The mortgage amount must be full
The Pension Fund will also not issue cash. The borrower will not see how the funds are paid at all. They are written off from the Pension Fund accounts to the bank accounts. Later write-off will be reflected in the documentation
State Available not only to parents, but also to their children
Parents are required to register a share of the purchased housing for all family members It doesn’t matter what age the child is or what size the apartment is. You can determine the area yourself
You can buy a residential property with maternity capital money Or repay the debt of the issued loan. But in the first case, it is possible to increase the interest rate, up to 14%. So it is unknown whether maternity capital funds will help. Therefore, it is advisable to use the subsidy after the down payment has been paid.
The application takes longer to process Than when choosing a standard program
Now banks are ready to take Responsible for preparing a number of papers

Current standards

We list the legislative acts that can help when considering this issue:

The following Orders of the Ministry of Health and Social Development and the Ministry of Labor of Russia are relevant:

How to get a mortgage using maternity capital from Sberbank

Sberbank occupies far from the last place among banks that have the right to provide maternity capital. Typically, this benefit is used to buy housing for 100 percent of its price.

Now it is possible to make a down payment using maternity capital funds.

Credit programs

Maternity capital can be used for several purposes. Most often, families use such funds to buy housing with a mortgage or pay off a loan that has already been issued.

Sberbank is ready to offer 2 programs. Mortgage plus maternity capital is suitable for those who have already taken out or are planning to take out a loan for a residential property.


  1. Purchasing a finished residential property on the secondary market.
  2. Purchasing a property that is still under construction.

The subsidy money pays off the loan itself and interest, and is also used to pay the down payment.

But the certificate cannot be used to pay penalties, fines, and penalties if the bank client does not fulfill his obligations in accordance with.

The conditions for each program are almost identical. Only the interest rate and the list of required certificates differ.


Mandatory conditions for obtaining a mortgage using maternity capital from Sberbank:

The loan amount in each situation is calculated individually. And, by the way, the loan is issued only in rubles and at a time.

Conditions under which customer lending is carried out:

Bid From 11 to 13.5 percent
Amount of credit 300 thousand – 15 million (the amount of the down payment and other factors is taken into account)
Funds issued will not exceed 80 percent From the contractual and estimated price of the apartment/house. When applying for a mortgage at Sberbank, maternity capital as a down payment is at least 25%
Loan terms vary From 1 to 30 years
Loan processing fee The bank does not charge
Clients can repay the amount owed Without sanctions
Property What is pledged must be insured
When calculating the payment period The size of the loan will take into account only the official profit of the borrower. Unconfirmed income may be counted as irregular income. And the bank will not focus on such funds when deciding to issue a loan

Persons who apply for a loan receive more favorable lending conditions:

  • for a period of up to 10 years;
  • with a down payment of more than 50%;
  • and receive earnings through Sberbank.

It is advisable to take out a mortgage based on 2 documents:

  • if you need a quick decision on granting a loan;
  • if the payment of the first installment will be paid using funds;
  • if, when submitting certificates to the institution, the citizen does not have an extract from the Pension Fund on the remaining amount and does not have a certificate of earnings.

Registration procedure

The actions are:

Once you have clarified all the mortgage details, you can submit your application. It will be reviewed within 2-5 days. In addition to the above documents, you must also submit a sample certificate for maternity capital, a document from the Russian Pension Fund, which states the balance of funds
Next you will need to conclude or (which is registered in Rosreestr), if the object is not completed
The banking institution will transfer money towards the owner’s obligations Certificate to the seller for a blocked account. You will not have to pay a down payment, as it will be repaid with maternity capital. The seller will be able to withdraw funds when the owner of the certificate receives the right to housing
After registration of the owner’s rights by Rosreestr The bank will transfer the money and draw up a mortgage agreement, which is also registered with Rosreestr. A lien is placed on the property until the loan is paid in full. The apartment will need to be insured
When the borrower has a loan agreement in hand And the mortgage agreement, it goes to the Pension Fund, where it submits an application for the release of funds to the banking organization to pay the first installment.

There is no other way to cash out maternity capital. The applicant also cannot use the funds earlier.

You can submit an application to Sberbank at the location, location of the real estate, or the place where the employing company is accredited.

The payment is annuity - the client pays a certain amount every month. Although the bank allows early repayment without imposing penalties or commissions.

If a person does not make payment on time, the penalty amount will be 20% per annum. For the amount that was paid on the loan, the person has the right to receive.

A mandatory condition of the bank is that the certificate holder must use maternity capital within 6 months after registration.

Conclusion of a mortgage agreement

Even before signing the mortgage agreement, the borrower must clearly determine what kind of real estate he will buy.

The commission will evaluate the housing and draw up a package of certificates, based on which a decision will be made on issuing credit funds.

First the client must provide .

Then only an agreement is drawn up with the bank. If Sberbank does not approve the preliminary contract, it will not conclude a loan agreement.

Possibility of loan repayment using MK

Payment of loan obligations by maternity capital is carried out as follows:

Does the bank give money for construction?

The legislation does not stipulate separate rules for obtaining a loan when building a house.

Construction makes it possible to improve living conditions, which means maternity capital can be used.

The procedure for obtaining a mortgage is no different from that which occurs when purchasing a finished residential property. The only caveat is that the housing being built cannot be used as collateral.

11.09.2017 4295 0

Hello. In this article we will talk about what a mortgage for maternity capital is.

Today you will learn:

  1. What can you spend it on?
  2. How to get a mortgage correctly;
  3. Which bank's services are best to use?

What can you use maternity capital for?

State support for families in which a second child is born was launched in 2006. The essence of this program is that families are guaranteed to receive good financial assistance.

However, the funds received cannot be spent at your discretion. The state clearly stipulates where the money can be sent.

State support for the birth of a second child can be spent on:

  • Healthcare;
  • Child's education.

As practice shows, families use financial assistance from the state precisely to buy real estate. At the same time, it is not necessary to purchase an apartment entirely with your own savings, since you can take out a mortgage using maternity capital.

This banking product is very popular today. Thanks to a loan, you can improve your living conditions and purchase real estate without starting capital.

As for education and healthcare, these are less problematic areas. Moreover, if you can buy an apartment with the participation of a state certificate almost immediately, then you can pay for education only after the child finishes schooling.

It is also worth noting that many financial companies are ready to offer a mortgage using maternity capital on attractive terms and at a reduced interest rate. This is the only difference from a regular mortgage.

Unfortunately, before receiving money, young families will also need to collect a full package of documents, prove their solvency and undergo verification by the lender.

How can you use maternity capital in a mortgage?

If you carefully study the law, you will see that funds from the certificate can be spent three years after the birth of the child. However, there are exceptions to every rule.

This exception applies to the purchase of an apartment. It turns out that a young family can buy an apartment on credit, using a certificate.

There are two options for using the certificate:

  • To repay an existing loan;
  • To make a down payment when applying for a mortgage product.

As for repaying the existing loan, in this case the debt is paid exclusively under the mortgage agreement. It will not be possible to repay debt on consumer loans or loans from a microfinance company.

The limitation is due to the fact that in the financial services industry there may be many cases of fraud related to certificate cashing.

Unfortunately, many young families are looking for various ways to cash out a certificate and agree to various frauds, pursuing only one goal - to get money in their hands and use it at their own discretion, and not what the state has authorized.

But, it is better not to play with the law and use legal means. It is best to consider the option of purchasing an apartment in

You can design an apartment that is larger in area, or located in an improved area with developed infrastructure.

Many families purchase a home with a mortgage, which is an excellent solution. However, you should understand that you won’t be able to simply contact a financial institution and hand over a certificate to make a down payment.

Although government assistance was provided to you, you will not be able to use it without the permission of the pension fund.

Therefore, you will need to write an application to this organization and obtain written consent to carry out the transaction. Once the application is in hand, you can decide where to get a mortgage loan with the participation of a state certificate.

Step-by-step instructions for applying for a mortgage using maternity capital

Before you begin completing the transaction, it is worth considering that this is a complex and lengthy process that can last from 1 to 3 months. If the deadlines don’t scare you, we’ll tell you how to get a mortgage and get a new apartment with the help of government support for families.

Step 1. Selecting a financial company.

The first thing you need to do is to carefully study the offers on the financial services market and choose a financial company that offers conditions that suit you. Many institutions, such as Sovcombank, have good ratings and reviews, but do not have this product.

If, when choosing a consumer loan, you can immediately submit an application to several banks and wait for a decision, then in this case this will not work.

When choosing a lender, consider not only the overall rate, but also:

  • Company rating;
  • Availability of a license;
  • Customer reviews.

Since the mortgage loan is issued for a long term, you must have complete confidence in the lender. In practice, many banks leave the financial services market and transfer borrowers' debts to other financial companies.

Of course, nothing bad will happen, but the repayment terms may change not for the better for you. To prevent this from happening, you need to take your time choosing a lender and carefully study all the necessary information.

Step 2. Select a program.

In practice, there are several lending programs:

  • Purchasing an apartment;
  • or receiving funds for the construction of a private house;
  • Purchase of land.

Each program has its own conditions and requirements that should be carefully studied. It is also worth noting that not all financial companies are ready to lend money to build a house or buy land. Therefore, you will have to spend time and find a lender who agrees to help you.

Step 3. Preparing a package of documents.

You can submit an application only if you have all the necessary documents in your hands. It’s worth noting right away that this is not a consumer loan that can be obtained with just one passport. In this case, you will literally need to provide the creditor with your entire “inside” life.

Be prepared to provide:

  • Identity document;
  • Child's birth certificate;
  • Certificate for receiving government support;
  • Statement from the pension fund confirming the use of funds to purchase real estate;
  • Certificate of income: accepted both in the bank form and in the approved form 2-NDFL;
  • Purchase and sale agreement for the purchased property;
  • Documents for the purchased property: an extract from the house register, a certificate from the BTI and a technical passport of the premises;
  • Application for registration of shared ownership.

In practice, one of the spouses acts as a guarantor. In this case, the guarantor will also need to provide a passport and documents from work.

Be prepared for the fact that the lender will request additional documents and constantly call you and clarify the information they need.

As already mentioned, it is extremely difficult to take out a mortgage today, since the loan amount is quite large and lenders take risks by issuing money for a long period.

It is worth noting that borrowers can submit the necessary documents, wait for verification and only then choose an apartment. Documents are submitted immediately if an apartment is purchased in a new house or from friends.

The second option is relevant for those who:

  • Doubts whether the lender will approve the mortgage loan or not;
  • I have looked at several options and am waiting for the results of the inspection to make a decision;
  • He has submitted documents, but has not decided what kind of property he wants to purchase, so he is asking for the maximum amount of funds to borrow.

Step 4. Signing the contract.

This is perhaps the most enjoyable part of the entire mortgage loan process. Just don’t rush and quickly agree to all the terms of the contract.

Before signing, you should pay special attention to the following points:

  • Interest rate;
  • Contract time;
  • Amount of debt;
  • Amount of down payment;
  • Monthly payment schedule.

Do not forget about insurance services, which will need to be taken out without fail. It will not be possible to obtain a mortgage loan without a life insurance contract and structural elements of the purchased apartment. Therefore, be prepared for additional expenses when applying for a loan.

As soon as all the necessary documents are signed, the bank will transfer money to pay for the apartment, and the borrower can receive a certificate of ownership and move to a new home.

In which banks can you get a mortgage using maternity capital?

To make it easier for you to make a choice, consider offers from large financial companies.


Savings Bank is a leader in the lending market. You can borrow funds both for a new apartment and for building your own home. Perhaps this is the only lender who is ready to support a young family and provide a loan for the purchase of any property or land on which a house will be built.

It is also worth taking into account that this is the most demanding bank that takes a very responsible approach to choosing its client. It will not be possible to obtain a loan based on the borrower’s bad history. Sberbank cooperates exclusively with decent and solvent clients.

Before submitting an application in the office, you can create a calculation and find out the amount of the monthly payment on the company’s official website.

The lender offers the product under the following conditions:

  • Down payment of at least 20% of the price of the purchased property;
  • Interest rate from 10.5 to 11.5%;
  • Loan term from 1 year to 30 years.

VTB bank

The large universal bank VTB also offers mortgage lending services.

You can receive the product provided:

  • If the initial payment is at least 20% of the amount of the property. Moreover, if in other banks it is possible to make a down payment only using certificate funds, VTB sets its own conditions. The borrower must contribute at least 5% from his own funds.
  • Interest rate from 10%.
  • You can borrow money for a period from 6 to 30 years. If necessary, early repayment is provided without the application of penalties.

Corporate clients can receive the product through a simplified procedure with the provision of a minimum package of documents.


Russian Agricultural Bank is the largest financial institution in Russia. If previously the bank provided lending services exclusively for the agro-industrial complex, today anyone can borrow funds.

Especially for young families, the lender offers to take out the product on attractive terms:

  • The maximum loan amount is 20 million rubles;
  • The term of the loan agreement is up to 30 years;
  • The minimum contribution depends on the chosen program and ranges from 15 to 30%;
  • The interest rate ranges from 10.25 to 15.50%.

Rosselkhozbank is ready to consider the application within five working days from the date of submission of the last document.

An approved application is valid for 90 days. This is the period given to the client to prepare documents and provide them to the lender to formalize the transaction for the purchased property.

The financial company has been actively providing mortgage loans with the participation of the certificate since 2009. It is worth noting that the procedure for obtaining funds is quite simple and convenient for the borrower.

The lender is ready to lend funds up to 30 million rubles for a period of up to 30 years. Upon receipt of the contract, you will be required to make a minimum down payment of 15% of the value of the purchased property.

Thanks to this bank, you can become the owner of a new apartment 10-15 days after submitting all documents.

DeltaCredit Bank

It is worth noting that this is the very first specialized bank in Russia, which was created exclusively for mortgage lending. We can say with confidence that the employees of this company are real professionals who will help you become the owner of a new property as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Conditions for providing a mortgage product:

  • Interest rate from 10% per year;
  • It is possible to draw up an agreement only in national currency (rubles);
  • The amount of the down payment is from 15 to 40% (depending on the property being purchased);
  • Funds are issued for a period of up to 25 years.

This is the only lender that is ready to make a decision within 3 days from the date of submission of all documents.

Is it possible to use maternity capital in a mortgage for up to 3 years?

What can I spend the money received from the state in the form of a special certificate on if the child is under 3 years old? This question is quite relevant today.

It is worth noting that according to the law, funds can only be used if the child is over 3 years old. But every rule has exceptions, which in this case relate to the mortgage agreement.

How to get a mortgage without a down payment from a bank, terms of provision and procedure for registration

How to get a mortgage loan using maternity capital? What documents are needed to apply for a mortgage? How to pay off a mortgage using mat capital?

Greetings to our readers! Dmitry Shaposhnikov is with you again.

We continue our series of publications about maternity capital. In today's issue, I will pay attention to an issue that is relevant for many families - the use of maternity capital in mortgage lending.

So let's begin!

1. Mortgage against maternity capital - advantages, benefits, interest

Solving the housing issue is relevant for every family that has a second, third or subsequent child. Increasing current expenses significantly reduce the chances of purchasing or building a new home using personal savings.

Fortunately, there is an opportunity to correct the situation with the help of government subsidies. Pension Fund statistics show that from the first year of the maternity capital program, the most popular and relevant area in the use of funds was improving housing conditions.

Of the 3 million families who used maternity capital at the beginning of 2015 to improve the status of their housing, 70% of applicants implemented their projects using credit instruments (including mortgage agreements).

The popularity of loans against capital for the purchase or construction of housing can be explained simply - spending funds on other areas is less profitable and more problematic.

Mortgage interest rates for families who have used maternity capital do not exceed standard rates (9-14% per annum), and in some cases are even reduced. True, a positive decision on issuing a mortgage loan is not made in all cases.

Is it profitable to repay mortgage loans with maternity capital? The answer is yes, but in order not to be unfounded, we will give an example of calculations.


Let’s say the size of the mortgage loan is 1,800,000 rubles. For this amount, the monthly payment is equal to 20 068 rubles Contribution of maternity capital in full is considered an option for early repayment of the loan and affects the amount of the monthly contribution.

After signing the agreement, the final amount of the debt is reduced, and the interest on the loan is reduced accordingly. Now they are approximately equal 16 500 – 17 000 thousand per month.

To receive a mortgage using capital, the borrower’s family must meet the requirements of financial institutions.

Borrowers are required to:

  • availability of permanent income confirmed by certificates;
  • work experience in the current position for at least 6 months (in some banks - 3 years);
  • impeccable credit history.

When applying, only the legal (“white”) income of the borrower is taken into account. The living space, which is purchased with a mortgage, is registered as the property of all family members.

The difficulty is that not all banks are ready to work with maternity capital, so those who want to use the certificate do not have much choice.

In all cases, the issue is resolved individually after a preliminary conversation between the potential borrower and representatives of the financial institution.

For more details about all types, read a separate article.

Important news on the topic:

Vladimir Putin took the initiative to extend the maternity capital program until 2022. In addition, he proposed introducing monthly payments for the first child in an amount that would be calculated based on the cost of living.

The reform will also affect the way matkapiatl is used. From 2018, it can be spent not only on improving housing conditions and education, but also on caring for preschool children.

As for supporting the mortgage program, parents will be able to take out loans secured by the housing they are purchasing with government support. If the average mortgage rate is 10%, then 4% will be paid by the state.

Watch a video on this topic:

2. Options for using maternity capital in a mortgage

The general rule regulated by law is:

Funds under the family capital certificate can be spent NOT earlier than 3 years after the birth of the 2nd (third or subsequent) child.

There is an important exception to this rule: capital can be used without waiting for three years, if we are talking about paying off debt the applicant to a bank or other financial institution. The exception also applies to loans secured by a mortgage.

In general, family capital can be used both to repay an existing loan and to apply for a new one. True, these loans should be obtained exclusively for housing needs.

Repayment of the down payment

So, the child has reached the age of 3 years, and his parents decided to use government funds to improve living conditions. Now they can weigh the pros and cons and contact a bank that issues mortgage loans against maternity capital.

The right to use maternal capital as a down payment on a mortgage became available in May 2015, when the corresponding law was adopted.

New opportunities, according to representatives of the State Duma, will improve the living conditions of families who cannot get a positive decision on a mortgage due to the lack of the required amount of money to make a down payment.

Other benefits from the entry into force of the new law:

  • increasing efficiency in the use of maternity capital;
  • reduction of the monthly payment amount and interest rates on loans;
  • support for the real estate market during the economic crisis.

Since the amount of family capital since 2015 is 453,026 rubles, this money in many cases is quite enough to repay the down payment, usually amounting to 10-20% of the entire loan.

To complete this transaction, you need to submit an application to the local branch of the Pension Fund, and then enter into an agreement with a banking organization that provides the relevant services.

Repayment of principal

The principal debt can be repaid only on loans taken for the purpose of purchasing (constructing) housing. Any other loans, including those issued by microfinance organizations (MFOs), are prohibited from being repaid using maternity capital.

This prohibition has legal force and is enshrined in the relevant article of March 2015. The adoption of the ban is associated with a large number of abuses on the part of microfinance organizations and other companies using illegal schemes for cashing out MSK.

Fines, delays, commissions and penalties for late payments and failure to fulfill debt obligations cannot be repaid using family capital.

3. How to get a mortgage using maternity capital - 3 simple steps

The procedure for applying for a mortgage using maternity capital is standard:

  1. The apartment (or other housing) is registered as ownership.
  2. The bank transfers the money to the seller's account.
  3. The apartment remains pledged (under a mortgage) until the entire amount of the debt is repaid along with interest.

Before you start buying an apartment with a mortgage, you need to reach an agreement with the Pension Fund and the bank. It may take 1-3 months or more to complete the transaction: to reduce the time, it is worth collecting all the documents and studying the algorithm of actions in advance.

Step 1. Collection of necessary documents

The following documents are required to be provided to the bank:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • maternity capital certificate;
  • pension insurance certificate;
  • documents confirming solvency (certificate of basic income with the employer’s stamp, certificate of additional income);
  • certificate of absence of debt on utility bills.

You also need documents confirming the purchase/sale transaction of an apartment or house, certificates from the BTI and other technical papers.

Step 2. Submitting an application to the Pension Fund

If the bank agrees to issue a mortgage, the decision to transfer funds is made by the Pension Fund. The organization has the right to consider the application and carry out verification for several months (2-3), after which it agrees to the procedure or refuses the borrower.

The Fund must be provided with copies of personal documents, data on the residential premises purchased under the contract, and bank statements. All loan documents from the bank must meet the established requirements, otherwise the application will be denied.

Step 3. Execution of the contract

An agreement to obtain a mortgage using maternity capital presupposes the consent of the parents to a full or partial transfer of family capital to the bank to repay the down payment or current debt.

After the transfer from the Pension Fund, the bank changes the loan repayment schedule and reduces the amount of monthly contributions.

In the agreement, the spouses are registered as co-borrowers. The Bank and the Pension Fund jointly control the legal purity of the transaction.

If you have already used maternity capital for any purposes (for example, to educate a child), you will not be able to get a mortgage from scratch. In this case, you can use the certificate only to pay off an existing debt.

4. How to avoid fraud when applying for a mortgage under mat capital

The first rule that will help you avoid fraud: work only with official organizations - large banks and the Pension Fund directly.

Scammers may introduce themselves to you as employees of well-known companies: it is worth checking their documents or asking banks and the Pension Fund whether such employees work for them.

MSC fraud schemes are quite numerous:

  • concluding fictitious loan agreements and withdrawing commissions for intermediation from certificate holders;
  • obtaining consent to cash the certificate and withdraw it from the owners;
  • purchase of housing under construction using maternal capital with subsequent resale of rights.

We will not mention the options when the holders of the certificates themselves turn out to be scammers who purchase housing for the purpose of its further sale.

And a few more important points:

  1. If you plan to use maternity capital in a mortgage, you must notify the Pension Fund about this 6 months or earlier, since all payments in this organization are planned once every six months.
  2. Decide in advance what kind of housing you want to purchase - ready-made or under construction. In the second case, you will benefit in price, but the timing of obtaining housing will be more uncertain.
  3. The apartment is registered to all members of the family in equal shares.
  4. The right to dispose of an apartment (sale, exchange, donation) appears only after fulfillment of payment obligations.

A mandatory condition for executing an agreement with a bank is insurance. Some lending financial institutions provide sufficient insurance in case of disability or dismissal of the borrower.

Other firms require the client to provide life insurance and insurance against damage to real estate. In case of early repayment of the debt, it will not be possible to return the paid part of the insurance.

5. Which banks issue mortgages using maternity capital - TOP 7 most reliable banks

In 2018, several dozen Russian banks work with maternity capital. We have selected seven of the most reliable financial organizations and present them to the attention of readers.


Previously, this financial organization issued mortgages against mat capital only for ready-made properties. However, now Sberbank provides support to families wishing to purchase housing under construction, and even helps to find funds for the reconstruction and repair of houses and apartments.

DeltaCredit Bank

The bank issues loans to improve housing conditions with a minimum down payment (5%). Family capital funds are accepted as the primary amount for debt payment and as repayment of the main mortgage loan.

VTB 24

Directions for investing public funds are standard: covering the down payment, reducing the amount of the contribution, repaying the principal debt. The loan is issued for the purchase of primary, secondary or under construction housing.

Bank of Moscow

This financial institution does not accept maternity capital as a down payment, but uses it to repay the principal debt on the mortgage loan and interest on it.

Nomos Bank

Relatively recently, it has been working with maternity capital, but offers its clients several high-quality financial products designed to improve the living conditions of families with 2 or more children.

UniCredit Bank

The company has been working with family capital since 2009. The scheme for providing services has long been worked out - all possible options for using the state certificate for maternal capital are available to borrowers and are issued as quickly as possible.


It works according to two programs “MK” and “MK plus”. Those wishing to purchase a home on credit can cover part of the debt or make a down payment. Decisions on issuing a mortgage loan are made within 1 day.

Summary table for all banks:

Bank's name Average loan interest Exclusive Products
1 Sberbank 12% Loan for housing under construction
2 DeltaCredit Bank 11% Loan "Delta-option" with a minimum down payment
3 VTB 24 11,5% Purchase of secondary housing
4 Bank of Moscow from 11%Standard options only
5 Nomos Bank 12%-14% Loan "Apartment + MK"
6 Bank Unicredit 12%-13% Loan for the purchase of a cottage
7 Primsotsbank 11%-14% Loan "Maternity Capital Plus"

6. Help for those who want to take out or pay off a mortgage with the help of maternity capital

In addition to banks, there are other companies and financial organizations that offer their assistance (of course, not free of charge) to holders of government certificates. We have already talked about the possibility of running into scammers, here we will talk about honest companies operating legally.

Sometimes these are representatives of specific construction companies who want to sell real estate quickly and for its intended purpose. Such companies offer families to provide their certificates as a down payment and receive a discount on the cost of housing.

The most popular area for using maternity capital is improving housing conditions. The certificate size in 2019 is 453026 rubles, in most cases, this amount is not enough to purchase housing without attracting additional funds, so many families take out mortgages or loans.

The leader in the number of issued mortgage loans remains Sberbank. At the beginning of 2019, the bank offers interest rates from 8,5% before 11,60% (the rate may be lower if the borrower is a participant in the government program). Depending on what kind of housing is purchased: ready or under construction, the percentage will vary.

Sberbank has systems for increasing and decreasing interest rates, which can be found on the Sberbank website and in the branch when applying for a mortgage.

Required documents

To apply for a loan to the bank, you must provide the following: documentation:

  1. Application form.
  2. Passport of the borrower and co-borrower(s) with a registration mark;
  3. Certificate for maternal capital;
  4. Certificate from the Pension Fund about the balance of MSC funds;
  5. Confirmation of income and employment;

Proof of income can serve:

  • for an employed person - a certificate of income for the last 6 months from the place of work;
  • for a pensioner - a certificate of the amount of pension for the last month;
  • for an entrepreneur - a tax return for the last tax period.

Employment confirm:

  • for the main place of work - a copy of the work book, an extract from it or a certificate from the employer with information about the position and length of service;
  • for part-time work - a copy of the employment contract (agreement), certified page by page or bound (certified on the last page indicating the number of sheets by the employer);
  • for an entrepreneur - a certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur (if there is no original - a notarized copy), a certificate of inclusion in the Unified Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, a sheet of entry in the Unified Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.

In some cases it may be necessary additional documents listed in the table below.

Special case List of documents
If registration is temporaryDocument of registration at the actual place of stay
If other real estate is provided as collateralDocuments on the provided collateral
If income and employment are not verified

Additional identity verification:

  • ID (driver's license, military ID, federal government employee);
  • international passport;
  • military ID;
  • pension insurance certificate (SNILS)
To apply for a loan under the “Young Family” program
  • Marriage certificate;
  • child's birth certificate;
  • if the income of the applicant’s parents is taken into account - confirmation of relationship;
For a mortgage at 6%
  • birth certificates of all children of the borrower;
  • if the certificate does not indicate citizenship - confirmation of the Russian citizenship of the child.

Can be provided after application approval:

  • Documents for the housing for which the loan was taken:
    • contract of sale;
    • equity participation agreement;
  • documents confirming the initial payment if the capital is used to pay off the principal amount.

Sberbank provides services for electronic registration of transactions: it independently sends documents to Rossreestr, after which the applicant receives them registered.

Mortgage 6 percent for the birth of 2 children in 2019

Since 2018, a program of state subsidies for mortgages began to operate for families in which, during the period from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2022 the second, third or subsequent child was born (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1711 of December 30, 2017). Such families have the right to apply for a preferential mortgage at a reduced rate - 6% per annum.

The maximum amount of credit (loan) that can be provided:

  • 12 million rubles- when purchasing housing in Moscow, St. Petersburg and their regions;
  • 6 million rubles- for the purchase of housing in other regions.

The duration of the state subsidy depends on the order of birth of children:

  • at the birth of the second child - within 3 years;
  • at the birth of a third or subsequent child - within 5 years.

However, the general maximum term of a preferential mortgage is 8 years. That is, if during the period of the program, first a third child appears in the family, and then a fourth, then the subsidy from the state will be provided not for 10, but for 8 years. After this period, Sberbank will increase the interest rate.

To get a mortgage with a 6% rate, you need to do the following: conditions:

  1. The borrower must pay himself at least 20% housing costs.
  2. Purchasing an apartment or private house is allowed only on primary real estate market. Housing may be ready for use or unfinished if it is purchased under an agreement for participation in shared construction.
  3. The borrower's life must be insured by Sberbank Life Insurance LLC or other companies accredited by Sberbank PJSC (insurance is required for the entire term of the loan).

How to calculate a mortgage at Sberbank

A preliminary calculation can be made using Sberbank mortgage calculator. It will help you find out the approximate amount of the monthly payment, taking into account the amount of the down payment, the interest rate, the size of the loan and the period for which it is issued.

The final amount of the loan that the bank is ready to provide is calculated individually for each applicant based on confirmation of income (his and the co-borrower’s).

How to pay off a mortgage with maternity capital at Sberbank

After the borrower has issued a housing loan from Sberbank and received a certificate of receipt of the loan (the document indicates the number of the loan agreement, the names of all borrowers and the mortgage amount), he needs to contact the Pension Fund (PFR) or the Multifunctional Center (MFC) with an application for disposal and necessary documents.

General package of documents:

  1. Passports of the certificate holder and his spouse.
  2. Marriage certificate.
  3. If applying through a legal representative, confirm his identity and place of residence.
  4. Confirmation of changes in personal data, if any.
  5. The obligation to allocate shares to all family members after the removal of the encumbrance.

To direct maternity capital to pay down payment, along with the documents from the main list you must provide:

  • a copy of the loan agreement concluded with Sberbank;
  • a copy of the mortgage agreement that has passed state registration;
  • obligation to allocate shares.

To use maternity capital to repay principal and interest, the certificate owner provides:

  • a copy of the loan agreement for the purchase of housing;
  • a copy of the mortgage agreement that has passed state registration;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate;
  • if the housing construction project has not yet been put into operation - a copy of the registered agreement for participation in shared construction, or a copy of the permit for the construction of an individual residential building;
  • if the loan is issued to pay the entrance fee and (or) share contribution to the cooperative - confirmation of membership in the cooperative;
  • a certificate of the balance of debt and interest debt issued by Sberbank;
  • an account statement confirming the non-cash transfer of mortgage funds.

Within a month The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation will decide on the transfer of funds to MSK, after which they will be transferred to Sberbank for 10 working days.

Maternity capital funds can be used to fully or partially repay the mortgage. If, after the transfer of MSK, the borrower remains in debt, Sberbank will issue a new payment schedule taking into account the remaining amount of debt (at the borrower’s request, the size of the monthly payment or the loan repayment period can be reduced).
