Which zodiac sign suits a Scorpio woman according to her horoscope? Zodiac sign Scorpio with whom is the best compatibility.

Scorpio woman... Who is she? What is her character like?

What will 2016 bring for her? With whom does she have the highest compatibility, and with whom will she not be able to build a relationship? This article will be about this and much more!

Contradictory and emotional - these two words perfectly describe the character of the Scorpio woman. In general, her characterization is quite fascinating.

Under the mask of calm and poise lies a whole hurricane of emotions, which is not so difficult to awaken. And then those around you will probably find out what they are doing wrong.

Identify such a representative in the crowd fair half humanity is simple: it is distinguished short stature, good body, and facial features indicate strength and masculinity.

She keeps her figure in excellent shape by visiting the gym.

If you look into her eyes, it will seem that she attracts, as if beckoning. When meeting can produce enough strong impression for men and women.

The eyes of such a girl reveal a strong and emotional nature. You may feel nervous in your gaze, powerful emotions, about which she herself will not tell.

She deals with problems using her own method, solving only what worries her. this moment. Long-term problems can wait until better times.

IN Everyday life she is a very friendly and helpful person who will not refuse help. But this applies to loved ones.

The Scorpio woman does not tolerate lies, selfishness and hypocrisy. She has a short conversation with such people.

In love, she is guided by reason, not allowing her feelings to overwhelm her. And it is “with the head” that she chooses her life partner.

A man must love her and give her confidence in the future, without letting her down or deceiving her.

In marriage, a Scorpio woman will be an excellent housewife, a faithful wife and a caring mother. For her chosen one she will go wherever whatever. Only the birth of a child can change this attitude.

What will 2016 bring?

The Scorpio woman has faced various challenges in the previous year and 2016 will be a decisive year.

It can also be called a turning point in many areas.

At the beginning of the year, the horoscope promised some surge of strength. These forces went into the embodiment of ideas, the implementation of ideas.

The second half of the year will show how successful the ideas were. If you feel like something is not going as planned, don't stop.

It is quite possible that everything will change after the summer. There is no point in stopping in any area. This applies to work, family, and love.

Self-confidence and focus on results - all this will help you achieve success and attract positive changes.

Summer and autumn 2016 will bring many interesting events. These are work projects and new ideas that will help improve the financial side.

2016 promises to be successful in money matters. As for love, from mid-spring your personal life will go uphill.

It is quite possible that 2016 will give you a loved one or push him to take decisive action. Or maybe you will finally decide to expand your family. Anything is possible.

In addition, 2016 is rich in new feelings and emotions, and all will be positive. All that remains is to find out which of the unions will be most successful.

Choosing the right pair

The Scorpio woman is a fastidious representative of the fair half of humanity, who needs a lover who would meet all her requirements.

And in order for the relationship to be long-term and the marriage to be successful, it is important to pay attention to the compatibility of the couple.


Such a couple has everything: passion, harmony, mutual understanding, love. Scorpio woman, choosing such a representative strong half humanity will not be disappointed.

In addition, they will have high compatibility in bed, which will have a great effect on the relationship. However, about the quiet family happiness V in this case there is no need to talk.

The man will plunge her into a whirlpool of passions and feelings. On the one hand, these are new impressions, and on the other, a lack of peace.

If a Scorpio woman gives in to her lover and takes all the care of the house upon herself, then the marriage can turn out to be strong and compatibility high.


High compatibility and common alliance. Both the Scorpio woman and the Taurus man - strong personalities who pay attention not only to love, but also to mutual respect.

Scorpio values ​​perseverance, independence and confidence in the future in a partner; a man adores her femininity and strength.

A man in such a marriage will be happy, fulfilling the duties of the head of the family.


An unusual union and not the highest compatibility. If the man in a couple is independent and fickle, then the woman is measured and extremely jealous.

There will be intense passions between them and constant showdowns until one of the partners breaks this circle.

For a long-term relationship, they should find someone else, but for a short-term romance, this is the best thing, since they have high compatibility in sex, and the romance will be remembered for a long time.

And 2016 may just bring these two together for new experiences.


The horoscope in such a pair gives the dominant place to Scorpio. Such a representative of the fair half of humanity will be able to inspire and conquer Cancer, changing his life for the better.

Although a woman may be irritated by the passivity and some slowness of her partner.

But if she learns not to pay attention to this, the man will be happy, and harmony will reign in the couple. In the sexual sphere, the horoscope promises high compatibility.

a lion

Such a relationship is war. Both men and women are different strong characters, which will become a stumbling block.

Any clarification of the relationship between lovers will alienate them, causing wounds.

And if Scorpio’s wounds heal quickly, then Leo will be very worried, which will affect his self-esteem.

To exist together, they must make compromises. Otherwise, both will come out of such a relationship crippled.


Such partners have a lot in common. They are bound by similar ideals and strength of character. But, unlike Leo, this force does not destroy, but creates.

The horoscope promises the couple harmony, mutual assistance, and strong friendship. The moderation and calmness of Virgo is compensated by the fire and emotionality of Scorpio.

A man won't get bored with her. 2016 will bring a lot to such a couple positive points and changes for the better.


It is very difficult to predict the development of relations in this case. The horoscope describes them both as very successful and as a complete failure.

But everything depends to a greater extent on Libra. If a man wants to do Happy Scorpio, then he will do it in full. The couple will have quarrels and reconciliations, but they will be comfortable together.


The horoscope describes compatibility as very low. Two explosive personalities cannot get along together.

It can all start like a hurricane, continue as a typhoon and end with lightning speed.

Why? They will be in a constant war: for primacy, for the pedestal, for command. It is almost impossible for them to get along together.

2016 may bring a woman of the Scorpio sign a pleasant and short-term romance with such a man.


The relationship between such a couple is passionate, but rarely long-lasting. Sagittarius loves freedom and independence, but for Scorpio this is a blow to pride and constant jealousy.

In addition, a man is unlikely to be faithful, and a woman is unlikely to forgive even ordinary flirting. They will separate when they are tired of fighting and the desire to change their partner.


Very often such an alliance turns out to be strong. Each of them is used to relying on themselves, but in marriage a man will be able to give confidence to a woman, which will make her an accommodating housewife.

The horoscope says that if they go through the first period of rubbing in, then they are unlikely to want to separate. Loyalty, reliability, stability - that is what will unite them.


Difficult relationships and low compatibility.

Everything will be fine in sex, but when other issues have to be resolved, conflicts will begin.

Different characters and goals in life - this will take them in different directions.


The horoscope describes such a union as successful, in which there is high compatibility and common interests.

Loyalty and constancy, emotionality and the desire to develop - all this will unite the couple and prevent them from parting.

Magnetic sexuality is one of the main characteristics of the Scorpio sign. Therefore, even the most inexpressive Scorpio does not suffer from a lack of female attention. But the representatives of this sign themselves will only seek the woman for whom they need to fight. And accessibility and intrusiveness will only push them away. But, having won you as a valuable and expensive trophy, Scorpio will demand absolute loyalty and submission to him in everything. You will have to combine fabulous beauty and meekness, independence and originality, strength of character and gentleness, practicality and, of course, loyalty.

You can live as a Scorpio only by Great love, otherwise it can be difficult to endure. But this representative of the stronger sex is easily able to inspire deep and lasting feelings. And if you can withstand his difficult character, you will be rewarded a hundredfold and during your lifetime you will know life in paradise.

Alas, Scorpio, as a rule, does not undertake obligations of fidelity. This will be exclusively your lot.

Scorpio man and his chosen one

Astrology believes that a Cancer woman may be best suited for Scorpio. This is a responsive partner, calm, faithful and absolutely independent. All these qualities will soften the partner’s natural aggression and help smooth out any rough edges in the relationship. Therefore, this is the most successful union, which can develop into Perfect marriage.

A Pisces woman can also become excellent for a Scorpio man, giving all leadership positions to her partner. The main thing is that Pisces does not worry too much inside about all those grievances and grievances that will not count in this. It is important not to respond with insult to insult, and even more so to do it openly. Scorpio will not think for a long time about the reasons for your unacceptable behavior, but will immediately file a divorce, even if the break-up is strongly experienced internally.

Scorpio is the sign of the Water trine. This trine is distinguished by depth of feelings, passion, and mystical inclinations. Therefore, a Scorpio man feels best with a woman of the sign of his element.

A Capricorn woman also suits Scorpio well. Here the basis will be sexuality and the similarity of certain character traits, such as ambition and assertiveness. But the restraint and stability of Capricorn will be able to pacify the excessive emotionality of Scorpio. There will be no place for sentimentality and excessive sensitivity in this union. And this is an excellent platform for a strong marriage.

The Leo woman is very attractive to the Scorpio man. But the temper of both signs will be a bad basis for an alliance. And the Lioness’s need for great attention, respect and even worship will certainly not find a response from Scorpio. These two selfish egoists will leave each other without hesitation, but with great regret.

Text: Sascha Gluwein

The constellations under which we are born can influence our character and choice of partner. the site presents a series of articles in which it will tell about representatives of all zodiac signs.

This article should not be considered the ultimate truth. “Ideal” representatives of any zodiac sign who 100% fit the given description do not exist in nature, just as phlegmatic people, choleric people, melancholic people and sanguine people in their pure form do not exist. However, getting a general idea of ​​who you need is quite possible. In no case do we encourage you to ruin your existing relationship if it suddenly turns out that, according to this text, you are not suitable for each other.

Scorpio Woman

She can write a whole treatise on how a woman who wants to turn a man's head should look, move and speak. Anyone who falls under her spell soon ceases to notice other representatives of the fairer sex.

The energy of one Scorpio woman is enough for a couple of women born under other zodiac constellations. As a rule, it works “for wear and tear”. Whatever she does, she does it a little too much, as if exaggerating. You may even get a little tired from being next to such a special one, but you will certainly never be bored with her.

The Scorpio woman takes love seriously, she puts all her passion into it. She will love her chosen one deeply and strongly, protecting him from everyone and everything. A marriage with her can equally likely become a branch of heaven or hell on earth. It is unlikely that she will babysit someone who does not meet her sexual expectations or will try to deceive her. On the other hand, no matter how paradoxical it may sound, she easily finds mutual language with those men who suffer from some sexual problems, having a psychological background. If impotence is exactly like this, then next to Scorpio a man can “rise” like a phoenix from the ashes. Yes, she will support, encourage and help - but this should not be considered a noble gesture, the Scorpio woman will behave this way solely for selfish reasons - in order to find sexual harmony.

She has a clear head and very well developed intuition. She will examine her friends and lovers for a very long time and closely, practically under a microscope, giving them “exams” and “checks” before allowing them to become a part of her life.

The Scorpio woman is quite capricious and loves for everything to be as she intended. As a rule, if she does something, it means she is probably pursuing some secret goals. She is an incredibly goal-oriented person who plans all the steps to achieve her goal and will not give up until she achieves it. She cannot be knocked off course, but she is always ready to change her tactics taking into account changing circumstances.

Unless everything is in order on the personal front for a Scorpio woman, she turns from a charming creature into an evil fury, characterized by destructive behavior.

The enemies of this person will have a very hard time - she, like no one else, knows how to take revenge and does it very sophisticatedly. In addition, the Scorpio woman despises weaknesses in any form and especially despises those who bend under other people's pressure.

Scorpio woman and sex

The night with her will be endlessly long, so the man needs to calculate his strength. The Scorpio woman is not averse to starting love foreplay by introducing her partner to the upcoming “sex program”; she will gladly whisper all her erotic fantasies in his ear. Even talking “about this” can, if not bring her to orgasm, then certainly excite her.

The Scorpio woman prefers to make love on huge water mattresses or round beds, on which you can sit with maximum comfort. This person is distinguished by her penchant for all kinds of sexual experiments. No matter how great and varied her partner’s erotic experience is, she will always find something to surprise him with. The Scorpio woman is firmly convinced that sex is not a one-way street and will do everything to ensure that the chosen one gets the same pleasure from what is happening as she does. The most sensual women are Scorpio women. In bed, they act on an instinctive level; no “Kama Sutra” or “Lessons of the Healing Tao” will convince them that sex is a matter of technique. Scorpios would rather go to bed with a bad partner than with a good book.

By and large, erotica for a Scorpio woman is much more than a standard set of body movements in bed; she is sure that there are no trifles in it.

The real point for Scorpios is control over the onset of orgasm; the Scorpio woman will do everything to prolong sexual intercourse and the man does not “discharge” too quickly. Almost the entire range of the sex shop will be used - from vibrators to lubricants.

Many Scorpio women feel the need to have a weaker and more passive man next to them. They are ready to take on the role of leader not only in bed, but also in life.

Who is suitable for a Scorpio woman?

A Scorpio woman can already be convinced on her first date with a Taurus man that she has found her soul mate. Surely deep feelings, complete mutual understanding not even in a word, but in a breath, and amazing harmony in the sexual sphere await them.

Man - Cancer - also worthy candidate for a Scorpio woman. An avalanche of feelings can cover these two headlong, and intimacy, imbued with tenderness and care for each other, will only confirm the correctness of the choice.

Most likely, already at the first meeting, a Scorpio woman and a Virgo man will feel that they can be good friends, however, this is the very case when friendship can very quickly develop into love.

A Scorpio woman and a Scorpio man will either experience instant antipathy or love at first sight. In the second case, the poisonous stings will be hidden - then there will be every chance that this relationship will be long and will bring many pleasant moments to both.

The union of a Scorpio woman and a Capricorn man is a rare case when partners are equally interested in discussing not only family matters in all their diversity, but also any business issues.

The alliance of a Scorpio woman and a man born under the sign of Pisces is proof that telepathy does exist. The Scorpio woman will certainly help her companion understand himself, and he will give her a lesson in relaxation and wean her from the habit of keeping absolutely everything under control.

Not the most successful and not the most unsuccessful combinations

Even the first date of an Aries man and a Scorpio woman can end in sex, because both signs have enormous sensual potential. However, outside the bedroom, everything does not look so rosy - her desire to control everyone and everything, and his desire to command, is too great. This relationship has a future if the lovers make peace exclusively in bed.

The Leo man cannot live without constant praise addressed to him, and the Scorpio woman has too little patience to endlessly “stroking” his male pride. If she can teach him to pay less attention to the external side of the relationship and more to appreciate what is hidden “behind the facade,” this couple has a chance.

Who is not suitable for a Scorpio woman?

A Scorpio woman is unlikely to take a Gemini man with his too sweet speeches seriously, because she is used to “seeing at the root”, like Kozma Prutkov. It is unlikely that she will be able to see something worthy of her attention behind the verbal husk. In addition, Gemini is used to talking a lot, including about good sex. The Scorpio woman will probably be the first to ask him to confirm his words in practice...

A Sagittarius man will “scare off” a Scorpio woman with a complete lack of secrets. He's all in full view, he doesn't hide any skeletons in the closet, or family secrets, neither your bad or good habits. This will certainly disappoint the Scorpio woman, who loves to delve into the depths of the male soul.

The desires that arise in an Aquarius man are always the opposite of those experienced by a Scorpio woman, so this romance is unlikely to last long (if it starts at all).

She has some kind of crazy seductive energy. It is not surprising that the Scorpio woman often becomes the very femme fatale who inadvertently breaks the heart of experienced Don Juans. It’s just that its recipe is unknown to anyone on earth. But omniscient stars have their own special opinion on this matter. And they will share it right now.

Scorpio (Latin “Scorpius”) is the 8th sign of the zodiac, which takes the astrological baton from the air scales and passes them on fiery Sagittarius. These people were born at the very time when the magnificent decline of nature had already taken place, and the days were rapidly decreasing. In many ways, this is symbolic, because Scorpios are mysterious people, closed from us. In appearance, this lady is incredibly charming, she is sweet and easily communicates with different people. But he keeps his heart only for the chosen few.

It is no coincidence that sign symbol- not only a scorpio, but also a snake, personifying cold calculation, wisdom, and the ability to maneuver, which in the worst cases can turn into deceit. Colors that bring good luck to our heroine are rich shades of red: scarlet, purple, burgundy. Talisman stones– garnet, alexandrite, hematite, apatite, diamond and jet. Interestingly, along with Aquarius, Scorpio is the only zodiac sign that has two ruling planets - Mars and Pluto. In general, the images of these planets are quite similar: struggle, resistance and power. But if Mars symbolizes open war, then Pluto represents the hidden energies of confrontation and the desire for dominance. This fact alone explains a lot.

Among famous women born under the constellation Scorpio, we will meet stately, charming ladies, from whose one glance it is clear: inside them - enormous strength, contact with which in some cases is even dangerous. This is Hillary Clinton and Ivanka Trump, Julia Roberts and Tila Tequila, Katy Perry and Kelly Osbourne, Tina Kandelaki and Ksenia Sobchak, Demi Moore and Anne Hathaway. The larger the list, the more breathtaking it is.

Scorpio woman: how the stars see her

We can say that the stars do not just see, but truly admire the Scorpio woman. Charming, charismatic, with a deep nature and a confident gait. She is a godsend for a strong, responsible man who dreams of building his family with a classic representative of the fairer sex. However, this weak representative has many strong, truly masculine traits.

Julia Roberts

Whirlpool of emotions

An emotional, bright, passionate Scorpio girl has some kind of inexhaustible youthful enthusiasm. It is interesting that this lady always clearly separates her emotions from real facts. Nevertheless, she lives precisely by feelings. Scorpios often have situations when they think about some problem for a long time and seem to have already made a final decision. But suddenly the impulse passes, and they do exactly the opposite.

The most important thing is that they still manage to win. And the whole point is that these ladies have quite well developed intuition. They feel the situation subtly, and if a pre-prepared decision does not fit into the real development of events, Scorpios will not hesitate to act as their own feelings tell them.

All or nothing

Maximalism and uncompromisingness are especially pronounced in the personal life of a Scorpio girl. She does not know how and does not intend to trade her feelings. Scorpio - for extreme honesty and purity of relationships. If she has even the slightest suspicion of human dishonesty, the romance is doomed to failure, even in cases where it has gone a long way. And it is useless to persuade her - when the decision is made, our heroine does not let reverse. This is one of its principles.

Be in the thick of things

In a team, at home, among friends, Scorpio loves to be the center of attention. And she does it very well. But the flip side of the coin is that this path is the right way make enemies. And our heroine has plenty of enemies. Mostly these are envious people who dream of taking her place. Or at least live her life for a day or two. In this sense, there is only one stellar advice - be more pragmatic. Sometimes sitting in a quiet harbor is much better than going out into the open ocean.

Ann Hataway

Attitude to work and money

Scorpio is not a great economist and certainly not a home accountant. This lady is used to shining, so she definitely won’t deny herself pleasures. At the same time, our heroine clearly separates the interests of her family from everything else. Therefore, she will never go on fun adventures if her family is in dire need of some valuable purchase. It’s just that a Scorpio girl is an owner and a true mistress who copes well with the function of the keeper of the hearth.

As for work, this lady loves interesting, literally bright duties that allow her to constantly be in public and light up. Or work with expensive things in order to be able to communicate with influential world this. Yes, the Scorpio girl only likes to fly among eagles. After all, she herself in many ways resembles an eagle. Strong, independent, she is always ready to stand up for herself. People who are petty and have mundane interests do not interest our heroine. Those are her rules.

What kind of man does a Scorpio woman need?

To say that it is of the same warehouse is a mistake. To say that it is the opposite is again a mistake. No, Scorpio knows perfectly well what she wants. More precisely, who he wants to see next to him. Simply describing this person according to a simple “friend or foe” model is a hopeless task. Our heroine loves extraordinary, truly interesting and influential men who know how to combine great inner strength with a soft heart and the qualities of a real family man. That is why it is difficult to do without the advice of the stars in this case:

  1. First of all, ideal man for Scorpio, this is the person who can pick up the key to it. The key is not simple, but golden. This means that our heroine is very tired of being strong. She wants to voluntarily surrender, or even better, to be conquered. If she sees a truly strong person, she is drawn to him like a magnet. And it is in front of the noble knight that the scorpion will throw out a white flag.
  2. The ideal of Scorpio is a hyper-responsible, strong-willed person who has unshakable principles and is always responsible for his words. Our heroine shares classical views on life. The man is the king, she is the queen. This is why lonely Scorpio women often regret that there are fewer and fewer knights in our boring world, and that white horses have become somewhat grayish. In fact, the stars advise Scorpio to simply take a closer look - sometimes the most wonderful things are nearby, and not across the seven seas.
  3. Loyalty is an incredibly important requirement. Many ladies have learned to forgive infidelity or, even more so, light flirting. But Scorpio will not even learn this dubious art. And the stars admit that her demands are quite fair. After all, this lady is well acquainted with perhaps the best of human qualities, whose name is devotion. Therefore, she demands an impeccable attitude towards herself from her partner.
  4. And last on the list, but not least, is kindness and romance. Scorpio is a sentimental woman. Rudeness and frank statements will not work with her. Even more than that, in response to some very frank remarks, our heroine will be terribly offended, and in the worst cases, she may even prepare a plan for graceful revenge. The stars warn that Scorpio is the most vindictive sign of the zodiac. Although to be fair, her claims are often justified. That's why the ideal man for this lady should combine inner strength with natural sentimentality. And, of course, you only need to show these qualities towards her. And here the stars again remind us of fidelity.

How not to behave with a Scorpio

I must say that it’s quite easy to offend a Scorpio girl. She is an emotional being. In addition, the water signs of the zodiac are constantly on one wavelength or another. And if someone spoils their mood in the morning, they are unlikely to be able to quickly return to their normal rhythm. Therefore, the Scorpio companion should listen especially carefully to the invaluable astrological tips:

  1. First of all, never express your dissatisfaction in a rude manner. And especially don’t get too personal. Scorpio calmly accepts criticism, but not shouting, remarks, but not lectures, the truth, but not humiliation. It is important to understand that despite all the natural strength, Scorpio is a very vulnerable person. And in the case of the weaker sex, this becomes even more noticeable.
  2. Don’t even think about laughing at Scorpio in public. The fact is that even in the company of loved ones she prefers to wear a mask. Any inconsistency with the image, or an attempt to joke, can be taken completely wrong. And it's not a lack of sense of humor. It's just her defensive reaction.
  3. Finally, don't push a Scorpio. This lady does not like direct, aggressive actions, even if they are expressed in a simple and reasonable verbal form. It is better to communicate diplomatically with a Scorpio. She will consider this not as weakness, but as strength. After all, if you think about it, being delicate is truly an art that costs much more than being too straightforward.

Who is suitable for a Scorpio woman, and who is not so good

  1. If this girl wants emotional understanding and deep human sympathy, she should definitely pay attention to representatives of her own water element. will give Scorpio a fairy tale. In addition, the partners have amazing sexual compatibility. Only our heroine should take into account that in such a tandem she will simply have to take on the role of leader. Then the fish will harmoniously fit into the given combination and become the lightning rod that extinguishes its righteous anger. A Scorpio will like a man thanks to his magical cozy atmosphere, which he can create by being next to her. But the union of the two is a real battle of the titans. However, it can end in victory for both if the partners immediately agree on certain boundaries.
  2. The combinations of our heroine with earthly men are interesting. They literally give her a sense of stability and cope very well with the cascades of Scorpio emotions. – a classic representative of the stronger sex. He is calm and balanced, in no hurry and instills faith in himself and in the future. Scorpio will like a hard worker for his commitment to traditional values ​​and specific views on life. And she can decorate it perfectly black and white picture consisting of work and household chores. As for, such an alliance is particularly strong, because both heroes strive not only for stability, but also have strong enough ambitions to conquer all kinds of heights.
  3. The union of a Scorpio girl with representatives of fire element. These men are very powerful and strive to literally re-educate their partner. Which will not suit our heroine at all, who is essentially doing the same thing. True, it is with fiery guys that a Scorpio woman will be able to light up as brightly as she did not even expect from herself. Regal will turn her into a queen. She will go looking for magical adventures. But the assertive one will open up a whole world of extreme sports for her. But for a long-term relationship, our heroes simply lack consistency and regularity.
  4. As for the air element, the picture is clearly unpromising. Scorpio also has some chances. But the strange one will not cause any understanding in this lady. And changeable ones are clearly not her type.

Scorpio in bed

A passionate, fiery, alluring girl - she can turn anyone's head. Scorpio often becomes the one femme fatale. And all because innate natural sexuality lives in her nature. Moreover, the attractiveness of our heroine has some mystical foundations, hidden from everyone around her. She is a classic seductress who demonstrates her inaccessibility to everyone.

The more interesting and brighter the hour of night becomes. After all, in intimate fun, a sultry Scorpio can challenge any Casanova, literally testing his strength. The stars warn this girl’s gentleman in advance: you will be thrown into hot and cold temperatures. Her bed is like an attraction in which the entire panorama is never visible, and every next turn can become incredibly steep. This is the true passion hiding behind the beautiful mask of a Scorpio.

The Scorpio woman is a professional seductress, a real classic lady and incredibly strong man with strong convictions that skillfully combine with the sultry passions living in her nature. It will not be easy for a man to win her heart, but when the path is completed, he will feel as if he has conquered the whole world.
