Perekrestok Club - card activation and login to your personal account. Cards of the Perekrestok Perekrestok chain of stores activate official buyer card

"Perekrestok" is an entire retail chain that consists of supermarkets. In them you can find everything that a citizen might need for daily life. Groceries, industrial goods, perfumes, cosmetics and even some items of clothing and equipment - everything is offered in the Perekrestok retail chain. This store was created for the first time in Moscow in 1995. Today, the trading network has spread throughout Russia, but the bulk of the branches are still located in the capital. Buyers have recently been thinking about how to activate the Crossroads card. What is this anyway? Why do you need a corresponding card? What does it give? All this will be discussed further below. In fact, bringing your idea to life is not as difficult as it seems!

What kind of card

The first step is to understand what kind of plastic we are talking about. Why do you need the Crossroads card?

We are talking about a regular bonus card. Many hypermarkets have it. Allows you to receive a variety of bonuses and discounts for purchases made in the store. A very useful thing for budget-conscious people.

Only many citizens think about how to activate the Crossroads card. What will it take? What should every potential buyer know? Understanding all this is not as difficult as it might seem. After all, proper preparation and familiarization with the registration process will help bring your idea to life.

Receiving a card

The first step is to obtain the plastic being studied. Without it, you should not think about activation. Fortunately, this process is very clear.

The Crossroads card can be obtained in the following ways:

  1. Make purchases (one-time) in the network of the hypermarket under study for an amount of 500 rubles or more. Then the plastic is given to the buyer at the checkout without additional payment.
  2. Buy a bonus card. Today, to do this you need to go to the cash desk at Perekrestok and pay 49 rubles. This is how much bonus plastic costs.

There is nothing difficult or special about the process. After one of the listed event options, the buyer will receive an envelope with a card. Now you have to activate it. And then use it and receive bonuses.

About bonuses

So, the buyer has a Crossroads card. You can activate the code from it in several ways. But more about them a little later. First you need to understand how beneficial it is to use bonus plastic.

Points are awarded according to a specific algorithm. How many bonuses will the client receive? This nuance directly depends on the amount of purchases made at Perekrestok.

You can rely on the following information:

  • 1 point for every 10 rubles in the receipt - for purchases of less than 2,000 rubles;
  • 5 points for 10 rubles - if purchases are made for an amount ranging from 2 to 5 thousand;
  • 10 points - when spending more than 5,000 rubles.

There is a reverse conversion of funds. It is used when paying for goods. Here 10 points is 1 ruble. Every client should take this fact into account. The seller must be informed in advance about the use of the received plastic.

Activation methods

There are several ways to activate the Crossroads card. In practice, there are only 3 scenarios. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. A buyer who decides to engage in plastic activation should remember this.

The process can be implemented using the following methods:

  • by phone;
  • through the Internet;
  • with the help of cashiers.

What can be said in general about each of the techniques? What pros and cons are recommended to pay attention to?

Cash register and form

The first activation method is to fill out a form at the cashier. This method is the simplest and, as practice has shown, the least common. Typically, the registration process takes about 20 days. Therefore, many are interested in how to activate the “Crossroads” card via the Internet or by phone.

However, working with the form at the checkout also takes place. The buyer must adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Buy the "Crossroads" card.
  2. Take the established form from the cashier.
  3. Fill out the form. This can be done both at home and on site.
  4. Give the completed form to the cashier and wait for the previously specified period.

If you believe numerous reviews, profiles for 20 days are sometimes lost. Therefore, not everyone trusts this activation method. In this case, you can use any other scenario.

Telephone communications

It is proposed to activate the “Perekrestok” card using the hotline telephone number of the retail chain. By calling it, you can bring your idea to life without much difficulty. The method is similar to the previous registration method. After its sale, the plastic will be registered within 20 days.

How is the procedure performed? There's nothing special about it. The main thing is to follow a certain algorithm of actions. It will help you understand how to properly activate the Crossroads plastic.

Registering a card by phone is carried out as follows:

  1. A client buys plastic from Perekrestok.
  2. A call is made to the hotline. The number can be found on the back of the issued card.
  3. Answer questions asked by the operator. They are exactly the same as in the form given at the checkout when purchasing plastic.
  4. State the number of the card purchased at Perekrestok.
  5. Provide contact details for communication.

Nothing more is needed. You just have to wait a few days. More precisely, about 20 days. After the specified period, the card will be activated.

Internet to help

However, there is another popular, fast, reliable and convenient method for solving the problem. If the client is thinking about how to activate the Crossroads card, you can use the Internet. With its help, the implementation of the idea will not take much time.

It is this scenario that causes some problems. Would you like to activate your Crossroads card via the Internet? There may also be some nuances with the activation code. But more about them later.

To activate, you can follow the following instructions:

  1. Buy the Crossroads card. There is no need to fill out or return the form.
  2. Visit the official page of the retail chain. More precisely, “Perekrestok” is a club. You can activate the card using a special service from the club of the hypermarket chain.
  3. Select "Activate". It is located at the bottom of the Crossroads club website.
  4. Click on the inscription “Activate a new card”.
  5. Enter all the necessary data in the fields that appear. More precisely, the card number and activation code.
  6. Fill out the form for a member of the "Crossroads" club.
  7. Complete the procedure by confirming the completed questionnaire.

This will complete the entire activation process. You can use plastic from the Perekrestok retail chain!

Where to get the activation code

After the described procedures, the “Crossroads” map will begin to work. Activating the activation code is not that difficult. Where can I get it? How to get the corresponding combination?

The answer is simple. When purchasing a bonus card, the buyer is given several receipts. One contains information about accumulated points, the other contains information for registration. The address of the page where you can bring your idea to life is also written there.

If such a receipt is lost, you just need to pay using Perekrestok plastic for any purchase. And keep the issued check. It will also store the relevant registration information.

Official site

You can go a different way. Simpler, as practice shows. The thing is that activation of the studied plastic via the Internet is carried out using several methods. But in general, the procedure comes down to the same actions.

As already mentioned, you can visit the official page of the Crossroads club. It is with its help that plastic is most often activated.

But that is not all. In addition to the proposed page, you can go to You can activate the card by clicking on the button with the corresponding command. After this, a message about the successful completion of the procedure will appear on the main page.

Results and conclusions

Now it’s clear how the “Crossroads” card is activated. Activating the code offered on the receipt issued when purchasing plastic is not difficult. It is through the Internet that many try to carry out the procedure.

Only after the described actions can you spend your accumulated points without much difficulty. It is very comfortable! In fact, nothing special is needed from customers to activate the Perekrestok card.

The Perekrestok bonus card will allow you to save money when making regular purchases. Points are awarded to the card for each purchase, which you can then use in hypermarket chains or from partners.

This is what an envelope with a card looks like.

There is nothing easier than getting the Crossroads card. You just need to buy it at the checkout at your nearest store.

The card costs 49 rubles, but during the promotion its price becomes even lower - 24 rubles.

You don't have to make any more purchases. There are no restrictions.

This is what the map looks like.

Every 10 rubles in a check will earn you 1 point, and you can spend bonuses using the formula 10 points = 1 bonus. Those. The discount on the card is 1%.

Simple calculation formula.

Filling out the form

In the envelope you will find the card itself and the participant’s questionnaire. However, the cashier at the checkout will warn you not to bring anything into the store. Then why this questionnaire?

A paper questionnaire is a relic of the past and a sample to fill out. After all, you need to fill out a form and register on the official Perekrestok website.

There is NO need to fill out a paper form.

Electronic card

There is also a great way to get a virtual card without leaving your home. Those. register your card online.

To do this you need to do a sequence of simple steps:

  1. Download the “My Crossroads” application on your smartphone or tablet.
    For Android –
    For iOS –
  2. Accept the offer.
  3. Fill out the form to obtain a card.

In the age of new technologies, few people fill out the questionnaire manually. Moreover, few people accept it. This raises the question: how to activate the Perekrestok card and register in?

After receiving, i.e. purchases, cards, you can start using it immediately. You will be able to accumulate points. But you can only do them after you activate the card.

For every 10 rubles in a check, you will be awarded 1 point on your card. 10 bonuses will be equal to 1 ruble when the discount is calculated.

You can do this in 3 ways:

  1. Via the hotline.
  2. On the official website
  3. Through .

Hotline activation

This method is suitable for those who are not good with a computer or smartphone.

You just need to call the hotline number that is indicated on your envelope, namely 8-800-200-95-55.

The operator will ask you to provide:

  • card number;
  • your full name;
  • date of birth;
  • Contact details.

In order not to waste time, you can fill out a paper form and dictate to the operator all the data in order.

Activation on

The most popular activation method is through the official website. We will provide you with step-by-step instructions.

Step 1

Go to the official website of the Perekrestok network and select the “Card Activation” menu item.

First, hover your mouse over “Club Perekrestok”, and then click on the activation item.

After this, you will be taken to your personal account page. It is located at –

Step 2

Now you need to enter the number of the received card.

After entering, click “Activate card”.

After you click the activation button, you will be taken to the page for filling out data about the loyalty program participant. Fill out the form carefully and enter real data.

Please also indicate the correct date of birth, as you can get even more points on your birthday.

Enter real data.

Step 3

Now the system will send you an SMS message with an activation code. It will need to be entered in the appropriate field. Don't forget to check the box indicating your consent to the processing of personal data.

Enter the code you received.

This is what the SMS code looks like.

If for some reason you did not receive an SMS, you can request it again by clicking on the appropriate button. If you cannot register a card, then call the hotline or write to technical support at - [email protected]

Step 4

If everything went well, then you need to come up with a password to log in. Be sure to write it down, you will need it to log into your personal account.

By the way, the password can be shown as you enter.

Don't make your password too simple.

Make sure you write down the password.

After this, you will be taken to the “My Crossroads” start page!

This is what the start page looks like.

You can use your card number or phone number as your login.

Via mobile application

You can also register a card through. You can also get a card there; we wrote about this in a separate article.

Download the application from the official repository of your operating system:

  1. For Android –
  2. For iOS –

When you first start, the system will give you a short tour and ask you to accept the offer.

Let the app detect your geolocation so you can see the stores closest to you.

Allow the application to access with GPS.

After this, you will be taken to the application start page.

Home page.

At the top left there is a menu button where you can select the desired item.

This is what the menu looks like.

First, let's log in.

Click on the “Login! from the main screen and select “I have a club card.”

We discussed registration in another article.

Select your card type. If we talk about a simple bonus card, then this is the very first one - the Perekrestok club card.

What card do you have?

  • by card number;
  • by phone number.

We will consider the first option, because... it's the simplest.

Enter your card number. The number is written on the front of the card.

Enter your bonus card number.

If the number is entered correctly, then you need to enter the password that you specified when registering the card.

Advice! Click on the eye icon on the right. This will make the password visible. Be careful when entering! Check case, language, spaces!

Click and the password will become visible.

After this, you will receive an SMS code to confirm your login.

Enter the code you received.

After this, you will find yourself in your personal account on the start page!

Given the popularity of the Perekrestok retail chain, all customers strive to become a member of the club of the same name. At the same time, in order to receive a full list of benefits from owning a club card, it is important to go through the activation procedure.

The procedure for entering the club does not end with receiving the buyer’s personal card. You will need to activate your membership using one of the available methods:

  • directly at the point of sale;
  • with the help of a network hotline operator;
  • through the official website (;
  • by downloading the application to your mobile phone (

Activation paths are designed taking into account the capabilities and preferences of all customer groups. All that remains is to choose a convenient method and go through the procedure.

Through a retail outlet

The oldest and still relevant method of entering data is filling out a paper form. The list of columns in this document is standard:

  • Full name of the buyer;
  • Date of Birth;
  • mobile number;
  • E-mail address;
  • agreement/refusal to receive information about new promotions and offers from the retail chain via the specified contacts.

You can obtain the form from the cashier of the retail outlet. It can be filled out, if desired, right on site or at home.

Having filled out all the fields and read the terms and conditions, the buyer returns the paper to the store employee (cashier). He, in turn, enters the number of the card issued to the client in a special field. Then, it sends the data to the retail chain office for processing and activation.

The advantage of this method is the fact that the buyer fills out data faster due to a constant reminder in the form of a questionnaire. The disadvantage is the lengthy processing of information by the company’s office, which takes up to 3 weeks.

Via the hotline

An easier way, which does not require filling out the questionnaire yourself, is to call the hotline number toll-free. The retail chain operator will ask the buyer a standard set of questions, similar to those listed in the paper version. Among other things, you will need to dictate the number of the card received at the store.

The obvious advantages of this method are the absence of paperwork and the need for an additional visit to the retail outlet. The disadvantage is the same long waiting period (at least 20 days).

Through the website perekrestok ru-club

A quick and easy way to activate the card is to visit the official website of the retail chain. On the main page, just select the “Perekrestok Club” tab and, in the drop-down list of items, select “Activate card”.

Clicking on this menu item will take you to a new tab where you can activate the perekrestok ru club card in a couple of steps. Here you will need to enter the card number received at TT and press the activation button.

The further algorithm of actions is not very simple and does not take much time. Namely:

  1. If the card number is entered incorrectly, the system will display an error, which can be easily corrected by calling the hotline number.
  2. If the number is entered correctly, a standard form for entering client data will be displayed.

  1. You will need to fill out all fields of the form, entering the data correctly, including contact phone number and email address.
  2. Once completed, press the “Submit” button.
  3. After sending the questionnaire, a message with a confirmation code will be sent to the specified mobile number, which you will need to enter in the window that appears.
  4. If the code does not arrive, you can resend it by clicking on the “Resend” button.
  5. In the same window there are links to the club rules and the processing of personal data, which you can agree to by checking the box next to it.
  6. After completing the filling, you need to click on the “Submit” button.

  1. After this, a window for entering a password is displayed, which must be created and entered twice to avoid mistakes.
  2. Entering the password and clicking on the “Submit” button completes the procedure.

Important! The last press of the “send” key not only activates the card, but also gives the client access to his personal account on the retail chain website. Here the accrued bonuses are displayed and information about current and upcoming promotions is summarized.

Via mobile application

The My Perekrestok mobile application gives you the opportunity not to carry a club card with you, but to always have it in your own phone. By downloading it (,, installing it on a smartphone and registering, the network client can not only activate the card, but also create it electronic copy. To do this you will need:

  1. Click on the “Login” button located in the upper left part of the screen.
  2. Go to the “I have a card” column.
  3. When activating a regular bonus card, you need to select the first item from the drop-down list.
  4. Next – authorization by card number.
  5. The card number received at TT is transferred.
  6. Enter the password created when registering in the application.
  7. Click on the “Login” button.
  8. An SMS with a confirmation code will be sent to your phone number, which must be entered in the window that appears.
  9. Clicking on the “Continue” button completes the procedure.

From now on, the club card holder has an electronic version of the card, a personal account and the ability to use loyalty program bonuses.

Regardless of the chosen method, activation is required. Otherwise, the accumulation and use of bonuses will remain unavailable to the buyer.

The largest chain of supermarkets, Perekrestok, part of the X5 Retail Group, sells high-quality food products, household chemicals, cosmetics, alcoholic beverages, household and auto goods.

“Club Perekrestok” is a social loyalty program in the form of a bonus card. Get more discounts and personal privileges, save on purchases - pay with points.

Before using all the features of the Perekrestok Club, the card must be activated!

Methods for activating the Perekrestok Club card

There are a total of 5 options available for activating the Crossroads card:

  1. Activation of the card through the official website;
  2. Activation of the card using a paper form;
  3. Activation via mobile application;
  4. Activation by telephone hotline;
  5. SMS card activation.

Method 1 - activate via the Internet

This method is ideal for plastic card holders.

Ready! Activation of the “Crossroads” card via the Internet is completed! You will automatically be taken to your loyalty program Personal Account.

Method 2 – filling out a paper form

It is worth noting that this option is not entirely convenient, because... If you want to write off points in the near future, you will not be able to do this, you will have to wait!

  1. You can ask for a form when receiving the card;
  2. Fill in the required fields;
  3. Hand over to the cashier;

Ready! The Perekrestok card will be activated after 20 days (delivery to the main office and processing of your data).

Method 3 - activate in the mobile application

  1. Download the “My Crossroads” application from the link: for Android and for iPhone;
  2. Launch the application on your smartphone or tablet;
  3. In the window that opens, in the “Important” section, click the “Activate” button;
  4. Enter the number and CVV code of the card (if available, if not, do not fill in) and click on the “Next” link in the upper right corner;
  5. Follow the further instructions (fill in the blank fields and provide additional information about yourself: Last Name, First Name, Date of Birth, Telephone);

Ready! The card will be activated instantly!

Method 4 - activate by calling the Contact Center

  1. Dial 8-800-200-95-55 and call the company’s hotline;
  2. Get ready - the operators will ask you questions regarding your personal data (full name, telephone number, place of residence, date of birth);

Ready! It's up to the operator! When he fills out the form, the activation of the “Crossroads” card will be completed within 15 minutes after the call!

Method 5 - activate via SMS

To activate the Crossroads card, you can use 2 samples (if the first one doesn’t work, try option 2).

  1. Send an SMS to number 9555 with the code “1234567812345678 Evgeniy 08091988 333” (without quotes), where the first 16 digits are the card number, then the Name, followed by the date of birth in the format DDMMYYYY (day, month and year of birth), CVV code;
  2. If there is no CVV code or it was not possible to send (caused an error), then try the same thing, only without specifying the CVV code.

Ready! You will receive a notification on your phone about the successful activation of the “Perekrestok” card!


If you haven’t found the answer to your question here, write in the reviews, we will try to find for you and post a complete answer on this page!

What does the bonus card give?

  • Personal discounts;
  • Shopping coupons;
  • Various store promotions;
  • Additional privileges;
  • Unique offers from Perekrestok partners;
  • Bonus points.

How to get a Perekrestok Club card?

You can get it in several ways:

  1. Purchase at the company's supermarket checkout counters;
  2. Apply for a virtual card – free!
  3. Purchase for 99 rubles a non-personalized payment card “Perekrestok” (from partner bank JSC Alfa-Bank) which has a bonus balance and a bank account for replenishing in rubles;
  4. Receiving a personalized debit or credit bank card (from partners Alfa-Bank JSC and Tinkoff JSC) with an additional points balance.

Please note that the last bank cards on the list have their own terms of service and can be obtained directly from partner banks. The terms of service can be viewed in the mobile application or on the website of the partner bank.

How much does the Perekrestok Club cost?

The cost of the card is only 9.90 rubles.

How to get a card for free?

It is unlikely that you will be able to get a plastic card. But you can apply for a virtual one in 2 options:

  1. On the website following the link:;
  2. In the mobile application, in the “No card?” section. click on the “Create” button;

How to accumulate bonus points?

  1. 10 rubles = 1 point
  2. Take part in promotions
  3. Shop and don’t forget to provide your card to the cashiers to earn bonuses.
  4. Buy from partners of the Perekrestok supermarket
  5. You can get 5 times more points in your favorite category!

Why do I need a mobile application?

To write off, earn points, receive special offers, find the nearest supermarket. But first you need to log in (log into your personal account in the application).

What to do if you forgot to take your card with you?

To earn and write off points, you can use a virtual card:

  1. Open the application
  2. There will be a barcode on the main screen of the application
  3. Show the barcode from your mobile phone screen and tell us what operation to perform (debit or charge)

What is a "favorite category"?

How to find out the number of points on the card?

  1. In your personal account on the official website
  2. In the mobile application
  3. Ask the cashier to announce the number of your points
  4. Call the hotline and ask there (the most inconvenient option)

How to spend accumulated points?

  1. 10 points equals 1 ruble
  2. Write off points for any purchases in Perekrestok stores (you can pay with points up to 100% of the receipt amount)
  3. Pay with points from partners (for example, Burger King and Euroset give a 1 ruble discount for every 10 points)
  4. Exchange for bonuses from loyalty program partners

When purchasing, notify the cashier in advance of your intention to spend points!

Is it possible to get a Perekrestok card online?

Yes, sure! This was mentioned a little higher!

How to restore the Crossroads card?

If your card has been lost, take the following steps:

  1. Call the toll-free hotline, the number of which is indicated at the beginning of the page - explain that the card is lost and needs to be blocked;
  2. Get a new Perekrestok card at the supermarket;
  3. Call the hotline to transfer points and get a refund for your lost card;

Attention! Points can only be restored within 30 days from the date of receipt of the new card!

How can I change my personal data?

Call the hotline, where you can change your name and phone number.
