Who is the wife of French President Macron? Emmanuel Macron: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo The new President of France and his wife

Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron on a walk in Le Touquet - the place where their love blossomed, April 22, 2017

On a warm May evening in 1993 assembly hall The private Jesuit school La Providence was crowded: high school students attending Madame Ozier’s theater group were performing “The Comedy of Language” by Jean Tardieu. As always, the success was resounding: at the end of the performance, the satisfied actors and their beloved teacher rose to take their final bow. As soon as the intensity of the applause reached its limit, one of the leading actors, the hope of the school and an excellent student, Emmanuel Macron, could not resist and clung to Madame Ozier's cheek. She did not push him away: the fun of a 15-year-old student who kissed his 40-year-old teacher in gratitude could then cause nothing but tenderness.

Still, Amiens is a small town, and rumors spread quickly here. And now the naive prank of an exemplary student from an intelligent family is already becoming a local scandal, because more and more more people They begin to notice that Madame Brigitte and her student are spending too much time together. Unnaturally many.

24 years after their first meeting, Emmanuel and Brigitte “together” (Macron quote) win the presidential election

Madame Bovary

However, at first, Brigitte Ozier’s overly busy schedule with her students did not arouse any suspicion. A teacher of Latin and French, Madame Ozier, wife of the respected but not very talkative banker Andre Louis Ozier and mother of three children, never sat idle, although, as they say, her husband always wanted to see a housewife next to him. But the freedom-loving and cheerful Brigitte, who tied the knot at just 21 years old, had only three decrees to understand: a meaningless stay within four walls was not for her. It never happened.

Brigitte grew up all her life in Amiens, a city where several generations of her family owned pastry shops. The girl was the youngest of the six offspring of the Trogneux couple, and the only one who was born after the war. Probably, there really was something karmic in her date of birth: unlike her brothers and sisters, Brigitte was the most cheerful and mischievous child. She grew up in the 60s - at that wonderful time when the hardships of war were gradually receding, and the income of bourgeois families began to work again for the benefit of French capitalism. Her love for life helped her naturally and logically cope with the death of her closest relatives (her sister died in a car accident, and her niece died of acute appendicitis) and, in general, infect everyone around with a hedonistic thirst to desire, create, fall in love, laugh. "Being youngest daughter V big family, she had an unlimited amount of freedom,” recalls one of her childhood friends. Brigitte dressed in best stores city, and for good grades at school, her parents could easily give her an expensive jewelry set.

The first generation of the Tronier family to own a pastry shop in the center of Amiens. Currently, the establishment is owned by Brigitte's nephew, Jean-Alexandre

By the age of 20, she was already one of the most fashionable and famous townspeople of Amiens (as they would say today, it-girl) - who, however, very soon was engaged by the local bourgeois prince Andre Louis Ozier. True, he, having arranged a magnificent wedding for her in the city hall, eight years later, almost as an ultimatum, took her with two children and pregnant with a third to the suburbs of Strasbourg, forcing her to leave her beloved city and no less beloved job as a press attaché. Having barely recovered from two decrees, Brigitte in the future had a third child and the status of the wife of a Bank director foreign trade. The position may be enviable, but it is not at all in the spirit of the future first lady.

Having moved to the east, young Madame Ozier would have gone completely crazy with boredom if one day she had not put aside her beloved and well-read novel Madame Bovary, remembered her talent for making friends and would not have taken up politics - of course, in local level. She would even run for local office in 1989, promising to open skate parks throughout the city and make it easier for young families to rent. But, despite her assertiveness, she will lose the election - and as her neighbors remember, only because she was a new person in the ossified town of Trystersheim.

At the same time, Brigitte plunged headlong into her other passion - teaching, to which, due to her early marriage, she was never able to devote a minute of her time, although she studied literature at the university. But fortunately the diploma and required certificate, and with them she still had the right to teach languages ​​and literature (though only to schoolchildren). Since then, she has given lessons everywhere: in Trystersheim, in the center of Strasbourg and even in Paris. But in 1991, her family was irresistibly drawn back home to their native Amiens, where Andre Louis continued to work in finance, and Brigitte got a job as a teacher and drama club teacher at the Jesuit college La Providence. The local child prodigy, Emmanuel Macron, has been studying here for two years now, with whom she entered the same class. eldest daughter Brigitte Laurence.

Brigitte Macron - teacher at La Providence, early 1990s

Literature lessons

Emmanuel quickly became friends with Laurence - but without romance. Moderately sociable and friendly, the boy, however, was not at all interested in girls of his age, devoting himself entirely to his studies at school, lessons at the local conservatory and his main passion - literature. Brigitte's colleagues recall that she never taught him literature, and yet, once enrolling in her theater class, Emmanuel preferred to hone his literary skills only with her. The teacher herself was in awe of the student’s talent (as was the entire teaching staff): at times it seemed to her that she was dealing with a modern Mozart.

“Without a doubt, he was not like everyone else. He was always drawn to adults. He just wasn’t a teenager – that’s all,” Brigitte said many years later.

Brigitte Ozier, 1990s

Emmanuel Macron, school photo

The bliss of an unrealized feeling forced the student, who was barely fifteen, to seek meetings with Brigitte more and more often. They were often left alone - and although no one will ever know whether there was anything more between them than rehearsing plays, one thing is certain: the relationship with Brigitte inspired the enchanted Emmanuel to the most daring literary exercises. One of them was erotic novel, in which the young man in love prudently changed the names and gave it to his neighbor for printing. She, also quite prudently, did not save the manuscript, but still was not afraid to admit many years later that the essay was “bold and quite frank.”

Meanwhile, Brigitte, increasingly recalling her former favorite heroine Madame Bovary and her destructive passion for the student Leon, tried to understand her role in this novel. It is quite obvious that her wife did not have even a hundredth of the romantic potential that this enthusiastic and talented young man, who seemed more serious than all the bankers in the world, concealed within himself. “Writing was only an excuse,” Brigitte’s friends recall her saying, “but in reality I felt that we had always known each other.” Formally, Brigitte didn’t even break the law - the age of consent in France is already 15. And yet her reputation would have come to an end.

Brigitte Ozier during a play production, 1990s

And he came. A year later - from a family friend - about scandalous romance Emmanuel's parents found out, who all this time were in full confidence that their son was dating the daughter of Brigitte Laurens. The boy's father, Jean-Michel, nearly fell out of his chair when he heard the news. The mother was much more restrained - and yet also adamant. “Don’t you see? You already had your own life, and what about him? You won’t even be able to bear him children.”

Burning with shame, the discouraged parents demanded that the lovers at least wait until Emmanuel's 18th birthday. “I can’t promise you anything,” Brigitte honestly admitted. It's funny that his beloved grandmother Manette, who also once taught in high school, completely unexpectedly took the couple's side. But her condescension was not enough. Emmanuel's parents firmly decided to send their son in love away from Amiens and the unlucky teacher. Where? Yes, even to the same Paris - to the prestigious Lyceum of Henry IV: it doesn’t matter to Emmanuel in next year go to university. Jean-Michel and Françoise themselves never admitted that they sent Emmanuel to Paris because he was in love, claiming that they were thinking exclusively about his education. And yet the young man and his beloved could no longer get rid of this thought.

Before leaving, he told her: “You can’t get rid of me. Whatever you do, I will marry you.”

Love in exchange for reputation

They did not see each other throughout 1994: Emmanuel studied in the center of Paris, while Brigitte continued to teach at La Providence. At first it seemed to her that the shameful hobby of both would quickly pass, but it turned out that the young man did not throw his words to the wind. He called her every day, and Brigitte, as if forgetting that there was a sixteen-year-old teenager on the other side of the line, talked to him for hours. “Gradually he achieved something that I could no longer resist. It was incredible - he was really ready to wait,” the woman recalled (

The wife of the current 25th President of France, Brigitte Macron, has quite a noble origin. She is more than 25 years older than her husband, and successfully copes with her responsibilities as First Lady.

Macron's wife: photos now and in her youth

The story of Brigitte Macron

Brigitte Marie-Claude Tronier is the sixth child in a family of famous chocolatiers. Her father is Jean Tronier for a long time was the owner of a chain of confectionery stores.

Despite her prosperous childhood, Brigitte mastered the profession of teaching French and Latin.

Her family had lived in Amiens since 1872. When Brigitte married the future President Macron, many of her relatives moved to live in Paris.

Before her second marriage, Brigitte Tronier was married to banker Andre Ozier. In this marriage, the woman had three children:

  • Sebastian;
  • Lawrence;
  • And Tifeng.

The couple divorced in 2006, but the whole family keeps in touch with her. Today, Brigitte has seven grandchildren.

The work of the First Lady of France

Brigitte Macron taught at the behest of her soul. She is certified in Liberal Arts. For some time, the first lady worked as a teacher in Paris and Strasbourg.

In 1991, Brigitte left for her homeland to work there at the Jesuit Lyceum. After three years of work, it was at this lyceum that she met Emmanuel Macron.

Macron was a teenager then, and was in the same class as her daughter Laurence.

Brigitte Macron at school

Since the future Mrs. Macron led a theater group in addition to her main job, she became close to Emmanuel during the production of plays.

Teenager Macron's parents were shocked by his relationship with adult woman. They sent their son to finish his studies in Paris. Emmanuel did not stop communicating with Brigitte at a distance, and promised to marry her as soon as he became an adult.

In 2007, Macron kept his promise and married Brigitte, who by that time was already divorced. Her first appearance as a politician’s wife took place in 2015.

Then Brigitte actively helped her husband during the election campaign. When Macron became president, he decided to strengthen the status of the first lady by making her activities transparent and official.

In August 2017, the French President issued a “charter for transparency in the activities of the President’s wife.” So Brigitte began to have certain responsibilities, which she does for free in her new status.

Private life of the first lady

In numerous interviews, Brigitte Macron has repeatedly said that her relationship with her husband is very simple and sincere. They love to go out into nature together. Emmanuel Macron was even seen babysitting Brigitte's grandchildren.

The first lady fully supports all her husband’s decisions. In public, this couple also does not hide their feelings; they can easily be seen hugging and kissing.

Brigitte's elegant style also helped her win the favor of the French public. At 64 years old, the bold and progressive woman is not afraid to wear minis and tight trousers. Although in Lately She is increasingly seen in elegant suits in delicate and restrained shades.

President Macron's wife: photo now

The love story between the French president and a simple teacher causes a mixed reaction in society. Some people don’t believe in such stories, while others sincerely admire the courage of this couple.

Brigitte Macron, née Tronier, does an excellent job as First Lady. She always attends official events with her husband, accompanies him on trips, and does everything possible to help him in such a responsible and high position. She also promotes her own social projects.

Let us note that Brigitte Macron has been one of the most discussed personalities in France since Emmanuel Macron assumed the post of president of the country. At the same time, the first lady evokes very contradictory feelings among citizens. In particular, Brigitte's revealing outfits often become the subject of discussion.

Brigitte Macron is not like everyone else! And her outfits are appropriate - bright and eye-catching. The First Lady does not look her age at all, and there is nothing to say about her behavior - she is light and impetuous, like a young girl. One can only envy Macron; not every wife is so filled with energy that infects everyone around her!

Macron admitted that he really appreciates his wife because he is important to her, and not that tall man social status which he occupies. “We've been together for decades. It is very important for me. She is my support,” the president admitted in an interview with CNN.

Macron also emphasized that long years life together he has already actually merged with Brigitte into a single whole. “She is part of me,” the head of state admitted.

At 64, Bridget Macron dresses much more boldly than first ladies from other countries. So, she is not at all afraid to show off her slender legs and knees. On the contrary, judging by the latest appearances of the “atypical first lady,” she is even proud of them and rightly so!

The French leader also emphasized that it is very important for him to have a soul mate. “It’s important to have someone at home who tells you the truth. Because access to the truth is a serious challenge,” Macron said.

Note that 39-year-old Emmanuel Macron has been married to 64-year-old Brigitte since 2007. A big difference at the age of the spouses immediately became main theme for media discussion after Macron assumed the presidency. In addition, the attention of journalists was attracted by the piquant fact that Brigitte was the school teacher of her future husband.

The couple first met when the first lady was 39 years old, and Macron was only 15 years old. However, then there could be no question of a sexual relationship between the couple, despite the fact that the future president was hopelessly in love with his teacher.

The wife loves to surprise her husband and others. Perhaps this is precisely their secret happy marriage. Thus, recently French President Emmanuel Macron flew to Austria for a three-day working visit. Of course, as in most cases, he was accompanied by his wife. And so she gets off the plane and it turns out... that for a meeting with Austrian Chancellor Christian Kern and his wife Eveline Steinberger-Kern, the 64-year-old French woman chose a short red dress with a zipper from Louis Vuitton.

And it fits the first lady amazingly, perfectly emphasizing her chiseled figure and thin waist. By the way. This is the style of dress that Bridget likes most; she has several other similar models in her wardrobe, unfortunately, in softer pastel shades.

The second first lady, Evelyn, who by the way is 19 years younger than Bridget, wore a modest outfit in black shades. Which, as you yourself have already noticed, undoubtedly lost bright dress“an atypical first lady.” Brigitte Macron's fans agreed - she looks confident in a bright red outfit. What do you think? Share your opinion in the comments.

The love story of the new President of France, Emannuel Macron, with his wife has filled the front pages of publications not only in his country, but throughout the world.

She is 63, he is 39. Their dating story could become a script for a Hollywood melodrama - of course, with a happy ending. Emmanuel Macron is young, handsome, smart, talented and a sex symbol in French politics. Naturally, the French actively discussed his personal life.

The website "24" collected facts about the life of Brigitte Macron and amazing story love with Emmanuel, which is truly breathtaking. Read about how the sexy French politician won over his audience, why he babysits other people's grandchildren and why he married his school teacher.

Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron

Bridget's family

Brigitte Trogneux was born on April 13, 1953 in the north of France (the town of Amiens) - in the family of a famous chocolatier. She was the sixth and most youngest child. The company of her five-generation confectionery dynasty produces, in particular, macarons. Family business– quite successful and generates a profit of four million euros per year.

Brigitte Macron while working at the school where the future President of France studied

First marriage

When Bridget was 21, she first married banker Andre Louis Ozier and subsequently gave birth to three children: son Sebastian and daughters Laurence and Tiffany.

Dating and marriage of Macron and Bridget

The future spouses met when Emmanuel was 15 (!) years old. Brigitte Trogneux then taught French and led a theater group at the private school La providence, where Macron studied.

Emmanuel and Bridget during a rehearsal for a school play

They first met during the preparation of a theatrical play. Looking at Madame Macron, one can assume that in her youth she was very pretty, and, to be honest, now Bridget is also in excellent shape. Joint classes with the teacher lasted for two years - they spent every evening together, and Emmanuel followed his teacher with his tail and even accompanied her home. Certainly, last fact Bridget's husband didn't really like him.

Emmanuel Macron during school

Two years later - at 17 - the future president of France made a declaration of love to 40-year-old Bridget. But at that time, the woman already had a husband and three children, so she didn’t even think of taking the guy’s declaration of love seriously.

Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron (20 years ago)

Macron confidently declared: “No matter what you do, no matter how much you evade me, I will still marry you.”

Emmanuel's father, Jean-Michel Macron, forbade Bridget to communicate with their young son. When Emmanuel was 17 years old, his parents sent him to study in Paris, at the elite gymnasium named after Henry IV. The future spouses continued to communicate through letters.

Bridget and Emmanuel on vacation

It’s hard to believe, but a few years later Bridget divorced her husband to be with Macron. At that time, Emmanuel was just beginning his journey in big politics, and Bridget became a teacher at one of the religious schools in Paris. 13 years later they got married.

Their wedding took place in the town hall, on the fashionable beach resort Le Touquet, where Brigitte inherited a luxurious villa, which today serves as the couple’s second home.

During his wedding speech, Emmanuel thanked Bridget's parents and children for supporting their union. The young groom admitted that although he and his beloved are not a “normal couple,” they are still a “real couple.”

Children and grandchildren

The Macron couple do not have children of their own. Answering a question from journalists, Macron explained that this was a conscious decision. He calls Bridget's grandchildren his children. Bridget has three children and seven grandchildren.

Brigitte Macron with her daughters

At one time, all major media outlets circulated photographs of Emmanuel Macron walking with his wife and carrying bottles of baby food for her grandchildren. French publications write that Macron is very grateful to Bridget’s children for being able to accept their relationship.

Bridget's grandchildren do not call Emmanuel “grandfather”, but call him the affectionate English “daddy”.

Macron with his grandson Bridget

Elections and support

The couple's love story captivated the French, so it played a small role in Macron's victory in the presidential election.

Emmanuel and Bridget during the first round of elections

Bridget is completely dedicated political career husband, she often helped compose speeches for Macron’s political speeches. However, Bridget herself is not going to become politician. According to Madame Macron, she just wants to “be close.”

Age difference

Brigitte Macron is 24 years older than her husband. By the way, they have the same age difference current president USA Donald Trump and his wife Melania.

However, unlike the owner of the White House, the French presidential candidate always emphasizes that his wife is his closest advisor.

Emmanuel Macron with his wife

French economist Marc Ferazzi, best man at Macron's wedding and now a member of Macron's team, described their relationship this way:

Yes, they are not exactly a traditional couple. But they fell in love with each other 20 years ago and since then their feelings have only grown stronger. Their story is very simple and you have to accept the fact that people can just fall in love - and so much so that their love will never wane.

Style icon

French fashion magazines called the country's first lady a "style icon." The woman prefers clothes from the two largest French fashion houses - Dior and Louis Vuitton and can afford it.

Brigitte Macron called "style icon"

Today, Macron actively brings his wife into the world and allows the paparazzi to photograph them together and publish thousands of their pictures in newspapers and magazines. France has not seen such behavior, when a politician himself actively talks about his personal life, since the time of , who decided to “imitate the Kennedys” in relations with his already ex-wife Cecilia.
