English pronouns exercises. Personal pronouns in English with exercises

1. Find all types of pronouns in the following sentences. Translate the sentences.

  • 1. Lara found her purse. It was in our garden.
  • 2. I have some free time to talk to you about their party.
  • 3. The twins asked me to teach them roller-skating.
  • 4. My mother devoted herself to us, her children.
  • 5. I myself baked these cupcakes.
  • 6. Don’t touch this ticket. It's mine.
  • 7. We saw her in that shop but she didn’t see us.
  • 8. Does anyone love Chemistry in your class?
  • 9. It’s not his car. It's hers.
  • 10. Nobody will read those books.

2. Add suitable reflexive pronouns (myself, yourself, yourselves, yourself, yourself, yourself, yourself, yourself).

1. The enjoyed the dog… with the children. (The dog was having fun with the children.)
2. He cut... while shaving in the bathroom. (He cut himself while shaving in the bathroom.)
3. Did you hurt…? (Are you hurt?)
4. She introduced… as Alice Brown. (She introduced herself as Alice Brown.)
5. Kids, it wasn’t your fault. Please don’t blame… . (Kids, it wasn't your fault. Please don't blame yourself.)
6. Your face is dirty. Look at… in the mirror. (Your face is dirty. Look at yourself in the mirror.)
7. I don’t like people who usually talk about …. (I don’t like people who usually talk about themselves.)
8. I am the winner and I’m proud of…. (I'm a winner and I'm proud of myself.)

3. Choose the appropriate personal and possessive pronouns. Translate.

1. Give... (my, me, mine) a glass of water.
2. Who is sitting behind… (our, we, us)?
3. Would you like to dance with … (he, him, his)?
4. Joanna is going to meet ... (them, they, their).
5. It took… (he, him, his) 5 days to get to… (you, your).
6. Please help… (I, me, my) with… (me, my) homework.
7. This is... (me, my, I) cat. … (His, Her, Its) name is Tom.
8. She promised to help... (us, our, we) and she will keep... (she, her, he) word.

4. Choose the correct version of pronouns and translate the resulting sentences.

1. Did you enjoy… (myself, yourself, your) at the party? - Well. Nick did. But… (I, my, me) didn’t have a good time. I didn’t know … (someone, nobody, anyone) there. There were a lot of people and there was… (anywhere, nowhere, somewhere) to sit. Luckily there was much food, so I helped... (myself, himself, yourself).
2. … (What, Which, Who) of the two T-shirts do you like? - ... (I, Me, My) like both of ... (they, them, their). – And do you like... (this, these, that) jeans? – I think... (they, them, their) are awful.
3. I haven’t got… (some, any, no) sweets for the kids today. Have you got… (some, any, no) sweets? – Don’t worry. I’ve got… (some, any, no).
4. This is... (my, me, mine) garage. And the car is... (my, me, mine). That is... (our, ours, us) house. And the garden is... (our, ours, us).
5. … (This, These, That) two rings belong to … (him, his, he) grandmother.


1. her – It – our (Lara found her wallet. It was in our garden.)
2. I – some – you – their (I have some free time to talk to you about their party.)
3. me – them (The twins asked me to teach them to roller skate.)
4. My – herself – us – her (My mother dedicated herself to us, her children.)
5. I – myself – these (I baked these cupcakes myself.)
6. this – It – mine (Don’t touch this ticket. It’s mine.)
7. We – her – that – she – us (We saw her in that store, but she didn’t see us.)
8. anybody – your (Does anyone like chemistry in your class?)
9. It – his – hers (This is not his car. It’s hers.)
10. Nobody – those (No one will read those books.)

1. itself
2. himself
4. herself
7. themselves

1. me (Give me a glass of water.)
2. us (Who is sitting behind us?)
3. him (Would you like to dance with him?)
4. them (Joanna is going to meet them.)
5. him – you (It took him 5 days to get to you.)
6. me – my (Please help me with my homework.)
7. my – Its (This is my cat. His name is Tom.)
8. us - her (She promised to help us, and she will keep her word.)

1. yourself – I – anyone – nowhere – myself (Did you like it at the party? – Well, Nick liked it. And I had a bad time. I didn’t know anyone there. There were a lot of people and there was nowhere to sit. Luckily, there was a lot of food , and I helped myself.)
2. Which – I – them – these – they (Which of the two T-shirts do you like? – I like both. – Do you like these jeans? – I think they’re terrible.)
3. any – any – some (Today I don’t have any candy for the children at all. Do you have any candy? – Don’t worry. There’s a little.)
4. my – mine – our – ours (This is my garage. And my car. Our house is there. And our garden.)
5. These – his (These two rings belong to his grandmother.)

And ready to start exercising. All Possessive Pronouns exercises They go with increasing complexity, so the first of them are suitable even for children. You will find the answers to the exercises, as usual, at the end of the article.

Possessive pronouns exercises.

Exercise 1. Complete the sentences. Use the words from the box.

  1. This is my mum. _________ name "Jess.
  2. These are my sisters. ________ names are Mary and Dina.
  3. These are my parents. _________ names are Tanya and Bob
  4. This is my cousin. _________ name"s Helen.
  5. This is my cousin. ______ name "s Fred
  6. These are my sisters. _______ names are Tina and Nina.
  7. This is my aunt. _______ name"s Pam.

Exercise 2. What is Molly Adamauer saying? Add my, your, his, her, our or their.

First name is Molly. _____family name is Adamauer. What about you? What's _____ first name? And what's ______ family name? I"m married. You can see _____ husband in the picture. ______ name is Aisek. We"ve got one son and one daughter. ______ son is 21. _____ name is Nickolas. _______ daughter is 24. ______ name is Amy. Amy is married. _____ husband's name is Bred. Emy and Bred have got two children. ______ names are Kevin and Evi.

Exercise 3. Circle the correct word.

This is Michael. This is his/her family. These are my / his parents. This is her / their house. This is your / their pet. This is her / its ball.

Absolute possessive pronouns exercises.

Exercise 4. Insert absolute possessive pronouns.

Jason: Whose sunglasses are these?

Kate They"re Amy"s, I think. Yes, they"re (1) _______.

Paul: Whose baseball cap is this?

Amy: That"s (2) ______ too! Thanks.

Kate: Ugh! Whose dirty towel is this?

Jason: Ask Paul. I think it's (3) __________.

Paul: Yes, it is. Thanks. You"ve got a great T-shirt, Amy!

Kate: Thanks. I borrowed it from my big sister. So it"s (4) __________ really.

Jason: What about this umbrella?

Paul: Don't be silly, Jason! You brought it, so it must be (5) __________.

Kate: Does this beach ball belong to us?

Jason: No, it isn't (6) __________. Those kids over there were looking for a ball, so it"s (7) _________ probably.

Possessive pronouns. Mixed exercises.

Exercise 5. Choose the correct possessive pronouns from the underlined words.

  1. Is this yours / your daughter?
  2. It's theirs / their problem, not ours / ours.
  3. It"s a good idea of ​​yours / yours to go to the bar tonight.
  4. Are these her/hers shoes?
  5. We"re going swimming with some friends of our/ours.
  6. Is it yours / your article about spiders? -No, it's not my / mine.
  7. We know their / theirs address but they don't know our / ours.
  8. That"s not my / mine wallet. Mine / my is black.
  9. His cottage is bigger than her / hers but her / hers is nicer.
  10. My / mine parents live in Vitebsk region, and your / yours?

Exercise 6. Insert the necessary expressions with (own).

  1. He really loves to have __________ car.
  2. I hope to set up _________ business one day
  3. Roman Abramovich had a comfortable plane of __________.
  4. We don"t need your tools, we"ve taken _________ drill.
  5. They invested the money of__________ in this project.
  6. She"s always smoking our cigarettes! Why doesn"t she buy __________.
  7. I have always dreamed of having a room of___________.
  8. Liza has left ____________ child in infant home!
  9. The house was built by ___________great-grandfather. We're proud of this fact.
  10. We can believe them. _________experiment is a good proof for us.

Exercise 7. Complete the conversation with the correct possessive pronouns.

Tim: Whose CD is that?

Jenny: The Britney Spears CD? It"s (1) _______. It"s (2) _______ favorite CD.

Tim: It"s (3) _________ too. Is this Kylie Minogue CD (4) ________ too?

Jenny: No, it "s (5) ________ sister’s. And those on the table are (6) ________ too.

Tim: There's a Beatles CD on the table. Does she like The Beatles?

Jenny: No, she doesn't. But (7) _____ parents love them. All the Beatles CDs are (8) ______.

Tim: Can I borrow this one, or is it (9) _________ sister's?

Jenny No, it isn't (10) _________. I"ll have to ask (11) _____ brother. That CD is (12) _______.

Answers to exercises on possessive pronouns.

1 her, 2 their, 3 their, 4 her, 5 his, 6 their, 7 her

My, my, your, your, my, his, our, his, our, her, her, their

His, his, their, their, its

1 hers, 2 mine, 3 his, 4 hers, 5 yours, 6 ours, 7 theirs

1 your, 2 their / ours, 3 yours, 4 her, 5 ours, 6 your / mine, 7 their / ours, 8 my / mine, 9 hers / hers 10 my / yours

1 his own, 2 my own, 3 his own, 4 our own, 5 their own, 6 her own, 7 my own, 8 her own, 9 our own, 10 their own or our own

1 mine, 2 my, 3 mine, 4 yours, 5 my, 6 hers, 7 my or our, 8 theirs, 9 yours, 10 hers, 11 my, 12 his

Personal pronouns in English language are found in two cases - nominative case and objective case. In this article you will get acquainted with both of them, look at the tables and do exercises on personal pronouns. Let's first talk about personal pronouns in the nominative case - the nominative case.

Personal pronouns in nominative case.

Let's look at the table:

It seems that everything is simple, but let's make some clarifications.

  • Role in a sentence.

Personal pronouns in nominative cases in English most often serve as the subject:

She lives in Bristol. – She lives in Bristol

I I'm not scared. - I'm not scared.

It should also be noted that personal pronouns in the nominative case can act as nominal predicate:

It was she who did it. “She was the one who did it.”

In such cases, in more informal speech it is acceptable to use pronouns in the objective case:

It was her, who did it.

  • Gender of personal pronouns.

Some personal pronouns clearly indicate gender. These are pronouns he- masculine (animate) and she - feminine(inanimate). Pronoun it used instead of all inanimate objects, as well as animals and the word baby (baby).

Molly sees a cat. It is black. – Molly sees a cat. He's black.

Where is the baby. It's with me. - Where is the baby? He is with me.

In some cases, many objects can become animated (especially in fiction) and be replaced by she and he. Read more in the article about in English.

  • Pronouns I and you.

The pronoun I is always capitalized regardless of its place in the sentence.

You may have noticed that the pronoun you translated as you and you and always has a plural form. In fact, there is no pronoun you in modern English. Previously it was and sounded like thou. Today, a similar form can only be found in poetry. Remember: in English, everyone should be addressed as you and use the plural pronoun you.

You are a good boy. - You are a good boy.

Note: after you there is a plural verb – you are.

It seems about personal pronouns in the nominative case I said everything, let's do some strengthening exercises. You will find the answers at the end of the article.

Exercises on personal pronouns he, she, it, etc.

Exercise 1. What personal pronouns can replace the following nouns? Fill the table.

Kate, my parents, auntie, Jacob, car, sister, cousins, two chairs, chair, the Queen, Ann, brother, uncle, Bill, cat, table, my father, my house, cars, balls.

Exercise 2. Add he, she, it, we, or they

  1. Molly is very nice. _____"s my best friend.
  2. Molly and I aren't English. ______"re from Sydney.
  3. Greg is my brother. ______"s 25 years old.
  4. Greg and Alison are married. _______"ve got two children.
  5. Emily is 22 years old. ______"s a nurse in

Exercise 3. Write in he, she or they.

  1. This is Maria. _____ is having lunch in the canteen.
  2. Look at the children! _____ are playing football in the snow!
  3. Vanya is my friend. ______ is riding a bike now.
  4. Look at Pavel's parents. _________ are reading a book.
  5. Lisa is Pavel's friend. Listen! ______ is singing!

Personal pronouns in the Objective Case.

Objective case English pronouns corresponds to indirect cases of the Russian language. Review the table.

A few examples:

Ask him to stay for dinner. - Ask him to stay for dinner.

Give him a pen. - Give him a pen.

Don"t speak about him like this. - Don’t talk about him like that!

This was done by him. - It was done by him.

You should not have any difficulties in using the objective case of pronouns. The only point is the use of I and me.

I or me?

Typically, these pronouns are used in accordance with the rules: I in the nominative case, me in all others.

I give you a present. - I'm giving you a gift.

You give me a present. -You are giving me a gift.

  • However, if I is in the nominative case and plays the role of a predicate, both options are possible here.

It"s I / It's me - This is me!

The first option is more bookish, the second is conversational.

  • You can also use both I and me in comparison structures:

Molly is as old as I / as old as me.

Molly is older than I /than me.

  • Short answers use both pronouns.
  • I or me after and?

Both options are possible, although the expression you and I is already outdated, you will look a little conservative if you use it. However, sir (madam), if you wish... use it.

Exercises on personal pronouns in the objective case.

Exercise 4. Fill in the gap with the correct object pronoun. Fill in the blanks using personal pronouns in the objective case.

  1. Who is that lady? — Why are you looking at __________?
  2. Do you know that young handsome man? -Yes, I study with __________.
  3. Please listen to _______. I want to express my point of view.
  4. These puppies are so nice! Do you want to look at ______.
  5. We like this house. We're going to buy _________.
  6. He can't see _______ because we are sitting in the last row.
  7. Where are the keys to our flat? I can't find _______.
  8. Where is Ann? I want to talk to _________.
  9. This snake is poisonous. I"m very afraid of _______.
  10. Don"t wait for _______ for dinner. I"ll return very late at night.
  11. He left Polotsk long ago. I haven't seen _______ since.
  12. You can fully rely on _______. We won't let you down.

Exercise 5. Fill in the gap with the correct object pronoun.

My husband and I are very lucky. We have many close friends in this city, and they are all interesting people.

Our friend Andrew is a scientist. We see (1) _____ when he isn't busy in his laboratory. When we get together with (2) _____, he always tells (3) ______ about his new experiments. Andrew is a very close friend. We like (4) _______ very much.

Our friend Maggie is an actress. We see (5) _______, when she isn't making a movie in Hollywood. When we get together with (6) _______, she always tells (7) ______ about her life in Hollywood. Maggie is a very close friend. We like (8) ______ very much.

Our friends Bobby and Marlin are journalists. We see (9) ______,when they are not traveling around the world. When we get together with (10) ______, they always tell (11) _____ about their meetings with famous people. Bobby and Marlin are very close friends. We like (12) ____ very much.

Exercise 6. Fill in the suitable pronouns.

  1. Jack is hungry. Bring ________ a sandwich.
  2. Ann is ill. Take _______ these flowers.
  3. Fred and Jane are in the country. Write________ a letter.
  4. I am thirsty. Bring _________ a bottle of Coca-Cola.
  5. Jimmy is in class. Give __________this book.
  6. The children are hungry. Bring ________ these red apples.
  7. Alan is at home. Ask ________ to come to the yard.
  8. We are at table. Give _______ tea and cakes.


Exercise 1.

Exercise 2.

1 she, 2 we, 3 he, 4 they, 5 she.

Exercise 3.

1 she, 2 they, 3 he, 4 they, 5 she.

Exercise 4

1 her, 2 him, 3 me, 4 them, 5 it, 6 us, 7 them, 8 her, 9 it, 10 me, 11 him, 12 us

Exercise 5.

1 him, 2 him, 3 us, 4 him, 5 her, 6 her, 7 us, 8 her, 9 them, 10 them, 11 us, 12 them

Exercise 6.

1 him, 2 her, 3 them, 4 me, 5 him, 6 them, 7 him, 8 us


Ex. 1.1. Insert appropriate personal pronouns.

1. Ben is a little boy. …is six.

2. Jane is a house-wife ( housewife ). ... is lazy ( lazy ).

3. Max is a soldier. ... is brave.

4. Lily is a young woman. …is very beautiful.

5. Alice is late. … is in a traffic jam ( in a traffic jam ).

6. Nick and Ann are far from Moscow. …are on a farm.

7. This is Ben's room. ... is nice.

8. These are new books. … are interesting.

9. This is Elsa. … is a student.

10. Nick and Max are students. … are students of a Moscow university.

11. The rooms are small but… are light and warm.

12. The new flat is comfortable but … is far from the university.

13. Jack has many French books. …likes to read French very much.

14. Hans is a new student. ... is German.

15. Alice and Jane are new secretaries. ... are not lazy.

Ex. 1.2. Insert appropriate personal pronouns in the suggested answers to the questions.

1. Is your house new? – Yes, ... is.

2. Are the students at the English lesson now? - Yes, ... are.

3. Is your university in Green Street? – Yes, ... is.

4. Are Helen and Bess your sisters? – Yes, ... are.

5. Is Ben's sister an engineer? – Yes, … is.

6. Are the pencils red? – No, ... are not.

7. Is this room comfortable? - No, ... isn't.

8. Are the textbooks on the shelf? - Yes, ... are.

9. Does the girl often visit the museum? – No, ... doesn't.

10. Does this pen write well? – Yes, ... does.

11. Is Ben on holiday now? – No, ... isn't.

12. Is Helen nice? - Yes, … is.

13. Are you an engineer? - Yes, … am.

Ex. 1.3. Replace the highlighted words with personal pronouns in the objective case.

1. I likeNick .

2. We likeBess.

3. He likesice-cream .

4.Can you showthe pictures toBen ?

5. You can tellHelen my e-mail address.

6. Are you interested infootball ?

7. I want to buytwo bottles of milk forBess .

8. Do you want to play tennis withBen ?

9. We must speak toNick .

10. You should inviteHelen and Bess to your house for dinner.

11. Do you knowMary ?

12. TellNick aboutyour plan .

13. I seemy friends every day.

Ex. 1.4. Insert appropriate personal pronouns in the objective case.

1. Where is Nick? I want to play tennis with… .

2. Bess is here. Do you want to speak to…?

3. My sister speaks French. She learns...at school.

4. Look at that man. Do you know...?

5. Do you want to read this newspaper? I can give…to….

6. If you see Ben and Bess, please, don't tell ... anything.

7. We want to phone Helen and invite ... to the party.

Ex. 1.5. Replace the highlighted words with personal pronouns in the nominative or objective case.

1. The vase is on the table.

2. Mother often sendsBen to buy milk.

3.AreBess and Helen ready to dothe work ?

4. Nick and Ben spendtheir holidays at the seaside.

5. The man is in the park.

6. The managers are not at work now.

7 . Helen and I are good friends.

8. IsBen at the lesson now?

9.Where isthe calculator ?

10. The newspapers are on the table.

11. The child is in the garden withhis mother.

12. Our parents are always glad to see us.

13. My brother and I are good football players.

14. Bess knowsBen.

15. I seethe picture very well.

16. The students have lectures every day.

17. The boy playsfootball every Sunday.

18. The teacher asksthe students .

19. The students writetests every week.

20. Look atthe picture !

21. I havethe book at home.

22. Max wants to speak toHelen.

Ex. 1.6. Replace the highlighted words with possessive pronouns.

1. This isBen's room.

2. This isHelen's hat.

3. Here ismy parents" house.

4. Nick's mother is an economist.

5.Where ismy brother's bag?

6. I likeHelen's car.

7 . Ann's books are on the table.

8 This student's sister is my friend.

9. My sister's house is not far fromBen's house.

10. Where isthe children's room?

11. Ann's brothers study at the university.

12. These boys' fathers don't work at the factory.

13. Here ismy sister's flat.

Control . 1.7. Paste possessive pronouns .

1. Is your bag new? - Yes, … bag is new.

2. I like... hat, Ann.

3. Don't plant this tree! … branch is broken.

4. Max, you have a new job. Do you like…new job?

5. …friends always tell me everything.

6. Our dog likes to run after ... tail.

Ex. 1.8. Change the following sentences according to the example, using the absolute form of possessive pronouns.

Sample :

This car is my car.

This car is mine.

1. This calculator is my calculator.

2. Is this bicycle your bicycle?

3. These hats are her hats.

4. This room is their room.

5. This dog is our dog.

6. My flat is more comfortable than your flat.

7. Our house is near their house.

8. Which of the dictionaries is your dictionary?

9. Is this book his book?

10. Whose cat is this? Is it her cat or his cat?

Ex. 1.9. Choose the appropriate possessive pronoun.

2. This is our car. It is (our, ours).

3. These are Mary's books. They are (her, hers).

4. White is (my, mine) favorite color.

5. You can't have this book. It is not (your, yours).

6. (Her, Hers) house is big.

7. Is this (your, yours) coat? - No, it is not (my, mine).

8. Are these your friends" books? - Yes, they are (their, theirs).

9. That is (our, ours) house. It is (our, ours).

Ex. 1.1 0 . Change the sentences according to the model, using plural demonstrative pronouns. Make other necessary changes.


This girl is a student.

These girls are students.

That boy is brave.

Those boys are brave.

1. This book is French.

2. This girl is in the garden.

3. That map is old.

4. This student is from Great Britain.

5. That flower is beautiful.

6. This is my bag.

7. This is a French text.

8. That room is nice.

9. This film is interesting.

You already know that the most important of them are personal and possessive (Possessive Pronouns). Possessive pronouns in English reflect the connection with objects or their belonging to someone or something, and answer the question “Whose?” Whose? Whose?" (whose?): My book is yellow and his is black - My book is yellow, and his is black. Possessive Pronouns

Possessive Pronouns include the following words: my, his, your, her, our, its, their, yours, mine, his, ours, hers, theirs. Each personal pronoun has a corresponding possessive, which has two forms. Pronouns of the first form - main or attached in a sentence - stand before the noun and serve as a definition: My dog ​​is 7 years old - My dog ​​is 7 years old.

Pronouns of the second form - absolute - are empowered to replace the noun itself: What do cats like to drink? - Mine likes milk. — What do cats drink? - Mine likes milk. And in a sentence they can serve as a complement, subject or nominal part of the predicate.

If there are other definitions before the word, then Possessive Pronoun will take the position in front of it: His talkative son (His talkative son). It should be noted that in such cases the article is not used, since it is replaced by a pronoun. For clarity, study the translation table:

Personal pronoun

Possessive pronoun

Attachable form

Absolute form

my, my, mine, mine

our, ours, ours, ours

yours, yours, yours, yours

As you can see, English Possessive Pronouns are even easier than Russian ones. So some of their forms coincide and do not bend. Special practical exercises, which you can download below, will help you understand the use of all these forms.

Possessive pronouns in Russian and English

Compared to the Russian language, where there is a pronoun “ mine”, which is used with all persons, possessive pronouns in English are used strictly in accordance with personal. Also note that " its" is not an error without an apostrophe. Word " it's"is used in a completely different meaning.

Possessive pronouns in English are often used where they are essentially absent in our speech, but are meant: He put his hand into his basket - He put his hand into the basket. In English, Possessive Pronouns are used much more often and are an integral part of nouns that denote relatives, items of clothing and parts of the body.

I'm sure you will succeed. Perhaps everything will not go smoothly the first time, but the main thing is not just to rewrite the correct answers, but to analyze the error and perform the same type of exercise again until you have learned everything 100%. Good luck!

Video lesson on possessive pronouns in English
