Board game Mafia. Whole family to gather

Have you been playing the mafia for a long time and are looking for new interesting roles? In this deck you will find new interpretations of old roles. Stop arguing about what the commissioner does: checks or kills players at night. Here he can do both. And if you are bloodthirsty, remove the commissioner and get the sheriff - this fighter for justice only knows how to shoot accurately. 18 game roles among civilians, criminals and loners promise that every game will be unforgettable.

Peaceful people close their eyes, the mafia wakes up

The rules of the game are very simple. Here are the main ones:
. At night, players who received mafia cards choose who is killed
. During the day, the survivors wake up, and everyone (including the mafia) discusses who is the most suspicious. Then they vote, getting rid of one player.
. The game continues until the civilians identify all the mafiosi or the mafiosi get rid of all the civilians.

Who's in the game - you decide

In the rules of the game you will find a hint table for the leader - for how many players, how many roles should be added. It will help make the game balanced and interesting. But at the same time, it leaves wide freedom of choice: you choose the characters themselves. So it is always at your discretion who to bring into the party: a priest or a journalist, a bodyguard or a beauty, a maniac or a swindler.

How exactly are these rules different?

The rule book offers an unusual version of the game with many characters. The more players there are, the more roles can be introduced. At the same time, there are special characters whose capabilities are so great that you can only add one to the party to choose from. They are called "leaders" of civilians. In addition, there are two clans in the deck criminal gangs: mafiosi and yakuza. If you're planning to play for real big company, then both commands will be useful to you.

You'll definitely love this set.

Birthday boy: joining the mafia fits perfectly into his birthday, making the holiday a fun and memorable event;
. For the owner of a summer house: invite friends to a barbecue, and then spend time psychological game- great idea;
. For those who often gather in noisy groups at someone’s house or in a bar. The compact deck can be constantly carried in your bag so that you can take it out when the opportunity arises.

What type of game is this?

Mafia is an intellectual and psychological game. Similar to it are Island of Fear and Resistance. If you are looking specifically for the Mafia, then in our board game store there are many sets for every taste at a variety of prices. They differ in configuration, illustrations, and roles in the deck: see the “mafia” section and choose what you like best.

The game consists of periods of day and night, which alternately replace each other. During the day, players conduct open discussions, trying to lead criminals to clean water and punish them. At night, criminals kill their victims, and the abilities of most special roles are also used.

After all the players have received their roles and become familiar with them, the presenter announces: “Night has come. Everyone fell asleep." Everyone should cover their faces with masks or close their eyes. Then the presenter says: “The mafia has woken up.” Upon this command, all players who have been given the role of mafia (including special mafia characters) open their eyes and silently get to know each other. Then the presenter commands “The mafia met and fell asleep again” (the mafiosi close their eyes), and then - “The day has come. Everyone woke up." Now everyone opens their eyes and starts discussing which player might be the mafia.

A special “introductory” night, during which the mobsters get to know each other, occurs only at the beginning of the game. If there are other special characters in the game, such as the leader, the leader will also take turns "waking up" them to find out who is who. During the "introductory" night, no shooting occurs, and no one uses abilities. When the introductory night is over, the usual alternation of day and night begins.

"Mafia. Whole family to gather".

Mafia - psychological verbal role-playing game For large quantity participating. The more players there are, the more interesting the events will develop, the more intense the struggle for life will be.

Age: from 13 years old;

Game duration: from 15-30;

Number of players: 8-16;

Approximate cost: 1990 rubles.

The game package includes:

10 plastic masks, 30 role cards, 6 civilian leaders, 5 special civilians, 5 regular civilians, 3 singles, 4 special mafiosos, 4 regular mafiosos, 3 yakuzas, 21 leader cards, game rules.

- Look, there are only corpses around you. We've all been dead for a long time!

A presenter is chosen and he tells the story. Main meaning which is that a gang of mafiosi is operating in the city. As evening falls, civilians hastily finish their business and rush home. Doors and shutters are closed. They have long forgotten what it is restful sleep. At night a separate world wakes up. A world of chaos and blood. The mafia and its henchmen wake up.

The mafia carries out its shady dealings and cares little about the peace of civilians.

Finally, the residents rebelled and promised to find all the bandits and bring them to justice. The bandits, of course, are not happy with this, so they began to simply get rid of the “rebels.” Who will defeat whom? Will civilians be able to free their city from bloodsuckers? Or will the mafia destroy everyone who is not fit for it from the face of the earth? We learn about this from the game.

The presenter gives everyone a role, everyone looks at their card and does not show it to the others.

- I can tell exactly who the mafia is.

There can be a lot of characters, it depends on the number of players. The main figures are civilians and the mafia. Depending on the number of participants, different characters may be added. The main rule when choosing characters is that there should be 2 times more peaceful players than mafia.

Rules of the board game “Mafia. Whole family to gather".

The game consists of several phases.

- Night. It's the first night, all the civilians are sleeping, the mafiosi open their eyes and get to know each other.

  • - Day. The day has come, everyone wakes up. Discussion begins and guesses are made. Players listen to their intuition, trying to “feel” who is who. Someone can give a more compelling argument - maybe they heard someone moving at night. Or smiled suspiciously. All methods are used. Everyone is talking, watching and listening.

The goal of civilians is to identify the mafia. Therefore, we must behave extremely carefully and try not to “imprison” the innocent.

After discussion, players select a candidate for elimination by voting. The eliminated player reveals his card - shows his role. If it is a civilian, he can have the last word.

  • - Night. Everyone closes their eyes again. This time the mafia chooses a victim and kills him. All additional characters take turns making their moves, depending on their role. When everyone has made their move, daylight comes again and everyone opens their eyes.
  • - Day. Summing up the night. Again they are actively discussing, arguing, proving their non-involvement in the mafia. Voting takes place again. Night follows day and so on until one side wins.

End of the game.

The game ends if: the number of players on either side outweighs. If there is an equal number of players left, the mafia wins.

- The price of a mistake is someone's life.

Let's briefly list the additional characters ( detailed description read the rules included with the game).


  • — Detective. Can shoot one player, or find out his role;
  • - Priest. Can shoot one player, or find out his role. This player discovers the priest's identity;
  • - Judge. At night can find out the role of one player. During the day, it can save one player from trial;
  • - Journalist. Can choose two players to find out whether their sides are the same or different;
  • — Jailer. Can recognize the role of one player. If this player is a criminal, he is immediately sent to Prison. After the death of the Jailer, all prisoners are released from the Prison;
  • — Sheriff. Can shoot one player.

Other civilians:

  • - Doctor. Can choose another player before shooting. This player cannot be killed this night;
  • — Bodyguard. Can choose another player before shooting. Dies in his place if he is to be killed that night;
  • - Sleepwalker. Pretends to be one of the Mafiosi. If killed by the Mafia, the Mafia may shoot another player;
  • - Gorgeous. Before other actions, one player can be selected. This player cannot use their abilities that night, but also cannot be killed;
  • - Fan. Can select one player. If this is the Leader, recognize his role.


  • - Godfather. Can select one player. This player cannot vote during the day;
  • - Thief. Can choose one of the players. This player cannot use their abilities that night;
  • - Advocate. Can recognize the role of one player;
  • - Snitch. Can select one player. If anyone recognizes this player's role, the host should reveal that he is a Mafioso.

Singles. They win if all players except him are killed.

- Maniac. Can shoot one player;

  • - The Ripper. Can shoot one of the players if he is not an ordinary player (i.e. some special player);
  • - A swindler. Can select one player. During the day, this player also votes like a swindler.

Yakuza. A group that stands for itself.

Mafia competitors. They win if the Civilians cannot win, and all the Mafiosi are killed.

Players choose additional characters at their own discretion. They go in the order of the queue written in the rules of the game.


"Mafia. Whole family to gather" classic version games. Interest increases when additional characters are introduced into the game. Great idea with masks. Beautiful, colorful design. I recommend it to all fans of this and similar games.


  • Mastering the game - 85 POINTS
  • Game mechanics - 65 POINTS
  • Plot and atmosphere - 80 POINTS
  • Ease of play - 70 POINTS
  • Quality and design - 60 POINTS
  • The resulting fun is 75 POINTS

If you read with bated breath Godfather, then watched Coppola’s film five times and insert quotes from Don Corleone into place and not so much - you’ll like it a new game Mafia. Whole family to gather.

No, the board game Mafia. The whole family is together" - this is psychological team game with a crime-detective plot, invented in 1986 by a student at the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University and very quickly became popular all over the world. The game is often used for educational purposes, thereby developing memory, analytical thinking, acting skills; psychological, social and mathematical skills, as well as serious training in the preparation of specialists in various fields.

The game has an indescribable atmosphere, thanks to its extremely poignant plot, setting and gameplay. According to legend, civilians decide to completely get rid of the presence of the entire mafia in their city, to which the mafia members respond in a purely “mafia” way - they, in turn, decide to get rid of all civilians. Since the forces are not equal in numbers, the mafia must hide its essence and do everything to ensure that the residents destroy themselves, and at night destroy their most dangerous opponents.

Thus, the game is divided into several phases: first, players choose a leader, face-down, they are randomly divided into teams of civilians and mafia (including special roles) using cards, and then “night” comes. During the night phase, all players close their eyes, that is, fall asleep - and in the game “Mafia. The whole family is here,” for convenience, players use masks - but the mafia does not sleep and goes hunting! On the first night, the mafia silently takes off their masks and gets to know each other; on subsequent nights they can kill one of the civilians; In addition, at night the peace commissioner can find out the role of any player. The next phase begins - “day”, in which the identity of the person killed at night is revealed, then all the players confer, exchange opinions on who is most likely a member of the mafia and decide by general vote who to execute.

So, playing all the phases in turn, the whole game goes on until one of the teams wins a complete victory. As you understand, the rules of the game are quite simple, but because of the spirit of mistrust, intrigue, suspicion and constant deception, the game becomes so exciting and interesting!

What is different about this version? Firstly, of course, these are the dimensions! You can take a small package anywhere and enjoy playing mafia outdoors, at a party or in a cafe! Secondly, the set, unlike its older brother, does not have masks, but this does not make the game worse - the deck also contains a full set of characters and a booklet with rules! And the rules, as you understand, although they are quite simple, however, due to the spirit of mistrust, intrigue, suspicion and constant deception, the game will definitely captivate you and bring you many pleasant experiences!
