Nikita Presnyakov and Aida Kalieva are the reason for their separation. Aida Kalieva, biography, news, photos

A young and popular actor, the son of famous artists and the grandson of the Russian pop queen, at the end of 2013 announced a final break with his long-time girlfriend Aida Kalieva, an actress of Kazakh origin. The lovers had been together for more than one year and even thought about getting married. The couple's relatives, friends and fans were shocked and terribly disappointed when the young man announced that he and Aida had broken up completely and irrevocably.

Ever since this information appeared in the press, journalists have tried their best to find out the reason for the breakup of the star couple.

However, he flatly refused to discuss his personal life with reporters. The young man simply waved away all questions, showing with all his appearance that it was none of your business. Fortunately, my father turned out to be more accommodating and sociable. It was he who told the media why his son decided to end his long-term relationship with Kalieva.

He shared his son's secrets. After famous producers noticed, his life became completely different, more hectic.

When he began participating in a parody show, there was less and less time for his personal life. Sometimes he was not home for whole days. Aida Kalieva is a calmer and more homely girl. She absolutely could not get used to such a busy schedule of her lover. The relationship between the young people deteriorated every day. This is what led to the breakup. The gentleman noted that only a very wise woman with rich life experience could withstand such a test. Aida Kalieva simply didn’t have it - and where would it come from at that age? The girl is only twenty-two years old...

According to him, he told him that after the end of the romantic relationship, he and Aida agreed to remain good friends. As he assures, they continue to communicate and do not hold a grudge against each other, but they do not want to renew a serious relationship. If it didn’t work out, the former lovers decided, then it didn’t work out, so it wasn’t fate. However, he didn’t grieve alone for very long. About a week ago, pictures of his new girlfriend appeared on the Internet. The next passion is called Alena Krasnova. She's seventeen years old and hasn't even finished school yet. and Alena met quite a long time ago - their parents’ dachas in a prestigious area of ​​the Moscow region are located next door. Alena and

Nikita Presnyakov’s father, popular performer Vladimir Presnyakov, gave an interview in which he spoke about the reason for his son’s breakup with his fiancée Aida Kalieva. As it turned out, the busy schedule of the increasingly popular artist was to blame.


The news that long-time lovers, husband and wife Nikita Presnyakov and Aida Kalieva broke up, literally came as a bolt from the blue for their many fans. So far, Nikita Presnyakov himself has not commented on this news, and Aida Kalieva wrote on her account on one of the social networks: “Guys, thank you, of course, for your support! But what makes you think that I am suffering? You don’t know anything! You don’t know how long ago we separated, under what circumstances and what is going on with each of us now!“, Nikita’s father Vladimir Presnyakov suddenly decided to clarify the situation.

He gave an interview in which he spoke about the true reasons for his son’s breakup with his fiancee. “At Tusya’s birthday (as Vladimir calls his wife, singer Natalya Podolskaya) on May 20, Nikita told me: “Aida and I decided to put an end to our relationship and part on good terms”. By that time, she and Aida had not been together for two months. And all this time they hid it. We went to restaurants and movies together... Nikita just took after me. The same silent person. He will never whine,” StarHit quotes Vladimir Presnyakov as saying.

As the artist said, the decision to leave was not easy for both: Nikita loved Aida very much. However Presnyakov Jr.’s career began to develop, and at breakneck speed. This circumstance could not but affect the couple's relationship.

“He was turned around, turned around by such a life. He really showed himself to be a great singer and musician. I didn’t expect such a leap from him, and I’m proud of him. But this, of course, didn’t have much effect on family life. When he participated in the “Exactly Exactly” project, he didn’t even have time to come home to spend the night. At the same time, he was also filming something, traveling somewhere. It was difficult for Aida to accept such a schedule. To withstand this, you must have serious experience, but where does he come from at that age?” said Vladimir Presnyakov.

The artist also commented on rumors about Nikita’s new novel. " As for the new girl, as far as I know, she's just his girlfriend, and there is nothing serious there. I also often post photos with girls on the Internet, but this doesn’t mean anything,” said Nikita Presnyakov’s father.

The son of Vladimir Presnyakov and Kristina Orbakaite, Nikita, dated Aida Kalieva for several years. There were rumors that soon couple will get married . However, the other day it became known that the lovers broke up, and the musician had a new love.

As it turned out, Nikita Presnyakov broke up with the Kazakh beauty Aida Kalieva three months ago and is now dating a new girl. The musician’s chosen one was 17-year-old schoolgirl Alena Krasnova. The other day, Nikita posted a photo with a new friend on his Instagram. In the photo he is captured with Alena, who kisses him on the cheek. Later, Nikita said on his social network page that he and Aida broke up on March 9.

“Personal reasons, it was our common decision. All this time, we, as reasonable people, were planning our further actions. As a result, we remained on good terms! Quite a bit of time has passed, life goes on! Every person nowadays goes through this. Please do not aggravate the situation! Leave Aida alone! (the author’s spelling and punctuation have been preserved, - approx.,” the musician wrote.

Kaliyeva, in turn, confirmed that she and Presnyakov remained on good terms, and the young man’s popularity only interfered with their romance.

“It’s very nice to know that we were an example, but this also happens... I just don’t understand why I should suffer if, on the contrary, I can become stronger and move on? Personally, I choose this path...” Aida wrote on her Instagram.

Little is known about Nikita’s new friend. The girl is finishing school, is now taking exams and plans to enter MGIMO or a foreign university. The girl was fond of gymnastics, danced at Todes and studied at a music school. Alena also mentioned that her mother is against an affair with Presnyakov, as she considers him too old for her daughter.

By the way, Nikita Presnyakov not long ago became one of the winners of the “Exactly Exactly” show, which was shown on Channel One. The musician shared first place with Irina Dubtsova. His reincarnations as Bruno Mars, Sting, Decl, Jon Bon Jovi, Eddie Murphy and other famous artists left neither the jury members nor the audience indifferent.

Aida Kalieva and Nikita Presnyakov

In an interview with the StarHit portal, Vladimir Presnyakov said that Aida and Nikita broke up back in March, but they hid it until May. Nikita admitted to his father that he and Aida had broken up at the birthday party of his wife Natalya Podolskaya. “At Tusya’s birthday on May 20, Nikita told me: “Aida and I decided to put an end to our relationship and part on good terms. By that time, she and Aida had not been together for two months. And all this time they hid it. We went to restaurants and movies together... Nikita just took after me. The same silent person. He will never whine,” the musician said. Vladimir also noted that there really was love between the young people, so parting was not easy for them. “He was spun, spun by such a life. He really showed himself to be a great singer and musician. I didn’t expect such a leap from him and I’m proud. But this, of course, did not have much effect on family life. When he participated in the “Exactly Exactly” project, he didn’t even have time to come home for the night. At the same time, he was also filming something, traveling somewhere. It was difficult for Aida to accept such a schedule,” Presnyakov Sr. admitted. “To withstand this, you must have serious experience, but where does it come from at that age?”

Now Nikita is dating 17-year-old schoolgirl Alena Krasnova, although Vladimir does not believe that there is anything serious between them. In turn, Alena herself claims the opposite.

Nikita Presnyakov personally posted this photo with Alena Krasnova on his microblog, which he later deleted

The romance of Nikita Presnyakov and Aida Kalieva could not withstand the busy work schedule

Nikita Presnyakov and Aida Kalieva

Lyubov Novoselova / Photo: Instagram

"What's wrong with your face?" Covered with spots, Buzova scared fans

The relationship between the son of Vladimir Presnyakov and Kristina Orbakaite, Nikita, and a simple girl from Kazakhstan, Aida Kalieva, served as an example for many lovers. Everything was so serious that Nikita proposed marriage. Aida gave a positive answer. But the young people did not enter into a legal marriage. Read the reasons why Nikita Presnyakov and Aida broke up after a long affair.

Aida Kalieva and Nikita Presnyakov: a love story

The girl Aida was born into a Kazakh family on January 26, 1992. The family living in Uralsk was not fabulously rich, but did not experience financial difficulties either. The girl's mother is a teacher, her father works in the local administration. The parents raised their daughter in strictness and focused on obtaining a quality education.

After graduating from school, young Aida successfully passed the entrance exams to a Kazakh university, but soon got the chance to go abroad as part of the Work and Travel student exchange program. Aida went to the USA to study acting at the National Academy of Film.

Nikita Presnyakov also received a cinematic education at the academy. The young people met. The guy fell in love almost at first sight. He said that Aida was extraordinary. He was fascinated by her look, behavior, life priorities. Interest immediately arose in the young man’s soul, and he invited the girl for a walk.

Two months later, Nikita Presnyakov and Aida Kalieva decide to live together. The lovers hid their relationship from family and others. The girl's first acquaintance with her lover's father happened through the Internet. Vladimir liked the well-mannered, modest Kazakh woman, and he approved of the choice of his matured son.

The young people officially announced their relationship to the world in Moscow at the premiere screening of the film “Yolki” (2010), where Nikita played a cameo role. Later, Presnyakov shared with others that Aida was very nervous before her first meeting with his family.

The star status of her lover never bothered the girl. She admitted that Presnyakov attracted her with his sincerity, simplicity and kind soul. Aida Kalieva complained when they openly said that she was very lucky to end up in a famous family. The girl claimed that Nikita never put origin first, and for her this fact did not matter at all.

The young people lived in New York. The yellow press kept gossiping about the imminent official marriage of the lovers. There were even rumors about the girl’s pregnancy, but the information was not confirmed.

In mid-2013, photographs appeared online of a couple celebrating their wedding. The photos caused a flurry of reviews and congratulations from fans. The fans worried completely in vain. The photographs are stills from the film “The Case of an Angel,” where the young people were filming partners. The couple sent the photo to their relatives, deciding to play a prank on their loved ones, but then the lovers admitted the true state of affairs.

Nikita made his real marriage proposal at the end of 2013 in an unusual way. Young people were diving in Dubai. Before diving under water, the lover secretly handed a sign asking him to marry a scuba diver who was also diving. Having descended to the picturesque seabed, Nikita made a sign and the scuba diver showed the actress Nikita’s proposal to become his wife. The young woman agreed. But the wedding date was not set. In 2014, by mutual decision, the couple separated.

Why did Nikita Presnyakov and Aida Kalieva break up?

Young people cite Nikita’s busy work schedule as one of the main factors in the separation, as he began to actively pursue a career and participate in many projects. The guy did his best to gain recognition among colleagues and fans, spending more and more time at work. For the bride, the new activity of her loved one and his constant employment turned out to be a difficult test.

The couple hid the decision from loved ones and the media for almost two months. They went to dinner in restaurants together and visited cinemas. Nikita made the announcement about the breaking of the engagement and separation on May 20 at the celebration for the birth of Natalya Podolskaya, the wife of Vladimir Presnyakov. The son told his father that he and Aida separated by mutual agreement and remained friends.

Numerous fans who were looking forward to the wedding of their favorites were shocked. Aida, practically Presnyakov’s wife, and Nikita decided to continue their life path separately and remain friends.

Sympathetic messages from fans were sent to the young woman. Aida wrote on her account that she is grateful to everyone for their support, but she does not suffer at all about this. Nikita did not comment on the breakup and did not answer questions about the reasons for the separation. Vladimir explained his son’s silence, saying that Nikita is silent and it is not in his character to talk about lost love.

According to Vladimir, his son’s career has developed dizzyingly, and the guy has made a huge leap in a short time. Nikita showed talent in music and at the same time participated in filming. In 2014, the talented artist participated in the “Exactly the Same” project. Nikita performed brilliantly in the following characters:

  • Beast Roma;
  • Yulia Chicherina;
  • Robbie Williams;
  • David Bowie;
  • Timati;
  • Freddie Mercury.

Rehearsals took up almost all the time. Vladimir is sure that it was difficult for Aida to withstand the new intense rhythm of her chosen one’s life, which affected the relationship of the young people. According to his father, Nikita had serious feelings for the young Kazakh woman and experienced the breakup quite difficult.

Aida is a secretive person who tries to keep her private life a secret. The girl gets rid of life's disappointments and painful thoughts by pursuing her favorite hobbies and communicating with family.

Young people convince others that their relationship is long in the past, and everyone lives their own life. When asked about the new chosen one, the Kazakh woman replies that she will not rush headlong into a new relationship until she understands that she sincerely loves the young man.

Aida Kalieva, whose Instagram is filled with photographs where she is completely happy and satisfied with life, after breaking up with Presnyakov, focused on developing a career in cinema.

Pugacheva’s grandson began a new relationship with a young 17-year-old neighbor at the dacha, Alena Krasnova. The young people entered into an official marriage on July 27, 2017.

The love between Aida and Nikita is a thing of the past. They maintain friendly relations and communicate calmly during casual meetings.
