New Year's decorations made from food. Decorating New Year's dishes on the festive table: the best examples with photos, ideas and tips

On the New Year's table 2020, everything should be solemn and conducive to the holiday. It’s not enough to prepare delicious snacks. They also need to be arranged correctly, and most importantly, decorated in an original way. This is what we will talk about. After all, you don’t have to cook something unusual to make the table festive. You can decorate even a simple Olivier salad or the familiar herring under a fur coat in a beautiful and unusual way.

A tasty and simple “Mouse” salad, a symbol of the coming year, will become a table decoration. But it is also very tasty; first of all, my household eats it. Detailed recipe with step-by-step photos.

Options for decorating salads in the shape of a Mouse

assorted photographs with original decorations for New Year's salads

How to decorate a New Year's salad, general principles

There are not many ways to decorate salads. The situation is easiest with puff snacks. Firstly, they already look beautiful in transparent portioned salad bowls. Secondly, the puff salad can be laid out in any shape, for example: crescent, Christmas tree, snowman, heart. It will already look unusual and beautiful. In this case, the upper part can simply be decorated with a pattern or inscription made from mayonnaise or other dressing sauce.

Penguins or snowmen made from eggs, olives and carrots, strung on a toothpick, will be an excellent decoration for your New Year's salad.

Christmas trees made from vegetables, fruits and sweets.

And here is an example of New Year's carrot carving - a Christmas cone.

And here’s how the hostess decided to present it to the New Year’s table in an original way, only instead of the traditional cabbage or fresh cucumber, rice was added to the salad.

An equally original option for serving puff salad would be to wrap it in a roll. In this form, any appetizer will look very unusual, even a simple herring under a fur coat. By the way, making a roll is quite easy if you collect the salad not on a plate, but on cling film.

“Bullfinch on a spruce branch,” another original decoration for a New Year’s salad made from tomatoes, eggs, green onions and olives. In the second salad, a walnut was used as a cone, and a spruce branch was decorated with pomegranate seeds.

You can work a little more by preparing the decoration from half eggs and Korean carrots. From these ingredients it is easy to lay out, for example, a watch dial. But this is quite simple. In fact, entire artistic compositions can be created from ordinary boiled eggs.

In general, the best option for decorating any salad is sprinkling. This design does not take much time, but the scope for imagination is almost unlimited.

Here is an example of how you can decorate a fruit salad for the New Year. These Christmas canapés can simply be placed on the table as a snack.

However, it is worth understanding that the products that will be used to decorate the salad must be in harmony with the ingredients of the appetizer itself. In fact, it is not very good if a salad with red fish is decorated with pieces of sausage. Although there are exceptions. For example, balls made from low-fat cottage cheese mixed with chopped herbs and crushed garlic can be an excellent addition to a vegetable salad with tomatoes.

New Year tree made from onion feathers.

An interesting design option is the unusual presentation of the dish. Salads that contain vegetables or fruits can be served in salad bowls made from the same vegetables. An excellent portioned salad bowl is made from a pod of sweet bell pepper or from half a large apple, if all the pulp is removed from it. A boat-shaped salad plate can be made from a cucumber slice. Well, half a pineapple will make a whole salad ship.

Bags of lettuce stacked on one dish will look completely unusual. Making them is also not difficult. Place a couple of spoons of salad on pre-baked pancakes. The pancake is wrapped in a bag and tied with a green onion stalk.

Ideas for decorating New Year's salads 2020

Now it's time to get straight to the ideas. Of course, no one says that you need to decorate salads exactly in the ways described below. Here are just a few examples. So you shouldn’t limit your own imagination. But perhaps these options will become the basis for creating your own masterpieces.

How do you like this culinary masterpiece of boiled beets and carrots and pickled cucumbers? The author of the salad is a real artist!

Decoration “Christmas balls”

An ordinary salad can be turned into a New Year's composition if you put a “fir branch” of fresh herbs on its surface and decorate it with balls made from halves of cherry tomatoes and olives. Additional decorations can be cut from colored bell peppers. The background for such a “drawing” can be grated egg white or fresh cucumber. It all depends on what ingredients the salad itself consists of.

Or you can create a composition of different salads on one dish, placing them in the form of the same Christmas tree balls. You can decorate them with boiled carrot figures or simply paint them with mayonnaise. Well, the spruce branch is again made from fresh greenery.

Decoration of New Year's salad "Candles"

Candles perfectly emphasize the New Year's mood. So such decoration would be quite appropriate. Almost any salad can be decorated in this way, since the main products for decoration are greens, cheese for sandwiches, and canned corn.

To begin with, the finished snack must be laid out in the form of a ring or garland. Place thin sprigs of dill and rosemary on top. Scatter some corn over the greens. It will look nice if the yellow corn kernels are “diluted” with a small amount of pomegranate seeds. And the finishing touch is evenly placed candles made from rolled cheese. Flame tongues can be made from boiled carrots, pieces of crab sticks, Korean carrots or small pieces of sweet bell pepper.

You can simplify the task somewhat and simply “draw” a candle. To do this, the salad must be laid out in the shape of a truncated triangle with a rounded base. Level the top of the salad and spread with mayonnaise. Sprinkle the entire surface with grated cheese, and in the upper part pour a small oval of grated egg white. The candle wick can be made from a piece of prune, and the flame from cheese, egg yolk, boiled carrots and a piece of red bell pepper. Lay out the lower part of the composition with dill sprigs and decorate with a bow and balls, again cut from sweet peppers.

Christmas wreath

For this design, the salad should be placed on a large plate in the shape of a ring. It’s quite simple to depict this by placing a glass in the center of the plate, laying out the ingredients or a ready-made snack, and then taking out the glass. The surface of the salad must be leveled and coated with mayonnaise.

The workpiece should be sprinkled with finely chopped herbs and decorated with cherry tomato halves. Imitation of ribbons tying the resulting wreath can be made from strips of daikon, radish or boiled carrots.

Decorating the Christmas Bell Salad

You can arrange the salad on a bell-shaped dish in almost the same way as in the previous case. First, the dish is laid out in the required form, and then the salad is sprinkled with grated carrots. The design on the resulting bell is laid out with black caviar or finely chopped olives.

If desired, the composition can be supplemented with a bow of red bell pepper. Well, a spruce branch can be modeled from dill.

Decoration “Watermelon slice”

Not only fresh fruits, but also salads made in their shape, for example: in the shape of a watermelon slice, can perfectly decorate the table. This design option is well suited for vegetable or meat salads, the ingredients of which are not cut into very large pieces.

Place the finished salad in the shape of a watermelon slice, level the surface and grease it a little with mayonnaise. Cover the entire surface of the salad with a thin layer of finely grated carrots (you can use either boiled or fresh root vegetables). Make a watermelon rind from finely chopped herbs, for example: dill, parsley and green onions. Sprinkle a thin strip of grated cheese between the “crust” and “pulp” - this will make the salad look even more like a real watermelon. Well, small pieces of olives can become seeds.

Fish salad can also be presented in the form of a watermelon crust. But in this case, instead of carrots, it is better to use red caviar (and not necessarily real) or finely chopped red parts of crab sticks.

Reading time: 5 minutes

The December race for gifts, New Year's outfits and all kinds of delicacies for the table is in full swing! It's time to leaf through culinary notebooks, comb through gigabytes of the RuNet in search of a New Year's menu. We decided to make your life easier, save time and collect original ideas for decorating your holiday table in one article. We have delicious treats for every taste!

Woof-woof - delicious food

The symbol of 2018 is the Dog, so the table must have dishes decorated in its honor.

Bake dog cookies with your kids. You can visit with these delicious treats all year round! Test different recipes and choose the best one.

Almost any puff salad can be placed on a dish in the shape of a puppy. Show your imagination!

Nobody canceled breakfast on December 31st, and on all other days too. Treat your baby to a truly dog ​​treat - cutlets and macaroni and cheese. Don't forget to add vegetables to make the dish not only beautiful, but also healthy.

Sweets are bad for dogs, but kids can’t live without them. Make pies like little Yorkies or Westies.

A la beard made of cotton wool...

Who are the kids looking forward to? Who is the main character of the holiday? That's right, Santa Claus. We will give him and his granddaughter Snegurochka a place of honor at the festive table, so that she can look after her grandfather, who knows what... suddenly his beard ends up in the salad.

It doesn’t matter what kind of salad is “under a fur coat”, what matters is the fur coat itself! Red beets or peppers will help create a robe for Santa Claus, and an egg (white) tinted with blue food coloring will help create a Snow Maiden's fur coat. Fur - boiled protein, rice or grated cheese (whichever is more suitable for the recipe).

Fruits are present on any table. Take time to serve - and children will definitely receive a portion of fresh vitamins here and now.

Sweet strawberry dessert with whipped cream will be a 100% hit with little sweet tooths. Just a matter of minutes, but how beautiful!

Another delicious and beautiful dessert is banana Santas. Chocolate eyes, strawberry caps... Mmmmm...

Now she's smart...

A gray wolf was trotting somewhere, they say... But he didn’t touch our beautiful Christmas tree, because he doesn’t like dill! Here!

Red cranberries or pomegranate seeds will perfectly serve as New Year's balls and decorate your salad. A five-pointed star can be cut out of red pepper and placed on a skewer.

A Christmas tree made from canned green peas will decorate not only Olivier, but also other salads.

If there is a lot of greenery in the salad, then you can simply lay it out in a mound and decorate it with a star-shaped top - very similar to an elegant Christmas tree.

Lay out the puff curls in the shape of a triangle. On top is the filling. A tomato garland and a yellow pepper star - the New Year's dish is ready.

Your favorite sauce and pepper will help turn triangular pieces of pita into edible Christmas trees.

Sandwiches with fresh cucumber in the shape of Christmas trees add variety to the New Year's menu. The pieces cut with a curly knife look original.

Ordinary pancakes, so loved by many children, will appear in a new light, you just have to put them into a pyramid, add berries and fruits in sweet syrup. Why not New Year's breakfast?

A vegetarian Christmas tree made from celery and carrots is not the only option for New Year’s decoration. You can mix anything!

But the wolf with a sweet tooth will definitely not disdain these Christmas trees. Coconut flakes and fresh cream - yum-yum.

Believe it or not, there are fresh strawberries hiding under the layer of green cream! What a treat!

Homemade custard cookies in the shape of Christmas trees. A star can be cut from canned pineapple.

Spread round cookies of different sizes with cream and fold them into a Christmas tree pyramid. Children can take an active part in making this sweet New Year's dessert.

Fruit trees are a vitamin decoration for the New Year's table. Just the thing for kids! For cheese lovers - assorted fermented milk.

The basis of this fruit New Year tree is carrots. Toothpicks with orange slices, kiwi, and berries are inserted into it, like into a trunk.

Wafer rolls will instantly become Christmas trees - colored candies, sweet fudge and coconut shavings will do their job.

You can simply draw a Christmas tree with chocolate icing!

I made him out of what was

Children will be happy to make snowmen from tangerines. You will need toothpicks, fragrant cloves for the eyes, twigs for the hands and bottle caps as hats. Invite your little helpers to decorate the holiday table themselves - an invasion of citrus snowmen is guaranteed!

This snowman just melted... Poor guy was out of luck. Well, it’s okay, they’ll eat it with appetite even in this form!

Sweet snowmen are a treat for those with a sweet tooth of any age. Use your imagination, there are no bad snowmen!

The salad can be placed on a platter in portions in the form of small snowmen. Don't add too much mayonnaise, otherwise spring will come to your plate ahead of schedule.

Cutting off the tops of boiled eggs and placing them on a wooden skewer is another option for decorating New Year's dishes. Decorate with buttons, clove or pepper eyes, carrot noses and hats. Even the most capricious kids will happily eat this dish.

If little Nehochukha is still hungry, try a win-win option - potatoes! Roll the puree into balls and make a snowman out of them! Won't he eat it?

Sandwiches are a familiar dish, but even they can be served at the holiday table if you experiment a little with the design.

Christmas wreath

Place the salad on a flat dish in the shape of a wreath, garnish with fresh herbs, black olives, boiled carrot slices.

Dill looks like spruce branches, and pomegranate seeds look great as beads.

How many colored balls are there on the Christmas tree?

Simple products: beets, carrots, cheese, mayonnaise, egg, dill. If you approach the decoration of the salad creatively, then the most banal “Herring under a fur coat” will become a favorite of the New Year’s table.

Make balls - and the holiday snack is ready! Icicles, houses... Everything is edible and very beautiful!

Whose mittens?

Any salad can be laid out in the shape of a mitten. The decor can be anything: cheese, boiled vegetables, egg.

Colored glaze can turn any gingerbread into a delicious souvenir. There is no shame in visiting with such a gift!

A cone fell...

“Bumps” made from delicious salad and nuts! It looks unusual.

Beef liver snack cake. Why not design it in the form of a cone?

My best gift is... cake!

Surprise your guests with an unusual design of familiar dishes.

The clock strikes twelve

The striking of the chimes is an important component of the holiday. Let your watch always be at hand!

Dear readers. Surely you have your own original ideas for decorating New Year's dishes. Share them in the comments, someone will probably find your experience useful.

December has already wrapped the earth with its icy winds and prickly snow shawl, winter has come into its own, which means that the atmosphere of the New Year holidays is already beginning to take shape day after day. It does not appear and capture us all at once, when we tear off the penultimate sheet of the calendar, but grows gradually, from the very first day of December. The most magical time has already arrived - the anticipation of the holiday. Throughout December, we have time to thoroughly enjoy the pre-holiday bustle. Run around the shops in search of a wide variety of gifts and holiday outfits, bring home a fragrant Christmas tree, decorate it with old glass toys and watch many New Year and Christmas films, imbued with the feeling of the holiday and beginning to believe in miracles with all your soul.

There is always a lot of hassle in December, but on December 31 there is simply an indecent amount of it, and suddenly, somehow you immediately have to do something that, at first glance, does not require any special preparation. For example, we are faced with the procedure of decorating New Year's dishes, which for some reason we rarely think about in advance, hoping that we can quickly come up with something during the cooking process. However, decorating New Year's dishes is a matter that requires not only imagination, but also time, which is usually tight on New Year's Eve, because there is so much to do, prepare, serve, decorate, and you also want to put yourself in order and celebrate the New Year itself , not falling asleep from fatigue immediately after the chimes!

You should think about decorating New Year's dishes in advance, at the same time as you are planning the holiday menu, so that you have time to purchase everything you need to decorate your culinary masterpieces. Oddly enough, nothing more successful and original than greens, vegetables, fruits, ice and powdered sugar has yet been invented. No, of course, in beautiful photographs all kinds of beads, Christmas tree decorations and paper snowflakes can be wrapped around chicken, sandwiches or salad, but this option for decorating New Year’s dishes can hardly be called convenient and applicable at home. Therefore, we will focus on natural jewelry. To decorate meat dishes, you can’t do without greens; lettuce leaves of various varieties, fresh parsley, dill and basil will come in handy. Thin slices of lemon or orange, cherry tomatoes, bunches of grapes or berries are also useful. You can make roses from firm fresh tomatoes; to do this, cut off the skin with a thin long layer, about 1-1.5 cm wide, and wrap it in the shape of a rose. Place thin lemon slices, bell pepper slices and onion rings on a plate.

Despite the fact that the year of the dragon is coming, you should not get hung up on creating all kinds of salads depicting his image and likeness. However, if you still want to see a water dragon on your table, then you can decorate one dish in a similar way, for example, fish. Cook it as planned, whole or cut into portions, but do not throw away the head, but cook it along with the rest of the fish. Place lettuce leaves on a plate, place pieces of fish on them in a circle, cut the onion into rings and place it along the inner edge of the fish so that it looks like a ridge along the body of a dragon. Place the head on the first piece, garnish it with mayonnaise, black peppercorns and pickled ginger or a fluffy bunch of dill. This decoration of a New Year's dish will not take much time, and your table will be decorated with a water dragon curled up on a plate.

The decoration of the New Year's dish can be apples, nuts, cinnamon sticks, anise, raisins and powdered sugar. And if you combine all this beauty together, you get a great dessert. Cut off the top of the apples and peel out the core. Fill the apples with finely chopped pulp, raisins and walnuts, all of which can be seasoned with a little honey, cover the apples with cut lids and place them on a plate. Also place raisins, walnuts or just their kernels on a plate, place a few cinnamon sticks and anise, sprinkle everything with a thin layer of powdered sugar. Anise and cinnamon can not only serve as a wonderful decoration for almost any New Year's dish, but also fill the house with their warm and cozy New Year's aroma, and powdered sugar will dust your dessert with fresh December snow.

What's New Year's Eve without sandwiches? Usually it never comes to decorating them, what kind of decoration, when the guests are already on the way, there would be time to cut everything that is needed! The most ordinary sandwiches can become a real masterpiece on your New Year's table if you decorate them beautifully. What can become a decoration? All the same greens, bell peppers or tomatoes. The most ordinary toasts with cream cheese, on which they placed a green Christmas tree, a star or a green snowman, will be remembered by guests for a long time! To save time, cut out stencils from cardboard in advance, finely chop the greens and decorate your New Year's dish. The Christmas tree can be decorated not only in the house, but also on sandwiches; for this, cut the tomato or bell pepper into very small pieces and place them in a chaotic order on the greens.

Fresh berries, although a terribly expensive pleasure in the cold season, are simply irreplaceable for decorating New Year's dishes. And the time saved is worth spending a little, not to mention the fact that the fresh berries themselves on the New Year's table will create a real sensation and will be eaten in a matter of seconds. When can berries come in handy? For example, if you baked a cake or pastry that you don’t have time to decorate, or that doesn’t look very festive in itself. Place cream on the cake or pastry, make sides out of it and place a small mound of strawberries or raspberries; if it is a cake, then 1 berry for each is enough. Decorate the top with cream using a pastry syringe. You will get the most New Year's dessert in the form of a Santa Claus hat from the most summer ingredients!

Everyone knows that the New Year smells of tangerines or oranges; something warm, homely and incredibly fragrant is mixed into this smell, familiar to everyone from childhood. This is a whole bouquet of smells of cinnamon, vanilla and cloves. You can combine all these smells in one decoration for a New Year's dish. The dishes will carry all these seductive aromas. Cut off the tops of the oranges and thoroughly clean them of the pulp, prepare all your supplies of cloves and decorate the orange peel with it. The smell will waft throughout the house! In these orange bowls you can serve ice cream, fruit dessert or salad containing oranges. Whatever you serve, this dish will become a real decoration for your New Year's table!

Cloves can decorate not only orange bowls, but also the dishes themselves. Surely there will be mulled wine or fruit compote on your New Year's table. For such hot drinks, cinnamon, anise and cloves will become not only a decoration, but also an integral part of the composition. Cloves and anise, along with pears, apricots and prunes, will give the compote an original taste, and mulled wine an incomparable aroma, and will look great as a decoration in transparent glasses filled with your favorite drink. In addition, cinnamon sticks can be tied with a ribbon and simply placed as a decoration on the table next to the New Year's dish. An excellent decoration for mulled wine would be dried orange peel, peeled off in a thin layer about 1 cm wide and sprinkled with chopped cinnamon.

Not a single New Year is complete without baking. Every year, thinking about decorating New Year's dishes, we cut out all sorts of figures from dough, paint them with icing, decorate them with powdered sugar, and tie them beautifully with ribbon, several at a time. This year we invite you to relax and not waste 2-3 hours of precious time preparing icing and decorating cookies. It is beautiful in itself. Just choose the right bowl, garnish the orange with the remaining cloves, place a few anise stars and a couple of cinnamon sticks on top, you can add a few spirals of orange peel for flavor. This is the most natural, fragrant and beautiful decoration for New Year's dishes.

The New Year's table is the very center of the holiday, because congratulations are heard at it, champagne is poured and the most cherished wishes are made as the chimes strike. Therefore, you want it to look festive and cozy, and for this you need to try: stock up on new ideas and spend a little time decorating New Year's dishes. However, if the holiday is already approaching, and there is no time to decorate the New Year’s dinner, do not be discouraged, because the festive atmosphere does not depend on the table, but on a good mood and warm, friendly company. Happy New Year!

The New Year holidays are already rushing towards us, and very soon they will knock on our windows and doors! The Yellow Earth Pig, the main symbol of 2019, will sit on the “throne of government” with importance and full rights. In order to please both this animal and our entire family as a whole, we will have to try, strain our imagination and arrange preliminary preparations of our home for the upcoming celebrations. Decoration of all rooms and the garden plot, if it is a private house, fabulous table decoration and, of course, elegant preparation and masterful presentation of dishes. The last point is very important for all of us, since a variety of foods bring us joy and pleasure, arouse our appetite and give us satiety. If you are little familiar with how to decorate your goodies, turning them into masterpieces of culinary art, then here you will find 25 photos of ideas on how to beautifully decorate dishes for the New Year 2019. Believe me, it’s easy to do it yourself from what you have in stock every refrigerator on New Year's Eve.

Original photo ideas for decorating dishes for the holiday table

Here we will present to your attention beautiful and original photo ideas for decorating the festive table for the 2019 meeting.

Why decorate food for Christmas?

What difference does it make what a homemade dish looks like, the main thing is that it is tasty! Many men think so, but this opinion is wrong. Of course, you can make sandwiches with sprats and Olivier, but these dishes can be prepared every day without any problems. Remember that the coming 2019 is a special holiday, and everything on this day should correspond to the atmosphere of magic and fun. It is in this case that the coming year will be happy, and your wishes will definitely come true. So it doesn’t matter whether you plan to celebrate the holiday alone or in a huge company, let the goodies on your table be unusual and attractive. Moreover, decorating a salad or main dish is not at all difficult, and you will see this by following the tips and recipes given below.

Video: master class on decorating holiday dishes

We use vegetables

To beautifully decorate dishes for the New Year 2019 with our own hands, we will need the following vegetables:

Carrot. This bright orange beauty can serve as an excellent addition and decoration to almost any dish. You can grate it finely, cut it into circles or in the shape of anything you like. For example, from carrots you can make “clock hands” or “numbers” for a salad. If you have an edible “snowman” on your table, you can use a carrot as a nose. In what form should this vegetable be? It is best to boil it until soft, and then everything will be both beautiful and tasty.

Onion. From completely familiar onions, magnificent white lilies are obtained - of course, not very edible, but luxuriously beautiful. In addition, use this technique - dip the feathers of green onions in boiling water and get a curl in the form of a serpentine.

Cucumber. This green vegetable can be very successfully peeled using a paring knife. Roll it into a rose, you can also cut a Christmas tree from the peel, make a crocodile or a snake.

Tomatoes. From bright red tomatoes you can make a rose with your own hands to decorate New Year's salads and slices. Cherry tomatoes can be used to decorate the dish as a whole.

Master class on decorating dishes with vegetables

We use greens

Green sprigs of parsley and dill are not only tasty and healthy, but also a very beautiful decoration for dishes for the New Year 2019. Here's an idea for you - place whole, uncut sprigs on a plate, imitating a pine branch. Use boiled quail eggs, cherry tomatoes, carrots and beets cut into shapes as decoration toys, and make a serpentine with mayonnaise. You will receive a beautiful and delicious ikebana. You can also make winter New Year’s salads more tropical with your own hands, take this idea into account. String olives, grapes, cheese onto a toothpick, and add a “pinch” of dill on top. You will get a beautiful and tasty palm tree. Stick this beauty into salads or cold cuts.

Use butter and boiled egg

To deliciously and beautifully decorate dishes for 2019, regular butter is often used. To do this, it can be painted with natural “paints”. So, you can take some beet juice to get a lilac color, boiled carrots to get a juicy orange, egg yolks for yellow. Use a mixture of oil and dye to decorate salads and cold meat dishes. Boiled egg is the most commonly used product in this matter. So, for example, you can grate the white and yolk separately on a fine grater, and then lay out the whole picture with these components. You can also take a whole egg and make a leg for a mushroom, the body of a snowman, or even a northern penguin with your own hands.

Adding colors

For example, you decided to make a “picture” of products on a salad, but you don’t know what ingredients to use for which color. Take note of these ideas! Olives can be finely chopped to obtain a black color. Olives, capers, cucumber peels, and herbs can be chopped to make green. You can get the lilac color by using red cabbage or beets. By the way, if you take the juice of this cabbage and combine it with egg white, you will get a natural blue color that is harmless for consumption. Take grated carrots or carrot juice and the result will be a bright orange color. If the color “painting” needs pink, then you will need beet juice. Need a sunny yellow shade? Take grated boiled yolk or canned corn.

Making New Year's penguins

There is no animal more festive and wintery than the little penguin. Include his figurine in your holiday menu to get an excellent decoration for 2019, as in the photo, and an original delicious snack, created with your own hands quickly and easily. So, let's start preparing this dish.

You will need:

  • boiled carrots,
  • quail egg,
  • black olives,
  • toothpicks for fastening.

Cooking process:

  1. To begin with, we make legs and beak from boiled carrots. To do this, cut the carrots into semicircles.
  2. We make the penguin “body” from a boiled and peeled quail egg.
  3. Take pitted olives and use them for the “bird’s” head, inserting pieces of carrot - beak - into the hole from the pit, and making wings from the same olives cut in half.
  4. Secure all parts together with a toothpick.

Beautiful sausage butterfly

To make your table for the New Year 2019 bright and varied, create a decoration in the form of a butterfly. Of course, the butterfly is not exactly a winter resident, but it will very nicely complement cheese salads or dishes sprinkled with grated protein.

You will need:

  • boiled sausage,
  • grains of canned corn,
  • cranberry,
  • greenery,
  • lettuce leaves.

Cooking process:

  1. We will make the butterfly on a lettuce leaf. To do this, thinly slice the boiled sausage and place it in a fan on a lettuce leaf, cleaving it off with a toothpick on one side. This will be one “wing”.
  2. Do the second in the same way.
  3. To make the “body” of a butterfly with your own hands, you need to roll the sausage into a tube.
  4. You can decorate the “wings” with corn, cranberries and dill.

How to make an ordinary salad original? Let's see!

Salad "Pig"

If you still can’t figure out how to decorate dishes for the New Year 2019 with your own hands in a beautiful and unusual way, then here’s a great photo idea for you - this is the “Pig” salad. Agree, it’s a rather symbolic name for the coming year of the Yellow Pig, and the charm is indescribable. The kids will definitely love it! You don't need any supernatural ingredients to make this deliciousness. If you don't believe me, then see for yourself.

Required Products:

  • chicken - 400 gr.;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • pickled cucumbers - 3 pcs.;
  • green peas - half a jar;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • prunes - 150 gr.;
  • mayonnaise - small tube.

For decoration:

  • dill - 10 sprigs;
  • carrots - 1 pc.

Cooking process:

  1. Chicken meat should be boiled and then chopped into small cubes.
  2. Peel the onion and chop finely.
  3. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater.
  4. If you wish, pickles can also be chopped using a grater.
  5. Boil the eggs, and then separate the yolks from the whites and grate them on a fine grater.
  6. Before using, prunes must be poured with boiling water for 5 or 10 minutes to make them softer.
  7. After we have prepared all the ingredients for our dish for the New Year 2019, we should begin collecting and decorating it. Our salad will be laid out in layers. We need to create the body of the pig on a flat and wide plate, as in the photo we presented earlier. First comes shredded chicken meat, pickles and mayonnaise.
  8. Then a layer of small onions, carrots and a mayonnaise mesh.
  9. Next we continue with green peas, finely chopped prunes and mayonnaise again.
  10. We decorate the body of our animal with grated protein, and the head with yolk.
  11. Ears, tail and paws can be transformed with grated smoked sausage.
  12. Black olives without pits will be used as eyes and nose.
  13. To make the pig more mischievous and cool, make it with sausage or sausages on top.

Video: ideas for decorating meat plates and dishes for the New Year 2019


Our article has now come to its end, which clearly showed and told you how to decorate dishes for the New Year 2019 with your own hands quickly and creatively. We hope that you liked our photo ideas and videos with master classes. Now you have not only acquired good, invaluable experience in the culinary art of transforming self-prepared delicacies, but also expanded your imagination in this area. Decorate your goodies on the holiday table, make them more appetizing in this way, pleasant to look at and unforgettable.

It’s hard to imagine a traditional feast without delicious salads, much less the New Year. The beautiful design of dishes pleases the eye, stimulates the appetite and generally creates a special festive mood. To surprise guests and bring aesthetic pleasure to themselves and their loved ones, housewives come up with and search online for a variety of ways to decorate salads - simple and complex. Let's find out how to decorate salads for the New Year 2018.

Salads with toppings and slice ornaments

One of the easiest ways to decorate salads is with sprinkles. What could be easier than sprinkling the finished salad with one of the ingredients, grated on a fine grater. For sprinkling use grated:

  • eggs, both white and yolk;
  • cucumbers;
  • boiled carrots;
  • beets;
  • sausage.

The topping can be used in its pure form or mixed with mayonnaise.

In addition to grated ingredients, finely chopped greens are used, as well as small products such as peas, corn, red and black caviar, and pomegranate seeds. By imagining and using ingredients of different colors, they create designs and ornaments.

Video: decorating a herring under a fur coat

If you set out to do something even more original, then an interesting effect is obtained by combining sprinkles and thinly sliced ​​pieces of vegetables and fruits. Often they make a background of sprinkles, and put cucumber slices and olive rings on top, and cover the salad with thin slices of red fish. Look at the photo how to make calla lilies from squares of cheese, lay out pineapple from mushrooms, and form a starfish from lettuce and red fish.

With mayonnaise

An additional decorative effect is created using mayonnaise. Since most salads are already made with mayonnaise, some do not use this option, trying not to overdo it with the sauce. However, the subtle patterns look very attractive and appetizing.

If you buy mayonnaise in a tube, you can draw just like that. But if you need really fine lines, you need to transfer the mayonnaise into a pastry bag or into a regular plastic bag and draw like cream on a cake. Of course, a combination with other decoration options will not harm the appearance of the salad at all.

Layered salads

There is nothing complicated about the layered salad technique. However, alternate layers of green cucumbers, orange carrots, red fish, and yellow corn make the salad truly elegant. Use transparent bowls, vases, and cocotte bowls for layered salads, then they will not require additional decoration. But on the other hand, if there is a desire, why not decorate them on top using already known methods?


Salads decorated in the shape of animals are relevant if you want to attract children's attention to food. In addition, on New Year’s Day, a bullfinch, a dog (after all, 2018 is the Year of the Dog) laid out from salad, a hare - all this will be in the theme of the holiday. Those who miss summer are advised to take this opportunity and enjoy the summer landscapes, the sight of colorful butterflies, bees, and ladybugs.

Note! Many decorations, including animals, are cut from thin pieces of vegetables using cookie cutters.

See below for ideas for decorating salads in the shape of birds, animals, and insects.

New Year's design

Salads decorated in New Year's style will look best on the New Year's table: in the shape of bells, Santa Claus, snowman, Snow Maiden, Christmas tree, chimes, pine cones.

How to make such beauty? Also, as already described. Lay out the salad, give the mixture the desired shape, sprinkle, decorate, grease with mayonnaise. Look at the photo, everything is clear here.


The technique of decorating dishes has been elevated to the rank of a special art. One of the well-known techniques is carving. This is the art of creating figures and decorative curls from vegetables and fruits, which are subsequently used to decorate salads, main courses or as an independent decoration. There are so many decoration options that it’s simply impossible to imagine everything, but you can learn how to make the basic elements.

Carrot cones

Pine cones are immediately associated with Christmas trees and the New Year. Let's decorate the salads with carrot cones, and make fir branches from dill.

To cut out the cone you will need a sharp narrow knife. It is necessary to give the carrots the shape of a cone.

If available, it is convenient to cut with carving knives, but they are not necessary.

Using a knife, cut the petals in a circle, trying to fit the whole number of petals, and cut off a little of the pulp under the petals. Continue row by row.

When you reach the end, sharpen the tip of the carrot.

You will get cones like this. Moreover, when using different tools, they will differ slightly.

Roses from pancakes and beets

Pancakes are not a very common product for carving, but this is where the beauty of this decoration comes into play. It’s not immediately clear what it’s made of.

Grate the boiled beets and mix with mayonnaise.

Distribute the beets over the pancake.

Roll into a roll and cut into pieces of approximately 5 cm.

On the side of the cut, on one edge, you need to make several small cuts in the form of petals.

Arrange the pancakes as shown in the photo, and cover the gaps with parsley leaves.

Roses from tomatoes

How real roses are made from the skin of a tomato. You don't even need any special practice for cutting.

Take any tomato with a beautiful, smooth, intact skin. Cut the cap at the top, but do not cut it off completely.

Continue cutting the skin in a spiral pattern, being careful not to cut it accidentally.

Then unroll the spiral onto the cutting board. And roll it into a roll, starting from the tip, towards the “hat”.

Decorate the salad with the resulting roses. You can make several and collect a “bouquet”. You can make one big one and place it in the center.

The same method is used to make a rose from an apple.

cucumber leaf

Cucumbers are often used in carving. They have several valuable properties: they are dense, so it is convenient to cut them, their skin and pulp are of different colors, due to which a decorative effect is achieved. Try cutting leaves from a cucumber. One cucumber will yield at least two leaves.

First, cut a piece of cucumber as shown in the photo.

Cut out the pulp from the inside, but not too close to the peel.

Shape the cucumber into a leaf shape. Trim off more flesh from the pointed edge.

In the center along the sheet, make two cuts converging to the tip.

From the sides, cut perpendicular cuts to the first two and remove these fragments.

Cut through holes in the pulp in the shape of leaves.

If you did everything correctly, you will get a cucumber leaf like this.

Water lily from a bulb

To carve a water lily you will need a purple bulb; this flower will not need to be dyed to add color.

Banana dog

Even if a banana is not very suitable for decorating a savory salad, it is worth making a dog out of a banana, because the Year of the Dog is coming. And this fruit makes a charming dachshund.

Draw a banana template with legs on paper by hand. Place it on the banana and trace the outline with a sharp knife, cutting through the peel.

Bend your legs.

In addition to the template with legs, you will need a template with ears, which you also need to draw by hand.

Cut only the ears and bottom according to the template.

Make an arched cut like this between the ears.

Trim and remove the banana pulp. Fold the loose skin that has formed between the ears at the top down.

Use a knife to make indentations for the eyes and insert black peppercorns.

Insert a couple of toothpicks into the base of the head.

Attach the “head” to the “torso”.


When you see ready-made spirals from vegetables, it seems that making them at home is either impossible or requires expensive tools. But everything, as it turns out, is much simpler.

Radish flower

You have already seen how to make roses from pancakes, beets, and tomatoes, but there is another way to make a carving flower. Let's try to cut it out of a radish, or rather, not even cut it, but put it together from pieces.

Swan their apple

This is an original, fairly easy way to decorate a salad or fruit slice. Carefully repeat all the steps according to the master class.

Cut the apple into two halves using a diagonal cut.

Take the part with the sepals. Remove the seeds.

Place it as shown in the photo. Place a knife on top and bottom - they will serve as limiters.

Using another knife, make a cut slightly to the right of center.

Then cut the side of the apple.

Then repeat on the left side of the apple.

Place the cut area again between the two knives. Moving away from the edge, make cuts on the top and sides.

You will end up with several pieces like this.

Place them overlapping.

Place the “wings” on the sides of the main apple half. Cut a piece of apple in the center.

Take the other half of the apple that we haven't used yet.

Cut a thin piece of apple.

Now cut out the part that is covered with a knife in the photo.

And also trim the edge.

Press the seed into the pulp. Give the piece a more rounded shape.

Insert the swan's head into the center cut.

Bulbous dahlia

At first glance, it’s hard to believe that you can make a dahlia from a bulb with your own hands in literally 8 cuts. She looks so beautiful and complex.

Take a sharp and thin knife.

We do not cut anything from the root side; on the other side we make an even cut.

Take the onion in your hand or place it on the board. Cut the onion in the middle, but not all the way. Do not cut about 1 cm.

Make a second cut perpendicular to the first cut. Now we cut each of the parts in half.

And again in half: cut two parts at once or each separately.

Take a bowl of water and place the onion in water for a couple of hours.

After two hours, remove the bulb; it will turn into a chrysanthemum.

If you want to make a red chrysanthemum, immerse the bulb in beet juice and leave for a while. The longer you keep the onion in the juice, the more intensely it will color.

A beautiful and effective decoration.

Watch the video for some more interesting master classes.

Video: carrot flower

Video: cucumber butterfly

Video: decorations from tomatoes and cucumbers

Photos of carving jewelry will inspire you to get creative.
