Determining gender by calendar. Japanese baby gender determination calendar

The article describes in detail how to use the tables of the Chinese and Japanese calendar to determine what gender your child will be.

Not all parents plan in advance whether they will have a girl or a boy. And not everyone will believe that this is possible to plan. But there are ancient methods with which you can conceive a child of the desired gender. It is a pity that these methods are not always effective and do not give one hundred percent results.

Although, in most cases, using the Chinese or Japanese calendar, you can make a forecast for the future. Let's find out how to use tables to find out the gender of the future newborn.

Chinese calendar for determining the gender of a child for 2019-2020

The most reliable medical method for determining who will be born to an expectant mother is ultrasound diagnostics. Already on early stages During pregnancy, the gender of the baby is determined. But how can you plan for a boy or a girl to be born in nine months?

More than two centuries ago in China, for the birth of an heir to a noble royal family table was used. It is very interesting that the calculations from that calendar table coincided, no matter how ironically the skeptics treated them. And the most unexpected thing is that it is in China that today it is forbidden for pregnant women to test the sex of their unborn baby.

Gender of the unborn child - Chinese table

The Chinese table is a calendar by which you can plan the gender of your newborn in advance. This ancient manuscript was found by archaeologists in Beijing. To be more precise, it was discovered in the place where the famous Chinese emperor was buried.

This tablet was invented by ancient sages. It takes into account the phases of the moon and some characteristics of women, namely the change of blood in their body, which occurs every month. According to these pundits, it is the monthly menstrual cycle and influences who the expectant mother will have - a girl or a boy.

IMPORTANT: According to Chinese standards, the age of newborns is calculated differently. If at the time of birth our child is 0 months old, then in China it is already seven or nine months old. There, age is calculated from the moment of conception.

What is the Chinese calendar?

  • This tablet contains 336 cells, each cell indicates the gender of the future newborn: “Boy”, “Girl”
  • Numbers are written vertically - this is the full age of the expectant mother. To make predictions more accurate in the future, keep in mind that you need to add seven to nine months to your age (we talked about this above)
  • According to Chinese rules, the childbearing age of women begins at eighteen years and ends at forty-five years. It is these numbers that go vertically
  • Months are indicated horizontally. If you want a son, then select the cell with “M” - which means boy. See in which month according to the table you are having a boy, in that month and try to conceive a baby

How to use the table correctly?

Using the calendar is quite simple, because the Chinese have always been famous for inventions that are easy to use. Likewise, any mother can figure out this calendar, because for this it is not necessary to solve logarithmic functions.

Let's look at an example:

  • EXAMPLE: Now the girl is 23 years 6 months old. We count the age expectant mother from the moment of conception: 23 years 6 months + 9 months, so 24 years 3 months. We look at the calendar vertically and look for the number 24. We found it, now we look horizontally to see in which month there is a girl, in which month there is a boy. If parents dream of a girl, then the favorable months for conceiving a baby are from August to December

IMPORTANT: The calendar contains errors. It is often because of this that predictions do not come true. This especially happens when a child is conceived at the very beginning or end of the month.

Japanese baby gender determination calendar

In Japan, childlessness is considered a great disaster for a family. And when a Japanese woman gives birth to only girls, it is bad luck for men. After all, according to their laws, every respected man must have a son-heir.

For this reason, some families even decided to adopt a child just to get an heir. And men cheated on their wives, hoping that their mistress would give birth to a son.

The problem of the birth of an heir has long been considered one of the most important in Japan. Many sages wondered how to resolve it. And they came up with a simple one, effective method, which is effective in 89% of a hundred - the Japanese calendar.

Japanese baby gender determination chart for 2019 and 2020

Determining the sex of a baby using the Japanese calendar is relatively easy. To do this, you just need to know the month of birth of the man or woman. Then find the point of their intersection in the proposed table. A number will be indicated in this cell (intersection point). Remember it.

Go to the second table. Find that number in the diagram below. Then the month of conception. At the intersection of these two data, you will find the gender of your child.

To make everything clearer, let's look at example

  • The expectant mother was born in May, and the father in September. We look at the first plate, looking for the number where these months intersect. The cell contains the number nine
  • Let's move on to the second scheme. In the vertical column we look for the number nine, and in the horizontal column the month of conception, for example, July. It turns out that you are having a boy

Of course, these methods of determining the sex of babies do not give one hundred percent accurate results. However, there is no need to despair. The most important thing is that your baby is born healthy, and that the parents surround the baby with care, attention, and love.

Video: planning the gender of newborns according to the Chinese calendar

The Chinese and Japanese conception calendar will help you plan the birth of a girl or boy.

All parents dream of finding out the gender of their unborn child. After all, you want to buy clothes of a certain color and make the future children's room in blue or pink.

It happens that future parents are just planning a pregnancy and they want to conceive a girl or a boy. The Chinese table will help determine the gender of the unborn baby. This is an ancient diagram that was discovered in the tomb of a monk who lived near Beijing over 700 years ago.

Important: After the discovery of the find, archaeologists studied the table, and now modern women and men can determine the sex of their unborn child. This chart was used by noble Chinese families to plan the conception of children.

Today, Chinese women are prohibited from testing to determine the sex of their baby. Therefore, the Chinese themselves are skeptical about this table.

Gender of the unborn child - Chinese table

This manuscript was invented by Chinese ancestors. It is compiled taking into account the phases of the Moon - the eternal satellite of our planet, and certain features female body. These features include the change of blood that occurs every month.

Important: Chinese sages are sure that it is the monthly menstrual cycle that affects the gender of the unborn child.

The Chinese table will help you quickly and easily find out who will be born - a boy or a girl:

  • The table consists of 336 cells with the letters “D” and “M”, where D is a girl and M is a boy
  • Numbers indicating the mother's age are indicated vertically. In order for the calculations to be accurate, add 9 months to the age of the woman in labor.
  • Months are indicated horizontally

Important: If you are planning to conceive a boy, choose the age of the expectant mother and look for the letter “M”. Opposite which months this letter is located, in those months you will be able to conceive a boy. This is also what you need to do if you want to conceive a girl.

The accuracy of this method is more than 75%. The main thing is to correctly determine the month of conception.

Japanese baby gender determination calendar

Another interesting method of planning the gender of a child is the Japanese calendar. These are two tables.

Japanese calendar Determining the sex of a child - first table

Japanese calendar for determining the gender of a child - second table

One of them indicates the birth months of mom and dad. At the intersection of these months a secret number is indicated. What to do next?

  • Remember the number and look down at the second table
  • Secret numbers are indicated vertically - find yours among them
  • Horizontal - months of conception
  • Look for who you want to conceive - a boy or a girl, and look at the month when you can plan to do this

The accuracy of the Japanese calendar for determining the sex of a child is much higher than the accuracy of the Chinese table - up to 90%. This planning method was used by Japanese emperors.

Japanese and Chinese tables are easy to use. The main thing is to know the sequence of calculations and correctly determine the necessary numbers.

The Japanese gender chart for 2019 and 2020 will be the same for these years. Important numbers in the Japanese calendar are the birth months of the mother and father. Once the secret number is known, the sex of the unborn baby can be calculated.

Important: Using the Japanese calendar, you can both plan the gender of your future child in advance, and determine its gender once conception has taken place.

While relying on the Japanese and Chinese calendars, do not forget that the 100% method of determining the sex of the baby is ultrasound. An ultrasound specialist will be able to accurately determine whether the baby will be a girl or a boy.

Video: Planning the gender of the child using the Chinese table

From the moment you receive the news that you will soon be born new member society, future parents remain curious about the sex of the baby.

The wait is tedious, because it is possible to accurately determine the sex of the child using ultrasound no earlier than 4–5 months of pregnancy. But I want to get an answer right away. In such cases, they resort to the help of ancient civilizations, and the Japanese calendar for determining the sex of a child comes in handy.

In ancient times, science was based on observing the movement of planets and interpreting their influence on the development of relationships between people. The result of the observations of Japanese astrologers was a horoscope of compatibility between men and women and a table for calculating the gender of the unborn baby.

Ancient Japanese astrologers included only three parameters in the tabular material - the birth dates of the parents and the month when the fetus was conceived. The table is a calculation method that is convenient both for planning pregnancy and for determining the sex of the baby in the early stages of pregnancy.

IN school course Physiology and human anatomy mentioned that the sex of the child depends on the chromosome set contained in the sperm and egg. Eggs contain only a set of X chromosomes. Spermatozoa carry a pair - male Y chromosomes and female X chromosomes.

With the fusion of feminine and male chromosome combination XY, a boy is born. Combination of fusion of XX female chromosomes - girls.

The gender of the child depends solely on the father.

Even the most modern methods cannot predict the behavior of chromosomes during conception.

Doctors are confident that the table of Japanese astrologers for determining gender is not capable of providing accurate data. The formation of the fetus occurs according to an individual algorithm for the development of the embryo, and it is almost impossible to predict the sex in the early stages of pregnancy.

Nevertheless, future parents firmly believe in the accuracy of the ancient tables, because it was this method that was used by the Japanese emperors. Modern Japanese scientists confirm that ancient astrologers were not mistaken when they introduced into the tabular material an algorithm for the correlation between the dates of birth of biological parents and the time of conception of the child.

A scientific discovery at the end of the last century confirmed that male and female chromosomes are formed naturally in a certain cyclicity. Their formation depends on the person’s date of birth. Therefore, the calculation method of ancient astrologers is correct, despite the arguments of scientifically savvy opponents.

Instructions for use

The method involves using two tables at once. The first table gives the user a code number derived from matching the birth times of the biological parents.

In the left column we find the month, corresponding to the date birth of the future mother. From this date we draw a line to the intersection with the line of the date of birth of the future father, located in the horizontal column at the top of the table. The place where the lines intersect is the location of the code number of the married couple.

Example. For an expectant mother born in December and a father born in April, the code number corresponds to the number 4.

The second table with the month of conception, together with the code number, establishes the gender of the baby. The top of the table contains codes. The left column lists the calendar months in order.

From the expected month of conception, draw a vertical line from the code to the intersection with the month. Each cell of the second table contains a certain number of icons. The more characters in the cell, the more accurate the result and the likelihood of a girl being born.

Reliability of results

The controversy among genetic scientists boils down to the impossibility of planning the sex of a child in advance. And the use of ancient methods for planning the sex of a child by the scientific community is perceived at best with a smile.

It should be understood that ancient calculation tables are an applied, not a scientific method, which cannot guarantee a 100% result. However, the fact that the Japanese calculation method often “hits the bull’s eye” has irrefutable evidence.

Ancient astrologers studied the mechanisms of planetary influence not only on the formation of relationships between people, but also on the physiological development of the human body, and presented the world community with many, albeit unscientific, but useful treatises. Almost all of them are based on the person’s date of birth.

Any event in a person’s life that has happened or that may happen to him in the future is associated with the direct influence of stars and planets. This is what the Japanese horoscope of partner compatibility says, based on data from ancient stargazers.

There is another method for determining the sex of a child, which comes from ancient China. The sex of the unborn child is calculated only according to the mother’s line, her age and the date of conception. The father's data is not taken into account in the calculations.

The data is summarized in one table. The principle of use is similar to the method used in Japanese tables for determining the sex of a child. But the markings of Chinese tables are indicated by color.

The upper part contains the calendar months corresponding to conception. The column on the left is the mother's age. The cells on the intersection lines have colors of varying intensities. The richer the color, the more confident there is in the birth of a boy. Light color talks about the expected birth of a girl.

In conclusion, it should be recalled that the exact month of conception is determined not by the date of the last menstruation, but by the period of ovulation.

For example, if the menstrual cycle expected in November does not occur, and the pregnancy test shows a positive result, then 14 days should be subtracted from this date. Based on the fact that the ovulation period lasts no more than 4 days, it is possible to determine a more accurate time of conception.

Use two tables at once and over time own experience you can confirm the accuracy of the result obtained.

Useful video about tables for determining the sex of a child

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The so-called Chinese calendar for determining the gender of a child is a table in which the intersection point of the mother’s age (according to the lunar calendar) and the serial number of the lunar month of conception shows the gender of the unborn child. In addition, there is a method for determining the predominance of female or masculine traits his face.


It is very easy to find out the sex of the child using the Chinese table, but you need to calculate the mother’s age according to Chinese rules and the month of expected conception according to the lunar calendar.

  1. Use the online calculator below.
  2. Then simply look in the table at the line of intersection of these data.

Age calculator according to the lunar calendar

Enter your mother's date of birth:


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038

Find out date of birth

Gregorian date to lunar date converter

Enter the expected date of conception (day of ovulation):

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038

To know lunar date

Origin of the table

How accurate are the predictions?

We live in the 21st century, so we must understand that this is just a way of fortune telling. When Eduardo Villamor, MD, a professor of epidemiology at the University of Michigan School of Public Health, came across this chart in a parenting store several years ago, he was curious to see if it really worked. So he applied the variables to 2,840,755 births that occurred between 1973 and 2006 in Sweden, a country with meticulous population registers. He then compared the findings to each child's actual sex and published his findings in a 2010 issue of Pediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology. His conclusion? This forecast gives a 50/50 chance of predicting the sex of the child.

Ultimately Chinese chinese table“is no better a predictor of a child’s gender than tossing a coin,” he wrote in the study’s abstract.

There is an opinion that it predicts correctly in 90% of cases, but research and statistical data do not confirm this. Few of those who did a deep dive into the document showed an accuracy of 55%. But this does not change anything, since even the same coin can, after a certain number of tosses, land on heads more often.

How does it work and what are the difficulties?

To determine the sex of a child using the Chinese table, only two numbers are required: the age of the mother and the month of conception (actual or planned). But it's not that simple. These data must be calculated according to the Chinese principle and their lunar calendar, which is quite different from our Gregorian calendar. Here's what it means:

  1. The mother's age does not coincide with the one we are used to calculating based on our date of birth. You need to add 9 months to it, since in China the time spent in the womb is already considered life, and the child’s first year is immediately counted at birth. Moreover, New Year in China it is celebrated between January 21 and February 21 (each time differently), so if you were born from January 1 to February 21 according to our calendar, then this could have been before the start of the new year in China, which means you need to add another 1 year.
  2. When calculating the month of conception using the Chinese lunar calendar, things are even more complicated. It has 12 or 13 months and is 30-50 days behind the Gregorian calendar.

Open questions and disputes

Are there updated tables?

There has always been a misunderstanding that the Chinese chart for predicting the sex of a child changes every year. On the Internet you can find “Chinese Child Gender Calendar 2018”, “..2019”, etc. In fact, there is only one such table, which was invented in the Qing Dynasty hundreds of years ago. It is used both to predict the date of conception and to determine the sex of an already conceived child. If you come across calendars that are labeled as “Chinese Calendar 20XX”, then you are simply being scammed.

Moms are 100% responsible for gender

Based this method predictions, it turns out that the sex of the child is determined by only two factors: the lunar month of conception and the age of the mother according to the lunar Chinese calendar. In other words, the father has no influence on the gender of the child. This obviously contradicts the basic theory of the role of the X and Y chromosomes in determining human sex.

On the other hand, there is one interesting theory that has fans and opponents among biologists. According to her, the membrane surrounding the human egg , emits a kind of electrical "charge" that attracts either sperm X or Y. If this is true, then it is true that the woman determines the sex of the child. European biologist Patrick Schuon discovered that at certain times in monthly cycle of a woman, her egg is electrically "charged" to attract only X sperm or only Y. In addition, he also noted a distinctly "neutral" time in the cycle, when the electrical charge surrounding the egg is entirely dependent on factors environment.

How you are being deceived and why

On the Internet you can find many online services for determining the sex of a child according to the Chinese calendar or simply tables in which you can very quickly and easily see for yourself at the intersection of lines - who will be born to you. But most often this is just a hoax. That's why:

  1. As mentioned above, the calculation takes the serial number of the month and the age of the mother according to the lunar calendar, and not according to our Gregorian. Those. your age is 1 or 2 years older, and the month number is usually at least one less (sometimes the same). Therefore, trying to predict gender from a table without any additional calculations no longer corresponds to the Chinese method.
  2. Most online services are no better for this purpose either. At best, they roughly determine age according to the Chinese calendar and are not very accurate moon month, the rest don’t even do that. Inaccuracies especially concern mothers who were born from January 21 to February 21. After all, the new year in China could begin on any day in this period of time, and the age could be one less. After all, almost all online services take one date for the calculation of the New Year in China (usually February 23) and do not take into account the actual one, which is different for each year. The situation is the same with calculating the month of conception according to the lunar calendar - often online converters simply take 30-50 days, although everything is individual for each year. Most other converters are even more simplified and don’t even do this.
  3. But still, there are a few sites that have worked hard and created a real automatic method of calculation. Some large sites in RuNet offer face-to-face services for such calculations. And our calculator at the top of the page is also true.
  • If online service asks you to enter only the age or year of birth of the mother (without the day and month), then you can immediately be sure that it is bad.
  • Any table that simply calculates the intersection of the mother's age and the month of conception without explaining how to convert these original numbers into Chinese numbers is a scam.

Of course, it is worth considering that in any case it is just a game/fortune telling, so it is not necessary to take it seriously and spend a lot of time. But if someone wants to take the trouble and calculate on their own, then read on how to do it.

How to calculate manually without a calculator?

1. Calculate your age according to the Chinese calendar and their number system:

  1. If you were born after February 23rd, then simply add one to your full age (9 months to be more precise).
  2. If you were born from January 1 to January 21, then add 2 to your age (more precisely, 1 year and 9 months).
  3. If you were born from January 21 to February 23, then it is most difficult for you. We need to clarify when Chinese New Year was this year. If your date of birth was after it, then you need to add only one (as in the first paragraph), and if before it, then 2 (as in the second paragraph).

The Chinese take a very thorough approach to planning any business they undertake. Starting with the Great Wall of China and ending with planning the gender of a child, long before his birth. Not only the Chinese were involved in compiling calendars that would help determine the sex of a child before conception, but it was their calendar of conception of a child based on the dates of birth of the parents that has become the most popular these days.

According to research, the Chinese calendar, which helps plan the conception of a child of a certain gender, is first discussed in documents written to the court of the Emperor of the Celestial Empire 4000 years ago. Many methods of conceiving children according to the calendar are based to one degree or another on the Chinese system.

Its peculiarity is not so much to predict the gender of the unborn child, but to determine the most/least favorable days for conceiving a child of one gender or another. In China, as in many countries of the world, there are family planning centers in which the updated Chinese calendar is the basis for their conclusions. The centers themselves, as well as reviews from happy parents, claim that the effectiveness of their work is 98%. That is, the forecasts they make almost always come true.

Modern systems for calculating days favorable for conception are based not only on dates of birth or ovulation; the calculations are much more complex and include many mechanisms hidden from the uninitiated person.

Calculation accuracy plays a role important role in constructing a calendar of days favorable for conceiving a child. There are some mandatory variables that a woman needs to know before accessing the payment system:

  • Exact time of ovulation. Within the cycle, it occurs at the same time. If this period is in the evening, then relying on moon calendar, calculation is carried out from the next sunrise;
  • Date of birth of the expectant mother. The calculation is made only for full years, without any rounding, even if there is only a month or less left until the next birthday. The Chinese calendar has its own peculiarity - calculations are made according to Chinese calendar year. The Chinese conception calendar for 2018, like the year itself according to their calendar, began on February 16, therefore all calculations are based on this period.

Chinese Conception Calendar 2018

For a more complete understanding of the process of planning the sex of an unborn child, let’s look at a full-fledged example.

Mother's date of birth is September 7, 1988. On this moment full years she is 28. Choose the number 28 in the table.

The second point is determining the date of conception of the baby (do not confuse sexual intercourse itself with conception, since a period of 10 days can pass from the first to the second). In the table, it is enough to determine the month in which conception occurred.

At the intersection of the lines, the month of birth of the baby will be recorded, as well as its expected gender.

If you are just planning to conceive a child, the Chinese calendar will help determine favorable days to conceive a boy/girl, and also to navigate the date of the upcoming birth.

Features of the Chinese calendar

Despite the amazing accuracy of the results that the calendar produces, it has a feature that goes against modern science. Although many doctors, in order to raise professionalism in the eyes of their patients, resort to calculations based on it, in reality they deny everything. So, what's special?

According to medical research, the decision about the sex of the unborn child is carried by the sperm. Some of them carry the Y chromosome (female), part of the X chromosome (male). At the same time, the female egg has only YY chromosomes, and the sex of the child depends on which pair merges during fertilization.

It turns out that in reality the father is responsible for the sex of the child, but the calendar, which gives an amazingly accurate result, does not take this fact into account at all and continues to work for more than 4000 years.

Instead of using information about the biological father, the Chinese take into account the lunar calendar and horoscope. Their understanding of the process of determining gender and days favorable for conception boils down to the fact that the planet is in the phase of the zodiac sign, the phase of the lunar calendar, and also zodiac sign the expectant mother, according to eastern calendar directly affect the gender and date of birth of the child. In addition, most likely, more or less favorable days for conception have been determined empirically over several centuries.

Conception according to the lunar calendar in 2018

The Celestial Empire is not limited to one solution and always offers several. For those who use astrology and the phases of the lunar calendar in Everyday life You will like the system for determining the sex of the child and the date of his birth, based on the lunar phases.

The definition is based on your exact biological age. In this case, the report is carried out from the date of the onset of the Chinese lunar year. For example, if your date of birth is October 22, you need to add 1 year to your age. Also, we need to make a reservation at the moment that the Chinese count age not from the moment of birth, but from the moment of conception. That is, you need to add at least 9 more months to the date of birth of October 22, or even better, calculate the more or less exact day when conception occurred.

Natural factors affecting conception

China has always taken into account natural laws and skillfully used them for military and peaceful purposes. In matters of calculating the sex of the unborn child and the date of its birth, such indisputable factors as the woman’s menstrual cycle were also taken into account. This factor cannot be changed, just like the phases of the moon, but can be used for more precise definition days favorable for conception and predict the sex of the child.

In difficult times for China, when wars mowed down the ranks of men, the emperor issued decrees according to which all conceptions were to occur only on days favorable for the birth of boys. Perhaps this is where such precision in determining who wants to anger the Emperor was manifested.

So, Chinese institutes involved in family planning recommend conceiving a child during the ovulation phase (remember that an ovulated egg is available for fertilization for only 24 hours). It is this period that should be taken into account for the most accurate calculation.

Due to the fact that some women's cycle can range from 21 to 36 days, an accurate calculation is made by drawing up a schedule and working with it. General recommendations apply to women whose cycle is 28 days. Their ovulation phase occurs on days 14-16 of the cycle. The fact of ovulation can be determined by measuring basal temperature. It is also important to lead women's calendar and monitor the moment of ovulation in order to create your own schedule of dangerous and safe days for conception.

This practice will make it possible in the future to more simply superimpose your schedule on the lunar calendar to determine the gender of the unborn child and the best date for his conception.


Planning a conception according to the lunar calendar or according to the Chinese must be done with maximum compliance with the requirements for the accuracy of determining the date, or even the time of birth, since the lunar calendar operates with accurate data.

There are many comments on the Internet that the calculations were not crowned with success and all attempts are a simple 50/50 guess. On the other hand, the same, if not more, number of mothers fully appreciated the lunar calendar when planning the gender and date of birth of the child, due to the fact that that they provided the most accurate data, and did not treat the task with disdain.
