“in the footsteps of Mary Magdalene” where the descendants of Jesus are hiding. The grave of Jesus Christ in Japan is one of the six 01 16 who were the descendants of Jesus Christ

The question still remains open whether Jesus was married and whether he had descendants. For example, the hierarchy of the Church denies the very fact that Jesus was married. But, at the same time, the churchmen are making every effort to suppress discussion in society of the Savior’s family.

But some theologians do not hide their findings. For example, Harvard theology professor Karen King demonstrated the result of studying some ancient papyrus found in a private collection. It contained only eight lines written in Coptic and, most likely, it was a fragment of the Gospel and it spoke of the wife of Jesus Christ - “Jesus said to them: my wife.” In addition, there is still a lot of indirect evidence that the Savior was married. And this information violates the official version of the Vatican.

Experts know that there are several versions of the Gospel, some of which were destroyed by the clergy. But, having declared information about the personal life of the Savior to be heresy, the church hierarchs could not actually get rid of it. Only four Gospels are recognized as canonical; the rest are not recommended for reading by the Church. The texts of the Gospel of Mary, Thomas and Philip, which became available only recently, became such “rejected” by the Church. And although they were written later than the Gospels of John, Mark, Matthew and Luke, this fact is not a reason to mistrust them.

It should be noted that information about Jesus’ marital status was deliberately not included in the text of the New Testament, so as not to single out any of Christ’s disciples. Nevertheless, the early Christian writers of holy texts repeatedly mentioned the words “wife of Jesus.” Even in the canonical Gospels, attention should be paid to the fact that after the resurrection, the Son of God appeared first to Mary Magdalene. It is unlikely that he could have appeared to a simple woman (even a former harlot who had taken the righteous path) if she had not been a close person to him, and most likely, his wife. If we recall the traditions, an unmarried woman could not be among the disciples of the prophet during his wanderings. One of the “rejected” Gospels of Philip says that Jesus’ disciples were jealous of Mary Magdalene for their teacher. They were especially outraged by the fact that the prophet kissed Mary Magdalene on the lips. If this is so, then it is unlikely that Mary was an ordinary follower of Jesus - a more plausible conclusion suggests itself that she was the wife of a prophet.

There is a description of a certain ceremony that Christ’s disciples observed - Mary Magdalene washed the Savior’s feet and wiped them with her hair. But this, according to ancient traditions, is one of the rituals of the wedding ceremony. Another indirect evidence of the marriage ceremony is the conversation between Jesus and his mother about the lack of wine at the table. It was then that the prophet turned water into wine, which aroused the admiration of the guests: “Every person first serves good wine, and when they get drunk, then the worst; and you have saved good wine until now.”

We also know that Jesus had a positive view of marriage. The Gospel of Luke says: “Have you not read that from the beginning the Creator created male and female? So let a man leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.” By the way, according to ancient Jewish customs, an unmarried man could not become a teacher. The law said: “An unmarried person must not teach others.”

Historians are sure that the ancestors of Jesus are the Hebrew kings David and Solomon - therefore, the inscription on the cross “King of the Jews” on which Jesus was crucified was not a mockery, but a statement of fact. Perhaps the cruelty with which Jesus was treated by his executioners was connected with his right to the throne of Jerusalem. True, there was one problem - for the inhabitants of Jerusalem, although Jesus was of a noble family, for them he was a stranger. Having married Mary Magdalene, who came from these places and was a descendant of a princely family, the prophet and his heirs became a significant political figure in Jerusalem. The Gospels of Thomas and Philip speak of the children of Christ. The widowed Mary Magdalene, after the execution of her husband, hastily left Judea with her children. According to eyewitness accounts, it was she who took with her the Holy Grail (the blood of Jesus), which became the most revered relic of Christianity.

According to some reports, the Jesus family moved to the south of France and lived in one of the Jewish communities. Researchers Henry Lincoln and Richard Ley analyzed many traditions and legends existing in Provence (France). They wrote a most interesting book, “The Sacred Riddle.” In it, the authors refer to the fact that the Holy Grail “surfaced” among the Albigensians (a Christian religious movement in the south of France). In addition, it is in the south of France that there are many cathedrals and churches dedicated to Mary Magdalene.

The family tradition of one of the oldest families in France, the Seigneurs de Trancavel, has been preserved. They descend from the Merovingian dynasty. De Trancavel are confident that the legendary Merovei, who gave his family its name, is a direct descendant of Mary Magdalene and Jesus. All descendants of the Merovingian dynasty wore long hair, had a birthmark in the form of a cross and had a special cut on the head, which was intended for communication with God (Jesus had a similar cut). There are still legends that the Merovingians were endowed with miraculous powers: they knew how to turn water into wine and cure serious illnesses. Interesting fact: one of the descendants of the Merovingians, Godfrey of Bouillon, took part in the crusade against Jerusalem. After entering Jerusalem, when the question arose about his accession to the throne of Jerusalem, he refused, citing the fact that he would not be crowned in the city where Jesus was executed.

Also in 480, the Merovingians saved the Roman Church from the actions of the Visigoths, who were weakening the power of Rome and destroying Christian temples - the fate of Rome hung in the balance. In this situation, the Pope makes an unexpected and far-sighted decision. Knowing the truth about the origins of the Merovingians, he concluded a pact with the descendant of the dynasty, the king of the Franks, Clovis I. Its essence is that Clovis accepts Catholic Christianity, and the Church names him New Constantine and transfers to him control of all the lands of the Roman Empire. Automatically, the Roman Catholic Church acquires the status of the main European Church, and the Merovingian clan acquires the status of emperors of the Holy Roman Empire, which arose from the ruins of old Rome. The Franks accept Christianity. The new Constantine begins the fight against the enemies of Rome. In 507, Clovis finally defeated the Visigoths at the Battle of Vouillet, then liberated Carcassonne and Toulouse. Clovis I died in 511. His empire was divided into four parts among his sons. For more than a century, the Merovingians ruled almost all of Europe. But the Merovingians made a fatal mistake for the dynasty - they ruled with the hands of their administrators-majordomos. For this, the people nicknamed the Merovingians “idler kings” and such a disdainful attitude towards governance processes led to tragedy for the entire dynasty.

A wedge of discord between the Catholic Church and the Merovingians was driven after the treacherous murder of one of the Merovingians, Dagobert II. This descendant of Jesus had a difficult life. At the age of five, he was kidnapped by the majordomo and sent to Ireland. After 15 years, he married the Visigoth princess Gisela (city of Rhazes) and, living surrounded by the Visigoths, he became imbued with ideas denying the role of the Church in communication with God. In 674, Dagobert II takes the throne, according to the law of succession. He had many plans to strengthen his kingdom, but he was treacherously killed while hunting. The killer planned to destroy the king’s entire family, but the ruler’s sister was able to transport the son of King Sigibert IV in time to his mother’s relatives in Rhazes - from then on the boy was called Plante-Ar, which meant “ardent escape.” The Church justified the murder of Dagobert II - and from that moment on, a time of confrontation began between the dynasty of the Jewish kings and the Catholic Church.

In 741, the throne of the Merovingian dynasty was seized by the son of Charles Martel, Pepin the Short. The new ruler named his dynasty in honor of his father - the Carolingians.

But the Merovingians also retained their patrimony - by this time a small independent state had formed around the city of Rhazes, where the descendants of the Merovingian dynasty ruled. The Carolingians recognized this state, and the Church pretended that it knew nothing about the existence of this state. The Church commits a forgery - it publishes a false “Deed of Constantine”, according to which it receives not only all the rights and fortune of the Roman emperor from the Merovingians, but also arrogated to itself the right to appoint kings. Crowned by the church to the throne of the Roman Empire, Pepin the Short understands that he occupies this post illegally, because the throne of the Roman Empire could only be occupied by a descendant from the Merovnig dynasty. In order to somehow veil this betrayal, the Carolingians married Merovingian princesses. It follows from this that all subsequent descendants of the Carolingians, through the female line, also belong to the Merovingians.

In 928, a descendant of the Merovingians, Godefroy of Bouillon, created the Order of Zion. The order's main task is to prove that Jesus did not die on the cross. The Merovingians' goal was to repay the Catholic Church for their betrayal. If the Order of Zion exposes the earthly nature of Jesus, the church will lose its meaning and become unnecessary. The Order of Sion continues to function to this day. It became the source of the most mysterious secrets in the history of mankind. The Merovingians organized a Crusade to liberate the Holy Sepulcher from the Muslims and returned it to the Christians in 1099 - the Kings of Israel, after more than a thousand years, regained their rightful place. Immediately, the Merovingians gave instructions to build a well-fortified abbey of Notre-Dame du Mont-de-Sion on Mount Zion, which became the main base of the Order of Zion. The Merovingian heirs, appreciating the role of Godefroy of Bouillon in returning the dynasty to their homeland, elected him king of Jerusalem, but he refused this honor in favor of his brother Baudouin I.

Another most mysterious branch of human history is the Order of the Poor Knights of Christ (Templars). The Order was founded by the Grand Master of the Order of Sion - Hugo de Payns. It was believed that the Templar Order was founded to help pilgrims traveling along the roads of Palestine. But the Templars did not patrol the Palestinian roads at all, but were searching for Formal Proof for the Order of Zion. And they found him. The Merovingians hide the found Evidence in Rennes-le-Chateau (formerly Rhazes), where all the Merovingian treasures were kept. The Church decides to recognize the Templar Order. The order itself is gaining strength, power and rapidly growing rich. Since 1146, the Merovingian sign appeared on the Templar cloaks - a red cross with forked ends. The time came when the Priory of Sion and the Knights Templar were ruled by the same Grand Master Bertrand de Blanchefort - the organizations merged into one. Bertrand de Blanchefort in 1156 called on German miners who, with the strictest secrecy, built underground storage facilities in abandoned mines. It was under de Blanchefort that the Templar Order became the most powerful organization that intervened in the politics of world states at the highest level. But the luxury and permissiveness of the Templars destroyed the Order. After the death of King Baudouin IV of Jerusalem, the Templars violate the truce with the Muslims and two years later the warriors of Allah enter Jerusalem. The Templars return to France. There is a break between the Order of Zion and the Order of the Temple. A radical restructuring begins in the Order of Sion. They leak information about the Holy Grail in order to divert everyone's attention from the main secret of the Order - the mystery of the crucifixion of Christ.

The entire subsequent history of Europe is filled with attempts by members of the Order of Sion to penetrate the highest echelons of power in all European countries, the return of the descendants of the Merovingians to the throne and the constant rocking of the foundation of the Catholic Church.

But the Church is also taking measures to destroy the Priory of Sion. And a reason was found - the murder of the Pope's legate, Pierre de Castelnau, in 1208. The Albigensian Crusade begins, in which a 30,000-strong army of crusaders participates. This army of ruthless killers destroys everything in its path. “Kill them all. God will sort out his own later!” - the legate of Pope Innocent III gives them parting words. The most famous episode of these times is the capture by the crusaders of the castle of Montsegur, where the main shrine of the Merolings was kept. On the night of March 16, 1243, before the fall of Montségur, four initiates carried the Merolingian treasure out of the castle. The crusaders burned all the remaining defenders of Montsegur at the stake.

King Henry III of Austria threatened the Templars with confiscation of their property and received the answer from them: “As long as you are just, you will reign; but if you violate justice, you will cease to be a king! This impudence did not go unpunished - on October 13, 1307, by order of King Philip the Fair of France, all the Templars were arrested and their found property was confiscated. In 1314, the last Grand Master of the Templars, Jacques de Molay, ascended the fire. However, the mythical treasures of the Templars were never found.

There is a legend that when Saint Remigius baptized Clovis of the Merovingian dynasty, he predicted that the reign of the dynasty would last until the End of the World. It seems that the prediction is coming true - almost all the kings of France were descendants of the Merovingians, as well as the rulers of other countries, for example, the Spanish Bourbons. Some rulers of Russia - Ivan the Terrible and representatives of the Romanov dynasty - are also considered descendants of Clovis.

The mystery of Jesus' descendants will always haunt people's minds. Today we only know a very small part of information about the possible descendants of the Savior. I would like to believe that in time, humanity will become worthy of knowing the truth about Jesus and his family.

What do we know about the famous Merovingian dynasty - the kings of France, whom contemporaries called “long-haired” and even “lazy”? The Merovingians were the first dynasty of Frankish kings, who ruled from the end of the 5th to the mid-8th century a state located in the lands of modern France and Belgium. Their family descended from the rulers of the Salic (sea) Franks. This people was known to the Romans from the middle of the 3rd century AD; its ethnonym translated means “free”. In the 5th century, the Franks were divided into two ethnic groups: the Salic (that is, maritime), who lived closer to the sea, and the Ripuan (that is, river), who lived along the banks of the Rhine. A reminder of that era is the name of the German region of Franconia, which has survived to this day. The unity of the Frankish people was symbolized by the dynasty of their rulers - the Merovingians, who belonged to an ancient royal family. The descendants of this dynasty possessed in the eyes of the Franks a sacred, mysterious power that brought good to the entire people. This was also indicated by one characteristic feature in the appearance of the Merovingians: they wore long hair, and cutting it meant the loss of the ability to carry out a high mission. This distinguished kings from their subjects, who wore short hair.

According to legend, the supernatural abilities of the Merovingians were associated with long hair. This is confirmed by one historical episode: in 754, when the last Merovingian king of the Franks, Childeric III, was imprisoned, his hair was cut off by special order of the Pope. The kings of this dynasty were distinguished by their literacy, which was an outstanding phenomenon against the background of that era of the “Dark Ages”. They could read books written not only in Latin, but also in Greek, Aramaic and Hebrew. But let’s turn to the external outline of events and for this we will return to the era of the reign of the Merovingian dynasty.

It was the 5th century, which became the watershed of two eras - the Ancient World and the Middle Ages. The Roman Empire was divided into two parts - Western and Eastern, or Byzantium. The Western Empire is declining. In 410, the “eternal city” of Rome was conquered and plundered by the Visigoths under the leadership of King Alaric. At this time, the Salic Franks (one of the many Germanic peoples), led by King Chlodion, cross the border river Rhine and invade Roman Gaul.

The Franks (translated as free) were very restless neighbors of the Romans. King Chlodion was succeeded by Merovey. It was to this leader of the Salic Franks, who reigned from 448 to 457, that the Merovingian dynasty owes its family name. Its origin is also covered in legends. It was believed that the ruler was born from a sea monster. Sometimes Merovey himself is called a monster who emerged from the depths of the sea. The legend about his birth is as follows: while pregnant, Merovey's mother, the wife of King Clodio (Chlodion), went to swim in the sea, where she was kidnapped by a sea monster. It was believed that the blood of the Frankish king Chlodion and the sea monster flowed in Merovey's veins. This legend, when viewed rationally, points to an international dynastic marriage. The origin of the king is thus connected with something overseas. Fish, by the way, is also a symbol of Christ.

The ending of the name Merovey (Meroveus) is associated with the words “journey”, “road” and is translated as “from beyond the sea” or “born of the sea”. Another translation of his name is “living creature” or “demon”. Under Merovey's son, King Childeric, the territory of his state began to expand. But his grandson, King Clovis, is even more famous. He became the founder of the powerful Frankish kingdom.

crownfirst crown of the Merovingians

Clovis annexed the north of Gaul to his possessions and expanded the borders of the state to the upper reaches of the Rhine. Around 498, the king was baptized. Unusual circumstances contributed to this. During the battle with the Almandians, when the scales were already tipping in favor of the enemies, Clovis remembered the stories of his wife, Clotilde, about the Christian faith, that Jesus is the Savior, and prayed: “Oh, merciful Jesus! I asked my gods for help, but they turned their backs on me. Now I think that they simply cannot help me. Now I ask you: help me cope with my enemies! I believe you!" As soon as these words were spoken, the Franks went on the offensive and plunged the Almandians into a disorderly flight from the battlefield.

The baptism of Clovis took place in Reims. Since then, all the kings of France were baptized in this city. During the reign of Clovis, the famous medieval code of laws “Salic Truth” was also published. Paris became the capital of the Clovis state. It was with this ruler that the Merovingian period of French history began. The religious policy of the Merovingian kings is of interest. Their state largely preserved paganism. Christianization was not a priority of state policy, and the spread of the Catholic faith was the concern of volunteer missionaries, often not even local, but arrived from neighboring regions of Europe.

In the 5th-7th centuries, these preachers converted pagans living in the center of the vast Merovingian possessions, including in the vicinity of Paris and Orleans, to the faith of Christ. The head of the Catholic Church, the Pope, had virtually no influence in this state. However, the overthrow of this dynasty was not without his sanction. One of the most successful and influential kings of the dynasty was Dagobert, who ruled the Frankish state from 629 to 639. His reign was accompanied by successful military campaigns and culminated in the annexation of new lands to the kingdom. However, after the death of Dagobert, his heirs began to gradually lose power from their hands. Governance of the state increasingly began to pass from them to my lorddoms.

This word comes from the Latin major domus - manager of the palace household. It was the mayors who controlled the income and expenses of the royal court, commanded the guards and were the king's representatives to the Frankish nobility. Since then, the Merovingians have been dubbed "lazy kings." In the middle of the 8th century, Major Pepin the Short decided to become not only actually, but also formally the first person of the country. Pepin gained the support of Pope Zacharias, who anointed him king and proclaimed him king of the Frankish kingdom. In November 751, the last Merovingian king, Childeric III, was shorn and imprisoned in a monastery.

According to legend, the kings of this dynasty knew a lot about occult sciences and esotericism. In the tomb of Childeric I, son of Merovey, father of Clovis, found in 1653 in the Ardennes, in addition to weapons traditional for royal burials, various jewelry and badges, there were also objects related to the field of magic and witchcraft: a severed horse head, a bull's head made of gold , as well as a crystal ball. About three hundred golden bees were also found there. The bee was one of the sacred symbols of the Merovingian dynasty.

Napoleon later used these golden bees of Childeric, wanting to emphasize the historical continuity of his power. In 1804, during his coronation, Napoleon ordered golden bees to be attached to his coronation robe. The kings wore a kind of magic necklace and knew a secret spell that protected them. The discovered skulls of some representatives of this dynasty had ritual incisions similar to those made on the skulls of Buddhist clergy in Tibet.

Merovingian coat of arms

In the distant Himalayas they were made so that at the moment of death the soul could leave the body. Legends have also reached us about the ability of the Merovingians to heal by laying on of hands. Even the brushes hanging from their clothes were used for healing. By the way, putting tassels of wisdom on clothes—tzitzit—is commanded by the Torah to the people of Israel. These kings were often called miracle workers by their followers, and sorcerers by their ill-wishers. They also had the gift of clairvoyance and extrasensory communication, and understood animals and the forces of nature. They knew the secret of longevity, and on the bodies of representatives of the family of kings there was a special sign - a red birthmark in the shape of a cross, located on the heart or between the shoulder blades.

The origins of the royal family are shrouded in mystery. A medieval legend says that the kings of the Franks trace their ancient lineage back to the Trojans, heroes of Homer's<Илиады», прибывших в древние времена на земли Галлии. Хроники Средних веков называют предками Меровингов последнего царя Трои Приама или героя Троянской войны, царя-путешественника Энея. Бытует и другое мнение — не о греческих, а об иудейских корнях франкских королей. Согласно этой версии потомки иудейских царей после разрушения римлянами Иерусалима и Второго Храма в 70 году нашей эры «нашли приют в землях франков, где положили начало династии королей Меровингов.

The dynasty allegedly descends from the descendants of the tribe of Benjamin, from which the first Jewish king, Shaul, was once chosen. Indeed, in the Merovingian family there were Old Testament names, for example, the brother of King Clothar II was called Samson. If we pay attention to the biblical Samson, an ancient Israelite judge, he also wore long hair because he was a Nazirite. And the collection of laws adopted by King Clovis, the Salic Truth, has parallels with traditional Jewish legislation.

There is also an opinion that the mystery of the Grail is connected with the Merovingian dynasty: after all, the word “Grail” is consonant with the words “sang raal” or “sang royal”, which means “royal blood”. The legend calls the son of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene the “Grail”, “royal blood”. Supporters of this version provide evidence that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were husband and wife. The disciples address Jesus as “rabbi,” meaning teacher, and rabbis, teachers of the law, were required by Jewish law to be married.

The descendants of King David were to become the parents of at least two sons. For a resident of the Holy Land of those times, the meaning of Mary Magdalene’s actions described in the Gospel of John (11:2) was quite clear: “And Mary... was the one who anointed the Lord with ointment and wiped His feet with her hair.” Only the bride of a descendant of the royal family of David could do this. In the Old Testament, both David and Solomon had their brides anoint their heads with ointment and wipe their feet with their hair. In the Gospel of Philip, which has apocryphal status, the version that Jesus was married is stated even more clearly: “And Mary Magdalene was Jesus’ faithful friend. And Christ loved her more than the rest of His disciples, and kissed her more than once on her mouth. The rest of the disciples, offended by this, condemned Him. They said to Him: Why do You welcome her more than us? The Savior answered them and said this: why don’t I love her more than you? Great is the mystery of marriage, for without it there would be no world.” Further, according to this version, after the execution and resurrection of Jesus, Mary and her children fled to the then Roman province of Gaul, where she died in 63 AD. The grave of Mary Magdalene is located in the south of modern France, in the vicinity of the town of Saint-Baume.

Supporters of this point of view attribute the later idea of ​​Mary Magdalene as a harlot to the machinations of ill-wishers: after the overthrow of the Merovingian dynasty, theologians of the Roman Church began to identify her with the harlot mentioned in the Gospels. In the 5th century, the descendants of Jesus became related to the Merovingians. And Merovei, according to these legends, was a descendant of Christ. A significant number of cathedrals erected under the Merovingians in their kingdom were named after Mary Magdalene. At the same time, in lands where the position of the Pope was strong, churches were not named in honor of this saint. When the dynasty fell and power passed to the Carolingians, the new Frankish ruling dynasty brought to power by Pepin the Short, many of these cathedrals were renamed. It is also known that the Merovingians called themselves “desposini” (“from the Lord”).

A direct descendant of Merovey was Godfrey of Bouillon, one of the leaders of the First Crusade, ruler of Jerusalem. Going on a campaign of conquest against Jerusalem, he thus regained the “legitimate inheritance” of the descendant of Jesus. Godfrey of Bouillon himself claimed that he came from the tribe of Benjamin, the youngest son of Jacob, who, during the division of the land of Israel between the tribes (these events are described in the Bible), received Jerusalem. Also, some researchers name one of the descendants of Merovey as Hugo of Champagne, Count of Champagne, who in 1125 renounced his title in order to go to Jerusalem and join the Templar Order there.

Naturally, the existence of the descendants of the Merovingians was carefully hidden by ecclesiastical and secular authorities. In the early Middle Ages, the Merovingian dynasty controlled most of Western Europe. The descendants of the Merovingians, knowing about their origin from Jesus, kept it secret for the time being, because they were afraid of reprisals against themselves from the Catholic Church, whose dogmas in this case would be destroyed. Moreover, there was a sad experience of reprisals against members of the dynasty - the Frankish king from the Merovingian dynasty, Dagobert II, who ruled in the 7th century, was treacherously killed as a result of a conspiracy of clergy and part of the nobility. This king opposed the expansion of the influence of the Roman throne.

The Merovingians were going to announce their true origins after establishing their power, and they sought to recreate an updated version of the Frankish kingdom in the form of a united Europe. The announcement of the fact that a united Europe was ruled by the descendants of Christ was supposed to instill religious enthusiasm among Europeans and lead to a religious renaissance, as happened in Iran with the coming to power of Ayatollah Khomeini in 1979.

One of the many legends surrounding the Merovingian dynasty states that Saint Remigius, who baptized King Clovis into the Christian religion, predicted that the power of his dynasty would last until the end of the world. As is known, the overthrow of the dynasty occurred in 751, but this does not mean that the prediction did not come true. According to one of the female lines, the descendants of the Merovingians are the Carolingians - the dynasty that replaced them on the royal throne. The Carolingian dynasty was related to another dynasty - the Capetians. The descendants of Clovis, therefore, were almost all the kings of France, including the Bourbons. As you know, the Bourbon dynasty currently rules the Kingdom of Spain.

The dynastic ties of the Merovingians with the Scottish royal dynasty of Stuarts can also be traced. Thus, in the history of the Merovingian dynasty, past and present, the history of Ancient Israel and medieval Europe, legends and traditions, mysticism and reality are intertwined.

Oksana GOR “IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF MARY MAGDALENE” Where are the descendants of Jesus and Mary hiding? – St. Petersburg: Vector, 2007. – 188 p. Circulation 3000 copies.

After the publication of Dan Brown's book, the imitators are endless. So Oksana Gore’s book is dedicated to the history of the descendants of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene - the Merovingians.

The writer calls Jesus Christ an unnamed god, for Jesus – Yeshue – translated means “savior”, “healer”, and “doctor”. The word “Christ” translated from Greek means “anointed, initiated,” and in a special ancient sense - and in a special ancient sense - initiated into the secrets of occult knowledge. If we translate the word “Christ” into ancient Aramaic, we get the word “Nazarite”: Nzr is dedication, sanctification, as well as crowning with a high priestly crown. Incorrectly translated texts about him give a wrong idea about the social status of Christ. In the Evangelist Mark we read: “Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary?”
Mark’s “colleague,” known to us as Matthew, copying from Mark and apparently feeling awkward, changes the text: “...is not this the son of carpenters? Isn’t his mother called Mary?”

Famous theologian M.M. Postnikov notes in his works that Mark used the word “tekton”, which at that distant time meant “architect”, that is, a scientist-architect, and perhaps, in a figurative sense, a scientist in general. The fact is that the narrow clan of architects of that era was a semi-secret, closed organization with complex initiation rites. In later times, the heirs of this organization were the Masonic lodges. (Let me remind you that “Mason” means “mason”).

The information about the Priory of Sion is interesting. It was this organization that had a hand in the destruction of the Grail and Merovingian researcher Otto Rahn. They say that it was the Priory of Sion that carried out the merger of European states, creating the European Union and a single currency - the euro.
In the “Younger Edda” it is written: “...Siga had a son Rerir. They ruled the country that is now called the Country of the Franks, and from there originated a family called the Welsungs. From all of them came many great families.”

The Master of the Order of the Apostles over the Apostles, who allegedly talked with Oksana Gore, revealed to her that Sigi was Sigibert IV, the son of the murdered Dagobert, the last Merovingian. The rest of the Merovingians were forcibly shorn, that is, deprived of the ancestral magical symbol - long hair - and sent to monasteries, where they soon died. And the true Merovingians go to the East and create a new Frankia. So who is Rerir? In Oksana Gor's interpretation, this is the founder of Rus', Rurik. Rurik is one of the family names of the Merovingians who went to the East. The House of Ruargues, descendants of Clovis the Great's grandson Thierry II - they would later be called the Counts of Limoges.

Do you know what the Varangians who came to Rus' were actually called in those distant times? And they called them “mer-ing” or “coming by sea.” Otherwise - Merovingian. The chronicler Continuer Theophanes calls the Prophetic Oleg “the Duke of Franconia.”

But we should not forget that there is the so-called Pisonian theory, which tries to present the emergence of Christianity as a major political intrigue. The instrument of intrigue was supposedly simply a grandiose hoax, carried out in the second half of the 1st and first half of the 2nd century AD. The essence of the theory boils down to the assertion that all the canonical books of the New Testament were written by four generations of the Roman aristocratic family of Pisons between 50 and 125 AD. This family is well known to historians of Rome. It was closely related to the Macedonian king Philip (father of Alexander the Great), Julius Caesar, Mark Antony, Cleopatra, Emperor Vespasian, and some emperors from the Antony dynasty. They were familiar with eastern cults firsthand (because they had been governors of Syria, to which Judea was administratively subordinate). The tasks of Piso and Rome were to create a new religion, the religion of slaves, who made up almost 60% of the empire's population. This religion was supposed to become pacifist and not challenge the dominance of Rome.

How right is Oksana Gor in her hypotheses? How true are the assumptions about the “handmade” nature of Christianity and the role of the Pison family in this “super-project”?

It's difficult to answer...
Establishing the truth is always difficult.

Professor at Harvard Divinity School Karen King I found a mention in the text about wife Jesus Christ on a Coptic papyrus dating from the 4th century AD. She spoke about this in a report at the 10th International Congress of Coptic Studies in Rome, The Harvard Gazette reported on September 18.
"Jesus said to them, 'My wife'", says the fragment. The papyrus measures approximately 3.5 by 7.5 centimeters and belongs to a private collector. On one side it contains eight incomplete lines written by hand, and on the other side only three words and individual characters are preserved. The origin of the fragment is unknown, but based on the fact that the inscriptions on it were made in Coptic (the language of early Christians in Egypt), scientists suggest that the papyrus was found in Egypt.

On one side of the papyrus, the researcher found eight incomplete lines of text. The reverse side of the fragment was badly damaged, and due to faded ink, even after scanning with an infrared ray, only three words and a few individual letters could be distinguished on it. Despite the modest size of the find, the Harvard expert believes that the papyrus sheds long-awaited light on issues of family and marriage among ancient Christians. Karen King plans to publish her research in the January issue of the Harvard Theological Review. A draft of her work, along with images and a translation of the new fragment, is available on the website Harvard Divinity School.

Scientists' Find Shows Jesus Was Married

MAria Magdalene is one of the most mysterious personalities of the Gospel. People got their idea of ​​her mainly from paintings on biblical themes. They usually depict a half-naked, repentant sinner with beautiful long hair, with which, according to the New Testament, she wiped the feet of Jesus.

Ancient materials. The Mystery of Mary Magdalene

“The Complete Orthodox Theological Encyclopedic Dictionary” provides very brief information about her: “—myrrh-bearing wife, originally from the city of Magdala. She led a dissolute life, and I. Christ, with his preaching, returned her to a new life and made her his most devoted follower. After the resurrection, I. Christ appeared to her before others.”

It turns out that he preferred a former harlot, who, in accordance with the strict Jewish laws he observed, had to be stoned to death. This strange predilection of the Savior for Mary Magdalene forced many scientists who studied the Bible and looked for evidence of the events that happened in history to take a closer look at this woman.

A detailed presentation of one of the hypotheses explaining the role of this mysterious figure in the New Testament is contained in the book by M. Baigent, R. Ley, G. Lincoln "Sacred Riddle". According to these researchers, the special relationship of Jesus Christ to Mary of Magdala can be explained very simply: she was... his wife. This version is confirmed by individual episodes described in the Bible, as well as existing Hebrew traditions and some Gnostic Gospels.

An expert on early Christianity, Professor Geza Vermes of the University of Oxford, writes: “The Gospels remain completely silent regarding the marital status of Jesus... This is a situation unusual in the Hebrew world, which deserves special study. After all, it is known from the Gospel that many of Jesus’ disciples, for example, Peter, were married, and Jesus himself does not praise celibacy (celibacy). “Have you not read that the Creator created man and woman from the very beginning? ... So let a man leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh,” he declares in chapter XIX of Luke. According to ancient Jewish tradition, marriage was mandatory for every man. Moreover, celibacy was condemned by society. One late 1st century Jewish writer even equates it to murder.

People were especially strict towards the “rabbi” - a person who chose the path of religious education, and it was precisely this path that Christ followed. Jewish law stated this most categorically: “An unmarried person cannot pretend to teach others.”

One piece of evidence for the theory that Jesus was married is the description in the Gospel of John of a wedding in Cana in Galilee, which was attended by Jesus and his mother. At this time, Christ had not yet preached a new faith or performed miracles.

As you know, at some point it was discovered that the wine at the wedding had run out. And here, unexpectedly, the mother of Jesus takes on the functions of a housewife: “And since there was not enough wine, the Mother of Jesus says to Him: “They have no wine,” and gives the order to the servants: “Whatever He tells you, do it.” Jesus fulfills his mother's wish and turns the water into wine. Although, if they were only guests at the wedding, then it is not their concern to monitor how wine and food are served.

Jesus' intervention becomes easily understandable (and even necessary) in only one case: when it comes to his own wedding. This interpretation of the episode is confirmed by the words of the “master of the table” addressed to the groom: “... every person first serves good wine, and when they get drunk, then the worst; and you have saved good wine until now.” And these words clearly refer to Jesus, who performed his first miracle in front of everyone.

According to the Gospel, researchers also establish the identity of Jesus’ wife. She was, whose role in the life of Christ seems deliberately obscured. As already mentioned, after the Resurrection, Jesus first appeared to her, which emphasizes her special significance in the life of Christ. And among the evangelists Mark and Matthew, Mary appears under her own name among the disciples of Jesus only at the moment of his crucifixion. The Evangelist Luke mentions it much earlier. Having met Jesus in Galilee, Mary accompanies him to Judea. But in those days it was simply unthinkable for an unmarried woman to travel alone on the roads of Palestine. Even less likely was her presence surrounded by a rabbi. Therefore, Mary Magdalene must have been married to one of the disciples or to Jesus himself.

Researchers find confirmation of this latter assumption in the Gnostic Gospels, written by the first Christians and not included in the New Testament. For example, the Gospel of Philip testifies that Jesus’ disciples were very jealous of the fact that he only kissed Mary Magdalene on the lips. Peter was especially indignant and even became her implacable enemy because of this. It was the special attitude of Christ towards Mary Magdalene, as mentioned in the Gnostic Gospels, that served as the reason for the non-inclusion of these books in the Christian canon. Mary’s privileged position is also emphasized in the works of the first Christian writers, who called her “the wife of Christ.”

According to the authors of the book “The Sacred Riddle,” first the bride of Christ, and then his wife, was Mary Magdalene. They consider the veneration of Mary in the south of France to be another confirmation of their version. Churches and cathedrals were built in her honor. “All tourists know,” the researchers write in their book, “that Chartres Cathedral was dedicated to “Notre Dame” (in French - “our lady, our mistress, mistress”). It is usually translated as an address to Mary, the mother of Jesus, the Virgin Mary. The Great Cathedral of Paris is also dedicated to "Notre Dame". But in this case, in the south of France, Mary Magdalene is venerated, and not the Mother of God.

It turns out that most of the churches in Paris and its surroundings are sanctuaries of none other than Mary Magdalene. This fact became of interest to historians when they learned that many of these churches contained a statue of a woman with a child, usually represented as Mary with the child Jesus. However, it is possible that during the construction of these buildings, behind the obvious Christian cult, another - heretical - was hidden. There is reason to believe that Chartres Cathedral was secretly dedicated to Mary Magdalene, the supposed wife of Christ."

In the south of France, legends about the Grail, the sacred cup in which the blood of Christ crucified on the cross was collected, also arose. Mary Magdalene held the cup in her hands. Not only in the south of France, but also in Russia, there were legends about the special role of this woman in the life and death of Christ, sometimes reflected in icons.

The Tbilisi National Museum houses the precious Byzantine enamel of the Crucifixion. Experts attribute it to the 10th-11th centuries. There is a version that this image is an analogue of the enamel that adorned the Throne of Constantinople. The main thing in its plot is a female figure with a cup into which the blood of Christ is poured. On the left hand of the crucifix is ​​a woman dressed like a woman with a cup. Thus, the author of the work persistently suggests that this woman is depicted at different points in time. Who is she who collected the blood of the Savior into the Holy Grail and took it away from Golgotha? A specialist in Russian icon painting, N. Kandakov, believes that Mary Magdalene is depicted on the Tbilisi enamel of the Crucifixion of Christ.

There is another very important question that the authors of the book “The Sacred Riddle” are trying to answer: “If the marriage of Jesus with Mary Magdalene was concluded, then what was its purpose? Or more precisely, were dynastic marriages and political interests hidden behind it? »

The Gospel of Matthew establishes Jesus' descent from Kings David and Solomon. In this case, he turns out to be the only legal contender for the throne of Palestine. Therefore, the inscription “King of the Jews” placed on the cross is not a mockery of it, but a statement of a real fact. And proof of this is the famous “slaughter of the infants” carried out by Herod. He was mortally afraid of the appearance of a legitimate contender for the throne and was ready to go to any extreme to get rid of him.

But what connection is there between the fact that Jesus is the rightful king of Judea and the necessity of his marriage with Mary Magdalene? At the very beginning of the appearance of Jews in Palestine, the holy city of Jerusalem belonged to the tribe of Benjamin. But his enmity with the other tribes of Israel led to the fact that the tribe was forced to go into exile and power passed to representatives of the tribe of Judah. True, as the “documents of the Community” testify, many representatives of the tribe did not dare to leave their homeland.

Jesus, who belonged to the descendants of David, was a legitimate contender in the eyes of the tribe of Judah, but in the eyes of the remnants of the tribe of Benjamin who lived in this area, he was a usurper. The situation could change after his marriage to a woman from the tribe of Benjamin. There is no information in the Gospel about which tribe Mary Magdalene belonged to, but, according to some legends, she came from the royal dynasty of the tribe of Benjamin. Therefore, in this case, an alliance of two previously hostile dynasties could arise, which would have serious political consequences. Israel would have received a priest-king, Jerusalem would have returned to its rightful owners, national unity would have been strengthened, and Jesus' claim to the throne would have been reaffirmed.

About the opinion of the book's authors "Sacred Riddle", the fact of the existence of the Jesus family was inconvenient and even dangerous for the development of Christianity. This may explain the consistent and purposeful selection of information contained in the Gospels placed in the New Testament. In addition to the four canonical Gospels, there were others. A special place is occupied by the Gospels of Thomas and Philip, which suggest that there were direct descendants of Jesus.

Jesus' wife Mary Magdalene and his children left the Holy Land and took refuge in Gaul, in the south of modern France, in the Jewish community. An indirect confirmation of this is the veneration of Mary Magdalene that has survived to this day, including the construction of churches dedicated to her, as has already been mentioned. Thus, the direct descendants of Jesus took root in Gaul - the royal blood of David, transmitted by Christ to his descendants, ended up in southern France.

The legends about this were kept in the strictest secrecy for almost four hundred years. In the 5th century, the descendants of Jesus merged with the Franks to give birth to the Merovingian dynasty. These kings, according to legend, had the ability to heal people from the most terrible diseases by simply laying on hands, as Christ did. Duke Godefroy of Bouillon, one of the inspirers of the Crusade, who conquered the Holy Land from the Saracens, was descended from Jesus, and his capture of Jerusalem in 1099 was something more than just a victory over the infidels. It was a war for the reconquest of the sacred inheritance, which should have rightfully belonged to the Duke's ancestor Jesus.

There is another very important fact that indirectly confirms the arrival of Mary Magdalene to southern France. Together with her, one of the main Christian shrines arrived in Europe -. There are many legends about where this bowl is located.

One of the most popular legends connects with the Albigensians - followers of the heretical teaching that swept the south of France at the turn of the 12th-13th centuries. It was here, according to the authors of the book “The Sacred Mystery,” that the Jewish community was located at the beginning of the first millennium, in which it found refuge. The Grail, which was their great relic, was kept in the impregnable Albigensian fortress of Montsegur. In 1209, the Pope declared a crusade against the Albigenses. During 35 years of continuous wars, the richest provinces of France were completely devastated, thousands of people were executed, but did not abandon their religion. In 1244, the last stronghold of the Albigensians, Montsegur, fell. But the holy relic did not go to the crusaders. On the night before the surrender of the fortress, four “initiates” fled through a complex system of underground passages and took with them the Holy Grail.

About the Saint Grail remembered in the 30s in Nazi Germany. Otto Rahn, one of the developers of the theory of the existence of the Nordic race, visited the ruins of Montsegur, examined the area surrounding the fortress and visited some of the many natural caves where, in his opinion, the Holy Grail was hidden. In 1937, he organized an expedition, and, according to rumors, he managed to obtain information confirming that the Grail was located here.

Otto Rahn failed to send his next expedition: the scientist disappeared without a trace. In 1943, when Germany was already suffering an obvious defeat, a huge expedition organized by the Ahnenerbe society, part of the SS structure, arrived in Montsegur. Until the spring of 1944, the participants of the campaign conducted intensive searches in the caves under and around the fortress. In some newspapers after the end of the war there were reports that Holy Grail

The formation of Christianity took many centuries after the preaching of Christ from Nazareth and his martyrdom on the cross. At first, Christian communities were too busy surviving to think seriously about the nuances of their faith. But as the church occupied a legal and then a dominant position in society, the problem of a single canonical teaching for all Christians became more and more pressing. And of great importance in this single teaching was the question of who, in fact, Jesus himself was
Man or God?
Throughout the 4th-6th centuries there were endless disputes, which are called Christological. During them, priests and bishops tried to agree on who to consider the Savior - God, man or the God-man. But in the latter case, what nature is more important in it, Divine or human. It is extremely difficult to retell these theological intricacies. Moreover, Christians were never able to come to any single opinion. To this day, Catholics and Orthodox Christians have different views on the nature of Christ. And some other Eastern churches adhere to their own original interpretations.
But this was not all that needed to be agreed upon. After all, there were many people around Christ, many of whom he was related to. It was necessary to understand whether Divine grace somehow extends to them, and if it does, then how and to whom exactly... And in general, can the God-man have earthly relatives?!
Here it must be said that the favorite pastime of medieval people was compiling genealogies. After all, what kind of rights and property he could claim directly depended on what kind of family a person came from. The older the family, the more respect, privileges and opportunities. The more noble the relatives and ancestors, the stronger the authority.
Of course, there were also those who hastened to write down in their genealogy certain names from the main book of medieval Europe - the Bible. At one time, for example, a theory was seriously developed according to which only a person whose family descended from one of the biblical patriarchs could be a king. True, they soon realized that it would turn out that all the crowned heads were Jews, the attitude towards whom was already extremely ambiguous. The royal genealogies were urgently rewritten, removing the ancient Jewish roots.
However, from time to time there were impudent people who calmly listed Jesus Christ himself as their distant ancestors. When they were asked where such data came from and where the Savior even had children, they began to refer to some obscure treatises or apocrypha (versions of the Gospels not recognized by the church), of which there have always been a huge number. The situation with the relatives and descendants of Jesus threatened to develop into complete anarchy. The Church had to build a coherent and consistent system that everyone would accept once and for all. And this turned out to be a difficult task.
Secrets of genealogy
Jesus, as expected, was given a beautiful genealogy, according to which, in full accordance with Old Testament prophecies, he descended in a direct line from King David. But a serious problem immediately became clear: the evangelists Matthew and Luke listed the Savior’s ancestors in completely different ways. Even the number of generations did not match. Hundreds of theologians, both in the West and in the East, struggled with how to bring them together. Various versions of the origin of the husband of the Holy Virgin Joseph were put forward, citing translator errors...
Already in quite late times, around the 16th century, a version arose among Protestants that these were two different genealogies. One refers to Joseph and the other to the Virgin Mary. It so happened that the spouses came from the same family, which guaranteed the fulfillment of the prophecy, but they were distantly related so that this did not interfere with the marriage. However, neither the Catholic, nor the Orthodox, nor even the Anglican Church recognized this version.
They approached the origin and family ties of the Mother of God more carefully, because a lot depended on this. Mary was considered the daughter of Saint Anne and Saint Joachim (this was not mentioned in the main Gospels, and we had to rely on the apocrypha). Based on this, John the Baptist (or Baptist) turned out to be Christ’s second cousin, like the author of the Apocalypse John the Theologian. In total, Jesus had about two dozen relatives in this scheme, but all of them were distant enough that this did not appear to be an encroachment on the concept of God-humanity.
However, there were much more serious problems. These are the “brothers of the Lord” mentioned in the Gospels. They were named (Simeon, Judah, Jacob and Josiah), so it was impossible to simply ignore their existence. However, the idea that the Virgin Mary, after the immaculate conception, could give birth to several children naturally did not suit the church fathers much. Although some communities easily accepted this concept, reasoning that, having fulfilled her mission, Mary had the right to live an ordinary human life.
However, the largest churches, Catholic and Orthodox, rejected this version. According to the Orthodox, the so-called “brothers of the Lord” are the children of Joseph the Betrothed, born from Saint Joachim (mainly his first wife, before his marriage to Mary. It is believed that he had four sons and two daughters. Catholics believe that this cousins, however, did not come to a consensus on which side - father or mother.
Immaculate Conception
Many copies were broken around the Virgin Mary herself. For example, Bishop Nestorius, a popular theologian from Antioch in the 5th century, insisted that she should not be called the Mother of God. After all, a human being cannot give birth to God, just as the lesser cannot contain the greater.
According to Nestorius, Mary was only the Mother of Christ, and everything Divine was breathed into the baby directly by God the Father. Nestorius's teaching was eventually condemned, although it was not the most radical. He at least recognized the Divinity of Christ from the moment of conception. And a whole galaxy of early Christian preachers, united under the name adoptionists, argued that Christ was adopted by God only after baptism by John the Baptist. And before that he was the most ordinary person, born of an ordinary woman, Maria.
One way or another, gradually the dogmas about the Immaculate Conception of Christ and the holiness of the Mother of God were formulated and proclaimed by all the major churches. True, this was not enough for Catholics, and they added the dogma of the Immaculate Conception and the Virgin Mary herself. Her mother, Saint Anne, was married for 50 years and was barren. Then an angel appeared to her and her husband and announced an impending miracle. Soon they had a daughter, Mary, who was born in the usual way, but did not have the original sin that lies with all the descendants of Adam and Eve.
It is interesting that until the 17th century, the Catholic Church condemned and prohibited all such stories. Then she stopped prohibiting it. And in the 19th century, Pope Pius IX approved the dogma, and those books that denied it began to be banned. At the same time, there was a slight discord within the church - it was officially believed that Mary was conceived, albeit after the angel’s message, but in the most ordinary way, like all people. But the doctrine of the Franciscan Order insisted that the conception was unusual and sinless. It allegedly happened as a result of a simple hug between the spouses. Well, the Orthodox Church, from the very beginning, denied such views, and continues to insist that, despite all the merits of the Virgin Mary, she still had original sin.
Who created the Priory of Sion?
Discussions that had died out that the Savior was married and left offspring flared up with renewed vigor in the 20th century. Perhaps the most famous work on this topic is the book “The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail,” published in 1982. She was far from the first, but she presented the material most consistently and fully. And besides, it was this work that stimulated the imagination of the fiction writer Dan Brown and Hollywood filmmakers, who brought sensational assumptions to the general public. By the way, the authors of “Holy Blood...” even tried to sue Brown, but lost.
According to the authors of “The Holy Blood...” and their supporters, the wife of Jesus Christ was Mary Magdalene. The episodes when Mary Magdalene washes Jesus' feet and wipes them with her own hair, as well as the famous miracle in Cana of Galilee, when water turned into wine, are interpreted as a description of the marriage ceremony. They also argue that an unmarried man in Ancient Judea simply could not be perceived as a teacher.
This marriage allegedly left children who later founded the first dynasty of Frankish kings - the Merovingians. Kings from this dynasty ruled large parts of Europe until the 8th century, when power passed to the Carolingians. However, supporters of the version about the descendants of Christ argue that in fact, the same “holy blood” flowed in the veins of the Carolingians. And then - in the veins of the Habsburgs and other great dynasties (including the Russian Romanovs). Thus, power over the Old World was held in the hands of the descendants of the Savior. Well, the notorious Holy Grail is not a cup at all, but the womb of Mary, from which emerged the great dynasty of Christ’s descendants.
The protection of this sacred power was carried out by a mysterious organization called the Priory of Sion, created back in the 11th century by the leader of the First Crusade, Godfrey of Bouillon (who, by the way, was actually related to the Merovingians through the female line). Then the Templar Order separated from the Priory, but the organization continued to continuously fulfill its duty until the present day. Moreover, its masters included such people as Leonardo da Vinci, Isaac Newton, Victor Hugo and Jean Cocteau.
The most interesting thing is that the Priory of Sion is a real organization. But it was created not in the 11th century, but in 1956. It was founded by the notorious French adventurer and hoaxer Pierre Plantard. He actually claimed to be a direct descendant of the Merovingians and at the same time as this "great monarch" predicted by Nostradamus.
Plantard read and praised the book “The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail,” but emphasized that he never claimed any relationship with Jesus Christ, and the authors’ theses seem dubious to him. Still would! After all, as sources for their “investigation” they used several fake pseudo-medieval documents produced by Plantard!
Wife and student
A new surge of interest in the topic of the possible marriage of Jesus occurred recently when a report under the modest title “Fragment of the New Coptic Gospel” was read at an international congress. We were talking about a manuscript that had been known since the 1980s, but was carefully studied and fully translated only in 2010.
In the text of eight lines in the Said dialect of the Coptic language, scientists were able to make out only fragments of phrases. But what kind! The following fragment caused the greatest furor: “Jesus said to them: “My wife...” The text also mentions the mother of Jesus and another Mary, about whom it is said: “... may be my disciple.” True, it is not entirely clear whether Christ or someone else is saying this.
Scientists evaluate the results obtained very carefully. Judging by the handwriting, the papyrus entry was made in the 4th century. The text was clearly written somewhere a century and a half after the life of Jesus. So even if all the phrases are read correctly, they only mean that some communities of early Christians may have believed that Christ had a wife and wrote texts about it. After all, the moment when a unified doctrine would be created was still far away.
Nevertheless, the papyrus, which was instantly dubbed the “Gospel of the Wife of Jesus,” created a real sensation. Tests carried out in 2014 showed that the ink on it was clearly ancient and was not made in modern times. But already in 2016, information appeared that, after all, the scandalous “Gospel...” could turn out to be a high-quality fake. But who could have done it? And most importantly - why? Perhaps someone really knows the truth about Christ's family secrets and is trying to communicate it in such an extravagant way? Or vice versa - a prudent businessman is stirring up interest before the release of the next sensational blockbuster?
Magazine: Mysteries of History No. 52, Victor Banev
