The procedure for filling out a waybill for a non-public bus (download form). Waybill

A waybill is a document that takes into account the driver’s work, as well as the mileage and route of the vehicle. Drivers must receive waybills every day, because they are necessary for accounting organizations, tax inspectors.

With the help of these documents, fuel costs are recorded and deductions from the tax base. The essence of the waybill is to reduce the amount of tax contributions.

Definition of this type of transport

The use of buses by an organization can be for general purposes - urban and intercity routes, or non-public use, that is, for the purpose of delivering employees to their place of work or for other transit. Take into account the operation of the specified vehicle according to bus route sheet for non-public use.

Application of waybills for buses with non-public use helps to take into account the work of transport transporting people, together with the activities of the driver. The issuance of this document must comply with all points and be carried out with the greatest responsibility.

It is an important primary document that must be signed by the driver upon receipt. The driver receives the next waybill only if he passes the previous one. At the same time, he must have time to submit it before the end of the current day or shift, otherwise the document loses its relevance. Details in the waybill for non-public buses are filled in in accordance with the form and rules approved by law.

Regulatory acts

According to Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia No. 152 in 2018, the name of waybills must indicate the types of transport for which they are issued. For example, tram, bus, car and other means. IN title The numbers of these documents are noted in sequential chronology, according to the established order accepted by the owner of the car. Including eliminated the need to put a stamp or seal of the car owner. Thus, now the procedure for issuing a waybill has become simple and takes much less time.

When filling out this document, you must not forget to indicate the time and date when the technical inspection was carried out before the flight, including ground urban electric transport. The controller conducting the inspection must sign and indicate his last name with initials.

Standard form and filling requirements

Businesses most often need non-public use buses to transport employees to their workplaces or other infrequent cargo transportation. To take into account the listed activities in balance sheet, use special form No. 6.

This form makes it possible to calculate the amount of remuneration for an employee driving a bus of this type, as well as determine additional costs associated with this activity. Dispatchers and other responsible persons preparing waybills must have formalized own powers, giving them the right to maintain documentation of this purpose.

Form No. 6 in accounting is used when filling out transit by bus. Special form No. 6 differs mainly from the regular sixth form in the following signs:

  1. The purpose of form No. 6 is to move buses around the city and suburbs, and special No. 6 is to transport working personnel as needed and during periodic movements of goods.
  2. The period during which documents in special form No. 6 are valid: until the end of the working day or the driver’s change, and according to the usual period of their relevance sometimes is several or more days.
  3. The volumes of transportation performed according to Form No. 6, as a rule, are without restrictions, when according to a special one - requests from two or even one customer.

The waybill for buses with non-general use, issued according to a special 6 form, must have two sheets, that is, one page where the front and back sides are filled out.

The facial turnover consists of the following data:

  • numbers and dates when the waybill was issued;
  • details of the company that owns the bus;
  • make of the vehicle, including its license plate number;
  • last name, first name, patronymic of the driver and his license details;
  • numbers and dates of issue of the license card;
  • about the driver’s work activity;
  • driving assignment;
  • volume and consumption of gasoline;
  • personal data of dispatchers and mechanics.

The back page contains information about:

  • travel route, which is drawn up by the customer;
  • downtime in parking lots;
  • the results of the work of buses filled by responsible persons during the check of the waybill;
  • wages driver

In addition, this document must have presence of a tear-off coupon owned by the customer. Filling out the mandatory fields of the waybills is the main requirement; all other fields are completed if necessary. When issued to drivers, they must be marked stamp, seal and date of issue. Only an organization that owns a bus for non-public use has the right to provide certificates for certain transportations.

In the section on special notes of the document, responsible employees enter information. This may include data about changes occurring that diverge from the line about the task to the driver. With the help of tear-off coupons of waybills, based on their recording, invoices are subsequently issued to customers.

Is it necessary for an individual entrepreneur?

Mandatory filling out a waybill for a bus is required by law only specialized transport companies performing transportation, in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 6 of the Charter on Road Transport, including urban ground electric transport.

Based on this, owners who own buses that are classified as non-public use, together with individual entrepreneurs execution of relevant documents is not mandatory.

But there is a number of reasons, when it is meant to fill out waybills for these persons:

  • it is necessary to write off fuels and lubricants as expenses in order to reduce the profit base or tax under the simplified taxation system;
  • if there are hired drivers on staff, and their wages are calculated based on the information on the waybill;
  • The presence of a waybill for the driver driving the bus is provided for by the requirements of the traffic rules.

Consequently, often transport organizations that have the status of an individual enterprise use bus waybills in their activities.

As for the form of these documents used by individual entrepreneurs, the legislative norms on this issue do not prescribe a clear solution. However, according to current Order No. 152, the optimal form will correspond to special form No. 6. With its help, you can perform any of the tasks listed above and correctly issue waybills for buses.

So, the most important purpose of the documents, which take into account the driver’s employment, the route of the car or bus, and its mileage, is to control the work of the person driving the vehicle, along with taking into account its depreciation.

A waybill for a non-public bus is required to be filled out by an organization operating a bus for transporting passengers outside regular city or suburban routes.

For these purposes, standard form No. 6 (special), approved on November 28, 1997 by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia No. 78, is used.

The waybill is the main document that allows you to record the operation of a non-public bus. The document is issued for one shift or one working day. Required condition is to issue a waybill to fulfill the order of only one organization.

Sample form filling

The dispatcher writes out a bus waybill in a single copy, putting in it the registration number and information about the driver and the bus, as well as the name and address of the organization that owns the specified vehicle. In addition, the waybill issued to the driver must contain a stamp and seal of the organization.

Responsible for filling

Responsibility for drawing up the waybill lies with the head of the company and those involved in the operation of the vehicle. The specified persons (dispatcher, mechanic, taxi driver) fill out the relevant sections of the waybill, certifying the entered information with a personal signature. The bus driver does not participate in filling out the waybill, with the exception of affixing a signature upon receipt and delivery of the vehicle.

The reverse side of the waybill contains the “Traffic Route” section, which is filled out by the customer. The taxi driver evaluates the performance of the bus, displaying in the waybill data on vehicle mileage, fuel consumption, time on duty and bus downtime.

Tear-off coupon

Form No. 6 (special) contains a tear-off coupon, which records the time of arrival and departure of the bus to a place previously agreed upon with the customer, as well as speedometer readings at the time of arrival and departure. All entered data is certified by the customer’s signature. Subsequently, the tear-off coupon serves as the basis for calculating the cost of transport services provided to the customer and is attached to the invoice for payment.

However, the changes made to Order No. 152 did not affect the possibility of using the unified 6-special form (waybill for a non-public bus), since:

  • the seal (stamp) can simply not be affixed in the place previously intended for it;
  • a place for indicating data on the pre-trip inspection of vehicles is provided in the document, and it is enough to fill it with the necessary data;
  • OGRN can be added to the information about the organization.

Respectively, Russian organizations For those using buses, there is little point in using any alternative forms of waybills in their work. You can download form 6-special on our website: Download form 6-special The owners of many Russian transport companies operate as individual entrepreneurs. Therefore, we will consider the features of the use of waybills by entrepreneurs.

The procedure for filling out a waybill for a non-public bus (download form)


Based on these data, the driver’s wages will be calculated in the future. The front side of the form contains basic information about the company that owns the bus, the employee who drives it and the vehicle. Start work shift the driver begins with the issuance of a waybill by the company dispatcher.


He also issues a task that contains the bus route and signs it. In the issued document, basic information is filled in, after which the mechanic and driver’s signatures are placed as a sign that the first one checked vehicle for faults and handed the bus over to the driver, and the second one accepted the properly working vehicle into operation. Another signature that is placed on the front side of the travel investigation form is the signature of a medical specialist who must first check the driver’s health and make sure that he is in good condition.

Waybill for a non-public bus - Form 6

Federal laws defining the essence highways non-public use. By such, the legislator understands roads that are owned or used by authorities, individuals or legal entities and used by them to meet state, municipal or private needs. Thus, it would be legal to classify as non-public buses vehicles used by state, municipal structures, individuals and legal entities for their own purposes, for example, for transporting employees or goods belonging to the company.

Form of waybill for a non-public bus The State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation, in Resolution No. 78 dated November 28, 1997, approved a number of unified forms that should be used by transport companies. Among these is a 6-special bus waybill, intended for non-public vehicles.

Waybill for a non-public bus for 2017

It is enough not to fill out one of them and the Waybill for a non-public bus will be considered invalid. Here is a list of these details:

  • date of issue
  • stamp of the organization that owns the bus
  • seal of the organization that owns the bus

IN methodological recommendations on filling out waybills it is said: The waybill is issued STRICTLY to fulfill the order of one organization. This is necessary and important to remember! The waybill for a non-public bus (form N 6 special) consists of two sheets (it would be more correct to say the front and back).

Correctly fill out bus waybills

In addition to the date and number, the dispatcher enters the following information into the waybill:

  • about the bus (make, state and garage number);
  • driver and conductor (full name;
  • personnel number and ID number);
  • route name and number;
  • instructions for the driver and other necessary information.

The form of the waybill for the bus provides for the reflection of information about the time of departure and return of the bus for the first and second shift. These data are entered by the dispatcher, certifying them with his signature. Information on the issue and consumption of fuel for the first and second shifts is also reflected in separate columns of the section “Issuance of fuel (fuel)” of the waybill. In addition, Form No. 6 contains a section that allows you to record the health status of the first and second shift driver.
Waybills handed over by the driver are stored in the organization that owns motor vehicle.

Waybill for a non-public bus. form 6 special

The operation of a vehicle used by various specialized motor transport organizations must be confirmed by mandatory accounting documents. Let's look at this one important question, as an example of filling out a waybill for a non-public bus, mandatory details that must be included in the documents. As we can understand from the name of the document itself, a waybill for a non-public bus, it serves for mandatory accounting of the work of vehicles that transport passengers, as well as the work of vehicle drivers.
Under any circumstances, drawing up a waybill for a non-public bus must be approached very responsibly and seriously. It is necessary to remember and never forget that this document is the most important primary document, it is issued exclusively against signature to any driver and should never be lost.


All required details are written off from the driver's license. License card, and series, currently absolutely all licenses are issued exclusively for commercial transportation, namely if the number of passengers transported exceeds 8 people. That is why this item is never filled out in the waybill of a regular car. Information about the driver and his work. What specific task should the driver perform during one work shift? Fuel brand, it is mandatory to indicate the exact brand of gasoline with which this vehicle is equipped. Mechanic – last name, first name and patronymic of the mechanic who releases the bus from the garage, as well as his signature. Before entering the line again, the vehicle must undergo a technical inspection and all faults are eliminated.

They are the basis for accounting for revenue and expenses from operating the bus, and also provide the necessary information to the accountant responsible for paying wages to the driver and conductor. Share with colleagues: Bus waybill (download completed form 6) A bus driver transporting passengers must have with him a completed bus waybill in accordance with Form 6. Drivers working on other types of vehicles also fill out waybills, only the form required designed specifically for their type of vehicle. For example, for passenger cars, a document is drawn up in Form 3, and for trucks, in Forms 4-C and 4-P. Each driver’s work shift begins with the fact that he is given a waybill, which he must fill out without fail during the work shift.
Waybill for a non-public bus. Form 6 special - a document that is primary if it is necessary to record the operation of a non-public vehicle (bus) for the transportation of passengers with its help. There is a specially developed and approved by law Russian Federation form of this document. Like all similar documents, this form 6 special waybill is issued by an authorized person (dispatcher). It is necessary to fill in all the relevant details: enter the serial number of the document, the date of its issue, as well as the seal of the organization that owns the non-public bus. This waybill is issued for a work shift (day). This primary document is issued only upon delivery of the driver’s waybill for the previous shift (day).
The section of the document “Result of the bus operation” is required to be filled out.

Correctly filling out a waybill for a non-public bus sample

Add to favoritesSend by email The waybill for a bus classified as a non-public vehicle must be filled out in full compliance with legal criteria. What they are and what forms are suitable for use as a waybill will be discussed in this article. What is a non-public bus? A waybill form for a non-public bus. Is it necessary for a bus? individual entrepreneur waybill Summary What is a non-public bus Before studying the features of such a source as a waybill for a non-public bus, it will be useful to explore the essence of the concept of “non-public bus”. The legislation of the Russian Federation does not precise definition this type of vehicle. But we can try to formulate it by analogy with the provisions of paragraph 4 of Art.

Buses in the organization may not be used for general purpose– on urban and intercity routes, and as a shift for transporting people to their place of work or for other purposes. In these cases, to record the operation of this transport, a waybill for a non-public bus is used. Goskomstat has approved a standard intersectoral form 6 specials for it.

Main distinguishing feature of this document is that it is issued for a maximum of two orders for one organization, and therefore it contains a tear-off part on which there are two coupons.

The bus waybill is filled out by the dispatcher (accountant) for one shift (day) in one copy. It is not allowed to issue a new voucher if the employee has not previously passed the previous one.

After this, the document is reflected in the registration book, and the ticket is handed over to the driver. Before leaving for the order, it is marked by a mechanic, and the doctor stamps it with permission.

When returning the document, after processing, it is transferred to the accounting department, in which its tear-off part is attached to the invoice for payment for transportation services provided.

Bus waybill sample filling

Front side

The form of the waybill must necessarily contain a company stamp, series, document number and date of issue.

Below is the company name, address, telephone number, as well as the work schedule, column and brigade codes. The brand of the bus, its state and garage numbers are also indicated here.

The next line contains information about the driver: full name, personnel number, as well as driver’s license details.

The first table indicates the operating time of the bus, both according to plan and actual, and here the mechanic records data on the speedometer at the beginning and end of the shift.

In the task for the driver, the dispatcher writes down the name of the customer, the location of the bus, the dates of arrival and departure, as well as the number of trips that he must make and how much time it will take. If any deviations occur during the execution of a task (for example, an accident), they are reflected in "Special notes" field

In the corresponding line, the dispatcher determines the number of liters that need to be filled.

All responsible persons put their signatures in certain columns, just like when a mechanic and driver hand over a bus to each other.

Reverse side

WITH reverse side The driver records each trip in a table, indicating addresses, runs with and without passengers. This part is signed by the customer’s representative with a description of the position and his personal data. If there were bus downtimes during the task, their types, start and end times are noted.

The results of the work calculate the fuel consumption actually and according to the norm, indicate the time on duty and mileage.

The tear-off coupon contains the number and date of the waybill, name, address, telephone number of the organization that owns the bus, its brand, and state number. Next, fill in the customer’s details indicating the position and full name. responsible person. He notes in the following table the times of arrival and departure, as well as the speedometer readings. This data is confirmed by the visa of this employee and the customer’s stamp is affixed.

Below, the taxi driver calculates the cost of payment for the services provided, taking into account the time worked and kilometers traveled, as well as the current tariffs, after which he signs the coupon and attaches it to the invoice.

The correct and accurate procedure for filling out the waybill for a non-public bus (download form) is very important and mandatory.

The operation of a vehicle used by various specialized motor transport organizations must be confirmed by mandatory accounting documents. Let's look at such an important question as Sample of filling out a waybill for a non-public bus, mandatory details that must be included in the documents.

As we can understand based on the title of the document itself, waybill for a non-public bus, it serves for mandatory accounting of the work of vehicles that transport passengers, as well as the work of vehicle drivers. Under any circumstances, drawing up a waybill for a non-public bus must be approached very responsibly and seriously. It is necessary to remember and never forget that this document is the most important primary document, it is issued exclusively against signature to any driver and should never be lost. Dispatchers are strictly prohibited by senior management from giving them to drivers unless they first hand over the old one. The maximum established period according to which the document will be issued is one working day or one working shift, these are the rules if the deadline does not meet legal norms, and will exceed one working day, then in this case this kind of document will be considered legally incorrect.

Sample of filling out a waybill for non-public use:

Sample of filling out a waybill for non-public use (back side):

In addition to the above nuance, there are a number of details that must be filled out, however, this also applies to other waybills. In case of failure to fill in or incorrectly fill in the required details, this document loses all legal force and is considered invalid, which is why this issue should be treated with particular importance. Here's a short list:

The issue date and document number are the first of all mandatory details that need to be filled out. The numbering of the document itself is developed by the organization; under no circumstances should it be repeated.
The organization that owns the bus and its stamp - fill in the address, telephone numbers, name of the organization, indicate who exactly owns this vehicle.
Seal of the organization that owns this bus.

All the methodological recommendations that will help you fill out this document say: it is strictly drawn up exclusively to fulfill the order of only one organization. This information is important and needs to be remembered, as it is a very important nuance.

This document consists of several sheets or reverse and front side.

What is on the first sheet:

Date and sheet number. A unique, non-repeating number is assigned at the top of the document, then the date of issue of the document is indicated.
All mandatory details of the company that owns this vehicle are the name of the organization itself, its director, the company’s seal, and so on.
Information about the state number of the bus and its brand. The make of the car is indicated; if the vehicle is leased, the bus lease agreement with all the details of the company from which it is rented must be indicated, and the state number of the bus must also be indicated.
Driver's license details and last name, first name and patronymic of the driver himself. All required details are written off from the driver's license.
License card, and series, currently absolutely all licenses are issued exclusively for commercial transportation, namely if the number of passengers transported exceeds 8 people. That is why this item is never filled out in the waybill of a regular car.
Information about the driver and his work.
What specific task should the driver perform during one work shift?
Fuel brand, it is mandatory to indicate the exact brand of gasoline with which this vehicle is equipped.
Mechanic – last name, first name and patronymic of the mechanic who releases the bus from the garage, as well as his signature. Before entering the line again, the vehicle must undergo a technical inspection and all faults are eliminated. The mechanic is solely responsible for this check. If the inspection does not reveal any faults, he signs the document.

The second sheet contains the following information:

The route of movement, which must be filled out by the customer himself and signed by him personally
Downtime on the line, if there are any downtimes, they are indicated
Driver salary
The result of the bus

Take seriously and accurately the issue of how to fill out a waybill for a non-public bus (
