Presentation Sea of ​​Azov. Presentation “Study of the Sea of ​​Azov

Sea of ​​Azov

Prepared by:

a history teacher

MKOU Maninskaya Secondary School

Bosyuk Alina Sergeevna

year 2014

a brief description of


South-east of Ukraine, south-west of Russia

Coastline length

Greatest depth

Average depth

Catchment area

Flowing rivers

Don, Kuban, Eya, Kalmius

The extreme points of the Sea of ​​Azov lie between 45°12′30″ and 47°17′30″ north. latitude and between 33°38′ (Lake Sivash) and 39°18′ east. longitude

View from space

Sea of ​​Azov

History of the study

There are three stages in the history of the study of the Sea of ​​Azov:

1. Ancient (geographical) - from the time of Herodotus to the beginning of the 19th century.

2. Geological-geographical - XIX century. - 40s of XX century.

3. Complex - mid-XX century. - Today.

The first map of Pontus Euxine and Maeotis was compiled by Claudius Ptolemy, who also determined the geographical coordinates for cities, river mouths, capes and bays of the Azov Sea coast.

Claudius Ptolemy

Map of Claudius Ptolemy


From a geological point of view, it is a young basin.

The history of the emergence of the Sea of ​​Azov is closely connected with the geological past of the Crimea, the Caucasus, the Black and Caspian Seas. Under the influence of internal forces, the earth's crust either fell or rose in the form of mountain ranges, which then, cut off by the work of flowing waters and weathering, turned into plains. As a result of these processes, the waters of the World Ocean either flooded individual areas of land or exposed them, or, as geologists say, transgressions (advance) and regressions (retreat) of the seas were observed.

Only in the Cenozoic era (the era of new life) did the outlines of the continents and individual seas, including the Sea of ​​Azov, become the way we see them on modern maps.


The coast of the Azov Sea is less picturesque and diverse than the Black Sea. But it also has its own, unique beauty. The steppes come close to the sea, and in some places there are floodplains overgrown with reeds. The shores are treeless, sometimes low and flat, with a sandy and shell beach, sometimes low but steep, composed of yellow loess-like loams. The coastline of the sea forms fairly smooth curves, and only long sand spits give it some ruggedness. A large number of spits is one of the characteristic features of the shores of the Azov Sea.

Western and eastern banks

Mostly flat and monotonous. Near the mouths of rivers, there are floodplains. Most of the coast is bordered by sand and shell beaches.

The southern part of the eastern coast, approximately from the northern branch of the Kuban River delta to the top of Yasensky Bay, is the so-called Priazovskie plavni, crossed by a large number of branches and eriks.

Sivash Bay

South coast

The southern coast of the Sea of ​​Azov, formed by the northern sides of the Kerch and Taman peninsulas, is hilly and steep; In some places, rocky headlands jut out from it. The vast Temryuk Bay juts into the eastern part of the southern coast, and the Kazantip and Arabat bays into the western part. The banks of the Kerch Strait are high. It contains Kamysh-Burunskaya and Kerch bays, as well as the vast Taman Bay. In some places, sand spits protrude from the shores of the strait, of which the largest are the Tuzla and Chushka spits.

North Shore

The northern coast of the sea - abruptly ends in the sea, in many places cut through by beams.

A characteristic feature is the presence of low and long shallow braids.

The Fedotov, Obitochnaya and Berdyanskaya Bereg spits are noted; thanks to them, the Utlyuksky Estuary bays were formed, bounded by the Fedotov Spit and its continuation - the Biryuchiy Island Spit, Obitochny Bay, located between the Fedotov and Obitochnaya spits.

Berdyansk Spit

Living braid

Belosaraysky Bay

Northeast coast

Its part is the vast but shallow Taganrog Bay, stretching eastward for almost 75 miles. Several small shallow bays, bounded by spits, jut into its shores. On the southern side of the bay is the shallow Yeisk estuary.

Taganrog Bay

Yeisk Estuary

freezes 1979-1982 In the southern part, salinity = does not freeze period relative to humidity ‰ 10.9 ‰, by 2000 11 ‰ 1977 salinity 13.8 ‰, in Taganrog Bay - up to 11.2. In a larger area of ​​the sea, the water became salinized to 14-14.5‰ During the 20th century. rivers flowing into the Sea of ​​Azov were blocked to create reservoirs. What caused the increase in salinity." width="640"

Scheme of increasing water salinity

Before regulation of the Don from 1‰-10.5‰ at the mouth of the Don and to the central part of the sea and 11.5‰

(Changed near the Kerch Strait)

Creation of the Tsimlyansky hydroelectric complex

In the northern part, salinity = freezing

In the southern part, salinity = does not freeze

period relative to humidity ‰

10.9 ‰, by 2000 eleven‰

1977 salinity 13.8‰, in Taganrog Bay - up to 11.2. In a larger area of ​​the sea, the water became salinized to 14-14.5‰

During the 20th century. rivers flowing into the Sea of ​​Azov were blocked to create reservoirs.

What caused the increase in salinity.

S catchment area = 586,000 km².

From the shore to the center of the sea, the depths slowly and smoothly increase (max=13 m). The location of the isobaths, close to symmetrical, is disrupted by their slight elongation in the northeast towards the Taganrog Bay.

The bottom topography of the Sea of ​​Azov shows systems of underwater elevations stretched along the eastern (Zhelezinskaya Bank) and western (Morskaya and Arabatskaya Banks) coasts. The underwater coastal slope of the northern coast is characterized by wide shallow water (20-30 km) with depths of 6-7 m, while the southern coast is characterized by a steep underwater slope to depths of 11-13 m.


Sea currents are dependent on the very strong north-eastern and south-western winds blowing here and therefore change direction very often. The main current is a circular current along the shores of the Sea of ​​Azov in a counterclockwise direction.


Temperature °C

Azov region

Sea of ​​Azov

tavg.jan. °C





Temperature regime of surface waters

The coastal parts of the sea and the Taganrog Bay are covered with a continuous ice cover. In the central part of the Sea of ​​Azov and in the Kerch region, the ice is floating.


Northern and eastern parts

t °C January

Western and southern

(Off the coast)

Ice cover

4-4.5 months from December to March


Ichthyofauna includes 103 species and subspecies of fish belonging to 76 genera, and is represented by anadromous, semi-anadromous, marine and freshwater species.

The Sea of ​​Azov has no equal in the world in terms of the number of plant and animal organisms. In terms of fish productivity, that is, the number of fish per unit area, the Azov Sea is 6.5 times higher than the Caspian Sea, 40 times higher than the Black Sea and 160 times higher than the Mediterranean Sea.

Migratory fish species feed in the sea until they reach sexual maturity, and enter the river only to spawn.

Among the Azov migratory fish there are the most valuable commercial species, such as beluga, sturgeon, herring, vimba and shemaya.

Semi-anadromous fish include common species such as pike perch, bream, ram, sabrefish and some others.

Marine species breed and feed in salty waters.

Among them, species that permanently live in the Sea of ​​Azov stand out.

These are pelengas, flounder, glossa, sprat, perkarina, needle fish and all types of gobies.







Freshwater species live in one area of ​​the reservoir and do not make large migrations. These species usually inhabit desalinated sea areas. Here you can find fish such as sterlet, silver crucian carp, pike, ide, bleak




There is a large group of marine fish that enters the Sea of ​​Azov from the Black Sea, including those that make regular migrations. These include: Azov anchovy, Black Sea anchovy, Black Sea herring, red mullet, singil, sharpnose, mullet, Black Sea Kalkan, horse mackerel, mackerel, etc.


Black Sea anchovy


horse mackerel


Black Sea Kalkan

Azov anchovy


Hyponeuston consists of living organisms, plants that live under a film of surface tension. These are the majority of organisms. The hyponeuston plays a huge role in the life of the sea - it is a nursery for the young of many species of fish and invertebrates, and a source of food for sea inhabitants.

Epineuston - it includes species that live on the upper, airy side of the surface film. These are some insects, as well as the microscopic population of foam flakes: bacteria, protozoan algae, etc. As a rule, each inhabitant goes through two or more life forms throughout its life

Plankton combines all the plants and organisms that penetrate the entire thickness of water from the bottom to the surface (the entire habitable layer).

They move with the help of currents.

Phytoplankton plays a huge role in the life of the sea. It is the main link in the food relationships of the pelagic zone.

Zooplankton. Zooplankton of the Black Sea includes almost all animals - from single-celled animals to fish larvae and eggs.


Blue-green algae

Brown algae

  • The main fishing reservoirs of the country;
  • Oil reserves under the seabed;
  • It is a major transport artery of the country;
  • International shipping routes;
  • Recreational purposes (hundreds of health resorts on the shores of the Azov Sea)
  • Study of the salinity regime and the choice of ways to prevent progressive salinization of the Azov Sea;
  • Comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of the impact of the projected Kerch hydroelectric complex;
  • Development of an economic-ecological model of the Sea.

Ecological problems

  • The sea is heavily polluted by waste from enterprises in Mariupol, Taganrog and other industrial cities located off the coast;
  • In 2007, in the Kerch Strait near the Russian port "Caucasus" due to a strong storm on November 11, 4 ships sank - bulk carriers "Volnogorsk", "Nakhichevan", "Kovel", "Hadji Izmail" (Georgian flag, Turkish shipowner and crew) . 6 ships broke their anchors and ran aground, 2 tankers (Volgoneft-123 and Volgoneft-139) were damaged. About 1,300 tons of fuel oil and about 6,800 tons of sulfur ended up in the sea.

  • Storms on the Sea of ​​Azov are accompanied by numerous tragedies - the loss of ships, destruction of coastal structures, and loss of life.
  • On the Sea of ​​Azov, the north wind is called tramontane, and the northeast wind is called nor'easter.
  • Severe winter comes unexpectedly in some years. The emerging ice fields and hummocks are reminiscent of the Arctic.
  • Various atmospheric phenomena - tornadoes, black storms, unusually large hail - complete the picture of complex and unusual processes in the sea. Many of these processes do not always have clear explanations.
  • The most dangerous phenomena - surge waves - are known in the Sea of ​​Azov. They lead to real disasters, thousands of victims among residents of coastal areas.
  • Emissions of flammable gases from the seabed cause explosions, the activity of so-called mud volcanoes, and even the appearance of islands in the Sea of ​​Azov.

List of used literature

  • Dobrovolsky A.D., Zalogin B.S. Seas of the USSR. M., Moscow State University Publishing House, 1982;

Sea of ​​Azov -
side pool
Black Sea, from
which it
connected by Kerch
strait (width
4.2 kilometers).
Sea of ​​Azov
refers to the seas
Atlantic Ocean.

Location of the Sea of ​​Azov

The longest sea length is 343 kilometers, the largest width
231 kilometers; coastline length 1472 kilometers; square
surface - 37,605 square kilometers (this area does not
includes islands and spits, occupying 107.9 square

According to morphological characteristics, the Sea of ​​Azov belongs to
to flat seas and is a shallow
a reservoir with low coastal slopes.

The greatest depth does not exceed 14 meters, and the average depth
about 8 meters. At the same time, depths up to 5 meters occupy more than
half the volume of the Sea of ​​Azov. The Black Sea is larger than the Sea of ​​Azov
in area almost 11 times, and in volume - 1678 times. And yet Azov
the sea is not so small, it could easily accommodate two
such European countries as the Netherlands and Luxembourg.

The underwater relief of the Sea of ​​Azov is very simple - the bottom is almost flat.
The Sea of ​​Azov forms several bays, of which the most
the largest are Taganrog, Temryuk and very isolated
Sivash, which is more correctly considered an estuary. Large islands on
There is no Azov Sea. There are a number of shallows that are partially filled with water and
located near the coast. These are, for example, the Biryuchiy Islands,
Turtle and others.

Biryuchiy Island

Bathymetry of the Azov Sea

Underwater terrain
Sea of ​​Azov
relatively simple. By
distance from the shore
depths slowly and
gradually increasing
reaching in the central
part of the sea 14.4 meters.
Main bottom area
Sea of ​​Azov
depth 5-13 meters

In the bottom relief of the Sea of ​​Azov
underwater systems are noted
hills, elongated
along the eastern and western
coasts, depths above
which decrease from 8-9
up to 3-5 meters. For underwater
coastal slope of the northern
the coastline is characteristically wide
shallow water (20-30 kilometers)
with depths of 6-7 meters.
Seashores are mainly
flat and sandy.


Among the Azov
migratory fish
there are the most valuable
commercial species,
such as beluga, sturgeon,
sevruga, herring, fish
and shemaya.
Marine species
reproduce and
walk in the salty
waters Among them
species are highlighted
permanently living in
Sea of ​​Azov. This -
pilengas, kambalakalkan, glossa, sprat,
perkarina, cat
three-spined fish, needle fish and
all types of bulls


The water contains very little salt in the northern part
Sea of ​​Azov. For this reason the sea is easy
freezes, and therefore, before the icebreakers appear, it
it was unnavigable from December to mid-April.
The southern part of the sea does not freeze and remains
moderate temperature.

The Azov coast is not so abundant in the variety of landscapes, in
difference from the Black Sea. But in the smooth curves of the coastline,
sand spits stretching far into the sea, round green hills,
The floodplains overgrown with reeds have their own special charm.

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Sea of ​​Azov. Khakhalina Polina 4th grade.

The Tatar-Mongol conquerors called Azov: Chabak-dengiz (chabach, bream sea), which as a result of the transformation: chabak - dzybakh - zabak - azak - azov - the modern name of the sea came about. According to other sources, azak is a Turkic adjective meaning low, low-lying; according to other sources, azak (Turkic mouth of the river), which was transformed into Azau, and then into Russian Azov. But it is most reliable that the modern name of the sea comes from the city of Azov. How did the name of the Sea of ​​Azov come about?

Mammals in the Sea of ​​Azov are represented by only one species, namely the porpoise or, as it is also called, the Azovka dolphin. This is the smallest animal of the cetaceans. The Azovka leads a gregarious lifestyle, which consists of a group of two to ten individuals. Their population is very small, so it is almost impossible to find them near the coast.

predators The predatory inhabitants of the Sea of ​​Azov include fish such as beluga, pike perch, and sterlet. They feed on anchovy, sprat and young herring. But the main food is ordinary plankton.

The Sea of ​​Azov is an internal body of water washing the eastern shores of Crimea, the coast of the Zaporozhye, Donetsk, Rostov regions and part of the western borders of the Krasnodar Territory. It is connected to the Black Sea through the Kerch Strait. The sea probably received its modern name from the city of Azov. The ancient Greeks called the Sea of ​​Azov Mayotis Estuary - "Meotian Lake", and the Romans - "Meotian Swamp" for its shallow water and low-lying marshy eastern shores. Meotian - named after the Meotian people who lived on its southern and eastern shores. In the Middle Ages, the Russians called this sea Surozh (after the Crimean city of Surozh, modern Sudak).

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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The Black Sea is a huge “bowl” filled with water (depth reaches 2245 m) with a capacity of 547 thousand cubic kilometers (for comparison: to fill this “bowl” of the Danube it would take more than 2 thousand years). The maximum length of the Black Sea from east to west is 1167 km, from north to south - 624 km. The length of its coastline is about 4090 km, including 1560 km within Ukraine. Crimea is the largest peninsula in the Black Sea basin, which extends far into the sea from the north. The shores of the Black Sea are steep. There are many bays - small bays that cut into the land and are separated from the sea by capes or islands.

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The salinity of the Black Sea is two times lower than that of ocean waters, but two times higher than the salinity of the Azov Sea and one and a half times the Caspian Sea. Compared to the World Ocean, the Black Sea contains slightly more calcium carbonate and potassium chloride, but less calcium sulfate. It has a highly desalinated and, therefore, lighter surface layer (it is warm in summer) lying on a denser, saltier lower layer. The presence of two layers is constantly maintained by the removal of fresh water from rivers and desalinated water from the Sea of ​​Azov, as well as deep (dense) water from the Marmara Sea. The exchange of water between these layers is very weak.

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The climatic conditions of the Black Sea are determined by its position in the subtropical zone. Winters are warm and humid, summers are dry and hot. The air temperature in January is from 0 ° ... -1 ° C to +8 ° C, in August +22 ... +25 ° C. The usual amount of precipitation increases from west to east from 200-600 to 2000 mm. The temperature of sea water on the surface in summer reaches +20 ... +25 ° C, in winter - up to +8 ... +9 ° C, except in the northwestern and northeastern parts, where the sea freezes in severe winters. The water temperature at depth is almost constant (+9 ° C). Under the influence of strong winds, large waves rise in the Black Sea, the height of which during a hurricane reaches 5-6 m, sometimes 10-14 m.

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At the bottom of the Black Sea are valuable minerals. Industrial reserves of flammable gas and oil have been explored here; the water contains iron, copper, silver and other elements that enhance its healing effect. The mud of the Black Sea estuaries has medicinal value. The waters of the Black Sea at a depth of 150-200 m are deprived of oxygen, which is replaced by hydrogen sulfide. The volume of water saturated with hydrogen sulfide makes up 87% of the total volume of the sea. Consequently, organic life develops only in the upper layer of water. Salinity in the upper layer of the Black Sea water is 17-18 ppm, increasing with depth to 22.5 ppm.

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It is generally accepted that the main source of hydrogen sulfide in the Black Sea, both today and in the recent past, is the processes of anaerobic decomposition of organic matter by sulfate-reducing bacteria. Organic matter, which is fixed to the bottom of the basin as organogenic-mineral sediments (sapropels), is a product of mass death of planktonic biomass. Another important supplier of hydrogen sulfide to the Black Sea, the role of which has so far been underestimated, are geological sources - faults and mud volcanoes at the bottom and also collapsing gas hydrate deposits, which also contain solid phases of hydrogen sulfide.

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The intrusion of Mediterranean waters, which have a salinity of about 38%, led to the salinization of the Black Sea fresh waters and the dissolution of significant amounts of iron, sulfur and sulfur compounds. In addition to hydrogen sulfide, under conditions of anaerobic bacterial decomposition of organic matter in water and at the bottom, other gases are formed, such as methane, nitrogen and carbon dioxide. Research by scientists has shown that the water contains 02 mg/l methane, 05 mg/l ethane and ethylene. The last two gases most likely enter seawater due to the destruction of oil, gas and gas hydrate deposits on the seabed. Most often, methane is formed during anaerobic bacterial decomposition along with hydrogen sulfide.

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The Black Sea is a natural laboratory that conceals huge reserves of unconventional energy resources. only 10-20% of the total amount of hydrogen sulfide is in dissolved form. The rest consists of hydrosulfides, which do not burn. The amount of hydrogen sulfide per 1 ton of sea water is about 0.24 g/t at a depth of 300 m and 2.2 g/t at a depth of 2200 m. Sapropel silts from the bottom of the Black Sea are an important potential raw material for the future. They can be used as natural environmental fertilizers, biological products, for the reclamation of contaminated lands, ceramics, for the creation of sound, heat and electrical insulating materials, filters for water and gas purification, nanotechnology, etc. Their possible use as a sorbent for the disposal of low-level radioactive waste from nuclear power plants. When exploiting deep-sea sapropel sediments, associated extraction of hydrogen sulfide and methane is possible.

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The flora and fauna of the Black Sea are relatively sparse and are concentrated in waters that do not contain hydrogen sulfide. The fauna includes about 2 thousand species. The Black Sea is home to 2.5 thousand species of animals (of which 500 species are unicellular, 160 species of vertebrates - fish and mammals, 500 species of crustaceans, 200 species of mollusks, the rest are invertebrates of various species). Only 180 species of fish (anchovy, gobies, flounder, horse mackerel, mullet, herring, mackerel, etc.) are of industrial importance.

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Noctilucas are small predators, they swim quickly using their flagella and eat even smaller organisms. During the warm autumn, a cluster of noctilucas creates a beautiful, unforgettable spectacle - the glow of the sea. Several types of mollusks live at the bottom of the sea: oysters, mussels, pecten, litorina, tapes, modiolaria. There are especially many mollusks in the Kerch Strait, in the northwestern part of the sea, on the Caucasian coast. Those of them that live in the surf zone are attached to the ground with strong threads - byssuses. Rapana mollusk resembles a large snail. The body of rapana contains a special pigment that colors objects red.

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Not so long ago, a new mollusk appeared in the Black Sea - miya. Outwardly, it resembles a mussel, its length ranges from 3.5 to 8 centimeters. Mia is edible, it is fished in many countries, and in the USA it is artificially bred. This mollusk was found in the northwestern part of the sea at depths of 7–10 meters on muddy soils, even those saturated with hydrogen sulfide. Of the coelenterates, jellyfish, sea anemones and ctenophores are found in the Black Sea. In the Black Sea, the most common jellyfish with the beautiful name “Aurelia”, which resembles a saucer in shape, with tentacles running crosswise through the middle, and the rhizostoma jellyfish, or cornerot, which has a dome and long hanging tentacles. Mouth openings are located at the ends of the tentacles. The first of the two types of jellyfish is not poisonous, but the second can cause a burn similar to a nettle burn.

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Of the echinoderms, brittle stars can be noted, which resemble a starfish in shape. They feed on mud. Sea urchins live in the southwestern part of the sea. Long sharp needles on special “hinges” are attached to the hedgehog’s body. Although sometimes urchins are prey for crabs, large fish and seabirds (birds throw them on top of rocks and break their shells), they are still well protected from attack by their spines.

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Mackerel, horse mackerel, bonito, and tuna come in the spring from the Marmara Sea to the Black Sea, and go back in the fall: these are heat-loving fish, for them the winter Black Sea water is cold. For example, mackerel comes to the Black Sea when its water temperature rises above 8°C, and it overwinters and spawns in the Sea of ​​Marmara. Horse mackerel sometimes winters in the southern part of the Black Sea. Mullet, herring and anchovies (anchovies) move from the Black Sea to the Azov Sea in the spring to feed. In autumn, when the water temperature drops to 6 degrees, the fish return back to the Black Sea. Sturgeon spawn in the Don, Kuban, and Dnieper rivers, and salmon spawn in the rivers of the Caucasus coast. There are also eels in the sea, river and sea. The river eel has a length of half a meter to one and a half meters and weighs from 2 to 6 kilograms. Eels feed on fish, crayfish, and mollusks.

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Among the fish that are not of great commercial importance, one can note the goby, the ruffe, the pipefish, the skate, the stickleback, the dragon, the little fish that is capable of cracking shells of mollusks with its teeth; sea ​​rooster (or triglu) with upper fins resembling wings and lower hard fins on which the fish rests while moving along the bottom.

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BLACK SEA FISHES OF DIFFERENT ECOLOGICAL GROUPS Bony fish Cartilaginous fish Benthic species Benthic pelagic species Pelagic species Burbot Gaidropsarus mediterraneus L. Scorpionfish Scorpaena porcus L. March goby Mesogobius batrachocephalus Pallas Round goby Neogobius melanostomus Pallas Merlang Merlangus e uxinus Nordmann Red mullet Mullus barbatus ponticus Essipov Greenfinch Symphodus tinca L. Smarida Spicara flexuosa Rafinesque Stargazer Uranoscopus scaber L. Dark croaker Sciaena umbra L Horse mackerel Trachurus mediterraneus Staidachner Mullet Lisa aurata Risso Katran Squalus acanthias L. Sea cat Raja clavata L. Sea fox Dasyatis pastinaca L.

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The most common common dolphin is the common dolphin, while the largest is the bottlenose dolphin (3 - 4 meters in length). Dolphins breathe with their lungs, not their gills. They can stay underwater using the air supply for up to half an hour. Being pulled ashore, dolphins quickly fall asleep, but not because they can’t breathe, like fish. The dolphin dies from excess weight, which is much less in water. On land, its insides begin to press on each other, becoming greatly deformed.

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The white-bellied monk seal lives in the southern regions of the sea. This is a rare animal, it is listed in the International Red Book. He was nicknamed the monk for his love of solitude. In the waters of the Black Sea, the monk seal was found until the end of the last century as single individuals and small groups off the southwestern coast of Crimea. There are several pairs of these seals left in the Black Sea. They live in underwater caves off the coast of Bulgaria and Turkey.

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Several species of gulls and terns are found in the Black Sea: laughing gull, sea pigeon, gull-billed tern, Mediterranean gull, chenrava and others. On the shores of the Black Sea you can find a black-headed seagull that makes loud laughing sounds. That's what they call her - the black-headed laughter. In the same areas you can also find a bird similar to these waders: the loaf. Its color is dark brown. It nests in colonies, often next to herons and cormorants. They are all hunting for fish.

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Another long-legged, but unlike waders, a white bird with a crest on its head, similar to a heron, with a large flat beak - the spoonbill - lives in coastal areas in the north-west of the Black Sea, on the shores of the Azov Sea. She deftly pulls small fish, frogs, and aquatic insects out of the water, moving her beak left and right. The now rare birds pelicans - pink and curly-haired - can also be found on the Black Sea. The pink pelican has black wings, while the curly pelican has light gray wings.

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In the Black Sea there are more than 660 species of plants, including 270 species of multicellular green, brown, red bottom algae (cystoseira, phyllophora, cladophora, ulva, enteromorpha, etc.). In the northwestern part of the sea there is the world's largest accumulation of red algae (phyllophora). The flat seabed at shallow depths (20-50 m) is covered with algae with a layer of 10-45 cm. Algae have a high iodine content. Previously, medicinal iodine was extracted from them, now they produce feed flour. Due to the deteriorating environmental situation in the Black Sea, phyllophora stocks are rapidly declining.

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On the surf line you can find pink calcareous algae - coralline. At depths of up to 20 - 30 meters, the brown algae Cystoseira lives on rocky soils. It is a thallus more than a meter long and a “beard” of fibers attached to it. The density of its settlements reaches seven kilograms per square meter. Bryozoans, worms and mussels live in cystoseira thickets. Green algae live somewhat deeper: Ulva (or sea lettuce) and Laurencia. In the calm, at a depth of up to 10 meters, the flowering plant zoster (or sea grass) lives on sandy and silt-sandy soil. Its thickets are very common in the northwestern part of the sea. There it forms dense underwater meadows. The zoster is inhabited by grass goby (it digs holes in the rhizomes), worms, stingrays, seahorses, pipefish and shrimps. All of them have a protective green or brown color. Ulva Corallina

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The commercial algae Phyllophora, or sea grape, as it is called for its external resemblance to grapes, lives deeper than others. It has a dark red color. Among the algae there are also floating forms. Some of these algae, such as peridinea, create a glow in the sea at night. Sea grass - zoster - is used after drying for stuffing mattresses and upholstered furniture, ulva and lawrencia provide delicious nutritious dishes. Cystoseira serves as a fertilizer for grapes and other crops in rotted form or in the form of ash after burning.

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The Sea of ​​Azov washes the southeastern shores of Ukraine and the southern shores of Russia, and is connected to the Black Sea by the Kerch Strait. This is an inland sea of ​​the Atlantic Ocean. The Sea of ​​Azov is the shallowest on Earth, its area is 39 thousand square kilometers, the average depth is 7-10 m, the maximum is 15 m. Its greatest length from northeast to southwest is 360 km.

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The average salinity of water in the central part of the Azov Sea is 13-14%, off the eastern shores - 2-5 ppm. The maximum salinity of the water of the Sivash Bay reaches 25 ppm. In the water of the Azov Sea, as in the ocean, chlorides predominate. But, unlike ocean water, the salinity of the Azov Sea is much lower. In addition, compared to the ocean, the relative content of calcium, carbonates and sulfates in Azov water is increased, and chlorine, sodium and potassium, on the contrary, is decreased. The salinity of the water in the sea basin and the Sivash Bay varies markedly by season - it is highest in the summer (maximum evaporation) and low in the spring, when the snow melts in the river basins that flow into the Sivash (Salgir, Churuksu, etc.). In summer the rivers dry up. Since the Sea of ​​Azov is shallow, its waters warm up well. In winter, the sea off the coast freezes for almost 3 months; in the central part it is covered with floating ice. The sea freezes completely only in severe winters.

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An important resource of the Azov Sea is its seafood (anchovy, sprat, pike perch, sturgeon, stellate sturgeon, beluga, herring, gobies, ram, flounder, mullet). Previously, the Sea of ​​Azov was rich in fish resources. Here their reserves were almost five times greater than in the Caspian Sea, which, as is known, is characterized by significant fish productivity. Tulka is the most numerous fish in the Sea of ​​Azov; its catch in some years reached 120 thousand tons. If you distribute all the Azov kilka among the 6.5 billion inhabitants of the planet, then everyone will get 15 fish. In the Sea of ​​Azov and at the mouths of rivers flowing into it, as well as estuaries, 114 species and subspecies of fish are found.

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The following groups of fish are distinguished: - fish that spawn in river floodplains (anadromous fish) - sturgeon (beluga, sturgeon, stellate sturgeon, vimba, shemaya). These are the most valuable species of commercial fish. -fish spawning in the lower reaches of rivers (semi-anadromous fish) - pike perch, bream, ram, carp. - fish that do not leave the sea (marine) - sprat, goby, flounder. - fish migrating to the Black Sea (marine) - anchovy, herring. Among the Azov fish there are predators - pike perch, sterlet, beluga. But the majority of fish feed on plankton - sprat, anchovy, goby, bream. At the end of the 60-70s, the salinity of the sea reached 14 ppm due to the arrival of Black Sea waters, along with which jellyfish entered the sea, the main diet of which is also plankton. The Sea of ​​Azov is the main spawning ground for fish in the Black Sea; they come here through the Kerch Strait to lay eggs. In recent decades, due to pollution, the living conditions of marine animals in the Sea of ​​Azov have worsened. However, industrial fishing of fish (especially valuable sturgeon) is growing here, which leads to a reduction in valuable types of fish resources. Reducing pollution and increasing fish productivity is the main problem of the Azov Sea.

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Along the banks of rivers and reservoirs, on the spits of the Azov Sea there are a lot of waterfowl - geese, ducks, steppe waders, lapwings, red-breasted geese, mute swans, curlews, black-headed gulls, laughing gulls, terns. The Sea of ​​Azov is called the sea of ​​shellfish. It is an important source of food for fish. The most important representatives of mollusks are cordate, sandesmia, and mussel.

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Ecological characteristics of Karantinnaya and Martynov bays (according to the State Inspectorate of the Black Sea)

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The main sources of pollution in the southwestern part of the Sea of ​​Azov are bottom trawl fishing for sawfish, which leads to the introduction of additional pollutants that are not typical for modern bottom sediments, as well as the development and operation of gas-bearing structures. The content of COCs in water and bottom sediments has increased significantly in recent years. At one time, the active development of gas drilling sites caused a significant increase in the concentration of toxic metals in the water and soils of this area of ​​the Azov Sea. The level of Hg in the water of the Arabat Bay was 0.01 µg/l, As - 0.01 µg/l, Cu - 0.03 µg/l, Pb - 0.02 µg/l, Zn - 0.037 µg/l. The amount of dissolved oxygen in the study area varied between 5.79 – 8.01 ml/l (97.5-135.5% saturation). The average oxidation value is 5.86 mg O2/l, with the maximum permissible concentration being 4.0 mg O2/l.

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Kerch Strait The ecosystem of the Kerch Strait is experiencing constant anthropogenic impact due to intensive shipping, dredging, the functioning of port and offshore transshipment complexes, and emergency situations. At the same time, petroleum products have remained one of the main pollutants of the strait for many years. Studies conducted in the summer of 2010 showed that the concentration of petroleum hydrocarbons in the surface water horizon varied within the range of 0.018 - 0.068 mg/l, and in the bottom layer - 0.020 - 0.094 mg/l (MPC = 0.05 mg/l). The content of petroleum products in bottom sediments ranged from 0.273 to 1.325 mg/g dry matter. The share of resins and asphaltenes accounted for an average of 37% of total petroleum products. The oxygen concentration in the surface layer varied from 6.05 mg/l to 13.23 mg/l, BOD5 – 0.01 – 2.59 mg O2/l. The content of nitrogen compounds varied in the range of 0 – 240 µg/l, 0 – 120 µg/l and 10 – 3100 µg/l for NH4, NO2 and NO3, respectively

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On Sunday, November 11, 2007, a strong storm occurred in the Azov-Black Sea basin, as a result of which several ships sank, dozens of people died or went missing, and the disaster area itself became the site of an environmental disaster. As a result of the shipwreck, the entire coastline on the Tuzla and Chushka spits was flooded with fuel oil; oil spills were noticed in the northern part of the Taman Peninsula on the Black Sea, as well as in the area of ​​the villages of Ilyich and Priazovsky on the Sea of ​​Azov; more than 30 kilometers were contaminated with oil products. More than 30 thousand birds died, and the number of dead fish cannot be counted at all. According to environmentalists, the consequences of an oil spill in the Kerch Strait will continue to reverberate for several decades.

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Degree of toxicity of some substances Degree of toxicity 0 - none; - very weak; 2 - weak; 3 - strong; 4 - very strong

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Arsenic concentrations vary in marine fish. Catfish, for example, contain large amounts of arsenic, which is explained by their predatory lifestyle. The level of arsenic in fish depends significantly on the habitat. The arsenic content in fish muscles is usually lower than in the fatty parts. Arsenic accumulates to a greater extent in the liver, kidneys, digestive tract, and gills than in muscle and nervous tissue. In marine organisms, arsenic is present in inorganic forms (arsenites, As (III), arsenates, As (V)) and in the form of fat-soluble and water-soluble organic compounds. The concentration of inorganic arsenic is much lower.

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The aquatic environment is the most important source of arsenic. Seaweed adsorbs arsenic from water. Within these organisms, arsenic is converted into organic forms. Fish eat algae or plankton, obtaining arsenic in the form of organic compounds. Crustaceans and other filter-feeding organisms can absorb arsenic directly from the water, or by eating microscopic organisms. Arsenic that combines in aquatic ecosystems is bioaccumulated by organisms in these systems. Marine plants absorb arsenic to a greater extent than freshwater plants. Accordingly, the bioaccumulation of arsenic in freshwater fish is many times less than in sea fish, which can be explained by the high content of this element in seawater. However, the accumulation of arsenic is not accompanied by a process of biomagnification (increasing the concentration of the element in subsequent members of the food chain than in previous ones). Arsenic accumulates little in the soft tissues of fish, except in extremely polluted areas. In unpolluted and moderately polluted waters, arsenic levels range from less than 0.1 to 0.4 mg/kg wet weight. Arsenic is mainly absorbed through food. Self-purification from arsenic proceeds quickly - the half-life of purification of arsenic from the muscle tissue of eared perch, for example, is only one day. Arsenic compounds (arsenic anhydride, arsenites and arsenals) are highly toxic.

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From anthropogenic sources, mercury enters aquatic systems in the form of predominantly metallic mercury, Hg(II) ions, and phenylmercuric acetate. Organic mercury compounds are more toxic than inorganic ones. Fish absorb organic forms of mercury more intensively than inorganic ones. It has been shown that the predominant form of mercury found in fish is methylmercury, which is formed biologically with the participation of microbial enzymes. It can accumulate in the body and produce not only toxic, but also mutagenic, teratogenic and embryotoxic effects. Aquatic plants absorb mercury. Organic mercury compounds are eliminated from the body more slowly than inorganic ones. Methylation of inorganic mercury in aquatic ecosystems occurs quite quickly; this is manifested in the fact that the ratio of the amount of organic mercury compounds to the amount of total mercury in the muscle tissue of fish increases with distance from the places where inorganic mercury compounds enter the aquatic environment. Methylation of inorganic mercury can also occur in the liver and intestines of fish. Under conditions of significant pollution of the aquatic environment, an increase in the content of methylmercury in the chain of bottom sediments - mussels - fish is observed. Methylmercury, rapidly accumulating throughout most aquatic biota, reaches its highest concentrations in the tissues of fish at the top of the aquatic food chain.

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Mercury affects the life cycles, biochemistry, physiology and morphology of fish. In the mechanism of the toxic effect of mercury, the leading role is played by the interaction with SH groups of proteins. By blocking them, mercury changes the biological properties of tissue proteins and inactivates a number of hydrolytic and oxidative enzymes. Under the influence of mercury, metabolic processes are suppressed, fertility and survival are reduced, and protective functions are weakened. Under the influence of mercury, indicators of humoral immunity changed: the level of lysozyme decreased, the bacteriostatic activity of blood serum and the intensity of antibody formation decreased. Mercury causes noticeable changes in blood biochemical parameters, disrupting protein, lipid, and enzyme metabolism, and contributes to the appearance of anemia.

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In aquatic systems, cadmium is absorbed by organisms primarily directly from the water. The free metal ion (Cd2+) is the most accessible form for aquatic species. Marine organisms generally contain higher cadmium residues than their freshwater and terrestrial counterparts. Cadmium is characterized by the ability to concentrate in the internal organs of vertebrates, especially in the liver and kidneys. Cadmium concentrations tend to be higher in the tissues of older organisms. Higher cadmium residues are usually associated with urban and industrial sources. The species analyzed, the season of capture, environmental levels of cadmium, and the sex of the organism are all factors likely to influence residual levels of the element. Exposure of fish to cadmium generally reduces their ability to undergo osmotic regulation. The most sensitive indicator of cadmium toxicity in the early life stages of fish is inhibition of fry growth. That is, aquatic organisms at the embryonic and larval stages are more sensitive than in the adult state.

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Copper enters the body of fish with food, but the rate of its absorption is inversely dependent on the presence of chelates and inorganic ions in the water and directly dependent on the time of exposure and concentration. In this case, a toxic effect on the body is manifested, expressed in disruption of the functioning of the gill apparatus, asphyxia, anemia, changes in hematopoietic processes, tissue damage and necrosis. Acute copper exposure in fish results in necrosis of kidney cells, fatty liver degeneration, and cerebral hemorrhage. Copper ions reduce the resistance of fish to infections and change the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the formation of the immune response. However, it has been repeatedly noted that fish can adapt to low levels of copper, and sufficiently high concentrations of the toxicant do not cause death of animals.

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Zinc is a biomicroelement and is part of more than 200 metalloenzymes, including carbohydrase, alcohol hydrogenase, carboxypeptidase, alkaline phosphatase, thymidine kinase, DNA and RNA polymerase and others. It takes part in the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids and nucleic acids. Zinc compounds are low toxic. Mercury and copper are more toxic to fish than zinc. Fish that have experienced zinc intoxication experience dysfunction of the renal tissue, the functioning of the gill apparatus, a decrease in growth rate, size, and behavioral dysfunction.

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Aquatic plants accumulate lead in different ways. Lead accumulates slightly in fish, so it is relatively less dangerous for humans in this link of the trophic chain. The mechanism of the toxic effect of lead, like other heavy metals, is the blocking of functional SH groups of proteins that inhibit vital enzymes, and also disruption of the electrolyte balance, biosynthesis of proteins, hormones and nucleic acids. Most often, chronic poisoning occurs due to the ability of lead to accumulate in the body when taken in small doses. Lead lactate, which is formed in muscles when lead interacts with lactic acid, also plays an important role in the mechanism of the toxic effect of lead. Lead is a strong polytropic poison, has cumulative properties, affects all organs and systems of animals, and also contributes to the development of cancer. It blocks the formation of reflexes in aquatic organisms.

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Positive role of metals. Some heavy metals have important biological significance; they are necessary to maintain normal functioning of the body. For example, zinc, being an essential element, is found in organs and tissues mainly in an organically bound form, in the form of easily dissociable compounds with protein. It affects protein metabolism and has a catalytic effect on redox processes in cells. Being part of various enzymes, hormones, vitamins, zinc contributes to the formation of complex organic compounds. For cadmium, the ability to replace zinc in zinc-containing enzymes, which occurs most often in the liver, was previously noted. It is in this organ that cadmium accumulates to a greater extent, while in muscle tissue the content of this metal is insignificant compared to other metals studied. Copper plays an important role as a catalyst for redox processes and is part of an important enzyme - superoxide dismutase, which utilizes toxic superoxide - the O2- ion - in the body. About 25 copper-containing enzymes are known, which form a group of oxygenases and hydroxylases. Copper is involved in tissue respiration and hematopoiesis. Zinc and copper, being biomicroelements necessary for the life of the body, can play a positive role for fish when accumulated within the maximum permissible norms. At the same time, copper is a metal with variable valency and is part of some oxidoreductases. As a result of the release of electrons, an oxidative process is launched, which can negatively affect the exchange of nucleic acids and the ratio of nucleotides and nucleosides.

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RESEARCH METHODS 5 Atomic absorption and polarographic methods with preliminary mineralization for determining the content of toxic elements (copper, lead, cadmium, zinc); Flameless atomic absorption method for determining the content of total mercury; Colorimetric method for determining arsenic content.

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Seasonal dynamics of the content of toxic elements in the muscle tissues of fish of different ecological groups (mg/kg) Note. Bottom group: 1-burbot, 2-scorpionfish, 3-marvel goby, 4-round goby; bottom-pelagic group: 5-merlang, 6-red mullet, 7-greenfinch, 8-smarida, 9-stargazer; pelagic group: 10-horse mackerel.

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A colossal amount of pollutant emissions in the Black Sea significantly pollutes water and bottom soils. The saturation of the marine environment with xenobiotics disrupts the evolutionarily formed interaction between the organism and the environment, which leads to various negative consequences for the ecosystem as a whole.

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Nitrogen compounds are widespread in the marine environment, where they enter with household wastewater, fertilizers washed off from fields, and also with precipitation. One of the harmful consequences of saturation of aquatic ecosystems with nutrients is their eutrophication.

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Sewage from Black Sea cities, after treatment, brings mineral salts into the sea that promote rapid plant growth. At the end of the twentieth century, too many mineral salts entered the Black Sea, putting it on the brink of an environmental disaster. Overfeeding the marine ecosystem with mineral salts is one of the causes of eutrophication. Single-celled algae Cladophora prevents the growth of sea grass (eelgrass); green underwater meadows of eelgrass once covered the entire sandy shallow water. Tangles of single-celled cladophora shade the leaves of the eelgrass, entangle and stifle its growth.

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