Presentation on juvenile delinquency powerpoint. Teenage delinquency



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experimental activities of older preschoolers Prepared by: Pozdeeva A.P.

“The fundamental fact is that the activity of experimentation permeates all areas of a child’s life, all children’s activities, including play. The latter arises much later than the activity of experimentation” N. Poddyakov

Experimentation: Contributes to the formation of a holistic picture of the world of a preschool child and the foundations of his cultural knowledge of the world around him. It is the leading functional mechanism of a child’s creativity. The more varied and intense the search activity, the more new information the child receives, the faster and more fully he develops.

Chinese proverb: “Tell me and I will forget, show me and I will remember, let me try and I will understand.”

Research activities in various fields Activation of thought processes. Analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification, generalization. Speech development. A story about what you saw, the ability to formulate a conclusion. Visual activity. Ability to sketch the course of an experiment and its results. Math skills. Count, measure, compare and determine shape and size.

ADVANTAGES OF THE EXPERIMENTATION METHOD: Promotes the formation of integrative qualities: Curious, active; emotionally responsive; mastered the means of communication and ways of interacting with adults and peers; are able to solve intellectual and personal problems; having primary ideas about themselves, the world and nature; are able to manage their behavior and plan their actions; mastered the universal prerequisites for educational activities.

Objectives of the experimental activity: 1. Expand children's understanding of the physical properties of the world around them: - introduce them to the various properties of substances (hardness, softness, flowability, viscosity, buoyancy, solubility); - introduce the main types and characteristics of movement (speed, direction); 2. Develop ideas about basic physical phenomena (reflection, refraction of light, magnetic attraction); 3. Develop children’s ideas about some environmental factors (light, air temperature and its variability; water - transition to various states: liquid, solid, gaseous, their differences from each other; air - its pressure and strength; soil - composition, humidity, dryness ); 4. Expand the understanding of human use of environmental factors: sun, earth, air, water, plants and animals to meet their needs; 5. Expand children’s understanding of the importance of water and air in human life; 6. Introduce children to the properties of soil and its constituent sand and clay; 7. To develop experience in following safety rules when conducting physical experiments; 8. Develop an emotional and value-based attitude towards the world around us.

STRUCTURE OF EXPERIMENTS: problem statement; finding ways to solve the problem; conducting surveillance; discussion of the results seen; formulation of conclusions

Forms of organization of research activities: By the nature of mental operations: ascertaining; comparative; generalizing. PPPo By number of participants: individual; group By frequency: single; cyclical.

Features of organizing children's experimentation - The experiment should be short in time. -It is necessary to take into account that it is difficult for preschoolers to work without speech accompaniment (since it is in older preschool age that children go through the stage of pronouncing their actions out loud). -It is also important to take into account the individual differences of children (pace of work, fatigue). -It is necessary to take into account the child’s right to make mistakes and use adequate ways to involve children in work, especially those who have not yet developed skills (dividing one procedure into several small actions assigned to different children, joint work of the teacher and children, teacher assistance to children, work of the teacher at the direction of the children, the teacher’s conscious admission of inaccuracies in the work, etc.). -When working with children, you should try not to draw a clear line between everyday life and learning, because experiments are not an end in themselves, but a way of getting to know the world. -It is also necessary to take into account the age characteristics of children

material for parents

"School of Wizards"

Subject development environment

Various instruments: scales, magnifying glasses, magnets, microscopes, magnifying glasses; A variety of vessels made of various materials: glass, metal, plastic; Natural materials: leaves, sand, clay, earth, seeds; Nuts, paper clips, screws, nails, wire; Medical materials: pipettes, flasks, syringes, measuring spoons, cotton wool, bandage; Waste material: plastic, pieces of fabric, leather, fur; Flour, salt, soda, candles, lanterns; Children's robes, aprons; Schemes for conducting experiments; Journal for recording results.

Experiments and experiments

Schemes - models of properties of substances and cards for conclusions

Card index of experiments and schemes

For experiments with sand


Gaseous little people We are gaseous little kids, And therefore we are unique, We love to run and push, When we collide, we quickly fly apart. It is impossible to see us with the eye, But we are called gas, We live everywhere and everywhere, Although we are not visible anywhere. Liquid men We are liquid men, Calm, not quick. We get along great, we touch friends with our elbows. We live in water and milk, in compote, sea and river, in gasoline, kerosene and in a juicy orange. TRIZ in experimental activities

The children sketched their experiences

Mini vegetable garden

Model of a graduate of the “School of Wizards”

Thank you for your attention!



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Juvenile delinquency

“Don’t swear off scrip and prison.” This stern warning came into our everyday life from the past. It reminds us of the most unfavorable turns of fate.

The most reckless actions are characteristic of youth. Before he even has time to feel the joys of life, the man is already rolling on the floor in the investigator’s office shouting: “I didn’t mean to!” Did not know!". And with difficulty he begins to realize that RESPONSIBILITY sets in. Not dad's, not mom's, but HIS RESPONSIBILITY.

A person who has reached the age of sixteen at the time of committing a crime is subject to criminal liability.

Persons who have reached the age of fourteen at the time of committing a crime are subject to criminal liability: for murder (Article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation); intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm (Article 111 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation); intentional infliction of moderate harm to health (Article 112 of the Criminal Code); kidnapping (Article 126 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation); rape (Article 131 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation); violent acts of a sexual nature (Article 132 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation); theft (Article 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation); robbery (Article 161 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation);

robbery (Article 162 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation); extortion (Article 163 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation); unlawful taking of a car or other vehicle without the purpose of theft (Article 166 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation); intentional destruction or damage to property under aggravating circumstances (Part 2 of Article 167 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation); terrorist act (Article 205 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation); hostage taking (Article 206 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation); knowingly false report about an act of terrorism (Article 207 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation); Hooliganism under aggravating circumstances (Part 2 of Article 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation); vandalism (Article 214 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation); theft or extortion of weapons, ammunition, explosives and explosive devices (Article 226 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation); theft or extortion of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances (Article 229 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation); rendering vehicles or means of communication unusable (Article 267 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

Types of punishments imposed on minors (Part 1 of Article 88 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation): a) fine; b) deprivation of the right to engage in certain activities; c) compulsory work; d) correctional labor; e) restriction of freedom; f) imprisonment for a certain period.

If a teenager has committed a crime of minor or moderate gravity for the first time, he may be released from criminal liability and compulsory educational measures may be applied to him: a warning; transfer under the supervision of parents or persons replacing them, or a specialized government body; imposition of an obligation to materially compensate for the harm caused; restricting leisure time and establishing special requirements for the behavior of a minor.

The criminological characteristics of the personality of a minor offender come down to: - firstly, to the gender and age characteristics of minors who committed crimes (what proportion of the total number of crimes committed by minors are crimes committed by male and female persons). - secondly, to the characteristics of the crime of social groups of minors different by occupation (differences in the criminal activity of contingents of minors, distinguished depending on their occupation). - thirdly, to characterize the personal characteristics of juvenile offenders (loss of connections with the educational or work community, level of education, etc.).

REASONS AND CONDITIONS OF JUVENILE CRIME: A sharp deterioration in the economic situation and increased social-class tension in society. Of course, all this also affects adult crime, but the rapid decline in living standards affects teenagers the most, because at all times minors have been and remain the most vulnerable part of society. “Vulnerability” lies in the fact that the characteristics that distinguish minors (unsettled psyche, not fully formed value system) make them susceptible to the influence of factors that adults resist much more successfully. Unable to legally satisfy their needs, many teenagers begin to “make money” and obtain the necessary things and products to the best of their abilities and capabilities, often by committing crimes.

The aggravation of problems of family dysfunction against the general background of poverty and constant need, moral and social degradation occurring in families, lead to extremely negative consequences. Currently, the number of cases of child abuse is increasing, which leads to intensive “displacement” of children and adolescents from the family onto the street and gives impetus to a new increase in the unlawful behavior of minors, most often of a property nature. Conducted studies indicate that the degree of influence of family troubles among adolescents who have committed property crimes is higher than among other juvenile criminals.

The most obvious and fairly well-researched condition for adult and child crime is: drunkenness (not moderate alcohol consumption) and alcoholism (drunkenness that has turned into a difficult, pathological craving for alcoholic beverages). Narcotic and other potent, intoxicating substances have an even more destructive effect on the somatic and psychological health of a young person.

The influence of the media, and, above all, television and cinema in cultivating “criminal ideology” among young people. In this regard, it is noted that fear of crime is being intensified against the backdrop of information full of horrors, often far from reality. According to almost 90% of the French and the same number of Germans, Belgians, Italians, all troubles with children occur due to the fault of the blue screen. The European Society for the Protection of Children estimates that at least 20 murders and legal atrocities are shown every hour in films and programs on all European channels. Considering how much teenagers spend on average from 3 to 4 hours a day in front of a screen, one can imagine the power of influence on the fragile child’s psyche. The influence of computer games on the level of aggressiveness of adolescents.

Levels of prevention in relation to minors: Early prevention in the form of social protection, assistance (the task is to improve the environment and provide assistance to minors who find themselves in unfavorable living and educational conditions before the negative effect of these conditions affects the behavior of such persons); ; Early prevention in the form of a combination of social assistance and corrective action; Direct prevention (prevent transition to crime and ensure correction of persons with a significant degree of maladjustment who commit non-criminal offenses);

IV. prevention of pre-criminal behavior (prevent transition to a criminal path and create conditions for the correction of persons who systematically commit offenses, the nature and intensity of which indicate the likelihood of committing a crime in the near future); V. prevention of relapse (to prevent the relapse of teenagers who have previously committed crimes, to prevent the negative influence of these teenagers on law-abiding minors).

The dominant crime is theft - 60%. Robbery, robbery - 12%. Hooliganism - the share fluctuates up to 60%. It has decreased almost 3 times compared to the 70s, and currently there is a downward trend. Murder, rape, intentional harm from 1 to 2% are small shares, but in recent years their trend has been unfavorable; unfortunately, cruel murders have also begun to be committed by young children. Of particular concern is drug addiction, the proportion of which, according to official data, has doubled or tripled in recent years. They start using drugs at the age of 12-15; mortality from drug use has increased 42 times over the past 10 years.

Cases of possession and use of firearms and resistance to police officers are increasing. The involvement of minors in the sphere of interethnic conflicts (skinheads) is increasing, which is stimulated by the activities of extremist national-patriotic and chauvinist organizations and movements.

Among minors, types of crimes that were previously typical mainly of adults are becoming increasingly common: - trafficking in weapons and drugs; - pimping; - robbery attacks on entrepreneurs and foreigners; - assault on life and health using torture; - fraudulent activities with currency; - computer crimes; - racketeering, etc. One of the features of juvenile delinquency at the present stage is the selfish motivation of crimes, as in acquisitive crimes (theft, robberies, robberies) up to 90%; and only 7-10% commit for reasons of solidarity, self-affirmation, group dependence; and when committing violent crimes.

Juvenile crime has always been of a group nature. Group behavior is the norm for minors, not a deviation from it. However, there is also a place for persistent, individual, daring, sophisticated offenses on the part of a teenager. Such behavior is much more difficult to uncover and fix than group behavior.

Measures to prevent juvenile crimes, depending on the content and nature, are divided into: - Educational (aimed at restructuring the moral consciousness of the individual, his views, needs, orientations. The educational impact is realized during conversations, everyday contacts with the teenager, through involvement in work or study, giving him positive examples, introducing him to fiction, art, sports, etc.) - Compulsory (criminal, administrative, disciplinary, correctional labor. All of them, of course, are regulated by law and are applied mainly by law enforcement agencies. However, public organizations participate in their implementation).

Organizational (special measures to improve the identification and recording of dysfunctional families and delinquent teenagers who find themselves in difficult conditions, planning work with them, monitoring, coordinating the actions of various organizations). - Various types of assistance to teenagers who find themselves in difficult life situations: getting a job or studying, resolving family conflicts or conflicts in educational or industrial groups.

In a country with a high crime rate, the growth rate of child crime is usually higher than the growth rate of adult crime. Criminal activity creates conditions in society that facilitate the involvement of minors in criminal activity.

At the same time, for all its specificity and severity, moral norms are only a model of proper behavior, an ideal guide to moral activity. A moral norm (see Morality) is a rule of behavior that strictly and specifically prescribes to a person what actions he should (or should not) perform.

Rules of law endow subjects of law with legal (enshrined in law) rights and obligations. The regulatory role of a norm is that the subject of law acts in accordance with its (norm) instructions or requires other persons to behave accordingly

An offense is any act (action or inaction) that violates any rule of law. Signs of an offense OFFENSIVENESS OFFENSE This is always an act, i.e. an action (theft, fight, bribe, hijacking, insult, beating, fraud, slander, robbery, etc.) or inaction (when you were obliged to do something, but did not do it : did not provide assistance (doctor), did not take a ticket, did not pay taxes, did not show up for work (absenteeism), etc.). Thoughts (since they are not actions) are not considered offenses.

An offense is any act (action or inaction) that violates any rule of law. Signs of an offense OFFENSIVENESS OFFENSE This is always an act, i.e. an action (theft, fight, bribe, hijacking, insult, beating, fraud, slander, robbery, etc.) or inaction (when you were obliged to do something, but did not do it : did not provide assistance (doctor), did not take a ticket, did not pay taxes, did not show up for work (absenteeism), etc.). Thoughts (since they are not actions) are not considered offenses. This is always an illegal act, that is, an act that violates the rule of law. This is always a guilty act, that is, an act committed by a person capable of realizing the inadmissibility (illegality) of his behavior and the consequences associated with it. This is an act that is dangerous to society and causes harm to it.

Crime is the most dangerous type of offense, it is a socially dangerous guilty act prohibited by criminal law, entailing punishment. Signs of a crime CRIME CRIME This is only an act, an act (action or inaction), and not thoughts. It is always a socially dangerous act. This is always an illegal act prohibited by criminal law. This is an act for which criminal law provides for a precisely defined punishment (i.e., a measure of state coercion imposed by a court - a fine, imprisonment, etc.)

One of the forms of social responsibility, the peculiarity of which is that it provides for certain measures of government influence in relation to the offender. one of the forms of social responsibility, the peculiarity of which is that it provides for certain measures of government influence in relation to the offender. Legal liability

Criminal liability is the most stringent type of legal liability. It is a legal consequence of committing a crime and consists in applying criminal law coercion (influence) measures to the perpetrator. Forms of criminal liability Without imposing punishmentWith imposing punishment, criminal liability is limited to the conviction of a person (i.e., the court makes a guilty verdict) without imposing a punishment. The culprit may be subject to compulsory medical measures (for example, with the onset of a mental disorder or other serious illness). The content of criminal liability includes not only the conviction of a person, but also the application of punishment to him in the form of a fine, confiscation of property, imprisonment, etc.

In accordance with the Criminal Code (CC) of the Russian Federation, criminal liability begins at the age of 16 for all types of crimes. For the most serious crimes: murder, rape, extortion, etc., adolescents from the age of 14 are subject to criminal liability. The purposes of punishment: restoration of justice, correction of the convicted person, prevention of the commission of new crimes. The purposes of punishment: restoration of justice, correction of the convicted person, prevention of the commission of new crimes.

Your legal status is from 6 to 14 years. Rights DutiesResponsibility For the care and upbringing of parents. For comprehensive development and respect for human dignity. For comprehensive development and respect for human dignity. Express your opinion when making decisions in the family on any issue. Express your opinion when making decisions in the family on any issue. To protect their rights and legitimate interests by parents, to participate in a children's public association. To protect their rights and legitimate interests by parents, to participate in a children's public association. To independently apply to the guardianship authority To independently apply to the guardianship and trusteeship authority for the protection of your rights. Make small household transactions. Listen to parents. Follow the rules of behavior at school, home and public places. Receive basic general education. Observe the charter of the children's public association Before parents. Before your conscience. To teachers and school administration. For committing socially dangerous acts, vagrancy, evading school. To the children's public association and its participants. To the children's public association and its participants. From the age of 11, placement in a special educational institution for children and adolescents (special school, special boarding school) in case of malicious violation of the rules of behavior.

Your legal status is between 14 and 18 years old. Rights DutiesResponsibilities Obtain a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. Go to court on your own to protect your rights. Work during free time from school with the consent of one of the parents. Independently manage your earnings, scholarships, and other income. Exercise your copyright independently. Make deposits in banks and manage them. Drive a bicycle, and from the age of 16 - a moped. Participate in a youth association. Gain legal capacity as a result of emancipation Listen to parents. Follow the rules of behavior at school, home and public places. Receive basic general education. Comply with the charter of the youth public association. At the age of 17, register for military service. Expulsion from school for committing offenses, including gross and repeated violations of the school’s rules of conduct. Independent property liability for concluded transactions. Compensation for damage caused. Responsibility for violation of labor discipline. Criminal liability for certain types of crimes from the age of 14, full responsibility - from the age of 16. Administrative responsibility from 16 years of age.

The person who finds a lost item is obliged to immediately notify the person who lost it or the owner of the item. The person who finds a lost item is obliged to immediately notify the person who lost it or the owner of the item. If an item is found on premises or in a vehicle, it must be handed over to the person representing the owner of this premises or vehicle. The person who finds the item is obliged to report the find to the police or local government. Article 227 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Nakhodka

Practical part Explain the meaning of the expressions (work in groups): The law is harsh, but it is the law. The law is strong, but it's law. Ignorance of the law is not an excuse. Ignorance of the law is not an excuse. To be free, you must obey the laws. To be free, you must obey the laws. Society prepares a crime, the criminal commits it. L. Quetelet, Belgian mathematician, astronomer, sociologist. Society prepares a crime, the criminal commits it. L. Quetelet, Belgian mathematician, astronomer, sociologist. What was conceived, although not carried out, is still a crime. Seneca, Roman politician, philosopher and writer. What was conceived, although not carried out, is still a crime. Seneca, Roman politician, philosopher and writer.

Persons who have reached the age of fourteen at the time of committing a crime are subject to criminal liability for murder (Article 105), intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm (Article 111), intentional infliction of moderate harm to health (Article 112), kidnapping (Article 126), rape ( Article 131), violent acts of a sexual nature (Article 132), theft (Article 158), robbery (Article 161), robbery (Article 162), extortion (Article 163), unlawful taking of a car or other vehicle without the purpose of theft (Article 166 ), intentional destruction or damage to property under aggravating circumstances (part two of Article 167), terrorist act (Article 205), hostage taking (Article 206), knowingly false report of an act of terrorism (Article 207), hooliganism under aggravating circumstances (part two of Article 213), vandalism (Article 214), theft or extortion of weapons, ammunition, explosives and explosive devices (Article 226), theft or extortion of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances (Article 229), rendering vehicles or means of communication unusable (Article 267 ..... Persons who have reached the age of fourteen at the time of committing a crime are subject to criminal liability for murder (Article 105), intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm (Article 111), intentional infliction of moderate harm to health (Article 112), kidnapping (Article 126), rape (Article 131), violent acts of a sexual nature (Article 132), theft (Article 158), robbery (Article 161), robbery (Article 162), extortion (Article 163), unlawful taking of a car or other vehicle without purposes of theft (Article 166), intentional destruction or damage to property under aggravating circumstances (part two of Article 167), terrorist act (Article 205), hostage taking (Article 206), knowingly false report of an act of terrorism (Article 207), aggravated hooliganism circumstances (part two of Article 213), vandalism (Article 214), theft or extortion of weapons, ammunition, explosives and explosive devices (Article 226), theft or extortion of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances (Article 229), rendering vehicles unusable or means of communication (Article 267). Practical part Read extracts from the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Article 20 part 2. Why do you think responsibility for these crimes begins at the age of 14? Give reasons for your answer.

Analysis of situations: 1. 7th grade students were in the locker room before a physical education lesson. After the call, everyone went to the gym, but Dima lingered and stole a cell phone from his classmate. What crime did the teenager commit? At what age does responsibility for this offense begin? 1. 7th grade students were in the locker room before the physical education lesson. After the call, everyone went to the gym, but Dima lingered and stole a cell phone from his classmate. What crime did the teenager commit? At what age does responsibility for this offense begin? 2. Sveta found a cell phone on her way home. He was lying on the ground, there was no one around. The girl took it, brought it home and did not tell anyone about her find. Is it a crime that Sveta did not tell anyone about the find and did not try to find out who the owner of the phone is? Is there an article in the law that comments on this situation? 2. Sveta found a cell phone on her way home. He was lying on the ground, there was no one around. The girl took it, brought it home and did not tell anyone about her find. Is it a crime that Sveta did not tell anyone about the find and did not try to find out who the owner of the phone is? Is there an article in the law that comments on this situation? 3. Roma and Petya were traveling on the bus, talking loudly, laughing, using obscene language, and reacting aggressively to the comments of others. Is their behavior wrong and punishable? If yes, what punishment can they receive? 3. Roma and Petya were traveling on the bus, talking loudly, laughing, using obscene language, and reacting aggressively to the comments of others. Is their behavior wrong and punishable? If yes, what punishment can they receive? Practical part

The law treats minors who have committed a crime in a special way, with leniency. Thus, a teenager who has committed a crime of minor or moderate gravity for the first time may be released from criminal liability and subjected to measures of compulsory educational influence (transfer to the supervision of parents or a special government body). Not all types of punishment in the form of imprisonment are applied to adolescents; early release is also carried out under special conditions. The law treats minors who have committed a crime in a special way, with leniency. Thus, a teenager who has committed a crime of minor or moderate gravity for the first time may be released from criminal liability and subjected to measures of compulsory educational influence (transfer to the supervision of parents or a special government body). Not all types of punishment in the form of imprisonment are applied to adolescents; early release is also carried out under special conditions. Do you think these measures can help a teenager avoid further crimes in life? Do you think these measures can help a teenager avoid further crimes in life?

Practical part of Crimes, criminal liability for which begins at the age of 14. Intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm Murder rape Vandalism Terrorist act, false report of an act of terrorism Car theft Kidnapping Robbery 25

Extracts from the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Aggravating circumstances When imposing punishment, aggravating circumstances are recognized as: the commission of a crime by a person who has previously committed a crime...; commission of a crime by an organized group; causing grave consequences by a crime; committing a crime against a minor, the elderly or a person in a helpless state, as well as against a person who is financially, professionally or otherwise dependent on the perpetrator; inciting minors to commit a crime or involving minors in participating in a crime; committing a crime with particular cruelty or mockery of the victim; commission of a crime by a person under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or other intoxication; slander of a obviously innocent person; commission of a new crime by a person who has been taken on bail, during the period of guarantee or within one year after the end of this period...

Dear Guys! Do you think the theoretical information received in class will help you in life? Do you think the theoretical information received in class will help you in life? Is this topic relevant for you teenagers? Is it necessary to talk about rights, duties, liability, including criminal liability? Is this topic relevant for you teenagers? Is it necessary to talk about rights, duties, liability, including criminal liability? Did you enjoy this activity? Did you enjoy this activity?

Reasons that contribute to the development of a minor on a criminal path: Negative influence of the family Negative influence in the immediate environment. Financial difficulties Drug addiction and alcoholism Mental deviations Incitement by adult criminals Level of education Homelessness Organization of leisure activities Activities of public and government structures

Criteria for the onset of criminal liability Age A person who has reached 16 years of age at the time of committing a crime is subject to criminal liability. If a minor does not reach the age of 16, he is exempt from criminal liability. For some crimes, a lower age of criminal responsibility has been established - 14 years. Sanity The sanity or insanity of a person is determined only at the time of committing a specific crime. A conclusion about sanity can only be made on the basis of the conclusion of a forensic psychiatric examination. The causes of insanity are such mental disorders as: a) chronic mental disorder; b) temporary mental disorder; c) dementia; d) another painful mental state.

List of crimes for which a reduced age of criminal responsibility has been established Murder Intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm Intentional infliction of moderate harm to health Kidnapping Rape Violent acts of a sexual nature Theft Robbery Robbery Extortion Disabling vehicles or means of communication Wrongful taking of a car or other vehicle for no purpose theft Theft or extortion of weapons, explosives, explosive devices, ammunition Theft or extortion of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances Deliberate destruction or damage to property under aggravating circumstances Hostage taking Knowingly false report of an act of terrorism Terrorist act of vandalism * Persons under 16 years of age cannot be held accountable for acts not included in this list

Compulsory measures of educational influence: Warning Transfer of a minor to the supervision of parents or persons replacing them, or a specialized government body Imposition of an obligation to make amends for the harm caused Limitation of leisure time and establishment of special requirements for the behavior of a minor.

Goals and objectives: Goals and objectives: The purpose of this work is to propose measures and recommendations for the formation of active, sustainable law-abiding behavior of minors as one of the fundamental areas of early prevention of juvenile delinquency. The purpose of this work is to propose measures and recommendations for the formation of active, sustainable law-abiding behavior of minors as one of the fundamental areas of early prevention of juvenile delinquency. The task is to reveal the basic principles of early prevention of juvenile delinquency

Introduction Introduction The increase in crime in Russia, including juvenile crime, was a consequence of the fact that, in addition to the influence of socio-economic reasons, such high spiritual national values ​​of life as the intrinsic value of the personality of each person, the desire for kindness and rejection of violence towards others, love for the Fatherland and caring for others in the context of destructive changes in public life have lost their meaning. In this regard, the task of spiritual and moral renewal of modern society through the spiritually oriented education of the younger generation of Russians becomes at the same time the task of early prevention of juvenile delinquency. The increase in crime in Russia, including among minors, was a consequence of the fact that, in addition to the impact of socio-economic reasons, such high spiritual national values ​​of life as the intrinsic value of the individual of each person, the desire for kindness and rejection of violence towards others, love for the Fatherland and care about neighbors in conditions of destructive changes in public life have lost their meaning. In this regard, the task of spiritual and moral renewal of modern society through the spiritually oriented education of the younger generation of Russians becomes at the same time the task of early prevention of juvenile delinquency.

The juvenile crime rate continues to rise. If a unified system of prevention is not created on a statewide scale in the near future (not programs, but systems) of prevention, it will be possible to confidently predict the transformation of Russia into a criminal country, a country where crime rules, and where they live not according to the laws, and not even according to concepts, but at the random whim of juvenile thugs The level of teenage crime continues to rise. If a unified system of prevention is not created on a statewide scale in the near future (not programs, but systems) of prevention, it will be possible to confidently predict the transformation of Russia into a criminal country, a country where crime rules, and where they live not according to the laws, and not even according to concepts, but at the random whim of juvenile thugs

From grades 8 to 11, a survey was conducted on the topic “teenage delinquency.” Questionnaire 1. My attitude to the problem of delinquency among minors: a) negative; b) positive; c) I doubt the answer; 2. What is the reason for the increase in crime: a) insufficient parental control; b) environmental influence; c) other; 3.Who commits crimes more often? a) children from disadvantaged families; b) children “at risk”; c) others; 4. Are there situations when you want to commit an offense? a) yes; b) sometimes; c) no; 5. How to solve the problem of juvenile delinquency?

Analysis of student responses. Pupils from 8th to 11th grades answered the questions. There are 100 profiles in total. To the first question, 59% of students answered “a”; 10% of students answered “b”; 31% answered “in”; To the second question, 17% answered “a”; 51% - “b”; 32% - “in”; To the third question, 39% of respondents answered “a”; 39%, “b” and 32%, “c”; To the fourth question, 10% answered “a”; 35%, which is “b” and 55%, which is “c”; After analyzing the students' answers, we can come to the conclusion that 10 guys (that's 10%) among the respondents may become difficult because... to the first question they answered that they had a positive attitude towards juvenile delinquency, and in the fourth question they stated that they have situations when they want to commit an offense. This is alarming. Therefore, they should be analyzed according to the following point.

Evidence of conduct disorder with onset before age 15, as indicated by the presence of at least three criteria: frequent absenteeism from school; frequent absence from school; running away from home at night, but at least twice, or once for a long time; running away from home at night, but extremely at least twice, or once for a long time often was the first to enter into a fight often the first to enter into a fight used a weapon in a fight used a weapon in a fight forced someone to have sexual relations forced someone to have sexual relations showed cruelty to animals showed cruelty to animals intentionally destroyed someone's property (not by arson) intentionally destroyed someone's property (not by arson) started fires started fires often lied for no reason and not in order to avoid punishment often lied for no reason and not in order to avoid punishments stole, forged documents stole, forged documents stole while interacting with the victim, including card games stole while interacting with the victim, including card games

How did the guys answer the fifth question??? What did they offer? 1. Tighten penalties for offenses 2. Organize actions against offenses 3. Conduct educational work with parents of teenagers 4. Tighten penalties for selling alcohol to teenagers, etc. All respondents approached this issue very seriously. All respondents approached this issue very seriously. It seems to me that the respondents, answering the questions, put themselves in the shoes of adults who have to cope with this disaster.

Tense, unstable socio-economic situation Tense, unstable socio-economic situation Environmental problems Environmental problems ideological situation ideological situation Everything currently in our society causes the growth of various deviations in the personal development and behavior of growing people.

What pushes teenagers to commit crimes? Firstly, the difficult situation in the family. For example: parents drink alcohol, do not give the child due attention or ignore him. Firstly, the difficult situation in the family. For example: parents drink alcohol, do not give the child due attention or ignore him. Secondly, teenagers often commit offenses not alone, but in a group. Of course, it is very important what kind of company a teenager finds himself in. Secondly, teenagers often commit offenses not alone, but in a group. Of course, it is very important what kind of company a teenager finds himself in. Thirdly, the media. The child grows up on the product of the media. I think that showing such series as “Brigada” can mislead a child, because parents and teachers say that crimes cannot be committed, that anyone who commits a crime will eventually be punished, but here he sees that the more crimes his uncle commits, the less vulnerable he becomes to law enforcement services. Thirdly, the media. The child grows up on the product of the media. I think that showing such series as “Brigada” can mislead a child, because parents and teachers say that crimes cannot be committed, that anyone who commits a crime will eventually be punished, but here he sees that the more crimes his uncle commits, the less vulnerable he becomes to law enforcement services

Family occupies an important place in human society. Throughout history, strong families have been the key to stability and prosperity in society. It is in the family that human individuality joins social culture, in which a person learns norms, rules, and values ​​of human behavior. Family occupies an important place in human society. Throughout history, strong families have been the key to stability and prosperity in society. It is in the family that human individuality joins social culture, in which a person learns norms, rules, and values ​​of human behavior.

A family is a “house” that unites people, where the foundation of human relationships is laid and the first socialization of the individual takes place. A family is a “house” that unites people, where the foundation of human relationships is laid and the first socialization of the individual takes place. The family, according to scientists, is one of the greatest values ​​created by humanity in the entire history of its existence. The family, according to scientists, is one of the greatest values ​​created by humanity in the entire history of its existence.

Teenagers prefer to share many of their problems not with their parents, but with friends. Most often, they resort to the advice of their friends when difficulties arise in communicating with parents, teachers or a loved one. However, the sphere of influence of many teenagers' friends is much wider. In essence, for a difficult teenager who has been abandoned by school or even family, the company of friends remains the only institution of socialization. Therefore, the character of the company is one of the main factors determining not only the personal, but also the social development of a teenager. Teenagers prefer to share many of their problems not with their parents, but with friends. Most often, they resort to the advice of their friends when difficulties arise in communicating with parents, teachers or a loved one. However, the sphere of influence of many teenagers' friends is much wider. In essence, for a difficult teenager who has been abandoned by school or even family, the company of friends remains the only institution of socialization. Therefore, the character of the company is one of the main factors determining not only the personal, but also the social development of a teenager. Therefore, a lot depends on the company of friends. If friends commit crimes, then most often he will commit the same act.

Influence of the media The media plays a huge role in the development of a child. Propaganda of fiction will only strengthen in the minds of a teenager that morality, humanity and compliance with legal norms develop him in the right direction. And watching such films, reading such books only harms him. After all, here “those in power have the right”

Rashid Nurgaliev about teenage crimes: “During 10 months of 2008, teenagers committed 97.5 thousand crimes, which is 15.7% less than in the same period last year. The number of crimes committed by teenagers under the influence of alcohol and drugs has also decreased.” “The lack of employment of young people, the inaccessibility of sports facilities, and lack of involvement in studies are skillfully used by adult provocateurs who involve teenagers in violations of public order, pogroms, and provoke attacks on people of a different skin color or religion,” the Minister of Internal Affairs emphasized.

WHAT ARE WE DOING TO COPE WITH THIS SOCIETY ILLNESS? Educational measures - all preventive measures are carried out with the participation of representatives of the public and public organizations, etc. District games of the youth movement “Zarnitsa” and “Eaglet” District games of KVN youth teams District pop song festival “Young Voices” District youth forum District patriotic festival songs District sports and fitness competition “Dad, Mom, I am a sports family”

What about school work? For example, our school regularly holds classes, debates, and theme evenings aimed at maintaining law and order among young people. For example, our school regularly holds classes, debates, and theme evenings aimed at maintaining law and order among young people. There are also many sections at the school to keep students occupied in their free time. There are also many sections at the school to keep students occupied in their free time.

Used literature: M. Rattem - “Helping difficult children”, M. “Progress”, 1988 M. Rattem - “Helping difficult children”, M. “Progress”, 1988 Yagodinsky V.N. Protect from dope: Book. for the teacher. – M.: Education, – C) Alekseeva L. S., Plotnik M. M., Spivakovskaya A. S., Shirinsky V. I. The influence of intra-family relationships on the formation of a child’s personality. – Vol. 1. – M.: CBKTI Ministry of Social Protection of the Russian Federation, – C Convention on the Rights of the Child and its implementation in modern Russia: Materials of the scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 10th adoption of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. – M.: State Research Institute of Family and Education, p. 20. Convention on the Rights of the Child and its implementation in modern Russia: Materials of the scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 10th adoption of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. – M.: State Research Institute of Family and Education, with
