Signs of spring are the secret of folk predictions. Signs of spring - waiting for warmth

For an adult, the change of seasons sometimes even goes unnoticed - we are so immersed in our problems and worries that we mechanically tear off the pages on the calendar, not attaching much importance when February gives way to March.

But for kids, this fabulous time when nature comes to life should not be overshadowed by any everyday troubles. After all, adults should try to make the world of children even more colorful, that’s what childhood is for, to leave an indelible positive mark on the whole life of a little person.

To draw the baby’s attention to the onset of a new time, there are ancient folk signs of spring for children, the meaning of which even preschoolers can understand. The little ones can point out the signs of spring on the way to kindergarten or on a walk. The swelling buds and then the tender green leaves emerging from them are always interesting for children to observe.

Earrings appear on birch trees after a long winter, but these are not decorations, but peculiar flowers; they appear before the foliage appears on the tree. The child's attention should be drawn to the sky, which in the spring becomes piercingly blue and high, in contrast to the low gray in winter.

These clear signs will certainly interest the child and will be etched in his memory:

· if long icicles hang from the roofs, then spring will be long;

· titmouse birds flock closer to housing - expect cold weather;

· tits sing in the trees - warm days are coming;

· clouds are floating high in the sky - there will be good weather;

· migratory birds fly in large flocks - they will come soon warm days;

· see a white hare in spring - spring will be protracted.

Folk signs of spring for older preschoolers.

Children who are already in school will understand folk signs more clearly, and they will be interested in testing in practice whether they will come true. Although, in fairness, it is worth noting that now some of them are already irrelevant, because climate, ecology and environment have changed a lot since the time of our great-great-grandmothers, when these signs arose.

Signs of early spring:

· in early spring thunder - it will be cold;

· if there is lightning without thunder in March, the summer will be dry;

· larks and rooks arrived early - the cold will soon end and settle warm weather;

· rough snow – a fruitful year; smooth - on the contrary.

Signs late spring:

· if there are a lot of cobwebs in May, there will be

What does the coming day have in store for us? The desire to know the future is ineradicable in man. Either innate curiosity takes its toll, or the need to be confident in the future. So the inquisitive mind looks for clues in everything, including in the behavior of nature. It is difficult to say how true the signs are, but there is undoubtedly a rational grain in the long-term observations recorded in folk art.

March signs

Early spring is remembered for crying icicles on the roofs of houses, cold streams cutting through the darkened snow, and the joyful trill of birds. Among the ancient Slavs, March 1st was the day of Yarila the Sun.

In Rus', in the pagan era, the new year started on this date.

Spring was greeted with round dances and ritual songs. On Yarilin day no one worked. Real warmth, of course, is still far away, but the expectation of change is subtly in the air. Be the first to feel the weather change migratory birds: Rooks move about on the arable fields still covered with snow.

By the signs of March you can judge what the summer and the future harvest will be like.

  • Short icicles portend early summer, long ones – a protracted spring.
  • Rainy March means crop shortages. Dry - for a good harvest.
  • Frequent fogs are a harbinger of a rainy summer.
  • Snow falling in mounds on the fields during a March snowstorm is a sign of the harvest of spring crops and vegetables.
  • If the snow begins to melt on the south side of the anthill, the summer will be short and cool.
  • Crows bathe - for warmth, rooks play - for good weather.
  • Rapid melting of snow everywhere promises a wet summer.

The Slavs believed that during the first three weeks of March, Spring fights Winter. The new season is finally established in its rights on the 21st - at the spring equinox. The symbols of this day are larks and willow. Spring will be warm if birds build nests on the sunny side on March 21. This is also confirmed by the palm color. The abundance of water around will bring good harvest.

April signs

"April" - Latin name, meaning “warmed by the sun.” In some regions of Rus', the second month of spring until the beginning of the 15th century was traditionally called birch ash. This name appeared as a result of the merger of two words - “birch” and “green”.

At the row Slavic peoples The month is called in the old way: Belarusians – “krasavik”, Ukrainians – “kviten”, Poles – “kfechen”.

From this we can see that the sure signs of April are flowers. But before the crocuses, scillas, and early tulips bloom in the middle of the month, the daylight hours will become a little longer, the snowmelt will increase and the flood will begin.

As is known, the best weather forecasters- birds, animals and insects. Many weather signs in spring are interpreted based on the behavior of living creatures in April.

  • The early arrival of wagtails means warmth.
  • The crow ruffled its feathers on a branch - leading to precipitation.
  • A low-flying lapwing indicates dry weather.
  • If a bird screams in the evening, wait for it to clear up.
  • If a crow builds a nest in a tree high up, there will be a large flood.
  • Cattle roar loudly in bad weather.
  • If a spider sits in a corner, wrapped in a web, frost is coming.
  • The early appearance of bees means warmth and abundant flowering.

Spring signs are often used to predict the harvest. So, wet April means good arable land and an abundance of hay. A thunderstorm promises a warm summer and a nut harvest. Has the aspen blossomed? It's time to sow early beets and carrots. The aspen is all in catkins, and the hazel is in the buds - it will spoil the oats. Rain on Annunciation promises good rye, sun - a wheat harvest. If frost hits on April 7, prepare a basket for milk mushrooms.

May signs

At the beginning of May there may still be short periods of cold. They usually occur during the flowering period of bird cherry. Towards mid-May, catkins appear on birch trees. Cherries and apricots, strewn with white flowers, look like brides. Apple trees dressed in soft pink look no less romantic. Plum blossoms are striking in their variety of white and pink shades. Following the buds, leaves develop. Young greenery is initially fragile and bright. Above all this natural splendor, bees buzz together and cheerfully. The unique aroma of spring is in the air. At the end of May, lilacs bloom.

Folk signs about spring in May the following.

  • Moderately cold May - for the harvest.
  • A lot of cranes and beetles mean drought.
  • Frequent fogs and rains - for a fertile year.
  • If the birch leaf opens before the maple or alder, the summer will be dry.
  • Nightingales singing in a bare forest mean a crop failure for fruit trees.
  • A lot of sorrel - for a snowy and warm winter.
  • If the bird cherry blossoms before May 4, the summer will be warm.

Based on the signs of spring, you can make a timely decision on planting certain vegetable crops. If violets bloom on May Day, it's time to sow radishes, carrots, dill and parsley. Clear weather on May 9, or Stepanov Day, promises a harvest of cucumbers. The period of the Swimsuit was considered the most favorable for agricultural work. If May 20 turns out to be fine, the plants planted on this day will give a good harvest.

It begins on March 22, the day of the spring equinox, and ends on June 22, the day of the summer solstice. Judging this somewhat differently folk calendar: on Candlemas (February 2) “winter meets summer,” and already on February 11 “winter knocks the horn off.”

However, the first meeting of spring was celebrated everywhere on March 1. And people noticed: if streams flowed to Evdokia, expect the first grass in the first ten days of May, and they did not even pay attention to the fact that after this day the snow could pile up “higher than a standing dog.”

The second meeting in the spring was held on March 9th. On this day, the arrival of the first feathered guests from across the distant seas was expected, and “larks” were baked, dough buns in the shape of birds. This is what the proverb says: “A sandpiper flew in from overseas and brought spring from captivity.”

A truly national holiday was the third meeting of spring - the Annunciation, which in the old days was celebrated on March 25. They thought that “I had overcome the winter, but the sleigh either wouldn’t make it for a week, or it would take a week.”

The day of May 1 in Rus' was called the harness, since everywhere, except only northern regions, harrows and plows touched the steamy spring soil.

With the beginning of the arable land we finally said goodbye to winter.

Early flight of bees - to the red spring.

Geese are flying high - there will be a lot of water; they fly low - few.

The rooks have sat on their nests and will go out to sow in three weeks.

If the ducks arrive fat, it will be cold and long.

The cuckoo began to crow - there would be no more frost.

The lark comes to the warmth, the finch to the cold. The wood lark has flown straight to the nest - get to work on the garden.

The mole always knows in advance what the water level will be in the river. With this in mind, he builds his home. And its hills are never flooded with water in the spring.

Before a large flood, the warbler builds a nest high.

A duck makes a nest on a high bank before a large flood.

The first thunder in the north wind - to cold spring; in the east - dry and warm; in the west - to wet; in the south - to warm.

When the month in spring seems reddish, it means great warmth and thunder.

When the bird cherry blossoms, the cold always lives.

But in the spring, what will summer be like? Will it be productive and favorable to the peasant? Or maybe the rain will rot the entire harvest or the sultry sun will dry it out? And people noticed a lot...

If in the spring the snow melts quickly and the water runs smoothly, it means a wet summer.

An observant person was given useful tips and trees, and birds, and animals.

If a lot of sap flows from a birch tree, then the summer is expected to be rainy.

If the birch grows pubescent, expect a dry summer, and if the maple grows, expect a wet summer.

If lightning flashes in early spring but there is no thunder, the summer will be dry.

In the cold spring there is a hail-damaging summer.

If the first - thunder thundered early in the morning - the summer will be moderate; if at noon - warm and fertile; In the evening it will be warm, but autumn will be cold.

Snow melts in the spring on the northern side of the ant heaps - the summer will be warm and long, and if on the southern side it will be cold and short.

If there is no more water in the rivers in the spring, the summer will be hot.

In the spring there are a lot of networts flying - for a good summer.

Birds build nests on the sunny side - for a cold summer.

If a lark builds a nest in a hole, the summer will be dry, and on the hillock it will be rainy.

A steppe harrier builds a nest next to a swamp - for a dry summer, in the steppe - for a rainy one.

However, wait for good weather, hope for it, but don’t make a mistake yourself - and the farmer firmly grasped this truth. Therefore, we need to roll up our sleeves and get to work fertilizing the arable land.

Well, I’m so tired of this winter, I’m tired of the snow, which was so pleasing to the eye with its immaculate whiteness in the first days of its appearance and has now turned into an unpleasant gray mess. Tired of the cold, which at first was invigorating, but now only causes irritation and annoyance - I need to dress warmly again. Tired of...

*** Good year visible in the spring.
*** If it melts early, it won’t melt for a long time.
*** If a snowball blows into the forest in March, there will be a harvest in the garden.
*** Long icicles - for a long spring.
*** In March, clouds float quickly and high - this means good weather.
*** If during March snowstorms the snow falls in mounds on the fields, then vegetables and spring grains will be born well.
*** Dry March means fertility, rainy March means crop failure.
*** The timely arrival of migratory birds in the spring promises a good harvest of bread.
*** If a woodpecker knocks in March, then spring will be late.
*** New month March 14 with rain - summer will be wet.

Let's welcome spring!

Be honest, how often do you Lately do you have similar thoughts? Often. And even more often, you probably want to groan, not even moan, but exclaim: “SPRING! Well, where are you? We’ve already been waiting for you!” We are waiting for your streams that wash the earth. We are waiting for the warm and gentle sun. We are waiting for bird trills. We wait….

How did our ancestors wait and greet spring? What cared, pleased and worried the peasant on the eve of spring? By what signs did they determine its imminent or not so rapid arrival? After all, there was no hydrometeorological center and a smiling girl at the map who knew from which side the cyclone was coming, where the anticyclone had moved and whether the precipitation would be above or below normal.

Since ancient times, the main occupation of the Eastern Slavs was agriculture and knowledge about the changing seasons and upcoming weather was very important to the ancient farmer.

And so, we welcome spring according to the ancient peasant calendar. And it begins, as sad as it may be to realize, not on March 1st.

February March

February 23 – Prokhor. Even the winter-winter groans at Prokhor. Although February is angry, it senses spring.

March 9 is the Day of the Finding of the Head of John the Baptist. We monitored the behavior of the birds. If birds build nests on the sunny side of the trees, it means cold summer and vice versa.

March 12 – Prokop. Prokop is a road destroyer. The digging of the road is ruining it. Water has a sharp nose - it penetrates everywhere.

March 22 – Forty Martyrs. At magpies, day and night are measured. Winter ends, spring begins.


April 7 - Annunciation. Spring has overcome winter. Third meeting of spring. If there is wind, frost and fog - for a fruitful year. If there is snow on the roofs, there will be snow in the field in another month. The first mushrooms grow on a hillock - towards the summer rains, settled in a hollow - towards the land. If the Annunciation is cold, expect forty frosts in the morning. Badgers and raccoons emerge from holes, hedgehogs emerge from rotten stumps, and forest ants emerge from heaps.

April 9 - Chibis. The lapwing flew in and brought water on its tail. Lapwing screams in the evening - for clear weather. Arrival of pigtails and buntings. There is a ford under the threshold - there is a crossing on the street.

April 12 - Average start date for woodcocks. If the craving suddenly stops, expect a quick cold snap or snow.

April 14 - Marya Light the Snow. The ice breaks quickly - walking is dangerous. If the ice suddenly disappears, the year will be easy and good. If the ice on the river disappears or remains on the shore, the year will be difficult.

April 15 - Titus Icebreaker. Spring floods the river. Intensive mating of wood grouse begins.

April 16 - Nikita Vodopol. The rivers are overflowing. Fishermen have noticed before that if there is no ice, then the fishing will be poor.

April 17 - Zosima's spring day, the Solovetsky wonderworker, when “prayer services to the Solovetsky saints Zosima and Savvaty are sung in rural churches of God.”

April 19 - Tryphon and Nikephoros. In the old days, housewives prayed to them in front of the shrine, and then they walked with canvases into the field, where they bowed to the ground on four sides at their boundary and, turning to face the sunrise, said: “Mother Spring, here’s a new product for you!” They spread the canvas on the border and put a piece of pie on top. It was believed that spring would accept these gifts and produce a large flax harvest.

April 20 - George of Mytilensky. Severe frost and sun on this day mean a harvest of bread and buckwheat.

April 21 - Rodion Turn out the Shafts. First trip to the field. If the meeting between the red sun and the month is good - a clear day and nice summer, and if she’s thin - bad weather and a bad summer.

April 23 - St. George's Day. If the moon is young on St. George’s Day, then the sowing of spring crops will be even. If the moon is bad or frosts are expected, then you don’t have to rush to sow - there will be frosts before late autumn will not be.

April 24 - Anton Polovod. If the waters have not opened, then the spring will be late and the summer will be bad.

April 25 - Vasily Pariysky. The last day when the bear leaves the den in which he slept all winter.

April 29 - Irina (Arina).“Irina - play the ravines.” If during the day the water flowed happily through the ravines, but froze in the evening, then the future harvest will be bad.

April 30 - Zosima Pchelnik, Zosim Solovetsky. Protector of beekeepers. By this time, both birch and alder are blooming. Old people believe that if a birch tree has put out its leaves in front of an alder tree, then expect a dry summer, and if an alder tree is in front of a birch tree, then the whole summer will be rainy.


May 1 - Kuzma. The alder blossomed - this buckwheat. The flowering of violets and the flowering of willow indicate the beginning of sowing radishes and carrots, onions, parsley and dill. If the beginning of May is warm, it will be cold at the end, and vice versa.

May 3 – Theodore. On this day they called out to their ancestors. In the old days, they went to the graves of their parents and lamented asking for forgiveness if they were offended in some way during their lifetime.

May 4 - Clay knitting, water splash. Bird cherry blossoms early - there will be a warm summer. The earlier it begins to bloom, the hotter the summer will be.

5 May - Warm May equips spring (begins). If it freezes at night, then you need to wait for forty cold mornings while the grain is standing in the field.

May 6 - Yegoriy Veshny. Festival of the shepherds - they drive the flock into the field. During Yegoryevsk week, swallows arrive. On this day the arable land was plowed.

May 11 - Maxim's Day. A clear morning indicated that the treatment would help the patient and they began to drink him with birch sap. Warm wind brings health.

May 13 - Apostle James. A clear sunrise promised a brisk summer. Warm evening on James the Apostle and Starlight Night- to the harvest.

May 14 - Eremey the Harnesser. Bad weather on this day promises a harsh and cold future winter. The laziest plow is the one in the field. On this day, the people said sayings: “Eremey, Yeremey, think about the crops!”, “Harness the horse to the plow from Eremey the harness, go out to sow, raise the net.”

May 15 - Boris and Gleb. Nightingale day - nightingales begin to sing. They begin to sow grain. The nightingale sang thoroughly - spring began to wane, and summer began to profit.

May 16 - Mavra Green Shchi. From this day on, peasant food became more plentiful. Look for nettles in green cabbage soup. The shoots of coniferous trees begin to grow.

May 22 - St. Nicholas. Grass day. If a frog croaks at Nikola, then good oats will be born. On Evdokia the chicken will drink water, on Nikola the cow will eat grass. In Nikola, like rain, there will be bread and rye. “Great is God’s mercy if it rains on Nikola’s day.” They noted: “Rime on Nikola - for the harvest.”

May 25 is Epiphanes Day. If it’s morning on Epiphanes in a red caftan, then the summer will be dry and firey.

May 26 - Lukerya Komarnitsa. If mosquitoes appear on Komarnitsa, then the collection of medicinal herbs begins.

May 27 - Sidor Borage. All the cold will go to Sidor. Swallows and swifts arrive and bring warmth. There is a north wind in Sidor, and it stays like this all summer.

May 28 - Pakhom Bokogrey. It's warm in Pahoma - warm all summer. Late sowing of oats and wheat. Oats are starting to grow.

May 31 - Fedot Ovsyanik. The oak tree will unfurl its last leaf and it will be warm. If Fedot has the top of an oak tree with a edge, you will measure oats with a tub.

Hello Spring!

Spring- a wonderful time of year. At this time, nature wakes up after winter sleep. Everything around comes to life: the snow melts, trees bloom, gardens and flower beds bloom, birds return from warmer climes, field work and planting begin. Life begins to be in full swing: you can hear the babbling of streams, the singing of birds, the hum of tractors all around. No wonder people say: “Spring is red during the day.” At this time of year, cold weather is replaced by warm weather. sunny days. Among the people there are many signs of spring, by which one can predict the future weather, what kind of summer to expect, whether there will be a harvest this year.

Signs about the weather in spring

  • Long icicles - for a long spring.
  • Early spring is a sign that there will be many bad weather days in the summer.
  • Thunder in early spring - before the cold.
  • If lightning flashes in early spring, but thunder is not heard, the summer will be dry.
  • March is dry, April is damp, May is cold - a grain-bearing year.
  • If the clouds are floating high, the weather is good.
  • If a ring is visible around the moon, it means windy weather.

Spring signs about nature

  • The early arrival of rooks and larks means a warm spring.
  • Birds build nests on the sunny side - for a cold summer.
  • If there are a lot of cobwebs in the spring, it means a hot summer.
  • If a lot of mice appear in the spring, the year will be lean.
  • A swallow flies low - it means rain.
  • If a white hare is encountered in the spring, snow will definitely fall again.
  • A lot of sap flows from the birch - for a rainy summer.
  • If the dandelion blooms in early spring, the summer will be short.
