Draft law: disconnecting Russia from the world Internet. Russia without Internet

Adviser to the Russian President on the Internet, German Klimenko, believes that Russia should be prepared for a possible situation with disconnection from the global network. He stated this in an interview with RT.

According to the adviser, Russia must be ready for unforeseen circumstances, especially against the backdrop of “tectonic shifts towards worsening” relations with European countries.

German Klimenko

Advisor to the President on the Internet

Our Western partners cut off Crimea from work Google services and Microsoft. Just like domain owners living in Crimea, they lost what they had gained. Our country must be prepared to be disconnected from the world Internet - there is a high probability of “tectonic shifts” in our relations with the West towards worsening. Therefore, we are faced with the task of regulating the Russian segment of the Internet in order to protect against such scenarios. It is important that it continues to work in Russia Email, telegraph, telephone, social networks.

This is how the presidential adviser explained the appearance of the bill on regulation of the Runet, prepared by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications and aimed at protecting infrastructure critical for Russia.

The law on regulation of Runet in the media is called a package of amendments to the law “On Communications”, which should protect the Russian Internet. The corresponding bill was submitted for public discussion back in November on the portal of draft regulatory legal acts regulation.ru. The document introduces a number of new concepts that define what the Russian Internet is and what components it consists of.

MasterTux, 2016

In particular, the “Russian national segment of the Internet” is defined as a set of networks, systems and Internet resources located in the Russian Federation and registered in accordance with its legislation. This also includes resources of the national domain zone .ru, .рф, as well as all resources assigned to the Russian Federation international treaties. The “infrastructure of the Russian national segment of the Internet” means all means of communication under the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation, and the networks connecting them.

The bill pays special attention to the concept of critical infrastructure. This refers to networks, systems and Internet resources, the operation of which affects the stability and security of the infrastructure of the Russian segment of the Internet. Critical infrastructure includes the national domain zone ru, .рф, a system of traffic exchange points, the infrastructure of autonomous Internet systems and government information system(GIS) ensuring work safety Russian Internet. The use of critical infrastructure will be regulated federal body communications in agreement with security authorities.

The bill also establishes that all legal entities And individual entrepreneurs located in the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and using an IP address, are required to submit information for placement in the State Information System (GIS). The procedure for providing information is determined by the government, and it also selects the system operator.

Let us recall that back in 2014, the Security Council instructed a number of departments to take care of Internet security. The “Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation” adopted in December 2014 stated that “there has been a tendency to shift military dangers and military threats into the information space and the internal sphere Russian Federation" Among the main external dangers for Russia, the document noted such as the use of information and communication technologies for military-political purposes to carry out actions contrary to international law directed against sovereignty, political independence, territorial integrity states and posing a threat international peace, security, global and regional stability.

bykst, 2014

A little earlier, in July 2014, amendments were adopted to the “Law on the processing of personal data in information and telecommunication networks”, according to which foreign companies must store information about Russian users only on the territory of the Russian Federation. On August 1, 2014, the so-called Law on Bloggers came into force, providing for mandatory registration with Roskomnadzor of authors of Internet resources with more than 3,000 visitors per day.

In May 2016, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications published amendments to the state program “ Information society", which also relate to the protection of the Russian Internet infrastructure. According to the ministry's plans, by 2020, 99% of Russian Internet traffic should be transmitted within the country, compared to 70% in 2014.

In addition, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications plans to duplicate 99% of the critical Internet infrastructure in Russia. In 2014, this figure was zero, and this year it should reach 40%, according to documents from the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications.

“The measures proposed by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications support the digital security of the country,” Alexey Korolyuk, CEO of the domain name registrar Reg.ru, told the Vedomosti newspaper. “If the route of Russian traffic runs through other countries, if desired, it can not only be stopped, but also replaced.” On the other hand, they also bring Russia closer to the model of the Chinese Internet, closed from the outside world. “The measures proposed by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications are not enough to disconnect Russia from outside world,” Korolyuk objects, “In addition to duplicating the critical infrastructure of the Internet and Russifying traffic, it will be necessary to limit the list of external channels.”

Georgia National Guard, 2014

The separation of the Russian segment of the Internet from the global one is unlikely, says Vedomosti’s interlocutor at one of the large telecom operators. This will cause enormous damage to both ordinary users and businesses. It is obvious that in this case a stripped-down version of the Internet will work in Russia, operating systems will no longer be updated mobile devices, and IT systems big business will lose connectivity with foreign systems.

Meanwhile, restricting the use of the Internet on the territory of individual states in last years is becoming an increasingly common practice. This phenomenon even received a special name - “Balkanization of the Internet”, by analogy with the political term “Balkanization”, which is used to mean “disintegration”. The Balkanization of the Internet is the transformation of the global network into many local networks, the boundaries between which are established artificially at the level of national legislation and government regulation Internet. The term “Balkanization of the Internet” refers not only to the collapse of the World Wide Web, but also the emergence of conflict between the resulting parts, often on an ideological, political and religious basis.

The most active “Balkanizers of the Internet” today are China, Cuba and Iran. In particular, official permission on Internet censorship allows China to ensure information security block access to all foreign resources during particularly important government events. In addition, the Chinese government constantly monitors queries in search engines and, if “suspicious” phrases are entered, can disable the user from accessing this site for several minutes. Another sign of the isolation of the Chinese part worldwide network is the prohibition of such resources as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter on the territory of the PRC. In addition, the Chinese government recently encouraged Internet users to register with the police.

geralt, 2016 Iran

Bloggers who criticize the government or religious figures in this country are detained by the police and given “explanatory conversations.” The government requires that every person who maintains a blog in Iran registers the blog with the Ministry of Arts and Culture. The government blocks websites that criticize the regime. Sites related to the protection of women's rights are especially controlled; in addition, online stores are blocked.

Saudi Arabia

About 400 thousand sites are blocked by the government of this country. The blocked sites include sites with political, social and religious themes. According to a study dating back to 2004, Saudi Arabia is extremely aggressive towards pornography sites, gaming sites, and sites discussing Islam.

Internet in North Korea

The information and economic isolation of the country allowed the North Korean authorities to solve the problem with unwanted information on the Internet radically - the Internet was simply “cut off” throughout the country. In 2000, on the initiative of the DPRK government, the national Gwangmyeon network was created as a surrogate for the Internet, a prime example of an intranet. Ordinary users (of which there are few anyway - due to the high cost of the computer, they are mainly nomenclature workers) are offered its analogue - an internal “grid” covering the entire country.


In this “analogue,” as people familiar with the problem say, everything is the same as on the “big” Internet - websites, chat rooms, forums. True, there is no smell of anarchy or even freedom typical of the Western and Russian segments - in strict accordance with the Orwellian idea, information is monitored by censors. The specificity of the country is that ALL information is read, almost without exception.

“Runet will be completely isolated by 2020,” -:

In general, 5 years ago it was noted that Russia is very likely to follow the path of China in controlling its own segment of the Internet. War in Ukraine and Cold War with the USA will only speed up this process.

In the event of a prolonged conflict (which is most likely at this stage), security forces and regulatory authorities will strive to maximize control over the Runet infrastructure and its digital content. As in China, this will not be complete censorship (unlike, say, the DPRK, where the local Internet is completely autonomous), but the level of control will inevitably increase, which is an objective reality in war conditions.

It can also be noted that the construction of “information trenches” on the Internet began in the second half of the “zero”, which was a consequence of the reaction of various states to the color revolutions of the first wave, where the role of the Internet in the overthrow of various autocratic or democratic regimes for many (including for overthrown regimes) was unexpected. In this regard, China, with its “great Chinese firewall,” has demonstrated how to cut off unwanted information channels without total censorship. In Russia, this experience began to be adopted under Medvedev, but only during Putin’s 3rd term did systematic work in this direction become visible. Here it is worth remembering that both China and Russia are building purely defensive systems, while the United States is still focused on using the Internet for systemic information and psychological attacks, and in this regard, the initiative here is still with the United States, although such favorable conditions for use The United States no longer has the Internet, as it did in the 2000s, since the mechanisms of color coups over the past years have been carefully studied by interested authorities.

U.S. Army CERDEC, 2013

Control over the Internet by governments in problematic relations with the United States is, among other things, the result of studying the actions of the Americans themselves, although, of course, these conclusions are not limited to the isolation of the Runet alone - control over foreign NGOs, increased control over the federal media, the status of foreign agents, the expansion of the powers of security forces is all a consequence of the growing confrontation, where the Kremlin is unequivocally reacting to open threats from the United States to change the regime in Russia.

Here you need to understand that the prohibitive itch has very bright negative sides, since the more bans, the more they generate dissatisfaction among apolitical citizens, so the enemy may, on the contrary, strive to ensure that a vague threat forces the authorities to introduce more and more new bans, essentially cultivating dissatisfaction with their own actions aimed at preventing it. Therefore, the situation is very complicated for the authorities - on the one hand, it is necessary to stop potential threats, on the other hand, they can easily go too far and play into the hands of the enemy. In this regard, the Chinese experience of controlling the Internet is quite flexible in terms of combining more or less free access with clearly defined boundaries of censorship. We will be heading towards something similar in the coming years.


Of course, there is a mechanism that would make it possible to disconnect the Russian segment of the Internet from the global network.

Computer network specialist Vladimir Fomin says:

Initiatives to disconnect the Russian Federation from global internet may come from the government of some other country, for example, the United States.

When the initiative to disconnect a country comes from another state, it usually comes to ICANN, this is the organization that issues domain addresses. Theoretically, it can take away the ru domains. But even if this happens, this case cannot be considered a disconnection of the country from the Internet, since when transmitting data, the equipment does not operate with domain names, but operates with IP addresses. And by IP address you can reach any server outside the country.

There is also talk about RIPE - the organization that issues IP addresses. If we imagine that RIPE will take away IP addresses issued to Russian telecommunications companies, this will affect the operation of the entire Internet in the world. And the RIPE policy contradicts this situation.

Meanwhile, according to a VTsIOM study conducted in 2015, 58% agree to completely cut off access to the network in the event of emergency situations. The study raises the question of a complete shutdown of Internet access. This formulation of the question may be due to the fact that Russia is currently technically and organizationally not ready to create a national firewall project that would block all unwanted information from entering the Russian segment of the network, modeled on the Chinese “Golden Shield”.

The other day in State Duma a bill was introduced to ensure the autonomous operation of the Russian segment of the Internet. The authors of the initiative noted that the project was prepared “taking into account the aggressive nature of the US national cybersecurity strategy adopted in September 2018.” To protect Russia, it is proposed to create an infrastructure that will ensure the operability of Russian Internet resources in the event of “impossibility of connection” Russian operators connections to foreign root servers of the Internet.”

This is not the first Russian initiative to strengthen its digital sovereignty. In November 2017, the Russian Security Council instructed the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications and the Russian Foreign Ministry to create in the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) own "system of redundant root domain name servers (DNS)", which would not depend on control international organizations ICANN, IANA and VeriSign and could serve requests from users of the BRICS countries "in case of failures or targeted impacts." Before this, in 2014, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications also conducted exercises on the stability of the Runet to external threats, Alexey Platonov, general director of the Internet Technical Center (TCI) company, told Kommersant in 2016. TCI, in particular, is involved in supporting the DNS infrastructure of the Runet .

Whose internet?

The prototype of the Internet was the ARPANET network, created by the US Department of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and connecting computers of American research centers countrywide. However, the data transfer process needed to be systematized. This was done by a team of researchers from the University of California. In October 1998, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) was created. In addition to IANA's functions, the organization, together with the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), began to further develop the protocols and architecture of the global network. The US government, represented by the Department of Commerce, entered into a contract with ICANN, according to which the government was given a seat on one of the corporation's committees, which allowed it to veto its decisions.

The corporation is responsible for the development of Internet standards and delegates domain registration authority to five regional Internet registrars (RIRs). The Russian segment is served by the RIPE NCC registrar with offices in Amsterdam and Dubai. It consists of national registrars who pay membership fees, form a board of directors and elect a managing director. The contract between ICANN and the US government was renewed regularly. Formally, all the actions of the Corporation were coordinated with American officials. During his last term, Barack Obama supported ICANN's intention not to enter into new contract with the government. In the fall of 2014, Minister of Communications Nikolai Nikiforov announced the creation of duplicate infrastructure elements to improve the security of the Runet. The European Commission also called for ICANN to be internationalized.

At a meeting of BRICS leaders in Argentina, the Russian President thanked Brazil, India, China and South Africa “for their support Russian initiative... to intensify coordinated actions at the UN on the topic of Internet governance and ensuring international information security,” referring to the draft resolution of the UN General Assembly on global cybersecurity proposed by Russia. The Russian resolution, in particular, says: “all states must play the same role and bear equal responsibility for international management Internet, ensuring the security, uninterruption and stability of its functioning.” Russia reminds that countries need sovereignty in cyberspace to protect the rights of their own citizens, which is the responsibility of states. Secondly, for the sake of one’s own (state) security. It is risky to outsource key elements of Internet management, if only because the health of the Internet determines whether the national economy will work. Regarding cyber attacks, the difference in approaches is as follows: the United States seeks to implement international relations rules for conducting cyber warfare, while Russia’s proposals are aimed at preventing it. The American “cyber strategy” proclaims the US intention to “coerce” states, military force including “responsible behavior” in cyberspace.

Is the threat of Russia being “disconnected” from the Internet real?

The Kremlin continues to prepare the mass consciousness Russian population to the prospect of informational isolation of the country from the world.

Adviser to the President of the Russian Federation on Internet development German Klimenko for the second time since the beginning of March announced the possibility of disconnecting the country from the world Internet and promised that this process would go “unnoticed” for those who have already switched to using domestic products on the Internet.

“Those who use Yandex, Mail and Rambler will not notice at all that anything has happened,” Klimenko promised. He added that the same applies to people who “use domestic software products: for example, Russia has developed and has its own operating room mobile system. Let us recall that a week earlier Klimenko announced the technical readiness of the Russian infrastructure to be disconnected from the global Internet.

"If tomorrow our colleagues disconnect us from the switch,<...>There are no hardware or software contraindications for us to live well and normally, even if such a war is declared on us,” he said.

According to him, Klimenko, the Russian segment of the network is already operating, which was created by presidential decree specifically for officials: “All government institutions are behind a big ‘Chinese firewall’. That’s what they scare us all with. But so far everyone is alive.”

According to the presidential adviser, difficulties will arise only for those who “hosted their domains abroad, stored their data abroad, although there is a decree to store them here.”

He recalled that back in 2010, a decree of the Russian government instructed to switch to domestic software within five years.

In October, Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed the relevant Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to try to come to an agreement with the BRICS countries on the creation of a separate Internet, independent of the existing one. To do this, it is necessary to create your own system of root domain name servers (DNS), which would “duplicate” the existing one, would be independent from the control of international organizations and would protect Russian users from “targeted influences” and “US dominance,” the order said.

According to VTsIOM, the idea of ​​a separate Internet for Russia is supported by 81% of the population. At the same time, 58% approve of creating alternative network with the BRICS countries. Another 23% believe that the best option would be an Internet completely isolated from the outside world, existing only within the borders of Russia itself.

Every fourth of those who supported this idea “difficult to answer” about the reasons for their decision. Among those who have an explanation, the majority (49%) cited that a separate Internet would “increase the level of security” in the country and become “ better protection from international hackers."

“He once went into the forest without a gun.
- In what sense without a gun?
- Well, I mean like a bear.
- Not like a bear, but like a mammoth. But he fired from a gun.
- From a gun?
- Yes, a cherry pit.
- Cherries!
“First of all, he shot not cherries, but currants... when they flew over his house.
- The Bears?
- Well, not mammoths!
- Why then did all this grow with the Deer?
– Your Highness, allow me to go from the very beginning.
- In no case!

(dialogue from the film “That Munchausen”)

IN last days“Runet” was filled with cries that the State Duma of the Russian Federation and Putin in general (for everything bad, as usual, Putin is to blame) are going to ban the Internet in Russia.

As is usually the case, in the most different places They began to develop this topic in the spirit that Putin is afraid of the truth, that Putin is hiding the truth from the people, and in general it is necessary at the same time to prohibit Russians from looking out the window, because there you can certainly see something that will discredit the “great power.”

What really happened? I need to write a few words, otherwise many people themselves do not know how (and do not want) to look for information and separate flies from the soup, and are quite content with the “gruel with worms” that is slipped to them. The approach to food is strange, but widespread everywhere.

As one of the writers noted Soviet period Chingiz Aitmatov: “The stomach is smarter than the brain, because the stomach knows how to vomit, but the brain swallows all sorts of rubbish.”

Not just like that the first step of analysis technology is to identify facts cleared of assessments. This news is an excellent example of the topic of facts and assessments.

By typing in search engine(Yandex) a request like “disconnecting Russia from the Internet”, and adding to this request, for example, the name news agency TASS, we can easily find the following link, which states that A bill on the autonomous operation of the Runet was introduced into the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

After spending just a couple of minutes, we find out that no one in Russia is going to turn off the Internet. We are simply talking about the fact that due to the aggressive nature of the US national cybersecurity strategy adopted in September 2018, there is a possibility that the US will cut off Russia from certain functionality that ensures the operation of the Internet, and therefore it is necessary to take a set of measures to ensure that although would be the work of Russian Internet resources in such a case.

Is not it, a big difference? It’s not “Russia wants to shut down its Internet,” but Russia is taking measures to ensure the operation of the Internet in Russia in the event of an attempt to shut down the Internet in Russia from the United States.

How can the US shut down the Internet in Russia? They can. The operation of the global Internet is ensured by material media and software resources located primarily in the United States. In particular, all the main routing mechanisms go through the USA, and the vast majority of hosting servers are located there, on which sites from all over the world are physically located.

But if sites can be created on your own material base anywhere, even at home, if you have money and space, then with the routing mechanism through which access to various Internet resources is achieved, everything is more complicated. All major web servers that perform this routing are located in the United States. Not to mention the fact that, without exception, all web servers in the world operate on software also developed in the USA, and it has long been no secret that this software is by no means “neutral” and does not work in the interests of the user. Along the way, it kindly supplies the NSA and CIA complete information about all Internet users, including “private” information about their accounts. Simply put, it is a global global surveillance mechanism for everyone. Automatic collection of a complete dossier on any person and any organization. It is also no secret that this software is completely full of holes, that is, it can easily be hacked and any information stolen. In essence, we are talking about official cover for the illegal collection of information or its dissemination. Although collecting data, for example, about you personally without your consent is illegal only from your point of view (and may also be from the point of view of Russian legislation, although not always). Rest assured that it is completely legal under US law. And no one cares about the rest at all.

It is quite natural that if all the main routing mechanisms are located in the USA, then blocking access to them in the USA is easier than disrupting or completely blocking the operation of the Internet in any country in the world. This is approximately the same as turning off the electricity in your area from the relevant distribution center that supplies electricity. One turn of the switch - and the entire area in which you live is plunged into the darkness of the Stone Age: water pumps stop working, the supply of water and heating stops, all household electrical appliances and lights are turned off.

Considering that such a shutdown from the United States may well be carried out (technically undeniable, and motivation can appear at any moment), and given that the operation of the Internet today is absolutely necessary for the operation of entire sectors of the economy and social activities, then Russia’s desire to try to implement a set of measures that would at least partially offset such external influence (from the United States) is completely justified and understandable.

The TASS report, in particular, talks about the following content of the bill:

The bill provides for the creation of infrastructure to “ensure the operability of Russian Internet resources in the event that it is impossible for Russian telecom operators to connect to foreign root servers of the Internet.”
The bill defines the necessary traffic routing rules and organizes monitoring of their compliance.
In addition, cross-border communication lines and traffic exchange points are determined. “In order to ensure the sustainable functioning of the Internet, a national system for obtaining information about domain names and (or network addresses) is being created as a set of interconnected software and hardware designed to store and obtain information about network addresses in relation to domain names, including those included in the Russian national domain zone, as well as authorization when resolving domain names,” the document states.
There is a need to conduct regular exercises among government officials, telecom operators and owners of technological networks to identify threats and develop measures to restore the functionality of the Russian Internet segment.

As you can see, no bans are being introduced in Russia; on the contrary, the point is to ensure the operation of the Internet, even if they try to block its work (from the USA).

In conclusion, it should be noted that a similar situation exists in the banking sector, which also throughout the world (and in Russia in particular) is centrally controlled from the United States. For example, if you have a Visa card on which you are credited wage, and with which you pay in the store, then the information about the balance of this card is on a computer in the USA, and not in the bank that issued the card to you. And when you make purchases, the transaction request is sent to the United States, and the transaction is carried out (or not carried out) there, after which a corresponding notification is sent to the payment terminal in the store where you are.

The same is true for international payments using the SWIFT system. By the way, threats to disconnect Russia from the SWIFT system have been made more than once. For Russia, this means an immediate ban on all organizations making payments related to foreign economic activities.

As for payments between organizations within Russia, I do not have information whether the processing center is located in Russia or in the USA. But even if the processing center itself (the database and the mechanism for performing transactions) is physically located in Russia (which, generally speaking, is not obvious), then the management of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is certainly external. It’s not just that Nabiullina goes to report on her work in the United States, and not to the Government of the Russian Federation and not to the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin. The Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Nabiullina, essentially has nothing to talk about and no reason to talk to both the Government of the Russian Federation and the President of the Russian Federation. The owners of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and its bosses are an international banking system The Federal Reserve System, located physically, again, in the United States. There Nabiullina receives orders, and she goes there to report on the implementation of the orders received.

Therefore, blocking of any operations within Russia or can be carried out from the outside technically or at least organizationally. Which is exactly what is happening. The daily policy of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is nothing more than blocking operations various types- either technically or organizationally. All this is done within the framework of very specific tasks, which, for example, Khazin repeatedly spoke about in his speeches, and which include preventing investment in the Russian economy, as well as maximum outflow Money abroad. These are two main tasks. As they say, nothing personal, just business. To reduce host costs, colonies must give up their resources. And the main thing is not to develop your economy under any circumstances. Why does the United States need Russia to develop its economy? The United States does not need this, and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is an instrument controlled by the United States. Consequently, he is doing what the United States, and not Russia, needs - blocking development Russian economy. Actually, that’s why it exists in its current form. And this state of affairs, by the way, did not begin in 1991 with the collapse of the USSR, but much earlier. Currency reform Khrushchev in 1961 completely integrated the USSR structurally into the world so-called Bretton Woods system, and consent to accept the terms of this system was given by the Soviet leadership even earlier - almost immediately after the assassination of Stalin.

This means that the nationalization of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, although necessary, does not in itself guarantee that the Central Bank of the Russian Federation will work for the interests of Russia. In the USSR, the Central Bank was quite state-owned, but at the same time it worked for external interests for several decades before the collapse of the USSR. We can say that the activities of the Central Bank in this field were one of the important components thanks to which the USSR was destroyed.

This is the truth about the “bad Putin”, who is “afraid” of something, and the “good West”, which is all civilized and so wants to accept us into its welcoming embrace. In the “roaring nineties” we were practically strangled in this embrace, and if not for Putin, we would not have survived. Therefore, one should not be mistaken about this, nor should one be naive to believe in a “bright future” in the Western world. The bright future in the Western world is reserved for “insiders.” And our own are those who were born there and have always lived there. Simply put, these are Anglo-Saxons. All the rest are slaves of various levels, destined to feed the owner, and if necessary, they will gladly die for his interests. You can ask Libyans, Iraqis, Syrians, Yugoslavs, Vietnamese, Afghans and a bunch of other peoples from most countries of the world about this. Today you can ask the French or the Germans.

Our task is to do what will allow us to survive. In particular, to ensure the operation of our Internet if the United States decides to turn it off as part of the “sanctions policy.” This is what the bill submitted to the State Duma of the Russian Federation is aimed at. Banning freedom of speech is by no means our Russian trait. Russia as a state (and Putin in particular) does not have a single means of its own mass media. All media operating in Russia, including television, are means of US propaganda and global governance. But the United States is trying to block even the work of “Russia Today”, although this, again, is by no means a Russian state project, but a global governance project, but designed to at least partially contribute to Russia’s stability in the world, because today for global governance it is temporarily needed.

In general, this is a standard technique of the West - blaming Russia for its own crimes. Therefore, if somewhere they shout, for example, about “the bloody dictator Putin” or about the ban on freedom of speech in Russia, you should know that in fact it is the bloody totalitarian regime of the United States that is concerned about silencing all those who want to have their own opinion.

Concluding the conversation on the topic of “switching off the Internet in Russia,” I would like to add that the primitivism of this fraud is not evidence of the poverty of imagination of manipulators controlled from the United States, but of the level of outlook and understanding of what is happening in Russia that has fallen below the plinth. Such primitive substitutions only show that this, unfortunately, is quite enough for many, because their level of development makes even such a primitive level of manipulation sufficient.

As well noted by one subscriber who sent a letter today, we think that Putin’s problem is “with them” (with the Western “partners”). But in reality, the problem is with us.

If such primitive substitutions are used, this is bad sign. This means that we are so primitive that even such a primitive lie is quite enough to overcome us. Learn to work with information! This is vital today.
