Recipes for mashed potatoes with cheese. Mashed Potatoes with Cheese: Incredibly Delicious Potato Recipes

Mashed potatoes with cheese are both a delicious side dish for main courses of meat, chicken or fish, and a completely independent dish.

Choose hard or semi-hard cheese according to your taste. Butter is suitable for regular sandwich or melted butter. For today’s version of mashed potatoes with cheese, I used only garlic as spices, but I also like it with rosemary, Provençal herbs or a mixture of Italian herbs and paprika...

To prepare mashed potatoes with cheese, prepare the ingredients according to the list.

Cut the potatoes into two or four pieces, depending on their size. Mashed potatoes cut into large pieces are tastier than if they are cut into small pieces. Pour in the cooking water so that it barely covers the potatoes and cook over medium heat, covered, until done.

Since the puree will contain cheese, be careful with salt; most likely, it will not be needed.

Drain almost all the water from the finished potatoes.

Heat the milk. Chop the garlic and heat together with the butter in a bowl in the microwave or on the stove.

Pour the milk and melted butter and garlic into the pan with the potatoes. Using a potato masher, mash the potatoes into a puree.

Grate the cheese.

Add cheese to hot mashed potatoes and stir to combine.

Mashed potatoes with cheese are ready.

Serve it immediately.

Bon appetit!

Anyone can make ordinary mashed potatoes. But to prepare cheese puree, you need to work a little harder and spend a little more time than usual. But if you really like both potatoes and cheese, you should definitely try this very tasty dish.

Cheese puree came to us from France. Both adults and children immediately fell in love with the dish. And all because it is very easy to prepare and has many variations, which makes cheese puree especially attractive to prepare.

The taste of the dish depends not only on the type of cheese, but also on the spices you use when preparing it.

Cheese puree with potatoes

Potato and cheese puree - A very interesting and unusual dish, although the recipe for its preparation is quite simple and essentially does not require serious financial and labor costs. The dish is prepared quite quickly.

If you treat your guests or family with this dish at least once, they will probably not remain indifferent to it.

To prepare this cheese puree you will need

  • 300 grams of potatoes
  • half a bell pepper
  • two eggs
  • 150 grams of any hard cheese
  • 40 – 45 grams butter
  • greens (fresh dill and onion)
  • a couple drops of lemon juice
  • salt and seasonings to taste


  1. First you need to thoroughly wash and peel the potatoes, and boil them in salted water. After it is completely cooked, thoroughly mash it until smooth and without lumps. To improve the taste, you can add a little hot milk or cream.
  2. After that, take your greens and vegetables. Cut the bell pepper into small cubes, and chop the onion and dill thoroughly. Then mix everything.
  3. After this, add the herbs and peppers to the puree. Mix thoroughly and then sprinkle with seasoning.
  4. Hard boil the eggs in advance. Then separate the white from the yolk. Then mix the yolk with the cheese on a medium grater and also add to the mashed potatoes.
  5. Beat the remaining whites into a thick foam and add lemon juice. After mixing this mixture, also add it to the puree.
  6. Mix the puree with all the ingredients thoroughly but gently until smooth. After the puree is completely ready, turn on the oven and preheat to approximately 175 - 180 degrees. Prepare a baking sheet by lining it with parchment and lightly greasing it with butter.
  7. Place the puree on a baking sheet in small “pancakes” at a short distance from each other. Then bake in the oven for about 20 minutes. During this time they will rise a little and brown.
  8. These flatbreads can be served either hot or cold.

Recipe cheese puree with garlic

It will, without any doubt, please not only you, but also your entire family.

To make this cheese puree you will need:

  • potatoes (should be medium size) – approximately 300 grams
  • hard cheese (you can use varieties such as Cheddar or Swiss) - take 150 grams
  • butter (whatever you use most often will work here) - two tablespoons
  • garlic - three small cloves
  • salt and pepper are added to taste


  1. First, take a saucepan. It doesn’t matter which one, it can be either metal or enameled. But the main thing is that the pan is small, two or three liters is quite suitable. Then we peel the potatoes. Place it in a saucepan and fill it with water. Place on a heated tile. It is advisable to add a little salt to the water. We wait until the potatoes are cooked until they are fully cooked.
  2. But while the potatoes are cooking, at this time you can start preparing the cheese. It should be grated on a coarse grater. Now let's move on to the next step.
  3. Take a frying pan and place it on the tile. Put the butter there and wait until it melts. At this time, peel the garlic and cut it in half. Once the butter has melted, add the garlic and fry for no more than three to four minutes. Then remove the pan from the stove and carefully remove the garlic from the oil. We won't need it anymore.
  4. During this time, the potatoes will already be cooked. Drain excess water from the pan. Add oil to the pan with potatoes. Then crush it thoroughly until a homogeneous potato mass is formed. Next, add the cheese in small portions, also stirring gently at this time. Then you should mix the entire resulting mass very well.
  5. And finally our cheese puree is ready. Before serving, you can sprinkle basil on top and garnish with any other herbs that you like.

This puree is also very popular when used for filling. The most delicious pies are filled with cheese puree and made from puff pastry.

Cheesy mashed potatoes have many options for preparation, as well as subsequent ways to use them.

For example, when preparing this dish, you can add grated cheese directly to the puree.
And you can serve the finished cheese puree either without further processing, or bake it in the oven, as described above, or use it as a filling for baked goods. Bon appetit!

It is unlikely that anyone will dare to dispute the statement that one of the most popular side dishes for meat, mushroom and fish dishes is nothing more than. Its delicate structure attracts even many fastidious gourmets. The classic recipe for mashed potatoes involves literally several additions to the main ingredient. This, of course, is a liquid base consisting of milk, cream or broth, in which, in fact, the potatoes were boiled. A fat-containing product will also be required here, which can be either butter or vegetable oil, as well as lard or margarine. Well, what dish would be complete without spices such as ground pepper and, of course, the indispensable salt? A raw egg is often added to the puree. But, if you show a little enthusiasm and imagination, you can always make the taste of any food even better. For example, if you prepare mashed potatoes with cheese, not only will it have a slightly different consistency than usual, but its taste will also become even more attractive.


  • 800 gr. potatoes;
  • 90-100 gr. hard cheese;
  • 100-120 gr. milk;
  • 30 gr. lard (or other fat-containing product);
  • salt and ground pepper - to taste.
  • Additives such as chopped herbs (dill and parsley), horseradish, chopped and fried onions, and garlic will also help give mashed potatoes an even more interesting taste.
  • Yield: 4 servings.
  • Cooking time is about 40 minutes.

How to make mashed potatoes with cheese:

Cut the peeled and washed raw potato tubers into slices (or simply cut them into pieces), put them in a saucepan and, pour boiling water over them, boil until fully cooked. Don't forget to add salt to the water.

Try to make the potato rounds the same thickness to ensure that some of them do not remain soggy during cooking.

To give mashed potatoes not only additional taste, but also color, you can boil carrots or pumpkin, beets or green beans along with the potatoes.

While the potatoes are cooking, grate the cheese using a small grater. Heat the milk until hot. If you use margarine or butter to make purees, throw the fat-containing product directly into the milk so that it melts.

When the potatoes become soft and brittle, drain all the broth from them (unless, of course, you use it instead of milk) and use a pestle (aka masher) until smooth, adding lard and hot milk in the process.

If you are too lazy to mash the potatoes until smooth with a masher, call for help with a mixer or blender (these units will cope with the task faster and easier). Alternatively, you can rub the boiled potatoes through a sieve.

Stir grated cheese into the already mashed potatoes and add ground pepper, and if necessary, add salt to the resulting mass.

Ready. Divide mashed potatoes with cheese into bowls and serve along with meat, fish or pickles.

I would like to offer a recipe for a very tasty side dish. - mashed potatoes with cheese. The dish turns out amazing, potato lovers will understand me. This side dish is ideal for meat, fish or just vegetable salads. Cheese gives the dish a spicy note. If you haven't tried the combination of mashed potatoes and cheese yet, I highly recommend it.


To make mashed potatoes with cheese you will need:

potatoes - 1.2 kg;

butter - 70 g;

milk - 150 ml;

hard cheese - 120 g;

salt - to taste.

Cooking steps

Pour in cold water so that it completely covers the potatoes and place on the fire.

Add butter to hot potatoes and mash with a masher.

Then pour in hot milk and mash well again until the mashed potatoes become homogeneous (without lumps).

Add hard cheese grated on a medium grater to the mashed potatoes and stir.

Very tasty mashed potatoes with cheese are ready, divide it into portioned plates and serve hot.

Bon appetit!

We are all accustomed to such an ordinary dish as mashed potatoes. It has become so integral to our daily and holiday menus that it is difficult to imagine at least one home event without a large plate of mashed potatoes in the center of the table. Of course, this is due to the amazing ability of potatoes to be combined with almost all dishes, while only highlighting the taste of the main food.

Even in such a simple recipe as mashed potatoes, you can add something new, for example, make mashed potatoes with cheese. The taste will change slightly, but still noticeably. The pleasant novelty in the form of cheese taste and aroma may please you to such an extent that the usual puree will fade into the background.


  • 500 g potatoes
  • 100 ml milk
  • 3 tablespoons sour cream (or 30 g butter)
  • 0.5 tablespoon salt
  • 150 g hard cheese

How to make mashed potatoes with cheese

Wash the potatoes thoroughly, then peel and rinse again in clean water. To prepare mashed potatoes, it is better to use potato varieties that slightly “crumble” or soften during cooking. Thanks to this property, the dish will be more tender and uniform.

In order to speed up the cooking process, potatoes should be cut into smaller pieces, but this is not at all necessary. In any case, the potatoes will be cooked.

Place the potatoes in a saucepan and fill it with cold water, which should completely cover the potatoes (and even a little more). Add about half a tablespoon of salt and put the pan on the fire.

Cook the potatoes over low heat under a loosely closed lid for about 25-30 minutes (this applies to potatoes cut into medium-sized cubes). Check for doneness with a fork. If the potatoes slide easily onto the tines of a fork, they are fully cooked.

Now you should drain all the water from the boiled potatoes. This is easy to do using a saucepan lid. Cover the pan with a lid, leaving a small hole, and pour out all the liquid, tilting the pan on its side.

Using a masher, we mash the potatoes.

Then add milk and continue preparing the puree, mashing the potatoes more thoroughly.

Add sour cream. It will give the dish a slight sourish tint, and sour cream and potatoes go well together. To your taste, you can replace sour cream with a piece of butter.

Taste the puree; you may need to add a little more salt.

And the very last touch is cheese. Three pieces of cheese on a fine grater and add to the mashed potatoes last, literally before serving. The cheese should be added last because it can melt into the hot potatoes and get lost in it.

Serve the puree hot with any type of meat, fish, or mushrooms. For example, it can successfully complement .
