Who is Taurus compatible with? Worst Match for Taurus

Representatives of the constellation Taurus are distinguished by caution and perseverance. Honesty and loyalty are important to them, especially in love and marriage. Relationships with Taurus develop much more slowly than with other zodiac signs. Representatives of this constellation need a lot of time to make sure own desire make contact.

Taurus is in no hurry to declare their feelings. They try to first check the presence of mutual sympathy. Unrequited feelings frighten them, so they always carefully hide their emotions until they are convinced that their partner is moving towards rapprochement. Representatives of this constellation are not interested in one-night stands; they are extremely conservative and aimed at serious relationships.

General characteristics of Taurus in love and marriage

Astrologers characterize representatives of the constellation Taurus as very calm people, but this does not mean that this zodiac sign is not capable of strong feelings. To those around them, Taurus seems too leisurely. Before doing anything, this sign will think it over and weigh everything carefully, but then take a firm and confident step. This is especially clearly noticeable when starting a relationship with someone.

Subject to the earthly elements, Taurus looks at their chosen ones for a very long time and carefully. They are unlikely to be able to succumb to a sudden surge of passion. Even if a flurry of feelings overwhelms this person, he knows how to control himself. However, if Taurus has made a choice, his decision is final. The opinion of others about the beloved does not matter for the representative of this constellation. The sign is very stubborn and independent, so it calmly turns a deaf ear to any criticism from outsiders. Relatives and friends should not condemn the chosen one who is unsuitable for Taurus, in their opinion, because this will only lead to unnecessary quarrels that will not affect his opinion in any way.


Taurus protects the surging love in every possible way. If a guy feels reciprocity, then he is unlikely to give up on his goal. He will present his beloved with flowers and gifts, since he considers the candy-bouquet period to be an obligatory stage of a relationship. A woman is usually unable to resist his charm and persistent onslaught. But if she is not committed to a long-term relationship, then Taurus’ tactics may scare her.

In all the actions of this man, a focus on a strong and serious connection is clearly visible. If a representative of this constellation is courting a lady, it means that in her person he sees his future wife. For any woman, Taurus is the standard of masculinity.

Usually this man:

  • brutal;
  • strong;
  • firm and decisive;
  • reliable.

His chosen one will not have to worry about his partner’s betrayal, since the devotion of this zodiac sign can only be envied. The infidelity of his beloved is also unacceptable to him. Although this man is not jealous, a woman should not provoke him. Taurus is too smart and reserved to reproach his beloved for a little flirting with other men. But if she does this too often, then one day he will break down and fly into indescribable rage, remembering all her smallest sins.

If a woman happens to become the object of his attention, then astrologers recommend taking a very close look at this man, because for a calm family life best option can not found.

Taurus is a reliable family man, a representative of this constellation is ready to put all his strength into building a strong marriage. However, it is possible that the flighty lady will be somewhat bored with him, but she will always be confident in the future.

Typical representatives of the constellation Taurus are workaholics. Their life goals and aspirations are aimed at making capital. In family life, this zodiac sign brings all its income to the house. If a wife is prone to wastefulness, then she will be disappointed: Taurus will not allow her to spend money thoughtlessly. This man would prefer a vacation at the dacha to an expensive trip to a foreign resort. It is unlikely that you will have to travel around the world with him, since the down-to-earth nature of this sign will certainly force him to find a reason to stay at home. He will have no one to leave the garden he planted or his dog to, or even his vacation will be planned for a major renovation of the apartment.

Taurus feels best at home, in his fortress, so a woman does not need to insist on traveling together. They will not bring pleasure to either him or her. This man does not forbid his wife from occasionally having fun on their own, but he himself tries to avoid such pastime.

Getting along with such a man is quite easy if a woman adheres to conservative views on life. Otherwise, living together with him may turn out to be extremely boring and primitive. Lovers of noisy companies and eternal fun are better off avoiding serious relationships with Taurus. This sign does not waste time and fiercely condemns those who waste their lives on entertainment.


The strictness in the behavior of the Taurus lady often repels gentlemen from her. This woman is unusual love games with flirting and affectation. If a man has chosen her as an object of passion, then he will have to woo her for a long time.

This lady is able to plunge headlong into the pool of love. But her chosen one should beware of the woman’s anger if he is not inclined to start a family with her. She considers any courtship seriously. If the relationship with your partner has reached bed, then you need to know that Taurus already has a clear plan further actions, the end point of which is marriage.

This woman is distinguished by a certain naivety, which often pits her against the wrong men. In her youth, she often gets burned when she makes a mistake in the intentions of her chosen ones. If Taurus repeatedly comes across gentlemen who deceive her expectations, then this lady becomes very cynical and cautious in relationships with the opposite sex. The mistakes of her youth often lead her to the role of a single mother. It is also very likely that this woman will remain an old maid due to her conservative beliefs.

The “home-work” destiny she has chosen does not allow the Taurus girl to expand her circle of contacts and find worthy candidate into a spouse. But even if it is suitable man, she is able to scare him off already on the first date, since in all her reasoning there is clearly a desire to get married.

However, in mature age Taurus ladies often manage to meet their one and only. Usually it becomes an experienced man, who has a significant baggage of failed relationships behind him.

For a loved one, a woman of this constellation becomes a real find, embodying all the qualities necessary for a wife. She is very thrifty, so her husband will always be fed and dressed in clean, ironed clothes. She does not require financial support from the outside, since this woman is able to provide not only for herself, but also for her entire family. She will surround her husband with care and sincere attention, will always listen to all his problems and complaints, and will definitely give useful advice and support if necessary. Because of these qualities, frivolous men are drawn to her, and a professional gigolo may well fit comfortably around her neck.

If a Taurus lady meets a good chosen one, then the relationship with him promises to be ideal. Married couples with women of this zodiac sign are distinguished by warmth that pours out to the whole family. Astrologers recommend Taurus girls to look for life partners through a matchmaker and marriage agencies, because this is where men who are desperate to find a good wife turn to look. In this case, the woman has the opportunity to choose a candidate based on the parameters stated in the questionnaire. And since the appearance of her chosen one is not of paramount importance to her, she really gets a chance to meet someone who has the personal qualities necessary for marriage.

Gemini man - characteristics of the zodiac sign, compatibility

Compatibility with representatives of the zodiac circle

IN percentage Taurus couples have very high rates of compatibility with different zodiac signs. This is due to the fact that representatives of this sign are very calm and reasonable. They do not like to conflict, so communicating with them is easy and pleasant.

The following table shows the percentage compatibility of Taurus with other zodiac signs in various areas of life.

Zodiac sign Love Marriage Sex Friendship
Aries 43% 40% 76% 82%
Taurus 92% 86% 98% 50%
Twins 88% 91% 47% 58%
Cancer 72% 87% 92% 41%
a lion 61% 55% 88% 42%
Virgo 92% 73% 99% 66%
Scales 92% 87% 63% 52%
Scorpion 61% 43% 87% 62%
Sagittarius 43% 40% 76% 82%
Capricorn 82% 75% 93% 82%
Aquarius 43% 40% 56% 52%
Fish 62% 43% 67% 76%

Getting along with a Taurus is not so easy if a person has innovative views on family and marriage. The Taurus man sincerely believes that he should be the boss in the house, so attempts to establish equality are met with hostility. A woman of this constellation will always adhere to a supporting role; her husband must lead the family, but if necessary, she will skillfully direct him in the right direction.

In friendships and work relationships, Taurus are as conservative as in everything else. They only allow people who have been tested by time and actions into their close circle. If a friend or colleague one day reveals himself to be a traitor, then Taurus will undoubtedly break off all contacts with him. The representative of this constellation himself will never let his friends down and will definitely make every effort to support him in difficult times.

The following table shows general characteristics relationships of Taurus with other zodiac signs.

Signzodiac and birth period Characteristics of relationships
Aries: 21.03 - 19.04 Aries loves with all his soul, his feelings know no bounds. However, Taurus in this tandem is somewhat calculating. They have a great friendship. In the intimate sphere, they can achieve the highest compatibility if Taurus loosens up a little and allows Aries to dominate. Their mutual attraction to each other rarely lasts for a long time. Frequent disagreements and the reluctance of both to give up their positions create an invisible gap between the partners, which does not allow them to get closer. Representatives of these constellations have a lot in common, but the same character traits play a negative role in building good, strong relationships. Aries and Taurus are overly stubborn and stubbornly continue to defend their positions, even when they themselves realize that they are wrong. If both learn to compromise, then their union has a good chance of a happy future, otherwise one day they will quarrel forever
Taurus: 20.04 - 20.05 Sexual attraction these partners allows them to quickly find a common language. They are very similar in their outlook on life, so they have no problems communicating. Two Taurus have excellent relationships in both love and marital relationships. Both go to the intended goal along the same path; confidence in the reliability of the chosen one allows them to achieve maximum trust in the couple. Rare disagreements do not affect the overall harmony of their relationship. Everyone sees their own reflection in the other, so all words and actions are clear to partners on an intuitive level. Only friendship can not work out very well for them. This is due to the fact that they are simply bored spending time together. But if they once became friends, they can always rely on each other in difficult times
Gemini: 21.05 - 21.06 Constant and unwavering Taurus with the ambivalent Gemini makes for a rather strange pairing. However, if a spark of love has slipped between them, then it is unlikely that anything can disrupt the harmony of this tandem. Taurus falls madly in love with the restless representative of the constellation Gemini, and the partner finds in the earth sign the solid support and support that he needs, given his frivolous lifestyle. Love and marriage relationships in this couple are extremely successful, but they often have problems in sex. Taurus are more conservative and are ready to make love much less often than their partners. If Taurus often refuses intimacy to the chosen one, then Gemini will quickly start an affair on the side. Friendship between representatives of these signs can begin, but Gemini will find it boring. Therefore, they will never get close to Taurus to the level of bosom friends who support each other in any adventure
Cancer: 22.06 - 22.07 Cancer and Taurus have excellent compatibility in terms of love relationships, but friendship between them does not work out. Both partners are too slow and sometimes boring, so easy friendly relationships are a burden for them. But at the level of sensory connection, they fully satisfy each other’s needs. Cancers, like Taurus, value family relationships very much. From the first dates, both partners are aimed at creating a strong marriage. They are in no hurry to move on to sex. First they need to get to know each other better. If representatives of these constellations meet in at a young age, when both are still innocent, then they are quite capable of postponing intimacy until the first wedding night. The only drawback of their relationship is the Cancers’ excessive love for intimate conversations, which are filled with fantasies about the upcoming happy future. Taurus can carry on a conversation, but his down-to-earth and rationality do not allow him to fully satisfy Cancer’s need to make plans together. However, this does not prevent them from going through life holding hands tightly.
Leo: 23.07 - 22.08 The megalomania that permeates Leo's nature forces Taurus to constantly pull his partner back. Representatives of these constellations are good in bed. But the constant struggle for leadership in the couple prevents them from making friends or building love relationships. If the Taurus woman is somehow still capable of giving up the throne for reign to her husband, then in the union of the Taurus man and the Leo lady there will be big problems. Daily signs of attention from a partner are not enough for Leo. This zodiac sign craves compliments and tireless admiration, which earthly Taurus is not capable of. Both partners are terrible in their rage, so if they have a disagreement, everyone needs to restrain themselves, otherwise a minor quarrel can escalate into a large-scale battle. The wastefulness and thirst for luxury inherent in Leo greatly irritate the practical Taurus. Conflicts due to mutual reproaches will invariably undermine their union. But if the partners manage to find a compromise, then this pair of two strong-willed personalities is quite capable of creating an unbreakable marriage
Virgo: 23.08 - 22.09 The restraint and pedantry of Virgos does not allow them to build friendly relations with Taurus. Representatives of these constellations simply will not find time for friendly communication. But in love and sex they are very good compatibility. Both partners spend quality time in bed; the moderation of their temperaments allows both to be content with what they can give each other. Taurus and Virgo are equally practical in material terms, so they do not have disagreements on financial grounds. However, sometimes the excessive stinginess of Virgos forces Taurus to hide part of their income from their partner. But this is done only for the common good, because Taurus directs all the secretly set aside funds to gifts for the chosen one or expensive purchases for the house. The love boat of these partners moves smoothly towards their chosen goal. Their marriage can become not only happy, but also fruitful, because representatives of these constellations strive to increase capital, thinking about the future
Libra: 23.09 - 23.10 Taurus and Libra can be friends at the level of business relationships, but they are unlikely to reach the point of close affection. However, the love and marital tandems of these zodiac signs are developing well. Representatives of these constellations understand each other without further ado, both are not inclined to conflict, therefore they quarrel and take offense at each other very rarely. Together they find it easy and comfortable; everyone strives to make a feasible contribution to the family and increase their wealth. Thanks to this, their financial situation is always stable. The tandem of this couple has every chance of a long and happy family life. This union is distinguished by its special emotionality and warmth. It is Libra who is able to reveal in Taurus the hidden facets of his sensuality. Sex life These partners are based on a mutual desire to satisfy each other. They try to achieve maximum intimacy in bed, but the slowness of one and the conservatism of the other do not always allow them to do this
Scorpio: 24.10 - 22.11 The compatibility of these partners is very high in terms of sexual relationships, but otherwise everything is quite complicated for them. The explosive nature of Scorpio does not allow the couple to remain in harmony for a long time. Taurus never knows what will make their partner mad again. Therefore, their life together is in constant tension from the anticipation of another quarrel with a violent manifestation of emotions. Usually, the non-conflict Taurus in this tandem cannot remain calm, therefore, in response to Scorpio’s temper, he shows all his inherent rage. This is perhaps one of the most unfavorable alliances for Taurus. Disagreements in this couple arise regularly over any minor issue. Scorpio is very picky towards Taurus, constantly demanding signs of attention. Scorpio's unreasonable jealousy greatly irritates faithful Taurus, so one day he gets tired of humiliating reproaches and insults from his partner, and he breaks off the relationship. If this tandem manages to survive all the tests prepared for them initial stage their connection, then the joint future of this couple may well result in a strong union of two strong and independent personalities
Sagittarius: 23.11 - 21.12 It is very difficult for independent Sagittarius and Taurus, who is used to keeping everything under control, to get along. The love and marriage relationships of this couple are doomed to failure from the very beginning. But mutual sympathy and strong attraction can keep them together for a long time. Excellent compatibility in bed fuels the love of representatives of these constellations. After sex, they can chat enthusiastically for hours about everything in the world. But as soon as their relationship becomes serious, Taurus is surprised to discover frivolity and irrationality in the partner’s behavior. Any attempts to keep Sagittarius from acting rashly provoke a furious protest. Sagittarius does not want to obey the rules that the chosen one sets; he is disgusted by the very idea that someone is encroaching on his freedom. Constant rivalry between partners also adds fuel to the fire. It is in this tandem that Taurus discovers a thirst for power, and Sagittarius in no case wants to give up the palm. The relationship of this couple develops well in a friendly union, when each of the partners is able to achieve unprecedented heights thanks to constant comparison of themselves with each other. Both friends quietly push each other to develop and implement their plans, so their friendship becomes fruitful for everyone
Capricorn: 22.12 - 19.01 This tandem of two earth signs is noted by astrologers as one of the most favorable unions. The high compatibility of partners in all spheres of life allows them to develop relationships in any direction. They can become best friends or great lovers. However, their love affair invariably leads to a lasting and happy marriage. These partners do not need to waste time on lengthy explanations of their point of view to each other; in everything they act extremely coherently and harmoniously. Their union is not shaken by the unexpected impulses of one or the other: if an idea comes to Taurus’s head, then he is firmly confident that Capricorn will support him. Both partners have a high degree of patience, so they manage to smooth out all the rough edges of their relationship without quarrels or conflicts. Being constantly together, representatives of these constellations become so imbued with each other’s worldview that in the end they themselves cannot find differences in their characters. The ambition of Capricorn is staunchly supported by the determination of Taurus. These partners create single organism, they act together on an intuitive level, which invariably leads their couple to happiness in family life
Aquarius: 20.01 - 18.02 Aquarius represents the most unsuitable partner for Taurus. Their union does not work out initially. If they suddenly become friends, it will be only a superficial friendship. A sexual relationship between them will not bring pleasure to either one or the other. Aquarius is not interested in the mundane hobbies of his partner; he constantly strives for communication and noisy companies. Taurus prefers to work in the garden or do housework. If fate decrees that these partners enter into a marriage relationship, everyday troubles will very quickly lead them to divorce. Aquarius does not want and does not know how to study everyday problems, and Taurus will never come to terms with this. After all, for him, family and home comfort are inextricably linked. If this couple suddenly decides to enter into a marital relationship, only a guest marriage is suitable for them, in which they will not be tied up by household chores
Pisces: 19.02-20.03 To Pisces, Taurus seems insensitive and rude, although in reality this is not the case. However, representatives of the water sign have increased sensitivity and sentimentality, which do not find the proper response in Taurus. If friendly, loving and sexual relations If things work out well between these signs, then after the wedding everything can change. Constantly living together in the same territory makes Pisces want to completely merge with their partner. But Taurus is not able to relax and trust the chosen one as much as the representative of the water element requires. Problems in this couple will be present precisely in the emotional sense. Relationships can develop quite successfully, because the general desire to create an ideal family among representatives of these constellations is very strong.

It is generally accepted that the most stubborn signs of the Zodiac are Aries and Taurus. Compatibility with other signs of the latter is very peculiar. The Taurus man approaches the choice of a life partner with all seriousness. If the chosen one is really interesting to him, then he will do anything just to be nearby. But a woman’s frivolity and frivolity is a significant reason for separation for Taurus.

Taurus man - compatibility with other signs in life, love and relationships

The Taurus man is decisive, reasonable and wise by nature. He strives to be independent financially. If Taurus has set some goal for himself, then he will certainly achieve what he wants, no matter what it costs him. Compatibility of Taurus with other signs is possible when it is beneficial and convenient for him. But often love comes to such a man suddenly. As a result, he somewhat changes his outlook on life.

Taurus is an earth sign and is characterized by practicality. This helps to build long, strong and stable relationships. Within his element, the Taurus guy will find his soul mate the fastest. His compatibility with Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn is natural and strong. Usually such relationships are not distinguished by their passion. They are built on mutual understanding, kindness and common sense. The most successful couples of the earth element look like this:

  • Taurus man and Virgo woman;
  • Capricorn man and Taurus woman.

Taurus is not afraid of work; he shows perseverance in his endeavors. You can hardly see a Taurus sitting idle. He works hard towards his goal, although sometimes quite slowly. Little by little, Taurus is getting closer to what he wants, regardless of whether it is love affairs or career-related issues. In any case, he will achieve the favor of the woman he likes or take the desired position.

Who can a Taurus man not get along with: characteristics, compatibility

There is a complete absence of friendly and sexual compatibility Taurus with representatives of fire and air. It is difficult for him to communicate and build love with air and fire signs. Such relationships are filled with trials and conflicts.

By nature, Taurus is practical, and therefore he will not be able to get along with a frivolous partner. If such a man nevertheless marries his chosen one, then he expects absolute honesty and complete reciprocity from this union. Fire signs are characterized by their impulsiveness and superficiality. And air signs are not characterized by excessive emotionality; compassion is unfamiliar to them. That is why the union of Taurus with representatives of these elements is doomed to collapse. A woman simply cannot give a man what he is looking for in a love relationship.

Taurus has a very sophisticated compatibility of zodiac signs. Taurus man is looking for a kind and beautiful woman, while she must fully understand him and support him in all his endeavors. In addition, he expects housekeeping from his beloved. Naturally, Taurus will not be able to forgive betrayal. The chosen one must trust her man, involve him in all matters, and tell him about everything that is happening. Despite the increased demands, Taurus always find their soul mate. Pisces, Libra, Cancer and, in rare cases, Scorpio girls can get along with such a man. But with representatives of other signs it will be quite difficult for Taurus. In particular, we are talking about Aries and Aquarius and Leo. Such women are very proud, freedom-loving and hot-tempered, which is completely unsuitable for the sensible and practical Taurus.

What is Taurus like in life and love: zodiac sign, compatibility with other signs, character

When you first meet a Taurus, you cannot say that he is distinguished by romance and ardor in relationships. The man’s practicality and natural slowness immediately catches your eye. Despite this, romance is in the blood of Taurus. They are true connoisseurs of everything beautiful, including women. Such a man is measured, practical, and does not rush headlong into the pool. Taurus perceives compatibility with others in a very unique way. Before he starts wooing a woman, he will weigh everything three times and think it over. However, if Taurus has chosen you, then rest assured that you will never forget this romance. Remember that your fan is a romantic at heart, and therefore you can expect huge bouquets of flowers and a serenade under the window. But keep in mind that the fairy tale may end immediately after marriage.

Like no one else, he knows how to care for a Taurus woman. Compatibility in a love relationship with such a man will bring you a lot of pleasant moments. A Taurus in love forgets about his prudence. He will seek the favor of his chosen one in all imaginable and inconceivable ways.

But you also need to be able to hold Taurus. With him, you will always have to remain the “woman of your dreams” - beautiful, irresistible, slightly mysterious and faithful. Such a man will not stay for a long time with a woman “without a twist.” To break up with a Taurus, simply point out his shortcomings or put him in “not better light" Only a gentle, understanding and delicate young lady can be next to such an enviable groom.

Taurus will not tolerate criticism of himself, in particular if you insult his pride in public. He should be the main one in the house, because he is the one who brings in the money and makes all the important decisions. It is better to hold back all objections so as not to provoke a conflict. Accept that you will always have to adapt to your lover. Be prepared to quit your job and devote all your time to your chosen one.

A stubborn and persistent Taurus man in love. Compatibility with him is the key to a long and strong relationship. If you make your man angry, he may be rude to you. True, anger is immediately replaced by mercy. More serious grievances can last several days. Once your chosen one cools down, do not forget to discuss the problem with him so that it does not recur in the future. If the issue is unresolved, then a sediment will remain in Taurus’s soul, which can torment him all his life.

In their own home, Taurus will not tolerate disorder and chaos. His chosen one must certainly be able to cook deliciously, maintain order, and resolve various household troubles. In gratitude for this, Taurus will become your “stone wall”. He will surround you with luxury. With such a gentleman you will feel cozy and comfortable.

Who can Taurus build love with? Characteristics of the sign (man), compatibility in love and marriage.

Taurus will never give. He expects this from his chosen one. Marriage for Taurus is a serious step. He is not used to changing girls often. Having found his one and only, he will dissolve in her without a trace. The beloved must completely belong to Taurus. At the same time, he is pathologically jealous. Sometimes, even without a reason, he can arrange a scene of jealousy for his passion.

  1. Aries woman and Taurus man. The compatibility of these signs has certain difficulties. They are used to living at different paces. Aries has overflowing energy, while Taurus is used to doing everything slowly and deliberately. Such relationships can be quite long. Only for this Aries will have to be patient. Taurus will sooner or later achieve his goals, and his woman will get everything she wanted.
  2. The perfect couple The union of two Taurus is considered. They have the same interests, life goals, and aspirations. They are never bored with each other. Together, two Taurus will enjoy life and overcome possible difficulties. Such a couple can move mountains.
  3. Gemini and Taurus have radically different characters. This is precisely the connecting thread between a man and a woman. At the very first meeting, sympathy arises between Gemini and Taurus. The duration of such relationships depends on the desires of the partners. If they complement each other without focusing on visible differences, then their union will be strong.
  4. Compatibility horoscope for “Taurus man and Cancer woman.” These signs have a lot in common. Their relationship is built on mutual understanding. A simple friendship between Taurus and Cancer can develop into strong marriage, happy family life. Lovers will keep the hearth and home together, create coziness and comfort.
  5. A successful union between a Taurus man and a Leo woman is unlikely. They have different attitudes towards money. Taurus spends money carefully and carefully and strives to save more. And Leos love to live “in grand style”; they are generous and wasteful. If they manage to resolve conflicts in the financial sphere, then the relationship can last a long time, because Leo and Taurus are physically attracted to each other.
  6. The romantic relationship between a Taurus man and a Virgo woman can end with marriage. Mutual understanding will reign in such a family. Virgos are responsible, hardworking, while Taurus are economical. They are connected by caring for the family and general well-being. Taurus in such a couple will be a mentor, responsibility for the family will fall on his shoulders.
  7. Interesting compatibility Zodiac signs in love “Taurus and Libra”. They are not alike, but something unites them. Both love comfort, delicious food, dressing beautifully and living luxuriously. Thanks to this, their union will be strong, filled with harmony.
  8. Couples of Taurus and Scorpio often form. Both of these personalities are quite strong, and therefore love flares up between them and mutual respect arises. The Scorpio woman will appreciate her chosen one for his perseverance, perseverance and independence. And Taurus in the other half will like her femininity. Such a union is ideal from a spiritual point of view.
  9. Couples of “Taurus man and Sagittarius woman” are extremely rare. As a rule, they can agree on the basis of mutually beneficial settlement. However, if they manage to build a relationship, then it lasts happily ever after. Such a union is filled with positivity. Witty, loving life The Sagittarius woman is the muse for Taurus. He admires her. And she is attracted to practicality and determination in her chosen one.
  10. The compatibility of the zodiac signs “Taurus man and Capricorn woman” is considered ideal. Such an alliance occurs quite often and is very strong. Taurus and Capricorn have similar interests and views, they have common hobbies. Both are patient, practical, achieve their goals. In such a tandem there is coziness, complete comfort and absolute stability. They are united by caring for the home, raising children, creating a home, and a love of travel.
  11. Aquarius woman and Taurus man. The compatibility horoscope of these signs, as a rule, promises separation. They are completely different. Being happy together only helps them mutual love. Taurus will never be able to figure out his chosen one. She will strive for new experiences. And Taurus does not like sudden surprises and surprises.
  12. Very successful and strong union happens in Pisces women and Taurus men. Happiness and love accompany them throughout their lives. The woman will keep the family hearth, and the man will make every effort to ensure that his chosen one is happy. Nothing can destroy such a union. Pisces and Taurus find complete idyll in bed. The compatibility of the signs helps them live a long and happy life together.

Taurus is a calm, balanced sign that values ​​home comfort, loyalty, stability, and has great endurance. When two such signs meet, it will definitely last for a long time. Compatibility Taurus - Taurus signs very high, because at the first meeting they see in each other your soul mate. They often have the same views on life, have common interests, because their characters are almost the same.

To others, Taurus' relationships will seem monotonous and boring, because both will prefer a quiet family holiday near the TV for some event. This monotony can only seem, because in fact they have complete mutual understanding and quiet family harmony without quarrels and disagreements. They can only arise against the background of everyday issues, because all Taurus are “domesticated”, and for everyone it is very important what color the curtains will be or where they will buy a new iron. In this case, if opinions differ, everyone will stand on their own. They are also united by a fear of novelty, of something completely unknown. It is important for both Taurus to understand that they need to learn to give in, supporting each other, and not limit themselves to discussing only everyday issues.

Taurus-Taurus compatibility is considered high due to the fact that they both avoid change. Often it is difficult for them to even go and file for divorce, because they will need to get used to an unfamiliar way of life. For the same reason, they will meet for a long time, because everyone is afraid to be the first to decide on such a responsible step. Passivity and lack of initiative are characteristic of Taurus. They will be more comfortable if their partner decides everything for them. This makes it difficult for them to take on new obligations and start living together with someone.

There is one more feature in the Taurus-Taurus relationship - predictability. They don’t tend to pretend to be someone; they behave naturally. To start life together– this is a huge plus, because you immediately know who you will live with, without surprises. But this can also be called a disadvantage, because it is almost impossible to re-educate a Taurus. If he has come up with something and has a clear plan in his head, he cannot be forced to change his decision. This also has a bad effect after the birth of a child, because those who liked to sit at the computer after work will never change their habits. Against this background, sometimes there are violent quarrels, but Taurus quickly agree to reconciliation, calmly returning to their former stable life.

Taurus' feelings become stronger every year, and habit plays an important role in this. If at the beginning of the relationship they showed care and affection towards their partner, then after many years nothing will change. Therefore, in most cases, Taurus relationships develop ideally. They love nature, do not live in their dreams, but hardworkingly achieve their jointly set goals. Only jealousy can lead to their separation, because they are big egoists and owners, they always think only about themselves. They consider not only correspondence on social networks, but also any manifestation of freedom as betrayal. It’s good that they both know how to ask for forgiveness and move on with their lives calmly and patiently.

Sexual compatibility Taurus - Taurus

In bed, Taurus are not quite suitable for each other. The same temperament does not allow one to bring intimate life variety, but that's a plus for them.

Constancy in everything is important to them, including in bed. But anyone will soon get tired of such stability, and they will stop enjoying lovemaking. For women it is perfect combination, and for the male sex this will become a stumbling block. Not all men - Taurus are ready to endure this, they have instincts to try themselves with different women. They take great pleasure in caring for each of them. But Taurus will have to come to terms with the fact that the Taurus woman is an emotional person who expects fidelity from her partner and will not tolerate betrayal.

Taurus - Taurus in work relationships

Taurus are very comfortable with each other at work. They work at the same speed, without haste, and always take their work responsibilities seriously. They are not looking for something new at work either; they are satisfied with what they have. Often like this business relationship add up when they both work for someone and they have the same job responsibilities. Business does not work out for Taurus, because they are not able to come up with new things, they are not ready to take risks.

Compatibility of Taurus and Taurus signs in friendship

Taurus are very good friends. They are faithful, devoted, and because of their special character trait - fear of the unknown, they prefer to be friends with the same people long years. They will always come to the rescue and support their comrade, no matter what stupidity he does. It's in their spirit. They always have common traditions with friends, for example, going to the bathhouse or calm, quiet walks. They will never get tired of it.

Compatibility horoscope for the zodiac sign Taurus. Which Taurus union is considered ideal and successful? With which zodiac sign will Taurus find true happiness, harmony and love?

Are you a match?

Compatibility Taurus and Taurus

How in Great love, and in fleeting hobbies, “Taurus” can be very sentimental. Two “bulls” are guaranteed success in relationships, because both of them are looking for the same thing - reliability, comfort, music and good food. These two adorable creatures are simply in love with the process of preparing and eating food. In fact, they are in love with all the blessings of life, everything that contributes to comfort - what a wonderful union they can create! Sure, he might be a little boring, but I doubt they'll notice. In the end, they simply do not like change - no, they are not lazy at all, they are only saving their strength. Taurus people have a large supply of strength and energy, because they know that it is a sin to waste it in vain, and they save it wherever possible. They are not wasteful - they are equally thrifty with money. The only cloud on the horizon of their relationship can arise only in the event of anger or stubbornness of both “Taurus” on some controversial issue - after all, none of them admits that they are wrong for fear of appearing weak. So, if you are a “Taurus” and have found a “Taurus” spouse, rejoice - happy, serene days full of pleasures have come for you!

Compatibility Taurus and Gemini

The "Taurus" - the person who is happy to be left alone to watch the grass grow - finds it extremely difficult to keep up with the "twins" who want to keep the party going all night long; and don’t forget that they are two in one - cheerful, tireless, enthusiastic Geminis, whom you need to keep up with. For a Taurus this is almost impossible. "Gemini" loves to talk and argue - and "Taurus" almost always prefers silence to words. “Gemini” are completely independent and soar in the air, transferring from one cloud to the next with amazing dexterity and ease. This is not at all easy for the “bull”, who hates change and wants only tenderness - and here a brief hug is possible, perhaps even a warm handshake... but the “twins” are already far away, overwhelmed by some new thought that has just come to their mind. For the success of this relationship, it is necessary, at a minimum, that the “Gemini” is ready to hug, and the “Taurus” is ready to think.

Compatibility Taurus and Cancer

This combination is a wonderful combination. “Cancer” and “Taurus”, so different at first glance, usually agree on many things. They both love to eat as much as they love to cook. They're both home-loving people, and they both love a lot of greenery (not just any grass, of course; we're talking banknotes). So far so good, but problems come with changing moods. “Cancer” is dependent on moods, is very sensitive and needs constant sympathy. You can't talk to a Cancer when his mood fluctuates between laughter and tears, and a Taurus may find it difficult to express sympathy for him, especially if the Cancer has fallen into the grip of self-pity. It's not that the bull isn't kind, it's just that the Taurus thinks moaning is a waste of time. Both of these people are great savers, and not out of greed or stinginess: they are forced to save for a rainy day by uncertainty about the future. In general, this is a harmonious union of two souls, and if the “crab” and the “ox” decide to go through life hand in hand, they may well gain a significant amount of money.

Compatibility Taurus and Leo

Undoubtedly, the relationships of people born under these signs were not established in heaven. “Leo” is too playful and too proud for “Taurus”, the hunter to pause, think and weigh everything. Both are in great need of emotional support and encouragement - and may never fully receive it: the bull is not able to constantly flatter the lion as he would like, and the lion is, of course, too selfish and arrogant to show devotion and obedience "to the bull". "Leo" may simply get bored in an alliance with "bull" and, in all likelihood, he will need a faster pace of life. "Taurus" may consider his position too difficult - after all, "Leo" always requires attention to his person. The big “cat” loves to play, embarking on risky ventures and adventures with a light heart. The big “bull” is not ready for this - he doesn’t need any adventures! He likes to travel slowly and along a proven path. Maybe you should think about it?

Compatibility Taurus and Virgo

Usually this combination is marked by very friendly relations. You both can't boast enough about each other. “Virgo” is capable of performing delicate work, “Taurus” is able to take upon itself the creation of its general outline.

All this can develop into a very strong and beneficial relationship. The character of the “Taurus” is very reliable, firm and fully corresponds to the earthly aspirations of the “Virgo” - pragmatic and down-to-earth, not at all “castles in the air”. They both speak the same language. Representatives of these negative earth signs are very reliable, prudent, caring and noticeably afraid of the unknown. You can be a great couple - go for it!

Compatibility Taurus and Libra

Both “Libra” and “Taurus” are ruled by Venus and both love beauty. But "Taurus" and "Libra" are characterized by different level thoughts, and when faced with difficulties, the life road of representatives of this combination can become very bumpy. The slow "Taurus" approach to life issues can depress and irritate the "Libra". Usually a “Taurus” is a rather leisurely traveler, inertia is part of his nature; often he prefers to accept things as they are. On the contrary, “scales” will never get tired of weighing all the pros and cons in every situation, no matter how small and insignificant it may seem. Winning a verbal duel is extremely important for Libras - in fact, it seems to them the most important victory in life. A Taurus person may find the Libra's way of making decisions very tiresome - after all, it is not easy for the Libra to come to a certain conclusion themselves. "Taurus" is not always ready for constant discussions. This is not the best combination in troubled times.

Compatibility Taurus and Scorpio

These two really like each other and together they can make a whole. "Scorpio" is what the "bull" would like to become, the "bull" is what the "Scorpio" secretly strives to be. Of course, do not ask the “Scorpio” to openly admit this fact. “Taurus” is able to offer the depth and tolerance much needed by “Scorpio”—Scorpio sincerely wants to find these qualities in a partner. When these two decide that they are on the same path, the result of their union can be truly fantastic, be it in business, marriage, partnership or love. However, there is one “but”: how slowly they learn to use strengths and each other's talents! Each of them has what the other needs. Without a doubt, this union is very strong in material terms, but in emotional and spiritual terms, slight difficulties may arise. If they decide to overcome them together, they will certainly succeed - thanks to their extreme loyalty and devotion to each other.

Compatibility Taurus and Sagittarius

This relationship can be great fun, but there is no deep compatibility that can turn it into a long-lasting union. "Taurus" is too much of an owner for "Sagittarius", "Sagittarius" is too sociable and frank for "Taurus" to like this. Taurus is usually calm and happy where he is, while Sagittarius is eager to travel and see the world. “Sagittarius” is very, very optimistic; he has very little (or no) time and patience for pessimism and despondency, so characteristic of “Taurus”. Representatives of these two zodiac signs are sincere and honest, but with one significant difference. Sagittarians will always say whatever they think, without worrying about how pleasant it will sound to their interlocutors. “Taurus” are more sensitive and will not deafen people with their truth - they will prefer to remain modestly silent.

Compatibility Taurus and Capricorn

This combination is likely to be very successful - both the bull and the goat are practical and conservative. They look at many things the same way and can be happy together. Both of them would like to reach the top. It is there that they feel safety and comfort, it is there that they are calm and serene. The "goat" undoubtedly has artistic and creative inclinations, and the "bull" and "goat" both share a love of music. Sounds good, doesn't it? "Taurus" almost always has a wonderful sense of humor, and "Capricorn" strives to keep up with him, responding with his own restrained and dry jokes. This is a great combination to make money.

So far, everything is fine, but now it’s not so good: difficulties may arise if tension appears in their relationship - after all, “Taurus” is a little slow, and “Capricorn” may be somewhat discouraged by the seeming lack of enthusiasm. However, with the natural compatibility of these signs and with little effort, they can be happy, climbing up the same path.

Compatibility Taurus and Aquarius

“Aquarius” rushes faster than the speed of light, covering the past, present and future in the blink of an eye, while “Taurus” is here and now; he is really interested in only one moment - this moment is called the present. However, "Aquarius" is able to plunge into the future for a long time, completely forgetting about returning to the present - a state of affairs that completely confuses "Taurus". They are both tuned to too different frequencies. They may not find very many topics on which it is good for them to talk with each other... and this despite the fact that the “carrier of the jug” is known as a selfless talker, never for a moment ceasing to pour out on his interlocutors all the knowledge he has collected on the roads of the future and the past. Owner of the good old common sense, the practical bull is not very sociable, so it will take them a lot of time before their conversation gets off the ground. It is absolutely clear that if they join hands with mutual efforts (though only the efforts of Hercules can help), they can learn a lot from each other.

Compatibility Taurus and Pisces

This is a combination that works well.

Dreamy and idealistic Pisces could benefit greatly from a relationship with a calm and practical Taurus. Without a doubt, there will be no explosions and no sparks will fly: in a relationship with a “Taurus”, “Pisces” are guaranteed safety. Pisces can be a great friend to Taurus and - since representatives of these two signs like to indulge in the same activities - they can make a wonderful couple. However, before Pisces and Taurus understand each other and become friends, Taurus may mistakenly consider the Fish to be a reckless and empty creature. “Pisces” is also capable of considering the “bull” too down-to-earth and rude - he strives so persistently and stubbornly to have money. This is a combination of signs in which both people can teach each other a lot and learn a lot themselves. Even if both of them become involved in discussions, the dispute will not lead them to a solution and neither of them to victory; however, thanks to their sense of humor, this situation will never lead to clashes.

Compatibility Taurus and Aries

A decisive “Aries” in the same arena with a stubborn “Taurus”. Will something happen? The best moments of “Aries” are associated with moments of rest, when they are not rushing somewhere, overwhelmed by yet another crazy idea that gives them neither sleep nor peace. Also, “Taurus” has time devoted to fantasy, wisdom, a warm sense of humor - then they do not reflect, angrily and gloomily, over some prank of the “Aries”. However, let us not lose sight of the fundamental differences between “Taurus” and “Aries”, the internal reasons that force them to be just as similar friend at each other like ice and fire. For an interest in life, “Aries” need something magical - at least a glimpse of a miracle. “Taurus” values ​​peace and quiet; they are completely independent and practical. Both of you are undoubtedly looking in different directions.

If you have a Taurus in your circle, then you know what the most stubborn people look like. They are practical, straightforward, say what they think and do not waste time on stupid dreams, so compatibility with Taurus is not easy to achieve. At the same time, they are easy to offend, they are sensitive guys, this is the influence of Venus. Taurus are drawn to beauty and live by the rules that they themselves have come up with, and will also try to force those around them to live by them.

This sign is characterized by strict control; they are able to control not only themselves, but also those around them.

Characteristics of the sign

The element of Taurus is earth, calm and balanced, but there are volcanoes on the earth, and the consequences of an explosion can be terrible. It’s the same with Taurus - it’s difficult to unbalance them, but if someone succeeds, then it’s better to run away without looking back, and for everyone. You can always rely on Taurus, they are reliable and never betray.

Taurus will feel comfortable if they surround themselves with representatives of their native element or water signs. The union of Taurus with Capricorn or Virgo promises many pleasant moments. But two Taurus in one family are doomed to butt heads and sort things out, and they will have to wait a long time for mutual concessions. Scorpios, Cancers and Pisces will be able to adapt to Taurus and will favorably influence their character, and water signs will also like this union. Relationships between Taurus and air signs will be difficult, but with a certain amount of diplomacy and a lot of love, you can try. It is better to avoid fire signs; in this pair, the fire will scorch the earth or the earth will extinguish the flame, in any case, both sides will suffer.

The nature of Taurus is very contradictory, influenced by Venus. But this does not prevent them from finding joy in little things and enjoying life. Taurus people are able to enjoy everyday activities. They have the strength to withstand any difficult situation, and at the same time they will never betray their loved ones. Loyalty means a lot to a Taurus, and you can always rely on him.

Compatibility of Taurus with other zodiac signs

Taurus and Aries

Two stubborn people in one family, it’s scary to even think that this could happen to them. Will Taurus be infuriated by the combination of stubbornness and frivolity in Aries? and believe me, they will take revenge on them for spoiled nerves. Taurus may not show it, but they will be happy to see hot Aries lose their temper and kick their hooves. This couple can butt heads for a long time, figuring out who is more important and stronger. Perhaps this will be a way for them not to get bored in their marriage.

Taurus and Taurus

General element and general zodiac sign does not mean that the couple is compatible. We are talking about Taurus, who are used to living by their own rules. And if one of the spouses likes to drink tea in the morning, then he will try to accustom the other to this, despite the fact that he loves coffee. And if you remember that there are two Taurus in this union, then it is clear why nothing will come of this. This stubbornness can be directed towards achieving common goals, then this union will not be afraid of any obstacles, and the spouses will become an ideal complement for each other.

Taurus and Gemini

This couple will achieve compatibility with great difficulty. What initially attracts them to each other will later irritate them. The swiftness and ease of Gemini may turn out to be a disadvantage; slow Taurus simply will not keep up with their partner. And Taurus are not only reliable, but also very scrupulous in matters of order, and for Gemini it means so little. These guys should think twice before running to the registry office, better a couple years to live in civil marriage and check your feelings.

Taurus and Cancer

Cancer and Taurus can make up perfect union, water and earth are perfectly compatible. The wards of Venus and the Moon have the same temperament; they will be comfortable together. It is comfort and convenience that these guys value most. Their whole life will be planned out and they will follow this plan. The first child is in two years, the second in four, and the car will be changed in five years. No impulsiveness, some may find it boring, but this is a matter of taste.

Taurus and Leo

Bright and eccentric Leos are accustomed to easily conquering others and subordinating them to their will. An unpleasant surprise awaits Leo; they will have to get acquainted with the stubbornness of Taurus. Not only will they not want to obey, but they will also begin to set their own rules. Taurus will always be amazed at Leo's ability to achieve success without putting in any effort. This couple can be friends for as long as they like, but there is no need to rush into marriage.

Taurus and Virgo

Virgos are self-sufficient and independent, but who doesn’t want to have a faithful partner nearby whom they can rely on? They will be able to find such a faithful ally among Taurus, who will also be satisfied with this relationship, besides, they are simply immune to Virgo’s criticism, it does not offend them and they are stubborn enough to remain unconvinced. This couple will get along easily and have excellent compatibility. The marriage will be strong, the relationship will be reliable, someone will say that it is boring and dull, but Taurus and Virgo are not looking for passion.

Taurus and Libra

Libra is very concerned about their freedom, but they cannot do anything about the stubbornness of Taurus. Before they even blink an eye, they will find themselves in a cage under their supervision. But everything is not as sad as it might seem. This couple has a common patron, and Venus will take care of the union of her charges. They will love each other, and the mutual attraction will be so strong that the couple simply cannot separate. So you have to get along and look for a compromise.

Taurus and Scorpio

Taurus and Scorpio have excellent compatibility, their elements complement each other perfectly, and their characters are largely similar. The only problem is that both partners love power and strive for it. Serious battles could break out here. Wards of Venus and Pluto will demonstrate miracles of ingenuity in the struggle for power. You will have to sort things out every day and there will be no winner. These two will have to come to an agreement, only a compromise will preserve the relationship and save nerves.

Taurus and Sagittarius

Compatibility is possible, but will be difficult to achieve. Between these signs, sympathy arises from the moment they meet; they will simply feel mutual attraction. Despite this, relationships will be difficult. Give fiery guys fun, and Taurus love quiet evenings in family circle. So Taurus will go crazy with their frivolous couple, and Sagittarius will think about the correctness of their choice. But it’s worth a try, these guys have a chance to become happy together.

Taurus and Capricorn

Capricorn and Taurus have a common element, and even their characters are similar. They may become good friends, but becoming good spouses will be more difficult. In this pair, both will be patient, stubborn and lively. Wards of Saturn and Venus understand each other well and can use this in their everyday battles. If these guys still plan to create or maintain a marriage, they should learn to accept each other as they are, but most likely, two stubborn people will be able to change.

Taurus and Aquarius

Aquarians are distinguished by a very positive character; they find advantages where others do not see them. They will also see the positive in Taurus. These guys will definitely make friends, but there is no need to rush into marriage. If the couple does go to the registry office, it will be thanks to Taurus, who will be able to convince Aquarius that this will be better for both. Aquarians are freedom-loving and independent guys, if Taurus does not overdo it with rules and restrictions, perhaps something will come of it.

Taurus and Pisces

Pisces will intuitively understand that Taurus is their ideal life partner. Pisces do not like unnecessary worries, and the reliability and honesty of Taurus promises a stable future. For Taurus, Pisces may remain a sealed secret; the logical mind simply cannot comprehend all the mystery and mysticism of Pisces. But if Taurus turns a blind eye to their partner’s excessive dreaminess and sentimentality, then everything will be fine with them.

Two elements, completely different, Fire and Earth. Leo and Taurus: compatibility in love and close relationships between men and women of these two zodiac signs would seem to be (impossible/ideal/unrealistic/possible), but let's take a closer look. Whether to try or not...

Taurus - planet Venus, element Earth, Cancer - planet Moon, element Water. Cancer and Taurus: compatibility in love and close relationships between men and women of these two zodiac signs would seem to be possible, but let's take a closer look. Water has to be stored somewhere, but...

Taurus was born under the shining halo of Venus, who determines our path in earthly life and is responsible for the feelings of our hearts, while Virgo was nourished by Mercury, the messenger of the gods, responsible for the mind. Virgo and Taurus: compatibility in love and close relationships between men...

Taurus under the auspices of Venus is a very sensitive sign, the divine planet will always show the right path to its ward, and Gemini under the rule of Mercury is highly intellectual. Gemini and Taurus: compatibility in love and loved ones...

They were born under the auspices of the magnificent Venus - the goddess of love, their element is earth. Taurus and Taurus: compatibility in love and intimate relationships between men and women of these two zodiac signs would seem to be ideal, but let's take a closer look. Since they...

Scorpio and Taurus are different elements, water and earth, but they are a good complement for each other. Taurus and Scorpio: compatibility in love and close relationships between men and women of these two zodiac signs would seem to be possible, but let's figure it out...
