Staffing table one hundred sample. Staffing: we solve emergency situations

This document is a locally normative act that is used to formalize the staffing of an organization in accordance with its Charter (Regulations). It must be remembered that the staffing table is not a simple formality, but a document necessary in the work, the presence of which is determined by the needs of the organization.

The schedule must contain a list of structural divisions, positions, information about the number of staff units, official salaries, allowances and monthly wages, so before you start drawing up the document, you need to decide organizational structure enterprises.

Filling out form No. T-3

Form for staffing table can be independently developed by an organization based on its needs, but it is still recommended to use the unified form No. T-3 as a form.

Depending on the size and staffing level of the organization, the responsibilities for drawing up and filling out Form No. T-3 can be assigned to both personnel department employees, accountants or even managers.

The name of the organization in the document must be indicated in strict accordance with the constituent documents.

Please note that Form No. T-3 indicates at least two dates: the date of preparation (in the “Date of Compilation” column in the format “”), as well as the date the document entered into force, indicating the period of its validity (usually approved for one year). In this regard, when filling out the form, you should not confuse these dates, since the date of drawing up the staffing table often precedes the start date of its validity.

The names of structural units must be indicated in accordance with the approved structure of the organization. The peculiarity of filling out this column is that commercial organizations can enter any names of structural units that they consider appropriate, guided only by the requirements for terminology and generally accepted concepts and definitions. In the same time, government agencies and organizations with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, when specifying departments, must be guided by the requirements of all-Russian and industry classifiers, as well as tariff and qualification reference books and other regulatory documents, since a number of benefits provided to employees of these organizations upon retirement depend on this.

The code for each structural unit is set by the organization independently and is necessary for document management, as well as to indicate the place of the structural unit in the organization’s hierarchy.

It is recommended that job titles be determined in accordance with " All-Russian classifier professions of workers, positions of employees and tariff categories" (OKPDTR), which contains the names of professions and positions, as well as their code designations. Vacant positions should also be indicated in the staffing table, in the form of a corresponding note in the "Note" column, or indicating the number of vacant positions staffing positions with a footnote at the bottom of the page indicating that the position is vacant.

The number of staff units for each position is determined by the needs of the organization for certain types of work, as well as based on economic feasibility.

In accordance with the rules for filling out the "Albums of unified forms of primary accounting documents", cost indicators are indicated in rubles accurate to the second decimal place. And if your organization, when determining the official salary of employees, is not obliged to adhere only to the Unified Tariff and Qualification Grid, then no one can forbid you in the approved staffing table in the column “Salary (tariff rate)” not to indicate a specific salary for a given staffing unit, but to determine possible borders. For example: 1000-1500, this will allow you to pay differentially for the work of employees occupying positions of the same name according to the staffing table, but at the same time take into account their qualifications and differences in labor functions and not violate the requirements of labor legislation on the prohibition of “discrimination” (overcome equalization).

Unified form No. T-3 contains several columns (6-8) combined common name"Allowances." They record all incentive and compensation payments (allowances, bonuses, additional payments, etc.) provided for a particular position. When establishing these payments, a note is made in the corresponding column - in what amount and for what the premium (surcharge) is established.

If it is impossible to fill out columns 5-9 in ruble terms due to the use of other remuneration systems (for example, non-tariff, mixed, etc.), these columns are filled in in the appropriate units of measurement (percentages, coefficients, etc.).

The ninth column “Total” is calculated by adding 5-8 columns and multiplying the resulting amount by the number of staff units from column 4. The total amount for all positions will be the monthly payroll.

An enterprise is a living organism, and therefore needs adjustments to its schedule and work schedule. A document such as a staffing table is no exception. The need to amend it (rename a position, add or reduce) is due to a number of reasons: reorganization of the structure, change in the wage fund, modernization or decline in production. There is a procedure for this and standard samples orders.

Staffing is the basis of the enterprise's activities

It is the introduction of changes to the staffing table that is the starting point for implementing specific changes in the enterprise. We are talking not only about changes in the work schedule, because with any changes in the system it is very important to take into account the productivity and performance of employees - these indicators should not be lower than previous ones for the same period.

The company's management can avoid unpleasant situations, in particular labor disputes, claims from regulatory authorities, if they take responsibility for the process of registering changes in the staff.

When the staffing table changes, a corresponding order is issued.

On what grounds are staffing changes changed?

Changes to the staffing table are made in the following cases:

  1. Transformation (modification) of the company, which requires the elimination of certain positions or the introduction of new ones.
  2. Reducing the scale of activity when there is a need to reduce the number of full-time employees.
  3. Business development, which entails the recruitment of new employees.
  4. Increase or decrease in wages.
  5. Reorganization processes at the enterprise.
  6. Correction of job titles.

This list is not limited to the cases presented, but these are the ones that occur most often in practice.

The standard form of staffing is used in both private and public enterprises

Are there exceptions and limitations by law?

Presented Labor Code regulatory requirements address the reasons why the quality and quantity of staff may change.

As for restrictions, if they do not contradict the basic requirements of the enterprise’s statutory documents (type of activity, scope of production of goods or provision of services, manufacturing technology, etc.), each enterprise has the right to make any adjustments and changes in terms of the current situation.

Who should draw up the staffing schedule and make changes?

The legislation does not clearly indicate who should be responsible for staffing. One way or another, everyone can participate in staffing. Even ordinary employees have the right to file petitions regarding the need to abolish and introduce rates, or transfer to another position. Technically, the staffing table is drawn up by the person to whom management has assigned this responsibility. Usually this is a personnel officer, economist or accountant. In small enterprises, the founder himself is responsible for staffing.

How to make changes to the staffing schedule correctly

The procedure and execution of the order will differ slightly depending on the reason for the changes being made.

Salary increase and decrease

The primary basis for bringing an increase in the salaries of company employees into the legal field is the issuance of an appropriate order, which must indicate:

  1. List of positions for which salary increases will be made.
  2. New salary amounts (specifically for each position).
  3. The exact date of the changes.

Both sides labor relations sign an agreement to the employment contract regarding a salary increase, on the basis of which an order is issued. Many managers use a unified form, but labor legislation allows this document to be drawn up in free form, acceptable for of this enterprise, taking into account its specifics.

All issues related to payment are one of the foundations of labor relations. The employer must attach this important, especially in terms of fulfilling legal requirements. Based on this, after documenting the increase in employee salaries, appropriate adjustments should be made to the employment contract. Those affected by the changes must be familiar with the order, confirming this with their signature.

Changes in wages are made to the staffing table by order

In the case of a salary reduction, of course, the relationship between the subjects becomes much more complicated. It may be legal to reduce pay without the employee’s consent in cases caused by specific technological or economic reasons. Although this is not a consoling factor for the employee subject to redundancy.

There are often cases when the manager behaves incorrectly, proposing in a coercive tone to conclude an additional employment contract to reduce the salary. Moreover, he does this by exceeding his authority and taking advantage of his official position. If the employee does not agree, the manager allows himself to threaten worsening working conditions or even dismissal. Such cases are clearly regarded as a violation of labor laws and, naturally, are grounds for filing a lawsuit. Such moments aggravate labor disputes and reach a level where it is impossible to cope with them in any other way.

Company reorganization and staff optimization: entry, exit and replacement of positions

During the reorganization period, new positions are introduced into the staffing table and those that are not of interest to the enterprise are excluded. With new positions, the question is clear, because there are currently enough people willing to take them. But with workers who have been laid off or laid off, everything is much more complicated.

Reduction of staff and liquidation of departments

The administration of the enterprise is obliged to prepare a memo about the upcoming reduction two months before the event. The dismissed employee is paid severance pay- average monthly earnings for two months from the date of termination of employment.

In an order to reduce the number of employees, the following data must be indicated:

  1. List of positions being eliminated.
  2. Exact date of reduction.

Both individual positions and entire departments may be laid off.

Very important point, which employers must take into account, are the categories of employees that are not subject to reduction.

When renaming positions, the manager must also notify the employee in writing 2 months before the changes are made (Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The presence of vacancies is the most painless way out of layoffs, because the employer will not have to experience unnecessary negative emotions when he is forced to deprive a person of work. If unfilled positions are subject to reduction, an act is drawn up on the basis of which changes are made.

Video: legal advice on dismissal due to redundancy; categories of persons who cannot be laid off

Introduction of new staffing units and departments

The order on the introduction of new positions contains the following information:

  1. Job title. If an entire department is entered, its name and a list of positions are indicated.
  2. The exact date of entry into force of the changes.

IN in this case the moment of issuance of the order coincides with the moment of regular innovations. This is possible because these changes do not affect the fate of the company’s employees. First of all, HR officers who will be involved in developing job descriptions are introduced to innovations.

If control over the execution of an order is assigned to specific employees, they sign that they are familiar with it

Procedure for renaming a position

A new job title often occurs in the field of labor relations, production and administrative processes. For example, we can recall that in the recent past, the position of merchandising specialist was very common in trade. Nowadays this interpretation is unlikely to remain; it has been replaced by the concept of “manager”.

So, when renaming a position, the change occurs, as they say, without unnecessary movements. An order is issued on the same principle as when introducing a new staffing position, with the only difference being that the document must indicate the previous job title and then the new one.

In a situation where an employee works in a position, the name change is carried out with his knowledge and consent. An experienced leader will always find mutual language with subordinates and will be able to clearly explain the reason for the changes and give a thorough argument. If transformations are caused by serious technological and organizational factors, the employer has the right to make changes even without the consent of the employee (Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Next, both parties sign an agreement regarding modification of the job title. After this, an appropriate order is issued. The personnel officer enters information into the employee’s personal card and work book.

Sometimes renaming a position is part of a whole group of staffing changes; all of them can be entered with one order

Methodology for making changes to the staffing table

Before making changes, the head of a department or other structural unit prepares a memorandum with detailed justification and economic calculations addressed to the head of the company.

Rules for drawing up an order

The order is issued on the basis of Art. 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, as a rule, it is called “On amendments to the staffing table” or “On partial ...”. The ascertaining part is filled with argumentation at the level of a given enterprise, and the nuances of the changes are clarified.

The manager issues an order on letterhead. The text of this document consists of two parts: statements and orders. First part - legal basis and the reason, the second - specific changes indicating the deadlines and those responsible for implementation.

If the company is a complex structure with a large staff, job titles may be repeated. Therefore, the order must indicate not only the position, but also the specific structural unit.

Employee Notification

The contents of the document order must be communicated to all staff members affected by the innovations. They must read it carefully, take note and sign on the back.

If an employee needs an extract from the schedule, it is issued on the basis of Art. 62 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The statement contains information about payments for a specific position. Guided by Art. 88 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, information about the salaries of other employees is not indicated in the extract.

In what cases is it necessary to approve a new schedule?

In case of partial, minor corrections, changes are made to individual columns of the current document. With significant modifications, it becomes necessary to develop a new staff schedule.

Typically, the staffing table is drawn up for a period of one year. If you need to rename a position or introduce a new one in the middle of the year, changes are made to the staffing table by order. The number of repeated changes is not limited by law. And it will be possible to draw up a new staffing table for next year.

If changes in the staffing table are global, it is easier to abolish the old one and draw up a new document

Justification for changes: memo

The management of the enterprise is preparing an official letter addressed to employees. It contains respectful language and a detailed explanation of the need for changes, especially when it comes to downsizing. The note offers options for dealing with the situation. This could be an offer to take another position.

The form for drawing up and filling out a memo is arbitrary

If the upcoming reduction is caused by serious technological circumstances, the employer has the right to reduce the position without the employee’s consent. However, this fact does not exclude the requirement for the manager to write a memo. In this case, he must show respect and tact, especially towards employees who conscientiously performed their duties. This is the case here human factor when an employee suffers moral injury due to loss of work. It is the manifestation of delicacy that will not allow aggravation of a person’s already difficult situation, which means it will not cause protest in him and will not force him to take the extreme step of filing a lawsuit.

Changes to the staffing table must first of all be justified. Information must be brought to the knowledge of employees, and the person entrusted with the responsibility for performing control must report on the results of the work done. The employer must have the basics of legal literacy and avoid unnecessary labor disputes, because there are more vulnerable categories of workers who are insured against being included in the redundancy list.

Let's consider whether a staffing table is needed in an organization and how to develop it; What is the procedure for approving your own document form? We will study complex issues, for example, the procedure for approving the staffing table if the company has separate divisions or has only one employee.

Staffing: to be or not to be

First, let's figure out whether the staffing table (SH) is a primary accounting document and whether its presence is mandatory in the organization.

Came into force on January 1, 2013 the federal law dated 06.12.2011 N 402-FZ “On Accounting” (hereinafter referred to as Law N 402-FZ), according to which each fact of the economic life of an organization is subject to registration as a primary accounting document containing only mandatory details. At the same time, the right to choose the forms of primary documents (unified or independently developed) now belongs to the employer<1>.

For your information. Facts of economic life include a transaction, event, operation that has or is capable of influencing the financial position of an economic entity, the financial result of its activities and (or) movement Money.

Expert opinions on the mandatory nature of staffing vary. In our opinion, it should be approved by the organization. This conclusion follows from the interpretation of Art. Art. 15, 57, 66, 81 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. So, in Art. Art. 15 and 57 indicate the need for determination by the employee and employer and recording in employment contract“labor function (work according to the position in accordance with the staffing table...).” At the same time, there is no “if any” clause contained in many articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation<2>and giving the right to choose, if this presence (of an authority, document, circumstance) is not confirmed.

In addition, in Art. 57 establishes that the employee and the employer may provide an additional condition to clarify the place of work (indicating the structural unit and its location) and (or) the workplace. Information about the structural unit is contained in the staffing table and will subsequently be reflected in work book employee (Article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, clause 3.1 Instructions for filling out work books<3>).

At the same time, one should not forget about such grounds for dismissal as “reduction in the number or staff of employees” (clause 2, part 1, article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In the absence of a staffing table, it is almost impossible to prove the legality of the dismissal of employees on this basis, as well as the validity of the amounts of money paid to such employees, either to the labor inspectorate, or to the fiscal authorities, or to the court.

The conclusion about the need for staffing is also supported by by-laws<4>and established judicial practice.

In any case, its presence minimizes the risks of claims from fiscal supervisory and judicial authorities. Therefore, the employer should approve the staffing table.

We approve the schedule

The staffing table is a local regulatory act of the organization, which records in a consolidated form the existing division of labor between employees and the conditions of payment for their labor (Letter of Rostrud dated January 23, 2013 N PG/409-6-1). That is, the staffing table reflects events in labor relations that can have an impact on the financial position of the organization and (or) cash flow. In fact, an organization (especially a newly created one) or other employer does not have the right to hire workers in the absence of a staffing table.

Previously, a unified form of staffing was mandatory, approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 N 1 “On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for recording labor and its payment.” However, since 2013, its use has become optional. And although many organizations still use unified forms, you should not miss the opportunity provided by the legislator and adapt it to the needs of a particular employer.

Choosing a method

Taking into account the provisions of Art. 9 of Law N 402-FZ, before drawing up the organization’s staffing table, it is necessary to approve its form, as well as the forms of other documents on labor accounting and payment.

You can do this in two ways:

— approve by a separate order of the organization with the relevant forms attached;

- reflected in the organization’s accounting policies for the purposes accounting, what forms of primary accounting documents (unified or independently developed) are used to document the facts of economic life (see example 2 below). In this case, the specified document forms should be made appendices to the accounting policies (see example 3 below).

It should be noted that due to mandatory accounting policies for most employers in accordance with Art. 8 of Law N 402-FZ, the second method of fixing the used forms of primary documents is more preferable.

Order of approval

So, the employer decided to approve the staffing table using an independently developed form. To begin with, an appropriate order must be issued.


Changes to the approved and current staffing table are also made by order - either reflecting specific changes or approving new edition SR.

As Rostrud noted in Letter No. 428-6-1 dated March 22, 2012, the staffing table changes if structural units or positions are renamed, salaries change, or the number or staff of employees is reduced. The frequency and frequency of changes in the staffing table is determined by the employer.


Keep in mind: an independently developed staffing table must contain both information about the order that approved its form, and the details of the document by which it was put into effect (see example 7).

In addition, in the staffing table developed by the organization there is no need to indicate the period of its validity (unlike the unified form). It is enough to indicate the date of entry into force of the staffing table.

Newly created organizations

The staffing table is drawn up, even if only the manager works in the newly created organization. There are two possible options for presenting staff units:

— or only the manager is indicated;

— or the required staff and number of employees are immediately recorded.

Branches and representative offices

Separately, it should be said about the staffing table of an organization that has branches, representative offices or other separate divisions.

In the new form of staffing, it is possible to provide for the allocation of not only structural, but also separate units.

If The staffing table is drawn up by the department independently(and such a right should be provided for in the organization’s charter, the regulations on the unit and the power of attorney of the head of the unit), then it is advisable to provide for an approval procedure, and indicate the approval details in the staffing table itself.

Filling out individual columns

Special mention should be made about filling out the “Salary” columns, etc.: the salary amount must be one; indicating the so-called “fork” is not allowed, since according to Art. 22 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, payment must be equal for equal work.

Note. You can read about the rules for filling out such columns of the staffing table as “Position”, “Number of staffing units”, “Tariff rate (salary), etc.”, “Bonus” in the article “Staffing table in questions and answers” ​​on p. 46 magazine N 7, 2009.

If necessary, reflection For the same positions different salaries (and not salaries), we recommend either establishing categories or ranks for the position, or regulating this by establishing allowances (additional payments) depending on the qualifications of the employees. Rostrud also adheres to this position (Letter dated April 27, 2011 N 1111-6-1).

Therefore, the employer, when developing a staffing form for the purpose of establishing personal allowances and additional payments to employees, can present information in the column “Allowances, additional payments” as shown in the example:

Sample formatting of the column “Allowances, additional payments” in the staffing table.

If in the organization wage employees consists of salaries (or salaries and irregularly paid bonuses), then the column “Allowances, additional payments” can be excluded. And vice versa: if the employer uses regular bonuses to stimulate the work of employees, then you can add the column “Bonuses”, also for convenience, highlighting the sub-columns “Base” and “Amount, rub.” (see example 12).

Sample design of the “Bonus” and “In Hands” columns in the staffing table.

For a number of employers, due to the need to comply with Art. Art. 133 and 133.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it would be useful to add the columns “For payment” or “In hand” (example 12).

Extract from the staffing table

It should be remembered that according to Art. 62 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to provide the employee, upon his application, with documents related to his work, including extracts from documents (Article 88 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Therefore, we consider it appropriate to also approve the form Extracts from the staffing table (there is no unified form).

Staffing arrangement

The staffing table is a planned and impersonal document. Therefore, you should not “burden it down” with information. After all, this document can be submitted to fiscal or judicial authorities, which should not know “extra” information. To fix the actual position of personnel placement (by name) and remuneration (taking into account “floating” bonuses), it is advisable to use the staffing arrangement. The document may be in paper or in electronic format and contain any information about employees required by the employer (see example 14).

Staffing arrangement.

Limited Liability Company "SportInvest"

(SportInvest LLC)

Staffing as of 11/03/2014

Structural subdivision Job title Number of staff units Last name I.O. Salary, (rub.) Allowances, surcharges Awards Total (gr. 6 + gr. 8 + gr. 10) Additional Information
Base Amount (rub.) Base Amount (rub.)
Name Code
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Directorate 01 CEO 1 Avakumov A.V. 60 000 55 000
Secretary 1 Belkina N. A. 30 000 For knowledge of foreign languages 2000 32 000 Maternity leave until December 25, 2014
System Administrator 0,75 Volgin I. L. 21 330 15 997,50 Employee at main place of work
Accounting 02 Accountant 1 Gromova K. T. 25 000 Increase in the volume of work (DS until 06/04/2010) 5550 30 550
Accountant 1 Drevko O.K. 25 000 24 850 Parental leave for up to 3 years (December 11, 2014 – return to work)
Accountant 1 Eremina E. M. 25 000 Expansion of service area (DS until 08.12.2014) 7850 32 850
Sales department 03 Manager 1 Acorn U. A. 30 000 For exceeding the sales plan 5000 — 30 000 35 000 — 60 000
Department head 1 Zorin I. A. 35 000 For exceeding the sales plan 5000 — 30 000 40 000 — 70 000
Delivery department 04 Specialist 0,5 Ilyin B.B. 15 000 7500 External part-time worker
Department head 1 Klaus V.V. 25 000 25 000
Marketing department 05 Specialist 1 Lomov Ya. R. 24 400 24 400 Child under 3 years old (born 02/06/2012)
Specialist 1 Mishin T. A. 24 400 24 400
Department head 1 JOB VACANCY

Opinion. Maria Kolganova, Associate Professor of the Department of Entrepreneurship and labor law State University management

In legal theory, one of the main features of labor relations has always been considered the inclusion of a new employee in the organization’s staff. The importance of this action is related to the legal status of the employee within the organization. The inclusion of an employee in the organization’s staff “fills” a previously existing vacancy, determines his place in the system of organizing and managing labor processes within the company, predetermines the main component of his earnings (official salary, salary, tariff rate), consolidates and makes legitimate the differentiation of wage adjustments through allowances, additional payments, KTU and other payments that allow, in accordance with the organization’s approved wage systems, to personalize staff earnings.

Note. See the article “How to organize work with personal data in HR departments” on p. 40 magazine N 3, 2012.

Companies that provide personnel to third parties face serious problems in these matters. Such organizations (private employment agencies) may formally meet the requirement to have a staffing table, but from a legal point of view it is created in a real organization and for real jobs, and not under a civil contract with an intermediary.

Note. See the article “10 mistakes that should not be made when preparing documents related to personal data” on p. 52 magazine N 3, 2012.

Companies transmitting labor hired under a contract for the provision of personnel, do not create real jobs, do not invest in production and its modernization. In the event of bankruptcy of an intermediary organization, its property (often rented) cannot be a guarantor of compensation for lost earnings by employees. Consequently, there is no point in considering the staffing tables created in them as serious organizational and financial documents.

Note. Read about “borrowed” labor on p. 70.

Not less problems Such companies also arise in connection with the preparation of personnel documentation. If the intermediary arranges for the employee to be hired, then the actual performance labor functions in harmful or dangerous working conditions, a real production worker will not be counted towards his preferential length of service, which gives the right to a pension, since in the office of an intermediary company that registers an employee in accordance with its staffing schedule to a real employer, such harmful conditions there is no labor. Not a single Pension Fund structure recognizes work on the staffing schedule of an intermediary company as work in harmful or dangerous conditions that give the right to pension benefits. This is explained by the fact that in the employee’s work book, which, in accordance with Art. 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is the main document on his labor activity and work experience, in accordance with the intermediary’s staffing schedule, an employment record was made.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the requirements for documents set out in Law N 402-FZ, in some cases, differ from the requirements of labor legislation (which, in fact, are stricter). Therefore, in order to avoid claims from inspectors, we recommend using the unified form N T-3 as a basis when developing a staffing form. It is advisable to use GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements." And finally, since the staffing table contains personal data of employees, its storage, processing, and destruction must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of personal data.

Yu. Titova


Journal expert

"Personnel service

And enterprise personnel management"

Before determining the size of the enterprise, it is necessary to answer the question of how production processes will occur, in what sequence, how many divisions are needed to achieve the main goal of the activity, and who will conduct the administration. For these purposes, the structure of the organization is drawn up.

Structure is the composition and relationship of its internal links: workshops, sections, departments, bureaus, laboratories and other divisions that make up a single economic entity. The structure is approved by a special document, which does not indicate the quantitative value of staffing units and the amount of salary, but on the basis of these data a staffing table is drawn up.

The staffing table is a normative document that determines the composition of the organization’s employees, indicating their positions and official salaries.

What to pay attention to

To draw up the staffing table, a unified form No. T-3 is used, approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 01/05/2004 No. 1. This form is advisory in nature. Commercial organizations have the right to independently develop new uniform or change the existing T-3 form.

The unified form T-3 contains:

  • list of structural units in the order of their subordination;
  • names of positions, taking into account subordination within the department, workshop, etc. (for example, chief accountant, deputy chief accountant, leading accountant, accountant);
  • information about qualifications (for example, metrology engineer of the 2nd category, milling operator of the 5th category, etc.);
  • information about the number of bets;
  • the amount of monthly salary, hourly tariff rate in accordance with the current wage system;
  • types and amounts of surcharges and allowances.

Staffing table, unified form

The normative act can be formed for the entire structure of the enterprise or for each division separately. It does not include the names of employees who hold certain positions, since the main purpose of this document is to determine the structure, number and size of salaries. In order to control which positions are occupied by specific employees (indicating their full names), a staffing arrangement is maintained.

What documents need to be studied

The staffing table is filled out by an authorized official of the organization (labor economist, accountant, human resources specialist).

Documents to rely on:

  • articles of association;
  • structure of the enterprise (if it was compiled);
  • calculations of monthly official salaries;
  • other legal and regulatory technical documents.

When determining the professions that will be introduced at the enterprise, it is necessary to observe next rule: if the performance of work in certain positions, specialties, professions involves the provision of compensation and benefits or the presence of contraindications, the names of these professions, positions and qualification requirements must strictly coincide with the names and requirements contained in qualification reference books, or the provisions of professional standards ( Part 2 Art. 57 Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

It is also necessary to remember that one of the key conditions determining the right to early old-age pension provision is the full number contained in the staffing table, and, accordingly, the employee’s work book, Lists 1 and 2 of productions, works, professions, positions and indicators that give the right to preferential pension provision (see Resolution of the USSR Cabinet of Ministers of January 26, 1991 No. 10 and Resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers of August 22, 1956 No. 1173).

Failure to comply with the requirements of labor legislation in terms of job titles entails not only the imposition administrative fine on the employer, but also adverse consequences for the employee when applying for a pension or receiving benefits.

Basic questions when drawing up the SR

"Freelance worker"

Labor legislation does not contain such a concept as a “freelance worker”. It relates more to relations of a civil law nature, therefore it is not regulated by either the Labor Code or other acts containing labor law norms.

How to sign and approve an order on staffing, sample 2019

The staffing table is endorsed by the boss personnel service and the chief accountant only on the last sheet of the document. In case of their absence, the corresponding line is signed by the person responsible for its development. The staffing table and its changes are approved by an order for the main activity, which is signed by the head of the enterprise or an authorized person. We provide a sample order for the introduction of staffing below.

In the T-3 form itself, it is necessary to enter the details of the order approving the new staffing table. This document is not stamped. This regulatory document is stored in the department that is responsible for making changes to it permanently.

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Employees are hired in accordance with the staffing schedule. It is approved by order of the head of the organization or by another authorized person by order or power of attorney.

Pay attention to the surcharge section. The specifics of the enterprise may be reflected here. Bonuses can be for trade secrets, employee experience, harmfulness, special services to the organization, academic degree and so on.

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How to correctly fill out the staffing table on form T-3

The staffing table applies to official registration structure, staff composition, its number in accordance with the current Charter of the organization. The staffing table is approved by the manager or a person authorized by him (and drawn up by them, since the required position of a labor economist, who is required to draw up the schedule, is not available at all enterprises) and contains the following information:

List of existing positions at the enterprise;
- number of units in the state;
- monthly wage fund;
- amounts of official salaries and allowances;
- list of structural divisions.

It should be remembered that the employee’s position in the employment contract must fully correspond to the position in the staffing table, and its name is not abbreviated when entered in the document. And the positions themselves are entered there based on the Classifier of Occupations, because any discrepancy may lead to difficulties when applying for a pension. Positions are recorded in descending order, starting with the most important one.

The schedule is drawn up for a specific date, indicating the period of validity and in one copy, which is kept in the accounting department of the enterprise. In addition, the document is stitched and sealed with the signatures of the manager, chief accountant, and then the company seal. Errors made in this document cannot be corrected using a proofreader. Most of them are done in salaries. The situation can be corrected by carefully crossing it out, writing the correct numbers and signing the person compiling the staffing table. Other changes (for example, entering a position if you forgot to indicate it, or correcting it if you indicated it incorrectly) occur with the help of orders from the manager.

If we talk about the direct purpose of the staffing table, then it is so that in the event of any controversial situations, present the data indicated there in court. Therefore, if the document is drawn up correctly, you can always count on winning the court case.

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