Skyrim legendary edition is the best weapon in the game. One-handed and two-handed swords in Skyrim

Becoming a legendary hero is much easier when you have a couple of powerful artifacts at hand. There are a lot of them, but which ones are the best of their kind? This guide contains the best one-handed weapons in the game, which are perfect for those who set out to master it on the Nintendo Switch!

Best One-Handed Equipment in Skyrim

Skyrim has so-called unique items that are really worth getting. They are almost never found on sale; to get hold of them, you will have to complete dangerous missions and go to the most remote areas of Skyrim.

If you are tired of going aimlessly, completing all the tasks in a row and getting some useless ones, then this guide is for you. In it we have collected the best one-handed weapons of different classes, and also included methods for obtaining them. A true guide for the treasure hunter and gunsmith enthusiast!

The best unique daggers in Skyrim

There are a lot of unique daggers in the game, but we’ll only focus on a couple of absolutely amazing ones. They will be useful to anyone who relies on stealth and lightning strikes from the shadows: Mehrune's Razor and Blade of Woe.

How to get the Mehrunes Razor weapon

A compact weapon that has very good base damage (11), but is valuable primarily for its magical properties. Each strike from Mehrunes' Razor has a chance to kill instantly, making this weapon superior to all others.

To obtain Mehrunes' Razor, you must complete the Pieces of the Past quest by killing Silus Vesuius. The quest itself becomes available only after reaching level 20. The courier will bring a letter in which Dovahkiin will be invited to the vicinity of Dawnstar. To start the task, you need to talk to the above-mentioned Sil Vesul.

How to get the Blade of Woe weapon

It has higher base damage (12), and the enchantment will be useful in any battle: each blow with the Blade of Woe absorbs 10 health from the enemy.

The Blade of Woe can be obtained from one of the game characters during the quest “Death Incarnate”. It is part of the Dark Brotherhood storyline.

By the way, you can get a dagger much faster if you start following the goals of the quest “Death Incarnate” even before officially joining the Brotherhood. It is enough to simply kill Astrid and take the Blade of Woe from her lifeless body. There is only one downside to such a quick method: after what you have done, you will not be able to join the Brotherhood.

The best unique maces in Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim has a blunt weapon to suit every taste. You can find something cool for any situation; the unique maces in the game alone are enough to arm a small army. But only one mace is good enough to deserve to be called the best - The Mace of Molag Bal.

How to get the Mace of Molag Bal weapon

This Daedric artifact is dangerous even without the magic it contains: the base damage is 16. Each blow with a mace burns 25 stamina and magical energy, which allows you to effectively fight against magicians.

But that's not all: if the enemy dies within 3 seconds after Moghal Bal's Mace hits him, then his soul goes into a soul stone, if he has one in his inventory.

The Mace of Molag Bal is a reward for completing the daeric quest “House of Horrors”. In the city of Markarth, near one of the houses, the Watcher Tyranus will contact Dovahkiin, asking for help in clearing an abandoned house from Daedra worshipers. The task will begin as soon as you enter the house. Then everything will happen quite quickly, but don’t wait for what will happen!

The best unique swords in Skyrim

Swords are the most popular weapon class, and there are more unique blades in the game than any other dangerous hardware. Among them there are both good and very good. And there are better ones. These are the ones we will be talking about: Miraak's Sword, Chillrend, Dragonbane, Soulrender and Bloodscythe, Gauldur Blackblade.

How to get the weapon Miraak's Sword

This sword was added in the latest official expansion - . And for true connoisseurs of edged weapons, this is almost a reason to fork out money. This weapon has a good base damage rate, as well as a powerful enchantment that absorbs the stamina of enemies.

To obtain the Sword of Miraak, you must begin the Dragonborn storyline by traveling to the island of Solstheim. Almost immediately after landing, the main character will encounter two cultists who will tell him about the very first dragonborn, and then try to kill him.

There will be many more adventures, and only at the end of the quest “At the Summit of Apocrypha” will Dovahkiin finally be able to take possession of the Sword of Miraak. The main thing is not to forget to search the body of the killed villain. Yes, it all takes a long time, but the reward is worth it!

How to get a weapon Cooler

A glass sword (sounds crazy, but standard logic in the world of the Elder Scrolls does not work), the blows of which cause cold damage. An excellent choice against adversaries who are vulnerable to this element. As another nice bonus, it has a chance to paralyze affected opponents. Well, the damage is good, you can’t argue with that.

The Cooler is the personal weapon of the head of the Thieves Guild, Mercy Frey. The easiest way to obtain the Cooler is to pick it up from Frey's house during The Pursuit. The dagger is in a locked box, so you will have to work with master keys.

By the way, the strength of the Cooler depends on the strength of the character. Therefore, you should not rush to complete the task, because you can get a weapon that in the future will turn into a useless toothpick. The power of the Cooler is determined the moment Dovahkiin first enters Mercer Frey's house.

How to get the Dragonsbane weapon

In The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim you often have to deal with dragons, so there is nothing better than getting a weapon that is “tailored” for battles with hefty winged reptiles. The Dragon Scourge enchantment deals additional damage to dragons and also strikes all enemies with lightning.

As with the Chiller, the power of this weapon depends on the character's level, so it may be worth pumping up a little before running for the Dragon Scourge.

The katana can be found in the Temple of Heavenly Harbor during the quest “Alduin's Wall”. The task is plot-based, so it will be difficult to miss it. The dragon scourge lies in the room, which is located a little further from the main hall of the Temple. You can also find Blades.

How to get the Strangler and Bloody Scythe weapons

Actually, these are two separate weapons, but only together they deserve to be called one of the best swords in Skyrim. They appeared in the game with the release of the Dragonborn expansion and perform well when the character picks them up. Both the Strangler and the Bloody Scythe are excellent at absorbing magical energy and health, and also reduce the enemy’s physical and magical resistance.

To get both blades, you need to reach level 36, and then you will have to sail to the island of Solstheim, where the story of “Dragonborn” develops. All that remains next is to find the book “Deathbrand” in Tel Mithryn or on Raven Rock and complete the task of the same name.

How to get the Black Blade of Gauldur weapon

Another weapon, the effectiveness of which is determined by the strength of the character when he first enters the location of the acquisition quest. In the best case, the base damage of the Black Blade of Gauldur will be 36. This is very cool, and the sword can still be improved at the forge, having the perk for forging Dwemer equipment.

Also included with good combat power is an enchantment that restores the health of the blade owner.

You can get the Black Blade of Gauldur as a trophy at the end of the Forbidden Legend quest. To start the quest, you need to find the book “The Lost Legends of Skyrim,” which will tell you where you can find Gauldur, the famous Nord warrior of antiquity. The book itself can be found in almost any city.

If for some reason all copies of the book were lost, then you can find another one in Reachwater Rock. In the end, Dovahkiin will have to go to Folgunthur - the last abode of the dead Gauldur.

The best unique axes in Skyrim

Not as versatile as swords, axes are still very popular, especially among the wilder Nords. Among the heap of various rubbish, only two truly good axes can be distinguished: Okin and the Dawnguard Rune Axe.

How to get Okin weapons

A very impressive looking ax in the Nordic style. It deals cold damage, burns the enemy's stamina, and has a base damage of 12. It's worth upgrading, since it only requires the perk for forging steel equipment.

To get Okin into your calloused hands, you need to complete the Silenced Tongues quest. You can take it at the very end of exploring the Volunruud mound. Actually, Okin is a reward for completing the quest. By the way, Okin has a related weapon - Eduj, but it is not as cool as it might seem at first glance.

How to get the Dawnguard Rune Ax weapon

As its name suggests, this piece of Tamriel's military brilliance is included in the expansion pack. Deals light damage to the living dead, and this damage is dynamic: the more “dead creatures” killed since the last dawn, the greater the damage. And the base damage is very good.

Getting weapons is not difficult - you just need to follow the storyline of the add-on. Sooner or later, Dovahkiin will get to the task “Lost Relic”.

In fact, this is a radiant quest, which means that it can be repeated many times, each time receiving a new reward. Therefore, it is likely that you will have to go several times to clear out the next hot spot so that fate will favor Dovahkiin and reward him with the Rune Ax of the Dawnguard.

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim has a truly huge number of weapons and most often the player is lost in the choice.

The best axes, greatswords and warhammers in Skyrim

There are fewer two-handed weapons in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, so it makes sense to combine different classes of such weapons into one section. Here are the best axes, two-handed swords and swords in the game: Wuuthrad Axe, Rueful Axe, Bloodskal, Volendrung and Dawnguard Rune Hammer.

How to get the Ax weapon of Wuuthrad

This thing is perfect for those who dream of settling scores with elves. Wuuthrad deals more damage specifically to the “eared” races, and the base indicator is also quite high - 25. This is a damn powerful ax!

The path to the Wuuthrad Ax lies through the Companions storyline. It will have to be completed completely, since only after the results of the last task, “Glory of the Dead”, Dovahkiin gets the opportunity to grab Wuuthrad with both hands.

How to get the Ax of Sorrow weapon

A Daedric prince named Clavicus Vile describes this weapon as "powerful enough to have a lot of fun." And this is pretty close to the truth - the Ax of Sorrow in its base version deals 22 damage and also burns the stamina of enemies. In addition, it can be improved at the forge if you have the appropriate skill.

The Ax of Sorrow can be obtained as a reward for completing the Daedric quest “A Daedra’s Best Friend”. But before you move on to it, you should reach at least level 10. After Dovahkiin becomes strong enough, you need to find a character named Lod near the entrance to Falkreath. There will be many more funny and not so adventures.

How to get the Bloodskal weapon

Appeared in the game after the release of the Dragonborn add-on. This is a hefty two-handed sword that causes a magical explosion when hit hard. Even without taking into account the impressive physical damage, Blaskal is valued for the fact that the burst of energy deals 30 damage!

To become the owner of Blaskal, you need to start the storyline of the Dragonborn expansion, and then, having arrived on Solstheim, go to the Raven Rock Mine and take the side quest “The Final Descent” from a character named Krestius Carellius (Crescius Caerellius). The blade will lie near the remains of Gratian in a deep dungeon.

How to get Volendrung weapon

A war hammer of impressive size can seriously frighten an impressionable hero with its demonic relief. But his damage is much worse - 47! When struck, Volendrung not only easily breaks the strongest bones, but also increases stamina, which is very convenient for Dovahkiin, because to make a good swing with such a hammer, one’s own strength will clearly not be enough.

Obtaining Volendrung is associated with the quest “The Cursed Tribe”, which begins in the orc fortress Largashbur. Arriving there, the hero must help the local orcs cope with a bunch of problems and at the same time show himself in a favorable light in front of the Daedric prince Malacat.

How to get the Dawnguard Rune Hammer weapon

Not the best in its class (base damage is 22), but definitely very useful in some situations. It's all about the enchantment: it allows you to place fire traps on different surfaces. Thus, you can very easily deal with many opponents who prefer to fight up close.

As with other Dawnguard rune weapons, you must complete the dynamic quest “The Lost Relic.” The task is quite troublesome, although it is randomly generated: you need to clear dungeons filled to capacity with all sorts of evil spirits and undead.

If you're lucky, the Rune Hammer of the Dawnguard will become Dovahkiin's reward. For sure. More likely. Maybe. May be. Some day. Sooner or later... Well, if you buy Dawnguard, of course.

The best unique bows in Skyrim

A bow will be useful for almost every hero, but it is especially often used by those who, for certain reasons, do not want to “get their hands dirty” by waving all sorts of sharp things, like some savage or barbarian. There are plenty of bows in the game, but only 3 of them will serve Dovahkiin best: The Nightingale Bow, Glass Bow of the Stag Prince and Gauldur Blackbow.

How to get the Nightingale Bow weapon

This weapon belongs to Karliah, a member of the thieves' guild and the protagonist's temporary companion during some quests. The Nightingale Bow enchant allows you to freeze and shock targets, which is often useful in various situations. This is also another weapon that depends on the character's level. You shouldn't take it too early, it's better to wait. For example, up to level 46. It is then that the Nightingale Bow will become as powerful as possible.

To convince Karliah to give up the bow, you will have to join the Thieves Guild and follow its storyline. This is a rather long path that will only end at the Blindsighted mission. The bow will be given to the character as a reward for completing the quest. By the way, Dovahkiin will also receive an “endless” master key (Skeleton Key), but who is interested in such trifles?

How to get the glass bow of the Deer King

The name is far from the most remarkable thing about this weapon. It blesses the owner with a special effect - increases health and stamina while the bow is equipped. To receive the blessing, you need to kill 20 animals. Not so much, but not so little!

You can get the Glass Bow of the Stag King from Falas Selvayn at the old Ramshacle Trading Post. Oh yes, that's right, this location is on the island of Solstheim, so you'll have to set sail after purchasing the DLC Dragonborn

How to get the Black Bow of Gauldur weapon

Like the Nightingale Bow, this piece of ancient Nordic craftsmanship is a weapon whose power directly depends on the hero's level. It is exhibited at the moment when Dovahkiin first enters the location where, in fact, the bow is located.

Gauldur's black bow deals 36 damage when hitting a target and absorbs magic at the same time. It is convenient if the main character knows a couple of powerful spells.

As with the Black Sword of Gauldur, the bow can be obtained during the quest "Forbidden Legend". In order for this quest to appear in the journal, you must read the book "Lost Legends of Skyrim". You can find it in a variety of places, you just need to be careful. Or just search the lifeless body of the “adventurer” in the “Lake Cliff” location.

But the bow has its own dungeon - Geirmund’s Hall. An ancient and not quite alive (and not dead!) Sigdis Gauldurson lives there. The bow is in his hands, you just need to ask nicely.

There are dozens of different swords, varying in appearance, weight, and damage output. And looking at all this abundance of weapons, one might wonder, where to find the most powerful sword in Skyrim. Below are the best swords with maximum damage. It is worth noting that the amount of damage of these swords will not take into account high wielding and improvement skills.

Dragon Sword (two-handed)

By right dragon sword considered the best two-handed weapon in Skyrim (considering the DLC). Even without skill with this weapon, the Dragon Sword deals 27 damage. At the beginning of the game, finding such a sword will not be easy, because in order for you to come across it in chests or from enemies, you need at least level 40. But you can go the other way and try to forge a dragon sword, for this you will need the following:
  1. Three stripes of leather;
  2. Maximum level of blacksmithing;
  3. One ebony ingot;
  4. Ability to create dragon armor;
  5. Four dragon bones.

Once created, a dragon sword can be improved on a whetstone, but this will require another dragon bone.

Daedric Sword (two-handed)

Compared to dragon daedric sword is able to deal slightly less damage (26), but has less weight (23). Without taking into account the official DLC, the Daedric sword is considered the most powerful weapon in the game. But finding this weapon is not easy, because it appears only from level 46 and then extremely rarely. Basically, a Daedric sword can be bought or taken from a dead Legendary Dragon. Another option would be to forge a Daedric sword, for this you will need:
  1. The skill of creating Daedric armor;
  2. Blacksmithing - 90;
  3. Three stripes of leather;
  4. One Daedra Heart;
  5. Five ebony ingots.

In addition, the sword can be forged at the Atronach forge; to do this, you must take possession of the Sigil stone, the black soul stone, the heart of a Daedra, the core of a centurion generator and a two-handed ebony sword. You need to use this method only if you have level 90 Witchcraft, because you will have to go through the ritual of the College of Winterhold. But you don’t have to master blacksmithing and all the related abilities.

You can improve a Daedric sword on a whetstone using an ebony ingot.

Miraak's Sword (one-handed)

Undoubtedly Miraak's Sword It is considered the best of the one-handed weapons. The ancient sword, given to Miraaku by Hermaeus Mora, deals 17 damage and is capable of depriving its enemy of 15 points of stamina. It is impossible to make this sword; the only way out is to take it from Miraak’s corpse after completing the mission “At the Top of Apocrypha.” But Miraak’s sword can be improved with the help of a Daedra heart and an ebony ingot on a grindstone.

Summing up

Now you know, where to find the strongest sword in Skyrim. In addition to the presented swords, several more weapons can be noted: Radiance of Dawn (13 damage), Nightingale Blade(11 damage), Bloody Scythe and Strangler (both 14 damage), Dragon one-handed bone sword(16 damage), Daedric sword(15 damage), Stalhrim and Ebony swords (14 damage each).

Becoming a legendary hero is much easier when you have a couple of powerful artifacts at hand. There are a lot of them, but which ones are the best of their kind? This guide contains the best one-handed weapons in the game, which are perfect for those who set out to master it on the Nintendo Switch!

Best One-Handed Equipment in Skyrim

Skyrim has so-called unique items that are really worth getting. They are almost never found on sale; to get hold of them, you will have to complete dangerous missions and go to the most remote areas of Skyrim.

If you are tired of going aimlessly, completing all the tasks in a row and getting some useless ones, then this guide is for you. In it we have collected the best one-handed weapons of different classes, and also included methods for obtaining them. A true guide for the treasure hunter and gunsmith enthusiast!

The best unique daggers in Skyrim

There are a lot of unique daggers in the game, but we’ll only focus on a couple of absolutely amazing ones. They will be useful to anyone who relies on stealth and lightning strikes from the shadows: Mehrune's Razor and Blade of Woe.

How to get the Mehrunes Razor weapon

A compact weapon that has very good base damage (11), but is valuable primarily for its magical properties. Each strike from Mehrunes' Razor has a chance to kill instantly, making this weapon superior to all others.

To obtain Mehrunes' Razor, you must complete the Pieces of the Past quest by killing Silus Vesuius. The quest itself becomes available only after reaching level 20. The courier will bring a letter in which Dovahkiin will be invited to the vicinity of Dawnstar. To start the task, you need to talk to the above-mentioned Sil Vesul.

How to get the Blade of Woe weapon

It has higher base damage (12), and the enchantment will be useful in any battle: each blow with the Blade of Woe absorbs 10 health from the enemy.

The Blade of Woe can be obtained from one of the game characters during the quest “Death Incarnate”. It is part of the Dark Brotherhood storyline.

By the way, you can get a dagger much faster if you start following the goals of the quest “Death Incarnate” even before officially joining the Brotherhood. It is enough to simply kill Astrid and take the Blade of Woe from her lifeless body. There is only one downside to such a quick method: after what you have done, you will not be able to join the Brotherhood.

The best unique maces in Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim has a blunt weapon to suit every taste. You can find something cool for any situation; the unique maces in the game alone are enough to arm a small army. But only one mace is good enough to deserve to be called the best - The Mace of Molag Bal.

How to get the Mace of Molag Bal weapon

This Daedric artifact is dangerous even without the magic it contains: the base damage is 16. Each blow with a mace burns 25 stamina and magical energy, which allows you to effectively fight against magicians.

But that's not all: if the enemy dies within 3 seconds after Moghal Bal's Mace hits him, then his soul goes into a soul stone, if he has one in his inventory.

The Mace of Molag Bal is a reward for completing the daeric quest “House of Horrors”. In the city of Markarth, near one of the houses, the Watcher Tyranus will contact Dovahkiin, asking for help in clearing an abandoned house from Daedra worshipers. The task will begin as soon as you enter the house. Then everything will happen quite quickly, but don’t wait for what will happen!

The best unique swords in Skyrim

Swords are the most popular weapon class, and there are more unique blades in the game than any other dangerous hardware. Among them there are both good and very good. And there are better ones. These are the ones we will be talking about: Miraak's Sword, Chillrend, Dragonbane, Soulrender and Bloodscythe, Gauldur Blackblade.

How to get the weapon Miraak's Sword

This sword was added in the latest official expansion - . And for true connoisseurs of edged weapons, this is almost a reason to fork out money. This weapon has a good base damage rate, as well as a powerful enchantment that absorbs the stamina of enemies.

To obtain the Sword of Miraak, you must begin the Dragonborn storyline by traveling to the island of Solstheim. Almost immediately after landing, the main character will encounter two cultists who will tell him about the very first dragonborn, and then try to kill him.

There will be many more adventures, and only at the end of the quest “At the Summit of Apocrypha” will Dovahkiin finally be able to take possession of the Sword of Miraak. The main thing is not to forget to search the body of the killed villain. Yes, it all takes a long time, but the reward is worth it!

How to get a weapon Cooler

A glass sword (sounds crazy, but standard logic in the world of the Elder Scrolls does not work), the blows of which cause cold damage. An excellent choice against adversaries who are vulnerable to this element. As another nice bonus, it has a chance to paralyze affected opponents. Well, the damage is good, you can’t argue with that.

The Cooler is the personal weapon of the head of the Thieves Guild, Mercy Frey. The easiest way to obtain the Cooler is to pick it up from Frey's house during The Pursuit. The dagger is in a locked box, so you will have to work with master keys.

By the way, the strength of the Cooler depends on the strength of the character. Therefore, you should not rush to complete the task, because you can get a weapon that in the future will turn into a useless toothpick. The power of the Cooler is determined the moment Dovahkiin first enters Mercer Frey's house.

How to get the Dragonsbane weapon

In The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim you often have to deal with dragons, so there is nothing better than getting a weapon that is “tailored” for battles with hefty winged reptiles. The Dragon Scourge enchantment deals additional damage to dragons and also strikes all enemies with lightning.

As with the Chiller, the power of this weapon depends on the character's level, so it may be worth pumping up a little before running for the Dragon Scourge.

The katana can be found in the Temple of Heavenly Harbor during the quest “Alduin's Wall”. The task is plot-based, so it will be difficult to miss it. The dragon scourge lies in the room, which is located a little further from the main hall of the Temple. You can also find Blades.

How to get the Strangler and Bloody Scythe weapons

Actually, these are two separate weapons, but only together they deserve to be called one of the best swords in Skyrim. They appeared in the game with the release of the Dragonborn expansion and perform well when the character picks them up. Both the Strangler and the Bloody Scythe are excellent at absorbing magical energy and health, and also reduce the enemy’s physical and magical resistance.

To get both blades, you need to reach level 36, and then you will have to sail to the island of Solstheim, where the story of “Dragonborn” develops. All that remains next is to find the book “Deathbrand” in Tel Mithryn or on Raven Rock and complete the task of the same name.

How to get the Black Blade of Gauldur weapon

Another weapon, the effectiveness of which is determined by the strength of the character when he first enters the location of the acquisition quest. In the best case, the base damage of the Black Blade of Gauldur will be 36. This is very cool, and the sword can still be improved at the forge, having the perk for forging Dwemer equipment.

Also included with good combat power is an enchantment that restores the health of the blade owner.

You can get the Black Blade of Gauldur as a trophy at the end of the Forbidden Legend quest. To start the quest, you need to find the book “The Lost Legends of Skyrim,” which will tell you where you can find Gauldur, the famous Nord warrior of antiquity. The book itself can be found in almost any city.

If for some reason all copies of the book were lost, then you can find another one in Reachwater Rock. In the end, Dovahkiin will have to go to Folgunthur - the last abode of the dead Gauldur.

The best unique axes in Skyrim

Not as versatile as swords, axes are still very popular, especially among the wilder Nords. Among the heap of various rubbish, only two truly good axes can be distinguished: Okin and the Dawnguard Rune Axe.

How to get Okin weapons

A very impressive looking ax in the Nordic style. It deals cold damage, burns the enemy's stamina, and has a base damage of 12. It's worth upgrading, since it only requires the perk for forging steel equipment.

To get Okin into your calloused hands, you need to complete the Silenced Tongues quest. You can take it at the very end of exploring the Volunruud mound. Actually, Okin is a reward for completing the quest. By the way, Okin has a related weapon - Eduj, but it is not as cool as it might seem at first glance.

How to get the Dawnguard Rune Ax weapon

As its name suggests, this piece of Tamriel's military brilliance is included in the expansion pack. Deals light damage to the living dead, and this damage is dynamic: the more “dead creatures” killed since the last dawn, the greater the damage. And the base damage is very good.

Getting weapons is not difficult - you just need to follow the storyline of the add-on. Sooner or later, Dovahkiin will get to the task “Lost Relic”.

In fact, this is a radiant quest, which means that it can be repeated many times, each time receiving a new reward. Therefore, it is likely that you will have to go several times to clear out the next hot spot so that fate will favor Dovahkiin and reward him with the Rune Ax of the Dawnguard.


The most obvious thing you'll need are enchanting, potting, and forging locations, which are scattered throughout Skyrim.
Second - skills developed to 100 Enchantments , Alchemy And blacksmith craft. In the thread Enchantments The perks "Enchanter (5\5)" and "Enchant Skills" were taken. IN Alchemy- "Alchemist (5\5)" and "Pharmacist". IN Blacksmithing- "Dragon Armor" (you need most powerful weapons, right?).
The following are the studied effects of enchantment on skill increases Alchemy, Blacksmithing, Shooting, One-handed weapons And Two-handed weapons.
Last but not least - a lot of raw materials. For the manufacture of weapons and armor, potions and, in fact, for enchanting. Suitable as ingredients for potions Glowing mushroom And Fierce mushroom(for blacksmithing); Blue butterfly wing And snow berries(for enchantment). And we only need soul stones that contain a great soul ( Great And Black stones). 40 pieces.

Making potions

At this stage we need to make potions of the highest possible strength. This process is labor-intensive and does not exclude errors. So save so as not to lose resources.

  1. We enchant all possible clothes for Skill Upgrade: Alchemy. To do this, you can limit yourself to the basic set - ring, amulet, gloves And helmet.
    You can expand the list of items by installing modifications. I used a cloak, which is added by many mods. For example, or. And if you somehow play on older versions, you can take advantage of a bug that allows you to put as many as 2 items on your head. To do this, first put on Falmer Helmet, and on top of it - any hoop.
  2. Mix one or two potions (depending on your quickness).
  3. We drink the potion and quickly enchant a new set of clothes to Skill Upgrade: Alchemy. Hurry up, because the potion only lasts 30 seconds. With proper skill, this time is just enough to enchant 5 items.
  4. Repeat steps 1-3 until you’re blue in the face. But after 5 or 6 iterations it becomes useless. There is practically no difference between the new potion and the potion obtained in the previous step.
  5. Let's brew a few more potions Skill Upgrades: Enchantment and several Skill Upgrades: Blacksmithing.
As a result, I achieved this result:

Maximizing Damage

First you need to make a skill improving kit Blacksmithing. To do this, we again drink a bottle of the stored potion, which improves the skill enchantments. And we enchant this time bib, gloves, ring And amulet.


Now you can joyfully ride on your faithful Shadowmane right up to Sovngarde, and shouting "FUS-RO-DAH, flying chicken!" one-shot Alduina along with half of the Tamrielic pantheon.

Of course, no one is stopping you from making your Dovahkiness in the same way an armored bra that can withstand a direct hit from an atomic bomb, or (I have a hard time believing it) a blow from a Giant. But why deprive yourself of the pleasure of flying in the lower layers of the atmosphere, huh?

As already mentioned, repeating the above actions kills almost all interest in the game. Use as a last resort, or for experimental purposes.
