Separatist technology Star Wars. Confederacy of Independent Systems

Affiliation: KNS(Confederacy of Independent Systems)

Home planet: Varies where the factory is

Race: Absent

Weapon: Various, mainly blasters and vibroswords

Army of battle droids– troops of the KNS (Confederation of Independent Systems). Unlike Republic clones, droids do not think creatively, as a result of which they are not able to perceive the experience gained in battles. Their production costs a lot of money, but this is compensated by the speed of construction. Comparing the two armies, we can say that the KNF droids are not as effective as the Republic clones, but they are much cheaper (compared to the latter) and there are more of them. Droids are divided into several “types”:

1. Battle droidsB1 - the main troops of the KNU, cheaper than super-battle droids, but less effective than the latter. The droid has no brain, and its head fits little more than a large and sensitive receiving device. It is thanks to him that the droid receives commands from the Droid Control Station. Small processors are responsible for movement and some sensory data, which they transmit to a central computer. The voice generator allows the droid to speak in a monotone mechanical voice. There are several B1 droids:

1-1. B1 no difference – beige- standard battle droid. Armed with a rifle, pistol and thermal detonator.

1-2. B1 with blue circles– a mechanic droid whose main task is to maintain equipment and pilot it.

1-3. B1 with green circles – landing

1-4. B1 with yellow marks – squad commander.

1-5. B1 with red stripes on the shoulders and chest – security droid. Protects various KNS facilities.

Droid Commander and Battle Droid Infantry

Battle droids" align="left hspace=12" width="200" height="298"> 3. Droid saboteurs- elite KNU troops, used only during covert operations. In addition to improved armor that could successfully withstand most standard clone blasters, droid saboteurs have improved artificial intelligence, independent of the control station and can think creatively and analyze the situation on the battlefield. The voice generator of these droids allows them to reproduce different tones of sounds, creating different voices of many species and races, as well as clones. However, their vocabulary is too small and specific, so they can be quickly exposed. The weapons of the rank and file consisted of a rifle and vibroswords. In addition, droid saboteurs wield not only ranged and melee weapons, but also have hand-to-hand combat skills. Thanks to their mobile limbs, their strikes are precise and deadly. The only drawback of these droids was their high price, so during the Clone Wars they were used only in special operations. Their "ancestor" was the B1 battle droids.

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5. Droidek (Droid Destroyer)- A combat type of droid used by the Trade Federation and the CIS. Droidekas, during the Clone Wars, gained a reputation as deadly creatures that even the Jedi feared. They were valued for their versatility and firepower. Destroyer droids participated in many battles of the Clone Wars, usually in small units, and also served as security guards in various Separatist installations. Droidekas were superior to B1 Battle Droids in several ways. They could fold into a cylindrical shape, reminiscent of a wheel, and due to this move quickly. When faced with danger, the droids unfolded into a three-legged structure equipped with two twin blasters and, as a rule, a protective field generator that could reflect or absorb any type of energy charges, including shots from light cannons, as well as counteract lightsaber attacks. In addition, the effectiveness of Destroyer Droids was ensured by an expanded range of vision sensors that were not affected by light tricks. Despite its formidable equipment, the Droidek had a significant drawback: its shield was designed for protection in an upright position. If the droid fell on its side or crashed into a wall,

Ahsoka and Anakin fend off a droideka attack

the defense could not distinguish obstacles from lightsaber strikes or blaster bolts. Because of this, the generator continued to power the shield and burned out, making the robot vulnerable. A burned out generator left the Destroyer unprotected. Also, the Protective Field was not included in the wheel configuration. Droidek had difficulty moving down slopes and up stairs. To do this, he had to unfold and begin the descent or ascent, which caused difficulties with the coordination of his legs." align="left" width="348" height="222">6. Magnadroid (Magnaguard)- Personal guards of General Grievous. This droid's weapon was a special electrostaff made from Freak, a material that can resist a lightsaber. The magnaguard could also use a B1 droid missile launcher or rifle. They were known as formidable assassins, capable of easily dispatching both Republic clones and the Jedi themselves. Magnadroid was one of the most dangerous droids of the Confederacy. Used to protect Separatist leaders from the Jedi. Their staves did not deflect blaster shots, so they were useless in a large battle.

7. Octuptarra droid– actively used during the Clone Wars by the Techno Union and the KNU. The three-legged arachnid automata had a large spherical head mounted on a thin body. Below the head, laser cannons were installed. The droid's standard armament consisted of three laser turrets, spaced evenly on each side, below the photoreceptors. The height of the droid, moving on three zigzag, divided supports, was 3.6 meters. It was almost impossible to get close to the droid unnoticed, since the photoreceptors located on different sides provided a 360-degree view of the terrain, and the articulated rotating block allowed them to immediately open fire in the event of a sudden collision with the enemy, which made them a difficult and dangerous target. The Octuptarra Droid was most effective to use at a distance, since its weapons and height allowed it to fire at long ranges, but if the enemy got close, the droid became vulnerable, since the weapons did not allow firing close, and the large head was poorly protected from dense fire from enemy side.

The term comes from STAP - Single Trooper Aerial Platform

"We could have been hiding in the thickets forever if it weren't for those damned OVPs. They tracked us through the trees like Gungans looking for gumballs."
- Tobias Poll, Royal Naboo Security Officer

Single seat aerial platform, also known as ORP-1 or simply ORP- An agile flying machine designed for use by the B1 battle droids of the Trade Federation and the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

They are similar in design to personal repulsor lifts, which are used for both military and peaceful purposes. The only weapon mounted on the high-velocity aircraft, designed for rapid movement, is a twin blaster launcher. The power source is high-voltage batteries.

Chameleon droid
Chameleon Droid

"Come out, come out, cunning droids. You cannot hide from my eyes."
- Yoda

Speleology Probe Droid, also known as chameleon droid- A cloaked mine probe droid used by the Commerce Guild and later the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the . They were used on many fronts, including Ilum and Felucia.

The Commerce Guild has established several mines on many harsh planets. To begin developing mineral resources, the Guild sent out scouts in hyperspace capsules. Chameleon droids were equipped with a variety of sophisticated sensors that could detect valuable ores. These nimble droids studied the geological data of future mining operations, and began blasting operations to prepare the site for the arrival of larger mining teams.

The corporate giants, united under the formal leadership of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, brought with them industrial equipment that could be converted for military use. The Arakid spelunking probe droid model was heavily modified by Techno Union engineers to become a chameleon droid, a camouflaged mining droid used by the Separatists for acts of sabotage.

The Chameleon Droid got its name from its use of holography to project images of its surroundings onto itself, making it virtually invisible. While not actually a cloaking device, it is, however, effective against passive sensors. The droid's cylindrical body contains a small repulsor lift. It does not use engines, which reduces the overall weight of the droid, increasing its ability to move using four articulated clawed manipulators. The manipulators can create a attracting field, allowing the droid to attach itself to smooth and inclined surfaces. These droids can even move along walls and ceilings.

The droid's mineralogical sensors have been replaced with laser cannons. Its cargo compartment, where mining explosives were stored, was left unchanged, only low-power explosives were replaced with live mines.

Due to an order given to the Separatist Council by a new student, these devices were deactivated.

Dwarf Spider Droid
Dwarf spider droid

"You've fought against him, you know his weaknesses, and more importantly, you know how he can kill. Guys, meet the newest addition to the stormtrooper corps."
- TK-342 before the Battle of Gorman

KDP-1 Dwarf Spider Droid, also known as the drilling spider droid because it was originally used to destroy obstacles in the narrow passages of mining mines, is a battle droid produced by the Commerce Guild for the Separatist army.


The functions of this droid are similar to those of a conventional combat vehicle. It was also used to impose sanctions on clients who refused to pay their debts to the Commerce Guild on time.

The droid's main weapon is a blaster cannon mounted on its "face" like a nose. Its small size and four legs that can move on any surface make it suitable for use in dangerous mines. However, due to the fact that its laser cannon is fixed in one position, it cannot swing it around while tracking an enemy, and is thus poorly suited for taking out fast-moving targets. The length of the gun can sometimes hinder him if space is limited - Eskarta took advantage of this weak point (This is described in the book “Labyrinth of Evil” - approx. transl.).

The droid is capable of communicating in a beeping language similar to a binary language.


IG-227 Hailfire droid tank
Hailfire-class droid tank

“We are starting to seize the planet for non-payment.”
- Horgo Shive, army commander of the Intergalactic Banking Clan

The IG-227 Hailfire tank droid, also known as the wheeled droid, was a combat vehicle produced by Haor Chall Engineering for the Intergalactic Banking Clan before and during the Clone Wars.


The Hailfire Droid Tank is an intelligent mobile missile platform with the firepower to completely destroy enemy small rifle units. It moves on two large wheels located on the sides of an armored control module, which give it the ability to operate on almost any surface.

The main armament of the "fire hail" type tanks are missile launchers located on both sides of their "head". Each launch array carries 15 homing missiles, powerful enough that a precise hit from such a missile would be enough to destroy a Republic walker.

Each Hailfire droid also has a retractable twin blaster cannon for use against infantry and other unarmored targets.


Before the outbreak of the Clone Wars, Hailfire droids were used by the Intergalactic Banking Clan's so-called "Security and Collections Division" to enforce sanctions against customers who failed to pay their debts on time.

The first use of Hailfire droids in the Confederacy of Independent Systems army was during the Battle of Geonosis, where they destroyed or disabled a large number of AT-TEs, as well as a very significant number of clone troopers, before they themselves were destroyed by fire. assault ships. During the war, many "hailfires" of various types and models continued to fight against the army of the Galactic Republic.
After the destruction of the Separatist Council by a new student, these modules were deactivated.

The Wookiees reactivated several "hailfires" and used them against Imperial landing parties during the Empire's enslavement of the planet in 19 BBY.

Behind the scenes

In the movie Attack of the Clones, Confederate missiles, including Hailfire droids, can be identified by their trail of black smoke, while Republic missiles have a white trail.

The Hailfire droid had a real-world prototype, the Russian Tsar Tank, created in 1914. It had a similar appearance - two large, hoop-like wheels and a third, smaller, swivel wheel in the middle; guns mounted in the central gun turret. However, the tank never made it past the prototype stage as it was considered too bulky and vulnerable to enemy fire.

Seismic tank
Seismic tank

Seismic tank, or self-propelled seismic shock installation- a giant repulsor-powered combat vehicle, the main weapon is a device for creating a powerful shock wave. Moving low above the surface of the planet, the tank pushes down a huge piston, creating a shock wave that causes significant damage to enemy troops.

The seismic tank was used by the Confederacy of Independent Systems in the Battle of Dantooine, but was disabled by the Jedi Master who stood alone against it (This is described in the animated series "The Clone Wars", episodes 12-13).

Due to the enormous weight and low speed of this vehicle, it became an easy target for enemy artillery and attack ships. Therefore, the seismic tank did not play a significant role in the war, and was not used during the main battles of the Clone Wars.

When Darth Vader destroyed the Separatist Council, the remaining instances were most likely deactivated.

Confederacy of Independent Systems

Confederate emblem

Confederation of Independent Systems (CIS), also known as Confederation or Separatists , - a fictional state from Star Wars Universe, formed by several planets and sectors, as well as corporations that have announced their intention to exit Galactic Republic as a result of the Separatist crisis during Clone Wars.


The birth of the separatist movement

In the decades leading up to the Clone Wars, many viewed the Republic as a useless state, plagued by corruption and pointless bureaucracy that stifled the votes of the voters represented in the Galactic Senate. Separatist sentiments began to grow after the Battle of Naboo, and commercial guilds became disillusioned with the Republic after the passage of a tax law on all trade routes to remote areas. star systems.

In this critical situation, the Count Dooku, a former Jedi Master disillusioned with the Republic and Jedi Order, to whose service he devoted most of his life. His authoritative personality fueled anti-Republican sentiment in many worlds, paving the way for rebellion against the state. A voluntary alliance of separatists was formed with Dooku at its head, demanding to replace the stagnant Republic with a new state. This movement then became the Confederacy of Independent Systems, a state formally opposed to the Galactic Republic.

While the Republic did not deny that many of its worlds were in rebellion, it refused to formally recognize the existence of the CIS as a unifying state, believing that such a move would make the protests legal.

Clone Wars

The Confederacy was preparing its military forces to one day use them to overthrow the Republic and capture its capital planet Coruscant. Trade Federation, which was ordered by the Republic to reduce the size of the Droid Army after the incident with Naboo, instead secretly increased their numbers by adding battle droids to the Separatist arsenal. The Separatist forces grew steadily thanks to the contributions of various groups, such as the Techno Union. Factories on Geonosis, Hypori and other places assembled billions of droids, ready to fight on the side of the separatists, while Dooku, meanwhile, continued to call more and more star systems under his banner.

Battle of Geonosis

However, the KNS soon lost the advantage of surprise until Obi-Wan Kenobi, chasing mercenary Jango Fett before Geonosis, did not detect the presence of Confederates on the planet and did not report it Anakin Skywalker and the Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. While sending the message, Obi-Wan was attacked by droidekas, forcing Anakin and Padme Amidala go to his rescue. Upon arriving on Geonosis, the failed rescuers were captured in one of the Geonosian droid factories and sentenced to execution in the arena.

But during the execution they appeared Mace Windu and the Jedi army engaged in battle with Geonosians and battle droids. The clear numerical superiority of the droids played a role, and soon there were just over a dozen Jedi left.

Fortunately for the survivors, a master arrived to help the Jedi Yoda together with the group gunboats SNDK/p. Republic forces attacked Geonosis, and Clone Wars. The KNS were knocked out of Geonosis, but this no longer had significant consequences.

For the next three years, the Republic and the CNU fought a bloody war with numerous casualties on both sides. It remained a secret to everyone that this war was part of the plan Darth Sidious, whose purpose was to capture Sith power in the Galaxy.

End of the Confederacy

Separatist Council on Utapau in 19 BBY, after Dooku's death

The Confederacy of Independent Systems was eventually defeated, although it was not its final defeat. Suffering significant losses in both defeats and victories, despite the power of the general Grievous and significant numerical superiority, the droids were often no match for Republic forces. But given that Darth Sidious manipulated the CIS, sometimes personally orchestrating both defeats and victories for it, the Separatists lost even before they began to fight: Sidious needed victory his Republic. By the end of the war, Count Dooku was defeated Anakin Skywalker aboard the Invisible Hand, killed General Grievous on Utapau Obi-Wan Kenobi , Separatist Council destroyed on Mustafar Darth Vader, and the commercial guilds quietly disappeared into oblivion.

Since both sides were controlled by the Sith, the Confederacy also laid the foundations Galactic Empire, which inherited the project from KNS Death Stars", which later became the Empire's terrifying superweapon.


The corporations that made up the Confederacy were subsequently imperialized and included in the military-industrial complex of the Empire. Separatist worlds became part of the Empire, and many prominent races of the Confederacy, such as the Geonosians, became slaves. Most of the droids were disabled because they were inferior in combat qualities to the clones - stormtroopers and their imperial counterparts. In addition, the Empire brought to life the project of Confederate military scientists - the Death Star.

The memory of the Confederacy has endured for centuries. Wookiee used old droid parts during the battle with the Imperial forces. In the same battle, old CIS ships helped the Jedi escape. An active contingent of B1-type battle droids remained on Geonosis, although they were destroyed by a squad of stormtroopers along with Wedge Antilles, who crash-landed on the planet. Even after the collapse of the Empire, droidekas were used smugglers, as well as some races, for example, Vaagari.

Former Confederates

Rise of Gizor Dellso

Eight years after the Clone Wars, in 11 BBY, Geonosian Separatist Council member Gizor Dellso, having escaped death with the Separatist leaders at the end of the war, began implementing a plan to rebuild the Confederacy. He launched a factory on Mustafar and began building a new army. His intentions were to start a new war, taking advantage of the unstable position of the newly created Galactic Empire. First of all, Dellso concentrated a fleet of droids around Mustafar to protect his factory, then he created a prototype of a new battle droid, which, like super battle droid B2, had armor.

While droid soldiers guarded the factory, an Imperial fleet with 501 Legions aboard arrived at Mustafar. A heavy missile platform entered the hangar Emperor-class Star Destroyer, then several super battle droids appeared and attacked the stormtroopers in the hangar. However, using thermal detonators, rocket launchers and timed bombs, the Imperial fighters destroyed the enemy ship. The Empire then attacked and destroyed the weak Separatist fleet and proceeded to land on the planet's surface. The Battle of Mustafar began, which the outdated droids had no chance of winning, and Gizor Dellso did not have time to create a new army. Dellso and his Geonosian retinue died, at the same time burying hopes for a new war. The droid factory was destroyed by orbital bombardment.

State and politics

At the head of the Confederation was a single leader, and behind him was the Separatist Council. The official leader of the Confederacy was Count Dooku, Sidious's second student and former Jedi Master. Situated in importance between the Head of State and the Separatist Council, the Supreme Commander of the Droid Army did not directly participate in government, but became the leader of the Separatists in the event of the incapacity of the Head of State. In fact, the real power in the Confederation was held by the Sith Lord Darth Sidious, whose influence only a few knew.

The goal of the Confederation was to separate from the Republic and form its own state. The reason was the belief that the Republic had become too corrupt. Participants in the Confederacy were called “separatists.” Disagreements between the Republic and the Separatists eventually led to Clone Wars.

Armed forces

The military of the Confederacy of Independent Systems - also known as the Droid Army or the Separatist Droid Army - consisted of a large number of military equipment, battle droids, organic forces, and various military units.

The KNS were mainly controlled by representatives of big business, such as the Viceroy of the Trade Federation Nute Gunray, Chairman of the San Hill Banking Clan and Chief of the Techno Union Wat Tambor. They were not warriors or generals, but traders, more interested in profit than in battle, and as a result, were not equipped to command troops on the battlefield. Of the entire political elite, only Count Dooku, Poggle the Lesser and Nute Gunray had at least some experience in combat. However, there was a belief among them that the superior numbers and advanced design of the droids would ensure their victory in the Clone Wars. In a sense, they were right, since the droidekas were good enough to handle the Jedi, and due to their overwhelming numerical superiority, the CIS won many battles. However, the uselessness of some droids, such as the B1 battle droid, caused many defeats.

The army consisted primarily of droids and was often called the Droid Army. Various commercial organizations gathered under the Confederate flag, providing their own troops to the Separatist Army and receiving a vast force of droids. The lineup included both Trade Federation battle droids and the security forces of the Commerce Guild, Banking Clan, and Corporate Alliance.

One of the largest groups was provided by the Techno Union, which not only allocated ready-made B2 super combat droids, but also launched the production of additional batches at its enterprises.

The rest of the allies were quick to offer their help. The Confederacy controlled countless worlds throughout Galaxy and was able to add many local armed forces to its army. Nimbus Warriors of Jabiim led by Alto Stratus, Quarren Isolation League, Mandalorian Defenders, commando separatists and many others helped the KNU and fought against Galactic Republic. Many of these troops were not droids, but sentient beings. While primarily a droid army, the Separatist Army also included organic creatures. Gossam Commandos, Corporate Alliance Soldiers and other warriors used their own tactics during the battle. Unlike droids, these troopers possessed independent intelligence and were able to effectively fight even Republic clone troopers.

Between the organic and the automatic - literally - stood one being: General Grievous, Supreme Commander of the Droid Army. A semi-cyborg with a brilliant tactician's mind and a powerful armored frame covering the remains of his body, Grievous fought for the glory of the Confederacy. He led his troops to many victories throughout the Galaxy, including the conquest of Duro and the destruction of Humbarin, attacks on strategically important worlds loyalists and a swift attack on Coruscant. He also pursued Jedi Knights who were causing serious problems to the Droid Army, and killed many of them in duels. Grievous's power over the troops was absolute, his every order was carried out perfectly. One thing made his fighting style unique and gave him an advantage over his opponents: the use of lightsabers. Thanks to this ability, he could crush anyone standing in the way of countless victories for the CIS.

The separatist army did not consist exclusively of single warriors. During the Clone Wars, a lot of military equipment appeared. Common combatants included the Commerce Guild's OG-9 rocket-powered spider robots, the HP-H99 Pursuer-class droid tanks, Manta fighter droids, and the Trade Federation's AAT assault tanks. Even more massive machines were used: the proto-deck, the seismic tank and the Dark Reaper.


The territory of the Confederacy of Independent Systems has varied significantly in size throughout its short history. By 22 BBY, the Confederacy included ten thousand star systems, as well as many commercial organizations.

Behind the scenes

  • The name of the enemy of the Republic - "Confederacy" - and the name of the Republican armed forces - "Grand Army of the Republic" - are no doubt borrowed from history American Civil War, when the union of the southern states and the army of the North bore the same names. These parallels may also have a deeper meaning, perhaps among the characters: some fans believe that George Lucas compares Palpatine to the US President Abraham Lincoln.




unknown, at some point Yinchorri
Major insurgent movements
24 BBY - 19 BBY
Former Confederates
