Vitamins to cleanse the body and improve skin. The best vitamins for facial skin - application and signs of deficiency

We all know that vitamins are very useful. But how necessary are they for the skin? Experts believe that without vitamins, the epithelium is difficult to renew, the skin becomes dry, rough, and the face becomes gray. The face ages quickly, and a deficiency of fluid and proteins, which give the skin elasticity - collagen and elastin, makes itself felt. This article presents the best vitamins for facial skin.

What vitamins are needed for beauty

Each vitamin takes part in biochemical metabolic reactions as part of certain coenzymes. Therefore, the influence of each of them will be different. Vitamins for the beauty of facial skin are selected in accordance with the existing problem. How they operate can be seen from the following tables.

Fat-soluble vitamins

Name Deficiency Symptoms Mechanism of action
A (retinol)The skin becomes dry, peels, and wrinkles appear. Skin immunity decreases, and pustules may appear.Participates in protein metabolism, promotes renewal of skin and immune cells. The best product for skin, improves its condition and color.
E (tocopherol)The skin is dry and thickens due to an increasing layer of dead cells.Suppresses the effect of toxic free radicals (antioxidant effect), regulates hormonal levels, supports skin immunity.
D (calciferol)Rapid aging.Regulates the reproduction (proliferation) and specialization (differentiation) of cells. Maintains the elasticity of facial muscles.
K1 (phylloquinone)Redness and swelling, the appearance of age spots.Improves blood circulation.

Water-soluble vitamins

Name Deficiency Symptoms Mechanism of action
B1 (thiamine)Rapid aging, loss of firmness and elasticity.Regulates carbohydrate metabolism, suppresses the destruction of collagen and elastin by carbohydrates.
B2 (riboflavin)Dryness, cracked lips, and jams appear in their corners.Participates in the metabolism of skin cells.
B3 (PP, niacin, nicotinic acid)Pigment spots, dryness and flaking of the skin.Regulates the synthesis of hormones and enzymes. Vitamin to improve complexion.
B5 (pantothenic acid)Premature aging.Activates metabolism in cells, improves complexion.
B6 (pyridoxine)Acne, seborrheic dermatitis.Regulates carbohydrate metabolism and the formation of prostaglandins, which improve blood circulation.
B7 (biotin)Acne reduces the firmness and elasticity of the skin.Normalizes the action of the sebaceous glands. Participates in the formation of collagen
B9 (folic acid)Premature aging.Activates skin cell regeneration processes, eliminates irritation.
P (rutin) and C (ascorbic acid)Dryness, rapid aging.Improve skin blood circulation, suppress the destruction of hyaluronic acid, which attracts water. Antioxidants.

The body must constantly receive vitamins. A deficiency of almost any of them can affect the condition of the entire body, including the condition of the skin. You should consult a cosmetologist about what vitamins for facial skin are required for various disorders.

The most effective way to replenish is food

Most of all, the body needs vitamins contained in foods.. They are found in both plant and animal foods, so maintaining a varied diet is easy.

It is difficult to overdose on these substances contained in food. But there are also exceptions. So, people prone to thrombosis or suffering from varicose veins should not consume large amounts of foods rich in vitamin K - garden greens and all types of cabbage.

You should also take into account the fact that vitamins are divided into water-soluble and fat-soluble. If we want carrot beta-carotene to enter the body and immediately turn into retinol, it is better to consume carrots with fatty additives (vegetable oil, sour cream, etc.).

The fastest way to replenish is tablets

Synthetic vitamin preparations can very quickly eliminate hypovitaminosis. They are produced in the form of medicines and biologically active food additives - dietary supplements in tablets, capsules, bags of powders, solutions for oral administration and for injection in ampoules under different names.

Synthetic drugs can be overdosed. Therefore, they cannot be taken for a long time and uncontrolled. Long-term use in the form of injections is even more dangerous.

The most pleasant way to replenish is cosmetics

Cells constantly need nutrients and, above all, vitamins. Therefore, they are always included in cosmetics - creams, masks, serums. You can do this with home remedies if you know the ingredients of the products.

Homemade masks made from vegetables and fruits, as well as some animal products, can completely eliminate vitamin deficiency in epithelial cells at a young age and make the skin healthy. But after 35-40 years, this is often not enough, so beauty salons offer a service such as mesotherapy - the introduction of vitamin cocktails through microinjections.

General rules for taking vitamins

When taking vitamin supplements, you should adhere to certain rules:

  1. If they are taken to correct some skin defect, then it is better to select the complexes individually. Therefore, before purchasing medications, you should consult a cosmetologist. Well-proven vitamin and mineral complexes are suitable for preventive use. The best of them are Supradin, Alphabet, Complivit.
  2. You should not take vitamin complexes for a long time and uncontrollably, sometimes this leads to overdose and hypervitaminosis.
  3. Be sure to follow the manufacturer's recommendations for taking the drug. Incorrect intake (before or after meals) can negate all treatment: the necessary substances simply will not be absorbed. The general rule: fat-soluble vitamins are taken after or during meals, water-soluble vitamins - half an hour before meals.
  4. After consulting with your doctor, you can add pharmaceutical vitamins (liquid contents of ampoules or capsules) to creams (fat-soluble A, E, D, K) or simply apply them to the face (water-soluble).

Each skin type has its own approach

Each vitamin is involved in certain biochemical reactions that lead to certain results. Therefore, to eliminate certain problems, you will need different vitamin supplements.

It is best to consult a dermatologist-cosmetologist before your appointment. Different skin types require different vitamins.

For dry skin

Dryness may be associated with hereditary characteristics, lack of vitamins in the diet, or defects in care. In all these cases, you need to take vitamins A, E, C and group B:

  • retinol helps moisturize and restore skin cells, improves complexion;
  • tocopherol restores hormonal levels, together with ascorbic acid protects cells from destruction by free radicals,
  • B vitamins are energetic and supply energy for metabolism.

What needs to be done to ensure that the skin becomes young and healthy and stops peeling:

  • retinol and tocopherol can be added to day and night cream;
  • eat more butter, liver, egg yolks, carrot salads dressed with oil;
  • Among synthetic vitamin preparations, you can take Aevit and complexes with B vitamins.

For oily skin

Increased fat content is a consequence of metabolic disorders and the secretion of large amounts of sebum of altered chemical composition. This often occurs due to hormonal imbalances. Vitamins A, E, C, B2, B6 normalize these processes.

The following will help eliminate violations:

  • oral administration of the drug Aevit;
  • eating eggs, cottage cheese, carrot and beet salads, berries (especially strawberries, currants), nuts, sunflower seeds;
  • on the face you need to apply applications with a solution of vitamin B2 in ampoules and lemon juice diluted with water at the rate of 1: 3 (alternate, using each solution every other day); The solution is applied to a cleansed face for 15-20 minutes, after which it is washed off with water.

For normal facial skin

In such cases, it is only necessary to periodically maintain the condition of the skin. To do this, you can take vitamin-mineral complexes orally in courses 1-2 times a year.

Getting vitamins from food

If there is no severe hypovitaminosis, then it is quite possible to compensate for the vitamin deficiency with the help of a healthy diet. Knowing which vitamins are good for facial skin, you can prevent premature aging, acne and flaking. For the correction to be effective, it is worth visiting a dermatologist-cosmetologist and clarifying what vitamins are needed for the skin of your face and what substance is missing. After that, create a menu and stick to it constantly. This is not difficult, since beneficial substances are found in a wide variety of foods:

  • A – in animal liver, butter, egg yolks; beta-carotene (provitamin A, converted to retinol in the intestines) is found in plant foods: carrots, pumpkin, tomatoes, plums, red sweet peppers, grapefruits, black currants, peaches, apricots, melon, persimmons;
  • E – in vegetable oils, seeds, nuts;
  • B1 – in wholemeal bread, brewer’s yeast, unprocessed rice and oats, legumes, nuts, seeds;
  • B2 – in lean meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, buckwheat, oatmeal;
  • B3 – in nuts, sunflower seeds, porcini mushrooms, legumes, cereals (oatmeal, corn grits), potatoes, cabbage, beef, chicken, liver, eggs, red fish;
  • B5 – in egg yolks, dairy products, fish, seafood, cereals, legumes;
  • B6 – in liver, bran, egg yolks, unrefined cereals, nuts, milk, cabbage, potatoes, tomatoes;
  • B7 – in egg yolks, liver, legumes, nuts, black bread;
  • B9 – in liver, legumes, garden herbs, wholemeal flour;
  • C – in citrus fruits, black currants, all types of berries, sauerkraut, rose hips;
  • P - in green tea, chokeberries, cherries, raspberries, garlic, tomatoes, bell peppers.

Preparations for oral administration

Various pharmaceutical companies produce pharmaceutical vitamin complexes and dietary supplements (dietary supplements) specifically to improve the condition of the skin epithelium. To find out what vitamins to take for facial skin, it is better for a woman to consult a cosmetologist . Elimination of specific problems requires individual selection of the complex. The best pharmacy vitamins for facial skin, names:

Duovit for women (KRKA, Slovenia)

This pharmacy complex contains 12 vitamins and 5 minerals, including B vitamins - energy sources. The complex is designed to maintain healthy skin in normal condition. These are vitamins for healthy facial skin.

Vitrum Beauty Elite (Unipharm, USA)

The complex contains vitamin and mineral supplements and biologically active substances of plant origin, which have a stimulating and regenerating effect. These are vitamins for youthful facial skin. The complex is suitable for those who have high physical activity, as well as women over 40 who experience rapid aging due to hormonal changes.

The complex should be taken two tablets a day after meals for two months, this will restore youth to the skin.

Doppelgerz Beauty anti-acne (Queisser Pharma, Germany)

The pharmacy complex is intended for young people and adolescents over 14 years of age with oily skin prone to the development of juvenile acne. The complex includes:

  • biotin – promotes the growth and regeneration of skin cells, improves fat metabolism, normalizes the chemical composition of sebum;
  • yeast – rich in amino acids and vitamin B1, restores cellular metabolism and local immunity, protects, promotes restoration of skin cells;
  • zinc – has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • silicon – helps maintain skin tone.

Take one tablet a day for 4 weeks, after which the condition of the skin will improve significantly.

Merz Beauty (Merz Pharma, Germany)

The dietary supplement contains a vitamin-mineral complex and natural substances that help restore the normal state of skin cells, as well as hair and nails. To rejuvenate, you need to drink 2 tablets a day for up to a month.

Perfectil (Vitabiotics, UK)

A medicinal vitamin preparation to eliminate skin diseases. Nourishes the skin, restores its youth, activates collagen production and metabolic processes. The covers become clean and shining. The complex should be taken for skin diseases, dryness, brittle hair and nails, one capsule per day during or after meals, washed down with water. The course of treatment is a month.

Alphabet Cosmetics (Vneshtorg Pharma, Russia)

The complex of vitamins for skin rejuvenation also includes macro- and microelements that support metabolic activity in skin cells. The package contains 3 types of tablets: Calcium-D3+, Antioxidants+bioflavonoids and Iron+. All of them are accepted at certain intervals, as they contain only compatible components.

You need to take one tablet of each type per day with meals for four weeks.

Complivit Siyanie (Pharmstandard, Russia)

Vitamin complex to maintain the skin and its appendages (hair and nails) in excellent condition.

The package contains 30 tablets. You should take 1 tablet per day for a month.

Cosmetics with vitamins to improve facial skin

Vitamins are included in almost all creams, gels, serums, etc. After applying creams and masks, they are delivered to the skin cells, activating metabolic processes. But sometimes vitamins also have a therapeutic effect, significantly improving the condition of the skin. Thus, medicinal cosmetics are those that contain retinoids – retinol derivatives. Cosmetics with vitamins C, B3, B5, etc. are also produced. Here are some names:

Cosmetics with retinoids (Retin A Cream)

A cream with retinoids that has an acne-suppressing effect and restores youth to the skin. Eliminates age spots, makes the skin clear, restores youth by activating metabolism, cell renewal and stimulating the synthesis of collagen and elastin.

The cream has a side effect: it can cause irritation. Therefore, it must be used strictly in accordance with the instructions:

  • Apply a pea-sized amount of cream to a cleansed face (a larger volume may cause irritation);
  • in the first days, the cream is applied once every three days before bedtime so that the epithelium gets used to it, and then used daily;
  • When using a rejuvenation cream, the first signs of improvement can be noticed no earlier than a month later, and a clear improvement – ​​after 2 – 3 months.

Cosmetics with pantothenic acid (Gel Hydrating B5)

Vitamin B5 (pantothenoic acid) promotes skin regeneration, restores its color, elasticity, firmness, and eliminates small wrinkles. The gel slightly tightens the skin, eliminating the feeling of tightness, and refreshes the complexion. Before applying, the gel should be slightly warmed on your fingers.

Video on how to choose vitamin cosmetics:

Vitamin masks

Masks with vitamins for youthful and beautiful skin can be made at home using products. Products such as cottage cheese, cream, fermented milk products, eggs, etc. are especially useful. Before applying a mask to your face, your skin needs to be cleansed. The condition of your skin will improve significantly after a course of home treatments.

Vitamin mask for oily skin

Ingredients: 20 g of pureed cottage cheese, one egg white (beat), 10 drops of lemon juice and 1 ml of vitamin B6 solution from an ampoule. Apply the paste to the face (only the area around the eyes remains free) for a quarter of an hour, then wash. Procedures are carried out 2 – 3 times a week for a month. The improvement will be noticeable after the first sessions: the face gradually becomes clean and beautiful.

Vitamin mask for dry skin

Ingredients: Take 20 g of oatmeal cooked in milk, add an egg yolk, a teaspoon of honey and the contents of two Aevita capsules. Apply the mixture to your face for 20 minutes, leaving the areas around the eyes free, then wash. Do 2 sessions per week for 1.5 months. After Aevit, the skin becomes soft, beautiful, young.

Vitamin mask for normal skin

Ingredients: several strawberries (mash with a fork), 5 g honey, 5 ml cucumber juice. Place the mixture on a napkin and cover your face with it for 15 minutes, then rinse with water. The procedures are carried out twice a week for a month.

Vitamin mask for aging skin

Ingredients: 20 ml cream, 1 yolk, 5 g honey and a little rye flour. Bring the mixture to the consistency of thick sour cream, add 1 ml of tocopherol from the ampoule, 5 ml of olive oil. Apply to the face, avoiding the areas around the eyes for 20 minutes, and then rinse. Procedures should be carried out every three days for 1.5 – 2 months. The improvement will be noticeable no earlier than three weeks: the face will smooth out, small wrinkles will disappear.

Vitamin mask for the skin around the eyes

Ingredients: add the contents of 2 vitamin E capsules to 5 ml of glycerin, stir and apply to the areas around the eyes for 20 minutes. Remove the remaining mask with a napkin. After such a mask, dark circles disappear.

Facial skin needs vitamin supplements, especially if problems such as dryness, premature aging, wrinkles or excessive oiliness and acne occur. Properly selected healthy vitamins in the form of food, vitamin-mineral complexes and cosmetics after consultation with a dermatologist-cosmetologist solves these problems.

Ideal in the fight against acne: apply precisely, let dry and go to bed. There will be no pimple in the morning! Just remember: the ointment dries the skin very much, so don’t forget about the moisturizer, otherwise the skin will very quickly turn into dry and flaky. Price - about 40 rubles.

2. Retinoic ointment

This is actually retinol, or vitamin A, which cosmetologists consider the most effective ingredient for combating skin aging. The ointment will help against acne (retinol creams were developed to combat acne), but will also have a noticeable rejuvenating effect. It also soothes the skin, relieving irritation and redness. Caution: ONLY for the night! Retinol is not friendly with ultraviolet radiation, and pigment spots may appear. Price - about 200 rubles.


3. Aspirin

It is also salicylic acid. Brilliant remedy! Can be used as a lift. To do this, crush 1 0.5 mg tablet into powder with a spoon and add a teaspoon of sour cream to make a cream. And feel free to apply as a mask, avoiding the skin of the eyelids! After 15 minutes, rinse with warm water and enjoy the result. Price - about 80 rubles.

4. Calendula tincture

Dilute it with water in equal proportions and use it as a lotion. The pores will be cleaned and there will be fewer blackheads! Price - about 40 rubles.

5. Vitamin E

It lives in pharmacies under the name “Tocopherol” and looks like small balls in a transparent shell. Pierce the ball with a needle and massage its contents into the nail plates. The manicurist will beg you to give up your secret! Price - about 30 rubles.

6. Licorice root

Your mother probably gave you this infusion as a child when you were coughing. Prepare the tincture and rub it on your skin with excess pigmentation: the whitening effect will pleasantly surprise you! Price - about 30 rubles.

7. Badyaga

Freshwater sponge in powder form is sold in almost every pharmacy. Ideal for fighting wrinkles and exfoliating. Dilute the powder with peroxide, moisten your face with water and apply a mask. It will sting, so wash off the mask as soon as the burning sensation becomes intense (usually 5-10 minutes). After the mask, the skin on your face will be noticeably red, so plan your time so that you can spend 10-12 hours at home after the procedure. But the effect!!! How I visited the resort. To make the redness go away faster, you can use the already mentioned zinc ointment. Price - about 80 rubles.

8. Burdock oil

The best hair mask. Heat it in a water bath to a comfortable temperature, apply it to your hair, wrap it with a towel (use a shower cap if you don’t want to wash the oil off the fabric) and walk as long as you can. The longer the better! Repeat twice a week. Minus: hair will begin to grow faster, and you will have to visit the hairdresser more often :) Price - about 40 rubles.

9. Aevit

These are capsules with a solution of vitamins A and E together, a super duet against wrinkles. Crush the capsule, apply the mixture all over your face and let it absorb. The course is 2 weeks, it’s no longer worth it so that the skin cells don’t completely relax, because you supported them so well! Price - about 60 rubles.

10. Solcoseryl

This ointment, originally intended for healing minor injuries, can be added to face creams, or can be used as a mask at night 2-3 times a week. Solcoseryl accelerates regenerative processes in the skin, works as an antioxidant, increases the supply of oxygen to the skin and stimulates the transport of glucose into cells that lack vitality for proper functioning. It also increases collagen synthesis. In short, it’s unclear why you haven’t bought it yet. Price - about 200 rubles.

One of the first signals of a lack of vitamins is the appearance of skin problems - dryness, peeling, rash. To get rid of unpleasant symptoms, you need to restore the vitamin balance. How to do this, where to start and what products to use.

Vitamin deficiency and skin

Vitamin deficiency is the result of poor nutrition, which develops into an acute lack of vitamins. Depending on which vitamin or mineral is lacking, different types of symptoms appear on the skin.

  • Translucent vascular network;
  • Dryness;
  • Dark spots;
  • Swelling;
  • Unhealthy complexion.


  • Cracks;
  • Calluses;
  • Dryness and flaking;


  • Dry aging skin;
  • Dark spots.

Before buying vitamin supplements and adjusting your diet, you need to rule out diseases of the internal organs that manifest similar symptoms. Below we will consider each of the problems in more detail and identify effective methods to combat it.

If acne suddenly appears on your face, which was previously unusual for you, or the number of age spots has increased, this is a reason to think about the amount of vitamins in your body.

It is important to know that before taking vitamin complexes and dietary supplements, you need to consult a doctor, since external defects do not always signal vitamin deficiency.

Acne or acne is an inflammatory disease caused by changes in the structure of the sebaceous glands. The causes of acne can be the woman's clinical condition, hormonal imbalance and lack of vitamin A.

Retinol accelerates cell recovery and also promotes regeneration. It is not recommended to add retinolic acid and creams, as it may be incompatible with the components of the product.

The appearance of pimples, blackheads and other rashes also indicates a lack of zinc contained in herring and spinach. Zinc helps heal inflammation and evens out skin texture.

Translucent skin

In most cases, visible veins are hereditary - thin skin simply does not cover the blue. However, such a symptom may also indicate phylloquinone deficiency.

Phylloquinone strengthens the walls of blood vessels and helps eliminate blue under the eyes. Vitamin K enters the body in small doses, so even adjusting the diet in case of deficiency will not help. To replenish its amount, it is recommended to use vitamin supplements.


Insufficient hydration is not the only cause of dryness.

A feeling of tightness and constant peeling are a consequence of a lack of vitamins E and B5.

  • Tocopherol normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, which promotes balanced hydration.
  • Panthenolic acid saturates the skin with moisture and also promotes healing of the epidermis.

Don’t forget about the zinc mentioned above - it is indispensable in the fight for facial health.

Dark spots

The appearance of pigmentation is the cause of an internal failure, in which some areas of the epidermis begin to produce more melanin. Vitamin complexes and cosmetics containing ascorbic acid will help improve the situation.

Dry lips, the formation of cracks in the corners and severe peeling are eliminated by replenishing the missing vitamins A, E and F.

Vitamin F is especially important, which is a combination of three acids - linoleic, linolenic and arachidonic. Acids restore protective functions, prevent flaking and flaking. Contained in nuts - walnuts and pine.

Iron will help cope with dryness, the lack of which also affects the lips. To make up for the deficiency, pay attention to sesame, seaweed and wheat bran.


Swelling of the face, especially in the morning, may be the result of increased fluid intake, a disruption of the endocrine system, or a lack of pyridoxine. Pyridoxine is found in large doses in pistachios and sunflower seeds. In addition, pyridoxine is sold in pharmacies in the form of ampoules or dragees.

Fat content is a sign of disruption of the sebaceous glands and increased production of sebum. To normalize these processes, it is recommended to include B vitamins in the diet or start using vitamin complexes.

Retinolic acid and tocopherol also help in the fight against fat content. Pharmacies sell the complex drug “Aevit”, which combines tocopherol and retinol, but it must be taken on the recommendation of a doctor.

Unhealthy complexion

Complexion is an indicator of internal health and organ performance. A yellowish, bluish or grayish color most often indicates health problems, but if there are no malfunctions in the body’s functioning, it may signal a lack of biotin.

Biotin stimulates tissue repair processes and improves complexion. Its maximum content is in soybeans and egg yolk.



When cracks appear, first rule out possible diseases - hormonal imbalance, diabetes.

If everything is normal with health, cracking skin on the feet may indicate a deficiency of vitamins A and E.

  • Retinol is involved in almost all processes in the body and regulates protein synthesis. Eat beef liver, carrots and fish oil.
  • Tocopherol affects the integrity of the skin and prevents damage. Add vegetable oils to your diet - sunflower, olive, sesame.

Nutritionist trainer, sports nutritionist, honored author of Evehealth


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This article is based on scientific evidence, written and reviewed by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and estheticians strive to be objective, unbiased, honest and present both sides of the argument.

In a healthy body healthy mind! Popular wisdom says. Indeed, if a person is healthy, then the mood is excellent and all work will go well.

Almost every person has encountered health problems of one kind or another. The most common problem among the population is vitamin deficiency.

No one thinks about it seriously, but remembers it only in moments of complete weakness. Lack of vitamins in the body leads to disruptions in the functioning of internal organs and systems.

Vitamins are called active supplements. They have a positive effect on the body inside and out. Vitamin deficiency leaves a very large imprint on the skin of the face, hands and neck. The skin becomes dull, sluggish, pale, and various rashes or dryness often appear. Any girl will not tolerate such troubles with her appearance and will use any methods to correct the situation.

In order for the skin to become elastic, acquire a healthy color, and be sufficiently hydrated, you just need to know what vitamins are needed for facial skin and how to use them.

Modern medicine and cosmetology have determined that all 13 vitamins, which are known throughout the world, are fully involved in nourishing and revitalizing facial skin. Having found out which vitamin is responsible for what, you can determine for yourself an individual list of vitamins that are lacking in the human body.

Vitamin A

Retinol (vitamin A) fights inflammatory processes on the face and drying out of the upper layers of the epithelium. An excellent antiseptic that normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
Helps smooth out wrinkles. Helps accelerate the production of collagen, which promotes rejuvenation of facial skin cells. Helps eliminate age spots.

Vitamin B1

Thiamine resists facial skin aging, which can occur at any time in life and can be caused by anything.

Vitamin B2

Riboflavin improves cell respiration and helps speed up metabolism. Evens out complexion, makes facial skin velvety and refreshed.

Vitamin B5

Pantothenic acid is the best at smoothing out wrinkles.

Vitamin B6

Pyridoxine is an antiseptic that treats many skin conditions.

Vitamin B9

Folic acid is an excellent “weapon” in the fight against acne.

Vitamin B12

Cyanocobalamin promotes the regeneration of facial skin and immediately refreshes it.

Vitamin C

Ascorbic acid tones the vessels of the circulatory system, makes the walls denser and clears adhesions. The vitamin helps produce collagen.

Vitamin D

This is the only vitamin that helps keep the skin in perfect condition and stops premature aging.

Vitamin E

Leaves skin smooth and elastic. Tocopherol serves as a protective barrier against ultraviolet rays. It also gives the skin a velvety and rejuvenating appearance.

Vitamin K

This is the only vitamin that actively eliminates pigmentation. This also helps relieve swelling. Vitamin K helps fight inflammation and acne.

Vitamin PP

This vitamin stimulates cells. Niacin evens out the complexion while protecting the skin from harmful external factors.

Vitamin H

Biotin promotes rapid regeneration of the upper skin. The main task in the body is to normalize fat and carbon metabolism.

These are the most necessary vitamins for facial skin, which have an individual effect. If you know the problem, then you can simply, quickly and easily determine what vitamins to drink for facial skin with benefits for the whole body.

Vitamin A found most in liver (beef, pork, fish, poultry), eggs, and fermented milk products. Vitamin A can be synthesized from vegetables. This happens both simply by the body itself and during heat treatment.

The most vitamins are found in carrots, parsley, legumes, mushrooms, melon, blackberries, blueberries, green onions, lettuce, sorrel, and dill. Such vitamins are simply necessary to improve facial skin!

Vitamin C found in black currants, bananas, oranges, tangerines, lemons, sweeties, grapefruits. Vegetables that are rich in C: bell peppers, cabbage, radishes, potatoes and others. Berries include: kiwi, viburnum, cranberries, nuts.

Vitamin E found in oil crops. It can be found in vegetable oils of legumes, corn, almonds, peanuts, and cereals. Vitamin E is also found in fish meat, boiled eggs, meat products, tomatoes and bananas.

B vitamins found in grains, meat, liver, green vegetables, dairy products, bananas, chicken, mushrooms, avocados and yeast.

Vitamin PP, vitamin D, vitamin K contained in products - meat products, eggs, protein products, dairy products, peanuts, cereals, vegetables, sea fish and others.

By adhering to a proper diet that is rich in vitamins and minerals, your facial skin will always be in great shape and there will be no vitamin deficiency.

How to properly enrich your facial skin with vitamins?

Any girl whose skin looks absolutely healthy should remember that nourishing the skin with vitamins is simply necessary. If you do not do such procedures regularly, you may encounter the most unpredictable problems - aging, lethargy, acne, lack of healthy skin color, dryness, peeling and others.

There are a couple of methods that will help you consume vitamins correctly.

First method and the most common is taking vitamin complexes. This method is as simple as just taking your vitamins every day. They enter the body and “travel” through the blood vessels from cell to cell, while nourishing them with useful substances and having a positive effect on the skin of the face from within the body.

The vitamin complex can be selected individually for each person. This can be done independently or by seeking help from a cosmetologist. If a girl does not have particularly pronounced problems with her body, then vitamins can be chosen with a general spectrum of action.

If you have any problems or rashes, you just need to go to a specialist. Qualified cosmetologists will help you choose the right vitamin complex that will help enrich your skin with vitamins and solve problems.

Vitamin complexes can be purchased at local pharmacies, or can be ordered on the American website iHerb. Surprisingly, the prices in this store are affordable and competitive, even including delivery. And thanks to the wide range, ratings and customer reviews, you can quickly and easily choose best vitamins for facial skin.

Today, the bestsellers among vitamins for facial skin are:

The second effective way is to take each vitamin separately. This method is effective only if the girl is sure exactly what vitamin is missing in her body.

In this case, you can simply go to the pharmacy and buy the necessary healthy vitamins for your facial skin and take a course of them. Sometimes it happens that some vitamins are only available in ampoules and need to be pierced. In this case, it is best to seek advice from a specialist doctor.

Vitamins for facial skin from Thorne Research (), Madre Labs (), Now Foods (), Solgar () are distinguished by their effectiveness and efficiency. We recommend that you pay special attention to these brands.

Third method- This is a balanced diet. The most correct method of consuming vitamins for facial skin is a proper healthy diet rich in vitamins. It will improve not only the health of the facial skin, but also the entire body as a whole, and will allow you to correct your figure parameters.

In order for your diet to become healthier, you need to exclude fast food, carbonated drinks, bad habits and dry foods from your diet. All these factors react very negatively on the skin of the face, and very often provoke rashes, lethargy, and premature aging.

For healthy skin, you need to add fiber, vegetables, and fruits to your diet. Drink at least one and a half liters of water per day. Drinking enough water per day will give your skin freshness and restore water balance. The skin will no longer be dry and peeling will stop.

Water is a natural solvent. It will help remove the remnants of bad fluid and excess salt from the body, due to which the pores of the face in the temples, chin and forehead become dirty. By adhering to basic rules, you can enrich your facial skin with a huge complex of vitamins and minerals without much effort.

To have beautiful skin, it is not enough to simply use expensive cosmetics, because it is quite complex, and it will not be possible to get it in order with external means alone. All efforts may be useless if you do not provide the skin with nutrients from the inside. Properly selected tablets for facial skin can work wonders, helping to maintain freshness and beauty.

What components should facial skin tablets contain?

Medical research has proven that many dermatological problems arise due to a lack of certain components in the body. A lack of nutrients slows down metabolic processes, leads to malfunction of the sebaceous glands, slows down cellular metabolism, and reduces the amount of collagen produced. This leads to premature aging of the skin, the formation of wrinkles, decreased firmness and elasticity, the appearance of wrinkles, and other problems.

You can avoid these troubles and significantly delay the aging process if you start taking the substances needed for your facial skin on time.

What vitamins are needed for facial skin?

The main source of vitamins in the human body is food. But, unfortunately, the rhythm of modern life does not always allow. In addition, in pursuit of a slim figure, women often exhaust themselves with all kinds of diets. And this certainly affects the condition of the facial skin. After all, the body does not receive enough vitamins that are extremely important for it, many of which require daily replenishment.

Dermatologists highlight the most important vitamins for healthy and aesthetically attractive facial skin:

  • Retinol (vitamin A) – stimulates the formation of new cells, is responsible for the flawless functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • Tocopherol (vitamin E) – significantly slows down the aging process, strengthens blood vessels, moisturizes and protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation;
  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) – stimulates collagen production, promotes rapid wound healing, and is a good antioxidant;
  • Thiamine (vitamin B1) – helps slow down the aging process of the skin;
  • Lactoflavin (vitamin B2) – accelerates metabolic processes in cells, promotes a good supply of oxygen to the skin;
  • Nicotinic acid (vitamin B3 or PP) – accelerates metabolic processes and is responsible for an even, beautiful complexion;
  • Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) – accelerates the renewal processes of epidermal cells, promotes rapid healing of wounds;
  • Biotin (vitamin B7 or H) is a catalyst for carbohydrate metabolism and provides good skin elasticity;
  • Folic acid (vitamin B9) – helps eliminate acne;
  • Cyanocobalomin (vitamin B12) – takes an active part in the metabolic processes of cells;
  • Phylloquinone (vitamin K) – is responsible for the absence of age spots, freckles, and helps eliminate swelling;
  • Vitamin D – fights the aging process at the cellular level, can be synthesized by the body under the influence of sunlight.

All vitamins are divided into two large groups: fat-soluble and water-soluble. Fat-soluble vitamins include vitamins A, E, D, K. They can accumulate in fatty tissue. All B vitamins and vitamin C are water soluble. They don't accumulate. The body needs daily replenishment.

Microelements and acids important for the skin

In addition to vitamins, the body needs microelements to provide adequate nutrition for facial skin:

  • zinc;
  • silicon;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium.

In addition, maintaining the beauty and youth of the skin is impossible without hyaluronic acid and astaxanthin.

How to determine what your skin is missing

Specialists, as a rule, can determine by the appearance of the skin which components it is missing. Knowing the characteristic signs, you can independently determine which vitamins for your facial skin you need:

  • dry skin with small cracks and rashes indicates a lack of vitamin A and B6;
  • vulnerable hypersensitive skin requires biotin (vitamin H);
  • gray facial skin with pronounced signs of swelling – lack of vitamin B1;
  • the presence of age spots and inflamed areas - lack of vitamin K;
  • peeling and redness in the area of ​​the nasolabial folds - vitamin B2 is needed;
  • dark circles around the eyes and puffy bags – vitamin E is required;
  • constant feeling of tightness – lack of vitamin B5;
  • general tired appearance, sagging, presence of swelling - vitamin D is needed;
  • the presence of long-healing wounds and cracks – vitamin C is urgently needed;
  • clear signs of early aging - the skin needs vitamin B12.

Each person's body is individual. Therefore, a lack of certain vitamins can affect the condition of the skin in different ways.

The best preparations for facial skin: medicinal complexes in tablets and capsules

It is not difficult to saturate your skin with vitamins using pharmaceutical preparations. As a rule, you can purchase any of the necessary vitamins on sale in the form of tablets, capsules or liquid solution. But, getting all the necessary substances in the correct balanced proportion is much easier with the help of specially designed vitamin complexes for beautiful skin.

Specially developed complexes usually contain all the necessary elements for problem skin, including vitamins and minerals, in strictly adjusted proportions. However, in most cases, you should look for them at the pharmacy in the dietary supplements section. Since, most often, they are food additives.

Knowing which vitamins for facial skin can be bought at the pharmacy, it will be easier to navigate in choosing the right drug. The most popular of them:

  • Aevit. The drug contains vitamins A and E. Despite the fact that it contains no additional additives, it is a powerful immunostimulating and antioxidant agent. It compares favorably with other complexes due to its affordable price (costs about 40 rubles).

  • Vitrum Beauty. The drug contains all the necessary vitamins for facial skin rejuvenation. It has a fairly high cost - about 1000 rubles.
  • Nutricap. The drug contains a rich set of elements necessary for the skin. It is also used to improve hair health. The price ranges from 1000 rubles.

  • Merz. This product has been used to improve facial skin for several decades. In addition to vitamins, it contains L-cystine and soy protein. Costs about 700 rubles.
  • Doppelherz Aktiv. An effective German drug that helps fight skin problems. It is extremely popular all over the world. In the Russian Federation it costs about 500 rubles.
  • Hyaluronic Acid. Tablets from a Japanese manufacturer. Contains beta-carotene and hyaluric acid. They help fight wrinkles and restore youth and beauty to the skin. You will have to pay about 7 thousand rubles for a package of the drug of 240 tablets.

In addition to these drugs, you can also buy quite effective vitamins for the skin at the pharmacy: Alphabet, Multitabs, Polypefan, etc.

Buying tablets for facial skin is easy. There are many drugs on sale in different price categories. The main thing is to decide which components you are missing and carry out the course of treatment regularly, according to the attached instructions.

The video will help you learn more about vitamin E, as well as how you can use it to rejuvenate your facial skin.

Any medications must consist of high-quality components. By choosing the right tablets for your facial skin, you can keep your skin in good condition for a long time.
