Failing stars: which celebrity did poorly at school? Celebrities who didn't graduate from high school.

They constantly try to convince us that finishing school is the key to real success and excellent knowledge, but some celebrities debunk this myth by their example. Many popular and sought-after stars did not even graduate from school, but were able to reach unprecedented heights in their careers. Of course, it is simply necessary to study now, but if there is no such opportunity, then do not despair, but simply follow the example of celebrities.

Let's take a look at world-famous stars who, for one reason or another, did not sit at school.

Johnny Depp

The actor, who had been smoking and using drugs since age 12, was expelled from school at age 15. Johnny was not particularly upset about this, because immediately after that he joined the rock group “Children”. Dreaming of becoming a musician, Johnny came across the opportunity to play in a movie and, naturally, he did not refuse. Already at the age of 20, he began his acting career and music faded into the background.

Charlize Theron

The beautiful Charlize left school at 16 and is excited to become a real ballerina. A stage career was everything for the future film actress, so it is not surprising that school became superfluous in her plans. Charlize was born in South Africa, but her success brought her to Los Angeles, where she remained after suffering a knee injury. It was in the USA that Charlize found her calling as a film actress.

Jim carrey

The extreme poverty of Jim's family led to the fact that his entire childhood was spent in numerous part-time jobs, undoubtedly to the detriment of his education. Jim was kicked out of school, but the young and ambitious Carrey did not despair and continued to storm the stage of comedy establishments. It is worth noting that this led Jim to today's success.

Nicole Kidman

This girl really wanted to study, but devoted herself entirely to caring for her mother, who had cancer. Nicole was literally exhausted, because she not only had to take care of her mother and work as a masseuse, but also study art and work in the theater (Nicole always dreamed of becoming an actress). At the age of 16, after leaving school, Nicole first appeared on television.

Quentin Tarantino

The future director left school at the age of 15 with the consent of his mother, who set the condition for Quentin that he would find a job and help her financially. It should be noted that despite the lack of education, Quentin's IQ is 160 points.

Uma Thurman

An irresistible desire to become an actress prompted Uma to leave school at the age of 15. Surprisingly, she achieved something she never even dreamed of.

Al Pacino

A typical poor student, Al Pacino was expelled from school at the age of 17, which is why he quarreled with his own mother. The future film actor worked hard to get an acting education and he succeeded. Determination played a very big role in his case.

Keanu Reeves

15-year-old Keanu, having coped with dyslexia, decided to quit school and master acting, even despite significant success in hockey and chess.

Demmy Moor

Demi decided to leave school at age 16 to become a model. The idea of ​​being an actress came to Demi a few years later at the suggestion of Nastassya Kinski, to whom she certainly should be grateful for this.

Russell Crowe

As a teenager, Russell dreamed of helping his family with financially. To fulfill his dream, and even become an actor, Russell had to leave school at the age of 15.

John Travolta

The talented actor John Travolta decided to leave school at the age of 16 in order to build a successful career.


The brilliant diva Cher also dropped out of school at the age of 16. Due to dyslexia, studying was very difficult for her, but studying music and acting did not cause any difficulties.

Robert DeNiro

Robert first appeared in films at the age of 10, and already at 16 he said goodbye to school forever. You can easily guess that he left her to study acting.

Charlie Sheen

Bad behavior and poor academic performance caused Charlie to be expelled from school right before graduation. By the way, since then his behavior and actions have not changed for the better.

Whoopi Goldberg

This talented woman, at the time when she was in school, was listed among the laggards for several years due to dyslexia. And due to difficulties in mastering reading and writing, she nevertheless dropped out of school and, having joined the hippie movement in the late 60s, left home.

Ewan McGregor

This actor from the UK dropped out of school at 16 and tried unsuccessfully to storm nearby theaters until he got a job as an extra and proved to everyone that he was truly talented.

Jude Law

The actor left school a little later than the others - at 17 years old. The reason for this was Jude’s participation in the filming of the television series “Family”.




Psychologists have long noticed that successful people often they turn out not to be excellent students and good boys, but to be C students and hooligans. Bright, creative personalities are often rebels from childhood.

This was, for example, Marlon Brando. The son of a traveling salesman, despised by his classmates, tried to gain authority among his peers with his extravagant antics. One of them - when Marlon rode a motorcycle through the corridors of his alma mater - cost him expulsion from school. Brando subsequently never bothered to complete his secondary education, which, however, did not prevent him from becoming a great actor.

Gerard Depardieu was a juvenile delinquent. At the age of 12, he dropped out of school, traveling around Europe with money earned from selling stolen cars and trading in contraband goods. He, of course, did not return to school. Kevin Spacey also had a stormy childhood: he was kicked out of a military school for brutally beating a classmate.

Al Pacino, a top athlete and school bully, spent so much time on the baseball field that he had no time to go to class, much less learn anything. By the age of 17, he realized that he was simply wasting his time at school. Your brilliant future acting career he had to start out as a courier and dishwasher. And another careless student, Jean-Paul Belmondo, left school at the age of 16 to pursue a boxing career, which, however, lasted only two years.

Of course, among the two-star celebrities, not all were hooligans - some owe their “successes” to impenetrable laziness. For example, Quentin Tarantino was terribly lazy. He skipped classes and studied so poorly that his mother, tired of the constant complaints of teachers against her son, at the age of 15 allowed him to leave school with one condition - to find a job in return.

But Jim Carrey was a poor student not at all due to a lack of diligence. He just showed enough zeal and was in good standing in the class - until his parents had to hard times and he didn’t have to get a job as a cleaner in a factory to help feed his family. But, after working eight hours at the factory (after school), he was so tired that no science could fit into his head. Jim spent three whole years in 10th grade before giving up. He realized that he would never overcome school wisdom in such conditions.

Demi Moore left school at the age of 16 not because of a good life. She had no choice - her divorced, alcoholic mother could not properly take care of her daughter. And Demi began her career as a collector - collecting money from debtors.

Nicole Kidman also had to leave school against her will. Her mother fell ill with cancer, and the girl decided: now there is no time for studying, she needs to take care of herself a loved one. Yes, she never returned to school... And the sex symbol of all times, Marilyn Monroe, decided at the age of 16 to marry worker James Doherty in order to escape from another foster family and become independent. Marilyn achieved her goal, but school education never completed it.

Some celebrities interrupted their studies not because family problems or poverty. Children can sometimes be very cruel to those who are somehow different from them. Winona Ryder had to experience this herself, who was beaten at school because she was the daughter of free-thinking hippies, and even dressed like a boy. In the 7th grade, her head was smashed so badly that she had difficulty getting home. Of course, school was over.

Kate Winslet could not stand the constant bullying of herself and herself. Fat Kate (she was very plump at that time) could not come to terms with the fact that she was called at school not by her name, but by the offensive nickname Bubble. Proud Pierce Brosnan could not stand the ridicule either - snobs treated him at school as a “dirty Irishman.” He left his offenders, but was left without a certificate.

There are a lot of celebrities who are dropouts among those who have been diagnosed with dyslexia. The inability to quickly read and assimilate any significant amount of information has long been considered a sign of a weak mind. But it turned out that IQ had nothing to do with it. For example, director Guy Ritchie's IQ test results were excellent, but he could not study. Unable to withstand the constant ridicule, Guy dropped out of school, not yet knowing what his problem actually was. Doctors made an unpleasant diagnosis only when he was already an adult.

Thomas Edison is perhaps the most famous and prolific inventor of all time, with more than 1,000 patents issued to his name, including the electric lamp, phonograph, and motion picture camera. He became a multimillionaire and won Gold Medal Congress. Edison began his studies late after an illness, causing his mind to often wander, prompting one of his teachers to call him "the absolute". He dropped out of school after just three months formal education. Fortunately, his mother was a schoolteacher in Canada and taught young Edison at home.

Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin is known in many ways: politician, diplomat, author, printer, publisher, scientist, inventor, founding father and co-author of the Declaration of Independence. The only thing he wasn't was a high school graduate. Franklin was the fifteenth child and youngest son in a family of 20 people. He spent two years at the Boston Latin School before leaving at age ten to work for his father and then his brother as a printer.

Bill Gates

William Henry Gates III, known as Bill Gates, entered Harvard University in 1973 and was expelled after just 2 years. After his expulsion, he began creating software, created Microsoft company, became one of richest people in the world and constantly provided free financial and technical assistance to his “native” Harvard University. Considering his merits, 32 years after his expulsion, Bill Gates was awarded a Harvard graduate diploma “retroactively.”

Albert Einstein

Although he was named "Man of the Century" by Times magazine, Albert Einstein was not the "Einstein" of school. Nobel laureate, a theoretical physicist known for his theory of relativity and his contributions to quantum theory and statistical mechanics, dropped out of school at the age of 15. Deciding to continue his education a year later, Einstein took entrance exams to the prestigious Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, but unsuccessfully. He returned to high school, received a diploma and then finally entered the university, passing the entrance exams on the second try.

John D. Rockefeller, Sr.

Two months before his high school graduation, history's first recorded billionaire, John D. Rockefeller Sr., dropped out to take business courses at Folsom Commerce College. He founded the Standard Oil Company in 1870, made billions of dollars before his company was broken up by the government to end its monopoly on the U.S. petroleum market, and spent the last 40 years of his life giving away his wealth, primarily to health and education projects. This man, who dropped out of high school without regret, helped millions of people get a good education.

Walt Disney

In 1918, then a high school student, future Oscar-winning producer and amusement park pioneer, Walt Disney began taking night courses at the Academy of Art in Chicago. Disney left high school at 16 to join the army, but because he was too young to qualify for the draft, he joined the Red Cross with a forged birth certificate. Disney was sent to France, where he drove an ambulance that was covered from top to bottom with the cartoons that would eventually become the characters in his films. After Disney became a multimillionaire, founder of the Walt Disney Company, and recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, he received his high school diploma at age 58.

Richard Branson

British Sir Richard Branson is a billion-dollar businessman who has achieved success on his own. He founded Virgin Atlantic Airways, Virgin Records, Virgin Mobile and even a space tourism company that provides suborbital trips to space for anyone who wants it. Suffering from dyslexia, Branson was a poor student. He had to leave school at 16 and move to London, where he started his first successful entrepreneurial activity, publishing Student magazine.

George Burns

George Burns, born Nathan Birnbaum, was a successful vaudeville actor, TV and film comedian for nearly nine decades. After his father's death, Burns left school in the fourth grade to find work as a shoe shiner, running errands and selling newspapers. While working at a local candy store, Burns and his young colleagues decided to enter show business as the Peewee Quartet. After the group broke up, Burns continued to work with a partner, usually a girl, until he met Gracie Allen in 1923. Burns and Allen married, but did not become stars until George radically changed the performance, and created a funny role for Gracie in them . They continued to collaborate in vaudeville, radio, television and films until Gracie stopped performing in 1958. Burns continued to perform almost until the day of his death in March 1996.

Harland Sanders

Colonel Harland Sanders overcame his lack of education. His father died when he was six years old and since his mother worked, he was forced to cook food for the whole family. He couldn't even finish primary school. Sanders held many jobs, including firefighter, steamboat helmsman, and insurance agent. He later earned a law degree through correspondence school. Sanders' culinary skills and business experience helped him make millions as the founder of a fried chicken empire. Kentucky Fried Chicken.

Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens, author of numerous classics including Oliver Twist, A Tale of Two Cities and A Christmas Carol, was in primary school until his life took a turn when his father was imprisoned for debt. At age 12, he left school and began working ten hours a day in a boot-blacking factory. Dickens later worked as a clerk and stenographer in court. At 22, he became a journalist, reporting on parliamentary debates and election campaigns for the newspaper. His first collection of stories, Sketches of Boz (Boz was his nickname), and his first novel, The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club, were published in 1836.

Elton John

Born Reginald Kenneth Dwight, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee Sir Elton John has sold more than 250 million records and has over fifty Top 40 hits, making him one of the most successful musicians of all time. At the age of 11, Elton John was admitted to the Royal Conservatory of London to study piano. Tired of classical music, Elton preferred rock and roll, and after five years he left school to become a weekend pianist at a local pub. At 17, he formed a group called Bluesology and, by the mid-1960s, they were touring with Soul and R&B musicians such as the Isley Brothers, Patti LaBelle and the Bluebelles. The Elton John album was released in the spring of 1970, and after the first single, “Your Song,” hit the American Top Ten, Elton was on his way to superstardom.

Ray Kroc

Ray Kroc didn't create McDonald's, but he turned it into the world's largest fast food chain after purchasing the company from Dick and Mac McDonald's in 1955. Kroc earned a $500 million fortune during his lifetime, and in 2000 was named by Time magazine to its list of the 100 most influential manufacturers and industry titans of the 20th century. During World War I, Kroc left high school at the age of 15 and lied about his age to become a Red Cross ambulance driver, but the war ended before he was sent overseas.

Harry Houdini

The name Houdini is synonymous with magic. Before becoming a world-famous magician and escape artist named Harry Houdini, Erich Weiss dropped out of school at the age of 12, working several jobs, including as a locksmith's apprentice. At age 17, he teamed up with fellow magic enthusiasts to create the Houdini Brothers, named after Jean Eugene Robert Houdin, the most famous magician of the era. At the age of 24, Houdini came up with the "Disobedience to the Law" trick, offering to escape from any pair of handcuffs offered by the audience. "Disobeying the Law" was a turning point for Houdini. With his success came the development of spectacular escapes that turned him into a legend.

Ringo Starr

Richard Starkey is better known as Ringo Starr, drummer for the Beatles. Born in Liverpool in 1940, Ringo suffered two serious illness aged six. After spending a total of three years in the hospital, he fell behind significantly in school. He left school after his last hospital visit at 15, barely able to read or write. While working for an engineering firm, 17-year-old Starkey joined a band and taught himself to play the drums. His stepfather bought him his first real drum set, and Ringo played with various bands, eventually joining Rory Storm and the Hurricanes. He changed his name to Ringo Starr, accepted a call from the Beatles in 1962, and is now one of the most famous drummers in music history.

Princess Diana (Diana Spencer, Princess of Wales)

The late Diana Spencer, Princess of Wales, attended West Heath Girls' School, where her academic performance was considered below average, failing to pass all of her exams." zero level" At the age of 16, she left West Heath and briefly attended graduate school in Switzerland before leaving there too. Diana was a talented amateur singer and aspired to become a ballerina. Diana went to work part-time as an assistant in a kindergarten providing basic education primary school. Contrary to claims, she was not a teacher kindergarten since she didn't have any educational qualifications to teach children. In 1981, at the age of 19, Diana became engaged to Prince Charles and her working days were over.

And now we present to your attention a list of celebrities who at one time various reasons dropped out of school. Among them there are those from whom you did not even expect such an act.

More than one scientist has said that many successful individuals have incomplete education in their biographies. Read more about the stars who dropped out of school and went to conquer Hollywood.

Jim carrey

The life of actor Jim Carrey did not go very well at the very beginning. Before becoming one of the highest paid actors, he even lived in a campervan for a time, and his first performance at a comedy club was a disaster. Kerry had to leave school because of money: he simply went to work at a steel mill.

Kate Winslet

Who would have thought that the smart and beautiful girlfriend of Leonardo DiCaprio had to leave school because of bullying from her classmates. According to the actress, she was called names because of her weight problems and, unable to bear the insults, she left the GCSE school.

The Oscar, Grammy, Emmy and three Golden Globe winner had learning problems in school. Due to dyslexia (impaired reading ability), she had to leave school at age 15. But Cher succeeded as a musician.

Demmy Moor

The sultry brunette was also left without a school certificate, but this did not happen at the request of the future star. The fact is that Demi's mother abused alcohol and could not provide for her daughter. Therefore, from the age of 16, she had to earn money herself. After leaving school, she got a position in a collection office, where she collected money from debtors.

Quentin Tarantino

One of the most famous directors in the world, Quentin Tarantino, left school at the age of 15. During the day he worked as a usher in one of the cinema halls, and in the evenings he attended courses acting. His labors were not in vain.

Britney Spears

Life reminds many of us of a fairy tale. The young girl went to New York and soon conquered the whole world with her voice and energy. To get serious about her career, she left school at 16. Note that she was not an outsider, but studied well and even led the women's basketball team.

John Travolta

The famous actor left school at 16 to devote himself to modeling career and studying acting.

Nicole Kidman

The actress once had to leave school to care for her mother, who had cancer.

Johnny Depp

The actor also did not immediately ride the wave of success. He dropped out of school in the eighth grade, but not at all for an acting career, but to study music and even managed to found his own group. Johnny Depp has repeatedly recalled that he simply hated school and does not regret dropping out of school at all. But this does not prevent him from now actively engaging in self-education. It is no secret that the man helps his own children with homework, whom he categorically does not allow to leave school.

Charlize Theron

The famous actress and Oscar winner dropped out of school when she was 16. After winning her first modeling competition, Charlize Theron participated and won several more until she signed a lucrative contract with a modeling agency in Milan. She had to quit her studies to pursue modeling.

Robert DeNiro

Legendary actor, Oscar and Golden Globe award-winning American actor Robert De Niro made his stage debut at the age of 10, playing the Cowardly Lion in a school production of The Wizard of Oz. At 16, he left school to pursue acting professionally.

Uma Thurman

Quentin Tarantino's favorite actress dropped out of school at age 15 to devote herself to acting.

These famous people have become established as individuals without even graduating from school!

Did you know that among the luckiest celebrities on the planet there are a lot of dropouts?! Just read the names of the stars who never graduated from school: Nicole Kidman, Jim Carrey, Demmy Moor, Tom Cruise ...

Psychologists have long noticed that successful people often come not from excellent students and good boys, but from C students and hooligans. Bright, creative personalities are often rebels from childhood. This was, for example, Marlon Brando. The son of a traveling salesman, despised by his classmates, tried to gain authority among his peers with his extravagant antics. One of them - when Marlon rode a motorcycle through the corridors of his alma mater - cost him expulsion from school.

Brando subsequently never bothered to complete his secondary education, which, however, did not prevent him from becoming a great actor.

- he was actually a juvenile delinquent. At the age of 12, he dropped out of school, traveling around Europe with money earned from selling stolen cars and trading in contraband goods. He, of course, did not return to school. Kevin Spacey also had a stormy childhood: he was kicked out of a military school for brutally beating a classmate. Al Pacino , a first-class athlete and school bully, spent so much time on the baseball field that he had no time to go to class, much less learn anything. By the age of 17, he realized that he was simply wasting his time at school. He had to start his future brilliant acting career by working as a courier and dishwasher. And another careless student - Jean-Paul Belmondo

- dropped out of school at the age of 16 for a boxing career, which, however, lasted only two years.


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