Anna Sedokova, from whom she is pregnant with her third child. Anna Sedokova in the first photo shoot with her son Hector: “A protector has appeared in our family”

    This is what the media write about the third pregnancy of the famous Ukrainian singer, actress and socialite, Anna Sedokova.

    Anna Sedokova loves herself and the PR around her, beloved and inimitable. Either she excites everyone with her next love, and now she worries everyone with the presence of pregnancy.

    The most interesting thing is that she herself talks about being 5 months pregnant, and her director Kirill completely denies the singer’s pregnancy and promises very soon photos of her from her vacation in a swimsuit, where there is no trace of pregnancy.

    So the information about pregnancy is most likely nothing more than Anna’s self-promotion.

    Anna Sedakova is pregnant for the third time, but she hides her pregnancy and, accordingly, hides the fact from whom, but information appeared on the Internet that she met her chosen one at the MUZ.TV awards. Also, many suspected that Anna was Pregnant from the lead singer of the MBAND group since she spent time and nights with him just at that time six months ago.

  • Anna Sedakova will soon become a mother...

    Very soon at the beauty's Anna Sedakova will have her third child and everyone already knows this for sure. No matter how hard the director tried to refute this news, nothing worked. Photos of Anna with a rounded belly have appeared on the Internet, which suggests that she will give birth very soon!

    Who is the father of the unborn child? But this is really a secret! Anna is silent and does not want to announce the name of her future father. Perhaps this is one of the married and rich? Whoever he is, he exists, and the birth of a child is proof of this.

    It is not yet known whether the baby will be a boy or a girl. The expectant mother does not want to talk about this topic, so as not to jinx it!

  • The famous Russian singer Anna Sedakova is currently really pregnant and is in her fifth month of pregnancy. The identity of the young man Anna Sedakova has not been established; the girl hides all the details of their relationship well. There are a lot of rumors about this, so it is too early to say for sure who the father of the child is. Now Anna Sedakova is raising two charming children and is expecting her third baby in the summer of 2017.

    Both Sedakova herself and the singer’s director K. Pavlov deny that she is pregnant. But they write everywhere about her third pregnancy that this is true and she is simply hiding her situation for the time being. According to rumors, she is five months pregnant, the name of the father of the third child is not disclosed, it is said that he is a secret admirer, very rich from the USA. No one can vouch for the truth. Perhaps this is true. Or maybe this is PR for the singer; after such rumors, interest in the person is fueled.

    Anna Sedakova is pregnant and is approximately 5-6 months pregnant and will give birth in the spring of 2017, although she doesn’t say from whom, which means she has something to hide, especially since a wedding is not planned yet. It is known that Anna met her lover and the future father of her child at the Muz-TV awards and since then he has showered her with flowers and gifts. Anna already has two daughters Alina and Monica from two other marriages. Read more detailed information about Anna Sedokova’s pregnancy and watch on this site there is a video where she is already in dresses and it is clear that the singer is 100% pregnant and this is not a joke.

    Anna Sedakova is pregnant for the third time and already has a big belly, but she keeps the father of her unborn child a secret from everyone so that the press does not discuss her next novel.

    Anna also does not reveal the sex of the child, and this is not indicated anywhere on her page, but in the near future the press will find out everything anyway.

    Singer Anna Sedakova is used to her personal life being often discussed, various gossip being invented and much more. But she is not far behind; she herself told journalists about her pregnancy. She said that she was pregnant for the third time, and the pregnancy was already 5 months old and the father of the child was her new lover. But there is no confirmation of this information; the pregnancy is not noticeable at the moment. And its director completely denied this information.

    There really is no hint of pregnancy in the latest photos on Instagram. For example, this photo was added 2 days ago. Anna is wearing a chic dress from the new collection.

    Judging by the latest photos of the famous singer Anna Sedokova on social networks, it does not at all look like she is pregnant. The singer’s slender, provocative appearance, as usual, without a hint of a tummy. Except that the period is much shorter than they say.

    But most of all, such rumors look like just another PR campaign. After all, now they talk about Sedakova even more and more often.

    Anna Sedakova really loves that gossip around her does not stop, so she throws out unsaid phrases, comments and questions that lead her subscribers to believe that Anna Sedakova is pregnant with her third child.

    At the same time, receiving many questions about this from her fans, she is mysteriously silent, pausing.

    And how would you interpret Anna’s statement?

    If she is silent about her pregnancy, then Anna will hide the name of who she might be pregnant with until the last moment. This is her nature, to cast fog around her person.

    Well, at least you can be heard by your fans, if others can’t attract attention.

After Anna Sedokova gave birth to a son a month and a half ago, her fans have not known peace. The singer's devoted fans are trying to find out who the father of Anna Sedokova's third child is.

According to unconfirmed rumors, Sedokova gave birth to a son from the 25-year-old heir of a major Russian businessman. The young father's name is Artem Komarov, and, according to insiders, he already has a son from a previous relationship.

Anna Sedokova, always frank with her subscribers, this time not only hid her affair with the businessman, but never even posted an intriguing photo with her lover.

This is completely out of character for the ex-Viagryanka - she accompanied her previous novels with meaningful pictures on her Instagram. Now the maximum that Sedokova allowed herself was photos of bouquets from little Hector’s father.

When will the wedding of Anna Sedokova and Artem Komarov take place?

Neither during pregnancy nor after the birth of her third child, Anna Sedokova never got married. Either the singer is not mentally ready for such a serious step, or her chosen one prefers an open relationship with the mother of his second son. Fans of the artist can only guess about the reasons why Anna Sedokova did not get married.

At the same time, in Sedokova’s frank posts on Instagram you can find her thoughts about the difficult life of a single mother. And although the singer assures subscribers that she has a very good relationship with the father of her third child, it seems that not everything is as ideal as we would like...

Last weekend, the first joint photo of the businessman and the singer appeared on the microblog of friend Artem Komarov. Finally, a person close to the couple shed light on the history of their relationship. Andrey Komarov, posting a photo of the lovers, announced the imminent wedding of Anna and Artem:

It's nice that Anya and Artem are together and happy... With my light hand!! A year ago I introduced them at the Ru-TV Awards!!)) And little Hector is growing up!! And soon the wedding!! And there is a long and happy life ahead!!! Bitterly!!)))

Internet users criticized Anna Sedokova's new boyfriend

It is unlikely that Anna Sedokova and her lover expected such a heated discussion of their joint photograph. Internet users were quite critical of the singer’s chosen one, considering him too young. Many commentators are confident that this marriage of Anna Sedokova will not last long:

mariatrknv1 His face is just “full of happiness”, he’s probably standing and thinking how I got there

Ellenkavol The main thing is that she has Every Time, First Love, well done, with the help of a scam, she scams young majors out of money) I don’t know how to do that...

vikuliakhossain Good luck to her! But things always start off rough for her! Then the finish!

Oksik100 As long as he spends money everything will be fine, then he will get tired of her and he will start cheating with some younger Viagra and she will be left alone again but with three children!

abramova_sveta Yes, Artem looks very “happy” in the photo judging by his facial expression

dasha_khat Yes, he is completely shocked

oksana_pv1 Yes, the expression on his face suggests that happiness will not last long. She is too intrusive.

puopoloenzo Snotty kid got knocked up stupidly

In the last few days, everyone has been talking about Anna Sedokova’s personal life. As it turned out, she broke up with the father of her third child, Hector. And now quotes have appeared from her latest interview about the reasons for the breakup.


Let's remember that a few months ago, after giving birth to baby Hector. The singer hid her pregnancy for a long time and did not name the father of the child, although the media found out that. Contrary to hopes for a big and happy family,...

I can say that today we have decided not to go further together. And this decision was made by us together. This is a complex story, more complicated than all my stories before.

Although the decision was made mutually, from the artist’s words it is clear that she is offended by her son’s father. in the next quote.

It seems to me that he didn’t believe in me. This will sound strange now, but he really didn’t believe in me. But I don’t want to spend ninety-nine percent of my time trying to prove to someone that I’m not an idiot, I’m talented, I’m an artist.

Also, the singer could not ignore the fact that the negativity poured on her from society. She is always advised what is best, condemns every action, and it is very difficult for a public person to live with such a burden, especially when her personal life is not going well.

You're always the bad cop. Because you want what's best. If you don't find the right words, you're wrong again. You always don't give enough. Because Sasha’s dad and mom from next door go for a walk together, but you can’t go together. You are alone. They write in the comments: look at her, she broke up with someone again. She's a prostitute. She gave birth to children. The men leave her. And you read all this and think how to make everyone happy, but you keep making these mistakes. You are trying to come up with something, to draw a color picture with a simple, one-color pencil. But red doesn't come out and neither does blue.

Be that as it may, loyal fans

Anna Sedokova, who hid her pregnancy for an incredibly long time, recently made a decision. Now she told why she does not say the name of the father of the unborn baby, how she managed to hide her situation for so long not only from the public, but also from her own children. Anna Sedokova also declassified the gender of her third child.

At the presentation of the new song, Anna Sedokova was bombarded with questions about her third pregnancy, about the father of her unborn child, and was also “pleased” with rumors, gossip and unpleasant comments that despite her third pregnancy, the singer is still not married.

We must pay tribute to all the questions; Anna Sedokova answered calmly, confidently and quite frankly. She said the baby's father was very happy when he found out about the pregnancy. But Anna does not intend to reveal the name of the future baby’s father, and here’s why.

I’ve been in this show business for 15 years now, and I’ve partly become its hostage. I think that I made a lot of mistakes - including the fact that I showed my previous relationships. Please give me a chance to be happy. I beg you, as a woman, I really want to build my relationship and will tell you about it when I’m ready.

As for questions about how the singer managed to hide her pregnancy for five whole months, even from her own children, Anna answered that she had to eat a lot so that everyone would think she was fat. Anna Sedokova also let slip that this time she is expecting a son.

We remind you: 12-year-old Alina and 5-year-old Monica live and study in America.

I didn’t tell my children about pregnancy until the 5th or even more than a month. When she said that they would have a brother, they reacted well. Alina resigned herself - she said, “I’m ready if you buy me a cat.” And Monica is completely delighted - she kisses and hugs my stomach every minute. How did they not realize that I was pregnant? I walked around and ate a lot so that everyone thought I was just fat. And they even posted photos of me on the Internet where I was fat and ugly. And I thought - damn, you can’t tell anyone that I’m just in a position! And I hid it for so long because I didn’t want anyone to feel sorry for me. I am a manager, I have more than 20 people working for me. And I didn’t want to be told: “You’re hormonal, you’re crazy.” Well, I wanted the personal to remain personal.

When it came to the comments of spiteful critics that Anna Sedokova was still not married, and with her third child no one would marry her, the singer was adamant. We are sure that Anna Sedokova’s answer should be on par with the letter from Jennifer Aniston, who spoke out against her body being under a constant barrage of discussions in the spirit of “is it a pregnant belly or has she just gained weight” and who shamed those who criticize women for an imperfect figure after childbirth.

I used to think that I had to get married and only after that give birth to a child, that I owed someone something. But I'm 34 years old. And at this age I already have the right not to be in debt to anyone. Not to Rosa Syabitova, not to anyone else. I believe that a woman has every right to give birth to a child, not because she is married, but because she wants to be happy. And she can be a mother and not stay at home. At the same time he can receive education and work. Yes, maybe no one will marry me again with three children. But none of this matters.

At the same time, on her Instagram account, the singer rather sharply reminded commentators that, be that as it may, when discussing her, they are discussing a living person.

Have some people really lost their sense of tact and decency so much that looking into another person’s underwear is now the norm? Or maybe artists have started walking naked so often that by not showing your butt, you now seem abnormal, hiding something, or even strange? How can you come to my page and write nasty things in my comments? Or is it so easy to discuss who the father of the child is... Isn’t it clear that now they are not discussing their potatoes and cabbage in the garden, but a person’s life. That I am alive, especially vulnerable now. That I am absolutely a person with emotions and feelings, that I read all this, get upset, worry. That I, like everyone on this planet, have the right to a personal life, and especially this right has the little person who 15 years ago did not choose to become a singer, go to theater or study to become a TV presenter. Little Angel just chose me. I am very happy, and I will protect this choice like a tigress. It is clear that none of us are saints. It is understood that when we gather in the kitchen, we pour tea and wash the bones of those whose lives are more interesting than ours. But please, don’t come to my house with dirty shoes and show off your privates. If it’s common practice in your home to poop on the carpet in the living room and you’re so used to it that it doesn’t even stink, then don’t judge other people by yourself. Some people do it in the toilet. For example, Tito the cat! Even the cat knows where this belongs.

Millions of fans learned that the famous soloist of the “golden” cast of “VIA Gra” was expecting a child through her Instagram. Less than a week has passed since Anna, despite her situation (she plans to give birth in the spring, but has not yet decided where exactly. - Ed.), flew to Moscow from Los Angeles to present her new song, video and album. She also invited the press to the new office on Kutuzovsky, because it is known that Sedokova is also a businesswoman: she produces clothes, has a company for organizing events, as well as her own music production.

Photo by Yulia Shablovskaya

There were a lot of questions for the “slightly” pregnant singer. And the first thing Anna answered was the main one: “Who is the father of the child?”

Only men ask me about this. It seems that they are worried that they are the father of the child. I can say that one of those present in the hall is definitely the father of the child. Joke! Are you scared? Could this be not the father, but the mother? Katya Varnava suggested that it was Sergei Lazarev. Seriously, I can just say that you know me, I’ve been in this show business for 15 years and I’m partly a hostage. I used to make a million mistakes when showing my relationships. Please give me a chance to be happy and maintain this happiness. I beg you as a woman. I know that everyone is interested, everyone wants to know. But please give me a chance to build a relationship and I will definitely tell you about them when I’m ready,” Sedokova said.

Then presenter Alexander Belov reminded the singer of how Roza Syabitova spoke about her on the central channel: “Sedokova is recyclable material, she already has two children, who will marry her, who needs her?”, to which the artist responded like this:

I encounter such questions every day. I think there are a lot of women who date them besides me. I used to think very strongly that I had to get married, only to have a child when I was married, that I owed someone something. But today I am 34 years old. And during these years I have the right not to be in debt to anyone. I believe that a woman in our time can give birth to a child not because she is married, but because she really wants to be happy, she really wants a child. She can simultaneously give birth to a child and be a fulfilled person. She doesn't have to sit at home, she can get an education, she can work. A pregnant woman is not a sick woman. She can be beautiful, she can work. Kids are great. Yes, maybe no one will marry me again with three children and this will never happen to me. None of this matters, she is convinced.

When I gave birth to my first child, Alina (she is 12 years old), I sang in a group, I had an incredible career. I was doing amazing, and I found out I was pregnant, so I had to leave, give up this career. I look at my little one now and it’s impossible to even imagine that I could give up this child! I didn't have to give up my career! A woman has a right! She can combine both career and work, and can be happy in her personal life!

Photo by Yulia Shablovskaya

When asked how many children she wanted, she answered: “Five!” And she added jokingly: “And definitely from different husbands!”

Sedokova also spoke about how the news of her daughter’s pregnancy and the child’s father received the news:

The child's father was incredibly happy. It seems to me that this is happiness for every person. I didn’t tell my children until the fifth month. To hide it, I ate a lot so that everyone would think I was just fat. And when they posted photos that I was fat and ugly, I thought, okay, I’m fat and ugly, because you can’t tell anyone: “I’m just pregnant!” So I ate constantly. Alina accepted the condition that I buy her a cat. Mona is absolutely delighted. “I will now have three: two girls and one more boy,” the singer announced. “I hid it for so long because I didn’t really want to be pitied!” I didn’t want my company (where I manage, where more than 20 people work) to be told: “You’re hormonal, you’re pregnant, you’re crazy!” For a very long time I did not talk about personal ups and downs in life, about some events, because it seems to me that this is a special story, very personal. This is not something you want to shout and talk about.

The last awkward question was about the new office and whose money Sedokova was using to maintain it.

This is my office, I pay for it myself,” the artist snapped. - I am incredibly offended by speculation that some oligarch, ex-husband or someone else is helping me. I work all my life, earn money, never complain. It can be difficult for me, but my business works, it makes money, thank God! I don't dream of becoming a woman with huge balls. But I really want to be independent in order to be interesting to my man. I come from a poor family and am proud to be a self-made woman. I’m definitely not a person who takes money from someone and flaunts it.
