Take care of your figure personal account. Stay fit and don't worry

Everything worked out - you managed to lose weight. Now the second part of the program begins: you need to maintain the new weight, and not only until the next vacation or Christmas holidays, but, best of all, for the rest of your life.

If you have spent enough time losing weight, this is truly the first step to a slim life for a long time. Research by American scientists has shown that the risk of gaining weight again doubles if a person quickly gets rid of a third of the lost weight. Over the past weeks and months, a person learns to eat a balanced diet. Observing yourself, finding out in what situations you want to eat most and what can be done in this case.

If you communicate with like-minded people, it will be easier to maintain weight than alone, scientists from the University of Maryland (USA) came to this conclusion.

Changing your eating habits is a long-term process (it can last a lifetime). But if you want to maintain your weight, then you must not make mistakes and forget what you have learned. As soon as you throw your new knowledge overboard and start living and eating as before, your weight will increase again, and faster than you managed to get rid of it.

Measure your weight once a week - preferably without clothes and at the same time (for example, before breakfast). Is the needle going off scale again? Take action right away and control your diet a little more strictly. You can get rid of extra pounds relatively quickly. And if more accumulate, it will be even more difficult than before.

Before and after diet

Anyone who wants to stay slim should actually eat the same as when losing weight. Of course, you can afford something special. But you need to maintain flexible control even when the desired body weight has been achieved. You shouldn't give up anything. But you need to regulate your daily intake of calories and consume them as much as your body needs (see article).

Don't forget that every person has their own personal likes and dislikes when it comes to food. And only if they are taken into account, weight loss will be successful for a long time. If a person simply cannot live without chocolate and pizza, it is unrealistic to give up these foods in the future. It makes much more sense to indulge in a few of these treats every once in a while and save the calories on something else, like skipping butter on your sandwich or skipping the coffee muffin after lunch.

Stay fit and don't worry

Movement is important not only for losing weight, but also for maintaining your figure. First of all, for those who are over the normal weight range, an additional fitness program is ideal to eliminate excess calories. Sports are also important if a person is often exposed to stressful situations. Add appropriate relaxation techniques to your daily schedule. So in the future you will be able to outwit the feeling of hunger.

Hi all!

After the birth of my son, I couldn’t get into shape for a long time. I didn’t give birth myself, I didn’t really breastfeed - it slowed down significantly. I would even say that it significantly slowed down the weight loss process.

I am not a supporter of diets, so I chose the option of counting calories. But what should I do? I don’t own a smartphone or even a tablet; counting on a piece of paper is also not a very convenient process, but I found a way out of this situation. The website Take Care [link] became my salvation.

I periodically work out on the computer and so I started counting calories on the website. I first write down what I ate in a notebook, and then I enter it into the database and see where I overate and where I didn’t eat.

Registration on the site.

Registration on the site is painfully simple. You can register either using your email or using your social network.

To start working on the site, you need to calculate the number of calories that will be optimal for your weight loss/weight gain/weight maintenance.

You need to indicate your individual parameters and what you want to achieve when counting calories.

Body calculators > Intake calculators > Calorie calculation

Personal diary > Personal goals


The site is very easy to use and has many features. The site is not overloaded with a lot of unnecessary information, articles, etc. - everything is convenient and simple. There is a window on the side that shows your current weight, how much you have already lost, how many calories you have burned and how many you have eaten, and also reflects the calories that you have left.

Functions and capabilities of the site.

The site has many features that will be useful for site users.

At the very top of the site there are 4 active buttons.

1. Body calculator. By clicking on it you will see the entire list of possibilities included in it.

2. Personal diary. This is your main panel. In it you indicate your goals, enter a food and exercise diary.

3. Calorie content. Here you can view the calorie content of certain products, and there is also a function for calculating the calories of a recipe - this is very convenient if the dish you prepared is not on the list.

4. Shape. I don't use it, but there you can chat, ask questions, etc.

I only use two functions on the site: calorie counting and calorie consumption counting. In these two functions there is a huge list for you to choose from, and you also have the opportunity to enter your product or your exercise, indicating the energy value and calorie content or calories expended.

Bottom line.

What can I say about this site? I am completely satisfied with its functionality. as well as a very simple and user-friendly interface. For people who do not have smartphones, this will be a real salvation and make calorie counting easier. They also have an app for Android.

This is not the first time I have used this site and nothing has changed in it, it remains just as convenient and simple.

I hope my review was useful to you.

Other reviews about losing weight and staying in shape:

If we treat obesity as a not entirely normal state of the body, that is, as a disease, it is worth applying another rule of medicine to it. Namely: the appearance of excess weight, like illness, is easier to prevent than to get rid of it. It seems that those who have repeatedly and sometimes unsuccessfully tried to fight aggravating kilograms will not argue with the last statement. But how can one guess when and how a pleasant rounding of feminine forms can become the beginning of the transformation of a young and slender creature into a hulking, overweight fat woman?

There come times in the life of any woman when the chances of gaining excess weight increase many times over than usual. And although, of course, the developmental features of any organism differ individually, a certain dependence can still be traced. Today we will try to do this.

The first pregnancy and the birth of a child are a serious test for a woman’s figure. As a rule, during this period, all the thoughts of the expectant mother are aimed at the health of the first-born and she does not think about the consequences of the sometimes incredibly increased appetite. Myths that the taste preferences of pregnant women must be catered to are reinforced by “folk wisdom and superstitions” that are literally stunning in their naivety, such as: “You cannot limit yourself in food, otherwise the child will be born hungry” or “The more sweets you eat, the richer he will be, when he grows up." So the expectant mother begins to eat heavily on rich buns and sweet cakes with rich cream, in fact justifying her own gastronomic promiscuity “in the interests of the offspring.”

The weight is growing catastrophically. And it is by no means a fact that the first-born will be born into this world as a hero. But there is no doubt that the mother’s knees, unaccustomed to the sudden weight that has fallen on them, will buckle.

The question of losing weight immediately after the birth of a child usually does not arise. First of all, there’s no time for that: new worries, sleepless nights at the crib of your beloved baby take thoughts about your own figure and weight into the background. Secondly, another comforting myth comes to the rescue about “milk fullness,” which supposedly will disappear by itself as soon as the mother stops breastfeeding. And again crumpets, buns, fried potatoes and salads generously seasoned with mayonnaise appear on the table. Please note that this menu does not differ in vitamin diversity. Guided by the “interests of posterity,” it would be more logical to replace the potatoes with cottage cheese, the bun with an apple, prepare a vegetable salad and season it with a spoon of olive oil. But…

However, indeed, after stopping breastfeeding, the figure of the young mother gradually begins to return to its previous shape. And many even manage to relatively easily regain their previous weight and an almost girlish waist. So, maybe you shouldn’t attach much importance to the extra pounds gained during pregnancy?

The problem is that, according to the laws of human anatomy and physiology, fat cells once formed remain with us for the rest of our lives. By losing weight, we do not get rid of them for good, but only reduce their volume, as if squeezing its contents out of the cell. But nature does not tolerate emptiness, and at the slightest opportunity the cell again and very quickly restores its volume. This is why, by the way, attempts to dramatically lose weight in adulthood are so painful and often fruitless. So, a strict and rational diet is the basic principle that will help a young mother stay slim.

Most often, and this is natural, a second child appears in a family three to four years after the birth of the first. And even if the mother, taught by bitter previous experience, tries not to repeat mistakes and monitor weight gain, extra pounds appear much easier and faster than during the first pregnancy. And no wonder! After all, as we already know, places for the deposition of fat accumulations have already been identified and prepared. Therefore, the process proceeds, as they say, along a well-trodden path. But getting rid of its consequences requires making much greater efforts.

For many of us, it is the second birth that becomes that critical moment when it seems that we no longer have the strength to resist the piling up kilograms and all that remains is to resign ourselves and take for granted the blurred waist, the fat “corset”, and sagging hips. Indeed, what could be simpler than to wave one’s hand at oneself and, like the mother of the Gracchi, pointing at the children, exclaim: “Here is my wealth!” The main thing is the health of the children, and you can discount your own appearance. But you should remember that it was easier for the ancient Roman matron to hide figure defects under the folds of wide clothes. And besides, at thirty-five years old in those days a woman was already considered an old woman. But after the birth of our second child, we also have to make a career.

So, during the second pregnancy, in caring for your figure, constant physical activity should be added to a strict and rational diet. Mandatory long walks, sets of special exercises, which can be found in any antenatal clinic - all this will benefit not only the mother herself, but also the child.

It is very important after childbirth to help the body return to its place everything that is stretched, moved apart and lowered. Do not neglect the recommendations of doctors and completely reject bandages that support bandages. Nowadays, rarely anyone can boast of well-developed muscles. Therefore, it makes sense to help the stretched abdominal muscles a little to return the internal organs to their place.

It is not for nothing that the menopausal period is considered the most difficult in a woman’s life. Hormonal changes not only affect the physical state of the body, but also often have a negative impact on the psyche. However, there is a rational grain in the expression: “What you expect is what you get.” Experts note that menopause passes more easily and unnoticed in those women who treat it as a completely natural, predetermined process by nature itself. However, it’s still not worth leaving things to chance. A woman’s health during this period requires special attention.

Under no circumstances should you torture yourself with strict diets. If in youth they are fraught mainly with gastritis and other problems for the gastrointestinal tract and stomach, then with age the list of risks is also replenished with osteoporosis, arthritis, serious damage to the liver and biliary tract.

It is during this period that any woman must make her choice. Figuratively speaking, you have to choose between a rich bun and a dried out crust. No matter where you go, we're all getting old. How you want to prolong your youth! How I wish I could still move easily and not bypass stores with clothes not only for giants. But at the same time, you need to live, eat and move in such a way that you don’t look like a dried out crust, but also don’t go from the category of butter buns to the category of anniversary boundless loaves. Or maybe this desire belongs to the category of pipe dreams? There is no need to despair, because in return for youth, life gives us experience, knowledge and wisdom.

So, what should you pay special attention to with the onset of the “Balzac age”. In general, the principles remain the same, but their implementation requires special care and patience. The daily menu must include foods rich in calcium: cottage cheese with a high fat content (calcium from low-fat cottage cheese, like from other low-fat dairy products, is practically not absorbed by the body); natural, not processed cheese; kefir. Contrary to the claims of some nutritionists, you cannot completely give up animal fats. Especially during the damp and cold autumn and winter months. If your body is exhausted, the flu, complicated by bronchitis, will make you much slimmer, but why do you need such slenderness?

Food should contain as few preservatives as possible. It has already been proven that these substances, which extend the shelf life of products to some fantastic levels, do not have the best effect on metabolic processes in the body. The rule that food is healthier the less hands it has been touched during preparation is absolutely true at any age, but it takes on special meaning for older people.

Vegetables and fruits also need to be treated wisely and carefully. It is no secret that in pursuit of profit, producers thoroughly “feed” them with chemical fertilizers. But if in youth nitrate poisoning can cause a slight upset stomach, then over the years it can result in serious and long-lasting allergic reactions and disturbances in respiratory and cardiac activity.

Thus, the main principle of nutrition in these years should be the highest possible quality of products with a corresponding reduction in their quantity.
