Burkov A.A. Analysis of the motivation function using the example of Steve Jobs' leadership

After all, the more satisfied and happy the employee, the more productive he becomes. Business Insider decided to find out how the company is doing with this and turned to the Glassdoor website.

This is a platform where employees of various companies, on condition of anonymity, can share their opinions about working conditions. Apple's rating on this site is 4.5 out of 5 stars. People in their reviews indicate that Apple tries to please and motivate its employees the most different ways, ranging from free gym memberships to organizing free concerts with the participation of world stars.

Business Insider has selected the 6 most interesting “goodies” that await all future Apple employees. The list is far from complete, but nonetheless. So, how does Tim Cook's company motivate its people?


Glassdoor users report that Apple employees receive an annual discount of 25% on purchases of iPod music players, computers and iPads. Every three years, workers also receive a $250 rebate on the purchase of an iPad or a $500 rebate on the purchase of a Mac line of computers. In addition, Apple employees receive a 50 percent discount on purchases. software. Apple cares not only about its employees, but also their families and friends, providing various discounts on this or that product.

Support for family values

Despite the fact that the new Apple campus does not provide kindergarten, the company allows expectant mothers to take four weeks of fully paid leave before giving birth, as well as 14 weeks of rest after giving birth, which, of course, is also fully paid. The company also did not ignore those who are not yet planning to add a new addition to their family. They are given six weeks of paid leave each year.

Caring for the future

In addition to social support for families, Apple also invites its young employees to take care of the future of their families. Many 20-year-old girls working in a company may not be ready or simply do not want to have children at that age and prefer to focus on their career. However, many of them also think about the possible risks that may be associated with delayed pregnancy. Some people start thinking about having a child only after 30, and in some cases even after 40 years. For such people, Apple has also provided everything. The company has signed an agreement with companies offering cryofreezing healthy eggs, which preserves the possibility of giving birth in the future. Pleasure is not cheap. A similar procedure in the USA costs about $10,000. But Apple values ​​its employees and is ready to make such expenses.


Apple employees are typically workaholics, writes one user of the website Glassdoor. Therefore, Apple tries to encourage its workers in every possible way by offering free beer and snacks in the company's own beer bar. Moreover, Apple very often invites various famous musicians to hold concerts especially for company employees. Stevie Wonder, Demi Lovato , OneRepublic are just a few names among the huge list of celebrities who have entertained and hosted special events organized by Apple.


One of the employees of the New York office of Apple shared that Apple annually provides its employees with certificates worth $300, which they can spend on visiting the gym.

Taking care of newcomers

New employees of the company receive 12 days of paid vacation. At the same time, Glassdoor users note that the number of vacation days increases over time.

Some people, after reading all this, may have the opinion that Apple is best company for work. Perhaps this is true, but this apparently concerns only those who work directly as office employees. In fact, Apple very often finds itself at the center of scandals related to slave labor conditions in factories where employees assemble its equipment.

The first rule of Apple Corporate University is to never talk about Apple Corporate University to anyone. The second rule of Apple Corporate University is to never, ever talk about Apple Corporate University to anyone. To the publication The New The York Times recently had the good fortune of obtaining (with the help of three anonymous Apple employees) a description of the curriculum.

Information about Apple’s special corporate training program is practically classified, and even its very existence was previously almost never written about in the press (journalist and writer Walter Isaacson mentioned it in passing in his biography of Jobs). In principle, employees are not recommended to talk in too much detail about what is happening in the company, and corporate courses are no exception. But the journalists still managed to find out a little about them. The program was developed with the participation of Steve Jobs himself - with its help, he wanted to instill in employees the company's culture, make them understand the history of Apple, as well as how the world of technology has changed and continues to change. This program is a reflection of what Apple is to the world.

You can sign up for courses on Apple's internal website, which is accessible only to employees. Groups are formed based on the tasks and experience of specialists. For example, the founders of companies recently acquired by Apple were recently given specific training on how to manage talent and resources. The company may also offer a separate course for Beats employees ( company created by rapper Dr. Dre, which was recently bought by Apple - approx. ed.).

Elitism. Training is conducted on a year-round basis at the company's headquarters in Cupertino. Apple hires full-time faculty from Yale, Harvard, Stanford and other top educational institutions. One of the professors at Yale School of Management developed special course for Apple at the request of Steve Jobs.

Learning to make business decisions at Apple. In one course, "students" study the company's research and case studies, such as how to set up iTunes and iPod to work with Windows. According to The New York Times, this was the topic of extremely heated debate among executives. Jobs always hated the idea of ​​syncing the iPod with Windows, but in the end he agreed with the team. The availability of the iPod to Windows users led to an explosion in sales on iTunes, which then contributed to the success of the iPhone.

Mission and communications at Apple. During one of the classes, students were shown a series of 11 drawings by Pablo Picasso, “Bull.” On the first there are horns, hooves and other attributes, on the last there is an abstraction, although it is still quite obvious that this is still a bull. This is roughly what Apple's communication method is like: going through a series of iterations to deliver your message in a concise manner, cutting out the fluff, and creating a true work of art. “An artist knows that he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away,” Exupery said about this and he was right.

"Better Things" The title of this course (The Best Things) is taken from a quote by Steve Jobs. Its purpose is to remind employees that they should surround themselves the best things and the most talented people to do their job better.

One of the course teachers, Stanford professor Joshua Cohen, spoke about how Central Park was created in New York. Initially, the park space was rather unattractive, with an unfortunate wild landscape, but the creators wanted to use it to give New Yorkers the experience of interacting with nature. This metaphor explains the work of the company founded by Jobs: to make complex Computer techologies understandable and natural for the user.

What makes Apple an Apple company? During the lesson of the course of the same name, students were shown remote controls remote control for Google TV and Apple TV. The first has 78 buttons, the second has only 3 (three). The difference between products comes from how the team operates, said corporate course instructor Randy Nelson (who joined Apple from Pixar). How did the designers decide on three buttons? They started with an idea and discussed it until they found what they needed: a button to play and pause a video, a button to select something to watch, and a button to return to the main menu. That's all. The Google TV remote control serves as an excellent counterexample: probably every designer and engineer there was able to add to the remote control what they wanted. Apple came to a joint decision on what was necessary. This is reminiscent of Conway's law, which goes something like this: "An organization that develops a system... is forced to make a system that is structurally similar to the structure of communications within the organization." Apple's system is brilliant. And secret.

It's no secret that many large IT companies practice a culture of rewarding their employees. To motivate their staff, they are ready to offer more than just free health insurance and lunches. After all, the more satisfied and happy the employee, the more productive he becomes. Business Insider decided to find out how Apple is doing with this and turned to the Glassdoor website. This is a platform where employees of various companies, on condition of anonymity, can share their opinions about working conditions. Apple's rating on this site is 4.5 out of 5 stars. People in their reviews indicate that Apple tries to please and motivate its employees in a variety of ways, from free gym memberships to organizing free concerts with the participation of world stars.

Business Insider has selected the 6 most interesting “goodies” that await all future Apple employees. The list is far from complete, but nonetheless. So, how does Tim Cook's company motivate its people?


Glassdoor users report that Apple employees receive an annual discount of 25% on purchases of iPod music players, computers and iPads. Every three years, workers also receive a $250 rebate on the purchase of an iPad or a $500 rebate on the purchase of a Mac line of computers. In addition, Apple employees receive a 50 percent discount on software purchases. Apple cares not only about its employees, but also their families and friends, providing various discounts on this or that product.

Support for family values

Despite the fact that at the new Apple campus, the company allows expectant mothers to take four weeks of fully paid leave before giving birth, as well as 14 weeks of rest after giving birth, which, of course, is also paid in full. The company also did not ignore those who are not yet planning to add a new addition to their family. They are given six weeks of paid leave each year.

Caring for the future

In addition to social support for families, Apple also invites its young employees to take care of the future of their families. Many 20-year-old girls working in a company may not be ready or simply do not want to have children at that age and prefer to focus on their career. However, many of them also think about the possible risks that may be associated with delayed pregnancy. Some people start thinking about having a child only after 30, and in some cases even after 40 years. For such people, Apple has also provided everything. The company has signed agreements with companies that offer cryo-freezing of healthy eggs, preserving the possibility of giving birth in the future. Pleasure is not cheap. A similar procedure in the USA costs about $10,000. But Apple values ​​its employees and is ready to make such expenses.


Apple employees are usually workaholics, writes one Glassdoor user. Therefore, Apple tries to encourage its workers in every possible way by offering free beer and snacks in the company's own beer bar. Moreover, Apple very often invites various famous musicians to hold concerts especially for company employees. Stevie Wonder, Demi Lovato, OneRepublic are just a few of the names among the huge list of celebrities who have entertained and hosted special events organized by Apple.


One of the employees of the New York office of Apple shared that Apple annually provides its employees with certificates worth $300, which they can spend on visiting the gym.

Taking care of newcomers

New employees of the company receive 12 days of paid vacation. At the same time, Glassdoor users note that the number of vacation days increases over time.

Some people, after reading all this, may have the opinion that Apple is the best company to work for. This may be true, but this apparently applies only to those who work directly as office employees. In fact, Apple very often finds itself at the center of scandals related to slave labor conditions in factories where employees assemble its equipment. One of the latest such scandals broke out quite recently. Journalists found out that at Foxconn factories (where all Apple products are mainly assembled), machines that assemble new iPhones spend 11 hours every day, supposedly as a credit for practice.

I chose a topic related to the problem of motivation, because I think it is very important. Every company strives to increase profits and this can be achieved through the hard work of the entire team. It is no secret that not everyone wants to give it their all, when everyone without exception is capable of it. Therefore, managers resort to motivating employees. It is by motivating staff that it is possible to achieve certain heights, and I believe that this is the key to the success of every company.

The process of motivation is not extremely labor-intensive, but not everyone is capable of it. There have been many different great people in history who could not motivate, but only forced people to work.

The task of solving the motivation function is to choose the most the right way motivation. There are a great many methods and each manager has his own approach, from a salary increase to a promotion.

I took Apple as an example, starting in 1997. It was then that he returned to the company after retirement Steve Jobs. Then the company suffered losses. But after returning Jobs Apple starts new life. And by 2012, Apple had become the most valuable company in history. I propose to look at the leader of the company and prove that it was his motivation that helped achieve this result. I am exploring aspects of Steve Jobs' motivation function. The study is very relevant, since motivation is one of the main functions of a manager, so it is important for a novice manager to know exactly how to motivate employees. Jobs' example is instructive.

The purpose of the study is to analyze the methods and results of Jobs' motivation.

Research objectives:

Assess the object of motivation, determine its mood, abilities, attitude towards the leader, innovation;

Analyze the leader and his leadership methods;

Determine Steve Jobs’ motivation method, consider other options and explain why this is the most preferable for staff;

Understand how Steve Jobs implements this method motivation and could he take other measures to achieve good results.

The object of my research is the motivation of Steve Jobs. I suggest looking at leadership first.

Steve Jobs as a leader

Do what you love and change the world for the better.

Steve Jobs

Apple and Steve Jobs are synonymous. It was he who moved the company forward, as he possessed the qualities of a leader. But what management style was typical of Steve Jobs? There are the following basic management styles: authoritarian (submission is based on coercion), democratic (subordination is based on trust) and charismatic (submission is based on the leader’s charm and motivation). Each of them is good in its own way. And each style requires an experienced manager with the makings of a leader. But here the question is very controversial, since the qualities of an ordinary leader mean the ability to manage personnel, but Steve was a charismatic leader and he had other skills, such as the ability to take the initiative and motivate staff. These are the qualities that Jobs possessed to perfection. His presentations are examples of his influence and gift of persuasion. The same thing was observed in the company when Jobs talked about innovation. With all his words, he argued that it was necessary to do exactly this and no other way, and sometimes without words it was clear that the idea deserved the right to exist.

It seemed like there was only one person at Apple. Steve Jobs needed people only to carry out production. Steve made all the decisions himself, he did what he thought was necessary, he made the company’s products. True, he had a circle of friends, company employees, with whom he discussed the main aspects of the company’s activities.

Jobs was a generator of ideas and these were truly brilliant ideas. No one could say that this idea was bad or unfinished, since such a person was immediately kicked out of the company. This determined the fate of the company. Jobs consulted almost no one if he was sure of his decision.

You can also highlight such a factor in the management of Jobs and all charismatic leaders as the absence of a hierarchy of workers. The idea belonged to Jobs, and the performers carried it out, and this was mainly their task. Jobs only occasionally delved into the essence of the process. Sometimes he didn’t think about how to implement the project, he simply knew that the project had to be implemented, and the development was already the job of the workers. Jobs just told me I need this and that’s it! The workers were wondering how to please Steve.

Steve also has a unique flair! He knows what the consumer needs, what he will like and understands what he may not like. Perfect example this fact is a demonstration of the Apple computer 1. The story is this: Steve Wozniak, a friend of Jobs, assembled unique car, which impressed Jobs. Wozniak had no intention of presenting his brainchild, so it simply collected dust on his shelf. Steve Jobs saw it and immediately decided to show it to the people. They went to a homemade computer club where they were noticed by the owner of a computer store, with whom the most important deal of their lives was subsequently concluded, according to Jobs. As a result, if it weren’t for Steve’s instinct that the computer would make a splash, there would now be nothing that we understand as the Apple brand.

Steve Jobs had some rules for success in his life. These rules show the essence of his nature and from them one can easily say that Jobs was a creative person capable of doing extraordinary things.

These are the rules:

1. Do what you love. The rule is that to do a job well, you need to love it. You need to find a hobby you like and just do it.

2. Be different. You need to think outside the box and then success will await you.

3. Try to achieve success in all your endeavors. Whatever you do, do it well and strive for excellence.

Analyzing these rules, you can understand that they have passed the test of life, since they arose naturally for a reason. Each point is based on personal experience Steve Jobs, and I believe that these rules must be followed to achieve success in your work.

Still, in analyzing Steve Jobs' leadership, one cannot do without the function of motivation. And here we can consider indirect motivation. By indirect motivation I mean Jobs’s charisma, his greatness influencing those around him. That's why I want to be like him. I propose to analyze the motivational process of Steve Jobs as a whole.

What is motivation?

Motivation is the forces existing inside or outside a person that arouse in him enthusiasm and perseverance in performing certain actions. The leader lets them know that what they do is important, so that they can do their job better. In other words, motivation is aimed at achieving some high results.

By analyzing people's motivational factors, one can understand that people are concerned about various problems, but they still have something in common.

For example, a study was conducted on the website motivateme.ru that identified the main motivational factors since 2007.

The most significant are personal development and relationships with colleagues. Of course, these are not unimportant factors, since work can suffer due to a bad attitude.

As for the types of motivation, there are several of them:

Material motivation

Social motivation

Psychological motivation

Material motivation – motivating employees through salary increases or bonuses. Also, an example of motivation can be found by looking into the childhood of any child. You had to study hard to get a bicycle or soccer balls and so on. We can say that motivation affects everyone, regardless of age, but depends on reward. For example, if an employee is promised a bicycle instead of a bonus, he, of course, will not waste his energy.

Social motivation is motivation associated with improving one's position in relation to others, both at work and in other situations. Promotion is at stake here. social status. An employee works much better if he is confident that he will be promoted after doing a thorough job. Such an engine very clearly shows the nature of a person. Let's say employee A they said he would be promoted if he did a better job employee B. A will interfere in every possible way and spoil the work B, because he really wants this promotion. Also, an example would be a quarrel with a relative, and you are told what you need to do to be forgiven.

Psychological motivation is based on motive. A person wants something and he knows his goal, knows his capabilities and simply tries to achieve the goal. This type of motivation is inherent in everyone, without exception. For example, the dream of becoming a musician. I listen to music and want to be like my idol, and this means that I have a desire to be like him. There is a goal, which means I make plans to achieve it. Of course, everyone has their own goals and motives.

The motivation process is carried out before the start of work in order to prepare employees, and after that the reward is carried out. But this is not always effective, since the employee can get bogged down in the process, forget about the promised reward and ultimately give up what he started. Here the following point of view comes into play (applicable only for material motivation): “Staff must be constantly motivated, throughout the entire work process, then there will be a result. Success follows success." A completely understandable point of view. The employee will constantly receive “gratitude” for his achievements and will be even more eager to do even better. But do not forget that an employee can get used to constant bonuses and become spoiled.

Moreover, if your work is done well and your company has significantly improved its position, you may be sent abroad for important negotiations as a representative of the company. I believe that such a motive can greatly motivate an employee, especially a young one.

When talking about Steve Jobs' motivation, we can talk about psychological motivation. After analyzing the leader, we realized that Steve Jobs is a charismatic leader. In other words, Jobs inspired employees with his worldview, politics and charisma. He is someone you want to look up to and the staff tried to reach the same level that Jobs achieved. Accordingly, the desire to be like the leader improves work activity.

Steve Jobs, motivation or compulsion?

Jobs' motivation is based on the fact that there should be only one job and you should love it. Work will occupy a very large part of your life, and the only way to get real satisfaction from work is to do it well and be aware of it. And the only way to do your job perfectly is to love it. (Steve Jobs)

If you love what you do, then you will succeed in your business. Motivating to look for your favorite business, it inspires you to look at what Jobs achieved by loving computers.

I fully share Steve Jobs' point of view. Today there are many people who hate their jobs. Yes it is and it is wrong. For example, worker A On Monday morning he gets up for work. He wants to sleep and it is very difficult for him to get up. We can say that a person has no urge to get out of bed, because he wants to stay in it and the desire is so irresistible that he decides to continue going to bed and eventually oversleep. I can explain this by saying that employee A he just doesn't like his job. He doesn't want to go there! Every morning he doesn’t want to go to this terrible place, and it’s not that he’s lazy. Eg, A friends invited me for a walk early in the morning. A he can go for a walk since there is nothing to do and he really likes to spend time with friends. And here is such a super opportunity! There is no work, he is free and of course he needs to have fun. He gets up early in the morning and goes to his friends without any problems. It turns out that A He's always waiting for work to end so he can go and relax. He lies in bed early in the morning not because he wants to sleep, but because he does not like his job.

This is not an Apple principle. Everything is wrong in this company, because it transforms a person’s personality by offering its own rules. And this is not an imposition, but a gift. This is your own worldview and few people will want to leave it themselves. Jobs' motivation is a fine line between persuasion and imposition.

Below is the note that every new Apple employee receives:

There's work and there's your life's work.

The kind of work that has your fingerprints all over it. The kind of work that you’d never compromise on. That sacrifice a weekend for. You can do that kind of work at Apple. People don't come here to play it safe. They come here to swine in the deep end.

They want their work to add up to something.

Something big. Something that couldn’t happen anywhere else. Welcome to Apple.

These words will no doubt make an impression. Penetrating into the very essence, you can understand that Steve Jobs sincerely loves his job. In the letter, he writes that this is a job for life, and he will not tolerate neglect. It requires full dedication and involvement in the process.

Indeed, we do what we love with pleasure, and we penetrate into the essence of the process, trying to understand it. If you understand, you will succeed in your business. Everything ingenious is simple. Here you can also mention the words of Steve Jobs: “We didn’t know it was impossible, so we did it.” Based on these words, it is clear that desperate steps towards perfection helped achieve success.

The letter states the basic principles of the individual and at the same time the rules that must be followed. For example, a sentence that talks about the fear of taking some step. Here Steve seems to be telling the employee to get rid of the fear of making a mistake and just follow his intuition. Also, it can be understood that those who hesitate and fear everything will not stay in the company for long. These are Apple's rules, these are Steve Jobs' rules.

Steve Jobs said: “The client never knows what exactly he wants, and the manufacturer especially does not know this. So the task is to predict what the consumer will want and what will appeal to them.”

I think this is one of the most important factors Jobs' motivation. He seems to be saying, look wider and anticipate the buyer’s steps, because they are predictable. Therefore, Apple is always one step ahead of its competitors.

Also, to evaluate the function of motivation, we can cite as an example the following words of Jobs: “Innovation distinguishes the leader from the catcher.” You always need to come up with something new and unusual, you always need to improve the old. Thus, motivating the staff to do something new, something that has not been done anywhere else, as bold as will and madness are enough.

Steve Jobs: “Stay hungry. Stay reckless.” Employees perceive these words as the main engine of their work. They are constantly in search of perfection, they look for a way out of the current situation and eventually find it. I was also impressed by these words and I can safely say that it works. If you constantly look for something and try to do it, it will come to you.

Another important addition to Steve Jobs's motivation process is his desire for simplicity in everything. “ Don't overthink it, throw out unnecessary parts, the product should be graceful and easy to use so that both children and adults can use it.” Thus, Jobs, one might say, simplified the task, but that was not the case. Creating a simple and unusual device is much more difficult. The staff becomes focused on ease of use and simply creates. What the company does can be called creativity.

It can also be said about Steve Jobs that he had strong character, and here are his words on this matter: “I'm the only one person I know that's lost a quarter of a billion dollars in one year...It's very character-building” You know, these words help to understand that Steve was a very risky person, and he was not afraid to stumble. Analyzing these words, it is clearly visible that such Jobs did not tolerate weak-willed employees. He motivates people so that they become stronger and are not afraid of obstacles. Apple's motto is “Always Forward, No matter the Difficulty.”

One of Jobs' main principles was hard work. He always said to do something, to come up with something new. He said: “Do what you like. Be honest with me and we will change the world for the better.” In other words, Jobs pointed to a relationship between leader and staff built on complete trust and honesty. Your thoughts must flow in one stream so that the leader and subordinates understand each other. Once you achieve this understanding, you can accomplish great things, as we see with Apple.

This also includes the greatness of Jobs as a motivational factor. His goals and philosophy inspired many to do the impossible, telling themselves I can do it and I know that this must be done. The fear of following his goals caused some fear on the part of his wards, but there were still people who were able to understand him and who were not afraid to stumble. They were so involved in the process that they imbued Jobs with his philosophy and followed him.

Conclusion: To summarize, I would like to mention the contribution of Steve Jobs to the life of every person. His worldview helps not to despair in difficult times. Even if you don't like Apple products, you can't help but respect Jobs. This man went against the system, he did not follow the rules and many will say that it was wrong and what he did was crazy, but we should not forget what he achieved.

His motivation does incredible things. I proved that everything Apple achieved was thanks to Jobs' perseverance and determination. He is great, and he passed on his greatness to his workers. He was brave, and he passed on his courage to his employees. Jobs did not resort to material motivation. He himself is a motivational factor.

Many strive for success, many want to do great things. But do you have the courage? Do you have enough strength and patience? No one can guarantee that everything will work out, but this should not scare you. The path of a leader is a path of trial and error. Steve Jobs wasn't afraid, so he did it.

There are many people in history who changed the world. And I can safely say that Steve Jobs is one of those people.

Isaacson W. Steve Jobs. – Litres, 2013.

SWOT analysis is an internal analysis that reveals strengths, weak sides, threats, opportunities.






Linzmayer O. W. Apple confidential 2.0: The definitive history of the world’s most colorful company. – No Starch Press, 2004.

It's no secret that many large IT companies practice a culture of rewarding their employees. To motivate their staff, they are willing to offer more than just free health insurance and lunch. After all, the more satisfied and happy the employee, the more productive he becomes. Business Insider decided to find out how Apple is doing with this and turned to the Glassdoor website. This is a platform where employees of various companies, on condition of anonymity, can share their opinions about working conditions. Apple's rating on this site is 4.5 out of 5 stars. People in their reviews indicate that Apple tries to please and motivate its employees in a variety of ways, from free gym memberships to organizing free concerts with the participation of world stars.

Business Insider has selected the 6 most interesting “goodies” that await all future Apple employees. The list is far from complete, but nonetheless. So, how does Tim Cook's company motivate its people?


Glassdoor users report that Apple employees receive an annual discount of 25% on purchases of iPod music players, computers and iPads. Every three years, workers also receive a $250 rebate on the purchase of an iPad or a $500 rebate on the purchase of a Mac line of computers. In addition, Apple employees receive a 50 percent discount on software purchases. Apple cares not only about its employees, but also their families and friends, providing various discounts on this or that product.

Support for family values

Although Apple's new campus doesn't offer daycare, the company allows expectant mothers to take four weeks of fully paid leave before giving birth, as well as 14 weeks of leave after giving birth, which, of course, is also fully paid. The company also did not ignore those who are not yet planning to add a new addition to their family. They are given six weeks of paid leave each year.

Caring for the future

In addition to social support for families, Apple also invites its young employees to take care of the future of their families. Many 20-year-old girls working in a company may not be ready or simply do not want to have children at that age and prefer to focus on their career. However, many of them also think about the possible risks that may be associated with delayed pregnancy. Some people start thinking about having a child only after 30, and in some cases even after 40 years. For such people, Apple has also provided everything. The company has signed agreements with companies that offer cryo-freezing of healthy eggs, preserving the possibility of giving birth in the future. Pleasure is not cheap. A similar procedure in the USA costs about $10,000. But Apple values ​​its employees and is ready to make such expenses.


Apple employees are typically workaholics, writes one Glassdoor user. Therefore, Apple tries to encourage its workers in every possible way by offering free beer and snacks in the company's own beer bar. Moreover, Apple very often invites various famous musicians to hold concerts especially for company employees. Stevie Wonder, Demi Lovato, OneRepublic are just a few of the names among the huge list of celebrities who have entertained and hosted special events organized by Apple.


One of the employees of the New York office of Apple shared that Apple annually provides its employees with certificates worth $300, which they can spend on visiting the gym.

Taking care of newcomers

New employees of the company receive 12 days of paid vacation. At the same time, Glassdoor users note that the number of vacation days increases over time.

Some people, after reading all this, may have the opinion that Apple is the best company to work for. This may be true, but this apparently applies only to those who work directly as office employees. In fact, Apple very often finds itself at the center of scandals related to slave labor conditions in factories where employees assemble its equipment. One of the latest such scandals broke out quite recently. Journalists found out that at Foxconn factories (where most of Apple's products are assembled), underage students are forced to work on the machines, assembling new iPhones for 11 hours every day, supposedly as part of practice.
