What do you need to obtain a weapons license? Official rating of companies for issuing permits for smooth-bore weapons

Buying a good weapon by the beginning of the 2020 season is a paramount task for a hunter. The assortment in our stores is quite wide. It is possible to buy a smooth-bore and rifled gun, from a Russian manufacturer or a foreign company, mass-produced or handmade. But it is possible to obtain the right to own your own weapon only with a license, and cartridges will not be sold unless a permit (RoHa) is issued. To collect permits, you must obtain a hunting license. In order not to find yourself unarmed by the beginning of the hunting season, you will have to take care of everything in advance, since the registration process may take a long time.

Algorithm of necessary actions (relevant in 2020)

  1. Get a hunting license;
  2. Prepare a place to store weapons and ammunition;
  3. Undergo training to learn the rules of safe handling of weapons and acquire skills in safe handling of weapons (for those who apply for a license for the first time);
  4. Study and pass the Okhotminimum;
  5. Obtain a license to purchase hunting smooth-bore or pneumatic weapons, as well as ammunition for them;
  6. Buy a hunting weapon and register it with the National Guard;
  7. Obtain permission to store and carry hunting weapons.

After this, you can already buy more cartridges, a knife and other things the hunter needs. Obtain a permit for the extraction of hunting resources and a permit (for hunting in designated areas). Find a fun company and go to the opening.

Advice. Register on the State Services website and confirm your identity to use all services. This will save you a lot of time.

Getting a hunter's ticket in 2020

A hunting license is a uniform state document that confirms a citizen’s right to hunt throughout the country. You cannot get a gun license without a hunter's license. It is completed after submitting an application of the established form to the authorities authorized to solve problems in your region in the field of ecology and environmental management. You can submit an application through the State Services website or in person.

In addition to the application itself, you must provide:

  • copy of passport;
  • color or black and white photo 30×40 mm (1 pc.)

After registering with State Services and selecting a service, it may turn out that it is impossible to apply for a hunting license electronically in your city. Then you'll have to go yourself.

The authorities have 5 working days to make a decision on issuing or refusing to issue a hunter's ticket. The following facts may serve as grounds for a negative decision for the applicant:

  • the applicant is a minor or incapacitated by a court;
  • reporting false (erroneous) or incomplete data;
  • the application was submitted before the end of the deprivation, if the person was previously deprived of the right to hunt;
  • outstanding/unexpunged conviction for a crime committed intentionally.

A 2020 hunting license is provided free of charge. Its action is not limited by time. To receive the completed document, you must personally appear at the appointed place and time and present your passport.

We buy a safe

The conditions for storing civilian weapons are regulated by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On measures to regulate the circulation of civilian and service weapons and ammunition on the territory of the Russian Federation” No. 814 of July 21, 1998 (as amended on May 17, 2017).

Ordinary citizens of the Russian Federation, that is, you and me, must store weapons and ammunition at their place of residence in compliance with conditions that ensure their safety, security of storage and exclude access to them by unauthorized persons, in locked safes, safe cabinets or metal cabinets for storing weapons, boxes made of high-strength materials or in wooden boxes lined with iron.

At the same time, local internal affairs bodies have the right to check the storage conditions of weapons registered by them.

Please note that there are no other requirements (bars on windows, alarms, a mandatory second lock, screwing the safe to the wall).

But there is GOST R 56367-2015 “Safes and metal cabinets for storing civilian weapons and ammunition. General technical conditions”. Adopted on January 25, 2017, effective from January 1, 2019

According to GOST, a gun safe weighing less than 100 kg must have anchor holes for fastening. The safe must have a bolt system installed that can lock the door in at least three directions. The safe must be equipped with a lockable compartment for storing cartridges.

Conclusions - take care of the safe to create conditions for safe storage and completely prevent unauthorized access to your weapons. If it's easy, screw it to the wall. You will be calmer.

We undergo training - we gain skills in safe handling of weapons

According to the Law “On Weapons”, Article 13, a Russian citizen purchasing a hunting smoothbore weapon for the first time is required to undergo training to learn the rules for safe handling of weapons and acquire the necessary skills.

Training is provided by certified training centers. Theory + passing the exam + practical shooting. Everything seems simple.

Cost ~ 4 – 5 thousand rubles.

Registration of a license to purchase hunting weapons

The Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation is in charge of issuing licenses for guns for hunting, permission for storage and transportation. Now the most convenient way to submit an application is through the State Services website.

Name of the service on State Services: License to purchase hunting smooth-bore or pneumatic weapons, as well as ammunition for them

You will need:

  • application (filled out electronically);
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and a photocopy;
  • photographs 3x4 (2 pcs.);
  • certificate for weapons in form No. 002-О/у along with extracts from drug and psychoneurological dispensaries received at the place of permanent registration, you will need to undergo a vision test (have glasses, if you wear them, or lenses), in addition to the above, you will need to obtain a certificate having passed tests for the absence of narcotic and psychotropic substances and their metabolites
  • document confirming the passed hunting minimum
  • hunting license of a unified federal standard

Possible reasons for refusal:

  • do not have a permanent place of residence (registration);
  • have not reached 18 years of age;
  • have an unexpunged or outstanding conviction for a crime committed intentionally;
  • have repeatedly committed an administrative offense within a year that infringes on public order and public safety or the established management procedure, or an administrative offense in the field of illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their analogues and consumption without a doctor’s prescription;
  • deprived by a court decision of the right to purchase weapons;
  • are registered with health care institutions for mental illness, alcoholism or drug addiction.

To obtain a license, you need to go to the National Guard licensing and permitting center and bring the original documents specified in the application.

The period for consideration of the application after verification of documents is no more than 30 days. During the reconciliation with the National Guard, you will be given details for paying the state duty - in 2020 its amount is 2,000 rubles.

Having a state license in hand, a novice hunter has the right to purchase a smooth-bore firearm for hunting. Due to its technical characteristics, this type of weapon is suitable for various types of hunting.

A rifled hunting rifle, unlike a smoothbore one, has protrusions inside the barrel - twisted rifling. Rifled has higher accuracy. The bullet twists and flies much further than one fired from a smooth barrel. Thus, a rifled gun against a large animal provides the ability to shoot at 500 meters. A beginner will not be able to obtain a license for it. It is possible to purchase a rifle if hunting is a profession, therefore, when providing documents for a hunting rifle/combined weapon, you must attach a copy of the order of official appointment.

An amateur hunter can obtain the coveted permit for a rifled gun if he has five years of legal experience in owning a gun at the time of submitting the package of documents. The decision to grant a license for hunting smooth-bore/rifled weapons is made by the authorities within one month from the date of submission of the application. The citizen pays a license fee (smooth-bore - 100 rubles per unit, rifled - 200 rubles, 2017).

You have received your license, now you can think about buying and storing a gun

The license is valid for six months from the date of issue. During this period, it is necessary to acquire ownership of the weapon. You can buy it in a specialized store or from a private person. The license is valid only upon presentation of a general passport. The number, system, and caliber of the gun are entered into the buyer’s hunting license. When purchasing a gun from a gun store, the seller must fill out a license and leave a third of it to the buyer.

If the seller is a private person, the license is filled out at the OLRR (licensing and permitting department) where it was obtained. This is how re-registration is carried out for a new buyer. Purchased hunting weapons (smooth-bore, combined, rifled) are registered with the regional LRRR within two weeks from the date of purchase. It is necessary to submit an application and attach the part of the license left by the gun store seller.

Permission to store and the right to carry a gun (ROKh)

To freely transport and carry a gun for hunting purposes, you will need to obtain a special permit. On State Services it is called “Permission to store and carry long-barreled sports firearms, long-barreled hunting firearms used for sports, sports pneumatic weapons with muzzle energy over 7.5 J and cartridges for them.”

Here is a set of documents that are required to be collected; you can submit them personally to the territorial department of the licensing and permitting service of the National Guard or through the state portal. services in 2020:

  • application of the prescribed form (fill out on the website);
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • photographs 3x4 (2 pcs.);
  • a copy of the license with a mark of sale or with a mark confirming the transfer from the Ministry of Internal Affairs from another owner.
  • a copy of the technical passport for the hunting rifle (if rifled, then the test shooting protocol).

The cost of the service is 500 rubles, the review period is 14 days.

Before the permit is issued, the owner does not have documents to own the weapon. During this period, the barrel should be placed in a safe and not moved anywhere. Finally, permission was received. Now you can go hunting with your own gun, transport it freely and buy ammunition for your gun.

Remember, the person who owns the weapon is responsible for the proper storage of the barrel and ammunition. The owner is responsible for the consequences arising from non-compliance with the rules for storing and operating weapons. The law prohibits the sale of hunting rifles or the transfer of guns to others unless permission from the authorities is obtained for such actions.

If they refuse to give you permission

If a weapons license is refused, the applicant must be given a written notification - a reasoned conclusion with a full indication of the norms of the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legal regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the violation of which was the reason for making such a decision. Why can they refuse?:

  • age under 18 years;
  • provision of inaccurate data or an incomplete set of documents, for example, lack of a medical certificate in the established form, registration status in a psychoneurological or drug treatment clinic;
  • there is no documentary evidence that the applicant has completed appropriate training;
  • lack of permanent registration;
  • there is an outstanding/unexpunged conviction for a crime committed intentionally;
  • deprivation of the right to own a weapon by a court;
  • repeated administrative offense within a year or a single offense related to narcotic and psychotropic drugs;
  • lack of prescribed conditions for storing weapons.

If a citizen considers the refusal to be unjustified, then he has the opportunity to appeal this decision of the authorities in the court at his place of registration. You must have a refusal notice in hand. If they refuse to provide notification, contact the prosecutor's office. The court is provided with all certificates confirming your right to a license. For example, a certificate of expungement of a criminal record from the information center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, if the refusal is motivated precisely by this circumstance. As practice shows, obtaining a license in this case is not easy. The severity of the article probably influences it. Officials are reluctant to take responsibility and issue a permit to own a weapon to a person convicted of a serious crime, for example, robbery causing grievous bodily harm. Although legally this refusal is illegal.

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  1. Sergey

    Helpful information. I will soon turn 18 years old and will finally be able to transfer from spectator to participant in the hunt. Otherwise, while hunting, my father only allows me to help in matters not related to weapons.

  2. Sasha

    The material is well presented, but I live in Ukraine. Is there an article on your website about neighboring countries? I would be very grateful.

  3. SANYA


  4. Valera

    In our country they hunt without permission, if only there was money. I was convinced by the example of good friends.

  5. Alexei

    Can I get a permit if I was disabled as a child and walk on crutches?

  6. Alexander

    Good afternoon. I registered a smoothbore gun at a temporary registration address in the Moscow region, and now I want to transfer it to a permanent registration address in Moscow. What is needed for this?

  7. Gennady

    Hello! The question is, is it possible to have a homemade gun safe, or just buy it in a store?

  8. Stas

    A license to purchase weapons is not issued to citizens of the Russian Federation:
    3) having an unexpunged or unexpunged conviction for a crime committed intentionally, or having an expunged or expunged conviction for a grave or especially grave crime committed with the use of a weapon;

  9. Marat Nurgaliev

    Hello. I bought a gun but didn’t understand how to apply for government services. there are 3 options for individuals. :

    Issuing a permit to a citizen of the Russian Federation to store and use short-barreled sporting firearms with a rifled barrel and ammunition for it at a shooting facility

    Re-issuance of a permit issued to a citizen of the Russian Federation for the storage and use of short-barreled sporting firearms with a rifled barrel and cartridges for it at a shooting facility

    Extension of a permit issued to a citizen of the Russian Federation for the storage and use of short-barreled sporting firearms with a rifled barrel and cartridges for it at a shooting facility

    which one??? I did the first option when I applied for green paint

  10. Igor


  11. Eugene

    Good afternoon I received a certificate from narcology, form 454/u-06, in November 2016, and went to apply for a license in January 2017, the LRR inspector refused to accept my documents, arguing that some new form of certificate was in effect from 01/01/2017! Is refusal legal? Thank you in advance!

  12. Eugene

    And another question to the LRR inspector says that the application for a license must be submitted on the government services website! I don’t understand, is it really impossible to write an application for a license from an LRR inspector?

  13. Dmitriy

    From January 1, 2017, medical report forms N002-О/у and N003-О/у will come into effect.
    No website has complete information on obtaining a license to purchase. Even government services do not have updated information.

  14. Sergey

    Please tell me I need to take exams to purchase 2 barrels

  15. Denis

    If there are fines for speeding, can they also refuse?

  16. Alexander

    Hello! And if there is neither a military ID nor a mark in the passport about service. I'm 30, I haven't served or been drafted. Is it possible to get a weapons permit?

  17. Taisya

    Please tell me, if my husband is rowdy, can he have a weapon at home...??

  18. a lion

    Hello! If I overstayed my due date when moving from one city to another, and previously had a smooth barrel, can I get a license for a rifled one? At the same time, the period for a smooth period is more than 5 years and a year has passed since the moment of registration at the new place and payment of the fine for overstaying time, and how long can you overstay the maximum amount of time when moving..?

  19. Oleg

    Good night!
    Due to my youth, we were convicted of fighting in 2008, and deprived of it once in 2012.
    So there are no options?
    Thank you in advance for your answer.

  20. Stas

    I used to have a hunting license in 2000, I would like to get a new one, do I need to take the hunt at least again, and in general what documents are needed. (old hunting ticket in hand)

  21. Yuri

    Hello, I want to buy a small gun, will they give me, as a beginner, a permit for small-caliber rifled weapons, or do I need 5 years with a smooth-bore weapon?

  22. Anatoly

    Tell me please! What do you need to get permission to buy two more guns if you’ve already owned one for 2.5 years?

  23. Anatoly

    If you don’t submit an application through government services, it will be accepted by the LRO upon the provision of documents specifically to their department???? . I brought a full package of documents to the LRO, he said you submitted your application through government services, I said no, it’s easier for me to bring them here than via the Internet, he sent me to submit through government services. but I accepted the documents exactly, but no one gave a coupon for accepting the documents, no deadlines, no time, no one said what and how, I don’t understand this mess. Has anyone encountered this????

  24. Alexander

    Hello! I have had a hunting rifle for three years now. At the moment I want to sell it and then buy another gun. Question 1. do I need to undergo a medical examination for a new gun and 2. if I sell the gun and while I’m looking for an option, will the 5 years of experience for rifled weapons be interrupted?

  25. Stanislav

    I’ll tell you how I first received a license in 2017.
    Many here quote from laws, but they can already be found in the public domain and

    our life.
    To submit an application to the licensing department (through government services) we are asked

    provide several documents:
    – passport (this is understandable)
    - honey conclusion (in fact, there are 3 different pieces of paper hidden here: a psychiatrist, a narcologist, and

    routine medical examination)
    – a document on the preparation and testing of knowledge of weapons possession (everything is done in one place for

    – hunting license (to be done a week in advance through government services)
    Here is such a small list and there seems to be nothing complicated in it.

    For myself, I have built the following order of receipt: submitting an application for a hunting ticket, receiving

    medical certificates, purchase of a safe, weapons training.

    1. Hunting license. The simplest point of all of the above. The application is submitted via

    public services, fill out the form electronically, attach a photo, select a date

    visits to obtain a finished hunting ticket (usually 1 week). Arriving at the appointed time

    While purchasing a hunting ticket, they asked me for 2 photos. I said that I applied them to

    application for public services in electronic form. They told me that they do not have a printer to

    foresaw something similar (I even had photocopies of my passport prepared, but they didn’t

    needed, they were able to print out the form). We get a ticket, no hunting minimums

    You don’t need to submit anything, you don’t have to pay any fees, everything is absolutely free.

    2. Medical report. You can get it in any clinic, be it free or

    paid. Everyone writes about form 046, but it is outdated and now there is a different form, so no

    try to search for something, download and print, all forms will be issued locally.

    When contacting the clinic, simply say that you need a certificate for a weapon and they will immediately understand you (if

    If you name the certificate form, some may be stupid and not understand what kind of certificate you are talking about

    speech). Before the general examination, you will be sent to a psychiatrist and narcologist (without a referral, but

    they will simply say “first go to a psychiatrist and a narcologist and then come to us for a medical examination”).

    These specialists are not located in clinics, but in appropriate institutions - psychiatric

    dispensary and drug treatment clinic. For a city with a population of 500k people, we have only

    1 such establishment.
    The hardest thing for me was the psychiatrist - the queues to see him are incredible, there are no advance appointments

    exists. I came several times, looked at the line, turned around and left. On

    I was lucky for the fourth time - there were only about 10 people in line, I spent an hour and got to

    reception We also simply tell the psychiatrist that we need a certificate for weapons (it costs about 400 rubles,

    paid at the cash desk in the same dispensary), issued instantly. I did it

    The problem with the psychiatrist was that the article under which I was assigned was not written down on my military ID

    limited fitness and she issued me a request to the military registration and enlistment office to give me a certificate with the number

    articles. I had to go to the military registration and enlistment office and back to her, the second time I skipped the line, saying

    that again, I don’t know whether it’s possible this way or not... (I lost 2 days on this, writing about nonsense in

    I won’t go to the military registration and enlistment office, I just stood in a 2-hour queue there).
    Expert in narcology. Everything is simpler there, but more expensive. We are going to the drug treatment clinic, asking for a certificate

    weapons, they send us where we need to go, we put 1500 rubles in the cash register, we pee in a jar and after 2 days

    we take the result.
    And now, with 2 certificates in hand, we go to the general commission. I recommend a paid clinic there

    There are fewer queues and the certificate costs about 400-500 rubles. I completed this commission in 15 minutes.

    One doctor took my blood pressure, checked my vision and that’s it. They issued 3 certificates confirming that

    that I have no contraindications to owning weapons.
    3. Safe.
    I won’t write much about choosing a safe; whoever wants one buys one. Let me remind you

    There are just certain requirements for a weapon safe. I bought it in a store for 4000 rubles

    for 2 barrels, with a certificate of compliance with the requirements (since I didn’t know for sure it would be

    check or not, it will later become clear that documents for the safe are not required).
    4. Weapon training.
    We have at least 2 such institutions in our city, I chose the one where the exam is retaken

    free. According to reviews in another establishment, it was necessary to pay 500 rubles for each to the cash register

    So, training and exam take place on 1 day, costs 3000 rubles and 2 photos. 3 of us came

    person. First, they read the law on weapons to us for 2 hours, then they took us to the shooting range for an exam. There

    Our ready-made certificates were already lying around (2 pieces of paper - about training and about successful completion

    exam) and whoever wanted could take it and be free, but I stayed to shoot.

    Well, the lion's share of the red tape has been passed, now we submit an application for

    obtaining a license. 2 days after submitting the application I received a call from LRO (licensed

    permitting department) and invited me to drive up to them to hand over the original documents.
    Although reception is carried out only 2 days a week, there is no queue at all, but there is also a printer

    We don’t have them either, we give back 2 more photographs and all our hard-earned certificates. There they give us

    details for paying the fee of 110 rubles and ask for a certificate from the local police officer at the place where the weapon is stored.

    Now I’ll make a small digression about the storage location of weapons, it will be useful to many. Myself

    I am registered at my place of permanent residence in the same city in an apartment

    parents. In fact, I live in my wife’s apartment, without even a temporary registration,

    I’m going to store the weapons at the place where I’m actually staying – in my wife’s apartment. The problem was in

    Tom - do I need to apply for temporary registration at the place of actual residence through

    Federal Migration Service. But the LRO told me that it was enough that I indicated my place in the application form.

    actual residence and where I plan to store the weapon. And an act from the district police officer is required

    exactly the area where the weapons are stored.

    So, they ask us for a report from the district police officer on storage conditions. And again on public services about

    this is not a word, but I’m not going to get into trouble, for this we have a lot of dumb characters,

    savoring conflicts and posting them on YouTube. I'm looking for where my local police officer is and going

    to him - it’s faster. You can find out where your local police officer is by calling the police department

    your area, it is often located there. Arriving at reception hours, they drew up a document for me

    without visiting the apartment, we just looked at the photos from the phone of what the safe looks like and where it is located

    (I took the photos in advance, anticipating this). We receive the deed absolutely free)

    Now we take the act and check for payment of the state duty to the LRO and wait several weeks for a call about

    ready-made papers.
    Let's calculate the total costs:
    psychiatrist – 400 rub.
    narcologist – 1500 rub.
    medical examination – 500 rub.
    training – 3000 rub.
    safe – 4000rub
    duty – 110 rub.
    6 photos 3*4 – 250 rub.

    TOTAL: 9760 rubles. (collecting all the papers took 2 weeks at a leisurely pace, not counting

    waiting for a license from the LRO about 30 days)

  26. Anonymous

    Duties have increased by an order of magnitude! for smooth-bore or rifled 2000. through the government services portal 1400 (discount applies). fee for permitting 500 hazel grouse)

  27. Anonymous

    and I was previously convicted, can I get a permit for a hunting smoothbore weapon?

  28. Andrey

    Tell me, I have been registered in a military unit for more than 5 years, and I live in an apartment. Can I get permission to purchase and store hunting weapons in an apartment?

First, you need to decide what you need the weapon for. The fact is that the set of documents you will need to purchase a weapon will depend on your choice.

If you want to purchase a weapon for shooting sports, then you will need to confirm your status as an athlete with two documents:

  • a sports passport or an order from a sports organization or educational institution confirming participation in sports using firearms;
  • a petition from an all-Russian sports federation, accredited in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, for the issuance of an appropriate license indicating the type of sport associated with the use of sports weapons.

To purchase weapons for self-defense, you will not need any special documents, but there is a nuance - if you purchase weapons for self-defense, you will only receive permission to store, but not to carry, weapons. This means that you will not be able to practice shooting, because the weapon will have to be stored in your home.

In addition, you will not be able to obtain the right to purchase rifled weapons in the future, whereas a hunting or sports license will allow you to do this under certain conditions.

The easiest way in this situation for a beginner is to obtain a hunting license and then obtain a license to purchase hunting weapons. After all, in this case, you will be able to use your existing weapons for self-defense at home, and go hunting, and engage in shooting sports. Moreover, the procedure for obtaining a hunting license is as simple as possible and quite efficient.

2. Where to start the process of purchasing a smoothbore or pneumatic weapon?

In addition, you will need to complete training To purchase a long-barreled hunting firearm, you must undergo training in how to safely independently load cartridges for a weapon while studying and testing your knowledge of the rules for safe handling of weapons and the availability of safe handling skills for weapons. Training is not required if you are serving in a state paramilitary organization and have a military or special rank or a class rank of justice.

"> safe self-loading of cartridges, safety rules and handling of weapons, except for cases when you are serving in a state paramilitary organization and have a military or special rank or a special rank or class rank of justice. Training is carried out by licensed organizations, and their list changes periodically You can find a list of government organizations that provide training, but there are many private companies that provide such services.The most current list of places where weapons training is provided can be found in your district licensing and permitting department.

Please note that you can undergo a medical examination, receive a hunting license (if you plan to apply for a hunting license) and learn the rules of handling weapons at the same time.

After receiving medical documents and completing training, you will need to contact the district department for licensing and permitting (OLRR) at your place of residence and provide a package of documents. You can find the district OLRR by following the link.

If you want to purchase a smoothbore for self-defense, you can already contact OLRR. If you want to get a hunting license, then to obtain a license you will need a hunting license, and if a sports license, a sports passport (or an order from a sports organization) and a petition from an all-Russian sports organization.

3. What documents will be needed to obtain a license to purchase smooth-bore or pneumatic weapons?

To apply for a purchase license To apply for a license to purchase pneumatic weapons, you will additionally need:

  • a document confirming the completion of appropriate training and periodic testing of knowledge of the rules for safe handling of weapons and the availability of skills in safe handling of weapons (not provided if you are serving in a state paramilitary organization and have a military or special rank or class rank of justice);
  • a document confirming the availability of the appropriate status for applicants who have not undergone appropriate training and testing of knowledge of the rules of safe handling of weapons and the presence of skills in safe handling of weapons (provided if you are serving in a state paramilitary organization and have a military or special rank or class rank of justice).
">pneumatic or To apply for a license to purchase smooth-bore weapons, you will additionally need:
  • a document confirming completion of training in the safe independent loading of cartridges for civilian long-barreled firearms when studying and periodically testing knowledge of the rules of safe handling of weapons and the presence of skills in safe handling of weapons (not provided if you are serving in a state paramilitary organization and have a military or special title or class rank of justice);
  • a document confirming the availability of the appropriate status for applicants who do not undergo appropriate training in the safe independent loading of cartridges for civilian long-barreled firearms when studying and testing knowledge of the rules of safe handling of weapons and the presence of skills in safe handling of weapons (provided if you are serving in state paramilitary organization and have a military or special rank or class rank of justice).
weapons you will need the following documents:
  • application for a permit to purchase weapons;
  • passport of a Russian citizen;
  • hunting license (if you receive a hunting license);
  • a copy of a sports passport or an order from a sports organization or educational institution confirming participation in sports using firearms (if you receive a sports license);
  • a copy of the application of the all-Russian sports federation, accredited in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, for the issuance of the appropriate license indicating the type of sport associated with the use of sports weapons (if you are receiving a sports license);
  • medical certificate in form No. 002-О/у;
  • medical report in form No. 003-O/u on the absence of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their metabolites in the human body.

In addition, you will need to pay a state fee for issuing a license. If you plan to purchase several weapons at once, you will need to pay state duty for each of them.

The application can be submitted to your district department for licensing and permitting work (OLRR) in person or use the government services portal - for smooth-bore and pneumatic weapons.

Your application will be considered within a month. During this time, your district police officer must check the presence of a gun safe at your place of residence. That is, by the time of inspection, you should already have a gun safe installed that matches the size and type of weapon you are purchasing. The district inspector must check storage conditions at least once a year. You can find the contacts of your local police officer using the service on the website of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

4. What to do after receiving a license?

A month after submitting the documents, your district department for licensing and permitting (OLRR) will issue you one or more licenses to purchase smooth-bore weapons (depending on the number you indicated in the application). The license is valid for six months. During this time you will need to purchase a weapon. If during this time you do not use the license, then it will need to be returned to OLRR.

The physically issued document consists of three identical parts (one of them is called a license, the other two are duplicates), one of the parts will remain with the seller after the purchase, the second is transferred to the OLRR, and the third remains in your hands.

To purchase a weapon in a store, you must go there with a passport and a purchase license. After the purchase, instead of a license, you will have in your hands the weapon itself, a technical passport and a duplicate of the license.

If you buy a weapon secondhand, you can re-register it at the nearest weapons store or at the licensing department at the place of residence of the weapons seller. In any case, you will have everything the same in your hands - the weapon itself, a technical passport and a duplicate license.

Now you can move on to the last stage - obtaining permission to store (in the case of weapons for self-defense) or to store and carry weapons. You must submit documents for obtaining a permit within two weeks after purchasing the weapon.

5. How to obtain permission to store and carry weapons?

A permit to store and carry weapons is obtained for each weapon. It must be obtained when purchasing a weapon and re-registered every five years or when changing place of residence.

To initially obtain a weapons permit, you need to contact the district department for licensing and permitting (OLRR) with the weapon for which the permit is being issued and the following list of documents:

  • an application for a permit to store and carry weapons and ammunition for them (in case of obtaining a permit with the right to carry for hunting or sports);
  • an application for a permit to store without the right to carry (in the case of obtaining a permit to store weapons for self-defense);
  • passport of a Russian citizen;
  • two photographs 3x4 cm;
  • a duplicate of the license for the purchase of weapons with a mark from a legal entity - the supplier about its sale or with a mark from the Department of Licensing and Permitting (ULRR) - in case of receiving the weapon directly from the previous owner;
  • a copy of the technical passport for the purchased weapon (only the pages that indicate the type, brand, serial number, date of manufacture and certification mark).

6. How is a license renewed?

A permit to store and carry weapons is obtained for each weapon. It must be renewed every five years.

To renew your weapons license, you need to contact the district department for licensing and permitting (OLRR) with the weapon for which the license is being issued and the following list of documents:

  • an application for renewal of a permit to store and carry weapons and ammunition;
  • passport of a Russian citizen;
  • two photographs 3x4 cm;
  • resolution;
  • medical certificate in form No. 002-О/у (if the certificate provided earlier has expired);
  • medical report in form No. 003-O/u on the absence of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their metabolites in the human body (if the validity period of the previously provided report has expired);
  • a hunting license (if you have received a hunting license and own a long-barreled hunting firearm, a sporting smooth-bore long-barreled weapon or a hunting pneumatic weapon);
  • documents confirming that you are engaged in professional activities related to hunting (if you own a rifled hunting firearm, but have a smooth-bore long-barreled hunting firearm or you have owned such a weapon for less than 5 years);
  • a copy of a sports passport or an order from a sports organization or educational institution confirming participation in sports using firearms (if you have received a sports license);
  • documents confirming that you have passed a test of your knowledge of the rules for safe handling of weapons and the availability of skills in safe handling of weapons (if you have received a license for self-defense).

In addition, you will need to pay a state fee for renewing your permit to store and carry weapons. If you are applying for permits for several weapons, you will need to pay a state fee for each of them.

The period for renewal of a license is 30 days from the date of application.

Articles on weapons topics allow readers to understand, first of all, the basic provisions defined by law. It is no secret that not everyone is able to study the texts of laws and regulations written in the legal lexicon, even if they wish. Therefore, we tend to draw information from sources that are more accessible and acceptable. It remains only to take into account a small nuance - the reliability of the information provided in these sources.

When covering the issue of how to obtain a weapons permit, many authors are so carried away by describing the algorithm that they forget to focus on the purpose of this document and the types of permits, sometimes misleading the reader. As a result, many people confuse a permit to purchase a weapon and a license to store it, but meanwhile, these are two different documents.

Purpose of the permitting system in Russia

We decided to briefly touch on this topic, since it is the lack of understanding of the importance of the licensing system that leads to systematic violations of the law, which affects the general safety of citizens. The huge amount of civilian weapons accumulated in private hands carries a potential danger. To reduce the risk, a licensing system was introduced, which consists of licensing citizens and registering weapons.

Accounting for purchased weapons comes down to collecting and storing data about each purchased gun and its owner. Licensing refers to activities aimed at verifying the gun owner’s compliance with the requirements. Such requirements include health indicators, the presence of the necessary education or skill, absence of a criminal record or age limit. Citizens who meet the stated requirements receive an authorization document - a license.

Permit and license

If we consider the algorithm of actions from the idea of ​​buying a weapon to its actual use (for example, hunting), then it involves obtaining two documents.

  1. The first document allows you to purchase a certain type of weapon and ammunition. But such a permit is valid only for 6 months, and it does not give the owner the right to carry or store the purchased weapon.
  2. After registering the purchased barrel, the owner must receive another document - a license to store civilian weapons.

As we can see, there are two main permits, divided into types, according to the classification of civilian weapons.

Civilian weapons include:

  • hunting or sporting smooth-bore weapons;
  • hunting or sporting rifled weapons;
  • traumatic weapons (although the law defines them as firearms of limited destruction);
  • Airguns;
  • gas and signal weapons;
  • steel arms;

When it comes to a weapons permit, we often mean a license to carry and store weapons. Some articles under this term consider a certain generalized concept of a permit document, which includes permission to carry firearms, as well as permission to purchase them.

We will call a spade a spade, and consider the complete process of preparing all the necessary documents.

First step to obtain a hunting weapon permit

In many ways, the algorithms for obtaining permission for different types of weapons are similar, but there are some differences that should be discussed separately. First, let us note the features of obtaining (ROXa). At the first stage, you need to obtain a hunting license, since it will have to be provided at the permitting department.

Please note that today there is only one form of hunting ticket available. If previously it could be issued by hunting farms, now you should contact the Department of Natural Resources. In different regions, the relevant executive authority has a different name, but they are all subordinate to the Ministry of Natural Resources.

To obtain a hunting license, you should contact the MFC or submit an application through the government services portal. Of all the documents, you will only need a passport and two photographs, 3 by 4 in size. By the way, if you order photos from a special studio where they take at least 4 or 6 photos, it’s okay, since they will be useful for applying for ROC.

The hunting license will be issued within 5 days completely free of charge. There are no special requirements for the candidate other than his legal capacity and age of majority. A hunting ticket will be needed not only as a document with which a license to purchase a weapon is issued. It gives the right to hunt in compliance with all established standards on the territory of farms and hunting grounds.

Features of obtaining a license for rifled weapons

Increased requirements for issuing a license for rifled weapons are explained by the fact that they have the highest lethal performance, with other parameters being the same. To submit an application, you must prove that you have five years of experience in owning a smooth-bore weapon.

An exceptional case can only arise for persons whose activities involve carrying rifled weapons (gamekeepers, supervisory authorities, field workers, athletes). In this case, the employer is obliged to issue supporting documents indicating that the employee must receive rifled weapons to perform his functional duties.

Training and exams

In order to entrust a person with a weapon, it is necessary to make sure that he knows how to use it, knows the rules for carrying and storing weapons, and also knows the entire legislative framework. That is why one of the requirements before purchasing a weapon is to undergo training in specially designed courses, as well as mandatory exams based on the materials of these courses.

Training is carried out by special centers that are accredited for educational activities. These are mainly shooting schools, sports sections, DOSAAF sections, as well as training centers formed under the OLRR. If institutions have accreditation, then training is conducted according to a single program, as it is approved by the Ministry of Education. Deviations from the program are not permitted.

During the training, topics such as the legal component of the use of weapons, safe handling of weapons, fire training issues, as well as practicing the acquired skills in practice will be discussed. In the vast majority of cases, training takes place over two days. After finishing the classes, students take an exam, which is divided into two parts.

  1. In the first part, you need to answer theoretical questions compiled into tickets.
  2. In the second part of the exam, a practical part is taken, where the student demonstrates mastery of the material on loading and unloading weapons, weapon ignorance and shooting.

After all the tests you will receive two documents. One is a certificate of completion of courses, and the other is a certificate of passing an exam. After 5 years, when you have to renew your license, you need to take the exam again, but no training is required.

However, if you expire your license, you may be fined and will have to re-train. Payment for courses consists of two parts: tuition fees and exam fees.

How to get a medical certificate

After training, you can begin to resolve issues with a medical examination. The time spent depends on which institution you have to contact. The medical institution must have the right to conduct medical examinations; it can be a city clinic or a private clinic. If the justification that a certificate is required to obtain a weapons permit is unconvincing (cases vary), then it is necessary to state that a certificate in form 002-О/у is required. This form has replaced the more well-known No. 046-1 and now determines the procedure for undergoing a medical examination.

There won’t be any particular problems with an examination by an ophthalmologist or, for example, an otolaryngologist. Here everything is going as normal. The stumbling block is an examination by a psychiatrist and a narcologist. Doctors in these areas are usually seen at the appropriate dispensaries, and if the selected clinic does not have one, you will have to visit two additional institutions.

When you go through a narcologist, you should indicate to him that the examination is being carried out in order to obtain a weapons permit. In this case, he will offer to take a CTI test. He will suggest it, since this is a voluntary matter, but without this analysis the therapist will not put a stamp on the certificate.

Safe installation

A weapons license will be issued only after you create conditions for storage. The law states that these conditions must ensure the safety of weapons and ammunition, as well as prevent access by unauthorized persons. The law also states that the storage location must be arranged at the place of registration.

Only a metal box with a locking mechanism can ensure inviolability. Today there are a number of safes on sale at very affordable prices. The size of this safe should allow you to store weapons, both assembled and disassembled. Provide space if you eventually decide to buy another barrel.

For some guns, purchasing a safe is not a requirement. Such weapons include pneumatics, which are an exact copy of military weapons. In this case, you will have to make your own decisions on how to ensure the safety of your loved ones. If you don’t want the fly to accidentally find the “toy,” you’ll have to install a safe.

Special requirements are imposed on collectors who store a large number of guns at home. If the apartment is located on the first or last floor of the building, then there must be bars on the windows. The premises themselves must be equipped with alarm systems and security alarms.

Having prepared a place for the future weapon, you need to find a local police officer and arrange for him to conduct an inspection. Next, he must fill out a report on the results of the inspection. In principle, he may not do this, but wait for an official request from the OLRR to conduct an inspection. Here the human factor and your desire to agree will play a huge role, so you will save some time. The act form can be obtained from the department or downloaded on the Internet.

Payment of state duty

Obtaining a permit, unlike obtaining a hunting ticket, is not a free service. The one-time fee, called the state duty, ranges from 500 to 2000 rubles, depending on the type of permit. The list of documents that are submitted to the OLRR includes a receipt.

If it is more convenient for you to pay the fee through a bank, then you need to get the payment details from the department employee, and then, along with all the documents, present the receipt. When filling out an application through the government services website, it is possible to pay this fee directly from a bank card. In this case, data on payment for the service is received by the department and no additional documents need to be presented.


The collection of documents is almost complete, all that remains is to take two photographs. Modern technical means allow you to quickly and accurately print photos at home. But please note that certain requirements apply to photographs.

  • Photo size 3x4 cm.
  • Photo printed on matte paper.
  • The image occupies 3/4 of the image area.
  • The background is light and monochromatic.
  • Hats or tinted glasses are not permitted.

If you are collecting documents for the storage of hunting weapons, you can provide photos that remain from issuing a hunting license.

Photocopies of documents

The list of documents that must be provided to the OLRR includes only a photocopy of the passport. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that licensing, although it occurs according to a certain algorithm, each department may present its own requirements. A visit to the permitting department always involves a long wait in line, so it is not advisable to return here for the missing document. In this regard, we suggest that you make copies of all documents just in case.

In order not to leave the original documents in the department where a certain portfolio is formed for each applicant, it is necessary to provide them with photocopies.

Make copies of your passport, hunting license, exam certificate and course completion certificate, and don’t forget to make a copy of your medical certificate. Compared to other costs, the cost of these papers is extremely low.

How to apply

After completing the preparatory stage, you can proceed to submitting the application. If the entire package of documents is collected, then the entire procedure for obtaining a license will be reduced to one visit to the licensing and permitting department. The application can be submitted in the traditional way by appearing at the department.

Considering that it is drawn up according to the established template, you should seek help from an employee so that he can issue a template or sample. Often such samples can be seen at the information stand. All documents are given to the employee along with the application.

  • Hunting license (if you apply for a hunting license).
  • Photocopy of passport.
  • Certificate of completion of training courses.
  • Certificate of passing the exam.
  • Photos.
  • Medical certificate.
  • Act on checking the storage conditions of weapons.
  • Receipt for payment of state duty.

This method of filing an application has gradually become a thing of the past. Directly writing an application takes 10-15 minutes of time. That is, about 20 minutes are spent on one client, which means that with a limited reception schedule, queues will accumulate in the department. Perhaps they were the reason for the reluctance of citizens to complete documents on time. Today, many state and municipal institutions offer their services remotely, through the work of multifunctional centers.

OLRR services are also available when contacting the MFC. Here you can obtain a permit to purchase hunting weapons (firearms, rifled or pneumatic), gas pistols, OOP (traumatic weapons), as well as to purchase self-defense equipment. To submit an application, you must come to the MFC with a package of documents. The employee will complete the application electronically after you sign your consent to the processing of personal data. This is necessary to exchange personal data with other government agencies.

Finally, the most advanced way to submit an application is through the government services portal. The idea of ​​​​functioning the portal is the same as that of multifunctional centers, only the applicant arranges everything independently. You need to register on the portal, and then continue working in your personal account. All available services are divided into categories, which are marked with characteristic icons. If you find it difficult to find, you can always use the search bar. To submit an application, you need to fill out a simple form, and all documents are attached as graphic files.

Completing registration

After submitting your application, you must wait for a notification that will arrive via SMS. It will indicate when the completed permit can be picked up. The procedure for registering a weapon does not end with obtaining a permit. It is necessary to decide on the barrel model within six months and purchase it.

Then, after purchase, you will have only 14 days to register the barrel with the OLRR. And after registration, you will be given a license to store and carry weapons, with which you can hunt, play sports, hold weapons for self-defense, or collect.

Desire alone is not enough to own a firearm. Without obtaining the appropriate license, this becomes simply impossible. How to obtain a firearms license? There's nothing complicated about it.

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What types of firearms can you get a license for?

Firearms are a big responsibility for the owner.

Law of the Russian Federation on Weapons, Article 3 - this is the text that serves as the main source of information on this issue.

It says that a citizen can obtain a license for firearms in Russia for the following types:

  • Long-barreled firearm
  • Firearms without a barrel
  • Hunting firearm smoothbore
  • A firearm equipped with a special rifled barrel

Features of obtaining a license

First, you need to understand the situations when obtaining a license becomes impossible:

  • For those who have difficulty seeing
  • Has chronic diseases with a set of frequently occurring symptoms
  • For those who have committed a repeated administrative violation when not even a year has passed since the last one
  • There was a deliberately committed crime that resulted in a criminal record
  • Registered with the staff of the drug treatment clinic
  • For those who are registered with the staff of the dispensary for psychoneurological diseases
  • If your place of residence is not permanent
  • Minor age

It all starts with contacting representatives of the department whose work is related to licensing and permitting work. To find them, we visit the police department located at the visitor’s residence address.

It is better to clarify in advance whether this institution actually accepts applications according to the established template.

Then we go to the clinic, at the same residential address, for a medical examination. We need a special certificate, which is indicated by code No. 046-1. Those who have undergone medical examinations to obtain a driver’s license or military service have probably already encountered it.

In one eye, visual acuity should be at least 0.5. And for the other - no lower than 0.2. In addition, certificates from dispensaries for neurological and drug addiction diseases are required.

After preparing a medical certificate, you need to collect a complete package of documents, consisting of:

  • The medical certificate itself
  • Two photographs in 3 by 4 format
  • Passports in the original version
  • Photocopies taken from the passport
  • The application for a license itself (the form is filled out directly at the Internal Affairs Directorate and is issued by the responsible inspector)

When the preparation of papers is completed, all that remains is to go to the licensing and permitting department. They issue the following confirmations if everything is in order with the documents:

  • You cannot pay the state fee without a receipt.
  • Referrals to local police officers are issued
  • There are also directions to training centers where tests are taken

In the direction, government authorities will indicate where the training center is located. Further registration of the license must begin with this. This is where the test is taken. To pass it, you must answer 9 out of 10 questions correctly.

Tests are taken in writing or through special electronic forms. Without them, it is impossible to obtain a license for firearms for self-defense:

  • The test checks how well a person is familiar with the law regarding self-defense regarding the circulation of weapons for the military and ordinary citizens, the storage of ammunition for them.
  • Law on how to safely handle combat units
  • Code of Administrative Offenses in the Russian Federation: you need to read articles 20.13, 20.12, 20.11, 20.9 and 20.8
  • Familiarization with articles in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: 224, 223, 222, 39, 38, 37.
  • Articles 24, 22 and 17 of the Criminal Code of Russia

If the test fails at first, the visitor gets another try. But if you need to take the test again, you will have to pay a certain amount.

The next attempt becomes available after completing a course of paid lectures. The center issues a certificate after passing all tests.

We continue to resolve the issue

A gun safe is required when applying for a license.

It is better to find out in advance not only the working and personal number of the district police officer, but also his working hours.

Because such workers can often be busy.

The district police officer comes to the home of those who passed the test and records the presence of a weapons box, the presence of which also becomes a mandatory requirement.

All that remains is to actually pay the receipt for the state duty. This is done in any bank.

After this, we take all the documents that we managed to collect to the police department. If everything is normal, from this moment the process of producing the license itself begins.

The document is drawn up, theoretically, in a maximum of a month. But the process usually takes up to several months.

The document is universal in nature; units of both conventional firearms and gas equipment are purchased using it.

Additional fees are required for the following services:

  • State duties and their payments
  • Organization of tests
  • Preparation of certificates from doctors
  • Mental health clinic
  • Passing a dispensary for drug addiction diseases
  • Photo creation

About smooth-bore, rifled or pneumatic weapons

The procedure for obtaining permission for these types and weapons for self-defense is almost the same. A number of differences are noticeable only in the final stages.

The license text in such situations concerns only one weapon. It continues to operate for 6 months. The license is returned or renewed again if the person does not buy anything.

The document itself is made in the form of three spines. Sellers keep two stubs when a gun is purchased. One remains with the buyer. You must return to the police station with one spine no later than two weeks after purchase.

Owners of the stub can exchange the latter for a carry permit for only one combat unit. You just have to wait, usually 1-2 weeks.

What to do with a hunting license

Here it is worth paying attention to the storage process. Gun owners can actually only store them within their place of residence.

The trunk of a car is an unacceptable place; a weapon found in it when examined by traffic police officers will lead to serious problems.

To obtain a combined version of the document for carrying and storage, you will also need a hunting license. There is also nothing difficult in obtaining it. We will not require a gun or a separate license for it.

It is necessary to contact representatives of the nearest hunting club with two passport photocopies and photographs. For self-defense, it does not matter where exactly the visitor goes.

The main factor for selection is member fees. They are collected upon first registration, as well as on an annual basis. Hunting tickets now come in two varieties:

  • State or member. Membership ticket holders pay a $30 entry fee.
  • It will cost the same amount each year to renew. In the second case, the amount will be less. And the annual renewal will initially be free. The legal status of the documents remains the same.

Rifled weapons are suitable for long distances

The firing range of smooth barrels remains short, even at maximum.

This is their only drawback.

It is equal to 100 meters, this is the most optimistic forecast.

Long-range shooting is easier with rifled models.

The weapon got its name because of the rifling that is inside. When a bullet moves along them, it spins in the longitudinal direction.

The flight of the bullet is stabilized in the presence of rotational motion. Due to this, the distance increases to 200-500 meters.

In this case, there is no need to talk about self-defense; this weapon will allow you to engage in hunting at a professional level. But several conditions must be met to obtain a license. This will most likely not happen right away.

A mandatory requirement is five years of experience in holding a hunting license. This will allow you to use the model not for self-defense, but specifically for hunting.

A minimum of 5 years of experience in owning a smooth barrel is also required.
Otherwise, there are no differences in the process of obtaining a license.

We buy traumatic weapons

There is nothing complicated here. It is enough to go to the store with the obtained license. There they sell customers a sample that they like.

The main thing is to visit the police department within the first two weeks after the purchase. There the inspector will put a stamp confirming the legality of all previous actions.

Weapons can also be purchased by hand. It is best to visit the police department at the seller’s place of residence together with the seller. Re-registration papers are filled out there.

Smooth trunks and their features

There is only one license to purchase smooth-bore weapons. After purchasing the sample of interest, they change the issuance of a permit for a specific sample and its wearing. Accordingly, you will need several licenses at once if you want to purchase several types of weapons. For this you will need a large number of photographs.

Six months is the maximum period for which licenses can be re-issued without problems, exactly the same amount of time that are issued for the first time. You need to take with you not only the purchased weapon, but also your passport.

A gun purchase license allows you to purchase a maximum of five units for self-defense. Information about each of them is written on the reverse side of the document. The same rules apply to smooth-bore weapons. More details in the video:

About the license validity period

License for a maximum of 6 months. Permits for any type of self-defense remain valid for 5 years. The same rule applies to carrying shotguns.

The license must be renewed for another six months when the validity period expires. Or the document is submitted to the police department.
Finally, there is another important requirement - purchased units must be stored only in special cabinets.

The main thing is to pay attention to the dimensions. they must fully correspond not only to the premises, but also to the weapons themselves, which will need to be stored in the future. It is best to buy products with some margin in terms of characteristics.

There is administrative liability associated with violations of the terms of storage of weapons, as well as for shooting in undesignated places. It is better to call government officials in advance to make sure that they have everything ready.

Submit your question in the form below

List of documents for purchasing hunting firearms

List of documents for the acquisition of the second and subsequent units of hunting firearms:

  1. Application for the purchase of hunting weapons. - download. + reverse side download.
  2. Copy(s), original(s) of the current permit(s).
  3. To obtain a hunting license, you can contact the Multifunctional Centers.
  4. Two 3x4 photographs (matte).
  5. http://www.gosuslugi.ru/

You can register and submit documents electronically on the government services website: http://www.gosuslugi.ru/

Registration of purchased weapons is carried out only upon provision of weapons.

  1. Application for registration of purchased weapons. download. + reverse side download.
  2. Application for registration of purchased weapons without hunting. ticket download. + reverse side download.
  3. To register purchased weapons, a weapon and a duplicate license are provided.

Application for re-issuance of a license for the purchase of sporting or hunting smooth-bore long-barreled weapons, hunting pneumatic weapons and sports pneumatic weapons with muzzle energy over 7.5 J and cartridges for it. (In connection with changes: a document confirming the change in the information specified in the license, its replacement, the reasons that led to the unusability or loss of the form) Download. + reverse side download.

Application for re-issuance of a license for the purchase of sporting or hunting smooth-bore long-barreled weapons, hunting pneumatic weapons and sports pneumatic weapons with muzzle energy over 7.5 J and cartridges for it. (In connection with changes: a document confirming the change in the information specified in the license, its replacement, the reasons that led to the unusability or loss of the form) without hunting. ticket Download. + reverse side download.

List of documents for renewal of hunting firearms

  1. Application for renewal of a hunting weapon permit. ticket. - download. + reverse side download.
  2. Application for renewal of a hunting weapon permit without hunting. ticket - download. + reverse side download.
  3. Copy of passport - with provision of the original (pages 2, 3 and registration)
  4. Medical certificate form 002-О/у ( a certificate obtained from a non-state medical institution is provided with a copy of the license to provide medical services), the validity of the medical certificate is 12 months
  5. Certificate from a psychiatrist. Help in turns out to be in medical organizations of the state or municipal health care system at the place of residence (stay), validity of medical certificate - 12 months
  6. Certificate from a narcologist . Reference obtained from medical organizations of the state or municipal health care system at the place of residence (stay), validity of medical certificate - 12 months
  7. Certificate from a narcologist, form 003-О/у chemical-toxic analysis of the presence of narcotic drugs, psychotropic drugs and their metabolites in the body. Reference obtained from medical organizations of the state or municipal health care system at the place of residence (stay).
  8. A copy of a new hunting license with the original provided. To obtain a hunting license, you need to contact the Multifunctional Centers.
  9. Two 3x4 photographs (matte).
  10. Receipt of payment. Payment details will be provided after registration on the government services website: http://www.gosuslugi.ru/
  11. Weapons permit.
  12. Weapons for technical inspection.

You can register and submit documents electronically on the government services website: http://www.gosuslugi.ru/

Providing weapons for technical inspection is mandatory.

You can also on one's own


List of documents for weapons

Permit for hunting weapons in 2019 - procedure and registration of a license in Russia

Hunting game is a real man's activity. However, not everyone can obtain permission to purchase a hunting rifle. In this article we will look at how to obtain a license for a weapon for hunting and how a permit for a hunting rifle is issued

Obtaining a permit for a hunting weapon in 2019 is possible only if the applicant fully meets the following requirements:

  • Reaching the age of majority (18 years old).
  • Availability of permanent registration.
  • Availability of certificates from a narcologist and psychiatrist.
  • No criminal record.
  • Any administrative offense committed over the last year gives the LRR the right to refuse to obtain a permit to the applicant.

Procedure for obtaining permission

The procedure for issuing a permit for a hunting weapon lasts in several stages.

1. First you need to decide on the type of weapon, since there are certain differences between smooth-bore and rifled weapons.

2. It is necessary to have a safe to store weapons. The absence of a safe may be grounds for the local police inspector to issue a certificate. Therefore, it is better to purchase a safe right away.

3. Training for a permit for hunting weapons. The training is a one-day course, including a theoretical part and practical shooting. Upon completion, a certificate is issued and submitted to the LRR along with other documents. Courses for obtaining a license for hunting weapons are conducted by specially accredited training centers.

Obtaining and renewing a license is a fairly important process. This is necessary in order to legally use weapons and store them at home. The lack of permission will lead to the fact that a person will not receive the right to use weapons, not only those that fall into the category of protective weapons, but also hunting ones.

Active military personnel, law enforcement officers

List of documents required for purchase or renewal
hunting firearms or traumatic weapons.
for active military personnel, law enforcement officers (Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB, etc.)

1. Copy of passport - with the provision of the original (pages 2, 3 and registration)

2. Certificate from the personnel department about completion of service and assignment of service weapons (validity period of the certificate is 1 month).

3. A copy of the hunting license with the provision of the original, pages 1, 2 and the page where it is written - THE TICKET IS VALID UNTIL...... (if there is no hunting license, then the permit is issued only for storage, without the right to carry) - only for registration of hunting weapons.

4. 2 photographs 3x4 (matte)

5. Payment receipt

110 rubles - purchase of hunting weapons.

10 rubles - renewal of hunting weapons, for each weapon.

30 rubles for traumatic weapons.

6. Weapons permit (upon renewal)

The application form is issued on the reception day if you have a complete package of documents!

You can also on one's own Print and fill out the application form on our website!
