Virgo and Pisces - compatibility of opposites from an astrological point of view. Compatibility: Pisces woman and Virgo man

The relationship between a Pisces woman and a Virgo man is characterized by the fact that the weaker half of this union is ready to put up with many of her lover’s shortcomings, but you shouldn’t think that she will feel absolutely normal when he constantly grumbles. It is for this reason that the Pisces woman behaves as carefully as possible initial stage their romantic relationships. The whole point is that the Virgo man is distinguished by boundless calm, which many people tend to take as a sign that he is a bore. It is almost impossible to unsettle him. Virgos are not inclined to make any fundamental decisions, guided by impulse and emotions; they always calculate everything wisely and in advance. They definitely won’t take risks without an extremely compelling reason. The Virgo man's goal is to achieve absolute stability, be it confidence in his career or family relationships, doesn't matter. It’s clear that he should be respected for such a rational approach to life, but the Pisces woman would like to see more expressiveness from her partner. It is typical for her to constantly gravitate towards avoiding routine and everyday life as often as possible, experiencing vivid emotions and feelings, she is drawn to interesting and unusual people.

People born under the zodiac sign of Pisces are usually very enthusiastic people; they constantly need to feel a slight romantic dizziness. As their relationship moves into the addictive stage, the magical flair of love dissipates, and then it is quite possible that Rybka will swim in search of new experiences with another chosen one. It is worth noting that she does not accept betrayal and deceit, always trying to be frank with the people dear to her. If she realizes that her feelings for her partner are weakening, she will either subtly hint or directly admit it, preferring not to portray what is not there. In order to keep their union safe and sound, strong half in this tandem, you need to do everything to slightly adjust your position regarding your view of the relationship.

He should definitely try to accept his passion with all its advantages and disadvantages. Yes, she is a dreamer and a constant seeker of love, this cannot be taken away from her. Their relationship is not destined to continue in the absence of a romantic feeling: their family fortress can quickly crack on affection alone. And to a greater extent, the outcome of their relationship will be determined by how the Virgo man behaves. If he can still meet his beloved halfway and understands what he can talk to her about and what he can’t, then their couple will be able to avoid a huge number of quarrels. It is not typical for a Pisces woman to provoke her soulmate to emotions; she expects him to independently demonstrate his inner potential.

If only the Virgo man does not decide that his beloved does not want to talk to him - inside his soul he is very suspicious and vulnerable, and the realization that he is treated with indifference will undoubtedly hurt his tender heart. The unpleasant thing is that the Pisces woman is terribly fond of making mountains out of molehills. If it suddenly happens that they have nothing to talk about with their partner, she will immediately think that their union has collapsed. It is precisely such moments that are especially dangerous for the relationship between Virgo and Pisces. It is definitely worth taking steps towards a compromise, sharing and talking openly about your grievances and discontent so that the love of this couple does not turn into dust.

The Pisces woman is always self-absorbed, while the Virgo man is practical and taciturn. However, these representatives of the zodiac circle have a lot in common; their compatibility in work, love and friendship is quite high.

Compatibility of Zodiac signs according to horoscope

Most women born between February 20 and March 20 live in their own fantasy world and often dream. Such individuals are sentimental and receptive. They have weak sides: lack of self-discipline, evasiveness, weak willpower. They are looking for a person who will help them solve any problem. Cancers are most suitable for Pisces.

Men who were born from August 23 to September 22 are deeply thinking people. They are witty, practical and efficient. They often don’t have enough time to build a relationship with a girl, because they devote themselves entirely to their favorite business and work. Virgos often seek privacy in order to distance themselves from people. Taurus and Cancer suit them best.

These signs have a lot in common in behavior and character. Their union may turn out to be ideal. This is evidenced by the high compatibility of Pisces and Virgo.

Overall compatibility: 5 out of 5.

Compatibility in love and marriage

The meeting of a Virgo man and a Pisces woman will radically change everyone’s life. Everything will become clear from the first meeting. However, at the early stage of a relationship, a girl may not take a guy completely seriously; she is usually loaded with her own experiences and does not evaluate him objectively.

To please a Virgo, you need to be natural, because such guys are attracted to dreamy and defenseless girls. Common interests in many areas will help develop their relationship. Compatible in love relationships is almost 100%.

Representatives of these signs strive for a permanent partner and want to have strong family. The initiator of marriage is usually the man. If it takes place, then the relationship will not be entirely simple; scandals and intrigues in their union are not excluded.

Difficulties in family life often created by Virgos. They love to teach and criticize, and this upsets Pisces. There are others negative qualities in Virgo in love:

  1. cold;
  2. restraint;
  3. conservatism;
  4. monotony.

A Pisces woman can show her negative sides in relationships:

  1. touchiness;
  2. uncertainty;
  3. laziness;
  4. self-deception

Over the years they will get used to each other, and everything will work out.

They resolve all conflicts peacefully, expressing arguments to their partner. Often Virgos admit they are wrong. In marriage, a woman of the water element will be a good housewife and wife. Her house is always orderly and clean. Besides, she is a wonderful mother. However, the appearance of the baby will make her forget about her husband. Marriage compatibility reaches 99%.

Compatibility in love relationships: 5 out of 5.

Sexual compatibility

Virgos and Pisces are perfect for each other in bed. Their preferences in sex coincide. Men always show care and try to please their partner. Pisces are usually shy, and this is exactly what Virgo needs. Intimate life allows these zodiac signs to feel connected to their partner.

In some cases, Pisces may be put off by their partner's closed nature. If a representative of an earth sign can truly relax with Pisces, all his feelings and abilities will open up. Only then will physical attraction increase every year. Sexual compatibility signs allows them to conduct experiments in bed. Therefore, they do not need to restrain their desires; it is important to talk about everything that worries them.

Sexual compatibility: 5 out of 5.

Compatibility in friendship

There is rarely true friendship between representatives of these signs, but they are good friends. They both are not averse to chatting and discussing friends or a movie they saw. Despite the fact that Pisces and Virgo are very similar, they lack some things for true friendship.

The Pisces woman needs emotional nourishment, and the Virgo man cannot give it to her, so in the friendship of these zodiac signs there will be no empathy or sincere conversations. These people don't trust each other enough to be friends. There will not be complete trust between them. Therefore, friendship compatibility is 68%. Their other halves need not worry, there will be no betrayal.

Friendly compatibility: 4 out of 5.

Compatibility in work and career

The professional cooperation of these signs cannot be called fruitful. This union has both strengths and weaknesses. They can achieve success in business thanks to their caution and prudence. The downside is that Virgo acts rationally, and Pisces acts intuitively. It is not easy for them to combine these qualities. Representatives of these signs love to gossip, and the psychological atmosphere in the team can suffer from this.

As partners, they are a good match, which will not be endowed with enthusiasm. Both Virgo and Pisces - good performers, between which, however, small skirmishes and disagreements may arise.

Pisces as a boss and Virgo as a subordinate are quite good combination. The man will feel comfortable and approach his work responsibly. A woman holding a high position is not picky and is usually satisfied with the work of her colleague under the sign of Virgo.

A good union will come out if the woman is the fixer and the man is the boss. Pisces is often dreamy and unfocused, however, Virgo will be able to sort everything out and explain all the details so that the woman can easily cope with any task.

Business compatibility: 2 out of 5.

What do they need to know about each other?

  • A woman should take a closer look at Virgo’s actions; her partner shows his feelings through them.
  • If a lady can accept the fact that her chosen one is a man of few words, they will be happy.
  • A woman should entrust the management of money to her Virgo husband. After all, he is an economical and practical man. It is best to keep a separate budget. In this case, Virgo will not control other people's expenses.
  • Friendly dialogues will help maintain warm feelings in a couple. A man must step over himself and express everything he thinks about.
  • Virgo needs to admire Pisces more often and praise them for something. You need to become softer in your assessments.
  • Astrologers advise getting rid of modesty in intimate relationships. Harmony in the family depends on this.
  • To defuse the situation and smooth out the corners in a relationship, you can go on a trip or a walk together. Charged positive emotions and by exchanging impressions, you will be able to establish communication.

To create a strong family union, they will have to go through many trials.

Relationship Benefits

The union of Pisces and Virgo strengthens positive traits each other, namely:

  1. A man becomes responsible and brave, because next to him there is a fragile lady who needs to be taken care of. He will learn to understand the feelings and emotions of a woman, will begin to show more sensitivity and express many emotions. A reserved man next to a Pisces woman will become more open.
  2. The Pisces woman will learn practicality and thriftiness, the ability to control herself, and reason realistically.
  3. This couple prefers a calm and quiet pastime rather than noisy parties. Therefore, they will feel good together even at home while watching TV.
  4. Their union will be financially prosperous. The partner will make sure that his companion has everything she needs. At this time, Pisces, who is freed from making money, will be able to devote himself to his favorite business, household chores.
  5. Virgo and Pisces are an example of fidelity. You don't have to worry about anyone taking sides.

Virgo and Pisces are an unpredictable couple. They may not always be together. It all depends on their preferences and desires. Virgo-man, Pisces-woman respect and appreciate their partner, but at the same time these are contradictory signs. Astrologers characterize them as dreamy, passive and emotional. What does the horoscope say about each sign individually? Are they compatible in character? You will find answers to these questions in the article.

Virgo Man: Characteristics

This is a reserved, dreamy, responsible and caring person. Many women dream of winning this sign. A Virgo man loves the weaker sex and has affairs with them. However, they are all fleeting. He searches for a long time until he finds himself a faithful and reliable life partner.

Virgo dreams of having a wife who is smart, kind, responsible, honest, fair, faithful, etc. He has very high demands on his chosen one, so most often he is in no hurry to get married early.

Before marriage, these men walk a lot. But after the wedding they calm down, and the Virgo has not only no desire, but also no time for adventures. After all, he has a wife, without whom he can no longer live.

If a Virgo man finds his ideal, then he is ready for any reckless actions, as long as his beloved and unique one is with him. For his only one, he is ready to work both day and night so that she does not need anything.

The Virgo man is very calm. Therefore, it is not so easy to expect scandals from him. He knows how to smooth out all the rough edges with conversations. The Virgo man is not only good husband, but also a father. Gives everything free time to my children. He can take them to classes, go to a meeting, or just go on rides.

The wife can calmly rely on Virgo. Responsibility and reliability are the main traits of his character. With this man, any woman will feel comfort and security.

Pisces woman: characteristics

She is fragile and tender, needs a man's shoulder every minute. The Pisces horoscope does not mean that she is helpless. He can always earn money for bread. However, it is easier for her to shift her problems onto a man.

The Pisces woman knows how to be charming. Therefore, she is surrounded by many suitors who do not mind becoming her protectors in the future. long years. The owner of this sign is not in a hurry for a relationship. She looks closely for a long time, then can plunge headlong into the pool.

Nature has endowed the fish woman with charm, intelligence, silence and helplessness. This has been in her character since birth. When she gets married, she expects care and reliable support from her prince. After all, it was her defenselessness that won the heart of her chosen one.

This woman is not at all interested financial difficulties in family. If her husband has committed to support her, then she doesn’t care where he gets the money from or where he spends it. The result is important to her, so that they don’t sit hungry and cold. In her understanding, a woman should stay at home, and her husband should provide.

The Pisces woman completely gives her love to both her husband and child. However, children often take advantage of her kindness and often, already at the age of 15, are completely controlled by their mother. After all, she will do everything for her baby. Next to this beautiful woman the man feels like a protector and support. This is how the horoscope characterizes this woman. Pisces are intelligent and vulnerable natures, so they should be treated with tenderness.

Love: Virgo man, Pisces woman

These two signs can go together, but not always. Their characters are very different. They say opposites attract. However, for Virgo and Pisces to stay together, each of them needs to work on themselves every day. After all, it is not always possible to give in and compromise.

Both signs - Virgo-man, Pisces-woman - can love selflessly and dissolve in their partner, for whose sake they will be ready to do anything, even the most reckless. This couple is very loving at the very beginning of their relationship. However, as time passes, they realize that apart from sex, nothing binds them. Therefore, very often their relationships quickly end before they even begin.

Pisces woman, Virgo man: marriage compatibility

Virgo is characterized by stability, security and the desire to have their own cozy home, where a man will feel comfortable. Pisces do not strive for these parameters. They are always satisfied with everything. However, thanks to Virgos, Pisces learn to live more objectively and cease to be afraid of responsibility.

Virgo-man and Pisces-woman are two signs that do not need to be controlled, since they themselves know what they want from life. The similarity of these two signs is in one thing - they sometimes like to be alone. Therefore, both Virgo and Pisces need to give their partner more freedom.

Pisces is a dreamy and romantic person. Therefore, from marriage she expects that the man will take care of her, protect her and love her more than anyone else in the world. Virgo cannot always justify the desires of Pisces. Often such a marriage breaks up.

Disadvantages in marriage between Virgo and Pisces

This couple has many disadvantages in marriage. For example, a Virgo man does not know how to express his feelings, which are necessary for Pisces. It often seems to a wife that her husband lives with her for fun and does not love her. Because of this, Pisces often start thoughtless quarrels and scandals that last a long time.

Pisces do not know how to distribute finances. Therefore, no matter how much money the husband brings into the family, the wife will say that it is very little. She will never have enough finances even for food, because she does not like to live too frugally. Pisces don't know how to raise money for something important. Therefore, if the wife does not strive to manage finances, you should not force her, so as not to regret it later.

How to make a marriage perfect?

Virgo expresses her feelings through actions. If Pisces pays attention to this, then they will understand that they have Ideal husband. A woman needs to come to terms with the fact that Virgo expresses her feelings through actions, not words. If it works, then it might work good marriage. The Virgo man and Pisces woman are rarely inferior to their partner. They need to learn to compromise.

Pisces can safely entrust Virgo with general finances. The husband will be able to manage them perfectly, and there will be enough money not only for groceries, but also for more expensive purchases. After all, a Virgo man can be frugal.

An ideal couple could be the signs Pisces-woman and Virgo-man. The compatibility horoscope believes that if the husband and wife adhere to certain rules, can be happy.

Pisces woman, Virgo man: compatibility in friendship

They are good comrades. Virgo and Pisces are loyal to each other and are always ready to help. They can communicate for hours, discussing their day, work, friends, acquaintances or relatives. Both Pisces and Virgo know how to sympathize and empathize. However, since they are discussing the circle of their acquaintances, they will not trust their friend. After all, there is no guarantee that tomorrow this comrade will not discuss him behind his back.

As a rule, Virgo knows how to impose her principles on life. Therefore, this is not always pleasant for Pisces, and gradually their friendship ends, because it becomes burdensome for the water sign.


Virgo-man, Pisces-woman - a difficult couple. Every sign needs communication, love and support. However, they cannot always receive them from their partner. These two signs are opposite in character. However, they can be a happy couple if they learn to understand their partner.

A Virgo husband should not shout or offend his wife. She is vulnerable, and she is very uncomfortable with this attitude. It's always worth remembering that real love will not destroy happiness. If you truly value and respect your partner, you will pay less attention to his character. After all, for loving person there are no barriers.

People born under the Signs of Pisces or Virgo are able to imagine a lot of good things for each other. If they are qualitatively combined into one whole, it will turn out to be harmonious in highest degree. Everyone strives to achieve the development of spirituality, everyone must really want to take advantage of what a partner can give.

Otherwise, each of the participants can find a couple on the side with better compatibility, which will make it possible to get away from the constant need to work on oneself. Compatibility in love between a Pisces sign woman and a Virgo sign man is almost perfect.

Virgo man in relation to Pisces woman.

Virgos are not so soullessly pragmatic. Men of this species divide most of their existence between trying to have a prosperous, quiet life and the desire to help others. Therefore, love compatibility for Virgo male type- this is a woman who has a subtle organization of the soul, or such a woman from whom he can receive stable constancy.

This gives him the right to no longer hide from emotions in the sphere of obtaining material wealth and among numerous everyday concerns. The Virgo male is too reserved and does not know how to demonstrate feelings, which can make Pisces feel that they are not loved. This makes the Pisces woman become scared, jealous and angry, which can squeeze Virgo even more. On the contrary, you should allow him to open up more.

Pisces woman in relation to Virgo man.

The Virgo man will be attracted by the serenity of the “Fish” and how well she knows how to listen to him. And the Pisces woman herself is very insightful and is well aware of what a man expects from her. She can successfully use her knowledge of nature and understanding to conquer Virgo. Man in in this case, most likely, will not be able to determine when his “Fish” will turn into the most important creature in the Universe for him. But the positive side of this state is that in a relationship between a man and Virgo and a woman and Pisces, the latter will not take advantage against her lover.

The woman in this pair is wiser, because of this she is inferior to the chosen one, but she actually plays main role. This behavior gives Virgo male the stability and support that he needs in a woman. The more a Pisces woman is romantic, immersed in dreams and cut off from life, the more Virgo will like her in a man’s guise.

Compatibility in friendship.

There are no significant problems for their relationship, because in the case of a Virgo man and a Pisces woman, there are two flexible characters who will always find good topic communication. They are both interested in being together, although the characters of each are completely opposite to their partner. Partners will be united common features insight, the ability to achieve great success with the other sex.

The problem is that partners may be confused by the fact that the woman here is of unstable character. However, both are quite cautious, more cautious than other signs. They won’t get into the thick of things, gatherings and noisy holidays are not for them; they much prefer the silence of their own soul and the attentiveness of their closest friends. Pisces are able to see caring in Virgos, and they are also quite capable of appreciating the sublime organization of the soul of Pisces and their uniqueness. They easily find in a colleague what they need and recognize a “soul mate”.

Compatibility in love and marriage.

The feelings of each member of the couple are very strong and extremely deep. Only a man is full of thoughts, and a woman is full of her feelings. Man - Virgo, woman -: compatibility in love in this case is built on the complete unity of hobbies, as well as on the foundation of a woman’s ability to communicate skillfully. For this couple, there is no particular meaning in officially concluding and additionally confirming their marriage.

They have a family long before they put a stamp in their passport. Both soberly do not recognize social conventions, because they have perfectly studied the compatibility of each with the other long before the official procedure. The source of the decision about the need to obtain confirmation of their relationship at the official level is often a man, because Virgo is a big fan of order in everything. But for Pisces this aspect is completely unimportant. In a marriage, they have almost no conflict at all, because both have wisdom and a good amount of prudence; it will be easy for them to get through any difficulties together.

Positive sides.

Interesting unusual couple. In this case, the stars claim that representatives of the signs balance each other. In the relationship between a Virgo guy and a Pisces woman, experiences and ideas are exchanged. The same intellectual level will facilitate further communication. Moreover, it is difficult to call the partners similar. The Pisces lady is gentle and romantic, she devotes a lot of time to her own dreams and fantasies. The Virgo man is a practitioner, a practitioner, and a practitioner again. He does not waste time on long discussions and dreams, but brings to life what he has in mind.

However, such a serious young man The Pisces lady is captivated by the warmth and soulfulness. She seems to see right through the soul of a sincere and vulnerable man of the Earth element. The attraction between them exists and quickly develops into strong feelings. But the romance is unlikely to be stormy. Both Pisces and Virgo are calm, balanced signs. A girl is more prone to emotional displays than a guy, but in a couple she is more likely to imitate her partner.

Still, the stars consider this combination of signs not very successful. The two of them have to overcome many obstacles for a happy future. But the partners can try to do everything in their power. A Virgo man should soften towards his vulnerable chosen one. Criticism towards a Pisces lady should be as delicate as possible, otherwise there is a high probability of losing her forever.

A representative of the element of Water should prepare for the fact that she will have to return to earth from her dreams. And the partner contributes to this in the best possible way. Virgo prefers to act rather than dream, and therefore expects the same behavior from others. Yes, representatives of the signs have more differences than similarities, but this only makes the relationship more interesting. If the love of Virgo and Pisces is strong enough, then together they will overcome all difficulties.

Negative sides.

In the zodiac circle, Pisces and Virgo occupy opposite positions (and therefore have different characters). Perhaps this is the reason for the conflicts that constantly arise in couples. Astrologers say that a union between representatives of signs is extremely rare. Unfortunately, in most cases, relationships between lovers quickly fade away. But don't give up. A male practitioner is surprised at how difficult it can be to “pull” his chosen one out of the world of dreams. It seems to him that she is always somewhere in the clouds and thinks about anything, but not about pressing problems.

The Pisces girl does not like comments about her fantasies. The lady considers her lover to be too boring and pedantic. Here they find no compromise. What attracted them to each other at the very beginning of their acquaintance gradually began to irritate them. The everyday side of the couple’s relationship is also not cloudless. The Virgo guy knows how to earn money, but also spends money wisely.

A man will never bring something into the house that, in his opinion, is useless, but he carefully chooses furniture and equipment, which he does not skimp on purchasing. The Pisces woman acts completely differently when it comes to spending. It will not be difficult for her to spontaneously buy a useless, but pleasing thing to her soul. She spends money not as carefully as a representative of the Earth sign.

Often, disputes occur between couples over financial issues. If a lady listens to her partner, she will understand that he gives rational advice that significantly saves the budget and turns out to be useful in everyday life. In case of any conflicts, representatives of signs should enter into the position of a soul mate. For absolutely different people this is the only way that will allow for a long time stay together.

Compatibility of a Virgo man and a Pisces woman. Business sphere.

In business, Virgo and Pisces feel quite comfortable as colleagues. They are both excellent performers and complement each other's work. Quarrels may sometimes arise between them, but they are unlikely to interfere with business, and will be completely invisible to others. Management will appreciate their responsible approach to business and productivity.

But you need to take into account that none of your colleagues will be “active” and take initiative. It is better if new ideas for them “come down from above.” Women - Pisces as a boss are an excellent option for a guy - Virgo. He does the job flawlessly and without control, so the lady doesn’t have to waste her energy on comments and pressure (which she can’t do anyway). As a boss, Pisces is too soft, and therefore often cannot show due severity to her employees. With such a balance of power, it will be easy for both to conduct business.

It is also good for business when a Virgo man is in the boss’s chair. He has an excellent understanding of his work and can clearly explain the situation to any subordinate (even Pisces, who never stop dreaming even in the office). However, in case of a mistake, a representative of the Earth sign always looks for someone to blame. Often all the blame is shifted to the Pisces lady.

What to expect from the union.

In this association, the center of interaction between partners is the axis of service. The Virgo sign invests itself in serving society through right actions, while the Pisces sign invests itself in serving society through its own feelings. Virgo brings sense, and Pisces brings understanding. Pisces, especially women, try to warm the universe with the help of love, since most often they have more and do not have anything else, more material.

The most difficult thing is to put things in order together, because everyone has their own idea about it, but Pisces who are freer in this regard will need to put life in order to a greater extent. Pisces, and not only women, are not very practical, they do not know how to manage a budget, and they do not strive to manage the family’s finances, giving it all to the field of activity of Virgos, who cannot live without it. Partners have completely different ideas about what money should be spent on, so Virgo will often be “sausaged” by how Pisces does it.

If Pisces lets Virgo into their romantic fairy tale, into their dream world, Virgo will never be able to part with her. The soul of a Pisces woman serves for Virgo as a place of relaxation from her own debt, the responsibilities assigned to herself and from pressure environment, which he restrains with his work. For Pisces, Virgo acts as a real savior and a banal breadwinner in the full sense of the word.

Pisces, even if they have economic Education, it is better not to deal with the general budget, leaving this to perhaps the less educated, but initially more practical Virgos– to men. And Virgos will not offend their partner. Virgo needs help from female Pisces, taking care of them, these men open up because they can understand that in initiative, as well as in matters of real leadership, they are inferior to many Air or Fire Signs.

And Pisces women cannot pass without leaving a trace. Either these two will achieve compatibility and the exchange of experience will enrich both, or they will destroy each other and go home devastated. Advice from astrologers will help you choose a more preferable option.

Character compatibility between Pisces woman and Virgo man in the family

The flexible element of Water gives the Pisces woman a willingness to embrace the whole world: an oligarch and an outcast have an equal chance of winning her heart - as long as it’s good with the person, and a cute little thing will always have a place in the room, regardless of whether it fits into the interior. She’s a slob,” the Virgo man will note to himself when he visits her for the first time. He is not indifferent to the appearance, reputation, financial situation, personal qualities of a potential companion - the elements of the Earth dictate a purely practical approach.

At the same time, it would be unfair to say that empathy is alien to Virgos: behind external pedantry, strong, sometimes contradictory feelings often rage. If a strange union is destined to take shape, the man readily takes upon himself financial support and household improvement. Most Pisces women are aware of their impracticality, therefore they do not claim leadership or the right to dispose family budget- everything that implies responsibility.

It would seem, why does a neat, hardworking guy need incompetence always hovering in the clouds? The secret is simple: next to a disorganized, helpless friend, you feel your own efficiency, rightness, and fortitude more clearly. Caring for the weaker increases self-esteem and status in the eyes of others. Even though you have to do everything yourself, this is the best, if not the only, chance of compatibility with such an unusual lady. The Virgo man is interested in studying different types; the Pisces woman seems to him to be an endless labyrinth of mysteries. The representative of the astrological symbol knows how to accept care and signs of attention; her sincere expression of gratitude can soften the most callous character. There are inevitable regrets about taking on a burden, doubts whether such relationships interfere with personal progress, but such momentary moods quickly pass.

Compatibility at work

In a business setting, compatibility leaves much to be desired. It is problematic for the intuitively thinking Pisces woman to operate with numbers and facts, which are so natural for the Virgo man. A completely natural misunderstanding arises, in which everyone tries to blame a colleague, if possible so that the whole team can hear. As a result, the situation becomes tense and productivity suffers.

Pisces rarely take leadership positions, although for a Virgo subordinate this would be a good option. An employee who is disciplined by nature works much better without orders and strict control. A delicate lady boss will most likely choose just such an unobtrusive management style.

While the production process moves along a well-established track, Virgo is an intelligent leader, easily distributing instructions to his subordinates, and moderately demanding. Unseen circumstances make the boss furious. Someone must bear responsibility for the disorder, most likely it will be Pisces due to their inability to stand up for themselves.

As co-owners of a business, both are too cautious, avoid risks, and therefore often miss out on benefits. These are two diligent performers who have no one to lead. In addition, it is difficult to imagine a type of activity that would suit both.

How a Virgo man can conquer a Pisces woman

Compared to the taciturn Virgo man, the Pisces woman is much more sociable, but is not always able to articulate what is on her soul. However, understanding and reciprocal feelings are very important.

He expresses his need in a very unique way: by escaping from evil reality to anywhere. Drunkenness, drugs, hysterics, gluttony - all this is a cry for help, because feeling unloved is the worst thing. An overabundance of emotions can cause a similar reaction.

The best way to balance a relationship is to overcome silence, to express in words as often as possible the warm feelings that this evokes. unusual girl, this is the only way to give her peace of mind and achieve favor.

How a Pisces woman can win a Virgo man

From an objective point of view, a Pisces woman has practically no chance of winning a Virgo man, whose ideal is a practical realist who knows how to control herself perfectly. Nevertheless, such unions develop successfully, each time confirming that love does not always obey the laws of objective reality.

Sometimes a meeting with a Pisces girl makes you reconsider established views, doubt that stability and peace are the main values, and pay attention to the world of emotions. For a Virgo man who is accustomed to operating in a purely material world and shouldering the thankless work of a Virgo man, it will be a real discovery to be able to find happiness in own feelings, experiences, trust your intuition and not make mistakes. In the company of this girl, he will experience the same peace that he has always been looking for, although he imagined it in a completely different way.

It should be noted that earth signs need privacy from time to time. Not finding such an opportunity, they begin to “clear the territory”: they demonstrate Bad mood, find fault with others, try to prick. Seeing such behavior, it is best to leave your loved one alone. Ideally, by assuring that you will safely survive a couple of hours of his hermitage.

Who and how raises children in a family?

The Pisces woman understands motherhood in a very unique way: the child needs exactly what her parents did not give her. Mom tries to remember, predict and prevent her own childhood disappointments; she chooses gifts and toys that she herself dreamed of. Sometimes good intentions create problems, because children are not always exact copies parents.

Due to her soft character, it is difficult for a mother to set rules and cultivate qualities such as determination, fortitude, and activity. On the one hand, there is a rather pleasant permissiveness, on the other, a lack of support. The older the child gets, the more dangerous than the situation, which he risks falling into. The mother clearly needs the help of a strong-willed, competent person, who is the Virgo father.

It is noteworthy that, having learned about his wife’s pregnancy, the Virgo man is in no hurry to notify all his acquaintances, as expectant parents often do. He prefers to act: he chooses a name for the baby and opens a bank account for him, begins to save for education, and plans the future in detail. Fatherly feelings do not awaken immediately; at first, parental responsibilities are seen as one of the areas where order can be restored.

Dad tries in every possible way to control the development of the baby, teaching him a routine, healthy eating, and discipline. Attention to detail does not allow for miscalculations when it comes to health and learning, and it is better to entrust the development of creative skills and imagination to the mother.

Virgo parents, more often than other zodiac symbols, face the problem of fathers and children. Realizing that it is pointless to enter into a discussion with an adamant father, the matured child one day confronts him with one or another already accomplished fact.

Intimate compatibility of Virgo man and Pisces woman

Position of planets in natal chart gives the Pisces woman a unique chance to get to know the Virgo man from a completely unexpected side. An intimate setting is a rare occasion when he can allow himself passion and unbridledness. True, subject to complete trust and a sense of unity.

The element of Water has endowed the Pisces woman with flexibility, responsiveness, and understanding, thanks to which an invisible but strong connection is established between partners. The complete absence of prohibitions, experiments, free expression of emotions plunge both into the primitive ocean of sensual romance.

Sloppiness can be a destructive factor. Virgos are unusually clean and also attach importance to such little things as, for example, their partner’s underwear, fresh sheets and accessories in the bedroom. At the same time, some of them are not averse to bragging about their sexual exploits to friends on occasion. It is a real shock for a vulnerable companion to learn that such conversations took place.

Pros and cons of Virgo men and Pisces women

Responsibility for the Pisces woman inspires the Virgo man to new achievements, admiration and gratitude in return allow him to feel strong and in demand, caring for his neighbor fits perfectly into the value system.

The couple does not like noisy gatherings, preferring to while away the evenings with intellectual conversations, discussion of works of art, and gossip. Pisces is encouraged by confidence in tomorrow's well-being, Virgo receives powerful emotional support. Both are focused on stability and long-term relationships.

What is the likelihood of compatibility between a Virgo man and a Pisces woman?

The balanced interaction of the material and mental principles serves as the basis for the compatibility of a couple. It is quite natural that such different personalities do not always manage to understand each other perfectly. However, a mutual desire to overcome differences and life goals for starting a family increases the chances of achieving harmony.
