Diet for duodenal ulcer disease. Is chocolate okay for stomach and duodenal ulcers?

Diet for duodenal ulcers is an integral element of treatment during exacerbation of the disease and part of the way of life during remission.

The duodenum is part of the digestive system in the body, therefore the quantity and quality of food that enters the body daily becomes both the cause of pathology and a means for normalizing the human condition.

The diet for duodenal ulcers is gentle, aimed at minimal irritation of the walls of the organ, elimination of inflammatory foci and normalization of the secretion of gastric juice, as the main agent of aggression.

Causes of ulcers

For a patient forced to live with a diagnosis of duodenal ulcer, it is important to understand that diet and lifestyle changes are not a whim, but an urgent necessity. Understanding the reasons that triggered the onset of the disease will help the patient understand his condition and the need to adhere to the diet recommended by the doctor. The main reasons for the development of duodenal ulcers are divided into external and internal. Endogenous causes include:

  • hormonal disorders that provoke increased secretion of gastric juice or decreased secretion of protective mucus;
  • pathologies of the liver and biliary tract;
  • genetic predisposition to the disease.

External (exogenous) factors include:

  • various nutritional disorders - spicy, cold, hot foods, diets or prolonged fasting;
  • exposure to the bacterium Helicobacter pylori;
  • violation of eating habits;
  • chronic infections;
  • severe psychological or mental fatigue;
  • prolonged stress;
  • low quality food (they contain a high content of pesticides, nitrates, and other artificial compounds that irritate the organ mucosa);
  • systemic diseases and long-term use of certain medications;
  • alcoholism, addiction to nicotine.

Usually the appearance of an ulcer is provoked by not one, but several reasons, in most cases one of them is Helicobacter pylori. The infection rate of Russians and citizens of post-Soviet countries reaches 90%.

Activation of the bacterium occurs during a sharp decrease in immunity, which is provoked by: addiction to alcohol, past illnesses, stress, and eating disorders. A sharp increase in the number of bacteria increases the amount of toxin released, which damages cells and capillaries in the walls of the mucous membranes and provokes inflammation.

Diet as part of treatment

The treatment regimen for duodenal ulcers includes, in addition to taking medications:

  • quitting smoking and alcohol;
  • elimination of stress and nervous tension;
  • constant use of a gentle diet.

Nutrition correction is carried out under the guidance of the attending physician; the prescribed diet should take into account concomitant diseases. The diet of a patient with duodenal ulcer should:

  • cover the patient’s energy needs;
  • be balanced in its components and contain all the elements necessary for the body;
  • be gentle mechanically, thermally and chemically.

Maintaining water balance in the body is important for the proper functioning of the patient’s body. The gentle nature of nutrition provides that:

  • food that enters the body must be as crushed as possible, without solid particles, semi-liquid or liquid consistency;
  • food and drinks consumed by the patient must be warm, hot and cold food is prohibited;
  • The foods and dishes consumed should not provoke excessive gastric activity and the secretion of digestive juices, or contain acids and spices.

The composition of dishes and the patient’s diet depend on the stage of the disease. During an exacerbation, the diet is the most restrictive and the choice of dishes is limited. As the patient's condition improves, the diet expands and the list of dishes increases. During the period of remission, the diet is the least strict and practically does not differ from the diet of a healthy person.

Modern nutrition for duodenal ulcers is more democratic and contains fewer restrictions than at the end of the 20th century. This is due to the accumulation of a large amount of clinical information and a deeper understanding of the processes that cause the disease.

Until the beginning of this century, doctors used a system developed by Soviet doctors to build therapeutic nutrition regimens. It is based on 15 diets (tables) that were used to treat major diseases. Diets:

  • No. 1-5 were created to treat digestive diseases;
  • No. 6 – for patients with impaired metabolism;
  • No. 7 – used for kidney patients;
  • No. 15 – for nutrition during the period of remission of patients with diseases of the digestive tract.

Now this system has been reorganized into 5 diets, which are adapted for the main groups of pathologies.

For duodenal ulcers, the following tables are prescribed:

  • 1a during exacerbation of the disease against the background of increased acidity;
  • 1b in the treatment of pathology, as a consolidating effect; appointed after the previous one;
  • 2 in the treatment of pathologies against the background of decreased secretion of gastric juice;
  • 15 for building the main type of nutrition during long-term remissions.

Staying hydrated is an important part of nutritional plans. The majority of the liquid you drink should be clean drinking water at room temperature. If the water is bottled, then there should be no gas in it.

Therapeutic mineral waters consumed by a patient with duodenal ulcer can have a negative impact on well-being. To do this, you need to choose the right type of water. During the period of relative stabilization of the condition, you can drink:

  • Borjomi;
  • Slavyanovskaya;
  • Essentuki 4.

The amount of water you drink should not exceed 3 glasses in the morning, lunch and evening. The water should be at room temperature. You should drink in slow sips. You should not drink mineral waters with strong mineralization. If you have an individual intolerance to mineral waters and the appearance of heartburn, intestinal upset, or pain, you should stop drinking water.

Features of the diet for pathology

Dietary restrictions are a vital necessity for a patient with duodenal ulcer. Sometimes dietary restrictions can provoke nervous irritability and depression; The patient’s relatives and doctors need to know the positive and negative aspects of the nutritional plan according to the indicated diets.

Positive sides:

  • Gastrointestinal functions are normalized;
  • heartburn and pain symptoms are blocked;
  • the mucous membrane works in a comfortable mode, is not injured by food particles and caustic contents;
    the diet is based on products available throughout the year;
  • the cost of food on this diet does not require large amounts of money, it is quite affordable for Russians of average income.


  • cooking must be carried out by a person with culinary skills;
  • nutrition during an exacerbation of the disease (tables No. 1 a; b) should be accompanied by a decrease in physical activity or bed rest.

During the period of rehabilitation and remission, to relieve psychological stress (after mandatory consultation with a doctor), you can apply the “zigzag” principle - brief, reasonable deviations from the diet are allowed for a short time. After this, the patient again switches to the prescribed diet.

Prohibited and permitted products

Diets for diseases of the digestive system are based on the principle of distinguishing between prohibited and permitted foods. Foods that linger in the stomach for a long time and cause flatulence are removed from the menu, and salt is removed. Completely excluded from the menu:

  • strong meat and fish broths;
  • mushrooms of all types, using any cooking method;
  • salted and fermented foods;
  • lard, fatty meat;
  • fatty fish;
  • caviar of all types;
  • sausages, smoked meat and fish;
  • canned food of all types;
  • fermented milk products with a spicy taste (kefir);
  • high-fat milk, fermented milk products and cheeses;
  • millet cereal;
  • boiled eggs;
  • legumes, cabbage, radishes and radishes;
  • vegetables with sour and pungent taste (tomatoes, onions, garlic, sorrel, spinach, rhubarb);
  • sour fruits;
  • spicy store-bought sauces with vinegar, horseradish and mustard;
  • nuts;
  • coffee, tea and cocoa;
  • sweet and unsweetened carbonated drinks;
  • sugar and its substitutes;
  • sweet fresh yeast baked goods;
  • chocolate and its substitutes;
  • bread made from rye flour and with its addition

Allowed foods to which the patient exhibits an individual reaction may be excluded from the diet.

Permitted for use:

  • stale white bread and crackers without sugar or salt;
  • dry (lingering) cookies and unsweetened pastries made from unleavened dough filled with lean meat, fish, permitted fruits or vegetables;
  • biscuits with little sugar;
  • vegetable soups, during the period of remission - soups with diluted secondary broth from poultry or veal;
  • first courses of cereals;
  • dairy dishes with diluted milk (porridge, soups);
  • steamed meat dishes (soufflé, meatballs, meatballs) from veal and poultry, rabbit (without skin, veins and cartilage);
  • dishes made from low-fat minced fish;
  • low-fat grated cottage cheese, mild-tasting fermented milk products;
  • eggs in a steam omelet or soft-boiled;
  • porridge (smears) rice, buckwheat, oatmeal (rolled oats), semolina;
  • fruit and berry puree, boiled or baked apples and pears;
  • sweets based on berries and fruits (marshmallows, marshmallows, marmalade, preserves, jams;
  • compotes with honey (can be made from dried fruits), jelly;
  • herbal teas or diluted cocoa;
  • refined vegetable oil as an additive to ready-made dishes;
  • high-quality butter as an additive;
  • milk-based sauces.

The list of permitted foods is quite extensive so that the patient does not feel significant discomfort. Culinary skills become key in this situation.

Diet during exacerbation

In the first 14 days after an exacerbation of the ulcer, diet No. 1a is used. The list of permitted dishes includes:

  • pureed soups from cereals, semolina or oatmeal, rice, buckwheat;
  • boiled porridge with added milk (except millet);
  • steam omelettes and soft-boiled eggs;
  • steamed cottage cheese;
  • meat and fish steam soufflés, for which veinless meat and cartilage skin are used;
  • sweet jelly made from berries and fruits;
  • butter and vegetable oil in limited quantities as an additive to dishes.

Principles of cooking during exacerbation of the disease:

  • food is served warm;
  • meals are provided every 2.5 hours strictly according to the schedule, the last meal is a glass of an authorized drink;
  • the total amount of salt in the diet is 1 teaspoon;
  • calorie intake – 3000 Kcal;
  • ratio of useful elements - proteins and fats, 100 g each; carbohydrates – 200 g;
  • In preparing dishes, boiling, stewing, and baking without crust are allowed.

After persistent improvement occurs, diet No. 1b is applied. It is installed for the next 10-12 days. The menu additionally includes:

  • white bread croutons;
  • soups with secondary diluted broth;
  • milk soups;
  • long biscuits.

For the next 20 days, diet No. 1 is established. The patient's diet is expanded due to:

  • stale white bread and pastries with unsweetened or berry filling;
  • cookies or dried biscuits;
  • vegetable puree and pureed vegetable soups;
  • small pasta and vermicelli;
  • grated fresh low-fat cottage cheese;
  • cottage cheese casserole;
  • fresh sweet fruits and berries without skin and small seeds inside;
  • fruit juices diluted with water;
  • leafy greens;
  • piece of lean meat.

Culinary processing of products remains the same. Salt is adjusted to 2 teaspoons; the amount of allowed food increases (up to 3 kilograms of food mass). The amount of proteins and fats in the diet is 100 g; carbohydrates 400 g.

As before, the following are excluded from the diet:

  • spicy seasonings;
  • alcohol;
  • cigarettes;
  • strong coffee and tea;
  • sour fruits and berries;

The patient is not allowed large portions of food at a time; he is allowed to eat no more than 200 g of food at one time.

Nutrition for duodenal bulb ulcer

In case of pathology, table No. 1 is prescribed. In case of exacerbation, abstinence from food is recommended for 1-2 days. Then diet 1a is prescribed for 10-12 days. If the condition improves, the doctor prescribes a transition to table 1b. Medicinal and table mineral waters are permitted with prior approval from a doctor. If a patient has a negative reaction to milk and dishes made from it (heartburn), they are eliminated from the diet.

Nutrition for perforated ulcers

The table for acute illness is very limited and contains slimy soups and semi-liquid porridges. In the future, nutrition is based on the same principles: diet 1A, then 1B. After the condition improves and the mucous membrane heals, switch to a permanent diet No. 1 for a period of at least 12 months. The amount of liquid should not exceed 2 liters, the calorie content of the diet should be 3 thousand kcal. It is useful to include herbal teas from chamomile and rosehip in the menu.

A patient with a duodenal ulcer needs to remember that his diet is complete and healthy. From the proposed products you can prepare a large number of various dishes. Small relaxations in the diet should be one-time (alcohol, spicy foods and strong coffee are strictly excluded), after which the patient returns to his usual diet.

The diet for duodenal ulcers should be followed during the period of exacerbation of the disease.

This disease has recently become more common due to the pace of life, constant stress, poor lifestyle, and poor diet.

Are you having any problem? Enter “Symptom” or “Name of the disease” into the form, press Enter and you will find out all the treatment for this problem or disease.

The site provides reference information. Adequate diagnosis and treatment of the disease is possible under the supervision of a conscientious doctor. Any medications have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required, as well as detailed study of the instructions! .

Diet for exacerbation of ulcers

When treating ulcers, attention is paid to proper nutrition; no drugs will restore the affected areas unless you follow a strict diet.

Violation of the routine and neglect of proper nutrition lead to an exacerbation of the disease. The diet for exacerbation of a duodenal ulcer in the first 2-3 days includes the use of only approved foods that have undergone heat treatment, crushed into puree, so as not to irritate the mucous membrane and avoid tissue injury.

The diet for the first days of exacerbation of the disease includes poultry, lean veal, and fish. The meat is well cleaned of tendons, skin, fat, boiled by steam or in water, then minced in a meat grinder 2-3 times.

They do the same with fish. Ready meals should be in the form of a soufflé. For a balanced diet, the diet is varied with vegetable puree or ground lean porridge. Among dairy products, milk is welcome; it soothes the irritated lining of the intestines and neutralizes acid production.

On the 2nd or 3rd day, dried crustless bread and peeled fruits, crushed into a puree, are added to the menu for ulcers. After a week, following the diet becomes easier, and light low-fat broths can be added to the patient’s diet; all dairy products, meat and fish do not need to be crushed, but chewed thoroughly.

Treatment of peptic ulcer disease is effective if you follow a diet and proper nutrition.

Treatment of duodenal ulcers

A gastroenterologist can identify and make a diagnosis using anamnesis and gastroscopy performed on an outpatient basis.

The cause and causative agent of the disease is considered to be the bacteria Helicobacter pylori.

Treatment of ulcers is based on complex treatment:

  • A course of antibacterial therapy using antibiotics active against bacteria;
  • Drugs that neutralize the production of the main component of gastric juice, hydrochloric acid, which damages the mucous membrane and forms ulcers;
  • Preparations that protect and create a reducing film in the affected area;
  • A balanced, gentle diet, giving up bad habits.

The correct treatment regimen, adherence to the daily routine, and recommended nutrition are important for treatment and lead to complete recovery. Upon completion of the full course of therapy, after repeated examinations, the success of treatment is determined using repeated gastroscopy.

Drug treatment is carried out for 2 weeks.

Maintenance therapy is prescribed, and until complete recovery the patient is recommended to follow a diet and quit smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages. The last resort in treating ulcers is surgery. Used in cases of long-term non-healing ulcers, complications, exacerbation of the disease.

The affected area of ​​the duodenum is surgically removed, blocking the nerve endings that help increase acidity. After radical treatment, the main factor for success is a specially selected diet, as with conservative treatment.

Important information about the disease in the video

Allowed foods

The diet for duodenal ulcer is compiled taking into account the permitted products:

  1. Vegetable soups in the form of puree.
  2. Pureed milk soups.
  3. Steamed chicken eggs in the form of an omelette.
  4. Soft-boiled chicken eggs, no more than 2 per week.
  5. Lean veal.
  6. Chicken meat without skin.
  7. Low-fat fish.
  8. All seasonal vegetables, except white cabbage.
  9. Non-sour fruits, crushed or baked.
  10. Cereals boiled in water or milk, pre-ground.
  11. Bread made from wholemeal flour, dried, no more than 300 grams per day.
  12. The juices are not sour.
  13. Among the drinks, rosehip decoction is welcome, as it improves digestion.
  14. Fats. Only butter and vegetable oil, no more than 25 grams per day.
  15. Dairy products. The basis of the diet for ulcers. All dairy products and milk are allowed, except fermented milk products with added preservatives. Homemade milk sauces are allowed.

Prohibited products for everyone

The list of prohibited foods for duodenal ulcers includes:

  • Fat meat. Pork, poultry skin, meat with a layer of lard.
  • Decoctions and broths from fatty meat.
  • Baking, black, white fresh bread.
  • Products containing fiber, especially not in grated form.
  • Spicy, salty, smoked food.
  • Fats in any form.
  • Fried foods.
  • Cold drinks, ice cream.
  • Chocolate, coffee drinks.
  • Conservation.
  • Alcoholic drinks, carbonated water.

Popular dishes and strict diet

Despite the strict regime, following a strict diet with many restrictions, the patient must receive fats, carbohydrates, and proteins.

Using permitted products and processing methods, you can prepare dishes that are no less tasty and healthy. There are many recipes for famous dishes for this disease.

Delicious, healthy dietary dishes include meat soufflé made from tender veal, vegetable puree soup with your favorite vegetables, sour cream dressing, lazy cottage cheese dumplings, a simple, satisfying, tasty dish.

Boiled fish can be combined with steamed vegetables; multi-colored slices of vegetables diversify the dish and add a pleasant taste to the fresh fish.

In order to improve the taste and saturate it with vitamins, it is necessary to add fruit to the ground porridge; if it is not sour porridge, pumpkin will be an excellent affordable, tasty addition. Baked sweet apples with cottage cheese and honey are good as a dessert. You can also bake pears this way.

From drinks, in addition to medicinal rosehip decoction, you can prepare jelly and compotes from non-acidic fruits.

Sample menu for the week

When drawing up a menu for the week, you need to take into account the general condition of the patient and this should be done by a specialist.

The main rule of the diet remains the same: rational, healthy, fractional meals. Portions should be small, at least 5 times a day.


  • Breakfast: 150 grams of slimy oatmeal with ground strawberries, a slice of bread with butter, rosehip infusion.
  • Second: apple baked with cottage cheese, jelly.
  • Lunch: Puree soup with zucchini and breadcrumbs. Steamed fish. Compote.
  • Afternoon snack: Chicken soufflé. Banana.
  • Dinner: Meatballs with mashed potatoes. Steamed boiled vegetables. A glass of milk.
  • Breakfast: grated buckwheat porridge, compote.
  • Second breakfast: applesauce and bananas, 2 biscuits.
  • Lunch: mashed potatoes with pumpkin, steamed cutlet. Chicken bouillon.
  • Afternoon snack: 1 marshmallow, glass of fruit juice.
  • Dinner: Steamed vegetables, 2 lean veal cutlets. Baked pear. Rose hip decoction.
  • Breakfast: semolina porridge with milk, 30 grams of marshmallows, compote.
  • Second breakfast: cottage cheese casserole, banana.
  • Lunch: rice pudding 200 grams, 100 grams of steamed fish, rosehip broth.
  • Afternoon snack: meat soufflé, baked apple.
  • Dinner: vegetable puree, boiled chicken pieces without skin, jelly.
  • Breakfast: cottage cheese with mashed banana, rosehip infusion.
  • Second breakfast: a slice of bread with low-fat cheese, tea without sugar.
  • Lunch: chicken broth, meat soufflé, compote.
  • Afternoon snack: baked apple, glass of still water.
  • Dinner: boiled fish with cream sauce and steamed vegetables, a glass of milk.
  • Breakfast: slimy oatmeal, banana, compote.
  • Second breakfast: biscuits, fruit jelly.
  • Lunch: chicken broth, mashed potatoes with steam cutlet, tea.
  • Afternoon snack: compote, a piece of dried biscuit.
  • Dinner: pumpkin puree, 2 pike perch cutlets. A glass of milk with honey.

    5 / 5 ( 2 voices)

Such a diet and proper treatment are simply vital to avoid repeated relapses in the stomach and duodenum.

Sticking to a diet and eating properly after surgery is extremely important, because it is the stomach that affects the general condition of the body and a person’s well-being. Recovery without the correct strict diet will, alas, be impossible. This should be remembered when you want to eat something that is not on the recommended menu, you should think about the consequences and the operation that has already been completed - not the best prospects may return again. But many things can be corrected if you have willpower and do not give in to the temptation to break your diet in favor of junk food, which will definitely not contribute to treatment, and there is a risk of having to undergo surgery again.

The diet for a duodenal ulcer and the diet for a gastric ulcer may differ slightly, depending on the stages of the peptic ulcer, as well as the affected organs: duodenal ulcer with damage to the bulb, gastric ulcer with damage to the fundus, damage to the postbulbar region, perforated ulcer, combined ulcers , having double localization. Also, forms of the disease have: increased acidity of gastric juice, decreased acidity of gastric juice, as well as with increased and decreased, as well as normal intestinal motility.

There are also trophic ulcers. But they arise not inside the body, but on the extremities, and they have nothing to do with the stomach, or the entire gastrointestinal tract, they are a completely separate disease. But at the same time, when treating trophic ulcers, special diets are also prescribed, which, in combination with medications, can give excellent results and promote faster healing. You can read about a diet for trophic ulcers, which will help you cope with the disease faster, at the end of the article.

Key nutrition rules for stomach and duodenal ulcers

2. It is extremely important that foods in the diet do not irritate the gastric mucosa, and to do this, acid in any form should be avoided.
3. There should be a lot of meals (at least 5-6 per day), but portions with this diet should be significantly reduced. Under no circumstances should you overeat!
4. Hot and cold food is excluded! Its temperature should optimally be at room temperature.
5. You should not drink water while eating, so as not to worsen digestion. Water is consumed either before meals or 30-40 minutes after.
6. Food should be grated or pureed. Do not allow solid pieces to enter the gastrointestinal tract.
7. Salt will also have to be excluded.
8. You should avoid foods that provoke increased secretion of gastric juice.
9. The diet should also not contain spicy foods.
10. Preference should be given to nutritious foods that contain sufficient amounts of vitamins, carbohydrates and fats to keep the body full.
11. Foods must be alternated in order to get the maximum from the permitted food.

What foods are prohibited for stomach and duodenal ulcers?

There is a list of products that are strictly not recommended for ulcers, gastritis, stomach burns and other gastrointestinal problems: mushrooms in any form, sour foods (cabbage, cabbage soup, okroshka), fatty animal products (meat, lard, fish, caviar), any types of smoked meats, canned food and pates, scrambled and hard-boiled eggs (soft-boiled eggs are allowed), coarse cereals and bran, fresh berries and fruits, especially sour ones, any sauces, sweets and ice cream, any soda and alcohol, rye bread, vegetables that irritate the mucous membranes shells (onions, garlic, sorrel and other hot and sour foods), fatty dairy products (cheese, sour cream), vegetables with fiber (peas, corn, beans, cabbage, radish), some drinks (coffee, tea, cocoa) .

Despite the large list of foods prohibited for ulcers, the diet includes many tasty and nutritious ingredients: dried wheat bread and crackers from it, soft-boiled eggs, cereal or chicken soups (drain the first water 1-2 times), milk soups , low-fat cottage cheese, lean veal, beef, chicken, meatballs, vegetables (zucchini, carrots), finely ground cereals, pasta, vegetable oil, compotes, uzvar, wheat bran decoctions, rose hip decoctions, still water, weak tea, baked buns from yeast-free dough, honey, marshmallow.

Diet for gastritis and stomach ulcers

This diet No. 1 is quite difficult for most people, but it helps very well to restore the stomach and help with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, including in the fight against gastritis. As a rule, doctors prescribe this diet for speedy healing just after suffering from acute gastritis, with chronic gastritis, as well as during stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers.

Important rules of diet for ulcers: foods to be consumed must certainly be boiled or steamed; fried foods are excluded. Calorie content for this diet should be in the range of 2800-3000 kcal per day. Meals in small portions at least 5-6 times a day.

Diet No. 1 is divided into two types: 1A and 1B.

Diet A1 implies a more strict diet, namely: liquid or mushy (ground) dishes, steamed or boiled; 6-7 meals a day in very small portions; ban on eating fresh vegetables, fresh fruits and berries, bread in any form. Diet 1A is prescribed a week after surgery for gastric or duodenal ulcers, as well as for two weeks during exacerbation of ulcers, during chronic or acute gastritis. As a rule, diet 1A is applied until the ulcer scar heals.

Diet 1B is less strict and is considered gentle, its menu is switched to after completion of diet 1A after the first stage of ulcer healing, it implies: 5-6 meals a day, small pieces of food are allowed, and not just completely ground, lower-calorie dietary products, than in diet 1A. Diet 1B lasts from 10 to 30 days.

Diet menu for diet 1A:

  1. Breakfast 1: omelette baked in the oven without salt, bread, weak tea, soaked dried apricots.
  2. Breakfast 2: semolina, rice or oatmeal in a viscous state, cooked in water, uzvar.
  3. For lunch: chicken or vegetable soup, bread, a lean piece of chicken with pasta, compote.
  4. For an afternoon snack: steamed cutlet, potato or vegetable puree, rose hip decoction.
  5. Dinner 1: boiled beef or steamed fish, wheat bread, fruit jelly.
  6. Dinner 2: low-fat yogurt without filler.

With this diet, you cannot add salt and other seasonings to dishes, and sugar should not be added to tea. All products must be ground.

Diet for stomach ulcers with high acidity M. Goren

The diet developed by Israeli doctor Michael Geren involves treating stomach and duodenal ulcers with herbal decoctions. It is prescribed by the attending physician, and the compositions are selected according to the nature of the ulcer and the level of acidity of the patient’s gastric juice. It is not recommended to prescribe this diet for yourself, because it is very specific. Your doctor will need to evaluate the risks, the severity of your peptic ulcer, and your stomach acid level. It also matters how the patient’s operation proceeded.

In order for the diet to be most effective, in parallel with decoctions, it is also recommended to use decoctions of flax seeds, which are prepared as follows: flax seeds (2 teaspoons) should be ground (it is better not to buy ground immediately), then pour a glass of water over them, in the morning the infused seeds should be heat in a water bath, but do not bring to a boil, and drink the warm broth in slow sips on an empty stomach one hour before breakfast.

For the first breakfast you need to prepare: pour 2 teaspoons of flax seed into a glass of cold water, then grate an apple or carrot there on a fine grater, you can also add almonds and/or other nuts grated with honey.

For the second breakfast, which comes 2 hours after the first, you need to squeeze out fresh carrot or cabbage juice and drink it immediately.

Lunch will consist of one large glass of herbal tea: pour boiling water in equal parts of mallow, marshmallow, plantain, nettle (or the second composition: nettle, fragrant violet and horsetail), add a little licorice. Boil the broth over low heat for 25 minutes. Let cool, strain, add a little honey to the cooled tea if desired, mix thoroughly and drink slowly in small sips.

Perforation or perforation of a stomach ulcer

When a gastric ulcer is perforated or perforated, a hole appears in the walls of the stomach or duodenum, and the subsequent release of the contents into the abdominal cavity or retroperitoneal tissue.

Perforation is extremely dangerous and can be fatal if you do not seek medical help in time.

A perforated ulcer has three stages:

1) Pain shock - the pain can be so severe that a person can even scream. It appears suddenly, strongly and sharply. The pain is like a dagger. As a rule, a person begins to feel pain first in the upper abdomen, and then it spreads throughout the entire abdominal cavity. The entire abdomen is very tense (which is a characteristic symptom), and the patient’s legs are pulled up. This condition is characterized by: pale skin, low blood pressure, slow pulse, cold sweating. The period of painful shock during perforation can last 6-7 hours.

2) False prosperity.

After 6-7 hours, during perforation, imaginary relief occurs, and if at the previous stage the person did not consult a doctor, then it may seem to him that everything has passed and everything is fine. but this is very dangerous, because the pain has decreased or gone away completely, but the problem is not solved, but is only getting worse every minute. At this stage, tension in the abdomen decreases, but does not go away completely, intestinal paresis appears and flatulence increases. The patient's lips and tongue begin to dry out, and the need to urinate decreases (or disappears altogether). Blood pressure is still low, heart rate increases. The period of imaginary well-being lasts - 10-12 hours.

3) Purulent peritonitis - after 10-12 hours the third stage appears, which is very difficult for the patient. The following symptoms of perforation appear: vomiting, hiccups, dry lips and tongue, a strong feeling of thirst. The general condition becomes sluggish, the body temperature rises very much, the skin at this time is sticky and moist, and the color becomes earthy. At the same time, the eyes become sunken, and the facial features become slightly sharpened, acquiring the “Hippocratic face.”

As you understand, it is better not to joke with a perforated ulcer, and at the slightest suspicion and sharp pain it would be more correct to call an ambulance to rule out a perforated ulcer, because otherwise the patient will only be helped by surgical intervention.

After surgery to repair a perforated stomach ulcer, it is very important to adhere to a strict diet, because otherwise a relapse may occur. In this case, both medicinal and dietary forms are necessary for treatment.

After surgery on the intestines, it is very important to have the so-called food rest for several days so that the organs can adapt to the new state, as well as to eliminate the effects of acids on the gastrointestinal tract, which has experienced considerable stress. A short absence of peristalsis is also important - this condition will contribute to a faster restoration of the digestive organs.

Only 3-5 days after the perforation of the stomach ulcer has been eliminated, the patient begins to be given liquid food in very small quantities. But this is only if there are no complications. The cessation of fasting itself should occur very slowly and calmly.

After 5 days, drinks are allowed to be introduced. First of all, to fill the body with vitamins, and also to activate the functioning of the digestive organs. As a rule, this is: a decoction of rose hips, possibly with the addition of a small amount of honey; Berry and fruit jellies are allowed.

Another 5 days after the drinking diet, it will be possible to gradually replace drinks with food: viscous rice porridge from pre-ground cereals, pureed vegetable soup, steamed egg white omelettes, grated meat soufflé, also steamed or in a slow cooker.

Diet for trophic ulcers

In this case, it should not be confused with a stomach ulcer. In this case we are talking about external ulcers that appear mainly on the extremities, often due to venous insufficiency. Accordingly, slightly different diets for this type of ulcer are used for better treatment.

The main goal of the diet during a trophic ulcer is to fill the body with vitamins and microelements that help in skin regeneration. In particular, it is very important to replenish vitamins A, C and E on time, thanks to which faster healing occurs.

The menu for trophic ulcers should include the following foods in the diet: broccoli, citrus fruits, white cabbage, currants, nuts, vegetable oils, pumpkin, egg yolks, carrots, tomatoes, cheese, seafood, dark rice, garlic, various seeds.

If the ulcer formation does not decrease, and the doctor believes that the intake of vitamins through foods is in insufficient quantities, then in this case additional vitamin complexes are used, in which the main components are vitamins A and E. They play the main role in the fight against infections, and the peptic ulcer is receding. Vitamins are prescribed for faster removal of trophic formations and high-quality wound healing. Also, trophic ulcers are easier to treat with Omega-3 fatty acids.

We would also like to remind you that if you have any doubts or unpleasant symptoms indicating the potential for an ulcer or gastritis, with severe abdominal discomfort, you should not self-medicate. Immediately urgently consult a doctor to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment to avoid negative and disastrous consequences. The more advanced the ulcer, the more time, effort and resources are needed to cure the ulcer.

Watch the video in which we asked the strangest questions to a nutritionist:

A chronic duodenal ulcer is a lesion of the intestinal mucosa, which entails a lot of serious complications if the disease is not given due attention in time, leaving it without proper treatment. The course of therapy lasts at least twelve days.

The diet for exacerbations, recommended for those suffering from chronic disease of the duodenum, is not just a list of necessary and approved medications. Such dietary gentle nutrition has a therapeutic effect on the area of ​​scarring of the ulcerative process. The products consumed should contribute to the speedy healing of ulcerative defects of the intestinal mucosa and be part of a comprehensive treatment.

The treatment menu for exacerbation of stomach and duodenal ulcers must be thought out to the smallest detail and contain vitamins and nutrients. The menu should be drawn up by a specialist in the field of nutrition, and the patient should definitely consult a doctor.

Nutrition for duodenal ulcers reveals a number of characteristic distinctive features. It is important to take into account the names of products allowed for consumption, the method and proportions of cooking. The serving size per meal matters. When therapeutic nutrition is required, the patient takes food in small portions - fractionally and often. If you follow the rule, the treatment will go much faster and more effectively, the duodenal ulcer will heal intensively.

There are known rules that must be strictly followed in order to avoid deterioration of the condition and the development of complications. Strict adherence to dietary requirements and taking into account the subtleties of the diet will help speed up the healing of stomach and duodenal ulcers.

Basic principles of therapeutic nutrition

When selecting a treatment menu, be guided by simple norms and rules that guarantee successful treatment:

  1. The number of meals during the day should be 5–6 times. You need to eat often.
  2. Portions are supposed to be small, the size of a tea saucer.
  3. Food should not be fried; the process is replaced by steaming in water.
  4. It is necessary to chew every piece of food consumed extremely slowly and thoroughly.
  5. You need to drink two liters of fluid throughout the day.
  6. Dishes and healthy products for dietary nutrition should contain a minimum of table salt.
  7. Spicy foods and spicy seasonings are excluded from the dietary diet.
  8. You should eat before bed a couple of hours before going to bed.
  9. It is strictly forbidden to eat hot or cold foods at lunch or breakfast.
  10. Food should be heated to warm or room temperature.
  11. If you have an ulcer, you can drink low-fat milk, not in the acute stage. Sometimes patients drink milk with an ulcer, stopping an attack of pain, especially at night. It is better to discuss with your doctor whether this is acceptable in a particular case. The attending physician will suggest the right solution.
  12. Tea for ulcers is allowed not too concentrated, warm.

The basic principles of compliance with the diet for stomach and duodenal ulcers are listed.

Which foods are allowed and which are absolutely unacceptable to consume?

A list of products strictly prohibited for use by patients diagnosed with peptic ulcer has been compiled. A separate group includes a list of dishes included in the dietary table, indicated for use, bringing benefit and relief. The main condition of the diet for diseases of the stomach and intestines is the exclusion from the diet of foods that irritate the mucous membranes mechanically or through chemical action.

Prominent representatives of the first group include spicy dishes, pickles, fatty foods, sweet carbonated and alcoholic drinks. Products for duodenal ulcers should first of all create comfortable conditions for the sensitive mucous membrane of the intestines and stomach.

List of products recommended for use during an exacerbation of peptic ulcer

These products should be included in the diet for peptic ulcers.

Products prohibited for use for ulcers

  1. Lard in any form, pork, beef, lamb fat.
  2. Fatty, rich, strong broths made from fatty meat.
  3. Black, bran, freshly baked white bread.
  4. Yeast baked goods.
  5. Marinades and pickled products.
  6. Smoked products.
  7. Raw vegetables rich in coarse fiber - cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers. A similar rule applies to fruits.
  8. Fried fatty meat.
  9. Citrus fruits and sour fruits with hard skin.
  10. Sweets – chocolate, cookies, sweets, cakes, pastries.
  11. Fatty or sour sour cream, milk, butter.
  12. Strong tea, caffeinated drinks, sweet carbonated lemonades, alcoholic drinks.

Diet for a week

In the stage of exacerbation of the ulcerative process, the patient is prescribed a particularly strict diet 1, called table 1. Diet 1 for ulcers prescribes patients to eat mucous porridges and soups and steamed, mechanically gentle dishes. A similar rule applies in cases where the patient suffers a complication, a major operation on the stomach or duodenum, and is in a fairly serious condition. If the disease is less severe, a gastroenterologist or nutritionist recommends excluding prohibited foods from the daily diet and diversifying the menu within acceptable limits.

Below is an approximate weekly diet menu for ulcers for the subacute stage of the ulcerative process and the remission stage.


For breakfast if you have an intestinal ulcer, prepare an omelette from two chicken eggs in milk and drink it with a glass of green, not too strong tea, take some cheese. The second breakfast can consist of oatmeal with milk and half and half water, applesauce or an apple baked in the oven.

For lunch, pasta and meatballs from turkey or chicken are allowed for ulcers. You can wash down lunch with dried fruit compote. Dinner can consist of baked lean fish without salt, a glass of low-fat milk.


Breakfast includes buckwheat porridge with milk, thoroughly boiled with a little added sugar, and a glass of weak black or green tea. The next meal is in the form of a couple of bananas, juice from carrots and apples, squeezed through a juicer.

The lunch menu consists of unsweetened rice porridge and boiled lean fish. Serve a vegetable salad and a glass of green tea, take a modest dose of cheese.

Dinner includes mashed potatoes or a casserole of vegetables - zucchini and potatoes with stewed pieces of lean beef without streaks or films. It is permissible to wash it down with tea or compote.


Lunch consists of celery soup, baked pumpkin puree with a piece of boiled lean chicken. Wash it down with black tea. Dinner consists of chicken omelet and cottage cheese, washed down with tea, with which you are allowed to take cheese.


In the morning, treat yourself to a home-baked biscuit, sweet ripe fruit, and drink a glass of low-fat milk. Prepare the next meal from corn flakes or oatmeal porridge. Add a glass of juice to your dishes.

The lunch ration consists of buckwheat porridge on water with a piece of baked fish, a saucer of vegetable salad and a glass of tea. For dinner, you can indulge in a plate of light dietary noodle soup and wash it down with tea.


Breakfast consists of scrambled eggs with vegetable salad and a glass of juice. The second meal includes a small portion of boiled lean meat and a glass of green tea.

The lunch menu can be made from mashed potatoes without butter and a piece of boiled unsalted fish. The above is served with a salad of fresh vegetables and a glass of tea. You can end the day with dinner, consisting of a fruit dessert and a glass of compote.

The menu is approximate and is intended to illustrate an approximate list of permitted dishes. You can modify the menu by including other healthy dishes and products. The diet for duodenal ulcers can be quite healthy, tasty, and varied. The main requirement is not to include alcohol and other aggressive products that cause worsening of the condition in the treatment diet.

If the above rules are followed, the condition of the stomach and intestines will soon return to normal and will remain for a long time.

When consulting a doctor or undergoing a regular medical examination, get advice on what is allowed in the acute stage and in the remission stage. In particular, ask whether fresh vegetables or fruits are allowed for duodenal ulcers, specify the names and quantities of allowed products.

The effectiveness of nutritional therapy

In order for a diet for duodenal ulcer to be useful and effective, a nutritionist must prepare the diet. This requirement is not always easy to fulfill.

If you cannot get a doctor’s consultation, you will have to independently select a special therapeutic diet. You will need to remember the rules for matching nutrition to the disease - duodenal ulcer.

Therapeutic nutrition must be prepared to eliminate intestinal problems, but not to provoke weight loss.

The composition of the diet is assumed to be balanced. You should not focus on a single product to the detriment of others unnecessarily. The diet should be varied, include necessary products of plant or animal origin, enriched with vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, and minerals.

If you do not follow the rules of the therapeutic diet, the effect of the medication or surgical treatment will be reduced. There will be a relapse, a complication of the disease. Even a single hamburger can greatly upset the delicate balance in chronic intestinal diseases.

The diet must be varied. There are many healthy dietary dishes known that are safe for consumption by patients suffering from peptic ulcers.

A mono-diet, constant intake of repeated foods, will be harmful to health. A meager menu and excessively small portions will put the body in a stressful situation and lead to deterioration. Often patients interrupt such a diet.

You should not overeat - this will lead to stretching of the walls of the stomach and intestines, worsening digestion and absorption of foods.

Immediately after eating, you should not take a horizontal position, preventing the backflow of undigested food into the lumen of the esophagus. The phenomenon leads to heartburn. If you eat an abundance of plant foods - juicy fruits and fresh vegetables, you will be able to reduce the amount of liquid you drink. The total amount of water, taking into account soups and fruits, should be one and a half to two liters per day.

An ulcer is a consequence of inflammation of the stomach walls due to the penetration of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, as well as exposure to other external factors. Nutrition for stomach and duodenal ulcers requires drawing up a specific menu for every day, which will alleviate the person’s condition. Diet becomes the main component of complex treatment to eliminate painful symptoms.

If you treat the disease with drug therapy and eat unhealthy foods, the ulcer becomes chronic and various complications develop, including deformation of the mucosal walls or cancer.

What not to eat if you have an ulcer

Nutrition for duodenal ulcers includes a number of restrictions that should not be neglected. Many products are prohibited for consumption due to their harmful effects on the walls of the gastric mucosa; some provoke excessive production of gastric juice and force the intestines to work harder.

If you have a peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum, you should not eat:

  • rye bread, freshly baked buns, pies, fried pancakes;
  • fatty, multi-ingredient soups with rich broths, okroshka with kvass;
  • gas-forming products (legumes, cabbage, grapes);
  • millet, corn, pearl barley or barley cereals;
  • smoked products, fatty meat and fish, seafood in large quantities;
  • preserves, marinades, sauces;
  • high-fat dairy products, salty and spicy cheeses;
  • fried eggs, hard-boiled eggs, fried omelette;
  • mushrooms;
  • raw vegetables and fruits, especially sour ones (gooseberries, oranges and others);
  • store-bought sweets;
  • alcohol, soda with and without dyes, caffeinated drinks.

All of these foods have a detrimental effect on the health of the duodenum and other parts of the intestine. During remission, their use should be limited as much as possible; if an exacerbation is diagnosed, it should be completely excluded for the entire period of treatment.

Attention! The recommended diet for duodenal ulcers should be followed for life. This is the only way to avoid other complications.

What can you eat if you have gastritis?

The list of allowed foods for dietary nutrition is quite limited, but even in this case, you can prepare varied and healthy dishes every day. The gastroenterologist will tell you in detail during the consultation about what you can eat if you have an ulcer.

To make meals enjoyable, you should prepare a menu for the week in advance from those ingredients that are approved by your doctor.

Allowed foods for duodenal ulcers:

  • unhealthy pastries;
  • pureed vegetable soups;
  • rice, buckwheat or oatmeal porridge, which must be prepared with low-fat milk;
  • lean varieties of meat and fish;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • Use eggs only in steamed omelettes;
  • non-sour boiled vegetables and fruits;
  • honey, not sour jam;
  • green tea, compotes, homemade juices (be sure to dilute with water in equal proportions).

The diet for duodenal bulb ulcers should include only these foods. The diet for ulcers with low acidity includes various meat or fish broths, citrus fruits are allowed. With high acidity, light chicken broths or milk soups should be consumed more often.

Nutrition during periods of exacerbation

Gentle nutrition for stomach ulcers during an exacerbation includes the same points as during remission. You should definitely avoid acidic, fatty, and heavy-for-the-stomach foods.

On the first day, only drinks are allowed. This is fruit drink, weak tea, compote. This limitation is explained by the fact that it is not easy for the intestines with inflamed mucosa to digest food. The next day, you can introduce vegetable broths, grated steamed vegetables, and water-based porridge. Dishes should not be salted and peppered. They should not be very cold or hot, spicy or hot.

A strict diet for stomach or intestinal ulcers is followed for about 2-3 weeks. Gradually, dishes consisting of several components, dairy products, lean meat and fish are added to the diet. In addition to the three main meals, snacks must be present. You are allowed to eat a baked apple, natural yogurt, and banana.

It is strictly not recommended to drink alcohol even in small quantities. Getting into the stomach, it injures the already inflamed walls of the organ, causing their irritation and severe pain. Smoking on an empty stomach works by the same mechanism.

To prevent an acute duodenal ulcer from transforming into a chronic form or stomach cancer, it is necessary to adhere to a strict diet throughout the entire exacerbation stage. By normalizing the diet, you can achieve stable remission of the disease for many years.

Sample menu for the day

For breakfast, if you have a gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, you can eat permitted cereals with milk, eat unsweetened cookies, drink a cup of green tea with or without milk.

Lunch necessarily includes a single-ingredient soup with a light broth; for the second you can serve boiled cauliflower with steamed fish. You are allowed to drink compote made from non-acidic berries or dried fruits.

Dinner during the diet, prescribed for duodenal ulcers, includes pureed soup from carrots and potatoes or other vegetables, fruit juice.

Between the three usual meal breaks, you should have several light snacks. You should drink yogurt or eat a savory bun. You can eat more vegetables and fruits if you have an ulcer with low acidity (tangerines, carrots, cabbage, apples are allowed). If the concentration of stomach acid is too high, it is better to eat a lean cracker with tea. Snacks must also be accompanied by permitted drinks.

Menu for the week

When compiling a menu list for an ulcer localized in the duodenum area, it is necessary to adhere to variety and general nutritional recommendations. Food should be healthy and tasty, this will help to avoid breakdowns in the desire to eat something tasty, but very harmful. Below are a selection of dishes that the diet allows for duodenal ulcers.

  • Breakfast
  • Lunches
  • Dinners
  • Snacks

Porridge with milk, baked cheesecakes, steamed vegetable cutlets or steamed omelet. Be sure to include compote or herbal tea in your meals.

Cream soup, chicken broth with noodles, vegetable soup. For the second course, steamed meat or fish is served with a side dish in the form of vegetable puree or buckwheat or rice porridge. Wash down your food with fruit drink.

Steamed vegetable or meat cutlets, casserole, stewed or boiled vegetables. You can drink weak green tea with or without milk.

They include tea with yesterday's buns, cheesecakes, cottage cheese casserole or boiled fruit puree, and banana.

The ingredients can be changed as desired. In the remission stage, with the doctor’s permission, you can occasionally allow yourself a forbidden dish. Only this should happen no more often than once a month and under supervision. The rest of the time, the diet for duodenal ulcers should be strictly followed.

General recommendations regarding diet for duodenal ulcers must be followed for life. This will help stop the progression of the disease into the chronic stage, and will also relieve the patient from regular use of medications.

  1. Food should be steamed or boiled; fried food should not be on the menu. It is better to instill in a child a craving for such products from an early age. Children quickly get used to this principle of nutrition and do not experience any inconvenience in adulthood.
  2. It is not recommended to eat overly hot food. It is optimal if the food served is slightly warmer than room temperature.
  3. Quick snacks should be avoided. It is better to provide the child with nutritious school lunches; an adult can have lunch at the nearest canteen, which he trusts.
  4. Overeating is also strictly prohibited. You need to eat in portions, following the rule of 5-6 small meals a day.
  5. It is recommended to chew foods for stomach ulcers thoroughly and avoid haste.
  6. Do not eat dry food. Every lunch or dinner should be accompanied by drinks. It is better to drink 10-15 minutes after eating. Liquid consumed before meals reduces the concentration of gastric juice and contributes to poor digestion.

By adhering to these simple rules of the treatment process, you can significantly alleviate the patient’s condition with diseases of the duodenum. If you always use the recommendations, starting from childhood, the risk of developing the disease is significantly reduced. Even if a person has a genetic predisposition.
