Dietary porridges and cereals. The most useful cereals for losing weight and removing fat from the body

The porridge diet is accessible to absolutely everyone and helps you lose weight without the nasty rumbling in your stomach. Find out which cereals are suitable for weight loss and how to cook them correctly to lose 1 kg per day!

In the 11th century, there were thousands of ways to say goodbye to extra pounds and gain a toned figure. Diets, gyms, swimming pools, hundreds of sports accessories - all this is used to stay in shape and lead a healthy lifestyle. One of the convenient and simple methods of losing weight is nutrition based on dietary cereals.

Any weight loss program includes meals made from cereals. It’s not for nothing that even in childhood, our parents told us that porridge is very healthy, and if we don’t eat it, we won’t grow up. And this is true, because cereals contain useful microelements, fiber, fiber and dozens of vitamins necessary to maintain muscle development and body performance.

Cereal porridge is an important food product for cleansing the body of toxins and harmful substances. Properly prepared grains can restore metabolism, improve well-being and appearance.

Diets based on low-calorie cereals have become popular among women. This method of eating allows you not to experience hunger, so “sitting” on this dietary product does not require much willpower.

If you adhere to a cereal diet, you need to eat 100 g of porridge every three hours.

Advantages and disadvantages

The porridge diet has the following advantages:

  • cereals contain many elements beneficial to the human body;
  • are easily digestible and go well with berries, fruits, vegetables, and meat;
  • cereals do not contain preservatives;
  • Porridges can be purchased at the grocery store, they are cheap and easy to prepare.

The big disadvantage of such weight loss is the leanness of the dishes. Porridges prepared for dietary nutrition should not contain flavoring additives, that is, neither salt nor sugar. Dietary foods based on cereals have their contraindications. This diet should not be used if you have the following symptoms:

  • increased glucose levels;
  • exacerbation of diseases of the stomach and duodenum;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation.

During any dietary regimen, you should not drink alcoholic beverages! Alcohol gives the body artificial energy, thereby preventing the body from breaking down fatty tissue.

There are hundreds of porridge recipes that will burn fat, help you diversify your menu and enjoy your diet.


Buckwheat is a cereal known to every person since childhood. A useful product has the following qualities:

  • accelerates the absorption and processing of nutrients;
  • reduces blood cholesterol levels;
  • helps strengthen the cardiovascular system;
  • reduces the likelihood of cancer;
  • strengthens the immune system.

Buckwheat is called the food of heroes, as it contains more than a dozen useful substances. Phosphorus, zinc, iodine, iron, vitamins PP, E, B, amino acids, protein and many other elements - a person receives all this by eating buckwheat porridge.

The interesting thing is that stopping the course of weight loss on buckwheat and returning to a normal diet does not stop the effects on the body. By restoring your metabolism once, you will not gain weight and will continue to lose pounds.

A diet with buckwheat is a great way to remove fat deposits and tidy up your body and appearance.

Nutrition principles on the buckwheat diet

To lose weight on a buckwheat mono-diet, you need to strictly follow the diet! If you have chosen a mixed diet based on cereal porridges, then it is important not to overeat on buckwheat, as it is very nutritious.

Sticking to a buckwheat diet is quite difficult, but to effectively lose weight on buckwheat, you need to know some rules.

  1. Buckwheat porridge quickly becomes boring; after 4-5 days you won’t want to see classic boiled cereal. In this case, nutritionists advise diversifying the menu by adding local fruits, that is, apples and pears.
  2. In some cases, the buckwheat mono-diet can cause constipation. To prevent this from happening, you need to periodically add a small portion of oil to the porridge.
  3. To get out of the buckwheat diet and get the longest lasting effect after it, you need to eat buckwheat every day for 2-3 weeks, gradually reducing the dose and switching to a normal diet.
  4. Very rarely, eating buckwheat porridge causes side effects. These include: loss of energy, increased sleep time, poor health. In such a situation, nutritionists select a complex of vitamins and advise taking it throughout the entire weight loss process.

We should not forget about maintaining a normal level of water in the body. During the diet, you need to drink at least 2 liters of clean water. Tea, coffee, natural juices are not prohibited during the buckwheat diet.

Recipes for classic buckwheat porridges

Buckwheat with water is an easy recipe for making porridge for weight loss. The finished dish has only 140 kcal per 100 g of product.

To make boiled buckwheat, we need to take thoroughly washed grains and fry them in a dry frying pan for several minutes. This processing method will allow the porridge to acquire a rich taste and pleasant aroma. You need to pour water into the pan in the ratio of 1 cup buckwheat to 2 cups water. After the water boils, pour the cereal into the pan. After boiling again, close the buckwheat porridge with a lid and place on low heat. The dish takes about 20-25 minutes to prepare.

You can also prepare the cereal for consumption by simply soaking it in water. To do this, in the evening you need to rinse the buckwheat thoroughly to remove impurities and fill it with cold water. In 8 hours breakfast will be ready. This dish can be varied by adding ground nuts, dried fruits or honey.

It is also easy to prepare this cereal using the steaming method.

Nutritionists believe that if cereals swell in water, then it is best to eat them in this form, without heat treatment.

Steamed buckwheat is prepared as simply as possible: 2-4 hours before eating, the cereal is poured with hot boiled water in a ratio of 1 to 2. If, after time, all the liquid has not been absorbed, then the dish can be slightly heated in the microwave.

During the buckwheat diet, you can use any recipes and drink low-fat kefir or fermented milk products almost unlimitedly.

Buckwheat recipes with kefir

A weight loss complex based on kefir and buckwheat is considered very effective. The kefir-buckwheat diet is “harsh” for the body, but it allows you to quickly remove excess fat deposits.

If you decide to adhere to a strict buckwheat diet with kefir, then you need to know that you can “sit” on it for no more than two weeks, and after the weight loss course, you must take a month’s break for regular food.

Examples of recipes for buckwheat with kefir:

  1. To prepare the cereal, grind it or use buckwheat flakes. The dish is prepared as follows: a glass of buckwheat is poured with half a liter of low-fat kefir and infused at room temperature for at least 12 hours. Buckwheat in kefir is ready!
  2. 200 g of buckwheat are thoroughly washed with boiling water, then poured with two glasses of low-calorie kefir. The saucepan is closed, the cereal is infused for at least 24 hours.

You can eat buckwheat with kefir of this preparation without limiting yourself in the number of meals, the main thing is that one serving of the dish does not exceed 200-250 g.

Buckwheat, prepared in any way, is often combined with the consumption of kefir. In this case, prepare one portion of porridge and divide it into four parts. After eating one serving, wash it down with a glass of kefir. During this diet, you can drink unsweetened tea, coffee, water and natural juices. You should stick to this fasting diet for no more than a week.

Green buckwheat

The usual buckwheat goes through a long journey before reaching store shelves. It is dried and fried for a long time, killing some useful elements. Therefore, today you can often find references and also see green buckwheat in stores. A popular product among raw foodists, it also attracts an audience among those who want to lose weight.

In fact, unprocessed cereals are almost no different from “standard” ones, however, the absence of a roasting element allows them to retain more magnesium, which affects the tone of the body, and vitamin A.


Green buckwheat is not pre-heated; instead of standard cooking, it is sprouted.

Before starting the germination process, the cereal is thoroughly washed with lukewarm running water. Next, it is laid out wet on a thin cloth and covered with another layer of damp cloth or gauze. After 9-10 hours, more water is added to the cereal. When the sprouts appear, the buckwheat is ready to eat.

Dishes based on sprouted cereals are not fast mono-diets, but they allow you to slowly and painlessly lose weight, reducing weight by 2-3 kg per week.

Most often, green buckwheat is used as an additional ingredient in warm or classic vegetable salads. Having a slightly sweet taste, sprouts go well with green salad, tomatoes, sweet peppers and herbs. This salad is usually seasoned with olive oil or soy sauce.

Buckwheat sprouts are often added to nutritious smoothies. A cocktail based on kefir, dill, sprouted cereals and ginger will be an excellent breakfast and will help to effectively cleanse the body of toxins.

You should not try to cook porridge from green buckwheat, as you will end up with a kind of jelly!

Salad with bread

For preparation you need the following ingredients:

  • sprouted buckwheat 200 g;
  • breads 8 pcs.;
  • olive or flaxseed oil 4 tbsp. l.;
  • herbs and spices to taste.

The bread should be finely chopped with your hands and mixed with the sprouts. Chop the greens, add them and spices to the main ingredients, season with oil.

Salad with tomatoes

The following products will be required:

  • sprouted buckwheat 200 g;
  • tomato 2 pcs.;
  • olive or flaxseed oil 2 tbsp. l.;
  • herbs and spices to taste.

Cut the tomatoes into cubes and mix them with buckwheat sprouts. Chop the greens. Mix all ingredients, season with oil, add spices.


Oatmeal takes pride of place in the list of the best cereals for dietary nutrition. A nutritious and low-calorie cereal will help you quickly lose weight, tidy up your skin, and also increase muscle mass if you exercise.

Oatmeal is an indispensable dish that will help you “wake up” your body for a fruitful and active working day, so it is often eaten for breakfast.

Benefits and harms

A diet based on oatmeal has its pros and cons.

Positive aspects of the diet:

  1. Cooking time. Oatmeal can be prepared in five minutes - just pour boiling water over it.
  2. No hunger. Cereals contain complex carbohydrates that make you feel full quickly.
  3. Beneficial effects on the body. Fiber improves the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract by removing harmful substances.
  4. Effective fat burning. A strict diet based on oatmeal will allow you to “throw off” more than 8 kg in 1-2 weeks.

Despite the positive effects, such nutrition has some disadvantages:

  1. Monotony. Oatmeal porridge has a specific taste and quickly becomes boring.
  2. Lack of vitamins. Due to the fact that oatmeal does not contain the entire complex of substances necessary for the body, long-term use of the diet can lead to vitamin deficiency.

Nutritionists advise eating oatmeal in the morning, since the average calorie content of cereal is 360 calories.


Oatmeal on water

It’s easy to prepare healthy porridge: you need to boil 400 ml of water and add half a glass of cereal to it. Cook while stirring constantly. Cook the oatmeal for about 10 minutes over medium heat. Fresh apples or berries are often added to this porridge.

Oatmeal without cooking

The simplest but longest cooking method. You need to start preparing this oatmeal in the evening. 100 g of cereal is poured into 250 ml of hot water. To make it soft, it is very important to wrap the container with cereal well; you can also use a thermos for cooking. Breakfast is ready!

Some people steam various dried fruits along with cereal. Raisins, dried apricots, dates or candied fruits will give the dish a sweet and pleasant taste.

Porridge with kefir

It is prepared in almost the same way as when steaming. Half a glass of cereal is poured with kefir so that it completely covers the oatmeal. The future porridge is covered and swells in kefir for 12-14 hours at room temperature. In the morning, the oatmeal should be heated in the microwave.

Oatmeal in a jar

Low-calorie porridge is prepared as follows:

  • pour 3-4 tablespoons of oatmeal into a 250-500 ml jar;
  • Cold low-fat milk is added to the container;
  • everything shakes well.

Infuse porridge for weight loss for 8-10 hours. In the morning, healthy oatmeal will be ready. Despite all the usefulness of lazy oatmeal, you can only eat it a few times, as it has a specific taste. After several breakfasts, many people who are losing weight begin to top their cereal with low-fat yogurt or other low-calorie fermented milk products.


Oat decoction is gaining popularity among those losing weight. This wonderful medicinal cereal drink has many beneficial qualities for the human body:

  • increases immunity;
  • stabilizes the nervous system;
  • normalizes sleep;
  • restores the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system;
  • cleanses the body;
  • promotes weight loss.

In order for the decoction to help you quickly lose extra pounds, its use must be combined with physical activity.

It is worth noting that many reviews on healthy nutrition forums say that while taking the decoction, it is advisable to reduce the intake of protein foods for 1-2 weeks. People who continued to eat meat, fish and dairy products experienced serious stomach upsets.

The recipe for making a decoction for weight loss is very simple. For it you need to take a glass of grain and fill it with 3 glasses of water. Bring the liquid to a boil and leave to simmer over low heat. When half the water has evaporated, the drink is ready.

To make the decoction more effective in promoting weight loss, sprouted grains rather than ordinary grains are added to the drink.

The drink can be drunk 2-3 times a day half an hour before meals.


There is a lot of controversy about whether oat kvass helps with weight loss. Many people believe that the drink simply fills the stomach, preventing them from eating much, that is, it acts like ordinary water, “deceiving” the body. Hundreds of reviews from people losing weight indicate that kvass has no effect on weight loss, but they also claim that drinking the drink has only benefits.

The recipe for oatmeal kvass is very simple. To prepare a classic drink you will need: half a kilo of oatmeal, a three-liter jar, 3 tablespoons of sugar, 2 liters of clean water.

All food ingredients are placed in a jar. The container is covered with gauze and left at room temperature for two days. When foam appears on the drink, drain the water and add sugar and water to the oatmeal again. After 12-14 hours, the kvass is ready.


Oatmeal is a flattened and steamed cereal that has a grooved structure. This processing method can significantly reduce the cooking time of porridge.

Oatmeal is prepared according to the same principle as regular cereal, but due to pre-processing it can be done much faster.

To avoid wasting time in the morning preparing a diet breakfast, you can use the following recipe:

Porridge without cooking

There are two ways to prepare the flakes in this way: pour warm water over them in the evening, or scald them well in the morning, and then pour boiling water over them for half an hour.

In the second case, the porridge will turn out to be more “rough” and raw, but it will saturate the body very well and will allow you not to think about lunch for a long time.


Smoothies are a great alternative to the classic breakfast for weight loss. A wonderful fermented milkshake with oatmeal contains many useful substances and is also a good nutritious product.

Anyone can make a smoothie with oatmeal. The simple drink contains two main ingredients: rolled oats and a low-fat fermented milk drink. Various fruits, berries, vegetables, nuts, and dried fruits are also added to it. An interesting and varied drink will help you lose weight quickly and deliciously!

Examples of smoothie recipes

Banana-raspberry smoothie. Calorie content 92 kcal per 100 g.

For preparation you need: 1.5 peeled bananas, 100 g raspberries, 75 g low-fat yogurt, a teaspoon of honey, 25 g rolled oats.

Bananas are cut into small pieces with a knife, then, together with all the ingredients, they are sent to the blender bowl. The cocktail is whipped until smooth. Let the drink brew for 5-7 minutes, breakfast is ready!

Smoothie “Fruit”. Calorie content 73 kcal per 100 g.

Ingredients: 4 tablespoons of oatmeal, 100 ml of low-calorie milk, 50 g pitted cherries, 2 large apples, 2 peeled bananas, a glass of low-fat kefir, a tablespoon of honey.

The apples are peeled and cored into small pieces, and the bananas are also chopped. Pour warm milk over the cereal and let it swell for about 10-15 minutes. Afterwards, pour all the ingredients into a blender bowl and grind until smooth. Happy weight loss!

You cannot completely replace regular meals with smoothies. Nutritional shakes are perfect for breakfasts and snacks.


Oatmeal jelly has been known among the Russian-speaking population for many centuries, but people began to forget about it due to the large number of “goodies” sold in stores and cafes.

Oatmeal jelly has almost the same properties as regular cereal, however, due to the fermentation effect, it has more pronounced probiotic qualities, which improve the functioning of the stomach and intestines.

Kissel is an enveloping drink. It can be used by people suffering from stomach ulcers, gastritis, high acidity and other diseases.

An overdose of oatmeal jelly can cause stomach upset. The drink should not be consumed more than 2-3 times a day.

Numerous reviews from those wishing to lose weight claim that the drink will help restore metabolism, lower blood cholesterol levels and perfectly satisfy hunger. Therefore, despite the fact that rolled oatmeal jelly is very nutritious, you can safely start preparing it.

For the jelly you only need 250 g of oatmeal, a liter of clean water and time. To prepare the drink, you need to pour the flakes with water at room temperature for 8-10 hours. After a viscous liquid has formed, the sediment must be removed, and the liquid must be boiled and cooled. You can add ground cinnamon or honey to the jelly.

By drinking 3 glasses of oatmeal jelly, you will lose 2-3 kilograms in one week.


Household members will undoubtedly be pleased with homemade oatmeal cookies. An interesting dietary dish will allow you to keep yourself in shape without “breaking down” on sweets.

For preparation you will need:

  • oat flakes – 300 g;
  • dried apricots – 50 g;
  • raisins – 50 g;
  • prunes – 50 g;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. l.

Preparing a dessert for weight loss is very simple: all the ingredients need to be chopped and mixed with honey. When the dough is ready, you should form the cookies. The dessert is baked for 20-25 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.


An excellent dietary supplement made from hard oats will become an indispensable aid in weight loss for any person. Nutritious oat bran has the following properties.

  • Reducing blood cholesterol levels. Bran contains twice as many nutrients, fiber and soluble fiber, which prevent cholesterol from passing through the stomach into the bloodstream.
  • Appetite control. A small portion of oatmeal can easily replace a regular meal. Once in the stomach, bran swells, creating the effect of satiety.

Oat bran, in addition to its positive qualities, also has all the benefits of flakes, while having a calorie content of only 74 kcal per 100 grams.

Oat bran is not cooked; it is added to baked goods, soups, and porridges. In some cases, the additive is infused in fermented milk drinks or water.

You should not eat more than three tablespoons of oat bran per day. Exceeding the dose causes severe stomach upset.


Oatmeal, produced under the Hercules brand, has been known to everyone since kindergartens, since Hercules porridge was the main breakfast for preschool children. Because of this, many people do not like this extremely healthy and nutritious product. However, if you want to lose weight, you can't do without these cereals.

Rolled oats are made from processed rolled oats that have been passed through smooth rollers. At the moment, they are used in many recipes, and are also added to muesli, porridge, and cereal mixtures.


Classic oatmeal porridge will help you save the maximum amount of time preparing breakfast. The flakes just need to be poured with hot water in a ratio of 1:2, cover and let stand for five minutes.

You can eat this oatmeal porridge three times a day without any consequences. To make oatmeal more filling, low-fat kefir, honey, dried fruits, fresh fruits and berries are often added to it.

It’s easy to make rolled oats with kefir, but in order for the flakes to become soft, you need to take care of the food 2-3 hours before meals.

To prepare, you need to take 100-150 flakes and completely fill them with low-fat kefir. This recipe also applies to “lazy” cooking.

Barley porridge

Pearl barley is not a popular grain in regular cooking, but it is an effective weight loss aid.

Pearl barley has many positive qualities:

  • Vitamins, amino acids, macroelements, minerals contained in cereals allow you to tidy up your skin, hair, nails and the body as a whole.
  • Pearl barley is an excellent natural antiseptic.
  • Porridge made from pearl barley has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, helps eliminate excess fluid, and activates the burning of fat cells.
  • Cereal is hypoallergenic.

A diet based on pearl barley porridge has no contraindications and is considered one of the most effective. A “hard” diet allows you to lose at least 1 kilogram per day.

According to nutritionists, you can stick to the pearl barley diet for no more than a week.


The first cooking method is the simplest: pour warm water over the cereal in the evening. In the morning, rinse thoroughly and cook for 20-30 minutes. For a glass of pearl barley you will need 3 glasses of water.

Barley in vegetable broth

It will require: one and a half liters of water, 350 g of pearl barley, one onion, 2 carrots, herbs and spices to taste.

Onions and carrots must be peeled and lightly fried in a frying pan without using oil. Afterwards, you need to put them in water and make vegetable broth based on them. Remove ingredients.

The cereal must first be thoroughly washed. Pour boiling water over and let stand for half an hour. Next, pearl barley and spices are added to the broth. Everything is cooked for 40 minutes. Before serving, sprinkle each serving with herbs.

Diet "Pushkin"

There is one interesting method of losing weight using pearl barley - the Pushkin diet.

It lies in the fact that only the following products can be used:

  • low-fat kefir;
  • cabbage;
  • fish.

In the evening you need to soak 100 grams. pearl barley, boil it for 20 minutes in the morning. A serving of porridge is divided into 5 meals.

Daily diet:

  1. 200 ml low-fat kefir, porridge;
  2. pearl barley;
  3. porridge, 100 g steamed fish;
  4. a portion of porridge, an unlimited amount of cabbage;
  5. pearl barley.

When dieting, it is important to consume at least 2 liters of water per day.

Cereals are a source of carbohydrates, which play an indispensable role in the diet. Therefore, you should not exclude them even when losing weight. However, they often become undeservedly forgotten due to fears of increased calorie content.

But there are weight loss cereals that burn fat and thus have a positive effect on healthy weight loss. The main thing is to know what cereals you can eat while losing weight and choose the right one with a low glycemic index and high fiber content.

Remember also that the serving should not exceed approximately 80 g when cooked. Of course, everything here is individual.

Legumes (peas)

The presentation of valuable nutrients in peas is highly competitive, particularly for weight loss. Pea porridge is an excellent source and can fill you up for a long time.

Legumes, in general, are low glycemic index foods. When choosing which porridge is the lowest in calories (for weight loss), pay attention to peas - they are characterized by a very low calorie content.

In addition, it contains relatively little fat, but a sufficient amount of complex carbohydrates and proteins. Legumes will also help build and maintain muscle mass.

Why should oatmeal be present in the diet? Oatmeal contains many vitamins, minerals and omega-3 fatty acids. It is even present in the diet of professional athletes!

An oatmeal mixture (the main one of which is oatmeal), containing complex carbohydrates, is useful as part of a healthy and tasty breakfast, which can be supplemented with protein (milk, yogurt, cottage cheese), fruit or a handful of nuts.

After a bowl of this cereal, you will literally get a boost of energy. Oatmeal can be eaten in the morning (for example, in the form of high-quality granola bars without glaze and hydrogenated oils) or as part of lunch with a serving of quality protein. Oatmeal is not very suitable for an afternoon snack or dinner.

Composition per 100 g:

  • more than 60 g of complex carbohydrates;
  • 7 g fat;
  • 13 g protein;
  • about 370 kcal.

How to cook?
Need to :

  1. 1/4 liter of water or semi-skimmed milk.
  2. 50 g oatmeal.
  3. 1 tsp butter.
  4. 1 tsp honey
  5. fruits and/or nuts.

Pour water/milk into the pan and add the cereal. Bring to a boil while stirring. After 10 minutes, when the mass becomes thick enough, sweeten with honey, transfer to a bowl, add butter, fresh/dried fruits or nuts. You can decorate with 2 tbsp. grated coconut

When choosing the healthiest cereals for weight loss, be sure to pay attention to quinoa, which can serve as a replacement for rice and other starchy side dishes. Among other things, the Incas prepared from it a slightly fermented alcoholic drink, Chicha.

Quinoa, due to its nutritional composition, belongs to the so-called. "superfoods"
From a nutritional perspective, quinoa is an excellent source of protein. According to some reports, it is assumed that this crop can even replace meat.

Quinoa contains 8 essential amino acids, which determine the nutritional value of proteins in food. In addition, this cereal contains the amino acid lysine, which, as a rule, is present in limited quantities in grain crops.

Have you ever wondered why the Chinese or Japanese have such slender figures? The answer is simple - they often eat rice.

This culture is an excellent basis for creating a dietary diet. If you love rice and often include it in your menb, your choice is right. The definite disadvantage is that a diet consisting only of these grains is a bit boring. Therefore, rice can be supplemented with spices, fruits...

This diet will help you lose those extra pounds fairly quickly.
Rice and diet are related terms. This grain contains a lot of fiber, which swells in the stomach, gradually releasing carbohydrates.

The glycemic index of rice, however, is low. Therefore, after consuming it, there are no fluctuations in blood sugar levels.

The disadvantage of the rice diet lies in the fact that if taken radically, the body may become deficient in some important nutrients. It is primarily a protein that the body needs to function properly. Thus, the radical diet should not last more than 10 days.

When deciding which cereals you can eat while losing weight, pay attention to basmati rice, which has a very low glycemic index.

Singer's diet

Singer Dara Rawlins successfully tried the rice diet. She claims to do a rice detox once a month. For a 3-day diet once a month, your body will thank you by being able to regularly get rid of harmful substances.

Flax for healthy weight loss

The good thing about flaxseed is that it can be consumed in dozens of different ways, depending on what works best for you. But it is important to know that the seeds should be chewed thoroughly or (best) first crushed or ground.

Otherwise, the flaxseed will pass through the digestive tract completely intact and show no effect. In crushed form, it can be added to absolutely all dishes.

Flaxseed snack with banana:

  1. 2 tsp Flaxseed.
  2. 1 tbsp. chia seeds.
  3. Unroasted cocoa.
  4. Water.
  5. 1 ripe banana (with brown spots possible).

Mix both types of seeds in a bowl with cocoa and add water. Leave for 30 minutes to swell. You can soak the seeds overnight if you are preparing porridge for breakfast. If the resulting mixture is too dense, add water. Mash the banana with a fork and mix it with the settled flax.

The taste of flaxseed is practically neutral and, therefore, its use is as versatile as possible. It can be combined with salty and sweet, mixed with dough for home baking.

However, it should be remembered that high fiber content requires adequate fluid intake, otherwise flaxseed will do more harm to the body than good.

People trying to lose weight eat lean meats, fruits and vegetables. And very few people understand that You can quickly and easily lose weight with healthy and affordable cereals.

If you properly prepare and consume some cereals, then in a week you can easily cleanse your body and get rid of five kg of excess weight. In this case, there is no need to cook the same cereal. There are many cereals that can burn fat.

What is porridge

Most cereals are sources of slow carbohydrates.

Nutritionists are convinced that To lose weight, you need to give up light carbohydrates. Typically, extra pounds and deposits on the sides appear due to excess consumption of such carbohydrates.

This can be easily corrected by replacing light carbohydrates with complex ones, which are absorbed more slowly in the body. Porridges, for the preparation of which cereals are used, are complex carbohydrates. Porridge is one of the most common and beloved Russian national dishes.

The glycemic index of cereals is low, Therefore, by consuming them while on a diet, you don’t have to worry about increasing the amount of glucose in the blood. By adding cereals to your diet, you can change fat metabolism and reduce the feeling of hunger for a long time.

In addition to complex carbohydrates, cereals contain vegetable protein and microelements, vitamins, especially group B.

The energy value of cereals is about 330 kcal, but during cooking and absorption of water, the cereal becomes soft and the resulting nutritional value of 100 g of porridge will be reduced by 2-3 times, which is especially important when following a healthy diet. Cooking porridge in water allows you to reduce calorie content, rather than milk, it is also recommended to limit the addition of sweets and butter to the product.

In the process of proper nutrition It is necessary to clearly calculate the serving size. For cereals (carbohydrates), there is a simple trick that helps you correctly calculate the amount of serving.

Palm with bent fingers (handful view), this is the serving size of complex carbohydrates.

Combination of cereals with other products

Decorate your breakfast with berries and fruits.

Porridges are firmly included in the diet. They have been consumed since childhood, enjoying the taste and beneficial properties.

However, it is necessary to understand that when combining cereals with certain products, their usefulness decreases and the process of absorption by the body worsens.

The most important law of proper nutrition is the ban on the compatibility of animal proteins with starchy ones. Which includes cereals.

The main products can be divided into three groups:

  • proteins. These are primarily fish, meat, eggs, nuts, legumes and soy;
  • carbohydrates. This group includes sweet fruits, cereals,;
  • animal and vegetable fats.

Another professor I.P. Pavlov proved that Different enzymes are needed to digest different foods. The acidic environment of the stomach breaks down proteins, and the alkaline environment breaks down carbohydrates. When consuming protein and carbohydrate foods at the same time, some of the nutrients will not be absorbed, resulting in slagging in the body and the appearance of unnecessary folds.

List of cereals for weight loss

Oatmeal is an indispensable product for weight loss.

Types of cereals

When following a diet for weight loss, it is important to choose cereals wisely. There are a huge number of these products on store shelves. At the time of buying pay attention to the shape, color of the grains and shelf life of the product. It should not contain unnecessary impurities or sticky lumps.

If you purchase cereal products by weight, smell them: the smell of dampness and mold indicates spoilage of the product.

Is it possible to recover from the following cereals? Let’s consider further:

Peas can be used as a substitute for meat.

Healthy diet porridge recipe

Millet porridge. Pour boiling water over 200 grams of cereal, rinse and drain, then add three glasses of cold water. Cook over low heat for 20 minutes. Before use, you can add a teaspoon.

Pea porridge. Pour a glass of split peas with a liter of cold water, bring to a boil and simmer for 35-45 minutes. Serve the porridge with a little olive oil.

Porridge can become the basis of dietary nutrition. According to reviews, The best results are achieved by a diet of unsalted porridge.

People who lose weight using this product claim that this weight loss technique is considered one of the most enjoyable. There is no discomfort due to the feeling of hunger that is inherent in other diets and helps maintain performance throughout the day.

An important role is also played by the fact that losing weight on cereals does not require significant costs. Prices for cereals are low and affordable; cereal dishes are easy to prepare. It is recommended to prepare them for the whole day and take them with you to work.

Nutritionists believe that it is very easy to adhere to a diet based on porridge. You can also dilute your diet with vegetables. Also Porridges go well with lean meats. Having decided to eat porridge as part of your diet, you have the opportunity to switch to a balanced and healthy diet.

You can use porridge for weight loss in different ways. For practical use at home, diets based on the inclusion of one type of cereal or several of their varieties in the menu are suitable. It is important to select low-calorie types and cook them mainly with water. A more gentle way to lose excess weight is to eat cereal for breakfast or spend fasting days.


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    Porridges for weight loss - the most suitable options

    When deciding to use cereals for the purpose of losing weight, you must take into account that among their variety there are some low-calorie types that are recommended by nutritionists for inclusion in the menu. They contain fats, proteins, and carbohydrates in balanced proportions that promote better absorption of the product.

    A table indicating the composition and calorie content of cereals, as well as their benefits for the body:

    Cereal name Calorie content, kcal/100 grams Useful elements Vitamins Minerals Benefit
    Oatmeal342-366 Ash, fiberGroups B, E, N, RRZinc, phosphorus, manganese, magnesium, potassium, ironRemoves waste and toxins, regulates intestinal activity, improves immunity
    Buckwheat308-331 Amino acids, starch, fiber, fatty acidsA, PP, E, B 1 - B 6Iron, magnesium, potassium, copper, calciumStimulates metabolic processes
    Pearl barley, made from barley315-320 Alimentary fiberB 6, RRCopper, phosphorus, molybdenum, manganeseIncreases immunity, improves skin condition, is used to remove toxins
    Linen295-312 Amino acids, Omega-3 fatty acids, fiberGroups B, A, EMagnesium, calcium, potassium, sodiumRemoves toxins, cleanses the intestines, is used to prevent diseases
    Barley, produced from barley313-322 Starch, fiber, saturated fatty acidsA, E, D, PP, BSodium, sulfur, calcium, molybdenum, magnesium, boron, potassiumNormalizes the functioning of the intestines and thyroid gland
    Wheat, made from wheat335 Alimentary fiberE, N, A, B, RRCalcium, selenium, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, magnesiumHelps cleanse toxins, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system
    Millet, obtained from millet342-348 Amino acidsRR, group BFluorine, potassium, silicon, magnesium, sodium, iron, copper, manganeseStrengthens bones, regulates cardiac activity, removes toxins, activates metabolic processes
    Corn328 Amino acids, dietary fiber, starchA, B 1, B 2, N, RR, ECopper, manganese, calcium, potassium, sodium, ironStimulates digestion, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems
    Made from brown rice303 Dietary fiber, starch, saturated fatty acidsB, E, K, RRCalcium, silicon, phosphorus, potassium, magnesiumCleanses the intestines, improves cardiac activity

    There are a number of cereals that are not very useful, including for weight loss:

    1. 1. Manna. Although milk semolina is often included in children's menus, it contains fewer useful elements than many other cereals. The folic acid it contains interferes with the absorption of calcium. Still, semolina contains no more calories than wheat, oatmeal or millet, so you should not completely exclude it from your diet.
    2. 2. Rice. If you use white, purified cereal for porridge, it will contain a minimum of useful substances.

    Considering the list presented, you can decide on your own preferences.

    French nutritionist Pierre Dukan has developed an entire nutrition system that is also suitable for men. It is based on the consumption of a certain list of protein-rich foods. One of them is oat bran, which can be replaced with powder obtained from crushed buckwheat. For practical use, you need to carefully study the methodology, which includes 4 stages. The result of completing them at the right pace is a slender body and further maintenance of the achieved weight.

    Weekly diet "Six cereals"

    This diet is based on including a new type of porridge in the menu every day. Since they burn fat relatively actively, they manage to lose an average of 7 kilograms in a week.

    To prepare dietary porridge:

    1. 1. In the evening, wash a glass of cereal.
    2. 2. Place it in a saucepan.
    3. 3. Add 3 cups of boiling water and cook for 5 minutes.
    4. 4. Remove the pan from the heat, close the lid and wrap it up. Leave until morning.

    Do not add oil or salt, milk, sugar.

    In the morning on an empty stomach, drink 200 ml of warm water. You can have breakfast in 30 minutes. The porridge is divided into 5 servings. For breakfast, lunch, and dinner, additional foods are consumed - steamed, fresh, stewed vegetables, except potatoes, as well as fruits, excluding bananas. You can use fermented milk varieties and boiled fish. During breaks you should drink clean water.

    Menu for the week:

    Day of the week

    Type of porridge

    Additional products consumed along with a serving of porridge






    Stewed cabbage

    200 ml broth made from sea fish

    A glass of curdled milk

    Fresh cucumber

    Vegetable broth

    Half a glass of cottage cheese

    Two tablespoons of steamed dried fruits

    Apple fresh juice with pulp

    A glass of low-fat natural yogurt

    Glass of green tea

    Grated boiled beets - half a glass

    A glass of kefir

    Boiled broccoli

    Boiled lean fish

    Half a glass of cottage cheese


    Boiled carrots

    Raw cabbage salad

    A glass of curdled milk


    Combined porridge from all cereals, taken in equal parts

    Fish baked in foil

    Half a glass of cottage cheese

    Over the next 7 days, you need to eat light, low-calorie meals, including more fruits, greens, berries and vegetables in your diet.

    This diet is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, patients with diabetes, and exacerbations of gastrointestinal pathologies.

    Mono-diet on cereals

    You can quickly lose weight at home if you consume only one type of porridge for a certain period of time. Several similar diets have been developed.


    Thanks to the nutritional value of buckwheat, if you follow this type of diet, the result is minus 5 kg in three days. Usually there is no feeling of hunger or weakness.


    • pearl barley - a glass;
    • water for cooking - 2 glasses;
    • water for soaking - 500 ml.


    1. 1. A glass of pearl barley is placed in a saucepan in the evening. Pour in cold water to soak.
    2. 2. In the morning, the liquid is drained.
    3. 3. Add 2 glasses of fresh water.
    4. 4. Boil until done, without salt or seasonings.
    5. 5. The resulting volume of porridge is divided into 5 servings, which are eaten throughout the day.

    In the evening you are allowed to drink half a glass of biokefir. Be sure to drink filtered water between meals. Over the course of a week, weight decreases by 5-7 kg on average.


    To follow this diet, select a brown variety of cereals. You can use black or red rice. The most balanced is the three-day apple-rice diet. For her, porridge for main meals is prepared in the morning using a glass of cereal and 4 glasses of water.

    For a snack, take an apple - fresh or baked. With this diet, after 3 days you can get rid of an extra two to four kilograms.

    Classic options for fasting days

    Usually, in order to lose weight, fasting days are carried out, which involve eating only one type of porridge in water without salt and oil 4 to 5 times. Take into account that in between meals you need to drink clean water.

    Cereals are selected from an assortment that allows you not to spend a lot of time in order to get a portion of a tasty, well-filling, low-calorie dish in the morning.



    • barley - a glass;
    • boiling water - three glasses.


    1. 1. Add cereal to boiling water.
    2. 2. Cook until tender at medium heat for 25 minutes.

    If desired, slices of pear or apple are added to the finished dish.



    • peas - 3 cups;
    • water - 5 glasses.


    1. 1. Sort through the peas, removing the husks and blackened fruits.
    2. 2. Fill it with a glass of cool water for 2 hours.
    3. 3. After draining the liquid, transfer the peas to the pan and add the remaining water.
    4. 4. Cook, stirring occasionally, on low heat for about an hour.

    Pea porridge does not lose its taste even after cooling.

    Flaxseed porridge

    Ingredients for 1 serving:

    • powder from seeds ground in a mortar - 2 tablespoons;
    • warm boiled water - 100 ml.


    1. 1. Flaxseed powder is poured with water.
    2. 2. Infuse the porridge for 10-20 minutes.

    When unloading with flaxseed porridge, eat it 5 times throughout the day. During breaks, be sure to drink water, bringing the daily volume to two liters.

    Breakfast porridge for every day

    The taste of porridge made from one type of cereal improves significantly if you include healthy vegetable or herbal additives in the recipe. They are selected taking into account the harmonious combination of all the ingredients of the future dish.

    It is useful to prepare such porridges for breakfast, as they give energy and have a beneficial effect on the entire body, promoting slow, gentle weight loss.

    Millet with pumpkin


    • oat flakes - 4 tablespoons;
    • wheat bran - a tablespoon;
    • milk - a glass;
    • water - half a glass;
    • ground flaxseeds - a tablespoon.


    1. 1. Bring milk and water to a boil.
    2. 2. Add bran with oatmeal. Cover the pan with a lid and cook at a low simmer for 55 minutes.
    3. 3. Add flaxseeds and mix.
    4. 4. Remove the pan from the stove, cover with a lid, wrap and keep for 10 minutes.


    • oatmeal, buckwheat, millet, barley - 2 tablespoons each;
    • prunes, raisins, dried apples, dried apricots - 50 g.


    1. 1. Place the cereal in a saucepan, add 2 cups of hot water.
    2. 2. Cook on low heat until almost done.
    3. 3. Wash dried fruits thoroughly. Place in a bowl and fill completely with boiling water, leaving for at least 15 minutes.
    4. 4. Drain the water from the dried fruits, chop them and place them in the porridge.
    5. 5. Cook under the lid for another 5 minutes.

    After removing from the stove, do not immediately open the pan. Cover the lid with a terry cloth and leave for 15 minutes. If desired, you can sweeten the dish with honey while eating.

    Porridges, properly prepared and including a minimum amount of salt and seasonings, allow you to stabilize intestinal activity, cleanse the body and gradually get rid of extra pounds, but are not suitable for long-term consumption in case of some gastrointestinal diseases. Having decided to follow a diet based on cereal dishes for several days, you need to consult a doctor.

    And a little about secrets...

    The story of one of our readers, Inga Eremina:

    I was especially depressed by my weight; at 41, I weighed as much as 3 sumo wrestlers combined, namely 92 kg. How to completely lose excess weight? How to cope with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person look younger than his figure.

    But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a nutritionist consultant. You can, of course, try to run on a treadmill until you go crazy.

    And when will you find time for all this? And it's still very expensive. Especially now. That's why I chose a different method for myself...

Carbohydrates are fast and slow. The former are found in large quantities in cakes, pastries, sweets and sweet fruits. They are quickly absorbed, increase blood sugar levels and increase appetite, promoting weight gain. Slow carbohydrates are primarily cereals. They satiate well and satisfy the feeling of hunger for a long time. Moreover, the body spends more energy on digesting cereals than it receives. This is what makes them a great weight loss product.

Benefits of cereals

  • stabilize the functioning of the intestines and liver;
  • accelerate metabolic processes and fat burning;
  • improve skin condition;
  • normalize blood sugar and cholesterol levels;
  • strengthen the immune system and prevent a number of diseases.

When using porridge for weight loss, remember that you cannot eat exclusively one type of dish for a long period. On certain days you can eat cereals separately. Other times, use them as a side dish for poultry or meat.

Cereals for weight loss

Each type of cereal has a unique set of properties and effects on the body. The usefulness of cereals for weight loss is determined by a number of criteria. The main ones are a low glycemic index (GI), a variety of macro- and microelements included in the composition, the presence of amino acids and vitamins, especially group B.

Buckwheat grain. Contains a huge amount of slow carbohydrates, thanks to which it saturates well with energy for sports and satisfies hunger for a long time. It also contains a lot of protein, which is necessary for maintaining muscle mass.

Oat groats. Rich in fiber and microelements. Gives a lot of energy, so it's great for breakfast! Oatmeal envelops the gastrointestinal tract with a special film, protecting them from inflammation. It also cleanses the intestines well and improves overall well-being.

Millet cereal. It rids the body of toxins and excess fluid, which helps normalize metabolic processes. Effectively blocks hunger. It also strengthens the immune system and resistance to diseases thanks to a large number of beneficial microelements.

Pearl barley. A very satisfying dish with low calorie content. Even a small portion of this porridge is enough to satisfy your hunger for a long time. The antioxidants included in the composition improve the condition of the skin and hair. Barley cleanses the intestines well and prevents constipation.

Corn grits. Protects the body from infections and inflammation, accelerates wound healing and strengthens blood vessels. Contains a large amount of fiber, complex carbohydrates, saturated fatty acids and amino acids, which helps to quickly lose weight.

When choosing porridge for weight loss, trust only reliable and trusted manufacturers. Another rule is that it is better to consume cereals in the morning or at lunch. And by replacing the first meal with a balanced Herbalife breakfast, you can make weight loss even more effective and support the body with useful substances during the diet. This product is low in calories, but provides a feeling of fullness for several hours, and also gives energy and replenishes macro- and micronutrients. All this is important for those who want to keep their weight under control.

Flax seeds as an alternative to cereals

In Europe, flax seeds are very popular. They are produced under the “superfood” brand and added to various dishes. The main advantage of flax seeds is their high protein content - 28.9 g. At the same time, they contain a minimum of carbohydrates (17 g) and fat (11 g). Another value of the product is omega-3, the amount of which is 10 times greater than in buckwheat. Flax seeds are also rich in B vitamins and fiber (about 40%).

Instant porridges: can they be consumed?

Supermarket shelves are literally filled with semi-finished grain products, which instantly turn into a finished dish after steaming with boiling water. However, nutritionists categorically do not recommend using them. In order for cereal to benefit the body and the weight loss process, it must undergo proper processing. Instant porridges have a high glycemic index and high calorie content, but they are poorly satiating. They contain a lot of sugar and starch, but minimal nutrients. It also does not contribute to weight loss and health.

How to cook porridge correctly

In order for cereals to bring maximum benefits to the body and weight loss, its heat treatment must be carried out correctly. Improper preparation of porridge increases the GI and calorie content of the dish, and also reduces its nutritional value. Nutritionists consider the following to be the main mistakes when cooking cereals.

  • Long processing. During prolonged cooking, one molecule of starch binds up to 20 molecules of water, which leads to a significant increase in the GI of the finished dish.
  • Cooking in the microwave. The microwave oven neutralizes starch and breaks down complex carbohydrates. As a result, calorie content increases and GI increases by 20-30 units.
  • Adding oil to the dish. It improves the taste of porridge, but reduces the effectiveness of fiber. In addition, it adds extra calories to the dish.
  • Cooking with milk. With the exception of low-fat products. Other types of milk inevitably increase the calorie content of the dish.
  • Using excess salt and sugar. Stimulate appetite. Sugar also increases the number of calories, salt retains fluid in the body and disrupts metabolism.

To get maximum benefits for weight loss, porridge does not need to be cooked for a long time. Many cereals swell easily in water. Pour boiling water over the portion in the evening (1:2) and leave to swell. In the morning, add a little water to the cereal and bring it to a boil. Then turn off the heat and leave the porridge under the closed lid until fully cooked. This cooking method will preserve fiber and nutrients. Adding berries, dried fruits and nuts to the finished dish will give it a good taste without using sugar, salt and butter.

Porridge diets

Buckwheat. The most popular and effective. The mono-diet is designed for 7-14 days. The strict regimen includes only porridge and water. In the light version, the consumption of certain types of vegetables and fruits is allowed. In two weeks, you can lose up to 6-8 kg on buckwheat.

Pearl barley. Also refers to mono-diets and has a strict scheme. The cereal is boiled in water and consumed 3-4 times a day without salt or seasoning. At night - 100 ml of biokefir. If you follow all the recommendations, the pearl barley diet allows you to lose 4-5 kg ​​in 10 days.

Linen. The seeds are used as an additive to the basic diet or for preparing dietary dishes. They are ground and soaked in water. Use 1 tbsp. l. in the morning. In 10 days of a flaxseed diet you can lose up to 7 kg.

In addition to cereals, proper sleep, physical activity and drinking plenty of fluids are also necessary for weight loss. Lose weight correctly and with health benefits!

November 12, 2019, 11:00 2019-11-12

Stay in shape
